
Poll: 38% of Florida voters believe Ted Cruz could be the Zodiac Killer

By Daniel Uria   |   Feb. 26, 2016 at 4:41 PM
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WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 (UPI) -- A poll by Public Policy Polling found that a surprising number of Florida voters believe Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz could be the Zodiac Killer.

While a 62 percent majority of voters answered "No" when asked if they believed Cruz was responsible for the string of murders in the early 70s, 10 percent answered "Yes" and an additional 28 percent said they were unsure.

Several reports say the rumor stems from a speech Cruz delivered at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2013 titled "This is the Zodiac Speaking" and has become popular again since he began his presidential campaign.

Public Policy Polling, a Democratic polling firm, asked the question relating to the bizarre Internet rumor after dedicating its inclusion "weird twitter", when asked if it would appear on their latest round of voter polls.

The polling company was also responsible for a December poll that found 30 percent of Republican voters would support bombing the fictional city of Agrabah from Disney's Aladdin.

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