Mild drama, but hilarious considering the context.
Context: Cloverfield, the JJ Abrams Sci-fi/monster movie from 2008, was preceded by an extremely unique, drawn out marketing campaign, including an ARG (alternate reality game), in which real-life clues, or clues hidden in websites, led fans to find information relating to the in-movie backstory and universe.
The (presumed) sequel, 10 Cloverfield Lane, obviously has been subject to the same treatment. Last night, users playing a survival sim related to the ARG reached a new high score, giving them access to a message from one of the characters, directing them to a locker in Chicago. Someone traveling in the area investigated, and in the kicker found a cell phone, amidst other items. Here's where shit happened.
The user, after consulting with their own personal e-clique "discord", decided that they would show photos and videos of what was found, but NOT release the number of the IG character listed in the contacts of the phone. This has disturbed /r/10cloverfieldlane greatly, many uses who feel they have been 'cut out' of the game.
Whole thread filled with bitching about not being included anymore, justifying releasing a phone number to thousands of people.
Mod also affiliated with Discord gets philosophical justifying the 'communal experience'. Philosophy can't overcome human tribalism, though, and the mod is just a discord traitor to the community ultimately.
The while subreddit is currently lighting up trying to figure out how to handle the situation, but those two posts are the largest currently.