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[–]TisITheonetruelove 55ポイント56ポイント  (26子コメント)

I love how lightly you're taking this, you literally destroyed this sub in the matter of days. Like fuck you.

[–]Xander756 3ポイント4ポイント  (16子コメント)

This is what happens when people get too greedy and exploitative. She's make $11k a month off donations, which hinge on certain "exclusive" pictures. She doesn't want those pictures shared because then this free $130,000 a year she's milking off fans may dwindle. So her choices are: milk the fans or have more people view her cosplays. She's choosing milk the fans unfortunately.

Any real cosplayer would be happy their images are being shared, whether or not they get paid for them. Most cosplayers don't get paid, after all. They do it because it's FUN and they LIKE IT.

[–]dryj 4ポイント5ポイント  (13子コメント)

Any real cosplayer

That's like a no true scottsman situation. There are a lot of cosplayers that can only do what they do at their level because they're paid. There's nothing wrong with choosing it as a career - I doubt you'd turn down 130k to make costumes and mess around at conventions.

Though she's definitely a huge dick for censoring everyones opinions that's pretty disappointing.

[–]Xander756 0ポイント1ポイント  (12子コメント)

She's not making 130k. That's just from donations. The actual revenue is closer to 250k but that is just based on print sale estimates and convention appearances. Doesn't factor in ad revenue from Youtube for example or sponsorship deals, etc.

There's nothing wrong with choosing it as a career, UNTIL you start exploiting your fan base for the sheer chance at turning $150k a year into $250k a year. That's the definition of the word greed. Even Gordon Gekko, the guy who infamously said "Greed is good" learned the error of his ways and reformed. It's not.

[–]dryj 4ポイント5ポイント  (11子コメント)

So according to you it's okay to make X amount or lower, but if you want to make more than X, you're a greedy bad person?

First it seems like it's about preserving her current donations, not increasing them. Second, I don't see anything wrong with trying to keep patreon stuff private. People are paying a lot of money to get that early access. Can you see how posting this stuff early sort of fucks over all those donors?

"exploiting your fan base" dude you're not exploited because you can't see her selfies as early as other people. That's really babycake shit as far as people being exploited goes. You don't need to donate to her mate.

Dammit dude I didn't want to defend our new big brother here but you're filled with more vitriol than logic.

[–]Xander756 -2ポイント-1ポイント  (10子コメント)

It's not about reaching a certain threshhold, it's about exploiting people. She got people to pay her $130,000 a year for nothing. Even the "exclusive" pics are the same shit we've already seen hundreds if not THOUSANDS of times. How many times can you look at a girls cleavage? You gotta keep in mind these are pathetic betas that are donating so its not like its an informed decision. They're being taken advantage of because they are handicapped in a way. It'd be like if an autism charity charged autistic people for information on autism.

[–]dryj 3ポイント4ポイント  (9子コメント)

Get one thing straight - just because you disagree with these peoples decisions doesn't mean she "got" them to do shit. They're not autistic because you don't see value in their purchases.

"pathetic betas" spoken like a true asshole.

[–]ZeroHero3d -1ポイント0ポイント  (8子コメント)

You say that like its not true. Regardless of how he says it, the fact remains she is gaining an unprecidented amount of money a month from donations, and for what? She doesn't need help to make ends meet, its not like there is a decline in her work and she fallen on hard times.

The only point she had to make a patreon is to accept money from her male worshipers, like the lost little sheep they are, and make bank off them. This started with them sending her gifts upon gifts, now she found a way to streamline the process and just have them send money directly to her.

And what do they get as thanks? A couple more titty pics that look no different than all the other pics of her that have been on the internet for years through a google search.

That isn't what I call treating the fans with much respect, and it certainly doesn't help them that she acts like some untouchable princess who can do no wrong.

[–]dryj 2ポイント3ポイント  (7子コメント)

She doesn't need help to make ends meet, its not like there is a decline in her work and she fallen on hard times.

Who the fuck cares. She can make money because people want a product that she can deliver. If you think it's stupid to buy it, I agree completely, but she's not a bad person for not leaving money on the table, and this isn't an issue of respecting her fans.

She offered a product that people wanted. People who like money will take it when people shove it at them. Judge the people throwing money at her!

[–]ZeroHero3d 0ポイント1ポイント  (6子コメント)

I do judge those who mindlessly throw money at her.

I also judge her for putting up the sign that says "Place your money for me here"

[–]TisITheonetruelove 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Get fucked /u/NIGRIPLEASE

[–]BoringPersonAMA 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I know we're all mad at her, but I'll still volunteer as tribute. It'll be an angry one.