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全 73 件のコメント

[–]reefer_madnesss 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

The arm swinging indicates that she may not have been skilled enough to belong in the hike to terrain

[–]ErogenousGnome 10ポイント11ポイント  (8子コメント)

After analyzing the footie, and seeing the calls for less lingo and more real talk, here is my two cents.

  • Your wife does not isolate her upper body, from her lower body. You can see in the video, how her hips and upper torso are always facing the same direction.

  • Instead of reaching for the pole plant, bringing her weight and center of gravity over her bindings, she just swings her upper body to initiate turns, and is leaned very far back due to lack of balance. You can see her hands never come forward past her chest. She almost looks crucified (without the stake).

  • She is stiff (probably afraid). No compression throughout the turn, your legs should act as springs taking and releasing energy throughout the turns.

  • Watch this video and compare his turns to hers. Notice how his body is always facing down the mountain. His hands are always reaching forward down the fall line. His whole body compresses and releases throughout the turn, and he is turning around his pole plants.

So there is your analysis. Lastly, get her some lessons, have her bindings checked, and be thankful that neither of you hurt yourself, or anyone else.

[–]TheRealRackerTahoe 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Facing your upper body downhill is totally overrated guys, turning with your skis is definitely the way to ski expert terrain.

[–]AwildgarebearCopper Mountain 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Second amazing crash i've seen on peak 6 in two days on youtubes.

When I was at Breck last, during the cardboard snow of January, I saw two people yardsale UPHILL at the bottom of peak 6 in a row. I was entertained.