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[–]luckinator 6ポイント7ポイント  (2子コメント)

As long as the Jews control OUR media, we will never get over the anti-German propaganda that began in the 1930s and continues to this very day. Everything the Jews say about Hitler, the Nazis, the Third Reich, the German people, and the so-called "Holocaust" are lies. Nothing on these subjects you find repeated in the media endlessly is accurate. It is all distorted shamelessly, and yet no one of any prominence dares to point out the distortions. The few who make the mistake of doing so have their careers destroyed, or end up in prison for expressing their opinions about historical matters.

We can talk about history any way we like, right? Wrong. If it concerns the Jews and WW2, we can only say what the Jews have permitted us to say, and if we say more, we are attacked mercilessly and destroyed. In short, what the Jews did to the Germans they are still doing to us!

[–]RedPill1987 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's time to change the narrative and make it more pro-nation and more neutral towards the Third Reich and put it into context with the USSR. Not saying we should celebrate or deny the Holocaust, just not make such a big deal out of it.

[–]-CcCc -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Everything the Jews say about the German people ...

I've never heard a single Jew collective blaming "the Germans" (even though I'm sure sometimes it happens, every community has retards), the opposite however is definitely more common. This sub is a perfect example, many people here talk about "the Jews" as if they were a single entity. For example you just claimed "everything the Jews say [...] are lies", which implies they all have the same opinion about the Germans, the Holocaust, etc (which is a baseless assumption) and they don't tell us what they really think about them (another baseless assumption).