The Synopsis documents are the design documents used to guide Perl 6 language, compiler, and test development. As design documents, they're frequently subjected to the rigors of cross-examination through implementation and use in practice. In other words, they may change slightly or radically, but the expectation is that they are ``very close`` to the final shape of Perl 6.
In the past the Synopses have often been referred to as "the formal Perl 6 specification" and "specs", but this usage is being deprecated in favor of treating tests from the "roast" test suite as official specifications. This is consistent with Synopsis 1, which says "Perl 6 is anything that passes the official test suite." [Read more...]
S32 Key
- * = Documents related types as well
- + = Not a type name, but documents a group of types
Differences from Perl 5
The Differences document is stored in docs/Perl6/Perl5/Differences.pod
in the mu repository,
if you'd like to make updates to it. Your changes will automatically appear on the web server in less than one hour.
Further reading
For further information on Perl 6, links to examples, tutorials etc. please visit, the official Perl 6 homepage.