New Rand site coming online to keep eye on!

JSBach Tue, 02/23/2016 - 00:33

More will be coming as strategies develope from the roots up!

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brianp32's picture

There are many liberty loving Ron/Rand Paul supporters here in Santa Cruz County (California) who have joined the Republican Central Committee (as Ron has suggested) and who are now California State Delegates. We understand how the processes works, and we're excited that there are others across the country who have done the same. I'm looking forward to meeting up and strategizing with them in the months to come. I'm not giving up. I will fight to the finish.

Signed, Concerned Citizen

13's picture

I was going to vote for Rand and try to become a delegate, but I can tell the consensus is that it is a waste of time...

ecard71's picture

is continue spreading the liberty message. There are those still willing to become delegates for Rand since it could likely turn out to be a brokered convention. But the way things look, I certainly can't blame anyone for not bothering this election.


rftbunny's picture

honestly this is silly and it's a waste of time. Ron's 2012 campaign actually had a chance at this and they were cheated ... but they had the numbers ... us Rand supporters just DON'T have the numbers. it's time to accept that and move on instead of deluding each other into thinking winning in 2016 is possible


Freeman's picture

Do something as locally as possible, like town council or Sheriff