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Previous thread: >>4172968

Read the OP and FAQ newfriends! It'll save you time.
An entire board dedicated to h-audio: http://board.kasumi.moe/koe/catalog.html (check the sticky there as well)

>How do I find h-audio?
DLSite. Japanese site (http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/) English site (http://www.dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/)
NOTE: Not all works on the Jap site are on the English site.
Each work has a product code attached. RJXXXXXX for the Japanese site, REXXXXXX for the English site, and RGXXXXXX is a circle's code. TIP: Use the RJ product code (if using the English site, simply replace the RE with RJ) to search for a work on Google, the Baidu folder, Perfect Dark, and other sites.

>Where do I search for h-audio?
1) Google, mostly. Also try:

Beware of fake sites!
PROTIP: If it needs a premium account, it's likely fake.

2) BAIDU (Updated again!)
We now have TWO baidu folders, the new one and the old one.
(How to access the folders and help in the next post.)
An anon made a full listing of the old folder - http://pastebin.com/ktf8TVb9

3) Perfect Dark
It's a Japanese P2P File Sharing Tool. Here's a handy guide. http://kasumi.moe/pd/
Look at the FAQ (link in the next post) for a solution to port forwarding issues

(Mega and Mediafire contents + links from previous threads: http://pastebin.com/1jYiSaAL | Nyaa contents: http://pastebin.com/kE1LSdy7)

5) /koe/ IRC bot: xdcc.kasumi.moe
IPFS mirror: http://ipfs.kasumi.moe/

6) Don't forget the archive
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>CHECK THIS FAQ: http://pastebin.com/q5bDj3tL

>Baidu folder troubles?
- Universal PW: bdtrysb
- Check pic related to learn how to access
- You need an account for downloading 200+MB files
- To avoid Baidu from asking you for a phone number, use Gmail to create an account with
- Is it asking you for a number first? Baidu accepts international numbers. An anon confirmed this, and also said that he didn't get spam from Baidu afterwards.
- Other anons use Baidu's own downloader program for faster downloads. You can also use Jdownloader 2.

>Common ero Jap words

>HVDB (Hentai Voice Database)

>ASMR YouTube/NicoNico Channels:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHLHi4yaDDXMk8Q6Bs0AjXw/videos (some Touhou/IS character specific audio)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/504196 (user doing ASMR)

>Amateur clips, requests/submissions
For a guide on how to dl from koe, check the FAQ
>Short guide:
Pink button = female voices, blue button = male voices, green button = "couples" voices, (couples doing stuff).
すべて lists all tracks in the category.
エロ声 restricts it to erotic voices, moans etc., sometimes in a made-up situation.
オナ声 has their voices during masturbation.
その他 is the 'others' category, usually just has talking.
>Magnet links of an anon's archive of the girls' submissions section in koe-koe:
オナ声/ona (2.6GB) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:BIOFTBNLVJYPCZTIEBTYBW5WKUX2NSI5&dn=koe-koe%20ona
エロ声/ero (2.1GB) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:PD65QVOL2Y2HEUECHTGGLVLMVF5QGYK3&dn=koe-koe%20ero

>For male voices:
http://board.kasumi.moe/koe/res/80.html (few links here)
RJ169027 - https://mega.nz/#!i5MXmaSD!7MZ7tf2w2Lh_KYMRTfGbAwbUpVU8NLTS8k7tL4-ySeQ (Get Dominated - Tantric Masturbation Support For Ultra Mazos 3)
RJ113304 - https://mega.nz/#!y4VDkIKb!bDjkdyo1VZyn-BOW4FTlL7jIyGmtMd7dz5sN6a6EWU4 (I Want To Sleep So Soundly With My Aisai)
RJ170750 - https://mega.nz/#!Lss03AZZ!e2svgrjcbL81TvPVISIicq-yN05hcFvr0_yoSBeucvk (Petite Maid Ear Cleaning)
RJ168871 - https://mega.nz/#!S00lgAza!pkestfw1b3FWKU5qRXz6LncmpPwvbmoi6tvqV3SfjMI
RJ103584 - https://mega.nz/#!0Fow3RZA!y0jXGbKpPkku3sd2GSqn-d6beKaXCBKg8gBl18fGE5Q
RJ146622 - https://mega.nz/#!AEZHzIiA!YmysluaDncB9s1dq00zYa6mK4kn6xnAKjcpQOw1YeBo
RJ126927 - https://mega.nz/#!IZx3SC4K!koTwpG83U2jjEAfvedX4JXajsO8s3dCqjF8Jv-RBFrw
RJ110736 - https://mega.nz/#!xEZFAI4B!123eGhvz8e1NmMfAfMxeO0cgoKLb07jXMASVHA2b7jk
RJ153712 - https://mega.nz/#!cRYGBCCQ!ug0-hfQVGCX0nruBn7yW3Quy3KJ4qN6cIe4B7pvfuoY
RJ118334 - https://mega.nz/#!EVIDCLgJ!--ZS3IrOss162GjxAGEqgHIq-1ORjEfjFi3MO2toWrM
RJ136203 - https://mega.nz/#!p9hlxJyA!DqfE74Mw-o5opVZcsGFIpgU67Kytsu1BiU5IBxSrhh8
RJ086082 - https://mega.nz/#!QQBhjJyR!YRCU8XMjtCtyoy0N6xT2vj_GcvRYFAVyiL0Bczta_b0
RJ170699 - https://mega.nz/#!dt4yFKhJ!alx6lblMyl3HL9Nbl5Bu4mwrCRz5jU35n1RJGA80ziU
RJ170594 - https://mega.nz/#!ZhxUiAqI!h94TvCAmob9N5Kgtb39FuPdWhCAAI9R3PyaNE1R94Ek
RJ170653 - https://mega.nz/#!l5pESY4Q!AOfmZ6OoIlEVELrDPqsUyqsq5WEHtiWbrZMgvUJl8B8
RJ170747 - https://mega.nz/#!Q5YkkIbC!mCljWVfMKMzHO3k7QqgPHfAkZ966HY71Ahg9IZRJgJs
RJ170544 - https://mega.nz/#!b4tnnZTT!1HVRR08vWz6bEreJziSkwQk3qfuCbz5uAEBo7h3-k40
RJ169217 - https://mega.nz/#!wpxl3JoL!eWds2i0P7d1WH1EaxSGeklqpeT5b_-9_mIFRv3X-vJo
+ https://mega.nz/#!ow4CnYgZ!E5mk1sngSo79hvo52N0eefhZIMm8YeRKmTq7wHfJhwE (MP3 only)
RJ132657 - https://mega.nz/#!WFcm0T7R!jnRR1ORkZwT151jf2KGK5ECS6h-GdvEx2I1nuQnOwPc
RJ153638 - https://mega.nz/#!3sYBTLDJ!qB6dGpy-bHZ2i2-G3ZXIOoP5n0gTkhXQjTVvMaiTwVk (Password: koe)
>Updated / New:

Ayaka folder: https://mega.nz/#F!v80AlayL!ayole-xAQ3IhSFs4PK5myg
Kanoko folder: https://mega.nz/#F!asdUWTiR!WCHgenm0MnXKGRe6kSRB_g
Voice Anon's folder 2: https://mega.nz/#F!nkclxBKT!WilJc5CnjNnJ6dUt_5Fq7A
Dinnitus' folder: https://mega.nz/#F!Z1BTSbLY!KlQgElWpYYp7DC8tdCN71g
ajiaib suara stuff: https://mega.nz/#F!B8EWgTDb!TynW353c_1Xpm-FaBWj7_A

>Other folders (Not updated):

Voice Anon's folder: https://mega.nz/#F!dQQVSYBZ!g2Ex7agx1GTRg9v4QTd8UA
Ironware folder: https://mega.nz/#F!545mEDxD!M_XGYlXnk2LxxMU8-iwedA
Collection of C89 stuff: https://mega.nz/#F!qthRlKra!tJIcUoPDg3dvgu-mK5Of9A
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Second time making the thread. I'll start with RJ171438 that just came out. Had tons of DLSite points to waste on and decided to buy something random. Also, my Kanoraji CD from Kanoko just arrived. If you're a fan of Kanoko's talk show, then this is for you. Ripped the CD and uploaded it on my folder. Also, if anyone is kind enough, Kanoko also sent me a thank you letter or some sort, including her autograph behind it. I scanned the front cover, back cover etc. and the letter, and I'll be honest, I can't read rune that well so if anyone is willing to translate it, that would be great. Scans are inside the zip file.

RJ171438: https://mega.nz/#!D5lliA4S!kh8u2Y1U92bz6c_CTCkipK32BDyXViPI7n2ERXkQR_U
Kanoraji Vol.01: https://mega.nz/#!X59FBAib!cGVkXXo6UZW0rru0IeHBc6jl-uBEU49lrqoTlGbucvQ
anyone have RJ162033 RJ115407 ?
Has a work ever been cancelled before?
Does any kind anon have any of these?
Kanoko Channel !

To every dear members,
Thank you very much for applying to this community gift project. I am deeply thankful for everyone's support and kindness.

This year too, I will keep going at my own pace, with leisure and enjoyment.
Membership fees are something inevitable so I would be glad if people with a margin (with money to spare) and such can keep following me. I can't offer you anything special but I would be very happy if my broadcast can sooth your daily life, even a little.

...And then... Uh... Happiness and good health and ... stuff ?

Wishing you a Happy New Year with the hope that you will have many blessings in the year to come,

Respectfully yours,

January 2016.
I wana!!
Es_Lab has just released their new work on dlsite RJ171424, im wondering if anyone have tried their other two before RJ128018 & RJ139312?
Much appreciated, anon.
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Damn this inn looks very comfy, and also with the various services they provide...do such places actually exist in japan with this degree of intimacy (not prostitution or necessarily lewd)?
There's mimikaki at least.
Anyone else having trouble with HVDB? Keep getting an error when adding something to inventory and wishlist. It still adds to my wishlist despite the error, but not the inventory.
Can you make a screenshot of the error and post it here?
It just says "We're sorry, but something went wrong. If you are the application owner check the logs for more information."
Dev anon, did you read this? >>4178983

What do you think about it? Dou you think you can implement it?
Holy. A new product? This one's anal focused too. Nice. I haven't tried those two you mentioned. I did use their Asakura Lab series 03 and 04. Lemme tell ya, it's great even without using their prescribed optional stuff. You'll feel like the pictures they used on their products. The only downside's the killer bloated file size and it's a relief that they've cut it down in their newer files.

When you've used RJ171424, will you tell me how it went for you?
Weird. I'll take a look tomorrow.

Yep, considering it.
> 歯磨きです。大人向けです。40分位です。

We Monogatari now?
Those other two works aren't related to that one.
PSNT is hypno that involves jerking off with pantyhose.
OMRS is hypno with peeing as a theme. (most of it is in the toilet/bathtub).
RJ076751 is in the nyaa torrent. It's included in RJ100850 (as part of a double pack).
holy shit seconding this is good
anyone have RJ149523? The links on anime-sharing are dead
Maybe replace the "new works" field with a search field? If you have logs of attempts to add new works you can probably see me being a retard and trying to use it like a search field. Also, I'd love a CV sort under the "works" dropdown.

Just had a look at the circle tab, and noticed there are a lot of duplicate circles.

This shouldn't have happened, hopefully I'll be able to fix it this weekend.
Old baidu :)
Japanese review http://doonroom.blog.jp/archives/54136947.html
It seems to be pretty good.
Any good premature ejactulation training with success/pass tracks similar to the RJ112150

The 2nd one they did wasn't as good but it was okay.
Can some kind anon upload 音声素材集 collection from Honey Drop?
Iam surprised that any of those hasn't been uploaded yet.
I think it is meant to double as a search anyway. Since it redirects to the page when you enter in one already in the database.

When is the release date for this again? I panned around but I can't read enough moon to make head or tail of what I was able to find. (I'm basically illiterate, but I can understand enough orally.)
Would anyone happen to have an alternate link to the Touhou-related voice clips? The YouTube channel doesn't seem to have them.
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RJ166292 was da bomb.

Did anyone hear about it being potentially continued or something?

And if someone could tell me any other work which contents were similar to this one, it would be much appreciated!
>da bomb
what's your problem, anon?
Planned on beginning of next week.

>similar to this one
That's an impossible description to work on sine it could refer to almost anything in the work.

It seems that the usual sites for this one have been taken down already. Can you be a bro and put it up on mega or something?
It's on vivahentai.
By similar I mean more like there's 3 girls gangin on one protagonist, or like the protagonist mainly recieve it from the girls.


you can still find it in kanoko folder.
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Oh shit, I missed that. Thanks mate!
Which circle? Earl Grey?
Penis brushing confirmed.
does anyone have???

Thank you very much, anon!
i need milf or onee-san quick

or anything with ara-ara in it
Has anyone found this yet?
Anyone got this one?
Anyone have

Thanks anon!
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Do not you have someone
Anyone have a MEGA link for RJ152294?
Had the work so I just uploaded it to my MEGA folder.
I'm not sure, to be honest. Any links to Touhou-related audio clips would be great, though. The UCH youtube channel seems to have taken down the ones it had up, though.
What is the password for all the other works in here?
More specifically this one http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ071710.html
Password: bdtrysb
Can anyone recommend something with a girl moaning or panting in your ears a lot?
For Earl Grey's stuff, http://www.kuukunen.net/toh/ has most stuff before 2012. Search for アールグレイ
Try various ristorante works.
I don't have any specific suggestions, but I remember many of them having that.
does anyone have?

Thanks man, I have been meaning to listen to this for a while.
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Highly recommending this one.

I've been listening to this a lot lately, it's perfect for falling asleep to. A little chit chat -> 15 minutes of ear cleaning -> 40 minute sleeping track.

Can be found on the bot.
No specific titles man?

I highly recommend that you also listen to Yui Asami other works. Her soothing voice + the ear cleaning noises can melt almost any pain or stress away.
Nothing really has stood out from ristorante's works to me. They're pretty good, but nothing special or groundbreaking. Just pick something that looks interesting from DLsite.

I listen to 添音亭 regularly. Her Project E.L.C appearances are a bit long (90min+) to listen to before sleep.
purchased my first onahole last november. does any anon use one with audios as well? have a favorite ona audio work?
anyone have RJ138326 MEGA link ?
Password for RJ083117?
Try bdtrysb or biohrd
Already tried them. No luck. I'll try downloading the file again. Thanks for the help, anon.
It's on vivahentai.
Thank you very much.
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http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ170610.html/?unique_op=af anyone have this yet?
Oh god...
Anyone have or know where i can find or buy the ero audio which came with the recent yukikaze dakimakura?

Is it bad that sometimes I'm vaguely curious to see what the audios for female listeners is like? I'm mainly curious if there's like [spoiler]cumshot[/spoiler] SFX or not...
You don't have to be curious, just do it. There is.
Does anyone have RJ168200 or RJ168197 MEGA link ?
Are there things like Momoiro Code in Kyoto ben?
There was a work like that.
can someone kindly upload RJ160453 to mega please? it wont load for me
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its here: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=2504547531&uk=1798779267&adapt=pc&fr=ftw

This was in the pastebin
sry i missed that...thank you!
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I'm trying to download a 380MB file from baidu but they keep asking me to install their cloud program bullshit to download, it's only 380MB. Anyone knows how to avoid this? I already made an account.
I'm brand new so I've got a question
Do these DLSite audio downloads have scripts in them? So you at least know what they're saying?
>5. Penis Whitening
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pass plox
Unfortunately this is not the case for at least 5 files from that link. Any other ideas?
let me download it and try it myself. Im on slow internet so give me like 20-30.
Thank you. You are a scholar sir.
Confirmed working.
Thanks again
Unzip with Winrar. That's how I did it.
Some of them do. Many don't.
Is there works with vore and digesting? Not sure if there is even tag for that in japanese.
if anyone has RJ168202 please share, the trial is really good if you're into the quiet whispery stuff.
does anyone have a Garden of Pleasure circle collection?
does baidu not let you download without their downloader now? its not giving me the usual choices
Have you tried installing Jdownloader2 and using that?
Thanks for the tip, its really good, hope it will be uploaded.

Can someone check PD if its available there? My unity folder is still updating...
Dammit. Now I really wanna try some but I'm not sure... are there some in the actual pastebin?
So, im trying to download one thing from baidu, with jdownloader2, and occasionally, there is a popup with captcha.

It was like 5th captcha already on 1 same rar file.

This is normal? So many captchas for 1 thing to download? That rar file is 288 MB big.
anyone have this? this is 東山誠BRAND 's work.
Today's past broadcast of Ayaka's and exclusive one from Kanoko has been uploaded.

Ayaka / 予定を立てて計画的に!・・・できるかな?: https://mega.nz/#!rkMwEIKS!88kta2GmLw5vw96SeiPaVVMYHrQLunFLY0czIYQu0ok
Kanoko / ASMR放送 (会員限定): https://mega.nz/#!u0MgmDwA!OUu7gciDnotrkUIR1DRqGb49lH2DCNfGEQ3wDVPLiFE

To be honest, I don't know why people use Jdownloader 2. I didn't like it that much and I find programs such as IDM (Internet Download Manager) less sketchy and better, imo. There's Flashget, DAP etc. as well, but never tried them.
Damn that demo does sound nice, have to keep an eye out in case someone does upload it.
Where is this trial from? dlsite doesnt have it.
What? I just looked up the dlsite page after >>4184221 mentioned it and listened to the trial there.
Anyway I decided to just buy it because I haven't bought any of these in a while. Do you need to create a mega account to upload things or what? I don't know how to internet.
It would be best if you did that, yeah.
That work's title is hilarious.
Took like an hour to upload but heres RJ168202
I hope I didn't mess anything up cos I'm going to bed.
Anyone have a MEGA link for haveRJ171341?
Its ok anon. Thank you for sharing it with us.
can anyone recommend some that are mostly just sex (moaning, panting, etc)?
Use jdownloader instead. Download large files and don't even need an account.

Many of Voice Lover's things are track after track of lewd stuff, with maybe 1-3 tracks of prologue/epilogue/random comfiness.

I highly recommend the Kureha series. RJ114191 is the collection, although you'll probably have to find them individually: RJ087374, RJ099796, RJ109963, and RJ126123 as a fourth christmas special not included in the tri-pack; if nothing else, get the last one.

Yukari is top tier too: RJ097707 and RJ119366.

There's a ton more but those are pretty good to start with.
Thanks senpai u da bes
Is this coming out this week or next week early?
Blog said early this week.

There's no artwork with logo yet though as usual, so I'm guessing tomorrow or the day after.
This is killing me, i spent 1 hours and 20 minutes fapping to Sachiko's commands just to cum, whilst before it took me what, 5 minutes? But my god H-Voices or Japanese AMSRs whatever they are called are fucking amazing. Thank you /h/ for this.
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New sleep audio with voice by 紗藤ましろ and script by Yanh came out today.
Getting into H-voice, any sleep hypnosis track suggestions?

similar to
pretty much everything by that circle is like that.
Anyone have RJ169034 MEGA link ?
>that sample


my fucking sides
it's on baidu.
>track 5
I wasn't expecting /d/ material but damn that was kind of hot
>/d/ material
Anyone have a RJ118836?thanks
Anyone have some experince with ristorante?

I just think, that even if their work has binaural version, it isnt so good as in the case of some other circles, like voice lover for example.

Im now talking about RJ131043. Still havent listened much of it, but they have there normal and binaural versions, and they indeed are different, but it just doesnt sound so good.

Whats going on here? Do they just have some low budget microphones or what?
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that one is even better
fuck http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ156912.html
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>tfw boner

I need this.
I wonder if VL is ever gonna release something again.

All they've been doing lately is pushing their works back
new momoiro code is out in the booth. Must wait few hours for DLsite to start selling.
I find exaggeration ridiculously arousing.

Anyone want to translate? There's something about the WAV versions. Hope they aren't excluded in Booth.
I'm with ya, some of them sound weird. It's hard to describe, I suppose I'd say they sound tinny? I dunno. It's not just the binaural mics either I think, Garden of Pleasure's binaural stuff sounds just fine in comparison.
Is it out yet?
holy shit that 'blblbl'
Idk why but it's showing free download on the Booth website
That's the sample.

The full work is at a different site for file size reasons. There's a link there.
>Anyone want to translate?
Didn't see anything about WAVs in here.

Forgive me for eventual mistakes. Actually, expect a lot of them. I am not good with Japanese. If someone who knows the language passes by please help me improve by correcting my (many) mistakes!

>Tabi-san on the next [audio].

>Tabi-san here. To DLsite-san and Booth-san (what the fuck), [it] will become available on the 10th.
>As always, the quiet 'good night', and the usual tooth brushing.
>The Booth release will have the same segmenting as always.
>If you have no interest in high fidelity audio download the mp3 version, I think it's just fine.
>Either way is fine. (I think she's talking about not being able to hear background voices here, I can't tell, sorry. She is also talking about bats. What.)

>Next up is Zuna-san, probably.
>Maybe not alone. Maybe.
>Probably two [something something] (microphone/ears?). One side will emphasize on a daily life like mood.
>(I think the last sentence is talking about the other side having a different dedicated moon to it but this is definitely guesslation at this point.)

So the sample is just snippets of it, while the dlsite is full files?
You didn't need a translation to know that

>The Booth release will have the same segmenting as always.
>If you have no interest in high fidelity audio download the mp3 version, I think it's just fine.
Well that explains it. I somehow got the impression they'd skip the high res/WAV files. Ine 1 for example came with only mp3s at Booth.
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momoiro code new!
Not all works that have the word binaural somewhere in them are recorded with a dummy head microphone, a good deal is just modified in audio editing software (this goes for pretty much most of Voice Lover's works as well).
candy, are you getting the new momorio code.
I got drawn in because of their 3D audio logo thing but personally I don't like em. To me they just have too much pointless mp3s for sound effects, no sound effects, left, right, binaural, non binaural. I don't even get many tingles from most of their works with audio editing and everything it if at all, so it's just too much trouble and I've stopped using them.
Meaning she turns you into a girl and then fucks you with her clit.
Oh shit time to buy.
So apparently the seller gets more dosh from Booth compared to DLSite. Is the 164 yen difference there to compensate that or are their fees larger than that?
Can any kind anons recommend me some nice lewd things that feature cumshot SFX in the audio?
I assume this is Suzuna?
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Anyone else purchased the latest momoiro code from their booth?
It only offers 1 zip file for download and its just the wav files for the first two tracks.
Last few times I bought stuff from here it just had several zips for the wavs and all the mp3s in a single zip?
Anyone have RJ167919?

These fucking samples, man. I'm pretty sure the title of the second one is directly taking the piss out of the one review left on the first one. Brilliant.
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Does anyone have any spider girl related audio?
I know there's a few but I forgot their names
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Took a little while to get it uploaded, but here you guys go. Enjoy!

thanks senpai
I love you, Candy. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks a lot but can you post mp3 only?
Thank you very much, Candy!!
Here's the MP3 version only.

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Anyone have RJ167236?
I want to ver160117 files.


That's it. The fees are visible somewhere in the DLsite menus.
Does anyone have RJ168033??
thanks as always
Anyone have RJ168622?
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absolutely based
Is Koiki on hiatus again?
Are there any good series apart from Voice Lover that are really good to listen to when laying down?
I listen to every voice work laying down in bed before sleep.

Try some momoiro code... In the newest one >>4186026 there is a track with ear licking and handjob at the same time.
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>RJ151438 a personal favourite of mine
>RJ169534 is the same but longer and better

Grabbing that and RJ168030 have made my goddamn week.
Is that MGSV? Wew.
Mine too, anon.
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The way she calls you "ba~ka" is just... hnng.

Do you sometimes feel bad for being such a maso pig?
No, it's Peace Walker.
Anyone have RJ171854 ?
That momoiro code comic, is it translated anywhere yet?
Does any one have RJ171854 ?
>came out literally today
Sitting down to do some homework and feel like listening to something new. Any anons here got any favorites you'd recommend? I'm not that picky and it can be H or non-H.
Piggybacking off of this, anything with kissing?
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anyone have
RJ166548 パブロフの犬化催眠
I totally forgot I even purchased that. Listening to it tonight.

RJ152561. Your sis needs to take pictures of your dick for reference. It leads to lewd antics.

RJ165933. Your sister constantly tickles and teases you over the years. As she gets older they become less playful and more lewd. Despite it all being 1 person, there's a good range of voices. Her loli voice is too cute.

RJ166602. 3 monster girls, 1 shota. I goes from a succubus, to a slime, and then a lamia. The slime is my favorite personally because both of her audios are titjobs.

I found these had lots of kissing.

No clue what the code for this is but it also is mainly kissing.

RJ126927 features a ton of kissing with your sis. Then it moves onto blowjobs.
Thanks anon you are a god.
Does anyone have RJ171424?
For the record, https://mega.nz/#!cQYwWR7Q!LI_vMmq7tvsmPlEMiJe_DzW24xBcL4579qjuhSEVzKY is RJ124007 by ajaib suara
holy SHIT anyone know more of those binaural "gocho gocho gocho" tickling audios that shit was great
Does anyone have RJ113561?
Does anyone have rj112280?
>anyone have RJ166548
No, and you definitely do not want it. There's tons of audio editing errors (repeated lines, flubbed line retakes kept in, etc), even during the ejaculation countdown. The creator has not responded to anything and has essentially taken the money and ran with it.

It's included in RJ113299, which is on anime-sharing and the nyaa torrent.
Does anyone have RJ163504 link?
I don't think giving any woman, even your sister, your credit card information is a good idea.
Does anyone have RJ160022?
Does anyone have RJ132344?
Anyone have the link to the database for ASMR that some anon made?
>HVDB (Hentai Voice Database)
Its here >>4180134
Does anyone have RJ171424?
Last updated 01/17/2016 ><
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It was already uploaded?
I didn't find RJ16673 help me
>sorry 166739
Anyone have this?

bot > http://xdcc.kasumi.moe
RJ151438、RJ168030 I cant seem to find these, a little help or should i go to baidu?
i don't know if this is the right place to ask, but anyone know some anime/jpop songs that sounds really sexy? like

i'm trying to find some sexy sounding songs to listen while i'm in class, so far i only know about Maria Holic OP and that OST from nyaruko
Uh, not the best spot to ask. It's better if you went to /jp/, there's a japanese music thread there.
I can only remember one right now:
Yuri Kuma Arashi's OP
>kissing stuff
I love you
Is dlsite.com down for anyone else? Been having
"Connection to www.dlsite.com failed due to some technical issues.
Please try accessing again at a later time." for about a week now
Fine here
New Baidu folder, use Jdownloader 2. Takes a while for larger files but at least you don't have to download their proprietary software.
Ehm, can I also use JDownloader1 for downloading from baidu?
What the fuck, man.
Anyone know of an offline version or software that works similar to
> http://www.romajidesu.com/translator/

I can usually follow audios pretty well, but the color-coding and romaji/kana transcription they provide is super helpful for when I don't understand a particular section, since I can then just look up the appropriate kanji and manually translate it.

Unfortunately, while I used to be able to paste in entire scripts, they seem to have semi-recently limited the maximum length rather short (all my fault?).
Older sister teasing recommendations?
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I think Wakan might highlight words and will give you furigana. Just know that both Wakan and that program you're using are not very smart at guessing readings, and you're better off learning for real.

> Just know that both Wakan and that program you're using are not very smart at guessing readings, and you're better off learning for real.

Oh, I realize that -- I just find the side-by-side kanji/kana/romaji display of that site to be aesthetically smooth and convenient for pinpointing sections of an audio that are outside my vocabulary. My grammar and general comprehension is good enough that I don't have to rely on their actual translation to English by any means.

I'll check out Wakan at any rate; thanks!

If you mean the character archetype, all of these. Don't let the art turn you off.
Actually blood related is only the newest one as far as I know.
How about Translation Aggregator? You know, the one they use on VNs and stuff
Is this entire thread ASMR? Because I was expecting hentai audio and I'm starting to feel like I'll be disappointed with everything I download from here.
There's a lot of h-audio
some pure asmr as well, google the RJ****** number and look it up before picking what to download
anyone have RJ170320? can't find
anyone have this:
i can´t find it in any of the mega folders or on baidu
It's not even out until end of april.
>Is this entire thread ASMR?
Do you mean to ask if all the audio here will give you the tickles? That's pretty subjective.
What you will find here though are lewd and non-lewd audios in many different themes that may or may not give you that sensation. Some works are binaural and some are not so check the samples (yellow button in the dlsite page).
Anyone has this one?
Any good breastfeeding audios?
RJ148946 is top-tier, I always keep coming back to it, it has a sucking SFX as well!

RJ158109 is also good

Track 2 of RJ163029 is also breastfeeding, I think.

I found all of them here in /h/.
Could you upload RJ148946? I've been looking for that for a while and can't seem to find it.
Where I can find mega link for RJ 168033 graaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllll
It's just on the archive.

Does anyone have RJ171854 mega link ?

Thanks! Guess I was a bit too quick with my initial check.
Does anyone have any of the Deep series by トルネード・フィッシャーマンズ・スープレックス, with the exception of 2 and 5?

I wish she did something else than kissing and blowjobs. She's great at that but that's almost all she does and there's no sound effects for the other stuff.
RJ158109 isn't even an audio.
Oops I meant RJ159109

My bad.
Didn't have that one, thanks.
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New work for the Cure Series

someone buy pls
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Just finished listening to half of this. Couldn't even make it through the whole thing before I lost. First time I ever came so hard I hit my face and the wall behind me.

Does any other porn evoke your semen as much Ero-audio voice thread anons?
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Voice Anon here. Fuck Valentine's Day. This day has haunted men for centuries causing more breakups than pussy smashing. I'm sure Saint Valentine or the pagans who made up Lupercalia had this in mind. And unlike Valentine's Day, President's Day actually gives me a day off work so this is an early President's Day present. Officially now a better holiday.

Anyway, I aimed more for audio with breast play or paizuri in them as well as taking some requests here. What you see here is all there is however. I took people's advice from last thread and got a figurine so I'm glad I did that. Enjoy.

RJ163593 113.0 MB

RJ168425 379.2 MB https://mega.nz/#!T1FyxASb!M8_y23z3Jc67fGRItiKXC-pptO1Y3YUzf1W3zIG9_Xo

RJ170702 297.9 MB https://mega.nz/#!ehcBkAJL!Xy1jlFsYBPL1fo1Hsh-0bBmEbMF2kf8_7joS1b3HgyE

RJ162138 270.5 MB

RJ170489 208.3 MB

RJ171494 167.6 MB

RJ172002 143.7 MB
Oh and I forgot this. Saw it on anime sharing but couldn't download it so I bought it.

RJ162216 200.8 MB

More like a man with too much money and nothing worth buying. I am content with what I have in most cases and pirate many things. Saves a ton of money so I can burn it every blue moon.
thanks for this sweet valentine anon
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sorry to just request shit, but anyone know where i can listen to more shit like pic related?
What kind of audios are these?
Thanks as always anon, happy Valentines, love you man I appreciate the things.

Requesting these for my lonely valentines day... The second one's promotional picture is creepy, so creepy that it turned me on...
RJ170702 tnks
Tbh both pictures are creepy.
http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ167825.html oh god...
anyone have RJ171974?
I want , if possible I also
Thanks again Anon. Also, if you happen to stumble upon this could you post it here? You seem to be able to find stuff.
anyone have RJ171562 ?


I love mean milfs...
It's finally out ? I can't wait to listen to it.
It's remind me that I never found his previous work anywhere.

And for those interested, I see that he posted an updated version of one of his free work : http://blog.livedoor.jp/yanh_japan/archives/8338251.html
I cant find this in 2013.. pls help me

>never found his previous work anywhere
What? All of his paid works are available in this thread's resources. Except maybe the alien one (RJ160022).
I can vouch for these, the artwork sucks but they're REALLY good. The maid one is probably my favourite.
mega for
RJ169298 ? all links seem to be dead
Does anyone have the links for RJ151663? It seems like it was really popular.
that one is in new baidu folder.
>listen to samples
>hear a woman's voice

Surely that is just a typo, right?
He used a computer generated voice at the beginning and now uses voice actresses. None of them are him. Which is pretty much true for almost every circle.
Can I ask for some recommendations ?
I'm looking for english hypnosis or/and horror things
This is a thread for Japanese stuff, not English stuff. The very few that actually are recorded in English are broken af.

Meanest milf

It's in one of the folders
The DOKIDOKI series are a bunch of non-H drama CD's where you romance a handful of girls from the Touhou games. Most of them are published by アールグレイ and in fact I have about most of the audios, I just need to get around to uploading them.>>4189242 I'll upload this when I get the time. The thing is that these audios cost an arm and a leg which is usually 50-60 dollars.
Any audio like RJ149523 where the girl hypnotizes you, gives you a handjob and then fucks you until you cum? It's kinda easy for me to cum hands free to it but I haven't had any luck finding anything similar.
>kinda easy for me to cum hands free
Do you have any tips for this? I've tried a couple of times, but it's never worked.

I recommend RJ157644. It's hypnosis into fucking.
Do we have RJ148805 anywhere?
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Hey Dev Anon.
it's finally out.

Oh snap, Momio drew that.

>That lewd word count
Sounds amusing.
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Was this cancelled?
Oh god the cover pic really can't reflect how awesome the voice actress is...
It's a request btw
just heard the trial
To be honest, my "secret" is just to spend as much as I can doing nofap. After a few days a moment comes when just looking at a doujin gets me so aroused that I'm able to cum without touching myself. Same thing with h audios.
Might be a little early, but nevertheless a new thread has been made.


>The thing is that these audios cost an arm and a leg which is usually 50-60 dollars.
Most of them are around 1500 Yen, are you looking at some second hand sellers or something?

Also, curiously enough they have works with some well known professional seiyuu. If you ever wanted Tange Sakura to whisper in your ear calling you a lolicon this is your chance.
Im looking for some old stuff now
by chance those stuff have been uploaded here
so i want to see old voice threads
where can I see?
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