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[–]TrumpIsAWinner -23ポイント-22ポイント  (25子コメント)

Britain is a country where people are against free speech but have good health care. America is the opposite. Would rather live free and die hard.

Other great things Britain has - a pig fucking prime minister, pedophile MPs, areas with sharia law etc. Not to mention Britain is a country that has built itself on the rape and pillage of several other countries over hundreds of years. Wealth that allows you to get good healthcare. Great country, indeed.

EDIT: Downvotes without rebuttal, eh? When you can't counter an argument, silence it.

EDIT 2: Some good counter arguments. Will try replying to the good ones as and when the system allows me. Interesting thing is that people have countered by freedom point but no one has countered being headed by a pig fucker and represented by pedophiles.

EDIT 3: I have destroyed all the half decent arguments. Unfortunately, if you tend to have an objective rational view on reddit you get downvoted to the point you can't reply and I don't have all day unlike the socialist wankers here. W/e I guess. Trump 2016!

[–]Razakel 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Not to mention Britain is a country that has built itself on the rape and pillage of several other countries over hundreds of years.

Name a developed country that hasn't.

[–]loukitch 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

You sad strange little man, you have my pity for your ignorance.

[–]ACTUALLY_A_WHITE_GUY 2ポイント3ポイント  (6子コメント)

areas with sharia law


Come on lets see this "proof", or does reddit need reminding of the time the last time someone said this and a brit made a video of them walking around such "sharia zones" with no muslims in sight? where there wasnt any "sharia" to be found.

Turns out sharia zones are a purely american fantasy, who would have thought?

it even made the papers

America is the opposite. Would rather live free and die hard.

highest incaceration rates in the western world begs to differ, dieing hard? from what? poisoned water in the richest country in the world, poisoned water that americans still have to pay for lol.

Not to mention Britain is a country that has built itself on the rape and pillage of several other countries over hundreds of years.

Of all the countries that could call the uk out on this im afraid america is not one of them. Go read a history book.

[–]WhapXI 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I thought he was just stupid until the rape and pillage bit. He's just a troll.

[–]TrumpIsAWinner -2ポイント-1ポイント  (4子コメント)

Turns out sharia zones are a purely american fantasy, who would have thought?

UK's own police force has admitted Trump is right. The independent is a well known left wing newspaper. Bias is strong. Also, the no go areas were for the police. The police can't go into areas controlled by Sharia law. A random redditor is not a threat to Sharia law and it is thus understandable why he can be free to roam around those areas. Also, just because one guy, on a given day, did not get hurt does not mean the problem does not exist. I would much rather trust the police than the experience of an average redditor. Your argument is like saying, "One girl in germany did not get raped by immigrants. Thus, immigrants are not raping german girls".

highest incaceration rates in the western world begs to differ, dieing hard? from what? poisoned water in the richest country in the world, poisoned water that americans still have to pay for lol.

People put into jails for crimes committed does not go against the principles of freedom. Freedom is subject to you following the laws of the country. Laws cannot be contradiction to the bill of rights though. America has done a good job protecting its bill of rights. Guantanamo is a blot, I agree. But America does a better job of protecting freedoms than most other countries. UK does a terrible job at it. You don't even have fundamental rights. Any and all rights can be taken away by UK govt.

dieing hard? from what? poisoned water in the richest country in the world, poisoned water that americans still have to pay for lol.

Still better than having minor children raped everyday and not speaking up against it.

Of all the countries that could call the uk out on this im afraid america is not one of them. Go read a history book.

LMAO. You are not even denying that the UK has built on the rape of other countries. Till 1914, America wasn't even involved in foreign affairs. It was your sorry ass country that had to be bailed out by us, multiple times. America was developed long before it got into foreign affairs. Have Bush and Cheney used America for their own benefit? Yes. But America was developed long before we started doing what UK had been doing for centuries.

PROOF : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3352406/Scotland-Yard-mocks-Trump-s-claims-London-police-terrified-Muslim-areas-officers-claim-tycoon-RIGHT.html

[–]loukitch 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)


Links Daily Mail

This guy is a fucking comedian.

[–]ACTUALLY_A_WHITE_GUY 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

lol, i literally asked you for proof you still have provided none.

The independent is a well known left wing newspaper. Bias is strong.

Where is the bias then? they literally just reported that a redditor debunked the sharia zone myth, you can even watch the video. Did the independent edit out where he got beheaded, or told to stop drinking or stoned to death ?

Also, the no go areas were for the police. The police can't go into areas controlled by Sharia law. A random redditor is not a threat to Sharia law and it is thus understandable why he can be free to roam around those areas. Also, just because one guy, on a given day, did not get hurt does not mean the problem does not exist. I would much rather trust the police than the experience of an average redditor.

"just because you posted proof doesn't mean my lies aren't true!!"

you have posted NO proof, nothing. You just keep making excuses, if a dude drinking alcohol publicly (very haram) where does the sharia start? have you even been to the uk? Talking about BIAS, isnt it very odd how sharia zones seem to be only talked about by right wing organisations known for bending the truth to support their worldview? it's very odd isnt it :)

You don't even have fundamental rights. Any and all rights can be taken away by UK govt

Im australian, so it would be hard for them to take away my rights. Even then it seems the odd reality you live in where sharia zones exist (they dont) you don't offer up any proof of this happening. If america is doing such a good job why do you have to make up lies and try and run down other countries?

Have Bush and Cheney used America for their own benefit? Yes.

how many democratically elected leaders has the US overthrown?

[–]TrumpIsAWinner 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Gave you the proof. Again you seem to lack logical thinking. If one guy did not get harmed, that does not mean people don't get harmed in sharia zones or they don't exist. The POLICE who WORK IN THESE AREAS EVERYDAY have backed Trump.

Im Australian

Oh! Your lack of logical reasoning makes sense now. Please don't reply unless you are capable of making sense. Thanks!

where sharia zones exist (they dont)

As an Australian I am sure you know what does or does not exist in Britain.

[–]ACTUALLY_A_WHITE_GUY 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Gave you the proof.

What proof? you have not provided one source. All you have said is "no you are wrong!!!" and i've been the one that has continually provided unbiased sources.

Oh! Your lack of logical reasoning makes sense now.


Is this mean to be some slick comeback?

It's humorous that you attack me for "logical reasoning" when i have provided at least some proof to these absurd claims where you have proved nothing. Just all opinion and lies from someone who probably has never even vistied the country he apparently knows so much about.

As an Australian I am sure you know what does or does not exist in Britain.

I've lived here for years, something clearly that you have not done.

Where do you live?

[–]SMc-Twelve 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

EDIT: Downvotes without rebuttal, eh?

We've actually got quite good healthcare in the US, it's just not "free." Of course the UK don't have free healthcare either; people tend to completely ignore NICs.

[–]loukitch 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I think the phrase is free at point of sale, but because no matter what we have to pay the same taxes whether we go private or NHS its seems free. Either way we pay far less per capita than other countries such as the US...

Edit: down voted for explaining the 'free' remark in full? Fuck you Yankees.

[–]SMc-Twelve 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Depending on the insurance policy you bought in the US, it used to be very possible to have no money due at the point of sale here, either. But our current President decided he wanted to punish people with policies like that, because they were more likely to actually seek treatment, which was contributing to an excess of demand on healthcare providers.

So now an insurance policy like that is subject to a special tax of 40% of the insurance premium.

[–]Another_boring_name 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Please stop educating yourself about my country on Fox News!

Edit: U WOT M8?!

[–]loukitch 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I honestly pity him, I can imagine him sitting at home polishing his rifle on his porch sat behind a freshly mowrd lawn with a 'VOTE FOR TRUMP - SEND THEM BACK!' sign.

Sad, sad little boys mindset.

[–]trancequill 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

This obvious troll actually rallied and Australian to defend the UK, that's how hard he failed at "destroying all the half decent arguments".

[–]loukitch -2ポイント-1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Against free speech? Clearly you havent visited Scotland, Liverpool, Yorkshire and Wrexham.

[–]TrumpIsAWinner 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Against free speech?

A parliament debating whether Trump should or should not be banned for "hate speech". Free speech shouldn't even be up for debate. Your home minister also has the power to not let in people who they consider "a threat to society". You now have instances where MPs have been arrested for quoting Churchill on Islam.

Britain is no country to be looked up to. Sure, you have great healthcare. No one denies that. What is the point of living if you can't even think freely?

[–]WhapXI 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You now have instances where MPs have been arrested for quoting Churchill on Islam.

I actually looked this up because it sounds like bullshit, and guess what? It's bullshit. Link for the interested.

TL;DR, far-right, Euro-sceptic, islamophobe, who left UKIP because it wasn't extreme enough, stands on town hall steps and recited Churchill's early passages about the evils of Islam. Members of public complain to police, police tell him to disperse, he doesn't, he's arrested for that, and for racial harassment.

Dude has his own far-right populist anti-islamic party, and used to run another (allied with the EDL) until he failed to return the registration form and annual £25 fee.

Calling a man an MP when he got all of 158 votes in an election is a massive stretch. Implying that his has happened to multiple people is also a stretch. Saying something like "man arrested for reading out Churchill's thoughts on Islam" is an exaggeration. He refused to comply with a disperal order following complaints by the public, and for inciting harassment. Of course, you can strip it of all context and say something like "you can't even read churchill without getting thrown in prison these days thought police thought police" but that would make you sound like a fucking idiot.

Oh wait.

What is the point of living if you can't even think freely?


Getting arrested for standing on public property and giving a hatesermon doesn't mean freedom of speech is dead. Even if it did, freedom of speech being dead and freedom of thought being dead are far from the same thing.

[–]loukitch -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

You poor thing, how the media has fed your angst.

If you understood Britain at all, or were part of it's inhabitants you would understand that Parliament did not decide to debate that worthless piece of cum that Donald Trump is. They have a legal obligation to debate a petition signed by a certain volume of people, which is what happened. Not even the House of Lords but the House of commons first.

Also if you read the minutes of the debate or watched it live you would understand that although what Trump said was ridiculous they brought up his right to free speech and even though his opinion is offensive, he has the right to it.

If you think the UK is the only country who has means to ban people for the sake of national security you're head is deep in the sand.

Whilst your throwing your rattle out the pram, please point to as to where in my original comment I stated Britain is an island to look up to? Please point out my irrevocable patriotism for the UK?

If you feel like chatting more go ahead take it out on me, but you're only making yourself look foolish.

[–]desk_fan -4ポイント-3ポイント  (2子コメント)

Live free? Ok Mr NSA, FBI, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, TSA, ATF, DEA, USMS - just look at this list - you and Argentina are the only countries that have fucking SUBCATEGORIES of law-enforcement.

As for free speech, I called my boss's boss a dickhead yesterday without worry of being fired, losing my paid leave or unlimited free healthcare, and we've let a skip have a chat show where he can crucify members of the establishment, the church, politicians and celebrities on a weekly basis.

Granted, you don't pay as much in parking fines or speeding tickets as we do, but those are small prices to pay to live in a civilised country.

[–]TrumpIsAWinner 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

The point about NSA, Patriot ACt, TSA, ATF etc. stand. Bush and Obama are the worst presidents in US history.

People however, still don't get thrown into jails for Freedom of speech unlike Britain. Anecdotal evidence does not constitute an argument. An MP has been arrested for quoting Churchill on Islam. That is against FOS. On top of this, UK does not have fundamental rights. Every right can be taken away by the government.

The fact you have NHS is the reason why you can't build a good military(not enough funds) and have to be the US's bitch when it comes to wars. Or did you forget the Suez canal crisis when you had to tuck tail and run when America refused to support you? Asking people to foot someone else's medical bill is against freedom. America may have had problems with freedom of late thanks to Bush and Obama but it is still a freer country than the UK will ever be.

[–]desk_fan 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

...and Clinton for de-regulating the banks (there was plenty of shit before him too!)

It wasn't an MP, it was a candidate for the European parliament (which is a bit of a joke over here, we don't take it very seriously).. and he was a far right nutcase preaching in Winchester; the ridiculously civilised, whiter-than-white ex-capital of England where high public order is taken more seriously than in Westminster. It'd be a bit like a black candidate for city council preaching Malcolm X in the middle of Wall Street. What he's doing is legal but unruly.. he's going to be arrested.

The NHS isn't the reason we don't have a good military. We don't have a good military because we don't need one. Our society doesn't revolve around arms companies because we choose quantitive easing for infrastructure, education, welfare and the rest for paying off debt and subsidising industries so they don't fall over.

Edit: Clinton de-regulated the banks. Doh.

[–]TehJofus -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

You mean our government. The government of our country very rarely represents the majority of people.

[–]TrumpIsAWinner 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

The government of our country very rarely represents the majority of people.

Last I checked Britain was a parliamentary democracy.

[–]TehJofus 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Does your government always support your ideology? I'd imagine not, given the username.