Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramijarrah
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ramijarah
先週のFrance 24(フランスの英語チャンネル)での電話による報告の様子(電話なので音声がちょっと聞き取りづらい):
.@pressfreedom calls on Turkey to release Syrian journalist Rami Jarrah https://t.co/N5Oeeh9Al5 pic.twitter.com/B1BCi7gmPh
— Hürriyet Daily News (@HDNER) February 19, 2016
PRT, まじか。。。
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) February 19, 2016
Please sign the petition to free @RamiJarrah, journalist and friend. #FreeRami https://t.co/HeZOCjAn6C pic.twitter.com/lME5yX1QzY
— The Syria Campaign (@TheSyriaCmpgn) February 19, 2016
シリア人ジャーナリストのラミ・ジャラーさんがガジアンテプでトルコ当局に拘束との由。解放要請署名(名前とメアドだけ)。Syrian journalist has been arrested by Turkey #FreeRami https://t.co/I39Hhe3wih
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) February 19, 2016
ラミ・ジャラーさん解放要請署名 https://t.co/I39Hhe3wih サイトを見ればわかると思いますが、やり方の図解。入力が必要なのは名前(半角英字で)とメールアドレスだけ。国名はドロップダウン・メニューで選びます。 pic.twitter.com/UJqKZ9cLHU
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) February 19, 2016
署名が完了すると、すぐに「署名した人のリスト」欄に名前が表示されます。入力したラストネーム(苗字)はイニシャルだけが表示されます。 #FreeRami
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) February 19, 2016
ラミ・ジャラーさん解放要請署名 https://t.co/I39Hhe3wih pic.twitter.com/zW6kIxABII
ラミ・ジャラーさん解放要請署名 https://t.co/I39Hhe3wih 文面は
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) February 19, 2016
続: 「ラミ・ジャラーさんは、シリアで爆弾が投下されるもとから、命がけで報告を行い、世界に対し、一般市民(民間人)に対して行われている戦争犯罪についての真実を伝えてきました。ロシアやISISを含め、(内戦の当事者である)すべての勢力の人権侵害について明確に声を上げてきた人です」2
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) February 19, 2016
続: 「蜂起が始まってから、自由と正義に到達するにはこれが最も確実な方法だと信じて、彼は真実を追究してきました。ラミさんが拘置所に入れられているなどあってはならないことです。彼が祖国と地域のために尽くす活動を自由に続けていけるのが当然です」3/文面の粗い訳、以上
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) February 19, 2016
「署名した人の一覧(Recent Signatures)」はものすごい勢いで署名が伸びている今なら一瞬しか表示されません(数十秒だけです)。署名した人のリストは、主催者は保持するにしても、訪問者が閲覧できるリンクなどはありません。 pic.twitter.com/pJFMlurUGt
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) February 19, 2016
Jarrah was detained by immigration officials after trying to apply for a residency permit in the border city of Gaziantep, a journalist familiar with the case told CPJ. The reasons for Jarrah's detention are unclear, but he was questioned about his work in the press, the same journalist, who asked not to be identified because of the sensitive nature of the case, said.
Jarrah was briefly held in a detention facility for foreign citizens, but was moved to a different facility late Thursday, the journalist with whom CPJ spoke said. He has been allowed access to a lawyer and has not been formally charged with any crime, the journalist said. CPJ has been unable to determine where Jarrah is currently being held.
In the weeks before his arrest, Jarrah reported on the fallout of Russian military strikes in Syria and atrocities committed by the militant group Islamic State, and had traveled to Syria from Turkey several times, local journalists working with Jarrah told CPJ. Crossing into Syria is a challenge for journalists, some of whom say they have been forced to do so illegally because of restrictions imposed by Turkish officials, according to reports.
CPJ calls on #Turkey to release #RamiJarrah who is known for independent reporting on the war in #Syria https://t.co/kHumx8Rth7
— CPJ (@pressfreedom) February 19, 2016
Ironically, Syria's @RamiJarrah met w Turkey president just a few weeks ago along with other journalists pic.twitter.com/Weh5KtH1EB
— Borzou Daragahi (@borzou) February 19, 2016
Before arrest, @RamiJarrah also appeared repeatedly as guest on @trtworld, Turkey state TV. https://t.co/pSt8yul8af https://t.co/3WqrV63oBb
— Borzou Daragahi (@borzou) February 19, 2016
Deeply concerned to learn that Syrian journo Rami Jarrah has been detained in Turkey - exact whereabouts unknown: https://t.co/6gz3d1RXoa
— Louisa Loveluck (@leloveluck) February 19, 2016
Distressed to hear of the arrest of my friend and colleague @RamiJarrah in Turkey.
— Sima Diab (@SimaDiab) February 19, 2016
Not having a huge media company or embassy behind @RamiJarrah I worry about how long he could be held.
— Sima Diab (@SimaDiab) February 19, 2016
Jarrah is one of the most important independent journalists covering #Syria - his whereabouts are not known. https://t.co/tjuTFh0SWr
— Bel Trew - بل ترو (@Beltrew) February 19, 2016
Held in #Turkey - location unknown. What Sima says is right. Which is why we need to make some noise. https://t.co/2K3sqSOO4u
— Bel Trew - بل ترو (@Beltrew) February 19, 2016
Turkey has detained journalist @RamiJarrah, whose work in #Syria is unparalleled. Absolutely appalling, free him nowhttps://t.co/vDMDyrMddo
— Kristen McTighe (@KristenMcTighe) February 19, 2016
When other Syrian journalists have been arrested, or are in trouble, @RamiJarrah has been the first to do everything in his means to help.
— Kristen McTighe (@KristenMcTighe) February 19, 2016
Please RT: Turkey arrested my friend, the courageous Syrian journalist @RamiJarrah - Now he's missing. #FreeRami pic.twitter.com/CGtaH8UNcp
— Koert Debeuf (@koertdebeuf) February 19, 2016
Turkey arrested Syrian journalist @RamiJarrah - 3 weeks ago he met Erdogan to talk on Syria. Hello Turkey? #FreeRami pic.twitter.com/ADHIPgZ4Qp
— Koert Debeuf (@koertdebeuf) February 19, 2016
Rami Jarrah, one of the few who was still reporting from Aleppo, detained by Turkish immigration #FreeRami https://t.co/97XgAWAYOz
— Evan Hill (@evanchill) February 19, 2016
CPJ has been unable to determine where @RamiJarrah is currently being held in Turkey - clear answers urgently needed https://t.co/iNyHbwsBgl
— kristyan benedict (@KreaseChan) February 19, 2016
May you be released soon dear @RamiJarrah, journo covering abuses in Syria, detained in Turkey https://t.co/rN6dfnTvvg
— Neil Sammonds (@neilsai) February 19, 2016
Journalist @RamiJarrah is currently being held by Turkish authorities with no charged crimes, after returning from covering #Syria.
— مريم البرغوثي (@MariamBarghouti) February 19, 2016
A statement from @RamiJarrah's father concerning Rami's detention in #Turkey for covering #Syria news cc:@adnanhd https://t.co/8AT7E2yIgB
— Samia Qumri (@SamiaQ) February 19, 2016
One of the best Independent journalists out there covering #Syria https://t.co/1AGX2ExfEq
— Bel Trew - بل ترو (@Beltrew) February 19, 2016
Rami Jarrah is now in a cell in Adana, Turkey, with ISIS fighters. He isn't safe and asks for action. #FreeRami pic.twitter.com/yQdncBvX7u
— Koert Debeuf (@koertdebeuf) February 19, 2016
ラミ・ジャラーさんの居場所がわかった。トルコのアダナという場所にある拘置施設で、イスイス団戦闘員と一緒に房に入れられてる……って、ひどすぎる! トルコ何してくれるの! https://t.co/XfNixwpsbt
— nofrills/新着更新通知・RTのみ (@nofrills) February 19, 2016