We've all seen those threads on /r/Anarcho_Capitalism that hit one hundred or two comments when someone points out one of many flaws in ancap theory. This is how to make one for yourself.
1. Work within the confines of the NAP
One of the most common ways I see people 'address' ancaps is by talking about how the NAP is has no basis in reality. This is true. However, this is also a waste of time because as I will explain the NAP actually works against ancap theory, and leaves you open to Muh No True Scotsman responses.
2. Be ready to scale up or down(or sideways) your argument
One of my personal favorites, is the immediate shift in scale that happens when you point out an example of when ancap would fail. If you're talking on the micro scale, they jump to macro, and if your talking on the macro scale, they jump to disproving it on the micro scale.
3. Avoid real-world examples
This is fairly simple. Ancaps believe that all real-world cases have been tainted by the presence of gubment. Luckily, this doesn't matter.
The ultimate arguement
We need to keep in mind that ancaps are just chasing a power fantasy. Because of this, if we can disprove the power fantasy, it defeats the purpose of society resetting.
Lets begin, shall we?
We are going to prove that there is not a world both without government and with anarcho-capitalism.
Lets say we own a piece of land. We want to build apartments. This is completely ok to do, and because its a business transaction nobody is 'homesteading' on the rooms we rent.
We don't want our tenants getting hurt, so we implement a rule that says no running in the halls. Again, this is ok.
Now, here comes the first flaw in ancap theory. Imagine one of our tenants gets pregnant, and has a child. There are two conflicting trains of thought. The first is that the child is immediately under the landlord's contract terms, because the landlord shouldn't lose his property rights because, and I'm sorry for saying this, some slut got knocked up. The second is that the baby should be given the option to sign the contract on its own free will, or be kicked out, because otherwise it didn't consent to the rules and that makes them illegitimate. Remember, both of these solutions are in and of themselves violations of the NAP.
The second problem we run into is simple. The child from before reached age 18, and wants to move out. As a landlord, are we responsible for paying the fees required so that they can leave our property? Or is the child responsible for paying us? Again, no matter what answer you choose, you violate the NAP.
Problem number 3...Non use. Our residents want to have a greenspace to walk around in. Under ancap theory, someone could homestead the area because we aren't 'using' it. However, this is obviously a logical problem. If I, as a property owner, want to pay to not use something and you take it from me, is that not a violation of the NAP? Where does my property rights end and your homesteading rights begin?
And the final problem. Are we as landlords allowed to hire people to enforce our rules? If not, why do we not have the right to hire people to help maintain our property?
Now the glorious part, and as I'm sure you've figured out by now, is that all of these examples scale to any degree. Rent out space in a neighborhood? The exact same examples apply. Want to do the same for a country sized plot of land? Same examples apply.
The end
Remember, government is the ultimate end game of ancap theory. Laws, taxes, and jackbooted thugs are all the derivatives of capitalism.
I expect to see a lot of people arguing definitions, but the reality is you have to change what anarcho-capitalism is to disprove anything I wrote above.
So I guess the question is, if none of the pieces look the same, is it still anarcho-capitalism?
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