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[–]Rodents210 10ポイント11ポイント  (4子コメント)

Don't bother. Libertarianism doesn't hold up to even basic logic and half their economic philosophies are empirically proven to fail miserably 100% of the time. But they expect it to work "this time" because "it'll be different" for some vague, hand-wavy reason. Libertarianism is faith-based economics. It's a crock, and it's not worth talking to the unanimously uninformed people who believe in it.

[–]misterdoctorproff -3ポイント-2ポイント  (3子コメント)

Libertarianism doesn't hold up to even basic logic and half their economic philosophies are empirically proven to fail miserably 100% of the time.

You Marxist cucks keep repeating this like a broken record but you're not intelligent enough to understand that simply repeating a claim doesn't make it true, you uninformed fucking git. Fact of the matter is libertarian economics beats the fuck out of you bitches until your skulls get smashed flat and your monkey brains seep out in a nasty pink goo. It empirically and historically works more than any other statist cunt breadline forming mass murder system has ever done, the fucking doubling of the world's population since 1980 and the decimation of the poverty rate at the same time due to capitalism is just one example.

Libertarians - 1 Commie mass murderers - 0

[–]Rodents210 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

Mmm gotta love when someone resorts to ad hominems because their beliefs were challenged and they have nothing to defend with (P.S. the poverty rate has plummeted under regulation and skyrocketed under preceding and following deregulation, so that's a point against libertarianism, ol' buddy ol' pal).

[–]misterdoctorproff -3ポイント-2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Now I know you're a little child because "ad hominems" isn't a term; you're just repeating terms you've heard your echo chamber safe space say like a trained good little dog. That you're using them incorrectly is even more glorious.

Ad Hominem ≠ insults by the way. Cuck.

"nothing to defend with" lol you just ignore what is said and then pretend they said nothing, probably because it's too triggering. To me that's a white flag.

P.S. the poverty rate has plummeted under regulation and skyrocketed under preceding and following deregulation

You're lack of a source and skirting around what I said is just another white flag, fool. I said capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than anything else in history, then you just make shit up. Try harder.

[–]Rodents210 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ad-hominem is attempting to discredit an argument based on unrelated personal qualities by the arguer. Your insinuation that I'm a "cuck" (projection, I suppose) as one of the reasons I'm wrong--in acknowledging the unassailable FACT that libertarianism is faith-based economics wholly based on entirely, 100% empirically disastrous and indefensible economic philosophy--is a dictionary example of ad-hominem. And "ignoring what you said?" Really? You've literally said nothing. You are a fool. The good thing is that not enough people in this world are big enough fools for your opinions to matter. You are irrelevant, you're losing now, and in the future your whole philosophy will just be a memory. You yourself will be even less. Have fun being on the wrong side of history like all the right-wing mouthbreathers before you. :)

And your continued personal attacks as a response to criticism of your philosophies is evidence that you're being challenged in a way you legitimately can't defend against--people capable of rationally defending their point of view don't have to resort to calling people "losers" or "cucks" to puff themselves up and make their dicks look bigger or their points more defensible. When you're right, you're right, and it stands on its own. So go ahead and keep insulting people on the left, because believe it or not, all it does is push the people in the center towards us, not you.