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Deep Learning Tutorial by Y. LeCun and Y. Bengio (microsoft.com)
173 points by Anon84 18 hours ago | past | web | 8 comments

The site seems to be hammered. I was able to get these direct download links from a Google cache page. Enjoy!

MP4 (710 M): http://msrvideo.vo.msecnd.net/rmcvideos/259574/dl/259574.mp4

WMV (774 M): http://msrvideo.vo.msecnd.net/rmcvideos/259574/dl/259574.wmv

Awesome! Thanks for that! Take an upvote

This was the most attended of 6 tutorials at NIPS 2015. All of the tutorials are listed at https://nips.cc/Conferences/2015/Schedule?type=Tutorial where slides are available now, and video will be when the Microsoft server recovers.

Many of previous years' tutorials will also still be interesting:





And the slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxKBnD5y2M8NVnBpbWVwYUpQTjg...

Didn't know Microsoft Research web site was served from a potato.

It's served from Microsoft Bob Server ®

Microsoft can not handle it's own scale. I think they did not expect to get that much load :)

is the server overloaded!

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