(Source: hijerking, via janetrenofedayeen)
Alien • 1979 • Ridley Scott
(Source: the-weird-wide-web, via professional-author)
(Source: babwolf, via outrageous-daydreamer)
Anonymous asked: I don't want your perception of me to change, though, because I hurt myself and because of the thoughts I think and the things I feel
I am entirely confident that my perception of you will not change. If you wanna talk and stuff, I suggest you come off anon or email me or something and we can talk about all this stuff.
Anonymous asked: What do you think about Ayn Rand and Objectivism?
Its anarchy for the rich, really just the progression of libertarianism and classical liberalism, “state as the guard dog“ concept with rampant free-market capitalism but with a pseudo-philosophical addendum of denying that humans can be self-sacrificing, everything we do is actually out of egotistical needs - the whole thing is a load of shit and I constantly hear complaints from some foreign comrades ”gee, Alex, thanks for sending us this shit”. We would’ve had that hag working in a labor camp for such crap.
Besides, this shit can never work in practice, society would just degenerate and collapse.
Anonymous asked: how do i stop hurting myself
There’s no easy answer to this. I suggest you come off anon or email me or something so we can talk in private and I can try to help.
Anonymous asked: do you think ted cruz is a natural born citizen of the US?
I’m not even sure Ted Cruz is human…