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Jonah GoldbergVerified account


NRO Layabout, Fellow @AEI, LAT & USAT columnist, Fox All-Star. My books: Liberal Fascism & The Tyranny of Clichés: How Liberals Cheat in War of Ideas.
Joined September 2009

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  1. Milo Yiannopoulos ✘ Retweeted Rick Wilson
    A party that talks like this about working-class people deserves to lose. 
    Milo Yiannopoulos ✘ added,
    Rick Wilson @TheRickWilson
    Actual quote, not that it will matter: “The screamers on AltRight who love Trump are mostly childless single men who masturbate to anime"
    307 retweets 543 likes
  2. .@Nero eh. That you think what defines the AltRight crowd is their "working class" status is just plain weird, and I suspect you know it.
    16 retweets 59 likes
  3. @JonahNRO Alt right defined mostly by apathy, alienation, despair, defiance. Sneering from Washington types has a multiplier effect.
    35 retweets 148 likes
    Jonah Goldberg Verified account @JonahNRO · 5h5 hours ago
    @Nero you may be right. But again, of the people who boast that label in my feed, it's scummy Nordic horseshit and antisemitism.
    17 retweets 51 likes
      1. @JonahNRO @Nero Here's the basic explanation, Jonah. Conservatives care too much about "respectability," ie approval of the left
        12 retweets 41 likes
      2. @JonahNRO @Nero They repeatedly fold and fail to stand up and conserve anything b/c they're so defensive about being called racist or sexist
        9 retweets 39 likes
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      4. @JonahNRO @Nero They refuse to confront difficult but increasingly unavoidable facts that go against the liberal narrative out of fear
        4 retweets 20 likes
      5. @JonahNRO @Nero The alt-righters respond to the threat of being called racist by making a mockery of it to show they aren't cowed by it
        15 retweets 38 likes
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      7. @JonahNRO @Nero Same reason they troll conservatives like you who are still afraid of being called racist & worried about respectibility
        8 retweets 30 likes
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      9. @JonahNRO @Nero You know that fear you feel that people will think conservatives like you are racist when alt-right trolls show up?
        4 retweets 16 likes
      10. @JonahNRO @Nero That's why they're trolling you in the first place: to take the mickey out of you for your fear of what the left will say.
        5 retweets 16 likes
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      12. @JonahNRO @Nero So there you go. Internet 101. I just gave you the recipe to the secret sauce.
        7 retweets 20 likes
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      14. Show more
      1. @JonahNRO Yes. I know what you're seeing. But you're not understanding why it's there. Would love to chat about this some time.
        3 retweets 39 likes
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      3. @Nero @JonahNRO two jews seeing eye-to-eye on "scummy Nordic horseshit", imagine my surprise.
        2 retweets 3 likes
      1. @JonahNRO @Nero "scummy Nordic horseshit and antisemitism?" In one sentence you denigrate a people and accuse them of doing the same.
        14 retweets 48 likes
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      3. @DoctorAltRight @JonahNRO @Nero Shut up Jonah. We are Legion and your time has passed.
        3 retweets 12 likes
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      5. @ffokc @DoctorAltRight @JonahNRO @Nero Jewish communists tried to ethnically cleanse Nordics. This guy is scum. 
        3 retweets 8 likes
      1. So White ethnoculture is horseshit, but your Jew culture is great, right? @JonahNRO @Nero
        9 retweets 42 likes
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      3. I'm guessing ...particle physicist. RT @MaoyuuZeta @JonahNRO @Nero So White ethnoculture is horseshit, but your Jew culture is great, right?
        9 retweets 9 likes
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      5. @KurtSchlichter @MaoyuuZeta @JonahNRO @Nero Shall I presume that #altright doesn't subscribe to a Judeo-Christian ethic? What use are they?
        1 retweet 0 likes
      6. @458Cincinnatus @Oven_Kin @KurtSchlichter @MaoyuuZeta @JonahNRO @Nero Just a Christian one, minus the Judeo.
        1 retweet 2 likes
      1. @JonahNRO @Nero More to pt, nothing working class about Twitter alt-righters. They're either white-collar moonlighters or college kids.
        4 retweets 20 likes
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      3. @JonahNRO @Nero Guys who work in factories or have jobs in service industry don't post on Twitter about alt-right memes hatched in NoVA.
        4 retweets 15 likes
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      5. @EsotericCD I cannot believe anyone thinks these are salt of the earth American working guys. @Nero, you know better. @JonahNRO
        2 retweets 8 likes
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      7. @RadioFreeTom @EsotericCD @Nero @JonahNRO non-responsive. Issue is Establishment begin forced to bend. Nothing else matters.
        1 retweet 1 like
      8. @morganwarstler @RadioFreeTom @EsotericCD @Nero @JonahNRO Until @TheRickWilson has to vote for any & all GOP nominees, he'll get right.
        0 retweets 0 likes
      9. @morganwarstler @RadioFreeTom @EsotericCD @Nero @JonahNRO If Trump pulls 20% of blacks & @TheRickWilson can't, "AltRight" = sour grapes.
        1 retweet 1 like

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