DOWNLOAD all plugins here!

    DOWNLOAD all plugins here!

    Hi All,

    It's really nice, that so many users make new search & record dlls.
    And also I like this cool pluginpack tool, where I can pack them all together for you! :)

    Here's his link:


    edited: Pack from 16. September (09/16/2015)

    Help for installing:
    Just download and open the AudialsPluginPack with the latest version of Audials.
    Have Fun!

    Audials Power User

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 59 mal editiert, zuletzt von „audials“ () aus folgendem Grund: updated plugins from Marius

    New plug-ins

    Could someone possibly create a couple new plug-ins for videoraptor. I would really like to be able to have plug-ins for , , and . If anyone could, help that would be great. I'm new to this whole developing plug-ins thing, but i'm attempting it. :D Thanks everyone.

    Audials Mobile and PlugIns

    Hi All,

    Excuse my posting but I can't find the proper information required elsewhere.

    I am using Audials Mobile and at this page: there is a section that talks about and points to this user plug-in page:

    The user plug-in community gives you the absolute best radio stations

    Audials Mobile fans are giving back and giving you the chance to get even more social web radio stations with plug-ins available in the community. The plug-ins don’t cost a thing and give you all the music you can handle. Check out the plug-in community

    My question is where do I install these plug-ins??? There doesn't seem to be any information anywhere for Audials Mobile .... :(



    you can download the above aplp (or aplg) on your mobile phone (e.g. with browser download or cable)
    and then you can:
    - open the .aplp/.aplg with the file manager or with the browser after the download
    - Audials Mobile should open and import the plugins
    - in case there are anomalies, you can also import the .aplp/.aplg over Audials Mobile itself (options > settings > search & record plugins and then: options > add plugin)

    Updated aplp!


    I removed seeqpod.aplg from this pack, as it is not working since the site is offline.

    Download the updated pack here!

    I'll keep an eye on seeqpod and if they get online again, I'll try to adapt the aplg!

    EDIT - June, 17th 2009:
    Link updated. seeqpod still offline, but wrzuta is working again.

    EDIT - July, 16th
    update of projectplaylist

    Keep jamming,


    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von „marius2“ ()

    User Plug-Ins

    I just purchased the latest version of Audials One and installed the user plugins. When I go to Options/Search Music I see that the following plugins have been installed under "Installed additional plugins:"

    - ProjectPlaylist
    - SeeqPod
    - Tagoo
    - TuneFinder
    - Wrzuta

    Each of the above has a check mark to its left which is checked. Here's the problem. I have performed multiple searches using a variety of artists and the only plugin that is finding tracks is ProjectPlaylist. I am not getting any hits from the other music sources. Is anyone else having this problem? Any suggestions?



    aplp-Dateien lassen sich nicht öffnen

    Hallo zusammen,

    ich bräuchte dringend Eure Hilfe: Die heruntergeladenen aplp-Dateien lassen sich bei mir nicht öffnen, sie werden keinem Programm zugewiesen (hab's auf ZWEi Rechnern probiert). Verknüpfe ich sie mit der VideoRaptor.exe, hilft das auch nichts. Über das Optionen-Menü des Programms kann ich auch nur aplg-Dateien hinzufügen. Habe auch schon versucht, die Dateierweiterung einfach in aplg zu ändern. Dann kommt bei einem Doppelklick auf die Datei ein Fenster, in dem steht: "%i Dateien wurden erfolgreich installiert". Installiert wurde aber natürlich nix. Im Optionen-Menü sind keine weiteren Plugins eingetragen. Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter.

    Mich wundert, dass dieses Problem bisher noch niemand hatte. Wie gesagt, habe es auf zwei verschiedenen Rechnern versucht, aber mit aplp-Dateien kann kein PC bzw. der VideoRaptor nirgends was anfangen. Kann mir jemand helfen? Habe die MP3VideoRaptor-Version 3.2.20036.3600.

    Vielen Dank

    how to install plugins


    My VideoRaptor suddenly can't find MP3s. I understand I need a plug in, but I have no idea what to do with it. Exactly how do I open it? Where should the file be, etc?

    I have the plugin but am stumped at this point. Thank you very much!-- Gregg

    RE: how to install plugins

    Hi Gregg,

    First, you need the latest version of VideoRaptor. If you have that, all you have to do is close VR and double click on the plugin pack. It will install automatically. To verify that the plugins have installed, you can click on "Options" (bottom left hand corner of VR) and then click on "Search Music." The right hand box should contain the following plugins with check marks beside them:


    That's all there is to it.

    Best Regards,


    gmagnin schrieb:


    My VideoRaptor suddenly can't find MP3s. I understand I need a plug in, but I have no idea what to do with it. Exactly how do I open it? Where should the file be, etc?

    I have the plugin but am stumped at this point. Thank you very much!-- Gregg

    It's not that easy at my PC :(

    Hi trajan,

    thanks for your description, but sadly it is not that easy at my system. As I mentioned in my german post from 29th I can not doubleclick the aplp-plugin-pack because my system does not know how to handle aplp-files (Windows asks for a program to open with). A doubleclick only works after renaming the file extension into aplg. After that Windows says "%i files succesfully installed." Unfortunately there doesn't appear any new plugins in the Options-menu after restarting the program. I have the MP3videoraptor version 3.2.20036.3600. The program says it's the latest version.

    Can you help me?

    Thanks a lot
    You can install the plugin pack with/in MP3 Videoraptor.

    Go to Options search Music and click on Add Plugin (can be different). Then you've to select the plugin pack.

    Restart Videoraptor and have fun :)

    Auf Deutsch:

    Du kannst das Plugin-Pack auch im Videoraptor installieren. Dazu gehe einfach auf Optionen/ Musick suchen/
    Jetzt müssten 2 Spalten angezsigt werden, eine mit vorinstallierten plugins und eine mit 3rd parte Plugins.

    Dort kannst du auch Plugins installieren, indem du auf "Plugin installieren" klickst (kann abweichen, habe videoraptor gerade nicht installiert). Evt. musst du in dem auftauchenden Fenster von "aplg" auf "alle dateien" umstellen.

    hoffe, das klappt soweit.

    Plugins and installation

    Hey there!,

    Thanks for the response. No problems adding the additional plugins from here now :thumbup:

    erkan yilmaz schrieb:


    you can download the above aplp (or aplg) on your mobile phone (e.g. with browser download or cable)
    and then you can:
    - open the .aplp/.aplg with the file manager or with the browser after the download
    - Audials Mobile should open and import the plugins
    - in case there are anomalies, you can also import the .aplp/.aplg over Audials Mobile itself (options > settings > search & record plugins and then: options > add plugin)