Unblock Javhihi

Unblock be3x.com

be3x.com blocked by your school, employer or government? We can help!

Unblock Sites allows you bypass most website blocks without installing any additional software or tweaking your browser settings. Just hit "Unblock" below to access be3x.com via our servers!

be3x.com is most often blocked in these countries: Indonesia South Korea Malaysia Turkey Pakistan United States Thailand India Vietnam Taiwan

Sites other users are unblocking:

Alternative unblocking methods

Our in-browser proxy technology is truly the most advanced of its kind, however there are inherent limits to what it can do. If you are unable to acccess be3x.com using our unblocker above here are some alternative tricks you can try. Please note however that the methods below require that you have administrative privileges on your computer. If you are in a restricted environment you likely won't be able to follow them.

Method 1: Use a VPN

VPN is the most efficient and robust block bypass method, but it might take you slightly more work initially to set up and may cost some amount of money (for a premium connection). However if you often need to access the net from behind a blocker and care about your privacy and security it's well worth the effort and the money.

We highly recommend trying out our VPN partner ZenVPN who offer easy to install client software, quality connectivity worldwide and strong privacy guarantees.

Method 2: Access be3x.com directly by IP address (using hosts file)

On the Internet computers communicate with each other using numerical identifiers called IP addresses. Before your computer can talk to be3x.com server it needs to obtain be3x.com's IP address. A great deal of website blockers work by interfering with this process and misleading your computer about what be3x.com's IP address is.

To bypass this type of blocking you can configure your computer to always use a predefined IP address when accessing be3x.com. In order to do that, you need to edit the so called hosts file. On Windows it's "C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts". On Mac OS X it's "/etc/hosts". Open this file with a text editor (Notepad on Windows, TextEdit on Mac OS X) and append the following lines to it:    platform.twitter.com    chart.googleapis.com    apis.google.com    www.google-analytics.com    syndication.exoclick.com    statics.javhihi.com    javhihi.com    prscripts.com    be3x.com    fonts.googleapis.com    ads.adxpansion.com

(NOTE: Your computer usually needs to talk to several servers to display a modern web page. We have scanned be3x.com and built the list of servers it uses which is why there's more than one line in the list above.)