Final Fantasy VII Remake Gets New Information on Minigames, World and More
A few more pieces of information on the
Final Fantasy VIIRemake
have emerged via an interview to Producer Toshinori Kitase and Director Tetsuya Nomura on Dengeki PlayStation, reported thanks to a leaked copy by the Japanese blog
Hachima Kikou.
The game will have full voice overs, so characters that weren’t in
Advent Children
will need new voice actors. They haven’t been casted yet.
The date events will be fully voiced, but since the social situation is different from that in which the original game was launched, it will have have to be implemented carefully. Nomura-san also mentioned the Honey Bee Inn (laughing).
Info on the map cannot be provided yet, but the team isn’t worrying on whether it’s considered an open world or sandbox or not. Nomura-san is more interested in focusing on the environments and in showing how characters affect them.
Minigames that have left an impression with the fans will be included. The inclusion of the smaller ones will require consideration, as they all need to be developed with the latest tech.
The game’s development is in the initial stages. They started developing idea for the battle system, but it’ll take time to implement them.
No information can be shared on whether the game will be out by January 31st, 2017 (20th anniversary of the original game), but more information on that might come after the release of
World of Final Fantasy
and Kingdom Hearts II.8 HD
in 2016.
They need to be implemented carefully doesn't mean their rushing to change every small detail but i guess how dare SE try to be modern and respectful of the world we live in.
Yeah, how dare SE try to ingore the legion of fans that have been supporting them and begging for a Remake of Final Fantasy VII for years just to please a bunch of easily offended people who don't even play Final Fantasy.
A social justice warrior got his fee-fees hurt that not everyone agrees with him. SJWs can't handle discussion based on merits so they start with the ad hominems.
Thanks for the link, I appreciate it. I don't always agree with the Federalist as I'm left libertarian, and they can be a bit more authoritarian than I care for, but that article is basically the macro version of what I'm getting at to a T.
Simply put, the SJW-screwy left does not debate, they mock and block instead.
I came into this cesspool of morons harping about SJWs when it's not even relevant that's what and the guy i responded to actually sounds pretty stupid.
I feel old and out of touch. you made me curious enough to google SJW, lol. also can't wait for this game, and unlike other's I'll trust the developers to deliver something I'll enjoy a ton.
Me too man, everything i've seen so far is looking good and i trust SE to do their best to make the game most of us want, the rest can just go play the original like they secretly want to do again. Keep on break dance fighting!
lol, just a few posts above you wrote off somebodies complaint as "stupid" without giving any reason. I'm sure he is just as passionate about the game as yourself.
Actually, in the case of DmC Ninja Theory was pretty adamant about making fun of, and alienating the games fans. Capcom never stopped them or their immature, unprofessional tweets either. So it's not unheard of for a company to trade in the old fans for a new audience if they perceive there is more money to be made.
You obviously have never played the PC ports of Final Fantasy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6...all of which are $15 retail and look + sound like garbage when compared, side by side, to an untreated / emulated ROM version of the game.
"Stupid complaints" unlike the actual stupid complaints by SJWs all the time. Regular, not always offended, people aren't the ones asking for changes every time something "triggers" them.
If there's one thing ive learned living in these times its not to compromise for the sake of a small very vocal minority that probably wont play the game to begin with.
they aren't catering to anyone they're making this decision on their own, if they were catering they'd have done it one way and then changed it when people complained.
>"They aren't catering to anyone" Looking at recent responses from numerous Japanese development teams says otherwise. The current trend is either pander to the demands of whatever the outrage flavour of the day is, or don't sell to Western markets.
Numerous development teams none of which are SE and they aren't pandering to any demands no one demanded this of them they decided this is what's best for their game.
Because SE exists in a vacuum and aren't affected by the same pressures that pervade the entire games industry see major companies and yes that's Plural not just Koei Tecmo choose to abandon a larger sales market than that of home sales. Choices like that are not made lightly
Pretending that this isn't pandering pre-emptively to the outrage mob by feigning contrition is disingenuous or naive. The honest answer is Japanese devs don't realize that this loud group screaming the top of their lungs are a small minority.
Because, I dunno, maybe they shouldn't have to compromise their original artistic intent to appease a bunch of purple haired and skinny jeans wearing SJWs maybe? That is not an example SE modernizing or being respectful of anything, its because SE is afraid. Respect though fear is not respect, its coercion.
I was thinking the same thing to be honest ive recently replayed ff7 and the honey bee Inn scene is actually really funny but the sjws will find a problem where there isnt one nowadays.
they weren't really but the honey bee inn is full of gay men that do strange things to Cloud, i assume they want to find a way to go about that that doesn't come across as offensive.
there's also other rooms with them, like the one where you find a ghost version of cloud and then he blacks out and wakes up to find himself being molested.
the implication of both of those rooms is sexual harassment for lulz
1 room has him being groped while unconscious the other implies he's being raped or at least assaulted hence the Feel good right? and the options are ... or "It hurts"
Earlier you said that this isn't something that would offend SJWs and now you're more or less saying it will. You can't have it both ways. Either you're offended by the scene and support SE changing it or you're not, and are against censorship.
lol I never said SJWs wouldn't be offended just that it's not the reason SE are changing the game. The world isn't that simple kid. I have no problem with SE changing the scenes mentioned and this isn't censorship this is SE having respect for everyone and wanting to make a game the more accurately reflects the world we live in.
Its a small vocal minority that are offended by the scenes in the first place. The actual scenes aren't offensive. Some of the dialogue can be slightly changed, but taking them out does nothing.