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Charlie Hebdo, Sun, Star and lads' among titles banned from sale at 32 UK universities, research finds

Dominic Ponsford
Certain newspapers and magazines are banned from sale at 32 universities around the UK, according to research by the website Spiked.
It uncovered the apparent censorship as part of a piece of research for the 2016 University Free Speech rankings.
The bans are all imposed by student union bodies and mainly appear to be due to concern about the depiction of women in publications.
Some 28 universities ban the Daily Star and/or The Sun, according to the research. In most cases both titles are banned, meaning they are not available in university newsagents.
According to Spiked most bans were inspired by the No More Page Three campaign against topless photographs appearing in The Sun. The News UK title stopped showing topless photos on page three in January last year, but the Daily Star continues the practice.
According to Spiked, four universities banned ‘Lads’ Mags’, although with the closure of Zoo and FHM at the end of last year it is unclear what magazines remain in that category to ban.
The research reveals that Bristol and Manchester universities also ban French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. The title has provoked outrage from many Muslims because of its depiction of the prophet Muhammad.
Aberystwyth University students’ union has banned the Daily Express, apparently in protest at the titles’ coverage of travellers.
According to Spiked, most UK universities have some form of censorship. It reports that 20 have banned clubs or societies and 19 have banned speakers.
Some 39 per cent have “no platform” policies, which are often used to stop those with racist or extreme right wing views from speaking at events.
The research found that 21 per cent have “safe space” policies, which can be used to impose broader bans on speakers or events which some students may find offensive.

University The Sun/ Daily Star Lads' mags Daily Express Charlie Hebdo
Aberdeen    x    
Abertay  x      
Aberystwyth  x   x  
Birmingham City  x      
Bournemouth    x    
Bristol        x
Cambridge  x      
Cardiff  x      
Dundee  x      
Edinburgh  x      
Leeds Beckett  x      
Leeds FSUR  x      
LSE  x      
Manchester  x     x
Newcastle  x      
Nottingham  x      
Sheffield  x      
Staffordshire  x      
Swansea    x    
Manchester Metropolitan x      
Nottingham Trent x      
Bradford  x      
East Anglia x      
Essex x      
Hull x      
Leicester  x      
Sunderland  x      
University College London  x      
Chester  x      
Lancaster x x    
Warwick  x      
York St John University  x      


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        • david 8 hours ago
          Note to students: do what the rest of us do - go to these places called "newsagents" to buy your Sun and Star. Oh, and Charlie Hebdo is seriously over-rated.
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          • barrysturn 8 hours ago
            This is a worrying trend, the censorship of opinions is the mark of an autocrat and has no place in a democracy. Student Unions are of course far from being democracies in most cases, having only a partial mandate at best.
            No academic worth the title should have anything to do with those who seek to stifle opinion, however much that individual may be 'offended' by it. Universities are places where opinions are supposed to clash and debate is supposed to be free and open.
            The irony of course is that the type of individual that 'votes' for this kind of practice is ever so fond of calling others fascists.
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              • fharvey 3 hours ago
                Few university students would buy or read the Sun or Daily Star at face value or in isolation, without complementing them with other papers and analysing them in a detached, media-studies way. And if they are banned, how do the zealots know or object to their content, unless they hypocritically obtain copies elsewhere? If censoring the Sun is based on its topless pin-ups, why does the ban persist now these have been discontinued from the print edition? Free speech entails allowing availability of all voices even if - indeed, especially if - you disagree with them.
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                    Hackademic 2 hours ago
                    It's not universities banning publications, it's student unions. We had this back in the 80 when Trent Polytechnic SU 'banned' the local evening Nottingham Post and adopted a 'no platform' policy on speakers from the hard right (but not the hard left). Actually these 'bans' have no effect outside the SU building. Officially Barclays Bank was also 'banned' due to activities in the RSA but that didn't stop students banking with Barclays or reading the NEP in the library (where it wasn't banned). It didn't stop us on the student newspaper from running stories about the ethics of no platform or accepting Barclays cheques fom advertisers. Times don't change. This is posturing by a bunch of SU activists who will be working in the stock exchange and sending their kids to private schools in a few years from now. Clubs or societies can be 'banned' for a variety of reasons, unconnected with censoship (non payment of fees, impropriety, insufficient membership numbers - as well as taste/decency or extremism - the latter of which is backed up by primary legislation). Mountains and molehills spring to mind.
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