So you think these problems found in the Mulsim communities in the UK will be found to the same level in every community in the UK.
If this is so then the cover up would be one of the biggest governmental operations ever carried out. Rotherham has maximum 20,000 Muslim inhabitants, reports say they abused raped tortured etc 1400 children. If it were true and every one in the UK was doing this at the same rate there would be 4,480,000 victims nationally . Which leads me to think everyone is not equally abusing children at the same rate across the UK...
Do you know what really fans the flames, denial. The story of the police giving children back to the rapists rather than risking being called racists. Government cover ups and media blackouts. This is what makes the average person on the street angry. And ignoring this will only make it worse when it does eventually come to a head.
And here we share the same concern, if these things carry on and the violent side of the nationalist movement gets power, we are all in trouble. We just seem to have different views on how to avoid this, yours seems to be paint a happy picture and wait for people to blend in. This seems a good idea on paper. Others think a zero tolerance approach to those especially caught committing violent crimes and a sensible and sustainable approach to immigration. With absolute honesty form the government and media so people can make there own mind up.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.