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all 26 comments
[–]ImperatorPhillipusGerman Russian[S] [score hidden]  (2 children)
Well fuck you too!
[–]Projectmayhem666United Kingdom [score hidden]  (1 child)
We don't class Russia as Eastern Europe in the UK, btw :)
[–]ImperatorPhillipusGerman Russian[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)
Russia is the supreme king of Eastern Europe though :)
[–]colucci [score hidden]  (14 children)
Wasn't UKIP supposedly super anti-immigration and racist? Why'd they prefer indian immigrants over eastern european ones? Unless he's confusing gypsies with eastern european.
[–]ImperatorPhillipusGerman Russian[S] [score hidden]  (13 children)
They're just anti-EU, and easterners come from the EU...mostly poles. They are false opposition, they will stop letting hard working whites into Britain and flood them with Indian scum
[–]anti-censorship-uk [score hidden]  (5 children)
No, UKIP would stop mass uncontrolled immigration from those places, and allow for a points based system that treated them the same as someone from India. As opposed to having to stop a software engineer from India to let in 20 people from Romania.
[–]ImperatorPhillipusGerman Russian[S] [score hidden]  (4 children)
Why do you mind white people coming to your country? I could see minding them not working and living on benefits but if they're working....if anything they'll be British in a generation and offset high natural growth of blacks and Muslims. There is no good economic argument against it as workers are generally always good for an economy, and the cultural issue can be mitigated by demanding they learn the language. There are no downsides to intra EU immigration as long as they're not gypsies. Call me biased since I'm an easterner with a German passport but I will take 25 Bulgarian counter workers over one Nigerian or Indian biophysicist
[–]anti-censorship-uk [score hidden]  (3 children)
I'd rather just have a controlled immigration policy where we let in around 50k a year instead of 300k+, it would be better for social cohesion, housing prices, cost on our health service etc.
An economic argument is they drive down wages of British nationals because they are willing to work for a lot less, an example of this is currently the uk minimum wage is around 7x the Romanian, I care more about the money in the pocket of a British worker than I do about the governments tax revenues.
I guess where we differ again is I would definitely take an Indian biophysicist over 25 Bulgarian counter workers, as they're just taking money and jobs from the working class in this country, but the Indian actually has something worthwhile to contribute.
[–]ImperatorPhillipusGerman Russian[S] [score hidden]  (2 children)
An economic argument is they drive down wages of British nationals because they are willing to work for a lot less, an example of this is currently the uk minimum wage is around 7x the Romanian, I care more about the money in the pocket of a British worker than I do about the governments tax revenues.
That's actually not true, economics is not a zero sum game. More growth means more jobs as services increase with demand. There is the infrastructure argument but you have to build homes with population growth regardless.
[–]anti-censorship-uk [score hidden]  (1 child)
Well the Bank of England and many other sources say mass unskilled immigration drives down wages, I see it as a simple supply and demand issue.
An extra 600k (300k leave) people a year is a shit ton of houses for a relatively small Island. I definitely see that you are bias and probably don't even want the EU project dismantled completely? I'm a full out eu/eurosceptic and want the whole project abolished.
[–]ImperatorPhillipusGerman Russian[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)
I actually don't like the European project at all as it hinders the strength of my native land when the continent is unified. I am simply saying from an economic perspective there is nothing wrong with it. For wages stronger unions are key. Disregarding my pro Russian bias against Europe being too strong, the worst part of the European project isn't free movement or the common market but the other things like the ECHR and interfering in domestic legislation
[–]Willy1981United Kingdom [score hidden]  (6 children)
Disclaimer: I'm possibly typing full cuckery.
With Indians in my experience they are nothing like muslims. Infact they hate Muslims too. The vast majority are fiercely British. They keep themselves to themselves and don't try to ban or impose their customs on our culture. Over Christmas two were in my town centre with a collection box looking for donations to the British armed forces.
Nigel Farage I believe is just playing the political game. UKIP his party are anti-EU and anti mass immigration but he is starting to become more 'main stream friendly' due to his party having a serious chance of becoming the opposition party to the Government. The current opposition have literally elected a dirty terrorist sympathising Commie as its leader which has resulted a great deal of its working class style voters abandoning the party (lefties who don't hate Britian).
[–]ImperatorPhillipusGerman Russian[S] [score hidden]  (3 children)
One of the leaders of one of your rape gangs was a Sikh...culturally British or not they're still not white and will never be white, Britain has been absorbing foreign white people for generations. The Irish, the Huguenots, anti Bolshevik Russians, Germans, Polish anti communists post world war 2, Italians, Hungarians and so on and they all become British.
Moderation never works, it means they have no spine.
I know who Jeremy Corbyn is, I think he's an asshole but I like his economic policies, his pro Russia and anti Trident stance
[–]Willy1981United Kingdom [score hidden]  (2 children)
I confess I didn't know one of the leaders of my (?) rape gang was Sikh. Either way the general impression I get is Sikh/Hindu's will be my side when shit hits the fan. We are not going to become a FULL White nation. That ship has sailed but I would rather have Indians than the delights of Africa and Muslims my Nation is currently being treated to.
I personally have changed my views on all the Eastern Europeans coming to Britian. I'm a believer in an incoming European Civil War (im not a conspiracy theory lunatic) and I see Eastern Europeans here as allies which helps me and like minded people.
I also like some of Corbyns economic policies but his history, the people he associates with , his damn vermin supporters make him completely unelectable.
[–]ImperatorPhillipusGerman Russian[S] [score hidden]  (1 child)
I confess I didn't know one of the leaders of my (?) rape gang was Sikh.
Your as in British
Either way the general impression I get is Sikh/Hindu's will be my side when shit hits the fan.
They'll be on their side.
We are not going to become a FULL White nation. That ship has sailed
I'm just going to throw it out there that Danzig was 100% ethnic German, as was Ostpreußen/Königsberg. Now Gdansk is 100% polish and Kaliningrad City and Oblast is 100% ethnic Russian. Many things can happen.
[–]Willy1981United Kingdom [score hidden]  (0 children)
I'm thinking about it and I still think British Indians will be on our side. Maybe I will be caught with my pants down. Would be interested if any lurking British Indians reading this could inject some thoughts on the mind set of Indians here?
[–]luxury_bananaPM Zoolanderland [score hidden]  (1 child)
[–]ImperatorPhillipusGerman Russian[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)
[–]tery999Bulgaria [score hidden]  (5 children)
That's actually a thing that I've had hard time understanding about the UK. If there are any English or Scottish people here, please explain. I've heard politicians being so angry at Poles, Romanians and Bulgarians going there, despite being in small numbers YET they refuse to talk about the millions of arabs, black and indians they have.
Never understood it, and still have hard time. I mean ok, I would be perfectly ok if you want all non-British people to get out, but thats not the case. So many politicians specifically target Eastern Europe, but turn a blind eye about the non-whites which are already half of London.
Edit: Apparently he didn't exactly state this in the video, but my question still stands.
[–]Willy1981United Kingdom [score hidden]  (3 children)
I think people are angry about Poles, Romanians, Bulgarians due to taking a lot of construction work away from working class Brits.
My family and friends circle consists of people who work in construction and they are competing against eastern Europeans for work. One friend is a complete 'boj-job' terrible plasterer so he deservedly struggles for full time employment but 3-4 others are very good carpenters etc with 15+ years of experience but the firms they work for keep hiring eastern Europeans simply because they work for less $$
[–]ImperatorPhillipusGerman Russian[S] [score hidden]  (2 children)
If you're a British person why do you use $ and not £
[–]Willy1981United Kingdom [score hidden]  (1 child)
I was trying to be hip and cool sorry
[–]ImperatorPhillipusGerman Russian[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)
If you wanna be a real hipster use ₩ or ¥
[–]anti-censorship-uk [score hidden]  (0 children)
Through the EU we have an open door to Poles/Romanians/Bulgarians, we don't have an open door to India/Africa, so you can point out there's a problem in having the open door, but the masses of minorities in London etc are already there.
And it's not small numbers, we get 600k+ people enter the uk every year as migrants, around 300k British people do leave though.
[–]pressmore [score hidden]  (0 children)
I didn't hear it in the video.
Maybe I wasn't paying attention.
But it also makes sense, India and Australia are former colonies of Britain, eastern europe is not.
To me it might seem like he wants to bring the british empire back in some way.
Also, it is only better for eastern europeans to stay in eastern europe, that way they can preserve their culture and identity without being called racist and have genocide imflicted on them. If 1 room is on fire, lets not put stuff that isn't on fire in that room to try to stop the fire.
[–]Schlongersson [score hidden]  (0 children)
Nigel Farage is a clown
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