BURNS — The armed militants occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge announced Tuesday morning that they will drive into Burns at the end of the week to hold a community meeting and inform residents when they will leave.
The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. Friday evening, said Robert "LaVoy" Finicum. The location has yet to be determined. All are invited to attend, Finicum added.
"I think there should be a dialogue," said Finicum, a sidearm on his hip. The militants, who have held the refuge for well over a week, intend to remind the community why they are there and announce a departure plan.
Finicum did not reveal any details about the plan. He said he was only relaying a message from Arizona businessman Ammon Bundy, the leader of the militants, who did not appear Tuesday at a press conference that the group has held daily at the refuge. Bundy will attend the meeting on Friday, Finicum said.
The group is working on securing a location in Burns for the meeting, Finicum said. The announcement comes a day after the militants destroyed a public fence at the refuge and county residents demanded at a community meeting that Bundy and his group leave.
Harney County residents, elected officials and law enforcement agents have repeatedly told Bundy, son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, to leave, even though some locals are glad he's brought attention to ranchers' desire to use public land in the area as they please.
Throughout the occupation, the militants have said they will not leave until Dwight Hammond Jr. and his son, Steven Hammond – local ranchers who were sent back to federal prison for arson because of mandatory minimum sentencing rules – are freed. They have also said they won't leave until the federal government hands over public land to local ranchers and loggers.
It wasn't immediately clear whether the militants will be any more detailed on Friday about their exit plan.
-- Luke Hammill