We got nothing to celebrate really, our HDI still among the worst in the world and we comparing ourselves to THE WORST in the world.
We have still have more people living in desperate poverty than whole of sub Saharan Africa Combined.
Just head over to Indian Media websites now, they are busy covering Obama, Golden Globes. and recently Intolerance, Sheena bora murder, Yakub menon hanging issues of very little national importance.
Nothing beats
Economic Growth
I want Indian Media to focus on Economy and Economy alone.
Edit: When British left us we are are on the verge of famine mass starvation with huge population, high fertility rate, absolute illiteracy and here i say not many intellectuals to guide huge diverse population.
India's survival itself is an achievement, proud but celebrations should be left for when we achieve great things in Space, Science and Technology of the 1st world we are on the way.
Economic Growth
is key