EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の LIATG によるリンク Rand Paul has clearly pre-recorded canned response to SotU, released only minutes after the end of the speech
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の CheapBeer によるリンク Father of the Koch Brothers helped build Nazi Oil Refinery, Book says.
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の ThouShaltNotStump によるリンク Banning CP is the same as framing black people with drugs.
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の BenzJuan によるリンク WATCH: Crowd Cheers As Bundy Militants’ Spokesman Kicked Out Of Town Meeting - Bipartisan Report
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の F21Global によるリンク Outrage sparked by Daily Telegraph use of employee-tracking devices
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の BenzJuan によるリンク Bundy Militia Receives "Bag Of Dicks," Accuse Sender Of "Hate And Hate" (VIDEO!)
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の 008Michael_84 によるリンク And the Paulbots have started their own petition. At least it's with a NGO!
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の Spelcheque によるリンク County judge to charge Bundy militia $75,000 / day to forcefully occupy county territory.
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の rkkim によるリンク Libertarians demand the White House restore Milo Yiannopoulos's Twitter verification badge.
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の A_Real_Knucklehead によるリンク "Guess we better just lock up everyone in a prison so the government can monitor us. After all, if the government isn't watching, crimes might happen. /s"
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の big_al11 によるリンク Of Broken Clocks, Presidential Candidates, and the Confusion of Certain White Liberals
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の helpmeredditimbored によるリンク Rand Paul Is So Pissed That He's Been Left Out of the Next Republican Debate
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の idontlikegrapefruits によるリンク Rand Paul voters are boozing up over tonight's disappointing news
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の Zifnab25 によるリンク Bitcoin Frequent User Exposes Major Double-Spend vulnerability and is subsequently banned from /r/Bitcoin
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の Mc_B によるリンク "The free state project is set to trigger the move in a couple of months."... It might not be HAPPENING!
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の Ajnin123 によるリンク Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina Fail To Make The Cut For The Next Prime Time GOP Debate
EnoughLibertarianSpam 内の michaelconfoy によるリンク Rand Paul: Obama Should Say ‘I’ve Been a Failure’ and Resign at SOTU
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