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Outrage sparked by Daily Telegraph use of employee-tracking devices


Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper has quickly removed tracking devices from journalists' desks after a backlash from unions and staff.

The OccupEye device.

The OccupEye device. Photo: Supplied

Britain's Daily Telegraph has sparked outrage from unions and staff after installing workplace monitors on journalists' desks.  

Buzzfeed UK reported employees came into work on Monday morning to find small plastic monitoring boxes attached to their desks.

It's no longer about hours sitting at a desk, it is about delivery of outcomes. 

Eve Ash

The journalists were baffled by the unannounced appearance of the boxes and resorted to Googling the brand name only to discover they were wireless motion detectors produced by a company called OccupEye that monitor whether individuals are using their desks.

The Daily Telegraph claimed the devices were installed as an environmental measure to make the floors in the building as energy-efficient as possible but OccupEye's website emphasises the importance of the devices to "absorb the cost and scale of nationwide workplace inefficiency".   

Following the backlash, the newspaper removed the devices the same day.  

OccupEye issued a statement saying "we regret if any staff within any of our client workspaces have not received communication in advance of an OccupEye deployment and thus had unfounded concerns – we can only reassure those people that they have nothing to fear from our system ... quite the opposite, they are working for a smart organisation".

Video: Tracking employees with OccupyEye

MySmallBusiness contacted OccupEye but did not receive confirmation prior to publication as to whether the devices have been sold in Australia, however many Australian businesses record employees' availability via computer systems. 

Tracking through computer systems

Accounting firm KPMG uses the Microsoft Lync​ communications system to show the availability of its staff in Australia. KPMG employees can see whether other members of their team have recently recorded keystrokes on their computers or have closed their laptop or turned it off.  

One KPMG employee says if they are marked as "available" on the system but then go to the toilet or to get a coffee there will sometimes be a telephone call from another employee asking where they were.

A spokesperson for KPMG says the Microsoft Lync system allows staff to locate, call and message each other, and share their availability in real time.

"The system ensures KPMG staff can communicate across their network, wherever they are working from, using it for text-based chat, telephone calls, videoconferencing, and to share documents," the spokesperson says. 

Dharma Chandran, partner at KPMG, says he uses the Microsoft Lync system when clients need to know where staff are and so staff can work from places other than their desk.

"This is to enable them to be as flexible as possible rather than as a way of monitoring people," he says. 

Chandaran says it appears the Daily Telegraph used the OccupEye system to try to ensure desk space reflected employees flexibility rather than to monitor staff.

"In the past there have been cases of employers putting monitoring equipment into workplaces to try to ensure greater productivity," he says. "The paradigm that time at the desk makes greater productivity has been and gone. Most employers understand that autonomy allows greater flexibility."  

Damaging trust

Workplace psychologist Eve Ash says monitoring staff through a device such as the OccupEye is a real invasion of staff's privacy.  

"This was amazing, and to do it with no discussion whatsoever was unbelievable," Ash says. "We already have workplaces where trust is so susceptible to being damaged and this is like a giant sword through that trust." 

Ash says time spent at a desk is not a good measure of productivity for staff. 

"I think everybody needs targets or personal performance indicators that are agreed with management," she says. "For journalists it might be that they have to deliver a certain amount of articles per day and the quality of that is controlled by their editor. It's no longer about hours sitting at a desk, it is about delivery of outcomes."

It seems that in the new workforce the old "leave a jacket on the back of your chair" trick is no longer going to cut it.  

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78 comments so far

  • "In the end, we will get the kind of society we deserve".
    - Derryn Hinch, 1979.
    There is some wisdom there, but we are fools to believe we live in a "society".
    Today, we live inside one gigantic CORPORATION, whose only aim is PROFIT and UNLIMITED CONTROL of the profit making resource.......Sheeple.

    The Seer
    Date and time
    January 12, 2016, 12:35PM
    • So true The Seer and people are just rolling over let it all happen. I thought we were a stronger and more intelligent lot than we are turning it out to be but no, in general, we are nothing more than sheeple!

      Had Enuff
      Date and time
      January 12, 2016, 2:14PM
    • When companies regard employees as an asset rather than a liability we can watch the pigs flying past the window.
      By all means demonise the only institution that has ever protected the worker, the Union, and let the behaviour of corporations continue enfettered by any constraints.
      It is referred to worldwide as the con ideology, or greed.

      Date and time
      January 12, 2016, 2:31PM
    • Sadly much of what you say is true. Over the past 50 years corporations have gained unprecedented power. Many are so powerful they pay virtually no tax. Politicians are beholden to corporations, and not the voters, as we are manipulated by phoney issues via the media.

      Luke R
      Date and time
      January 12, 2016, 2:39PM
    • Ha, ha. Now they will be put inside the computers, instead of under the desks. At least there they could have been fooled with a little jiggly toy !!! Where will they be put next?

      Date and time
      January 12, 2016, 2:52PM
    • Drongo
      time and motion study of small cubicle activity.

      Date and time
      January 12, 2016, 3:16PM
    • Companies need not do anything sophisticated, using something like Microsoft Communicator can allow others to track how much you're actually using your PC (unless like some, you install some software to simulate mouse movements to keep the screen active). Desk time unfortunately does not equate to productivity nor quality of output (but those things are much harder to measure, so most companies would go for desk time as it's easier).

      the watcher
      Date and time
      January 12, 2016, 3:27PM
    • @Seer

      Just wait until a vast mass of humanity becomes largely redundant in the wake of technological automation.
      "Soylent Green" anyone?

      Date and time
      January 12, 2016, 3:39PM
    • The examples provided are for profit making private companies, and reflect the values of those particular companies, rather than society as a whole. If you don't like it, you can always find a job elsewhere that reflects your values, or work in the public service.

      bio logical
      Date and time
      January 12, 2016, 3:41PM
    • Why would The Telegraph want to monitor its journalists? Don't they produce enough crap already?

      Arch File
      Date and time
      January 12, 2016, 4:17PM

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