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Do you have a question about America?
Do you want to know why we do things the way we do?
Are you curious about the real America, not the cheap product you see on TV?
Then Ask An American!
Submissions should be in question form. Your question should be in the title.
Please, no AMA's. AMA's are not what the subreddit is for, since most of them will be very generic. If you want to express some of your background in your answer just say so.
If your post is deemed inflammatory or offensive, it will be removed. Being critical and thought provoking are fine; being vulgar, rude and ignorant and CLAIMING to be critical and thought provoking are not. The basic rule to live by is: don't be a jerk.
There is always a chance your post got caught in the spam filter. If you don't see it, message a mod; we'll be happy to help.
American Redditors! Do you want your state flag to appear by your name? We now support setting your own flair! Simply click the edit button next to your username near the top of this sidebar. We have flair available for all 50 states, all major territories and a great number of major cities!
Think your city should be on the list? Message the mods!
Want to know about Canada, eh? Don't be a hoser, go over to /r/AskACanadian
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[–]brickmausCalifornia 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)