Rand Paul Is So Pissed That He's Been Left Out of the Next Republican Debate

The upcoming Republican presidential debate just did Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina the dirty.

The two were not included in the newly-announced lineup for Thursday’s debate in North Charleston, South Carolina, hosted by Fox Business Network. According to USA Today, the debate will feature the usual cast of coconuts: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz,Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and John Kasich.

Rand Paul, for his part, is not into doing the second-rate debate. He told CNN that he “won’t participate in anything that’s not first tier because we have a first tier campaign.” He also called it a “rotten” thing to do, and has been tweeting angrily about it for the past hour.


Paul is so pissed that he even released a statement responding to the slight:


And there you have it: a candidate whose poll numbers have been consistently abysmal is enraged that he is not given the lectern to deliver speeches to the voters who don’t care about him.

[Image via Twitter]

Contact the author at melissa.cronin@gawker.com.