
Kancolle Wiki

Has Kadokawa ever given an official reason why they don't have any American ships?

  • Seems like there's been some complaints of anti-american sentiment for a while and since the anime aired its heated up a bit more. I didn't think much of it, but after they did their revisionist history on midway it started to seem fishier. So, have they ever given an official reason? They do them selves a lot of favors if they added just one.

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    • It is just like asking, is there any explanation that there are nearly no Disney character from Russia aside from those stories set in there?

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    • As far I know, Kadokawa dont said anything about it direcly, but If you are familiarized with Arpeggio of Blue Steel the answer it should be obvious. Do you know that the game takes place mostly in Japan, right? Seas are owned by the Abyssal Fleet, and for all we know, other nations should be having their own struggle to regain control of their side of the sea; wich means that basically it make not sense having american ships as our allies, at least for now. Probably in the future.

      Second, they dont change the result of Battle of Midway to their favor; Operation MI was part of history and thats it. The game itself does not take place during WW2 and its not about rewrite history to make Japan the good guys.

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    • Because it's a Japanese game made by a Japanese developer for Japanese players. That's really all there is to it.

      And "revisionist history?" Have you cleared 2-4? If so, you won the Battle of the Philippine Sea. With Japanese ships. Despite the real battle being a crushing American victory. You dirty revisionist you.

      But in all seriousness, the battles in-game/the anime are clearly thematically based on actual events, but take place somewhere around the present day.

      If this game were truly anti-American, it would be far more blatant that the enemies are American ships. They'd probably speak English and be red, white, and blue or be hilarious American caricatures.

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    • I have been thinking for a while to respond this thread, okay i give you this. It's your own mindset to think whatever you want about this game, if you really think this game is anti american, anti allied propaganda tool, well go ahead and think like that. If you think this game is a about moe ship girls on another universe where every nation but you happen to be a commander of the japanese fleet that is struggling with the abyssal, then you are free to think like that.

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    • This sort of question is nonsense. It's a Japanese game about Japanese boats. What do you expect? They were under no obligation whatsoever to include any foreign ships, and certainly not to explain why. If this were an American game about American boats, would we be questioning their choices of inclusion?

      I myself would like to see some American boats, but if it never happens, I'm pretty sure it's not due to propaganda.

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    • A couple of months ago, one could ask

      "...why they don't have any Italian ships?"

      Now we're getting an italiana.

      This question is valid if KanColle is shutting down and we can ask why there was never a US ship. But we're still ongoing, the future bears alot of surprises we do not know for now.

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    • The game is not really made "exclusively" for the japanese per's actually open for the world.The problem is you need to understand japanese to play the game lmao.The reason why is there no english is simply a "delay" or they don't have the means to do one.I believe the console port game kancolle kai will have an english version sooner or later.Kadokawa is not known to translate english for their games like what say for example square enix do

      For me why there is no Americans or "allied" ships now is simply it's not their time yet...

      They will come..

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    • I like to think of it as "If we release it now it won't be fun, let's do it like Half-life 3 and let people wish that US ship will show up but it'll be a long long time in the future or never"

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    • wrote: The game is not really made "exclusively" for the japanese per's actually open for the world.The problem is you need to understand japanese to play the game lmao.The reason why is there no english is simply a "delay" or they don't have the means to do one.I believe the console port game kancolle kai will have an english version sooner or later.Kadokawa is not known to translate english for their games like what say for example square enix do

      For me why there is no Americans or "allied" ships now is simply it's not their time yet...

      They will come..

      Isn't region lock telling you something? It is a game made exclusively for Japanese. I doubt they will ever make an english version since it's just not worth it. It would be expensive and expose developers to even more critique from foreigners. There's no need for allied ships either.

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    • Argho wrote: Isn't region lock telling you something?

      I'm not sure about that, DMM was unfortuntely the publisher which had region locking on its netgame module. I'll stop here though coz I don't want to give any more baseless ideas.

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    • Was there any new Anti American post popping out after the anime? The last one I saw was like 2 years ago.

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    • why do someone think the game is open to the world...

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    • I don't expect any allied ships until all notable axis ships are released.

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    • There aren't any American ships because the game is primarily about Japanese ships. Even the Kriegsmarine, despite being allied with the IJN, was only added because they ran out of IJN battleships. Not to mention that culturally they still have a lot of German influences from the period (hence why Japanese actually has several words of German origin, and why German is probably the language after English most likely to be butchered simply because it sounds cool), so they still consider Germany and the Kriegsmarine to be basically heroes rather than invaders and oppressors.

      With these agruments in mind, what good reason would they have for adding USN ships beyond appeasing American's pride? The reason why there are no allied ships in the game is basically the same reason why many western WWII-themed games don't let the players play as the Axis powers.

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    • Watch any Youtube video of historical sinking of moe girls remembering that real people died on those ships

      See "YEEEEEEEEA MURICA!!!" comments. That even gets upvoted on Reddit

      And you wonder why anti-american sentiment exists

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    • It gives more sense if Kadokawa don't release any American ship since during WWII times, Japan, Germany, and Italy (AXIS) are the ones who opposed Aliied Forces, which gives explanations to the release of German ships and an Italian ship in the game (Italian ship will be in the Summer Event update afaik).

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    • The goal of the creators is to draw attention back to the history (and the glories) of their own nation's history. Look to earlier interviews, including Febri 19's KanColle spread, to get a sense for the goals behind the original intent of KanColle. This is a man who is very proud of his country, and as an American, I respect that. 

      Considering the relative measured ways in which they've gone about trying to talk about history, Japanese young people are poking into this time period on an unprecedented scale. This can't possibly be all bad, though as with every other movement, people are driving the discussion from their unique perspectives.

      So, yes, plenty of castigation of America in the historical circles, but no different than other historical discussion boards or threads. Of course, don't expect people to actually dive into things that we know about, either - you won't find anyone talking about I-8 or Tone's perchant for murdering allied sailors. Only the good and heroic and kind stuff that happened. x)

      The addition of Kreigsmarine ships were, as above posters said, because KanColle still was in its infancy. They didn't think they'd last this long, and it's why both Yamato and Musashi are out and available. That being said, you can tell that the Germans feel a bit shoehorned in - mostly because they don't have much to do with the rest of the cast. The recent addition of Yuu-chan is an example of a more experienced dev team, and her presence in KanColle actually (in my opinion) makes a whole lot more sense than Bismarck or Eugen. The players get a loose sense of why she's here, and at least she has non-German friends she can hang out with. 

      What American ship can you realistically introduce the setting without, I dunno, introducing an entire US navy section? Maybe ships like USS Stewart (sank, refloated by IJN). But beyond that, I think it's a long shot. Not to mention plenty of people get kicks out from being the "good guys" - remember from their perspective, we, Americans, are the bad guys here. x) 

      What does the addition of US navy ships do for their player base? Remind them that Japan lost the war historically? Piss off their conservative userbase? Add another moe girl - which they have plenty of choices for, now that the Regia Marina is in? 

      The British are far more likely to get in before the Americans, but I don't think Kadokawa is ready to risk the backlash. People that bitterly dislike America aren't exactly a big part of the fandom, but they are some of the loudest. 

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    • I like to think they're saving American ships for last. Gotta save the best for last, right (I'd imagine American ships will have REALLY good, perhaps gamebreaking, equipment) Perhaps the Americans show up at the end and, combined with the fleets of Britain, Germany, Italy, etc. we are able to rid the Shinseikan once and for all?

      Though in all honesty, I think fears of Anti-American sentiment in this game is overblown. I mean come on, how many games do we Americans release where you can clearly play as the Axis and shoot Americans? I know Company of Heroes is a great example. We Americans also constantly release games where we clearly play as Americans gunning down Germans, Russians, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese. And we're freaking out over whether the Shinseikan could be Americans?

      I hope Kadokawa release American ships one day, just one ship will probably quell this whole debacle.

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    • Ameno Miragu 

      You seem like one of the naive "I don't see anti-american sentiment on (Western) forums (e.g. Wikia, Reddit, Himeuta) therefore it doesn't exist" people. How about looking at JP forums such as 2ch?

      It's really naive to believe that anti-american sentiment doesn't exist and is merely a "myth/debacle"

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    • This thread is ridiculous,It's already been confirmed that they'll be adding ships from multipe nations and they will add US ships eventually, you just need to have patience.

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    • ArcticaFrost
      ArcticaFrost removed this reply because:
      Unnecessary comment
      16:27, April 17, 2015
      This reply has been removed


      We are on Axis side, allies are enemies. Deal with it, fatties.

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    • Do Americans just have a overblown view of themselves? You might as well ask why for example all the Sailor Senshi are Japanese (if we follow their timeline, in essence Japanese are ruling the world in the 30th century). Sometimes, it is a Japanese show is sufficient excuse. Kadokawa may say it doesn't mind foreign admirals, and I believe them, but it could change if we get too noisy.

      As an aside, before we give American ships an unqualified "ethical edge", do consider what we have to do with their submarines, which have Commerce Warfare (in essence, sinking unarmed civilians with the goal of starving more civilians) as their root concept. It is a bit funny to say "killing POWs = bad, killing civvies = good". It is also not like Americans NEVER strafed Japanese in the water (Battle of Bismarck Sea).

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    • wrote:
      Ameno Miragu 

      You seem like one of the naive "I don't see anti-american sentiment on (Western) forums (e.g. Wikia, Reddit, Himeuta) therefore it doesn't exist" people. How about looking at JP forums such as 2ch?

      It's really naive to believe that anti-american sentiment doesn't exist and is merely a "myth/debacle"

      Show me one, just one thread where all the users agreed about being anti-american or that want to keep this game as a symbol of supremacy and japanese patriotism. I dare you.

      Yes, USA is not exactly liked worldwide speaking; xenophobia, racism and discrimination undoubtedly exist, but anyone telling that this game it is encouraging is just being delusional.

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    • If people keep complaining the same thing "Why there are no Allied ships" reason... I much suggest they should make a game dedicated to them... Oh wait... There are lots...

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    • wrote: wrote:
      Ameno Miragu You seem like one of the naive "I don't see anti-american sentiment on (Western) forums (e.g. Wikia, Reddit, Himeuta) therefore it doesn't exist" people. How about looking at JP forums such as 2ch?

      It's really naive to believe that anti-american sentiment doesn't exist and is merely a "myth/debacle"

      Show me one, just one thread where all the users agreed about being anti-american or that want to keep this game as a symbol of supremacy and japanese patriotism. I dare you.

      Yes, USA is not exactly liked worldwide speaking; xenophobia, racism and discrimination undoubtedly exist, but anyone telling that this game it is encouraging is just being delusional.

      A literal two seconds googling "foreign ships" in Japanese gives us little gems like these. Look down to the discussion. While much of it is insightful and neutral, look at how in a thread of only nearly a hundred posts people have expressed concerns for allied ships, ranging from "how are they going to get along with everyone else" to flatly discussing the implications behind adding them. 

      Much of the discussion is polite and generally constructive. Yes, some people want them, but a lot of people still don't. Look at books such as this one appearing on the horizon. KanColle's official collaboration with historical texts exist, but people were unsatisfied with the angle of the narrative. That alone should tell you volumes about its proposed target audience. People have been talking about this book before its inception. Look at the official Cranes III light novel, where the whole point is to pull shenanigans with Midway because change fate. 

      Japanese nationalism doesn't necessarily equate to anti-America sentiment. Nominally speaking, it is the same as any other form of nationalism - including our own. But the definition of historical revisionism is cherry picking bits that support your narrative and your version of the tale, and the amount of cherry picking that goes into KanColle, were this applied to any other historically oriented based game, would set off alarms anywhere else except for Japan. 

      You should know that Japan is still struggling with World War II. The most recent visit by the German Chancellor, Merkel, also comments on this obliquely. Roughly speaking, there's a big enough part of Japan that thinks the war's past them, which is not an opinion held by more than a few other countries (China and South Korea specifically). The Pew Research Center  has some statistics from April of this year that touches on this in more detail. 

      KanColle's had two years to make some sort of a statement about the war, if they so choose to. They were popular and big enough to do this in 2013. They're big enough to do it now. A game this intimately involved with Japan's culture and history's abject silence, coupled with Kadokawa's own higher up's comments about America (also, initiatives for cultural warfare ), paints a picture that's pretty clear to me. 

      Militarism is alive and well. This isn't necessarily the fault of KanColle, but rather Japan's right leaning tendencies in recent years. Whether this translates to anti-whateverism is really up to the reader to decide for themselves. 

      This game has revisionist devs (some would say denialist, but I'm trying to be reasonable here), revisionist artists, and revisionist fans. You're telling me that all these guys who wants to change the "lies" told by the rest of the world don't harbor at least some negative sentiments towards America? x) 

      Mind you, this isn't all of KanColle, but it's certainly a part of KanColle, and to ignore it is doing the fandom (including you) a disservice. 

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    • Morgane of the Mists wrote:

      A literal two seconds googling "foreign ships" in Japanese gives us little gems like these. Look down to the discussion. While much of it is insightful and neutral, look at how in a thread of only nearly a hundred posts people have expressed concerns for allied ships, ranging from "how are they going to get along with everyone else" to flatly discussing the implications behind adding them. 

      Much of the discussion is polite and generally constructive. Yes, some people want them, but a lot of people still don't. Look at books such as this one appearing on the horizon. KanColle's official collaboration with historical texts exist, but people were unsatisfied with the angle of the narrative. That alone should tell you volumes about its proposed target audience. People have been talking about this book before its inception. Look at the official Cranes III light novel, where the whole point is to pull shenanigans with Midway because change fate. 

      Japanese nationalism doesn't necessarily equate to anti-America sentiment. Nominally speaking, it is the same as any other form of nationalism - including our own. But the definition of historical revisionism is cherry picking bits that support your narrative and your version of the tale, and the amount of cherry picking that goes into KanColle, were this applied to any other historically oriented based game, would set off alarms anywhere else except for Japan. 


      This game has revisionist devs (some would say denialist, but I'm trying to be reasonable here), revisionist artists, and revisionist fans. You're telling me that all these guys who wants to change the "lies" told by the rest of the world don't harbor at least some negative sentiments towards America? x) 

      Mind you, this isn't all of KanColle, but it's certainly a part of KanColle, and to ignore it is doing the fandom (including you) a disservice. 

      So you cherry pick bits here and there to make it look like a revisionist game and ignore all the neutral and favorable comments so your argument fits? It works both ways too. Even if that were true, what about all the American history that has been rewritted by themselves in thousands of media so they all look like the good guys and porpusely ommit things like the Japanese Interment Camps in U.S.A. or how Americans got last to claim victory when the rest of the Allies (and Soviets) did most of the job from the beginning?

      Oh right, "revising history" should be something exclusive to the Allies because we all know everything they say was true (riiight!). Who dares to make America look bad even when they don't? We should play the martir role and create threads like this one.

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    • Lastly, here's a question to consider. Is it considered cherry picking if high level leadership in an organization holds such opinions? Shouldn't the face of the company be self-explanatory - i.e. speaking on behalf​ of the organization? Is it considered cherry picking when such positions are supported and endorsed by official works? Is it considered cherry picking when the prime minister of Japan himself holds these opinions?

      Who's doing the cherry picking here, you or me? 

      Moral relativism is not a proper response to arguments I presented above. America's sins are America's sins. Japan's sins are Japan's sins. America commiting wrong does not somehow explain away Japan's own problems or make what the Japanese doing right, which is what these people are doing. 

      Which is also what you're doing, and I'm afraid I simply disagree. 

      You and I know about Japanese American internment camps, or the fact that allied war crimes exist, or that many historians consider the Tokyo fire bombings, for instance, to be one of the most devastating air raids in existence. Nowhere else on the planet exists such a large body of works criticizing America's own ignoble past, and guess what? Most of these historians are American, first and foremost. Thanks to America, you know about these things. While we don't make things easy to find, they exist if you care to look for them. We didn't go out of our way to destroy military records like the IJA or the IJN did.

      Who's doing the right thing here? You tell me. 

      If Japan had the same diversity of opinions and the same level of vibrance in terms of allowing for discourse of different perspectives, you and I won't be having this conversation today. The fact that significant portions of Japanese scholarship deny any forms of wrongdoing and that they aren't fringe elements within the scholarly works should give anyone pause. 

      I'm not writing these posts for you, since you and I clearly agree to disagree. I'm writing these for people who are aware that another side might exist, and to give people a glimpse of things that goes on across the oceans. In my opinion, adding in allies is counterproductive to their own positions and goals, and I don't think they're going to make enough money from it all else considered. 

      As I've said earlier myself. My problem isn't that many derived KanColle works is anti-war. Rather, the message they're sending isn't that "we shouldn't fight a war because war is horrible," but rather: "we shouldn't fight a war we couldn't win." 

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    • All shipgirls share one enemy(abyssal) and the enemy of your enemy is your ally so It's just a matter of time unti American ships get added to kancolle.

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    • I didn't know people still care about who the good guys and who the bad guys were in past wars, I thought they'd all be over it.

      Well, I am neither a Japanese nor an American, but my country was in the war. Philippines, which was occupied and abused by the Japanese (countless of horror stories in history books), but I don't hold any grudge over them, and look now I even play as their ships.

      They should be reminded it is a game, but I guess we can't do anything about it, considering the public unrest with the use of IJN flag on WoWs. I guess people still do react to these kinds of things

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    • wrote:
      Ameno Miragu You seem like one of the naive "I don't see anti-american sentiment on (Western) forums (e.g. Wikia, Reddit, Himeuta) therefore it doesn't exist" people. How about looking at JP forums such as 2ch?

      It's really naive to believe that anti-american sentiment doesn't exist and is merely a "myth/debacle"

      Pretty offended by this accusation. You are assuming that I believe anti-American sentiment absolutely doesn't exist in Japan. All I said is that it is overexaggerated.

      This is the way I see it. No matter what you and I do, there WILL be people in Japan who don't want to believe Japan lost the war/ did wrong/ etc. And guess what? As an American, I wholly support their freedom to believe that. What are you going to do, hawk and bash at them until they cave in? I'd rather let them know who they are and where they stand and be done with it, perhaps one day they will realize they are running against common world knowledge and come to terms with everything.

      Douglas MacArthur had the opportunity when he subjugated Japan right after the war to really hammer into the Japanese that they were bad, the Emperor was guilty, and that Japan should be completely ashamed and made to pay reparations. This was actually the opinion of the American public right after the war. But he didn't, because things were more sure to be peaceful that way. If he had not done things the way he did, I can assure you relations between Japan and the U.S. wouldn't be any better than they are today, and there would still be revisionists/denialists whatever roaming around - just like there are people with conspiracy theories against the U.S. government here in the States. These people want to be proud of their country, which is kinda hard to do when you're born into a country where everyone is telling you that you are an evil-doing loser.

      Morgane of the Mists has things covered pretty well here. This game does take a questionable tone to WW2 and war in general. I can clearly see people here trying to defend Japan (who wouldn't, they made quite a nice game here for us to play, and for free too!) but things are what they are. I'd say let it slide as freedom of expression in a game and move on.

      Moving out of politics, PRACTICAL reasons why American ships are a 'ehh..':

      1. There are a lot of ships. In fact, there are probably more notable American ships than there are Japanese. Adding just one or two noteworthy American ships woudn't do justice to a game like Kantai Collection, though it would spell an end to this "where's American ships?" discussion.

      2. Language. American ships have, of course, English names, and will speak English. This really isn't a problem if we added a couple American ships, but if we wanted to really complete the collection, we'd end up with a roster full of katakana/English-speaking ships. Remember, the target audience of this game is Japanese people.

      3. Their equipment may alter the balance of the game. The Americans as we all know won the war and a good part of it was due in part because better equipment and better crew. Aircraft is a prime offender- god knows what stats a P-38 would have. Also American equipment would be in Imperial units, which could raise a few eyebrows.

      4. Art. Knowing Japan, they'll probably make all American ships blondes/brunettes, you-know-the-drill. It would get kinda awkward filling a roster with a bunch of blondies, I've already got German ships to fill that role. That said, it would be really interesting to see an African American ship -that would be unique.

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    • very off topic, just suddenly come up with the idea that China might want to enact what USA hadn't do (as mentioned by Ameno Miragu) onto Japan.

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    • 1) For the target audience - Japanese - it will be harder to sympathise with American OR Allied kanmusu than with, say, German or Italian girls.

      2) Devs have no obligations to implement US Navy to the game (defeat in the war doesn't count as sufficient reason).

      3) Contrary, there is no proof that there will be no American kanmusu, so there is indeed a possibility of, say, Lady Lex appearing.

      4) I know that I know nothing.

      Всем доброй ночи.

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    • Dandan550 wrote:
      If people keep complaining the same thing "Why there are no Allied ships" reason... I much suggest they should make a game dedicated to them... Oh wait... There are lots...

      But here a none like this one; still I know what you mean.

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    • @Morgane of the Mists 

      >Lastly, here's a question to consider. Is it considered cherry picking if high level leadership in an organization holds such opinions?

      Before we get there, it is not even clear what is so objectionable about your picked links. Google and Apple abusing their very large grasp on the world's market is *not* a new concept even in the West. As for the idea of increasing soft power, again, can't see the need to object here.

      >Moral relativism is not a proper response to arguments I presented above.

      Au contraire, moral relativism is IMHO a very vital part of America's self-image. As you have mentioned, Americans do discuss a great portion of their nasty acts during the war. To *have* this discussion without America looking like a complete bad guy, they need people "under" them. That would probably explain why Americans may be willing to discuss their own problems, but when it comes to Germany (which has taken the road of just bowing as low as possible, thus avoiding this conflict) and Japan ... well, it's in essence a monotrack held with religious conviction.

      There are also certain mental gyrations used to make America the good guy - such as the concept that killing say a hundred civilians with a sword is extreme evil, but the act of killing 100,000 with an A-bomb (for 10-20000 kills per crewmember) is if not perfectly A-OK, at least only mildly objectionable.

      >We didn't go out of our way to destroy military records like the IJA or the IJN did.

      America has not yet lost a war so badly that its military records will be freely rifed and its inconvenient portions held up for all the world to see. Besides, I think the whole "destroy military records" thing is partially a form of wishful thinking - I need incriminating evidence, I can't find it, I assume it is in that pile of ashes (maybe its not there but I don't think about it).

      >If Japan had the same diversity of opinions and the same level of vibrance in terms of allowing for discourse of different perspectives, you and I won't be having this conversation today. The fact that significant portions of Japanese scholarship deny any forms of wrongdoing and that they aren't fringe elements within the scholarly works should give anyone pause. 

      You want diversity of opinion and vibrance in allowing different perspectives, yet you express "pause" (objection) to certain parts of the historian community? Are you self-contradictory here?

      When it comes to discussing Japan's acts in WWII, diversity is in essence only to be found in Japan. Necessarily, not all of it will be in line with the regular narrative. But it shouldn't be expanded to they deny "any" wrongdoing - such exaggeration paints a worse image of the issue than it really is.

      >As I've said earlier myself. My problem isn't that many derived KanColle works is anti-war. Rather, the message they're sending isn't that "we shouldn't fight a war because war is horrible," but rather: "we shouldn't fight a war we couldn't win."

      Which isn't all that different from America's position, who constantly finds reasons to get into another scrape.

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    • And thus Geneva Conventions were born. Sigh..can we honestly blame either side for something which we didn't have any rules for at the time? Don't get me wrong, sins were commited on either side and the reasons for those sins are irrelevant as well as subjective. The fact remains that both sides did what they believed to be right regardless of whether or not it was wrong. I say we shouldn't condem people of today for sins of the past, but I don't (and Im concerned to say this) say we should deny them either. Assessing the severity of how bad something is, is subjective, and doesn't change that it was bad. WW2 was a really terrible time for the world but it happened, the things that happened in that time were even worse.

      Severstal: The Germans aren't playing the "bow your head" game, they've looked back on their actions, even before the end of the war, and saw that what they were doing was pretty messed up, many of them felt that even before the war but if they said anything they "disappeared". They acknowledged that and for the most part I can say we've forgiven them <---- (At least I and many others have.) Up until recently I figured many Japanese and Americans have come to terms with the fact that it all was in the past. But I won't blame them for feeling the way they do, on either side. I personally won't blame anyone of today for things that happened back then, even if they feel those things were the right thing to do; it doesn't change that we all can't do them today.

      If any Germans want to say otherwise, please do. The more honesty the better. (About my statement of the bowing thing...or if you want to support me...matters not.)

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    • The world is not moving around the United States of America and the Kancolle developers. They also cannot move it themselves.

      Just deal with it when you saw trying to move that world is impossible.

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    • Not bringing in politics (and bringing something that's been buried by politically correct talk), I disagree about western-themed combat games being unable to make you play as Axis. You want a somewhat famous game that allows you to play as Axis (besides Company of Heroes)? Go buy yourself a copy of Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3: Battle for Europe and witness as you can play as the Germans and have fun shooting down the 'Muricans/destroying their ships and critical buildings...

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    • if you want example then there are also german/japan production that you can play as allies in wwii setting...examples are just examples

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    • wrote:
      Not bringing in politics (and bringing something that's been buried by politically correct talk), I disagree about western-themed combat games being unable to make you play as Axis. You want a somewhat famous game that allows you to play as Axis (besides Company of Heroes)? Go buy yourself a copy of Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3: Battle for Europe and witness as you can play as the Germans and have fun shooting down the 'Muricans/destroying their ships and critical buildings...

      World of Tanks, Battlefield 1942, Hearts of Iron, I believe even Red Orchestra, as well as Men of War. I Axis do you wanna get? Still, I would like to see a dev team make an Axis campaign, but, within real life's parameters it would be pokey at best.

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    • Let's say, there are many WWII games where you can play as allied on campaigns, there are fewer games where you can play as allies and axis on campaigns, there are almost no games out there where you can only play as axis on campaign. My point is that it's exceptional unique to only feature axis on a game. However, it's not uncommon where games is built around on multiplayer to at least offer a chance to play as axis. But that is just for the sake of the versus mode.  By all mean, i don't think dev team is thinking about hating americans, we will have to see in future if any kind of allied ships will be introduce to the game.

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    • хорошо

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    • Answer is obvious. Make new game, call it "Ship Boys Collection" and it will only have allied ships. Because 'Murica is all about being manly and strong and independent. Problem solved. And then you get to ship ships and write fanfiction about more than just TTK. It'd be a huge hit. 10/10, would play every day. Not sure if serious? I am toast cereal and other assorted breakfast foods. One of your furniture options could even be a singing fish on the wall. Click it and it sings. Who wouldn't want that? Make a spinoff FPS similar to battlestations midway/pacific for consoles and rack in the big monies. Now you've got your American ships, a wildly popular game, and money. Win/Win situation. Plus it might catch DMM's eye and they see American Ships = Money so they will start adding them in. Then you have your American ship girls as well.

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    • Burgers, go away with your paranoia.

      There are multiple American ships in the game already like Prinz or Nagato, no need for more.

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    • Prinz Eugen and Nagato are American ships? I'm a bit confused. I thought Eugen was German and Nagato was Japanese?

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    • They became a war trophy.

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    • wrote:
      Prinz Eugen and Nagato are American ships? I'm a bit confused. I thought Eugen was German and Nagato was Japanese?

      america took them and nuked it, so america had it for a bit after the country surrendered

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    • What's wrong with the dev having an anti-american sentiment? It's their game, they can do whatever they want.

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    • Chenchilla wrote: wrote:
      Prinz Eugen and Nagato are American ships? I'm a bit confused. I thought Eugen was German and Nagato was Japanese?

      america took them and nuked it, so america had it for a bit after the country surrendered

      Funny... Are there any memes about how Nagato took one of those nukes before she went under? I find that fact quite entertaining. "Good try America."

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    • I think depending on how things are handled, adding US girls might actually exacerbate any so-called anti-US sentiment amongst players.

      Case 1: US girls are added and are given noticably superior stats or at least superior equipment.

      Needless to say, the USN supporters would be very pleased, while the ones that don't would grumble, and the ones who don't care either way would just be happy to have some more good shipgirls in the fleet. But this itself will not be the problem. The real issue will not be with the shipgirls themselves but would instead be the players; there will enough trolls and people who simply can't read the bloody mood among the pro-USN folks to make every one of them look bad (just like there will be similar black sheep in every community). Expect these jackasses to go around trumpeting how good their US girls are and how bad everyone else is and that anyone who is fond of a non-USN shipgirl is either a noob or a weeaboo/Nazi-lover, etc etc... You get the idea.

      Naturally this will ignite flamewars between them and the pro-IJN/Kriegsmarine/Regia Marina people. The thing is such childish behaviour will also alienate them from the neutral players who just want to enjoy KanColle as it is. The neutrals will end up either distancing themselves from the pro-US faction or, if riled enough, come to side the anti-US side instead.

      Case 2: US girls are added. For game balance reasons, they are given excellent equipment while their stats that, while good, would place them among the existing upper-tier shipgirls, but not above. In other words, like Prinz Eugen.

      Imho, this is the best way to go. And will the pro-US players take to this arrangement? Imho, the sensible ones will, yes. But once again, there will be those who, out of a misplaced nationalism, complain that Kadokawa deliberately make the US shipgirls weaker because of "anti-US, right-winged sentiments". Why yes, blame everything, including efforts to balance a game, on anti-US sentiments, right. Flimsy as it is, expect these people to use this as their proof of Kadokawa's supposed ultra-nationalist inclinations, and expect them also to be loud, persistent and annoying.

      Frankly speaking, Case 2 is less likely to incite the so-called anti-US sentiment among pro-IJN/KM/RM and neutral players. Still it won't leave a good impression on the pro-USN folks, especially if they let their complaining get out of hand.

      Just my 2 cents. Personally I don't mind having US girls as special "guest stars", which is what every other non-IJN shipgirl is. In fact making them rare and LSC or event exclusive shall make them stand out even more. That said, I feel the Royal Marine should at least come before them, considering Britain's relatively closer ties to Japan prior the war.

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    • Good point, but I'm wondering, would a "historically accurate" USN ship, crammed into Kancolle's scalars even result in something pleasing to an American fanboy?

      The biggest culprit is the cruisers. Even a Baltimore is not actually superior in firepower (9 8-inch), no superiority there. They can then hand out some AA advantage (10 points?), armor and HP (say 5 points each)? You can't really hand out much more on KanColle scalars. The torpedo stat is ZERO. The small advantage in AA, armor and HP cannot compensate for the lack of torpedoes in the game system

      Then we have destroyers. They probably aren't going to do it like Akizuki (whose given stats are more for a one-time specialty ship rather than being proportionate to her real advantage in AA firepower - thus unsuitable for a "common destroyer"), so instead they'll probably use a Yugumo as a base. In essence, what would come out is a weak version of Akizuki. (Uh-oh).

      Then there are aircraft carriers. We quickly run into the problem that every Admiral worthy of his name has a fleet of Reppus against which the Hellcat doesn't have advantage. Perhaps American carriers even attack differently - instead of single strikes with everything, they get one attack for each bomber slot, BUT only that slot is counted in the Firepower calculation, so they get more but weaker attacks - great for taking out destroyers, less good for getting good damage on a battleship.

      So we have Case 3, where US ships are presented in a historically defensible way, but they kind of ... suck, or at least don't mesh with the USN-fanboy's imagination. Cue whinging, cue counter-hate.

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    • Case 4 (prolly best case): U.S. ships get added as temporary allies in an Event a la Arpeggio style. Crazy stats OK (iirc the Arpeggio ships had GREAT stats). No Equipment (Arpeggio units had empty slots iirc), you fit them with your own. Least you get to see U.S. ships an' all. Everyone is happy and the "ooh American ships never showed up" issue dies down.

      The only issue then is art and character. I feel like U.S. ships will inevitably be clones of Atago/Kongo -> blonde + big busoms + gratuitous English. What else is new then?

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    • Why do U.S. ships had to be units with "crazy stats"? Only because of your "yeah America! we won, be proud" ego?. Did their submairnes launched seaplanes? Did their vessels reached Nagato class power and sizes? No, they took all that technology AFTER the Allies (not only the U.S.) won the war because Japanese and German ships were superior. The reason of their lose had to do with war tactics, logistics and of couse the bombing of two cities with thanks to a German (Einstein) that crushed their will to keep fighting.

      At most U.S. ships if they reach KanColle should be regular units with a high luck stat. No more, no less.

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    • imo the non-inclusion of WW II USN ships is because just like how the IJN is active on this side of the globe, they too are defending American waters from abyssal attacks (they have 2 sides to defend too, atlantic and pacific. probably defending Canada and Latin America as well. Europe is probably handled mostly by British, Dutch, French and possibly the Russians, leaving the Germans and Italians free to send reinforcements down to these waters). maybe they're too busy with their own problems to send reinforcements.

      or maybe they don't even have shipgirls? take Strike Witches, for example. the one who developed a Striker Unit that allows witches to fight the alien invaders is a Fusoan (japanese), after which each country developed their own version of the Striker Unit based on their respective historical fighter planes. While there's no proof that only Japan, Germany and Italy has Shipgirl 'tech', but there's no proof that Royal Navy and US Navy has the 'tech' as well.

      just my 2 cents on the matter.

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    • This is not a WWII simulator.  There is no Axis or Allies.  If that was the case I could understand why no USN or RN.  Since this is not a WWII game, but a game with WWII ships, the question is why no Allied ships.  I would think this would be the perfect opportunity to have a game where we were united fighting a common enemy, but I guess I am in the minority.  But if this game is in the present time, which it seems, I wonder why Japan's closest military ally is not in it.       

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    • This whole post is bait.

      This is japanese theme game from japan for japanese people not for us alien (foreign player). They doesn't have any obligatory to add murican ship  or any ship from other nation and we doesn't have any authority to demand devs to add some murica/other nation ship just because there's player from US (remember, we're just alien in kancolle). Devs will and always do whatever they want. We just need to play like normal and take anything they give.

      If you want some murica ship, why not making your own ship collection.

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    • 99% (I won't say 100% because of some hipsters) of the Americans will unwaveringly be "For" Allied ships as some sort of nationalistic Murican pride. @ you're not a "minority". You're just an American.

      Just something for you americans to think about. If you want to hear less from the "against" side (I know you guys detest them for poking at your "dreams"). You guys should stop whining about "Why no american ships" every bloody month.

      There's a really vocal lot of you (and some other western worshippers) that speak like you're entitled to an American ship. "devs. why no american ships" and all those whiney statements. Just look at OP's text and you can see that he already speaks like the devs owe americans an explanation as to why there are no american ships in the game. Of course that is going to provoke a hateful response from some people

      tl;dr: want less hate? don't bait

        Loading editor
    • wrote:
      This is not a WWII simulator.  There is no Axis or Allies.  If that was the case I could understand why no USN or RN.  Since this is not a WWII game, but a game with WWII ships, the question is why no Allied ships.  I would think this would be the perfect opportunity to have a game where we were united fighting a common enemy, but I guess I am in the minority.  But if this game is in the present time, which it seems, I wonder why Japan's closest military ally is not in it.       

      I think that is what draws most Americans to the initial question. However, if was an appropriate simulator then I don't think many people would have an issue but it isn't and its set to present day so...why isn't the US helping the Japanese? See, that's what makes many ask the question in the first place; Nationalism aside, the USA and Japan are allies in many things regardless of how the civs feel about each other.

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    • As Japan is one pacific away from USA and pacific is now full of abyssal.

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    • C933103 wrote:
      As Japan is one pacific away from USA and pacific is now full of abyssal.

      There is so much wrong with this simple reason I'm beginning to wonder if you're trolling. It didn't seem to stop the Germans and if you say they came by land then whats stopping the US from sending ship girls by air? Any way, if you'd put a little imagination into your reasons, maybe they would be serviceable, but all of your posts just seem...hate filled, or pure trolling. Either way...I seriously regret responding to this thread. *Sighs*

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    • >It didn't seem to stop the Germans

      Germans obviously took the internal maritime route from North Sea something like: Germany->Belgium> England> France> Portugal> Morocco> Italy> Greece> Egypt> Saudi Arabia> Djibouti> India> Sri Lanka> Indonesia> Singapore> Brunei> Philippines> Taiwan> Japan

      Italian ships will follow the same route.

      >whats stopping the US from sending ship girls by air?

      Abyssal air force (?)

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    • Just a Simple Merchant wrote:
      C933103 wrote:
      As Japan is one pacific away from USA and pacific is now full of abyssal.
      There is so much wrong with this simple reason I'm beginning to wonder if you're trolling. It didn't seem to stop the Germans and if you say they came by land then whats stopping the US from sending ship girls by air? Any way, if you'd put a little imagination into your reasons, maybe they would be serviceable, but all of your posts just seem...hate filled, or pure trolling. Either way...I seriously regret responding to this thread. *Sighs*

      German ships OP? Lol jk, on a more serious note though, it could be ala Arpeggio-style where communications w/ other countries are kinda strained because of the enemies(in this case the abyssals) in the way of shooting down anything that might be related to communications. If the abyssals can shoot down a ton of fighter planes, what would give you the hopes to even attempt to ship ship girls by air?

      ...just a random bypassers thoughts

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    • For those Americans who are supporting an Arpeggio theory in their bid to make American ships plausible

      Since the maps where our kanmusus meet the Abyssals ships are based on real life maps. Where do you propose the Americans are fighting the Abyssals? Iron Bottom Sounds and Midways not even geographically close to their real life counterparts? Could  it be that the world is warped into separate dimensions? Or maybe they do take turns fighting at that location but never seem to run into each other?

      There's so many plot holes with that theory

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    • wrote: For those Americans who are supporting an Arpeggio theory in their bid to make American ships plausible

      Since the maps where our kanmusus meet the Abyssals ships are based on real life maps. Where do you propose the Americans are fighting the Abyssals? Iron Bottom Sounds and Midways not even geographically close to their real life counterparts? Could  it be that the world is warped into separate dimensions? Or maybe they do take turns fighting at that location but never seem to run into each other?

      There's so many plot holes with that theory

      Hawaii and the American West Coast would be prime targets for Abyssal attacks, to say nothing of them cutting south and attacking Central and South America.

      And for all we know, Abyssal forces could be in the Atlantic as well, in which case American and British kanmusu could be defending their respective sides of the pond.

      It's all academic anyway; the game has absolutely zero plot and as far as I know none of the expanded material has done anything to build on what KanColle!Earth as a whole is like. Conjecture and theory is all we've got, so of course there will be plot holes. Because the entire game is one big plot hole itself.

        Loading editor
    • wrote:
      For those Americans who are supporting an Arpeggio theory in their bid to make American ships plausible

      Since the maps where our kanmusus meet the Abyssals ships are based on real life maps. Where do you propose the Americans are fighting the Abyssals? Iron Bottom Sounds and Midways not even geographically close to their real life counterparts? Could  it be that the world is warped into separate dimensions? Or maybe they do take turns fighting at that location but never seem to run into each other?

      There's so many plot holes with that theory

      Thing is, for one, I'm not a murikan.

      Two I never ment it to be a full Arpeggio theory, I was using it as an example hence the use of ala, though I should have said a-la, my bads. Let me elaborate for you, if you didn't get the point from the start, here, I'll even dumb it down for you.

      Abyssals occupying all of the seas -> All countries w/ any naval power are busy w/ their own shit. -> Too busy w/ own shit/etc/shit that messes w/ long distance communications = magically an Arpeggio theory. hmm... interesting. and the whole point of that was just to say "bruh, send ships by air, expect to get shot outta the sky... like a turkey."

      Three I care not for murikan ships, if they do come, I'd have them, but probably never really use them. if they don't come, big deal.

      You want plot? Just look at Yamatos chest. also What Spartan-055 said.

      anything else Good Sir?

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    • So because there's a "plot hole". It's okay to create more plot holes? Classic Hollywood script writing there Yeah you're Canadian. Close enough /s I'm just helping you make your theory more concrete but you're taking it the wrong way. 

      The maps in the game are based around real WW2 maneuvers of the IJN. What would Americans defending against the Abyssals be like? 10 maps of "Patrol the American West Coast"? or maybe Fictional battles? Kancolle has already visited the Aleuthian Islands and surprise surprise they didn't come into contact with American Kanmusu (if they are any).

      I suppose "Hunt the submarines" is plausible because of I-25, I-26 submarine operations on the West Coast. So Kancolle (American ver.) will have the mighty Americans struggling against the small Aleuthian islands task force and a few submarines?

      Next, someone is probably going to suggest "IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE AROUND WW2 MANEUVERS" i bet. Reality check: This game is based on WW2 ships and always had WW2 Maneuvers as maps

        Loading editor
    • wrote: So because there's a "plot hole". It's okay to create more plot holes? Classic Hollywood script writing there Yeah you're Canadian. Close enough /s I'm just helping you make your theory more concrete but you're taking it the wrong way. 

      The maps in the game are based around real WW2 maneuvers of the IJN. What would Americans defending against the Abyssals be like? 10 maps of "Patrol the American West Coast"? or maybe Fictional battles? Kancolle has already visited the Aleuthian Islands and surprise surprise they didn't come into contact with American Kanmusu (if they are any).

      I suppose "Hunt the submarines" is plausible because of I-25, I-26 submarine operations on the West Coast. So Kancolle (American ver.) will have the mighty Americans struggling against the small Aleuthian islands task force and a few submarines?

      Next, someone is probably going to suggest "IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE AROUND WW2 MANEUVERS" i bet. Reality check: This game is based on WW2 ships and always had WW2 Maneuvers as maps

      Let me get clarification on something: are you refuting the idea of American ships being added to the game, or the idea of American kanmusu existing in the KanColle world at all? Or are you they type for whom those are the same thing?

      Which leads back to my "plot hole" point: KanColle has no story, but it does have a concept to build off of (personified/reincarnated WWII ships fighting cyborgs/aliens/zombies in what may or may not be the present-ish day). It's natural for fans to take that concept and run with it. In short, KanColle's story is what you, the player, make of it. You can deride it as "fan-fiction" or some such but that's just how it is.

      As far as American ships being added in the game, you're 100% right; it wouldn't make much sense seeing as how we've only seen Axis vessels and our battlefields so far have indeed been entirely Pacific Theater combat sites. Adding American ships would either require laying down some sort of plotline to justify it, or just confirm once and for all that KanColle never had a story and the devs just sort of do what they want.

      As far as American kanmusu existing in some nebulous KanColle world outside of what we see in the game, well....YMMV. I and others say they do, while some may say they don't. It just depends on if you invest some imagination in this game or take it at face-value. Personally, I love me a good story, and if no story exists for a concept I find interesting, I'll make my own.

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    • Spartan-055 

      I'm currently at a neutral viewpoint that does not really care but I'm swaying towards the "against" side because of the way some American players are acting like they are owed american ships, gripe about it every other week and start formulating poor plotlines to hype each other and themselves into thinking American ships will eventually be added into the game. 

      I'm expecting to be convinced by good theories and plotlines but I find myself disappointed by some people returning with salt and contractidictory statements rather than good arguments. (Contradictory as in offering a plot and then completely turning about and saying "Lol who needs a Plot" like that canadian fella)

      I suppose a Present day storyline is plausible. But I guess if it sticks to a mindless no plot WW2 Reincarnated ships vs Strange Abyssal Ships that's fine too. With an anime series though, there will probably be a plot (which may be horrible looking at Season 1). We just have to wait and see I guess. I'm probably expecting too much anyway

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    • Most kancolle derivative stories, as far as i read, use either of below to explain the origin of kancolle: a.) reincarnate of ww2 ship in present day universe, b.)reincarnate into parallel universe, c.)civilian girls wear gears and share their memories and soul with wwii ships, d.) no explanation at all.

      And as for abyssal ships, they are, a.)allien, or b.) reincarnation of negative image of kanmusus c.)death kanmusus looking for revenge, but all a,b,c, are all suspicion within those different series with the only thing clear being once upon a time those abyssals suddenly pop out of the sea, cutting off transportation and communication over the sea.

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    • Just a Simple Merchant wrote:

      C933103 wrote:
      As Japan is one pacific away from USA and pacific is now full of abyssal.

      There is so much wrong with this simple reason I'm beginning to wonder if you're trolling. It didn't seem to stop the Germans and if you say they came by land then whats stopping the US from sending ship girls by air? Any way, if you'd put a little imagination into your reasons, maybe they would be serviceable, but all of your posts just seem...hate filled, or pure trolling. Either way...I seriously regret responding to this thread. *Sighs*

      by air? like in wwii, why do japan contact german by subs instead of air? i think it'd be better for you to look it up

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    • Frankly, asking this question is a bit like asking "Why the heck are China and Korea completely unrepresented in Girls und Panzer? I mean, even frigging Bulgaria got a schoolship!"

      On the one hand, in a way the question is understandable on a visceral level. On the other hand, there is no particular reason for there to BE a Chinese or Korean schoolship. They just happen to not have one in Japan or it isn't big enough to run Senshado. Case closed. The story doesn't get internally inconsistent or anything like that without them.

      From a external view, it is also extremely tricky to write it up in an uncontroversial way.

      And all this applies to KanColle as well.

      If anything, perhaps anyone that wants American shipgirls should make a strong case of why the world needs them or will be measurably improved by having them beyond "More shipgirls = Better". And if you are just going to go with "It'll dispel right-wing notions", please note that this is in effect blackmail of sorts by linking unrelated concepts to the game to try and get what you want.

        Loading editor
    • C933103 wrote:
      Most kancolle derivative stories, as far as i read, use either of below to explain the origin of kancolle:

      a.) reincarnate of ww2 ship in present day universe, b.)reincarnate into parallel universe, c.)civilian girls wear gears and share their memories and soul with wwii ships, d.) no explanation at all.

      And as for abyssal ships, they are, a.)allien, or b.) reincarnation of negative image of kanmusus c.)death kanmusus looking for revenge, but all a,b,c, are all suspicion within those different series with the only thing clear being once upon a time those abyssals suddenly pop out of the sea, cutting off transportation and communication over the sea.

      There, thats some imagination. As for the airdrop bit, that was a ludicrous suggestion on my part but if it is "present day" in the Kancolle universe then I wouldn't think its a problem, however in the WW2 setting (or at least in regards to technology) then the problem would be obvious.

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    • I kinda feel bad for the OP...but the unfortunate matter is that Kadokawa hasn't and most likely (don't quote me on this) give us a reason for it. At this point I understand how newcomers are curious and why old timers are pissed at it. My personal vote is hopefully Kadokawa will give us a reason in the future...and that it'll be tied to the lore, but we can only hope, imagine, and create these darn forum posts that are so juicy to read. I'm never responding to one of these again.

        Loading editor
    • wrote:

      Next, someone is probably going to suggest "IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE AROUND WW2 MANEUVERS" i bet. Reality check: This game is based on WW2 ships and always had WW2 Maneuvers as maps

      The reason this game is based so heavily off WWII isn't just for WWII's sake, but it's also the only tangible outline for Japan protecting itself and the Western Pacific. The kanmusu being WWII ships are likely because it was the last time surface fleets were used, and held in balance by multiple countries (not to mention, the height of Japanese international presence, and the whole reincarnation cycle deal). Once we run out of historical battles (particularly since we -didn't- lose Midway, and -are- advancing across the Pacific) I'm sure we'll get to a stage or at least an event where we meet the USN and besiege the Abyssal Stronghold/Portal.

      The above is actually a very good reason why we -don't- have a USN storyline, the Americas have never been navally assaulted en-masse with a modern navy, so the "Kancolle of America" would be nearly entirely made up. The USN is probably single-handedly defending those continents, like we are with Asia. Europe has so many historical navies (and the most powerful navy at that time - Britain) so they could probably spare sending a few ships from the less well-equipped navies (who as we've seen just happen to be the Axis) to help out the Japanese. By this reasoning we might see British (who, we know from Kongo, was at one point friendly enough to do so before) ships before we see American. Africa is actually quite well defensible by sea (part of the reason why it's called the Dark Continent, not because of the color of the peoples' skin there)

      As for why we didn't send a sub out to America yet to do like what we did with Europe/Germany? perhaps because it's a longer, more dangerous trek, since it would be a lot more open ocean in the direction of the Abyssal's Stronghold, whereas the trip to Europe is "just" a run across our territories, across the edge of the Indian Ocean and up through the Mediterranian (Just because the original I-8 went the long way doesn't mean we have to)

      TL;DR - American ships are plausibly available in the future, just expect them about the same time as Shinano, lol

        Loading editor
    • Swordweaver wrote: wrote:

      Next, someone is probably going to suggest "IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE AROUND WW2 MANEUVERS" i bet. Reality check: This game is based on WW2 ships and always had WW2 Maneuvers as maps

      The reason this game is based so heavily off WWII isn't just for WWII's sake, but it's also the only tangible outline for Japan protecting itself and the Western Pacific. The kanmusu being WWII ships are likely because it was the last time surface fleets were used, and held in balance by multiple countries (not to mention, the height of Japanese international presence, and the whole reincarnation cycle deal). Once we run out of historical battles (particularly since we -didn't- lose Midway, and -are- advancing across the Pacific) I'm sure we'll get to a stage or at least an event where we meet the USN and besiege the Abyssal Stronghold/Portal.

      The above is actually a very good reason why we -don't- have a USN storyline, the Americas have never been navally assaulted en-masse with a modern navy, so the "Kancolle of America" would be nearly entirely made up. The USN is probably single-handedly defending those continents, like we are with Asia. Europe has so many historical navies (and the most powerful navy at that time - Britain) so they could probably spare sending a few ships from the less well-equipped navies (who as we've seen just happen to be the Axis) to help out the Japanese. By this reasoning we might see British (who, we know from Kongo, was at one point friendly enough to do so before) ships before we see American. Africa is actually quite well defensible by sea (part of the reason why it's called the Dark Continent, not because of the color of the peoples' skin there)

      As for why we didn't send a sub out to America yet to do like what we did with Europe/Germany? perhaps because it's a longer, more dangerous trek, since it would be a lot more open ocean in the direction of the Abyssal's Stronghold, whereas the trip to Europe is "just" a run across our territories, across the edge of the Indian Ocean and up through the Mediterranian (Just because the original I-8 went the long way doesn't mean we have to)

      TL;DR - American ships are plausibly available in the future, just expect them about the same time as Shinano, lol

      You have a good point that actually WWII PacWar is a good template for a Japanese led "liberation" campaign (The Great Asia Co-Prosperity sphere 70 or so years after the first attempt).

      One must wonder, however, at how the Americans (if they exist) are doing. The fact we can actually have Midway and Aleutian campaigns suggest the Americans are at best doing well enough to keep their "core" free, and can't assemble forces to retake even the peripheries of their home ground. Alaska may already be Abyssal Central.

      Considering America is the world's biggest navy by a large margin, one must wonder why this is the case.

      Come of think of it, since we are doing Quasi-New Guinea operations in World 5, isn't it almost time we bumped into the Australian Navy?

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    • probably Australian Navy was back then legally British. i mean, if they still have the UK flag on their national flag, it's saying something. but i dunno. probably devs just don't want to touch allied navies at all for now?

      like i said above... if we look at Strike Witches for... at least something close enough to the answer, they're probably busy on their own fronts.

      America and Australia are countries larger than Japan. probably they're more worried on protecting themselves (Americas include Canada and Latin America. not to mention Atlantic Ocean might be teeming with Abyssals as well, so probably they really have their hands full). the same as Europe with (probably) Russia, France and UK (and maybe even Netherlands) in charge.

      the presence of the above mentioned big names is probably why Germany (mostly land-locked) and Italy (in the Mediterranean) is good to go to send reinforcements while the US Navy has their hands full with their own issues.

      also, USN world war II torpedos suck (the main reason why Taiho has an extremely low stats. she was hit by one such torpedo near her fuel tank), so probably USN kanmusus has a more difficult time given that in the KanColle continuity, as torpedo damage is the source of night battle damage.

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    • C933103 wrote:

      And as for abyssal ships, they are, a.)allien, or b.) reincarnation of negative image of kanmusus c.)death kanmusus looking for revenge, but all a,b,c, are all suspicion within those different series with the only thing clear being once upon a time those abyssals suddenly pop out of the sea, cutting off transportation and communication over the sea.

      It's funny how it looks to me that you people seem to be completely in denial that the abyssal could be the USN.

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    • ^ there's DD hime that is obviously Harusame

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    • @Armjoen told that to those who write novel and draw comic for kadokawa, i am only summarizing them

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    • @Manuk51a

      She has 5inch Dual Cannon (e.g. and 22inch Torpedo Mk.II (, looks like USN/RN based equipment.

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    • >It's funny how it looks to me that you people seem to be completely in denial that the abyssal could be the USN.

      Chi Class, DD Hime and Light Cruiser Demon says sup'

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    • And my kaga is currently equipping some Ju87C kai, does that mean i am playing german?

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    • @C933103

      You playing as a TTK, obviously Japanese (at least everybody around you speak mostly in japanese :)), IJN ship having Ju87 is ok (they were on the same team after all). I'm just saying that there is only Japanese/German ships (Verniy being the only exception) having Japanese/German equipment, while vessels have USN/RN based equipment.

      Correct me if it is wrong.

        Loading editor
    • Actually,

      Also, as Hibiki/Verniy was given to USSR after WW2, Kongou was constructed in Britain in 1911 (so you have it, Kongou obaa-chan :)), so they speak Russian and English a bit.

        Loading editor
    • がか wrote:

      She has 5inch Dual Cannon (e.g. and 22inch Torpedo Mk.II (, looks like USN/RN based equipment.

      They not just "looks like", those are USN/RN equipment, you know, just like...basically most of the abyssal equipment?

      All the “abyssals are american” theory was weak from the beginning because Chi class existed and IJN was the only one with Torpedo Cruisers. The addition of DD Hime to the game caused the theory itself started to goes down, because its more probable that she’s in fact Harusame than a random USA ship. The theory of abyssal are sunken ships fits more with this approximation and covers the part of equipment with the use of random parts from all the ships sunken in the sea.

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    • I think the bottom line is that it's just a game. You can look at it and see that KC is leaving a lot of rich material on the table vis a vis the shared history of the IJN and USN, and be disappointed, but their responsibility to history ends there.

      If you're interested in WWII there are plenty of books about it, and the lack of representation in a moe browser game is really nothing to get worked up over. It does nothing to harm the real, actual history between these two great naval powers, which is enduring. In twenty years no one will remember this thing, while they'll still be talking about the real events.

      FWIW, I think they have a plan to introduce American ships once interest in the game starts to wane. That would make the most sense from a marketing perspective, and you'd expect it to be a more organized push than the dribbling out of Axis ships currently happening. Best candidates would be from USN 1942, which is the best match for KanColle--roughly balanced and tons of shared history through victory and defeat.

        Loading editor
    • > Chi class existed and IJN was the only one with Torpedo Cruisers

      Point taken, didn't know about this.

      > The theory of abyssal are sunken ships fits more with this approximation and covers the part of equipment with the use of random parts from all the ships sunken in the sea.

      Not from all, as you said:

      > those are USN/RN equipment, you know, just like...basically most of the abyssal equipment

      This part still should be explained somehow (why they just switched to USN/RN equipment, here, not random at all).

        Loading editor
    • Manuk51a wrote:
      probably Australian Navy was back then legally British. i mean, if they still have the UK flag on their national flag, it's saying something. but i dunno. probably devs just don't want to touch allied navies at all for now?

      The Royal Australian Navy in WW2 was owned and operated by Australia. The Union Jack on the flag signifies that the country is a member of the British Commonwealth but it'd been a sovereign nation for nearly 40 years by the time WW2 broke out. The RAN ships were initially under the command of (but not owned by) the British Admiralty but after the war in the Pacific broke out and Japan basically destroyed the British presence in the area, the RAN were basically under independent command or collaborated with the USN.

      You might have been getting confused with New Zealand - up until 1941 New Zealand's navy was a branch of the British Navy and early in WW2 the bulk of their personnel were assigned to British ships.

        Loading editor
    • wrote:

      They not just "looks like", those are USN/RN equipment, you know, just like...basically most of the abyssal equipment?

      All the “abyssals are american” theory was weak from the beginning because Chi class existed and IJN was the only one with Torpedo Cruisers.

      To be fair, I'm not sure how many points I should give that. Yes, something called a Chi-class torpedo cruiser is there, but the stats say it is more an ordinary cruiser with a shifted bias.

        Loading editor
    • がか wrote:

      This part still should be explained somehow (why they just switched to USN/RN equipment, here, not random at all).

      Not an expert, but if I recall correctly not all the abyssal equipment are from those navies. 20inch Twin Cannon for example, only existed as prototype in IJN and Kriegsmarine.

      Severstal wrote:
      To be fair, I'm not sure how many points I should give that. Yes, something called a Chi-class torpedo cruiser is there, but the stats say it is more an ordinary cruiser with a shifted bias.

      >stats say it is more an ordinary cruiser with a shifted bias.

      >No planes slots

      >100 torpedo base stat at flagship form

      Yes, totally an "ordinary cruiser".

      She need a midget sub equipped to do a preventive torpedo salvo, just like Kitakami, Ooi and Kiso. If devs don't give her Abyssal Cuttlefish Torpedo as default equipment is probably just to made or lives easiest. To give a mere example, Elite form will taiha anything that is not a battleship and flagship version will literally torn apart even Yamato class in line ahead. Howerever, If there will be a Remodeled Flagship in future, it's probably that she will have a midget sub since that didn't stop devs use it on Re Class tho.

        Loading editor
    • wrote:
      >100 torpedo base stat at flagship form

      Yes, totally an "ordinary cruiser".

      She need a midget sub equipped to do a preventive torpedo salvo, just like Kitakami, Ooi and Kiso. If devs don't give her Abyssal Cuttlefish Torpedo as default equipment is probably just to made or lives easiest. To give a mere example, Elite form will taiha anything that is not a battleship and flagship version will literally torn apart even Yamato class in line ahead. Howerever, If there will be a Remodeled Flagship in future, it's probably that she will have a midget sub since that didn't stop devs use it on Re Class tho.

      Oh, OK, the later forms, yes, but the early form is just 18 to 48, while say a To-class CL is 24 to 28. Oi and Kitakami when they first are torp cruisers start out at like 8 to 80. In comparison, it is more of a shifted bias.

      It doesn't help that you really barely notice the plane in game. While you can at least feel the torpedoes, you only really notice the dinky little recon plane on your side. No one bothers to tell you "We've been spotted by an Abyssal recce plane".

      In any case, I don't see how the presence of one slightly IJN-ish class compensates for all those "5-inch guns" or "Hellcats" or the "22-inch" torpedoes it carries.

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    • As according to the setting, no one know anything about those abyssal and even their name are given b according to Irohs, i am sure these weapon destinations are the way they named by gamers side instead of abyssal side.

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    • Oh, OK, the later forms, yes, but the early form is just 18 to 48, while say a To-class CL is 24 to 28. Oi and Kitakami when they first are torp cruisers start out at like 8 to 80. In comparison, it is more of a shifted bias.

      It doesn't help that you really barely notice the plane in game. While you can at least feel the torpedoes, you only really notice the dinky little recon plane on your side. No one bothers to tell you "We've been spotted by an Abyssal recce plane".

      In any case, I don't see how the presence of one slightly IJN-ish class compensates for all those "5-inch guns" or "Hellcats" or the "22-inch" torpedoes it carries.

      Basic form has 44 torpedo base, Elite has 62 and Flagship 100.

      To Class has 26 and Elite form has 46.

      You are probably dont have their base stats clear because the equippement:

      It surely does not compensate it but its a fact, and I find strange that someone ignore it just to blindly believe that all Abyssals are american ships and then uses it as part of why we dont have an USN ship in game discussion.

      Back then when DD Hime was added to the game, I remember that people literally rage and bash the dev team, foreigners and japanese players equally, because according to them they ruin the game spirit for giving hints that she could be Harusame. To me, thats pretty much extreme and unnecessary.

      Nobody knows what exactly Abyssals are in game canon and probably we as players not gonna know for sure soon. Like others said they could be aliens, monsters, biological weapons, sunken ships and some of them american ships. In my opinion, we as a player base need to be open minded.

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    • i hope they will never add in any american ships in the game...

      adding USN ships or any allies ships in Kancolle is just like marrying a guy who rape you~~ pls don't

      and i also do not wish to see too many non-asian looking characters appear in the game...

      and this is a japanese game after all... they have all the sayings... they do not bear the obligation to listen to American's opinion about their own games...

        Loading editor
    • wrote:

      adding USN ships or any allies ships in Kancolle is just like marrying a guy who rape you~~ pls don't

      It's more like they fought the biggest guy at a bar, lost, and then later realized he was a pretty decent person and wound up becoming friends.

      The US and Japan are allies now, and the war was a long time ago. Kadokawa has proven they can laugh about it with KanColle. There's plenty of fun to be made of the USN too--like the Battle of the Five Sitting Ducks.

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    • Oh, curses. Once more I'm late to the party. I hope this is okay.

      Ameno Miragu wrote:
      Case 4 (prolly best case): U.S. ships get added as temporary allies in an Event a la Arpeggio style. Crazy stats OK (iirc the Arpeggio ships had GREAT stats). No Equipment (Arpeggio units had empty slots iirc), you fit them with your own. Least you get to see U.S. ships an' all. Everyone is happy and the "ooh American ships never showed up" issue dies down.

      The only issue then is art and character. I feel like U.S. ships will inevitably be clones of Atago/Kongo -> blonde + big busoms + gratuitous English. What else is new then?

      Well, if I'm not out of line here, I did come up with a USS Colorado a while ago who doesn't match that stereotype. I mean, yes, she's a battleship, so has mountainous diddies. But her hair is ruddy, and her personality is "moody attention whore who rephrases events to make herself look better than anyone, hates Maryland for it technically being her class, and is always telling everyone else to be jealous of her enormous guns". Hyperbitch? Yes. But does she sound like an Atago/Kongou clone? It's not that hard, and that's just going off one potential dimension (copy personality from namesake state). The question is really whether or not they'll want to bother.

      I see a lot of good points on both sides, but my own feelings have stayed the same. The rest of the Big 7 would be an appropriate amount of Allied ships. But if the devs don't want to include Allied ships, even if there's no more reason than "don't feel like it" or even if it is bad blood, then it's not our place as not even Japanese ourselves to complain about it in a Japanese game where the inclusion or not of any non-Japanese ships is entirely at their discretion. Debate and speculate, yes fine, that's the nature of consumer reaction to product. But the phrasing of the thread question is at best not well-thought out and at worst an unreasonable demand. If it's about the boats for us, there's already a team making all sorts of historically-accurate Amerikanmusu. What more could we possibly ask for?

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    • Spartan-055 wrote:
      Because it's a Japanese game made by a Japanese developer for Japanese players. That's really all there is to it.

      And "revisionist history?" Have you cleared 2-4? If so, you won the Battle of the Philippine Sea. With Japanese ships. Despite the real battle being a crushing American victory. You dirty revisionist you.

      But in all seriousness, the battles in-game/the anime are clearly thematically based on actual events, but take place somewhere around the present day.

      If this game were truly anti-American, it would be far more blatant that the enemies are American ships. They'd probably speak English and be red, white, and blue or be hilarious American caricatures.

      I don't think it's explicitly Anti-American, but I do think it's uncanny they only use German and Japanese ships. Japanese ships alone I could see but when they start using foreign ships and only exclusively German ones...that's two axis nations mind you, and none from the US, none from Britain, none from France (Imagine the French "Terrible" meeting Shimakaze lol), I can't help but think they might be...favouring them for a reason. You do know that Japan tries to depict themselves in lighter manner in respect to world war 2....I almost want to say this is borderline indirect glorification or at the least romantification of the Imperial navy and maybe naval power of the axis in general....I wouldn't be so bold to directly state this, but I still can't help but find the circumstances uncanny..

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    • Roadside Picnic wrote:

      I don't think it's explicitly Anti-American, but I do think it's uncanny they only use German and Japanese ships. Japanese ships alone I could see but when they start using foreign ships and only exclusively German ones...that's two axis nations mind you, and none from the US, none from Britain, none from France (Imagine the French "Terrible" meeting Shimakaze lol), I can't help but think they might be...favouring them for a reason.

      if you look at it even further back to the reason WHY Japan decided to go to war (an irrational decision considering Japan's overstretching and US's industrial might back then in 1941), it was because they needed resources and a place to sell their goods and the US is the one who gave them sanctions, leading to economical stuffocation of Imperial Japan.

      Franklin D. Roosevelt's decision to impose an embargo on U.S. oil exports (which the Japanese economy was critically dependent on), which was meant to deter Japan from expanding their empire, actually has a opposite effect and made Japan launch a desperate attack on South East Asia, which was controlled by the British and the Dutch (who needs the resources there to continue their war effort to resist Germany's advance in Europe). By mid-1941 Japanese leaders believed that war with the United States was inevitable and that it was imperative to seize the East Indies, which offered a substitute for dependency on American oil.

      U.S. attempts to deter Japanese expansion via the imposition of harsh economic sanctions, redeployment of the U.S. Fleet from southern California to Pearl Harbor, and the dispatch of B-17 long-range bombers to the Philippines all failed because the US insisted that Japan evacuate both Indochina and China as the price for a restoration of U.S. trade. America demanded, in effect, that Japan abandon its empire, and, by extension, its aspiration to become a great power, and submit to the economic dominion of America - something obviously no self-respecting Japanese leader could accept.

      all in all, the root problem lies on both sides. the US for being an asshole, the Japanese for their honor (and not considering diplomatic solution besides war). and if you look at it from that point of view, obviously Japan holds US responsible for making them fight a war that they know they wouldn't win if it takes too long. it's either a do or die decision for them, which is given to them by the late President Roosevelt.

      copied from :

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    • I always thought Abyssal fleet represent American ships and german and italian ships are introduced because they were allies.

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    • By Castor's moustache, what a can of worms this discussion turned into. Can we leave political discussion out of the whole damn game? It's just a game of moe antropomorphized shipgirls from the IJN, Kriegsmarine and Regia Marina, let's just leave it at that shall we?

      Just so you know, just because America is accused of traits of racism, xenophobia etc. Several other countries are guilty of it. So don't go trying to pretend other countries are innocent of this. For the record, I'm not American but really these discussions are ridiculous.

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    • Roadside Picnic wrote: I don't think it's explicitly Anti-American, but I do think it's uncanny they only use German and Japanese ships. Japanese ships alone I could see but when they start using foreign ships and only exclusively German ones...that's two axis nations mind you, and none from the US, none from Britain, none from France (Imagine the French "Terrible" meeting Shimakaze lol), I can't help but think they might be...favouring them for a reason. You do know that Japan tries to depict themselves in lighter manner in respect to world war 2....I almost want to say this is borderline indirect glorification or at the least romantification of the Imperial navy and maybe naval power of the axis in general....I wouldn't be so bold to directly state this, but I still can't help but find the circumstances uncanny..

      Three Axis countries, now there's also the silly "country of pasta". The game is certainly about remembering and glorifying the old navy, it's their own history and heritage, why shouldn't they honour those who fought and fell for their country? Why should they make it so that the enemy certainly is not the Allies?

      There's a lot of self-entitlement flying around when people start this discussion, as if games portraying the war from the Allied point of view go out of their way to criticise what fellows like LeMay and Harris did in carrying out the orders of their respective governements.

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    • wrote:
      Why do U.S. ships had to be units with "crazy stats"? Only because of your "yeah America! we won, be proud" ego?. Did their submairnes launched seaplanes? Did their vessels reached Nagato class power and sizes? No, they took all that technology AFTER the Allies (not only the U.S.) won the war because Japanese and German ships were superior. The reason of their lose had to do with war tactics, logistics and of couse the bombing of two cities with thanks to a German (Einstein) that crushed their will to keep fighting.

      At most U.S. ships if they reach KanColle should be regular units with a high luck stat. No more, no less.

      Well, because 42/43 on, US CV planes were better, pilots were better, US BB/CA/CL fire control was better, AAW was better , ASW doctrine was better , our subs actually suck most of the Japanese merchant marine, overall damage control was better than IJN ships. 

        Loading editor
    • wrote:
      Well, because 42/43 on, US CV planes were better, pilots were better, US BB/CA/CL fire control was better, AAW was better , ASW doctrine was better , our subs actually suck most of the Japanese merchant marine, overall damage control was better than IJN ships. 

      The Hellcat is better than the Zeroes, but this is a world where every Teitoku worthy of his name has Reppus and Shiden-Kais. The Hellcat will probably be +8 or +9, the Bearcat +10 or maybe +11. BB to CL fire control will be represented by radar. It is probably inevitable they'd have somewhat better AAW and ASW stats, but they don't have to be monsters.

        Loading editor
    • wrote:

      Well, because 42/43 on, US CV planes were better, pilots were better, US BB/CA/CL fire control was better, AAW was better , ASW doctrine was better , our subs actually suck most of the Japanese merchant marine, overall damage control was better than IJN ships. 

      okay. you can have your 'better stats', but since US torpedos suck back then, let's give USN ships' opening / final torpedo salvo a chance to hit themselves.

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    • btw, stat for Abyssalcat Fighters are +10AA +1Accurancy.

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    • btw, those are for abyssal-ified hellcat. normal hellcat won't be as OP

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    • A lot of japanese, even very well known artists with a lot of popular work under their belt resent America, even one that is probably the "most popular" (that i won't name here, you can look it up yourself) with his work exported the most abroad is known to have (or at least had) such sentiments (with older of his sketchs as proof). Can you really blame them for it ? None of his work reflect that, and you would never know if you didn't look for it.

      It's not a japanese thing, people resent the other camp all over the world.

      IF, and that's a big IF, the kc devs did, dislike America, it's their own right, can you really, objectively and honestly tell me that even if you could prove 100% that they have this kind of sentiment the game in the state it is now is even remotely close to being "anti-american" or some sort of pro ijn propaganda ?

      There was very recently a lot of different incidents in korea regarding either artists, or media showing that a large amount of koreans still resent japan specialy anything that represent the empire of japan, there is a lot of censorship regarding this, if you know a bit of history would you blame them ?

      Do note that resentment =/= racism.

      Disliking something is a legitimate enough reason to not include it in your work, i'm not saying this is the case but just that it is a thing.

      This isn't a history simulation, it just takes inspiration in historical events.

      Even if they are allies today, that doesn't change a thing, besides even if the seting is suposed to be modern days, it takes inspiration in WWII, no matter what i'd feel weird seeing say Bismarck fight alongside Hood or a Yamato class fight alonside any Iowa class.

      Also nothing is known about the rest of the world in Kancolle, for all we know america might simply have been wiped off the map by a meteor decades ago or whatever story you want to come up with, there is nothing forcing them to even be in the "story" at all.

      Or maybe they simply do not wish to send one of their ships to Japan ? Maybe they think not only their tech is superior so they don't need a tech exchange with japan but that they also have no obligation (or simply cannot spare any ship) to provide help when they need to defend their own land ?

      You can come up with endless reasonable or fantastical reason of why there isn't any American ship in the Japanese fleet, going straight to "omg it's revisionist and anti-american" is just creating complaints out of nothing.

      Also, you all seem to agree that the setting is somewhere close to modern days, or future and only inspired of past events, meaning that for example, the midway campaign in Kancolle, is a different event then the real midway that happened in the past, if it happened differently and at a different time, involving different ships, and sides how is that revisionist ? Or were there abyssal ships in midway WWII ?

      OMG open your eyes people, put on the tin foil hats and see the truth, the devs are abyssals and are revising history, introducing themselves in historical events !

      There that should be plenty of material for unreasonable arguments and conspiracy theories.

      Ps: I'm not racist but as an anecdote, the most conflict i ever had to deal with in my life (as a pretty chill person) has been my many brawls with obnoxious american soldiers in Roppongi on friday nights and they were pretty known for it a few years back, so i might have a bit of resentment myself although i do my best to not generalise on the action of a smaller group.

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    • ^this

      thank you my good sir. hope this can bring this thread to an end.

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    • This is why i can not take anything serious about Japan.

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    • Ashkandy wrote:
      A lot of japanese, even very well known artists with a lot of popular work under their belt resent America, even one that is probably the "most popular" (that i won't name here, you can look it up yourself) with his work exported the most abroad is known to have (or at least had) such sentiments (with older of his sketchs as proof).

      Who? I could name a few anime directors who are openly anti-American, Miyazaki in top of the list, but I would have a hard time with "artists".

        Loading editor
    • Hyper Shinchan wrote:
      Ashkandy wrote:
      A lot of japanese, even very well known artists with a lot of popular work under their belt resent America, even one that is probably the "most popular" (that i won't name here, you can look it up yourself) with his work exported the most abroad is known to have (or at least had) such sentiments (with older of his sketchs as proof).
      Who? I could name a few anime directors who are openly anti-American, Miyazaki in top of the list, but I would have a hard time with "artists".

      Miyazaki is not necessarily anti-American, he's only anti-war because America was such a "warmonger" that time (see Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc), though it's quite ironic since he loves warbirds. Not that an old man's opinion matter that much.

      Anyway it's been perceived that at least they don't like topics of their defeat in WWII, mainly because of honor reasons or something like that. But then again losers will act like losers, they bitch, whine, and moan and offer excuses. Protip: don't pick a fight then go back crying to your mom if biggest guy punches you too hard. That's what the Japanese are acting like anyway.

      It's a clusterfuck anyway, they're crazy people. You've got one side being hardcore nationalists, you've got another anti-war but is nationalist anyway, you've got leftists but supports militarization of Japan anyway, etc etc. It's like they don't have a balance; it's either they lean heavily on the right wing, or on the left wing, or can't seem to decide who to support. Just take a look at the movie Eternal Zero. You've got one side praising it, the other seeing it as right wing bullshit propaganda. The way I see it, it's a bunch of bullshit you'll see why if you watched it.

      As for the OP's topic itself, no way in hell they'll put American ships. Of course it's a glorified game of the IJN why do you think we have maps that follows historical operations with a pattern of what-ifs if the IJN actually beat the USN on said map? I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Pearl Habor-esque operaiton in the next future unless they're smart enough not to pull it off because it will surely trigger a shitstorm. You could argue all day long about some of the enemies not being American like CLT abyssals, but the Japanese have a penchant of not explicitly stating that an enemy is not an American of WWII origin whenever they are represented in media. You could tell they are Americans, but is not explicitly stated or given that it is them but you know it's them. An example would be removing insignias that would give them away as American, and IIRC, they used this on that Yamato movie and to a lesser extent, Eternal Zero. It's that same technique they're using in this game. They're American, only renamed so it wouldn't be conspicuous. And no they're not sunken ships of X or Y, because if that was the case, then what are Ta-class? They're fast BBs with American style equipment and just for reference, no American fast BBs were sunk in the war. You could also say they're grudges but then again, why would a Japanese ship have a grudge or nightmare of in the form of a CLT, which they fielded on their side? See the many discrepancies? It's just all a ruse so as not to let Western eyes think the enemies are in fact the Allies represented.

        Loading editor
    • Amylase wrote:

      Miyazaki is not necessarily anti-American, he's only anti-war because America was such a "warmonger" that time (see Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc), though it's quite ironic since he loves warbirds. Not that an old man's opinion matter that much.

      Plenty of people qualify as anti-American for that reason.

      About the Pearl Harbor map, the Spring 2013 event was probably about that.

        Loading editor
    • Hyper Shinchan wrote:
      Amylase wrote:

      Miyazaki is not necessarily anti-American, he's only anti-war because America was such a "warmonger" that time (see Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc), though it's quite ironic since he loves warbirds. Not that an old man's opinion matter that much.

      Plenty of people qualify as anti-American for that reason.

      About the Pearl Harbor map, the Spring 2013 event was probably about that.

      Not necessarily Anti-American, he only hates the part of America going to wars and such because if he was such an Anti-America, he wouldn't have friends in the US. I hear he's good buddies with John Lasseter

      The Spring 2013 though looks nothing like Hawaii.

        Loading editor
    • So...what's wrong with anti-America?

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    • By the way, if you really don't like anti-American games just stop playing, the game isn't made for you people anyway

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    • Has Kadokawa ever give anything about Allied ships? No.

      But we have this:

      ──いろいろな国の艦船が出るんですか? 田中 ドイツ、アメリカ、イギリスなど、いろいろな国の艦船を出したいと思っています。

      ---Will there be ships of various nations?

      Tanaka: Germany, America, UK, I would like to implement ships from many nations.

      This Mr.Tanaka is Kankolle's producer, so what he "would like to do" is very likely to be what they "will do". This is Famitsu's interview in September 2013, just months from 2014 spring event, where the "ABDA fleet" appeared as the enemy. Did Tanaka changed his mind in less than half an year? We don't know, but unlikely. So IMO the abyssal fleet bearing some Allied refernce does NOT conflict with Allied ships' introduction.

      One last reminder, by another of his statement, the abyssal fleet is "the negative thoughts of the sunken ship of BOTH SIDES", that's why they have CLTs and 20-inchers. (If you can read Japanese, google ["沈んでしまった彼我の艦艇" 想い] and you will find the source, it's from a Comptiq interview in 2013)

      I actually posted these in another thread about the same issue, too, but can't find it afterwards....

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    • Remember that 6-3 happened, so your crying might come to an end with an event or EO based off Pearl Harbor, and it will be difficult to compensate for your USN shipgirl reward.

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    • This thread is turning into a comment warzone divided by different loyalties. If Kadokawa really did give us Allied kanmusu, what will be the outcome? These are my opinions:


      Iowa vs Yamato?

      1. Conflict between Allied kanmusu & Axis kanmusu(definitely)

      2. Which side are we glorifying? The Allies or the Axis? (Propaganda?)

      3. Who is our real enemy then? The Allies? The Axis? Or was it the Abyssal?

      4. Creating hatred against one another? (More comment war)

      5. How the hell is Kadokawa going to find more artist and voice actor for all this huge content?

      6. Upcoming anime plot? (This is getting ugly)

      The idea of having Allied kanmusu might bring something to the table. Yes I know you really want your favourite ship to be in the game. But for God sake! How is Kadokawa going to answer to all this question?! I cannot imagine the game introducing hatred against American/Japanese/etc. If that really happen, this game will be gone forever and we won't be seeing one another in this wikia. Don't even mention about it people, never!

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    • Or you know, they'd go the usual anime/movie trope where humanity magically unifies against a common greater foe. Not like it's never been done before.

      It's not credible in the least but you know, i've seen much worse when it comes to anime/movie/game/series stories or lore.

      No need to overdramatize thing and make it sound like it's a big deal, it's not, if you have played some online games in the past decade you'll know that story and lore means jackshit, credibility and consistency neither, it's annoying and frustrating for some to admit but that's the way it is.

      And vocal minorities never win, haters gonna hate no matter what. And this doesn't mean that some people are "haters" and are going to hate on everything no matter what, it's more simple, no matter what you do, some people will hate it and be vocal about it. It's all down to one single thing, business.

      Introducing Allied ship will require a lot of time effort and resources , will piss more people then it pleases (the majority always resist and despise large scale change, human nature) doesn't seem worth it just right now. When the time comes and the game runs out of content or starts to decline, the scales will tip, and introducing something like Allied ships will probably be more worthwhile and put a jolt back in the games heart.

      Also makes sense to always keep some tricks up your sleeve.

      TL:DR : If allied ships are ever introduced it will be when it's worth it in a business pov (no it's not right now don't be delusional, but it might become in the future). Lore, story, pseudo internetz conflict, racism, revisionism, tinfoil hat therories, don't matter, never have, never will. Only money and business.

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    • @Ashkandy

      Valid points. I can only hope kadokawa knows what they are doing. Only time can slowly give us answers. 

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    • @ Stremespoats

      If Kadokawa can take the hostitlity between IJA and IJN soooooo lightly, they should be able to handle the hate between Allied and Axis as well.

      Just how hostile are IJA and IJN? Let's take a look:

      1. Everything (from military operation to daily matters) proposed by the IJN IS ALWAYS opposed by the IJA, and vice versa.

      2. The hate traces back all the way to the time of Sakamoto Ryouma, that's about a whole centry before WWII

      3. ABSOLUTELY ZERO compatibility between IJA and IJN's equipments, even their screws are reversed.

      To put it simple, they are just inches away from shooting each other.

      But in the game? Both Maruyu and Akitsumaru can get along with the others, right? So I think the hostility would most probably taken lightly like what's between the IJN and IJA, or what's between the 1st CarDiv and the 5th.

      Although one may look forward to the second round of WWII between some of the Allied girls and the IJN ones, in terms of fighting over TTK's love lol.

        Loading editor
    • @

      Thanks for trying to convince me that this is possible. Now this is an interesting piece of history there, just where did you find such information(the IJA vs IJN part)? 

      Look, I like to keep a neutral thought when it comes to this. At first, I don't think this is going to happen. However, there will be some factors that made me think twice about the possibility. I wouldn't mind if they add Allied kanmusu if they do it right. Now before this thread continues to become just like an angry hall of roman senators in most debate, let me conclude this: Yes, it is possible but risky. However, all decision is decided by Kadokawa itself. We could only expect the result to be either favourable or a dissapointment.

        Loading editor
    • Stremespoats wrote:

      Thanks for trying to convince me that this is possible. Now this is an interesting piece of history there, just where did you find such information(the IJA vs IJN part)? 

      Look, I like to keep a neutral thought when it comes to this. At first, I don't think this is going to happen. However, there will be some factors that made me think twice about the possibility. I wouldn't mind if they add Allied kanmusu if they do it right. Now before this thread continues to become just like an angry hall of roman senators in most debate, let me conclude this: Yes, it is possible but risky. However, all decision is decided by Kadokawa itself. We could only expect the result to be either favourable or a dissapointment.

      First thing first: I am, just got my account registered today.

      Your theory was solid, I agree, the reasons will be stated below with other stuffs.

      Personally I'm a self-acclaimed enthusiast of WWII naval history, and have a group of friends interested in military-related knowledges as well. Sadly I was born in a country of historical Japanese occupation as well as following self-identity issues (go check where the IP belongs to, then wiki "Japanization" and "Feb 28, 1947"), and as a result, I face a s**tload of local internet noobs that thought IJN was the strongest navy except the USN during WWII, just because they feel attached and nostalgic to Japanese rule. This includes the cry of not wanting Allied shipgirls' introduction (hence the reason why I agree with you).

      That's why I did some personal research on IJN, as in what their strategy was, where their industrial strength ranked globally, and of course, their relations with IJA.

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    • @Vcharng 

      Its a pleasure to get to know about you. This is the first time I have commented such a serious theory yet so successful. I live just south of your country at the busiest port in SEA. I was only a student and currently history is not my subject except I do love to read any of them at my free time. I can agree with you that there are many stereotype people around my class who believe Japanese are bad people cuz of invasion, good anime, etc. I just hope to be a history teacher one day that teaches them that not all Japanese people are bad. You get what I mean, people needs to know to put away the differences and make friends not war. 

        Loading editor
    • Stremespoats wrote:

      You get what I mean, people needs to know to put away the differences and make friends not war. 

      That's exactly what I hope Kankolle can achieve, make friends, sink the abyssals, not each other.

      And I personally believe that Allied ships are going to play an important role on achieving this. But I guess being on the losing side of the war kinda changes your perspective, huh? Saw TTKs arguing how Allied ships would ruin their feelings or the atmosphere, can't understand them, but as a civilized citizen you just have to respect their opinion.

      I'll leave the rest talk (more personally and less topic-related) to your message wall.

        Loading editor
    • I guess I'll just leave this here:

      Royal Navy of Britain - Former ally of IJN, most favorable of Allied navies if Kongou is of any indication. Might raise a few eyebrows from German and Italian shipgirls.
      Marine nationale française - Neutral due to little to no engagement on IJN's part afaik.
      United States Navy - Hostile to IJN, its introduction would incite major uproar.

        Loading editor
    • Ar-cen-ciel wrote:
      I guess I'll just leave this here:

      Neutral due to little to no engagement on IJN's part afaik.

      Uh... no. One very specific incident immediately comes to mind:

      The Royal Navy operated multiple ships in the pacific and fought the IJN throughout WW2. This is especially true when you take into account that at the time, the New Zealand and Australian Navies were an extension of the Royal Navy, forced to operate independently because the main British presence was wiped out early on. Hell, World 4 is all set around the Java Sea (the Battle of the Java Sea was intended to wipe out the remaining British warships in the Indian Ocean, but the IJN failed to locate the two British carriers operating in the area, HMS Formidable and HMS Indominatable)

      Once the tide turned in Europe, the British had a fairly sizeable fleet in the Pacific. The main British Pacific Fleet in the latter part of WW2 was enormous - four battleships, eleven cruisers, over thirty destroyers, nine escort carriers, four light carriers and six fleet carriers. Multiple other British warships were in the pacific at different points and engaged the IJN as well.

        Loading editor
    • Atomicstrawberry wrote:

      Ar-cen-ciel wrote:
      I guess I'll just leave this here: Neutral due to little to no engagement on IJN's part afaik.

      Uh... no. One very specific incident immediately comes to mind...

      I mean against the French Navy since they operate mainly in the Mediterranean Sea, not the British Navy which was former ally to Japan up until the Washington Naval Treaty.

      Even with all that rough history though, British and French shipgirls would still draw far less flak than the Americans shipgirls.

        Loading editor
    • Fair enough. The French Navy never really fought the IJN, true.

      I'd expect to see more from Italy or Germany before we see any other navies though. Roma and Italia are missing a sister (Possibly two, if they go with a 'what-if' and add Impero) and it seems like a given that we'll see Tirpitz at some point.

        Loading editor
    • But since we have german ships now it'd be really weird seeing german and french ships getting along...

      Allthough since it's a japanese game i don't think they'd care about that.

      I think only US ships would really cause any significant uproar tbh.

        Loading editor
    • Atomicstrawberry wrote:
      Fair enough. The French Navy never really fought the IJN, true..

      False, under Free French flag the Richelieu repeatedly shelled Japanese positions during 1944/1945.

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    • I don't know about anti-American feelings, but ...

      There use to be a Cold War naval game named Harpoon (named after the Harpoon missile). The Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact versus America and NATO.  From what I hear, most of the gamers (usually Americans) played the Soviet side over the American side.  

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    • There is a definite lure of being in the shoes of the guys on the opposite side. Kinda  like the thrill of being someone so different from our regular selves. For all we know when they finally introduce the USN ships the japanese players might actually like them.

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    • It's a Japanese game and sure they have every right to develop it as they like. Yes. many of the operation call signs and plots do LOOK like they were drawn from a onesided view of WW2 and if that is intentional, then its unfortunate but c'est la vie!

      HOWEVER This whole dispute could be material for good story telling and even players and watchers on the outside just might learn something if the developers choose.

      Let's suppose that final victory and survival requires Japanese and USN shipgirls to work together but both sides hate it because the Japanese carriers think that The US carriers are screw ups or Zuikaku hates Enterprise (And vice versa) and Arizona is still holding a grudge and reoccuring nightmares like Akagi has before Midway and the big ships flub an operation and only barely survive because the small ships like Fubuki on one hand and say... Johnston on the other perform heroic feats to get them out. The big ships need to realize that then is not now and the enemy are the Abyssals, not each other. Then they learn to appreciate each other's strengths: The Japanese carriers are very precise and well trained and coordinate well. US carriers can go in and take hard punches and keep swinging. Taiho has awful luck and Hornet is for the most part a well meaning klutz while Akagi is amazingly proficient and Enterprise has the luck of the gods.Kongo finds that Arizona is very proud (Having been named the "Ship of Destiny") but her nightmares make her a litle more worried about going into battle than say Maryland while West Virginia is simply hell bent on showing she's just as tough as a 3rd gen type or any other battleship. Destroyer Stewart could even be a liason as the small ships help the big ones see the whole picture.

      Good story arc, good lessons for anyone who wants them. And frankly, I think MOST true fans of this genre are less about the ACTUAL war than about seeing the ships they love represented as well rounded characters.

      But again that is not my call. Though if I were to suggest, even if USN were added as friendly units, I would not want more than a few anyway. Say at most six carriers... (The 5 big prewar ships and Essex as the very promising but inexperienced rookie) And maybe four or five BBs (North Carolina, Arizona, West Virginia, California, Maryland perhaps) Cruisers (Houston, Atlanta, Astoria, Salt Lake City and Northampton) subs... (Nautilus, Tambor, Darter, Dace, Barb) and destroyers ranging from Stewart to the incredibly brave Johnston to the William D. Porter who it might be joked could win the war by herself if she'd just go over to the enemy...

      Again, never ever gona be my call but I can dream.

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    • lol, what if the reason the Abyssals use US standards (like gun barrels in inches, which is soo many peoples reason to assign Abyssal = USN) is just because the US was the first to encounter the Abyssals (since they are much more likely to run into a strange fleet in the middle of the ocean), so they were named as such.

      Then things took a slight turn for the worse (since the USN at current is spread thin across the world, with a new powerful enemy the would need to regroup a little) and Japan had to pick up slack on it's side of the Pacific, while the US retreated to theirs, but the naming convention in US units remained. The new Japanese kanmusu would of course use metric units not only for history sake, but also simply becuase Japan is a metric country.

      The Atlantic is not only smaller, but has both the RN and USN able to protect it, hence Italy and Germany being able to send a few (capital ships even) to help us.

      I still think we're getting USN girls somewhere down the line, probably once we cross the Pacific, and any tension between our girls and theirs will be comic at worst.

        Loading editor
    • Swordweaver wrote:
      lol, what if the reason the Abyssals use US standards (like gun barrels in inches, which is soo many peoples reason to assign Abyssal = USN) is just because the US was the first to encounter the Abyssals (since they are much more likely to run into a strange fleet in the middle of the ocean), so they were named as such.

      Then things took a slight turn for the worse (since the USN at current is spread thin across the world, with a new powerful enemy the would need to regroup a little) and Japan had to pick up slack on it's side of the Pacific, while the US retreated to theirs, but the naming convention in US units remained. The new Japanese kanmusu would of course use metric units not only for history sake, but also simply becuase Japan is a metric country.

      The Atlantic is not only smaller, but has both the RN and USN able to protect it, hence Italy and Germany being able to send a few (capital ships even) to help us.

      I still think we're getting USN girls somewhere down the line, probably once we cross the Pacific, and any tension between our girls and theirs will be comic at worst.

      Imperial units is a bad reason to prove that Abyssals=USN. Anyone who believes it, just go and try name an Allied ship that has 20-inch guns or is classified as CL(T)s.

      Oh and did I not mention that there already are Abyssals generally believed to be an IJN ship? The Destroyer Princess is generally considered as a sunken version of Harusame, hence often refered to as "Warusame" in Japanese, litarally means "Evil Harusame".

      Your story sounds interesting, but from my knowledge of "Japanese-Style Pacifying Policy", I would suggest a story like one of these:

      1. Pearl Harbor event, fight the Abyssals, get the Americans, turns out they were somewhat "brainwashed" into Abyssals, and they fight with the IJN happily after, the end.

      2. Pearl Harbor turns out to be an expedition or quest, get USS Fletcher, LSC USS Enterprise and USS Iowa, and the rest is history.

      3. The devs are starting to run out of ideas, so they make Operation Ten-Go as an event, but features Arpeggio-like systems where mysterious OP ships appear and help TTKs fend off the Abyssals, and then disappears after the event. Later, it turns out that they are the Americans, and the TTKs who fought the event get their first American ship girls.

      Anyway, I always believe that there will eventually be Allied girls, for one, single, solid reason: If not so, Shinano would be the last Fleet Carrier ever to be introduced in the whole game. The game still has a long way to go before it dies out, and half, perhaps more than half, of its life without a single addition to one kind of ship is just unimaginable and unacceptable.

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    • if the dev want to put allied ship they can put it for all i care.if the dev want to make pearl harbor esque event they can do it for all i care.if the the dev want to make this game a propanganda game they can do it for all i care(not that they ever do it unless they want a lot of shitbomb)i play this game because i like those shipgirl drawing or voice or whatever.end point the dev can do anything they want for all i care.i just want to enjoy playing the game.

      RANT(no need to read it is just me ranting.)

      If the game is about racism,gloryfying war, propaganda and what not i should be the one of the many people who should not play this game.My country is occupied by the japanese during WWII like some people in this game community.But it get worse my grandmother(not realy my true grandmother because my mother,mother is my granfather second wive)is kill is cold blood by the japanese and my grandfather become the japanese servant and manual laborer.And pretty much of my grandfather,mother relative is anti grandfather know the he cannot forgive the japanese no mater what but he belive that that the future generation (his child and grand children)should not carry his hatred and should not hate the japanese or other race generally because of some past event .that why i try to honour his wish by not hating other race except my race generally due to some past event. lot's people suffer during the war not just my family,the japanese,the american, the philipine and other people/country they also suffer from the war.

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    • Actually, I have just come across some interview on kancolle staffs back in 2013 that stated the concept of abyssal ship come from the despair of sunken ships from both sides.

      However, I don't think the current player base would allow them to say it again in a more authoritative way. While sinking shipgirls is still a taboo and treared as a bad thing among player committee, a lot of things have changed since then, first we the IBS that opened the pandora box of achieving goals by sinking ships, and the tactic is continually employed by players in different events, and then it is further used at 1-1 and 1-5 for sparkling, 1-1 and 1-6 to obtain extra resources, and also in 1-5 for post-lv.80- CL/DD levelling, all of these have already come to form a small but non-neglectable percentage of player. If dev want to turn this from a concept into actually part of the game, it is hard to judge how would it be perceived by those players who have use them, as knowing it is bad is one thing, and knowing how bad it is is another thing, especially when some people nowadays simply call those ship ad part-timer which they probably don't feel any bad from doing so. If these players have a strong reacrion against a more official stand on this issue, then it is not impossible for those players to ragequit and devs' lost would then be incalculable. And the fact that the game operator rely on sales of merchandises to profit from the series unlike DMM the platform that directly profit from in-game sale would make the influence from a particular group of player become more unpredictable as in the game, you can clearly see who purchased what and amount of money spent by each individual player can be tracked and the income would be more averagely distributed among different players, while on the other hand it is the opposite scenario in merchandise side, and it would simply make devs more hesitate to do so, which is added by the factor which currently the revenue gained by Kadokawa from the kancolle series is unsatisfactory due to several factors invluding poor performance from the TV anime, subsequently fewer income received from the series than what DMM get, the profitability of the whole kadokawa especially aftervits merger with dwango and such. Also, Unlike game poibts sales that could happen internationally, merchandise selling is a more local way to make profit, which also make dev possible to prioritize the feeling of a small local group of player over feeling of a wider, more international playerbase that involve some players from Allied countries.

        Loading editor
    • Qunow wrote:
      Actually, I have just come across some interview on kancolle staffs back in 2013 that stated the concept of abyssal ship come from the despair of sunken ships from both sides.

      I stated that above, as

      Destroyer Princess is largely believed to be based on Harusame, the Japs call her "Warusame" (lit. "Evil Harusame")

      I live in Taiwan, KC merchandise are available here.

      Shinano will be the last Standard Carrier of the whole game if they refuse to introduce Allied ships.

      Empty spaces in the library is slightly more than the total number of German, Italian and Japanese ships that hasn't been introduced yet, and by the cases of Bismarck, Eugen and the Italian Battleships, chances are only a few of Germen&Italian ships will ever be introduced. So if they don't introduce Allied ships, who's gonna fill in all the blanks?

      And finally, I never saw a sizable Japanese TTK community stating that they dislike Allied ship girls, there are plenty in Taiwan, though.

      So.... I think KDKW and DMM should not have concerns such as "prioritize the feeling of a small local group of player".

      One more thing, the trademark of Kancolle is 100% owned by DMM, not KDKW, that's why KDKW earn less, and this also means that DMM will have complete power to decide whether to introduce Allied ships or not.

        Loading editor
    • I believe the role of DMM in kancolle is the one who fund the whole project, and therefore possessing the trademark and enjoy larger share of profit. However, while it do mean DMM would most likely have the power on deciding how the game should run, it do not mean DMM would want to involve in the game's daily operation and its operation strategies as it run hundreds of games on top of it developed by various different devs. Like Tanaka is currently working in kadokawa not dmm.

      p.s. with the latest new boss's equipment item, it is clear that they would turn weapon root from meteric countries into imperial unit when they are given to abyssals...

      p.p.s. Japan do use inch for equipment import from UK..

        Loading editor
    • Qunow wrote:
      I believe the role of DMM in kancolle is the one who fund the whole project, and therefore possessing the trademark and enjoy larger share of profit. However, while it do mean DMM would most likely have the power on deciding how the game should run, it do not mean DMM would want to involve in the game's daily operation and its operation strategies as it run hundreds of games on top of it developed by various different devs. Like Tanaka is currently working in kadokawa not dmm.

      p.s. with the latest new boss's equipment item, it is clear that they would turn weapon root from meteric countries into imperial unit when they are given to abyssals...

      You know, I think that "to have or not to have Allied girls" has far surpassed the level of daily operations, and remember, KC takes up 3/4 of DMMs total revenue, as long as they can intervene, they should and will. I mean, this is THE gold mine for them, you know?

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    • back into the question, what if the Americans simply have yet to decide their position, whether to fight the abbysals or try diplomacy with them. much like the real WW2, what if the Americans won't join the fight before there is an attack to their own area (say, Pearl Harbor?), and Italian and German helps the Japanese faster because they are bound in a pact of friendship (say, the Axis treaty?)

        Loading editor
    • Qunow wrote:
      I believe the role of DMM in kancolle is the one who fund the whole project, and therefore possessing the trademark and enjoy larger share of profit. However, while it do mean DMM would most likely have the power on deciding how the game should run, it do not mean DMM would want to involve in the game's daily operation and its operation strategies as it run hundreds of games on top of it developed by various different devs. Like Tanaka is currently working in kadokawa not dmm.

      p.s. with the latest new boss's equipment item, it is clear that they would turn weapon root from meteric countries into imperial unit when they are given to abyssals...

      No, DMM just host the portal and payments system. Kadokawa pay for, develop and run the game themselves and probably pay a percentage to DMM, plus I imagine DMM will collect a cut on all of the payments. It's a highly proftable arrangement for DMM but in Kadokawa's case the game itself barely breaks even, they make their money off the merchandising. That's because Kadokawa are the ones with the most skin in the game.

      I doubt DMM have any real say in how the game is developed. They shouldn't, at least, and it shouldn't matter to them. They're just a portal service. A close analogy in the PC space would be Steam.

        Loading editor
    • Atomicstrawberry wrote:

      No, DMM just host the portal and payments system. Kadokawa pay for, develop and run the game themselves and probably pay a percentage to DMM, plus I imagine DMM will collect a cut on all of the payments. It's a highly proftable arrangement for DMM but in Kadokawa's case the game itself barely breaks even, they make their money off the merchandising. That's because Kadokawa are the ones with the most skin in the game.

      I doubt DMM have any real say in how the game is developed. They shouldn't, at least, and it shouldn't matter to them. They're just a portal service. A close analogy in the PC space would be Steam.

      This has been discussed above, DMM holds 100% of the trademark "Kantai Collection", do you think they can achieve this by contributing just the portal and payment system? And, do you think the sole owner of the trademark will not have a say? Quite the opposite, isn't it?

      Steam? Oh come on, let's take any of the recent CoD series as an example (although I know quite a number of ppl hate it), their trademarks belong to Activision, not Valve. DMM is more like Activision + Valve, while KDKW games is more like Treyarch or Infinite Ward.

      P.S. This is the Japanese Patent Platform's entry for KC's trademarks:

      You can see that the owner is DMM and DMM only.

      Edit: My friend has reported an error of following the link due to too many access at the same time. If you encounter the same error, go here :

      on the drop list, select "商標を探す", and type "艦隊これくしょん" in the blank on its right.

        Loading editor
    • Ameno Miragu wrote:
      I like to think they're saving American ships for last. Gotta save the best for last, right (I'd imagine American ships will have REALLY good, perhaps gamebreaking, equipment) Perhaps the Americans show up at the end and, combined with the fleets of Britain, Germany, Italy, etc. we are able to rid the Shinseikan once and for all?

      Though in all honesty, I think fears of Anti-American sentiment in this game is overblown. I mean come on, how many games do we Americans release where you can clearly play as the Axis and shoot Americans? I know Company of Heroes is a great example. We Americans also constantly release games where we clearly play as Americans gunning down Germans, Russians, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese. And we're freaking out over whether the Shinseikan could be Americans?

      I hope Kadokawa release American ships one day, just one ship will probably quell this whole debacle.

      its defenetly until all axis pull out

        Loading editor
    • I wish the Japanese won the war... that way we don't have to talk about this whole revisionists thing. IJN seems pretty good and America is just a big bully.

        Loading editor
    • wrote:
      I wish the Japanese won the war... that way we don't have to talk about this whole revisionists thing. IJN seems pretty good and America is just a big bully.

      If the Japs won the war, there won't be KC at all. Japanese ACG industry is part of the culture based on heavy American influence post-war.

      And, if A won the war, there will be B revisionists, and vice versa. IJN itself is being revisioned often in real world.

        Loading editor
    • wrote:
      I wish the Japanese won the war... that way we don't have to talk about this whole revisionists thing. IJN seems pretty good and America is just a big bully.

      Are we talking about current history here? Either way what you said, especially the second sentence needs to be substantiated upon a bit more because it's hard to take seriously.

        Loading editor
    • wrote:
      I wish the Japanese won the war... that way we don't have to talk about this whole revisionists thing. IJN seems pretty good and America is just a big bully.

      Even if the IJN was mostly pretty decent (let's not forget Hacchan's distasteful conduct), they even knew there was no way to "win", only put a dent in the US' Pacific fleet and sue for peace before the Americans realized they could steamroll Japan's production.

      Not to mention the brutal atrocities that Japan's imperialsm brought to it's territories, them winning would not have been good. People in Asia are still bitter towards Japan.

        Loading editor
    • i don't know what the reason but i think devs only show the axis power ship than allied forces and focus to tripartite pact (italy,germany,japan)

      litorio, roma, libeccio

      prinz uegene, graf zeppelin, bismarck, Z1 & Z3, U-511, i-8

      maybe if you look verniy as russia ship, i think in the future more ship outside tripartite pact can be implemented in kancolle (russia not axis power after all in this wikipage

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    • emmm I-8.....

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    • Severstal wrote:
      Good point, but I'm wondering, would a "historically accurate" USN ship, crammed into Kancolle's scalars even result in something pleasing to an American fanboy?

      The biggest culprit is the cruisers. Even a Baltimore is not actually superior in firepower (9 8-inch), no superiority there. They can then hand out some AA advantage (10 points?), armor and HP (say 5 points each)? You can't really hand out much more on KanColle scalars. The torpedo stat is ZERO. The small advantage in AA, armor and HP cannot compensate for the lack of torpedoes in the game system

      Then we have destroyers. They probably aren't going to do it like Akizuki (whose given stats are more for a one-time specialty ship rather than being proportionate to her real advantage in AA firepower - thus unsuitable for a "common destroyer"), so instead they'll probably use a Yugumo as a base. In essence, what would come out is a weak version of Akizuki. (Uh-oh).

      Then there are aircraft carriers. We quickly run into the problem that every Admiral worthy of his name has a fleet of Reppus against which the Hellcat doesn't have advantage. Perhaps American carriers even attack differently - instead of single strikes with everything, they get one attack for each bomber slot, BUT only that slot is counted in the Firepower calculation, so they get more but weaker attacks - great for taking out destroyers, less good for getting good damage on a battleship.

      So we have Case 3, where US ships are presented in a historically defensible way, but they kind of ... suck, or at least don't mesh with the USN-fanboy's imagination. Cue whinging, cue counter-hate.

      I'm sorry but Zeros are absolute shit compared to the Hellcat they'd easily be one of the best planes if added.

        Loading editor
    • wrote:
      Severstal wrote:
      Good point, but I'm wondering, would a "historically accurate" USN ship, crammed into Kancolle's scalars even result in something pleasing to an American fanboy?

      The biggest culprit is the cruisers. Even a Baltimore is not actually superior in firepower (9 8-inch), no superiority there. They can then hand out some AA advantage (10 points?), armor and HP (say 5 points each)? You can't really hand out much more on KanColle scalars. The torpedo stat is ZERO. The small advantage in AA, armor and HP cannot compensate for the lack of torpedoes in the game system

      Then we have destroyers. They probably aren't going to do it like Akizuki (whose given stats are more for a one-time specialty ship rather than being proportionate to her real advantage in AA firepower - thus unsuitable for a "common destroyer"), so instead they'll probably use a Yugumo as a base. In essence, what would come out is a weak version of Akizuki. (Uh-oh).

      Then there are aircraft carriers. We quickly run into the problem that every Admiral worthy of his name has a fleet of Reppus against which the Hellcat doesn't have advantage. Perhaps American carriers even attack differently - instead of single strikes with everything, they get one attack for each bomber slot, BUT only that slot is counted in the Firepower calculation, so they get more but weaker attacks - great for taking out destroyers, less good for getting good damage on a battleship.

      So we have Case 3, where US ships are presented in a historically defensible way, but they kind of ... suck, or at least don't mesh with the USN-fanboy's imagination. Cue whinging, cue counter-hate.

      I'm sorry but Zeros are absolute shit compared to the Hellcat they'd easily be one of the best planes if added.

      He was talking about Reppuus, which is supposedly (in theory) superior to Hellcats.

      Regarding to what you've quoted (from Severstal)...

      Remember, historically, US cruisers have FAR superior fire control and firing rate. And significantly superior AA (due to the so-called VT fuse), there's no problem here.

      Same thing, US DD have significantly better AA and ASW against Japanese, for VT fuse and hedgehog ASW.

      Hellcats don't need to have an advantage, just let the carrier itself have some. And the USN carriers have more than plenty of them: Built-in catapults, ridiculusly large capacity, ability to send aircrafts at night, you name it.

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    • For real though, they could easily add Allied ships into the game by the simple fact that you can have multiple of a shipgirl. For example say the player Admiral had a predecesor who attacked the Abysals when they first appeared(Pearl Harbor) and reveal that they are negative manifistations of those ships reputations so they are indeed American, Brit and Japanese ships and allow after a certain point after finding that out add the ability to recruit USN and HMS ships and simply say that the only way to bring a ship back(from construction and after battle) is if you knew who the shipgirl was. i.e you can't revive a Wo-class Enterprise because you didn't know her actual ship class.

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    • Actually, the game can easily add new kanmusu from different nationality with essential equal to no explanation. Just like the only explanation it give for adding german girls are the title of those quests you need to do and the only explanation it give for adding italian are those event map description.

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    • Qunow wrote:
      Actually, the game can easily add new kanmusu from different nationality with essential equal to no explanation. Just like the only explanation it give for adding german girls are the title of those quests you need to do and the only explanation it give for adding italian are those event map description.

      Like: "Strike the Pawaiian (deliberate typo) installation, try contacting Eastern oversea ships!"

      And boom, got USS Enterprise. Or better, USS Fletcher, use as secretary ship to LSC and get the rest of USN.

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