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[–]SwedenDuapDuap 896 points897 points898 points  (231 children)
Police Chief Peter Ågren:
Det här är en öm punkt, vi vågar ibland inte säga som det är för att vi tror att det spelar Sverigedemokraterna i händerna. Vi får ta på oss det här inom polisen.
Translation (to the best of my ability):
It's a sensitive topic, sometimes we don't dare to say things as they are because we're afraid that it plays into the hands of the Swedish Democrats (populist right-wing). We have to take responsibility within the police-force.
What a coward.
Edit: Improved translation
[–]SwedenHolmoen 736 points737 points738 points  (51 children)
What the FUCK. Police should be impartial regarding politics. This incompetent tool should resign or be fired.
If he doesn't lose his post after that statement I guess I'll lose even more hope in our country and it's citizens, which I know is a defeatist attitude, but I just don't have the fight in me. I actively avoid Swedish politics because it makes me depressed.
I actually believe it will all work out in the end but when that is I don't know. Probably later rather than sooner.
[–]Denmarkkaaz54 135 points136 points137 points  (3 children)
Police should be impartial regarding politics.
Not only that. People can be angry at the press for not going with this story, but that's their editorial right to not do so, freedom of the press and all that. It might be a failure of their"journalistic duty" to "inform the public", but it's still perfectly legal, and a fair editorial decision to do so, and they can be properly punished by the public by having their reputation destroyed.
But on the other hand, a police action of that size, removing 200 people from an area, must have at some point been mentioned to some sort of political committee of justice, at least in passing or in a report. After all, it must have required significant police resources to do the job in the first place. If the police chief had made the decision to not inform the proper political organ of this, then we're not only looking at some sort of gross negligence, we're looking at someone actually breaking the law.
And if politicians were informed of this, then we're potentially looking at either politicians, or public servants, scrubbing minutes of political meetings from the public to suit their agenda, which is not only extremely illegal, but also extremely harmful for any trust there must be in people's trust in the public offices.
This is far more than the actual case, it's far more than a discussion of Swedish immigration policies, self censorship, public employees abusing their power to suit their agenda or public opinion, this might even very well be a case of the public being denied access to freedom of information of what goes on within the executive branch itself, which is a far bigger and systemic problem than this case itself.
[–]Denmarkmimunto 151 points152 points153 points  (1 child)
He shouldn't just resign. I'm pretty sure there in Denmark would be a media storm and a majority would demand an investigation to see how widespread this problem is. It's a disgrace on the Swedish democracy if this is forgotten within a week.
FFS, you're Swedes! Regulations, self-control, emotional constraint, adherence to authority and all that boring shit that forms the essence of a responsible civil servant ...well, that's your fetish. Our fetish is the exact opposite. How the hell can it be you, that fails at democracy?
[–]Annoying_Arsehole 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
Look how the SD has been treated in the parliament and you'll know that no politician from other parties will have the balls to call for heads.
[–]HamburchFirekracker 12 points13 points14 points  (0 children)
What the FUCK. Police should be impartial regarding politics. This incompetent tool should resign or be fired.
Remember the Cologne police chief? That guy never even actually worked as a police officer a day in his life. He became chief of police because he was a politician and member of parliament.
[–]SwedenDuapDuap 39 points40 points41 points  (14 children)
I can't say that I completely agree with all that you're saying, but withholding information like that is not his call to make. If he were a politician it would be less damning, because liar and politician are almost synonyms.
[–]SwedenHolmoen 49 points50 points51 points  (13 children)
Hopefully we can both agree that withholding crucial information like that is gross incompetence/negligence at the very least and should be grounds for resignation.
The rest of that comment of mine is just my melodramatic thoughts.
[–]presidenttrump_2016 19 points20 points21 points  (6 children)
but when that is I don't know.
Whenever SD has an absolute majority. Until that happens the other parties will team up to ensure nothing changes.
[–]DEADB33F 7 points8 points9 points  (5 children)
They don't need to be put in government, they just need to achieve enough votes that the other parties realise they are no longer representing the views of the electorate and change some of their policies.
[–]Schilvagg 198 points199 points200 points  (37 children)
That is ridiculous, just beyond words. The police should not side with any political agenda.
[–]Swedenspooc 130 points131 points132 points  (36 children)
That's easy to say. In practice people don't want to be risk having their life ruined by being targeted by the media and activists. So it's less risky to censor yourself and pretend an issue doesn't exist. That is how political correctness undermines society.
[–]SwedenSnyggkille 185 points186 points187 points  (3 children)
The chief was not afraid of the media. He is publicly a leftist and when he worked as chief of migrations office he even tweeted about how Jimmie Åkesson makes him puke.
The dude is trying to alter Sweden because of his political views. Not because he is afraid of what the media would think of him.
[–]Portugalfourbet 49 points50 points51 points  (28 children)
People keep talking about how bad SD is in this thread, but how bad can they be if they're correct again about media censorship? I mean, they seem to be the only people fighting this establishment that is now corrupt beyond a reasonable doubt (good intentions or not).
This is happening in Euro countries all over and I don't get it. If the 'bad' parties are the only one looking out for public safety than why the fuck can't the 'good' parties get their shit together exactly? Are we so desensitized to the concept that we expect this behaviour now from center and left political groups?
[–]Schilvagg 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
I know, but I hold dear this illusion of mine of the police having some metaphorical spine.
[–]SlovakiaRytho 52 points53 points54 points  (7 children)
So the police is changing their actions to avoid helping a political party? That sounds almost anti-democratic.
[–][deleted] 31 points32 points33 points  (2 children)
In sweden its only anti democratic if its against the left. Only the far right can br anti democratic
[–]United Kingdomzersetzung 113 points114 points115 points  (6 children)
It's his job to say the truth surely not to make political decisions? What a shameful thing to do.
[–]SwedenSnyggkille 110 points111 points112 points  (5 children)
Shameful? that's downright corruption and it's illegal.
[–]RumänienBluntlySays 14 points15 points16 points  (3 children)
There is no corruption in Sweden. The Snow King has invited you to Lake Laogai.
[–]Romanianereprezentativ 38 points39 points40 points  (3 children)
Why is the police chief worried about political agendas? This is like saying: i'm openly supporting the other guys.
[+][deleted]  (14 children)
    [–]2paolo3 45 points46 points47 points  (0 children)
    [–]United States of AmericaParxist 12 points13 points14 points  (3 children)
    This is the logical conclusion of PC run amok. We're not far here. The crazy stuff on campuses will become more normal.self-censorship is already happening and "racist," "bigot," etc are already mainstream weaponized attacks designed to silence opposing views.
    [–]DenmarkEuriti 22 points23 points24 points  (3 children)
    We've been shaking ours heads from across the Øresund for a while now.
    [–]Misanthropicposter 13 points14 points15 points  (3 children)
    /Pol/ was right again. This is going to be a great year...
    [–]RomaniaLuciWiz 26 points27 points28 points  (3 children)
    It's a sensitive topic, sometimes we don't dare to say things as they are because we're afraid that it plays into the hands of the Swedish Democrats (populist right-wing)
    Are police officers allowed to express political affiliations and opinions? I thought this was a big no-no in civilized countries.
    Acting on those opinions as a police officer would probably get you in jail around here... What happened to the concept of unaffiliated public servants?
    [–]Finlandspin0 71 points72 points73 points  (13 children)
    That is disgraceful and a failure to uphold his duties. As a police chief his duty should be to report and inform the public about observed threats to their safety.
    And there I was just today discussing the overtly narrow Swedish opinion corridor (åsiktskorridoren). But I never realized it was this bad. A police chief committing self-censorship in order to maintain the opinion corridor and against his duties willingly failing to report information relevant to the safety of the public and their children.
    That is so fucked up that I don't even. The Soviet Union is the first thing that pops into my mind but even that is not the correct parallel here. That guy's modus operandi is even worse.
    [–]enezukal 60 points61 points62 points  (4 children)
    Disgusting. This man has no respect for democracy when he thinks that providing facts in accordance with his duties will result in the people having wrong opinions and voting for the wrong parties. The word "fascist" comes to mind.
    [–]Usedthongsniffer 41 points42 points43 points  (2 children)
    The left is getting increasingly fascist. It's getting more extreme by the day.
    [–]BelgiumNuancingNinja 77 points78 points79 points  (33 children)
    It's almost like China, where they think not reporting on the air pollution means it doesn't exist.
    [–]EspañaJorgeGT 13 points14 points15 points  (3 children)
    Is the police chief appointed by a politician in Sweden? I mean, if Swedish Democrats won the national/local elections, would they be the ones deciding if he is fired or kept?
    [–]SwedenSnyggkille 42 points43 points44 points  (1 child)
    Nope. He's not.
    And the reason why is to prevent people with a political agenda to reach the position. Which failed.
    [–]SwedenDuapDuap 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
    No I don't think so, the minister of Justice is appointed by the government but the police chief gets promoted by merit as far as I know, and this just police chief for the Södermalm police force which is a part of Stockholm.
    [–]Usedthongsniffer 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
    That's insane. And absolutely disgusting.
    [–]Bavariaunlockedshrine 30 points31 points32 points  (11 children)
    because we're afraid that it plays into the hands of the Swedish Democrats (populist right-wing).
    So? Still waiting for him to have a point.
    [–]Finlandspin0 76 points77 points78 points  (5 children)
    Haven't you heard? In Sweden the SD is the scariest thing ever. That and having opinions. You don't want that to happen in Sweden, would be worse than the Ragnarök.
    [–]SwedenGrumpchkin 23 points24 points25 points  (0 children)
    You mean having opinions other than immigration love and leftist bs.
    [–]SwedenDuapDuap 20 points21 points22 points  (1 child)
    That's his point. Which is just plain cowardice, it's not his call to make IMO.
    [–]Bavariaunlockedshrine 15 points16 points17 points  (0 children)
    It's unbelievable. I have no words how I would react to someone who said this in my face. I would laugh in disbelief, asking if this person is joking. And I REALLY have a long patience but if this guy is actually and honestly thinking this is a legit answer, I'd explode in a fit of rage, I wouldn't recognize myself again.
    This is beyond ridiculous.
    [–]JesusTouchedMySoul 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
    We are afraid if we tell the truth people might think differently to what we tell them to think.
    [–]Denmarkpoorlytaxidermiedfox 22 points23 points24 points  (3 children)
    So even the police is taking part in the active manipulation and censoring of political discourse?
    I hate to be "that guy", but I've never said this before, so here goes; Sweden is looking less and less like a liberal democracy and more and more like 30s Italy. Censorship of the discourse from all branches of government, the government keeping democratically voted politicians out of influence, an increasingly intolerant debate culture where the list of things that can be said is narrowing - it all adds up. Sweden is becoming what it tried its hardest not to become: a defacto fascist dictatorship.
    [–]Norci 11 points12 points13 points  (3 children)
    "Sensitive topic" is likely a better translation for "öm punkt".
    [–]Swedenpalinola 19 points20 points21 points  (0 children)
    "Sore spot" is a more literal translation and has the same meaning in English as "öm punkt" in Swedish.
    [–]hdskjahdkjsa 611 points612 points613 points  (149 children)
    Youngest victims only 11-12 years old. Europe need an Schengen wide 'adieu clause' to expel these brutal violators upon ended sentence.
    [–]BestoniaStrukkStar 599 points600 points601 points  (72 children)
    I guess that's how you lose the safety most of these countries like Sweden used to have and enjoy, young girls going to a festival without a guardian? "Bad idea", ~17 year old girl walking home alone at night? "Bad idea", Wearing revealing clothing outside? "Bad idea" etc.
    It's so gradual that most people might not even notice that what was once safe and perfectly normal will turn into dangerous and discouraged. That's sad.
    It reminds me how Americans on reddit were really surprised that babies slept outside unsupervised in strollers in Finland, the concept and the reality of what's safe can be so different, even between very advanced countries.
    Too bad Sweden is heading in the wrong direction.
    [–]Estoniarootslane 263 points264 points265 points  (47 children)
    Well said, my friend. Sadly, a safe society takes decades to build up, but evidently only takes a very short while to totally ruin. I fear Sweden might not make a full recovery in my lifetime.
    [+][deleted]  (42 children)
      [–]ihsv69 29 points30 points31 points  (28 children)
      So speak up then, don't go quietly into the night. What are you afraid of, what is the alternative?
      [–]United States of Americaegonil 121 points122 points123 points  (7 children)
      If people speak up they are politically, socially and sometimes even economically ostracized for being 'racist' and going against the group think.
      [–]PyotrPan 14 points15 points16 points  (1 child)
      You think its easy to speak up in a country where even the fucking police sweep mass sexual assaults under the rug in fears of playing "into the hand" of the political and social pariah?
      [–]RadikalEU 13 points14 points15 points  (0 children)
      Losing the job for example.
      [–]Envackerdag 32 points33 points34 points  (15 children)
      If you aren´t a native Swede or haven´t lived here yourself, you really have no idea of just how insane this country is.
      "Speak up". Sure, I agree, but it isn´t that simple. Speaking up in Sweden will get you into all sorts of trouble. You will most likely lose all your friends, your job, your family, have your car vandalized by leftist thugs, have an axe put into your door, have all sorts of things thrown into your window. Every time you say anything about anything, people will just say "ignore him, he´s a racist". It´s all about power and control. Intimidation.
      Also, the media and the politicians are very good at making people feel as though they are the only ones with these views, that the rest of the nation supports this mass import of uneducated savages.
      Take this for example: a few months ago there was this demonstration for better/more open refugee politics. According to the media, 15 000 people came to show their support. Look at the pictures, do you think that there are actually 15 000 people there, or even close? Note that most have an umbrella, thus taking up the space of 2-3 people during normal circumstances.
      This sunday afternoon, politicians and civilians gathered for a manifestation for refugee acceptance in Stockholm. The manifestation started around 16 at Medborgarplatsen – with over 15 000 participants according to the police.
      [–]princeanus 8 points9 points10 points  (5 children)
      It's terrifying. I hope you figure out a way to push back. I hope it involves heavy metal memes invoking the spirit of your people.
      [–]Alba IuliaGhostOfJumari 115 points116 points117 points  (14 children)
      The second to last paragraph pretty much sums up the future. Enough time will pass with things like this happening over and over until they will become just a reality of life, something to be expected. We too will forget the times when babies could sleep outside unsupervised in strollers, or when women could walk alone at night.
      It goes like this:
      Demoralization (unchecked immigration will bring a rise in criminal behavior) -> Crisis (Cologne-type "incidents") -> Normalization("Ladies, don't walk alone at night and try to keep your distance")
      Demoralization and Crisis are a continuous cycle that repeats itself. Enough time will pass until the demoralization is complete and the events that were considered crisis events will be something that happens and we just have to deal with it -> Normalization
      [–]Finlandspin0 31 points32 points33 points  (0 children)
      "Wir schaffen das"
      [–]Tenshik 57 points58 points59 points  (6 children)
      Man the normalization is already going on if you read the articles about the Cologne attacks. They were suggesting that women be careful during the upcoming carnival and that they would make efforts to 'teach' these migrants not to rape people.
      [–]r_e_k_r_u_l 14 points15 points16 points  (1 child)
      Crysis is a video game. Crisis is the word you were looking for.
      [–]Wewkz 138 points139 points140 points  (64 children)
      They wont even get sentenced if they claim they are younger than 15. We release gang rapists in Sweden if they claim they are under 15 and we cant prove they are not.
      [–]Latviaharbingerofsorrow 42 points43 points44 points  (60 children)
      Wait... aren't there any method to determine someone's age?
      [–]Wewkz 170 points171 points172 points  (32 children)
      There is but we dont use it. This is "swedens fastest 14 year old". Im not even kidding. https://janmilld.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/14ar.jpg
      [–]balisto123 94 points95 points96 points  (8 children)
      The dude in his 30s is swedens fastest 14 y/o?
      That is amazing.
      [–]DickLovecraft 90 points91 points92 points  (7 children)
      Haha this is too much. Of all the ridiculous things happening in Sweden, this takes the cake. Absolutely hilarious. I can't even
      [–]Wewkz 22 points23 points24 points  (3 children)
      You should check out this guys videos if you want to laugh at swedes. https://www.youtube.com/user/EnArgBlatteTalar/videos
      Check out "meanwhile in sweden 1,2,3" You wont believe what you hear.
      [–]Confoederatio HelveticaZorthianator 26 points27 points28 points  (6 children)
      What the fuck.
      Do they actually believe that this guy is 14 years old?
      [–]Franceclee-saan 58 points59 points60 points  (3 children)
      Somehow it would be racist to claim otherwise I guess?
      [–]SvenGustavSvenson 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
      He says he's 14, we can't just hurt his feelings by saying he's a filthy liar. /s
      [–]GermanyBaronVonHinten 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
      So, they put him together with other 14 years old ... and if "something" happens nothing can be done. Sounds political correct.
      [–]Triple spanish flag ;Dlets-start-a-riot 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
      Please tell me you are joking. Someone says that and even if the dude looks like a 40 yo the police has to believe him and cant do shit to measure their age? What is that? A free exit of jail card? And why the police can't do several test to calculate their age?
      [–]DenmarkToroMAX 82 points83 points84 points  (5 children)
      They dont do that in Sweden. We do in denmark (dental etc.) when the age comes into question, but sweden takes it at face value. You can littarally be 25 years old, look young, rape a 12 year old, and get 1 month in prison MAX. Most of the time they actually just get released.
      [–]yesnyes 34 points35 points36 points  (4 children)
      We use to do it, but it turned out 80% of the people tested was over 18, so it would be too costly to do it - so it got scrapped.
      [–]johnossi22 18 points19 points20 points  (1 child)
      In many cases they do it also here in Finland. There was a stabbing a few weeks ago and the police said that the criminals were 13-15 years old refugees. Well a week ago police said that one of them were actually 25 years old when they checked his background and police has said there a lot of cases were there have been even guy in his 50's claiming to be underage refugee and first they have to believe that and put them in shelters for underage refugees. 76 people were tested last year and 50% were actually underage. I'm pretty sure the number of tested people will rise this year because the general attitude against this refugee crisis has been growind and I don't blame it. Too many fucked up things happening.
      [–]AnusViskaren 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
      but it turned out 80% of the people tested was over 18
      Are you sure you don't mean that 80% couldn't be proved be below 18 beyond a reasonable doubt?
      Since the margin of error is a couple of years in reality that means that 20% likely was in their twenties and 80% ranging from definitely below 18, probably below 18, probably above 18, almost certainly not below 18 but still within reasonable doubt.
      [–][deleted] 13 points14 points15 points  (5 children)
      They are "unreliable" since it has a +- 2 year errorspan. Here are some numbers i heard on the radio so I have no real source: in finland and danmark 3 out of 4 of the "young and alone" are age tested and 3 out of 4 are found to be older than they claim. In sweden 3 out of 100 are tested. 1 out of 20 are found older.
      One guy, claimed he was born in august 2000, then was arrested for participation in a gang RAPE in november 2015. He then changed his mind and said he was born december. He was let go without any charges. He walks the streets of stockholm as we speak
      [–]colacastell 36 points37 points38 points  (0 children)
      In Germany, they're walking free a week later and laugh into the camera.
      [–]Европейски Съюз | The Eruopean Union | L'Union Européenneapmechev 64 points65 points66 points  (3 children)
      Jesus Christ, that's inhuman
      [+][deleted]  (414 children)
        [+][deleted]  (16 children)
          [–]Swedentzan[S] 75 points76 points77 points  (3 children)
          Well, that is how I see it at least. I guess one could argue that without the police statements corroborating the sources' statements they couldn't publish, but I don't buy it. It wouldn't have been very hard to dig a bit deeper in order to find out if it was true or not.
          [–]MegaCatbug 28 points29 points30 points  (0 children)
          Information from the police also contradicts DN's version of how the communication between them and the police went.
          Swedish sources (unfortunately there's no translated articles):
          Basically they try to put all the blame on the police.
          Edit: The article which this thread links to was also censored to exclude the information that most of the perpetrators were young men from Afghanistan.
          The text in the red square says:
          "But the number of assaults during the festival in 2015 (compared to 2014) are said to have been greater, according to DN's shared documents. The suspected perpetrators are repeatedly said to have been identified as unaccompanied youths, mainly from Afghanistan, says DN."
          [–]princeanus 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
          We used to call that work "journalism."
          [–]AnusViskaren 120 points121 points122 points  (5 children)
          So DN essentially tried to pass the blame by focusing on how they shouldn't be criticized because the police were worse?
          DN is essentially journalistic cancer masquerading as nice middle class social liberals.
          They're the leading pro immigration newspaper and have even published outright lies about the economic benefits of immigration to Sweden and refused to publish corrections or rebuttals from economists.
          [–]Estoniarootslane 566 points567 points568 points  (25 children)
          This is very important to shine light upon. The newspaper who posted the original article "Dagens Nyheter" (DN.se) actually ALSO witheld the information from the public. This same news agency has a very pro-refugee and multicultural agenda. So its not hard to understand why the bureau acted in such way. It makes them just as bad and discraceful in my eyes. Most of the credit should go to www.nyheteridag.se who forced the news to come under public light.
          [–]Swedentzan[S] 205 points206 points207 points  (1 child)
          I wholeheartedly agree. While it is even worse that the police tried to downplay this event (seeing as how they're an government agency), we must recognize that this is an attempt to move the public's focus from DN to the Police.
          [–]HogerVansterOm 74 points75 points76 points  (20 children)
          If things transpired the way DN say they did, as in the police not confirming the source informatin, I can understand them not running the story. Not publishing a story with only a source who wants to remain anonymous is not unheard of in journalism.
          [–]Flaminis_sleeves 52 points53 points54 points  (12 children)
          People are so used to reading non fact-check news with no journalistic integrity nowdays that no one even considers this a reason.
          [–]drunzae 45 points46 points47 points  (3 children)
          Because it's not a reason, in fact it should be motivation to dig deeper and expose the police protection of criminals. An article can be written with integrity without a single bit of police confirmation, there were witnesses, victims, and perpetrators to interview.
          [–]idrinkamericanbeer 136 points137 points138 points  (315 children)
          Why would the Swedish press censor this? In America this would be a huge news story. Then Donald Trump would get on TV and say some inflammatory stuff and we'd get in a debate about that too.
          [–]Swedentzan[S] 482 points483 points484 points  (234 children)
          The very short and simplified version: Anti-immigration policies have been portrayed as a inhuman in Swedish media. Because of this anything that painted immigration or multiculturalism in bad light could not be published by the media. Since they perceived that this would increase anti-immigration sentiments among the populace. This mindset has begun to change since the paris attacks and NYE in Cologne.
          Academics will be writing books about this phenomena in the coming years.
          [–]iseeemilyplay 196 points197 points198 points  (191 children)
          Holy. Shit. And the Swedish population accepts and tolerates this?
          [–]Swedentzan[S] 249 points250 points251 points  (15 children)
          Well I think most people don't care enough or feel like there is no good way to influence the newspapers. My subjective experience is that there is a deep mistrust from most people in Sweden towards the traditional newspapers as a consequence.
          But what we call "alternative media" (mostly newly made, internet based news sites) are growing at record rates since they do not limit themselves in the same way.
          [–]Slyndrr 168 points169 points170 points  (19 children)
          It's a kind of double-think. Everyone between ages 15-35 knows what bars and areas to avoid in the evening, and why. Yet nobody talks about it or links it to immigration, because blanket statements are seen as racist. With the rise of SD and the current migration crisis, things have gotten very weirdly polarized, and as such the police don't want to be seen as encouraging hatred and the press doesn't want to be seen as fear mongering. There are a few journalists in the big news papers who dare to say their piece anyways, but they generally have a very hard time.
          Add to this a tendency for the press to be a little bit on the subcultural or highly cultural side when they go out at night. They simply don't encounter the problems, as teenagers or 20-ish people do, and that makes it easier to pretend they don't exist. I'd really love to see some of the staunchly pro-immigration journalists take a couple of excursions to troublesome areas or bars at night, preferably wearing something the "problematic youths" consider provocative.
          [–]LithuaniaSiverix 121 points122 points123 points  (13 children)
          The fact that the police are unwilling to act because the reality doesn't fit the political agenda is really fucked up.
          [–]GermanyStromchiffre 11 points12 points13 points  (0 children)
          Same thing happened in Cologne. A Hundertschaft (big group of policemen) of police officers was ordered for NYE but was then recalled and not used.
          [–]SwedenStalk33r 121 points122 points123 points  (108 children)
          Many swedes wholeheartedly support this. Most of my classmates, next to all of my teachers, and my mother, to name a few.
          [–]iseeemilyplay 71 points72 points73 points  (88 children)
          Oh wow... looks like some people really need an eye-opener that cant be ignored. Is it even possible to have opinions that you're against this reckless immigration policy that Sweden has/had? Or are you gonna be called a racist and a xenophobic?
          [–]Noir24 150 points151 points152 points  (57 children)
          Pretty much. I'm constantly afraid to explain my views on immigration due to the extreme liberalism in Sweden. You're mostly not gonna be called a racist and a xenophobe in an argument face to face because Swedes don't like confrontation, but you'd definitely hear it indirectly in a lot of other ways.
          It's disgusting how the regressive left has swept across Sweden.
          [–]Yerpbutthenigotbetter 83 points84 points85 points  (32 children)
          Maybe I'm weird, but making people afraid to speak their minds doesn't sound like a liberal value to me.
          [–][deleted] 44 points45 points46 points  (22 children)
          They call themselves liberals but act like facists
          [–]serpentjaguar 36 points37 points38 points  (9 children)
          There are parts of redit that are like this too, with the difference that you very definitely will be called a racist and a xenophobe.
          [–]SwedenStalk33r 51 points52 points53 points  (22 children)
          Depends on the person you're talking to, like Noir says below(or above) me. Many Swedes are very much afraid of confrontation (konflikträdda) and will simply say it behind your back, or simply ostracize you without saying anything to your face. Others are less subtle about it and will directly call you a racist/bigot.
          You've gotta realize that many of these people view the Sweden Democrats as the next Nazis. They have no doubt that if they came to power, we would be in for a new holocaust. Some people, once again, like my mother have already decided that they're gonna move out of Sweden if the democrats win the next election out of fear about what will happen. So people do drastic, and in many cases, dumb things.
          I wish I was kidding.
          [–]flamesholder 24 points25 points26 points  (4 children)
          SD is a legally existing political party. In Denmark the Dansk Folkeparti has been in the government for many years. Yet, Denmark has not built gas chambers. It has not tried to invade Skåne. Denmark just minds its business and serves the Danish people. Which is what a state should do for goodness sake.
          [–]tbhfamsmh 5 points6 points7 points  (3 children)
          As someone who has lived in many countries. Oh fuck is your mother gonna be shocked when pretty much every other country in the world thinks what Sweden is doing is insane.
          Where the fuck does she plan on moving???
          [–]HerrHeineKein 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
          As another Swede, I just want to back up what you're saying. All of my family and most of my friends support this 100%. No questions asked. Their reasons is "solidarity". It's well-meaning, but absolutely insane.
          There are places in Sweden were Jews are actively recommended not to live anymore (=Malmö). There are places where the the police/EMTs are at risk when they're trying to do their work (=Rosengård). 2 years ago we had riots in Stockholm's suburbs with cars being lit on fire (=Husby/Akalla). Now we're adding hundred of thousands of unemployed and poorly educated people to the pool of frustrated un-integrated immigrants.
          We're setting ourselves up for a massive, massive failure.
          [–]FinlandTacitus_ 27 points28 points29 points  (3 children)
          SD has been rising in popularity at least partly because of things like this.
          [–]DEADB33F 37 points38 points39 points  (1 child)
          Until the last week or so they had no idea things like this were happening on such a scale.
          The German & Swedish governments, police, and mainstream media have been complicit in coverups to prevent the public becoming aware of any news or disturbance that paints immigrants in a bad light. They are afraid that if they speak the truth people might call them racist, so they instead stay quiet.
          Hell, the mods of this subreddit used to delete negative stories but I think even they have now softened to the fact that maybe they were wrong.
          [–]Vinterblad 18 points19 points20 points  (0 children)
          And we who have been warning about this have been called liars and racists and because of this we have faced severe social punishment. We still do btw since people only remember the epitetets and not the reason behind them.
          [–]DenmarkToroMAX 91 points92 points93 points  (11 children)
          Sweden is one of the more censored places in europe. Immigration, immigrants, etc. everything is censored from the top and down. Basically, dont trust their media.
          [–]Englandallvarr 24 points25 points26 points  (2 children)
          The only thing you can trust is the bloody weather reports, and only when it's bad news.
          [–]flamesholder 6 points7 points8 points  (1 child)
          There is one thing that I really appreciate about Danish people - they speak what they think and you don't need to read between the lines.
          [–]Dumbo is the cutest elephantmyrpou 25 points26 points27 points  (2 children)
          No there is outrage, but a part of the population will tolerate anything.
          [–]SwedenTaklist 30 points31 points32 points  (1 child)
          That (very "special") part of our population won't just tolerate it, but demand it. Information, facts and statistics are dangerous things if not properly... "designed" and presented.
          [–]FinlandArquinas 21 points22 points23 points  (23 children)
          What do the editorial staff and the maganize get out of it? Financial bonus? Or are they afraid of their reputation?
          [–]Swedentzan[S] 81 points82 points83 points  (11 children)
          I honestly don't know. I would guess that they want to appear as really good people on facebook. The kind of people who are progressive and care about the plight of the poor in the world, etc. Never mind if the policies actually work or not. As long as you appear to be doing good they get likes on facebook and that's all that really matters. Or maybe I'm just too cynical.
          [+][deleted]  (2 children)
            [–]Wewkz 150 points151 points152 points  (69 children)
            Imagine if all press in the us was like fox news. That's how it is in Sweden but they are all leftists.
            We have 8 parties in Sweden and 7 of them are pro-immigration. If you openly support the 8th party you can lose your job.
            And you cant get help from the union either. They exclude you if they find out you support the anti-immigration party.
            [–]yesnyes 15 points16 points17 points  (1 child)
            Should be mention the party in the questions view (SD) on immigration is way more liberal than the US, and Obama is way more restrictive and right wing.
            [–]tbqhfamsmh 41 points42 points43 points  (18 children)
            Source on job losing and union exclusion?
            [–]strimlarn 148 points149 points150 points  (10 children)
            Here are three examples:
            Head of major pr company fired because of eating dinner with one of the representatives of the Sweden Democrats: http://www.di.se/artiklar/2015/12/15/kreabs-sverigechef-far-ga-efter-sd-umgange/
            Journalist getting fired for eating dinner with a representative of the Sweden Democrats: http://www.svd.se/marcus-birro-jag-sparkas-fran-expressen
            12 of 14 of the branches of LO (the largest Swedish union) don't allow their representatives to have any affiliation with the Sweden Democrats: http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article19218204.ab
            [–]Wewkz 89 points90 points91 points  (0 children)
            Schools best teacher according to his studends. Fired from two jobs for his opinions. And this was 10 years ago, its alot worse now.
            [–]NorwayTheEndgame 28 points29 points30 points  (1 child)
            Very frightening!
            [–]Swedenonly_glutathione 31 points32 points33 points  (4 children)
            I mean there are facebook posts that become widely shared stating that certain hotels should be boycotted because SD politicians have conferences there. That's the mentality here and it's not at all uncommon that people stop being friends with people that are outspoken supporters of SD.
            [–]European Unionleo_ash 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
            The same is done in Germany wherever afd or Pegida want to hold an event. Just recently in my hometown one restaurant changed their mind about it after a twitter shitstorm.
            [–]journo127 69 points70 points71 points  (34 children)
            Damn, at least we didn't take 10 days
            [–]Norwaymoanjelly 132 points133 points134 points  (8 children)
            Try several months. This happened back in August.
            [–]social-isolation 111 points112 points113 points  (6 children)
            It actually happened back in 2014 AND 2015.
            [–]Norwaymoanjelly 84 points85 points86 points  (5 children)
            One gets the impression this sort of thing has been going on for a while. What other stories have been conveniently omitted?
            [–]SwedenSnyggkille 85 points86 points87 points  (2 children)
            Their chief, Dan Eliasson, got the job as national police chief because when he was head of the Social Insurance Agency tweeted "Usually i keep to the Social Insurance Agency. But Jimmie Åkesson (party leader of the Swedish Democrats) in debate makes me puke!" He has also been the chief of the migrations office and been a state secretary (as in the state and not a "state" as the American meaning) for Thomas Bodström.
            When he was chief of the migrations office he was accused of "detail controlling". Also known as "tampering with facts" or as police say; "Spoilation of evidence" and to fire personel that criticized the leading. He has also admitted to "encouraging" an employee to censor a Wikipedia article from an "agency/authority" computer.
            Seems like the land of corruption is the land to claim to have the least.
            Sweden is such a fucked up country.
            [–]Republic of FlandersRomebeach 44 points45 points46 points  (24 children)
            Eh, the German authorities were probably thinking "Wir schaffen das" when thinking about the public backlash after the Cologne event.
            [–]rantaruntiringen 335 points336 points337 points  (22 children)
            The gist of it: Swedish police never reported that large groups of mainly young foreign males that have come to Sweden without parents, most of them from Afghanistan, surrounded and molested girls as young as 11 years old on a large festival in Stockholm. More than 200 young men where removed from the area, but not arrested. One police man said that he would never let his daughter go to the festival. One police chief was quoted saying "we sometimes dare not say how it is because we believe that it benefits the Sweden Democrats".
            [–]Rep. SrpskaCbc_guy 123 points124 points125 points  (3 children)
            You fucking cowards.
            my reference to cowardice can be attached to either party
            [–]Dumbo is the cutest elephantmyrpou 391 points392 points393 points  (21 children)
            I'm abolsutley appalled by this, this is a massive scandal and I fear this is just the tip of the iceberg.
            [–]BifrostRocks 122 points123 points124 points  (1 child)
            Of course it is just the tip of the iceberg, it is Sweden (your home country) we are talking about. Even though we have a better debate in Denmark and less censorship*, I am worried as well that there might turn up lots and lots of skeletons from the past..
            [–]AnusViskaren 169 points170 points171 points  (14 children)
            This is going to get bloody within years, and it will be on the hands of the multi-culturalists.
            Or to put it in the words of my ancestors:
            an axe age, a sword age
            Shields are cloven.
            A wind age, a wolf age,
            before the world sinks.
            no man will
            spare another.
            Remove kebab
            [–]Dumbo is the cutest elephantmyrpou 45 points46 points47 points  (6 children)
            [–]Scotlandlogicalmaniak 17 points18 points19 points  (2 children)
            It's alright for you bloody Vikings, you've got wursts and meatballs all the colours of the rainbow.
            I'm not going back to jellied eel pie and warm ale!
            [–]superbatprime 68 points69 points70 points  (9 children)
            When are they going to learn that trying to supress stuff like this in the INFORMATION AGE is never going to work.
            What are you going to do? Confiscate the phone of every witness, go to their homes and take their computers?
            You cannot "cover up" shit like this, jesus christ we are practically omniscient in todays world, all these hamfisted attempts at supressing this information are doing nothing except making people even more angry.
            [–]anlich 35 points36 points37 points  (1 child)
            You can't cover it up, but delaying the information can have a withering out effect if people don't look into it too much, or it can blow up in your face.
            [–]PolandTechnolog 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
            But in fact this time they almost succeeded. This incident was censored for months and if German police and media wouldn't try to do the same, this story could be still suppressed.
            [–]Spastikk 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
            But they did hide, for five months. They covered up the same thing in 2014 too. One month before the election.
            [–]ThisWasNotAnAccount 237 points238 points239 points  (3 children)
            Shameful. Just utterly shameful.
            This is not the Europe that I wish for, where we , once again walk blindly through half-truths and propaganda.
            I'm a left wing guy and I'll say it with all my heart. The left is full of hypocrites. It's disgraceful for us to defend the values we say we believe in, of equality of opportunity, of equal treatment, freedom of belief, expression and (non-damaging) action when we cannot act in a way that mirrors our beliefs and resort to blindly close our eyes and mouths when truth doesn't align with narrative.
            Maybe it's because I'm in STEM, but no data is definitely worse than discouraging data. We may be right on some things. But we're not in many, and we'll never be on all. But we can and ought to learn, even if the mouth that speaks is against our closely held beliefs.
            What the major left parties defend on migration, for example, is painfully, catastrophically not working (my thoughts on it) and we must reassess our responses or risk a rise of reactionary parties banking on our blind, willful stupidity.
            I'm aghast with how we seem to punch ourselves for minor, casual things while letting others act like barbarians in our own homes. It's the sort of doublethink that will cost us decades, and it's so fucking disheartening.
            I feel spent
            [–]Yerpbutthenigotbetter 40 points41 points42 points  (0 children)
            I hear ya.
            I no longer feel able to support the political parties which appear to be nominally in favour of what I believe in.
            They're off in an alternate reality, in which ignoring problems makes them go away. Where vigilantism never arises. Where violent ethnic cleansing simply cannot exist.
            I really worry about the future, because the way things are going, the willful insistence on "muslim == good" will just lead to a massive swing into "muslim == bad" and that will get fucking nasty.
            It's been building for years, and somehow pointing it out is still racist to them. Those fucking morons don't understand they're fueling racism through unequal treatment. Yes, favouring minorities too much can most definitely anger people. Coddling criminals for their cultural or ethnic background can most definitely anger people.
            My alternative to these morons, though? Nothing but actual, real, populist racists. I don't know if heads will be pulled out of asses before it explodes, but I don't trust that it will. History is full of these moments of institutional immobility, even in the face of an impending collision.
            [–]ZeldaGoddessOfWisdom 122 points123 points124 points  (10 children)
            So the immigrants have learned that if you fondle young Swedish girls the police will not do anything and the media will actively work to cover it up. What a country. It's like I'm talking about the Congo.
            After all of this is the country finally starting to have an honest discussion about immigration or are they continuing to bury their heads in the sand?
            [–]Cayarl 116 points117 points118 points  (32 children)
            Im young, soon out of gymnasium, every day i see shit like this, and i cant deal with it. i grew up here thinking i love my country, but i dont want to live here if this goes on, there seems to be no end in sight, and i dont want to work hard and pay high taxes to feed migrant men for the rest of my life while they get everything free and arent even prosecuted when they rape and commit crimes. I am getting out of here, Norway maybe?
            [–]IrelandLitrallyTitler 45 points46 points47 points  (15 children)
            Maybe you should fight for your country, set up or join a political youth group and get involved to change the direction your country is going
            [–]Swedenbandola 19 points20 points21 points  (10 children)
            Don't know about OP, but if it didn't put me in danger of losing my job and friends I would do it.
            [–]United StatesBob_Fucking_Ross 16 points17 points18 points  (1 child)
            If you want to stand up for something that will make you lose your friends, you may have to make a decision of which is more important to you. I guarantee your friends are most likely going to be following the mold and will not be making any sort of difference on their own. Who knows, maybe some of them just need someone to open the door for them.
            [–]idrinkamericanbeer 65 points66 points67 points  (59 children)
            Can someone please explain to me why they would cover this up?
            [–]Cazux 223 points224 points225 points  (30 children)
            The police chief (i think) explained that they were worried that it would play into the hands of the Swedish Democrats. Absolutely absurd.
            [–]European UnionAustere_Fostere 212 points213 points214 points  (7 children)
            Oh dear, the people who said we were destroying our country with immigration were right. Better cover it up so we can continue destroying our country.
            [–]European UnionPwndbyautocorrect 44 points45 points46 points  (1 child)
            It's like fascism and communism: "We shall succeed through pure willpower and determination, for it is the only thing that matters", aka if it fails we'll just double down on it.
            [–]Japan_URAMI 41 points42 points43 points  (1 child)
            I would think little girls getting molested would be a bigger problem, but what the hell do I know?
            [–]Actually displaced NZerwinter-sun 38 points39 points40 points  (1 child)
            "racial cohesion" - that is, we don't trust the general population to not act completely retarded if we present them with facts from their community. I don't think the motives are cynical but it's misguided and short-sighted. Also very unfair to the victims. It's the start of dangerous cycle too.. Politicians, city representations etc can only make policies based on facts presented to them. To bury such things has the potential for further mishandling of this situation.
            [–]WhyNotPokeTheBees 17 points18 points19 points  (0 children)
            Why else? To not give ammunition to the SD.
            [–]tyrryt 17 points18 points19 points  (0 children)
            If you're pushing an agenda that doesn't fit with reality, at some point you have to lie or force people to agree with it.
            [–]MikaelJacobsson 27 points28 points29 points  (9 children)
            Simple. If he said that most of the perpetrators were Afghan immigrants he would be labelled a racist and have his career ruined.
            Swedes have gotten in trouble before with their employer for expressing "racist" opinions on Facebook or their blogs: http://www.helahalsingland.se/halsingland/ovanaker/kommunanstalld-uttryckte-sig-rasistiskt-pa-facebook, http://www.svd.se/rasistiska-asikter-hos-flyktingombud/om/sverige
            [–]nullPekare 13 points14 points15 points  (0 children)
            From another post in this thread:
            Police Chief Peter Ågren:
            Det här är en öm punkt, vi vågar ibland inte säga som det är för att vi tror att det spelar Sverigedemokraterna i händerna. Vi får ta på oss det här inom polisen.
            Translation (to the best of my ability):
            It's a tough spot, sometimes we don't dare to say things as they are because we're afraid that it plays into the hands of the Swedish Democrats (populist right-wing). We have to take responsibility within the police-force.
            [+][deleted]  (2 children)
              [–]PolandPluum 40 points41 points42 points  (2 children)
              Imagine how much they're not telling us.
              [–]leftoversn 33 points34 points35 points  (9 children)
              Några av de misstänkta gärningsmännen ska ha haft utländsk bakgrund.
              Translates into: Some of the suspects are supposedly of foreign background.
              Some!? Supposedly!? Only in the state sponsored SVT can the facts be this skewed.
              [+][deleted]  (10 children)
                [–]Bitvis 38 points39 points40 points  (13 children)
                So fucking sad to see the country I grew up in and loved turn to complete shit in less than 10 years. With everything that's been going on, I doubt anything will improve, which is why I will be leaving this country for good later this year. It sucks, but what else could you do.
                [–]The NetherlandsSchurkjeBoefje 62 points63 points64 points  (1 child)
                More grain for the mills of the populists.
                The traditional left is just digging its own hole.
                [–]AndyAwesome 20 points21 points22 points  (12 children)
                Is this news catching any traction in SWE now like it did in Germany? Like does it get airtime on TV and so on?
                [–]SwedenSnyggkille 34 points35 points36 points  (0 children)
                Nope. It's just gotten out. It's Sunday night. It's still a mess.
                I'm looking forward to this week. People are in for some extra strong coffee when they wake up in four hours.
                [–]Swedentzan[S] 24 points25 points26 points  (10 children)
                Every big newspaper has it on their first page. My guess is it will be featured on TV tomorrow and the international press will probably pick up the story as well.
                [–]dakmak 21 points22 points23 points  (0 children)
                Puts the "Eastern Europe destroyed freedom of press" fear-mongering campaign into perspective.
                [–]The NetherlandsAndyFNG 7 points8 points9 points  (1 child)
                It fucking enrages me what's happening currently in Europe and politicians seem to not give any fucks.
                [–]flameishilarious 91 points92 points93 points  (19 children)
                Funniest Country on the planet, no doubt.
                [–]SwedenDaddymoo 142 points143 points144 points  (17 children)
                Having the country I was born in and grew up in during the early 90s falling to pieces due to stupidity, incompetence and sensitivity is not funny, it's depressing and shameful. In my youth I wanted to live nowhere else, this was the place to be, to grow and live. Now I want no part of it. Fuck everything about these recent years and Swedens fall into madness.
                [–]A sarcastic cynic that may offend tender sensibilities.AThousandD 49 points50 points51 points  (5 children)
                I understand how you feel, but I encourage you not to give up and to stay in Sweden and work to change your country for the better and undo the regress that has taken place over the years. Find people who also care about your country and stay strong.
                [–]SwedenDaddymoo 40 points41 points42 points  (4 children)
                Yes I know, I won't move. My whole life is here and I wrote the comment in a feeling of helplessnes after reading the article. It's not as bad as it sounds but going backwards just plain sucks. I fear most for the women and the people in actual need of government support who are getting fucked by the recent events, especially when we've been in the pinnacle of welfare and womens rights for so long, all I can do is vote and voice my concerns. My overdramatization doesn't help anyone but I stand by my comment.
                [+][deleted]  (5 children)
                  [–]CampBloodSurvivor 118 points119 points120 points  (24 children)
                  Sweden are pathetic. Their leftist party are so deathly afraid of painting immigrants in a negative light
                  [–]cc81 116 points117 points118 points  (9 children)
                  It has been the general consensus among all parties besides SD.
                  Left - Sweden should save the world using feminism. So everyone that needs protection should be able to get it in Sweden.
                  Right - Libertarians completely took over and the conservatives were knocked out. So free migration for all.
                  SD - While they have done a lot of work getting cleaner from their past they still have had an aura of racism. Some might be unfair but some is definitely earned. They have had tons of representatives saying questionable things and their now removed youth party seemed really eager to appear like Hitler jugend.
                  Journalists generally went with either Left or Right approach and both sides were incredibly wary of saying anything that could be associated with any idea SD has ever had.
                  Swedes in general are pretty self-righteous so politicians/journalists (except the growing SD) in general were very eager to tell the rest of Europe how good Sweden are and that the rest are basically fascists. Sweden will never turn away anyone. They could say this because Sweden is far away and relied on other people turning away refugees and others at their borders.
                  Then the borders collapsed and suddenly Sweden had to eat their words and backpedaled on everything. If I did not live here it would be almost funny.
                  [–]Estoniarootslane 40 points41 points42 points  (13 children)
                  What is scary is how much control the goverment and media is trying to force without support from the people. This is NOT democratic. I fear we face even thougher times ahead.
                  [–]Hun_Gbr 72 points73 points74 points  (34 children)
                  Is it true that in Sweden if you say anything bad about immigration, Islam, or questioning the general policies of the leftist elite, violent antifas track you down and beat you? I remember a famous clip in which they beat the living shit out of a Slovak immigrant because they mistook him for a "nazi". Also what is the Swedish popular opinion on the YouTuber Angry Foreigner (EnArgBlatteTalar)? Is he well-known? Is he in danger of actual persecution for his views?
                  [–]SwedenSnyggkille 75 points76 points77 points  (14 children)
                  This happens. But certainly not to every one.
                  We have a terrorist group here that our safety police (SÄPO kinda like FBI) deemed to be one of Swedens biggest threats.
                  That is called "AFA". "Anti fachist Action". Those were also the guys that beat that migrant worker.
                  They beat every one right of the Socialist Democrats. But this is just in "protests". Sometimes though they attack individualls. Like when our Swedish local whiteboy rapper "Sebbe Staxx" (hates cops, carries pistols, gets arrested etc) decided to "fuck up" a "nazi".
                  Him and AFA thugs decided to axe a door down and throw molotov coctails into a house. Containing, not a nazi. But a mother and a daughter.
                  They are bathshit insane and behave and talk just like real nazis. But luckely they are on the decline in population.
                  [–]IrelandLitrallyTitler 38 points39 points40 points  (0 children)
                  An Italian here told me a saying:
                  There are two types of fascists, the fascists and the anti-fascists
                  [–]MegaCatbug 42 points43 points44 points  (1 child)
                  Violence isn't needed; there are enough social and economical factors to make you stay silent. You might lose your job, your credibility/status, get shittalked on socialmedia and whatnot. I bet physical threats do occur though.
                  He's really just another blogger who doesn't get any recognition at all in MSM or any Swedish media what so ever. I bet he's more well known internationally, much for that Infowars interview he did this previous fall.
                  As of persecution I haven't heard anything special referring to him really.
                  [–]Envackerdag 16 points17 points18 points  (0 children)
                  Violence isn't needed; there are enough social and economical factors to make you stay silent. You might lose your job, your credibility/status, get shittalked on socialmedia and whatnot. I bet physical threats do occur though.
                  This is very accurate. They don´t have to beat you up (even though it occurs) because the social stigma of being labled as a racist is so strong in Sweden. People are afraid to say anything even though most of us think the same.
                  [–]SwedenTszemix 21 points22 points23 points  (3 children)
                  Angry Foreigner isn't right wing but someone who criticizes Swedens immigration policy and drug laws. He is considered as a nutcase by some people and is quite ignored.
                  [–]MegaCatbug 20 points21 points22 points  (1 child)
                  Just want to alert everyone of the active censoring of this article from SVT!
                  They removed the information regarding the fact that the perpetrators in many cases were unaccompanied youths from Afghanistan.
                  This is the 1st version:
                  The text in the red square says:
                  "But the number of assaults during the festival in 2015 (compared to 2014) are said to have been greater, according to DN's shared documents. The suspected perpetrators are repeatedly said to have been identified as unaccompanied youths, mainly from Afghanistan, says DN."
                  [–]Denmarkemwac 42 points43 points44 points  (5 children)
                  I'm surprised and impressed to see SVT reporting this story!
                  I'm starting to suspect a shift in attitude in the Swedish state media establishment.
                  [–]Cazux 72 points73 points74 points  (0 children)
                  An alternative news source published an article about it, thus forcing SVT's hand.
                  [–]Dumbo is the cutest elephantmyrpou 30 points31 points32 points  (0 children)
                  Their reputation is shaky as fuck at the moment, they need to appear to not be biased.
                  [–]IrelandSpiderDjion 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
                  Sweden needs to wake the fuck up fast.
                  [–]NorwayEuroTreasure 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
                  It states that the Police did not want to disclose that information because they feared that it would benefit the Swedish Democrats (the so called far-right party of Sweden, which is more a xenophobic populist centrist party in my book. The traditional left-right dichotomy is flawed)
                  First of all, when did the police become an political player? Who thought it was the role of the police to make decisions like this. Is this Iran?
                  Its this kind of covering up that feeds the Swedish Democrats popularity. Because they become the only party which dares to touch the issue and therefore becomes the only party with a plan to deal with what many people sees as the biggest problem in their society.
                  There is no doubt that SD are a shady bunch of people, who have polished their party program to look far better than the values of their leaders. SD in my mind is not the solution, but a symptom of the problem. The solution must come from a broad realization of the whole political spectrum that something is not working. Until that happens, they get to monopolize the solution.
                  [–]Skivsamlaren 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
                  According to a swedish "alternative media" outlet, DN – the newspaper the made the scoop – acctually knew about it since last summer: nyheteridag.se/exposing-major-pc-cover-up-in-sweden-leading-daily-dagens-nyheter-refused-to-write-about-cologne-like-sex-crimes-in-central-stockholm
                  So a cover up by both police AND media. Great.
                  [–]LTCM1998 61 points62 points63 points  (39 children)
                  Just change immigration policy. People from Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc are not allowed to come in, period. Sorry. Go to Asia, go to South America, go wherever. Just close the border. If you are found, there is gonna be a plane that you hire that flies them back. They are released in custody at home country, and you make a deal with said country and pay them to take them back in. It will be not nice but after a while they will get the hint may be. Enough is enough. Why is it that US has strict visa restrictions for people from those areas? Because it is unsafe. Same should be for EU. Immigration policy has been abused and is now ruined so it should be fully closed to them. Tough luck. You cant take people in who have no culture at home, who think it is ok to abuse women like this.
                  People in EU need to understand that this women grabbing was a non lethal terror attack and treat these perpetrators as such and deport them.
                  [–]colacastell 19 points20 points21 points  (27 children)
                  Doesn't comply with most constitutions in Europe, also it's not legal to deport people to war zones such as Syria.
                  But I agree; it's understandable if people are fleeing the horror of war, and I'm happy to welcome them if they abide the law, integrate, and at some point become a full member of society or return home when war is over. But as soon as there are criminal charges, that immigrants right to seek asylum and stay should be immediately revoked and they should be deported with zero tolerance. That would first: stop them from such activity and second: if not, they're gone. The problem is that most laws in Europe are too lose and punishment is ridiculous to a point where I get mad.
                  [–]Earthujorge 25 points26 points27 points  (21 children)
                  Doesn't comply with most constitutions in Europe, also it's not legal to deport people to war zones such as Syria
                  If I was in charge in Germany I would argue the following:
                  • The refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan are not a war zone.
                  • In order to arrive in Germany they travelled via a lot of countries that are safe
                  • Their presence in Germany was irregular, as they should have asked for asylum in the first EU country they arrived in...what..? You said Merkel invalidated that..? Well, that was wrong...out you go!
                  [–]onet12 37 points38 points39 points  (0 children)
                  Europe has been sold out by stupid politicians and their multi - culti never - working-ideas In 2010 Merkel said "Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11559451 2015 - she opened borders and took 1 000 000 more immigrants, fu. ck the logic.
                  [–]frizzaks 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
                  Once proud Vikings now sit on their hands behind closed doors as their country is destroyed by its leaders.
                  [–]Metabog 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
                  Are we ready to admit these people don't belong in Europe? Are we ready yet? How many of these incidents are required?
                  [–]Swedentzan[S] 26 points27 points28 points  (0 children)
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