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Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd)
01/11/16(Mon)14:27:58 No.60695471

Anonymous (ID: q2TCecH6)
01/11/16(Mon)14:30:30 No.60695679
Anonymous (ID: q2TCecH6) 01/11/16(Mon)19:30:30 No.60695679
>>60695471 (OP)
why didn't i buy dwti when it was $150?
Anonymous (ID: NYp63g9N)
01/11/16(Mon)14:31:05 No.60695731
Anonymous (ID: NYp63g9N) 01/11/16(Mon)19:31:05 No.60695731
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>>60695471 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: l/TxbQ22)
01/11/16(Mon)14:31:07 No.60695735
Anonymous (ID: l/TxbQ22) 01/11/16(Mon)19:31:07 No.60695735
Does the fire rise brothers?
Anonymous (ID: L4D/OFKv)
01/11/16(Mon)14:31:30 No.60695769
Anonymous (ID: L4D/OFKv) 01/11/16(Mon)19:31:30 No.60695769
Oilfags btfo




Anonymous (ID: 5+H6kVIt)
01/11/16(Mon)14:31:34 No.60695780
Anonymous (ID: 5+H6kVIt) 01/11/16(Mon)19:31:34 No.60695780
Alpha Romanian descendant of daco romans reporting in.
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd)
01/11/16(Mon)14:31:45 No.60695790
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd) 01/11/16(Mon)19:31:45 No.60695790
Anonymous (ID: RLMdzk6j)
01/11/16(Mon)14:31:52 No.60695801
Anonymous (ID: RLMdzk6j) 01/11/16(Mon)19:31:52 No.60695801
So what does this mean?
Anonymous (ID: qUNgsBfA)
01/11/16(Mon)14:31:59 No.60695804
Anonymous (ID: qUNgsBfA) 01/11/16(Mon)19:31:59 No.60695804
>the jews did it
Anonymous (ID: zSSDqTH1)
01/11/16(Mon)14:32:15 No.60695822
Anonymous (ID: zSSDqTH1) 01/11/16(Mon)19:32:15 No.60695822

>why, why didn't I short it when it was $150?

FTFY :^)
Anonymous (ID: 8gTeXV2/)
01/11/16(Mon)14:32:27 No.60695841
Anonymous (ID: 8gTeXV2/) 01/11/16(Mon)19:32:27 No.60695841
How kill is China tonight?
Anonymous (ID: XktdvvTp)
01/11/16(Mon)14:33:00 No.60695875
Anonymous (ID: XktdvvTp) 01/11/16(Mon)19:33:00 No.60695875
>>60695471 (OP)
Venezuela on suicide watch.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)14:33:06 No.60695880
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)19:33:06 No.60695880
It continues the general trend of a long, slow global deflationary collapse.
Anonymous (ID: zSSDqTH1)
01/11/16(Mon)14:33:17 No.60695892
Anonymous (ID: zSSDqTH1) 01/11/16(Mon)19:33:17 No.60695892

Cheap gas for normies. Investors and 401ks getting BTFO. I lost about 4.5% this last week thanks to the slump and sold off my stock positions today when it was still positive.

Go long cash and volatility, bros.
Anonymous (ID: uUBPiGG4)
01/11/16(Mon)14:34:28 No.60695976
Anonymous (ID: uUBPiGG4) 01/11/16(Mon)19:34:28 No.60695976
>>60695471 (OP)
Can private citizens buy crude oil? What if I bought a gorillion dollars of oil and stockpiled it? Then in 80 years after I'm dead and gone, my sons can live like kangz n sheeit by selling super rare crude oil?
Anonymous (ID: yvGA4ZZ+)
01/11/16(Mon)14:34:41 No.60695997
Anonymous (ID: yvGA4ZZ+) 01/11/16(Mon)19:34:41 No.60695997
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>>60695471 (OP)
we climbed 30c in the last dozen minutes, sitting at $31.23

will superman save the fumbling economy or will Lex Polther finally cause the cHanppening?

find out after this commercial break

quick kwestion for any kommandos in here, are 12ga 2 3/4" skeet shells decent for close range work? I have 25 of them and five rounds of 00 buck that I grabbed with my first weapon purchase (a B-E-A-Utiful Remington 870 named Susan that can take three-inchers if I need her to)
Anonymous (ID: 5N3megLB)
01/11/16(Mon)14:34:41 No.60695998
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Anonymous (ID: q2TCecH6)
01/11/16(Mon)14:34:56 No.60696017
Anonymous (ID: q2TCecH6) 01/11/16(Mon)19:34:56 No.60696017
why is it a slow collapse now?
why isn't it a more sudden collapse like we've seen previously in 2008?
will it eventually come to a climax like 2008?
Anonymous (ID: L4D/OFKv)
01/11/16(Mon)14:35:33 No.60696062
Anonymous (ID: L4D/OFKv) 01/11/16(Mon)19:35:33 No.60696062
>slow global deflationary collapse

Of a commodity price bubble in oil. Which only happened because OPEC kept cutting production to make prices high in 2000-2014. The prices now are just the reality when oil isn't artifically forced high.
Anonymous (ID: 8gTeXV2/)
01/11/16(Mon)14:36:28 No.60696120
Anonymous (ID: 8gTeXV2/) 01/11/16(Mon)19:36:28 No.60696120
The middle east must be in full panic mode
Anonymous (ID: LSK+ClOr)
01/11/16(Mon)14:38:01 No.60696229
Anonymous (ID: LSK+ClOr) 01/11/16(Mon)19:38:01 No.60696229
>>60695471 (OP)
how long till the next WW to push the economy? 2month? 3month?
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)14:38:47 No.60696278
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)19:38:47 No.60696278
Beats me. I don't see the advantage to not trying to drag the crash out. That's what's been going on since 2008.

If the whole world goes catches on fire (e.g. outright WWIII, global pandemic, or other sufficiently massive and global happening) then that might be good cover for a large, sudden collapse, but it'd be pretty disasterous unless the world were already on fire. And it doesn't really seem to me like there's any kind of a coherent new financial system ready to go yet that would take its place -- that I think is the real apple to try to go for when it comes to how to resolve the current dysfunctional situation.
Anonymous (ID: FCJoLXF3)
01/11/16(Mon)14:39:26 No.60696320
Anonymous (ID: FCJoLXF3) 01/11/16(Mon)19:39:26 No.60696320
Notice the very distinct spaces of time between each crash..
Anonymous (ID: sTeqFXJJ)
01/11/16(Mon)14:39:38 No.60696343
Anonymous (ID: sTeqFXJJ) 01/11/16(Mon)19:39:38 No.60696343
Lots of fancy financial instrumentation. No one has lost faith in the system so it keeps chugging along.
Anonymous (ID: qUNgsBfA)
01/11/16(Mon)14:40:05 No.60696381
Anonymous (ID: qUNgsBfA) 01/11/16(Mon)19:40:05 No.60696381
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>post yfw its habbening
Anonymous (ID: KdpdevFU)
01/11/16(Mon)14:40:11 No.60696388
Anonymous (ID: KdpdevFU) 01/11/16(Mon)19:40:11 No.60696388
I know that feel.
Anonymous (ID: G42PCcVX)
01/11/16(Mon)14:40:49 No.60696436
Anonymous (ID: G42PCcVX) 01/11/16(Mon)19:40:49 No.60696436
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Anonymous (ID: dRaZs3Jm)
01/11/16(Mon)14:41:14 No.60696466
Anonymous (ID: dRaZs3Jm) 01/11/16(Mon)19:41:14 No.60696466
India is in trouble too,Sensex is at a low
Anonymous (ID: l/TxbQ22)
01/11/16(Mon)14:41:24 No.60696481
Anonymous (ID: l/TxbQ22) 01/11/16(Mon)19:41:24 No.60696481

So basically we're overdue for a big one?
Anonymous (ID: qUNgsBfA)
01/11/16(Mon)14:42:17 No.60696551
Anonymous (ID: qUNgsBfA) 01/11/16(Mon)19:42:17 No.60696551
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Anonymous (ID: LSK+ClOr)
01/11/16(Mon)14:42:27 No.60696566
Anonymous (ID: LSK+ClOr) 01/11/16(Mon)19:42:27 No.60696566
>quick kwestion for any kommandos in here, are 12ga 2 3/4" skeet shells decent for close range work? I have 25 of them and five rounds of 00 buck that I grabbed with my first weapon purchase (a B-E-A-Utiful Remington 870 named Susan that can take three-inchers if I need her to)

to make it short: yes
Anonymous (ID: YG+kNwW9)
01/11/16(Mon)14:42:45 No.60696591
Anonymous (ID: YG+kNwW9) 01/11/16(Mon)19:42:45 No.60696591
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Anonymous (ID: qUNgsBfA)
01/11/16(Mon)14:42:48 No.60696595
Anonymous (ID: qUNgsBfA) 01/11/16(Mon)19:42:48 No.60696595
>India is in trouble too,Sensex is at a low
Anonymous (ID: EWEgt5IS)
01/11/16(Mon)14:42:52 No.60696598
Anonymous (ID: EWEgt5IS) 01/11/16(Mon)19:42:52 No.60696598
>>60695471 (OP)
Well then.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)14:43:33 No.60696640
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)19:43:33 No.60696640
Either way it's a deflationary trend. You could blame housing bubbles or fiat bubbles or derivatives bubbles or whatever else, too. But the end result is that it's going to wind up going down when there isn't enough new action to keep the ponzi scheme going anymore.
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd)
01/11/16(Mon)14:44:32 No.60696701
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd) 01/11/16(Mon)19:44:32 No.60696701
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Hello fellow OPEC country

Can you kindly tell Saudi Arabia to fuck themselves
Anonymous (ID: LSK+ClOr)
01/11/16(Mon)14:44:35 No.60696708
Anonymous (ID: LSK+ClOr) 01/11/16(Mon)19:44:35 No.60696708
Anonymous (ID: q2TCecH6)
01/11/16(Mon)14:44:42 No.60696716
Anonymous (ID: q2TCecH6) 01/11/16(Mon)19:44:42 No.60696716
what is your plan guys?
cash? gold?
Anonymous (ID: 7XLQlvaT)
01/11/16(Mon)14:44:59 No.60696742
Anonymous (ID: 7XLQlvaT) 01/11/16(Mon)19:44:59 No.60696742
/pol/, I thought the US markets were supposed to crash today after the Shanghai index tanked 5.30%

Instead, they are flat.

Where is the famous meme magic I keep hearing about?
Anonymous (ID: Wy9XnBCW)
01/11/16(Mon)14:45:43 No.60696801
Anonymous (ID: Wy9XnBCW) 01/11/16(Mon)19:45:43 No.60696801
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>oil at all time low
>gas stations around me are 30 cents higher than they were two weeks ago
Anonymous (ID: XktdvvTp)
01/11/16(Mon)14:45:44 No.60696802
Anonymous (ID: XktdvvTp) 01/11/16(Mon)19:45:44 No.60696802
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you all know that most opec countries sell well below the Brent/WTI indexes right.

it could be $31.00 for Brent but Venezuela shit crude sells for $6.00 cheaper at $26,00

same goes Canadian tar sand. it's selling at $20.00 right now
Anonymous (ID: NbHnV9l5)
01/11/16(Mon)14:46:09 No.60696837
Anonymous (ID: NbHnV9l5) 01/11/16(Mon)19:46:09 No.60696837
If you want a good laugh at the cucks up north their oil (WCS) is selling for $18 a barrel. And they are losing over $10 on every barrel sold. If this goes on 6 months they are totally fucked. Avoid the Canadian currency, canadians oil stocks, banks etc
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd)
01/11/16(Mon)14:46:17 No.60696849
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd) 01/11/16(Mon)19:46:17 No.60696849
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>what is your plan guys?
>cash? gold?

The woods
Anonymous (ID: qUNgsBfA)
01/11/16(Mon)14:46:36 No.60696883
Anonymous (ID: qUNgsBfA) 01/11/16(Mon)19:46:36 No.60696883
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Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd)
01/11/16(Mon)14:46:39 No.60696888
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd) 01/11/16(Mon)19:46:39 No.60696888
God damn, it white boy

>Apple (AAPL) was efforting to snap the Dow Industrials and the Nasdaq from their losing streaks. Shares rose on a couple of positive catalysts including its Apple Music service surpassing the 10 million subscriber mark. Additionally, the stock was upgraded to a "buy" from "neutral" at Mizuho Securities. The firm said Apple's recent selloff on concerns of weak iPhone sales has created a "meaningful" potential to the upside.

Anonymous (ID: L4D/OFKv)
01/11/16(Mon)14:46:58 No.60696915
Anonymous (ID: L4D/OFKv) 01/11/16(Mon)19:46:58 No.60696915
>Can you kindly tell Saudi Arabia to fuck themselves

Not Kuwait but why would you want them to do that?

Better not be about syria since you should go to the syria thread.
Anonymous (ID: YG+kNwW9)
01/11/16(Mon)14:47:07 No.60696929
Anonymous (ID: YG+kNwW9) 01/11/16(Mon)19:47:07 No.60696929
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>Can you kindly tell Saudi Arabia to fuck themselves

I tell them that nearly everyday
Anonymous (ID: Wy9XnBCW)
01/11/16(Mon)14:47:08 No.60696933
Anonymous (ID: Wy9XnBCW) 01/11/16(Mon)19:47:08 No.60696933
So start saving?
Anonymous (ID: aDwf8EP1)
01/11/16(Mon)14:47:27 No.60696959
Anonymous (ID: aDwf8EP1) 01/11/16(Mon)19:47:27 No.60696959
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>The goyim won't notice if we tax gasoline more as the price decreases
Anonymous (ID: 0avgLSZA)
01/11/16(Mon)14:47:33 No.60696965
Anonymous (ID: 0avgLSZA) 01/11/16(Mon)19:47:33 No.60696965
2008 wasn't sudden

The econemy was having trouble as far back as late 2007

And tech housing market was declining back in 2006
Anonymous (ID: yvGA4ZZ+)
01/11/16(Mon)14:47:39 No.60696976
Anonymous (ID: yvGA4ZZ+) 01/11/16(Mon)19:47:39 No.60696976
Thank you, Stormtrooper; point to the door and I shall sweep all behind it.

For dustbunnies, a freshly faggoted facis hates dustbunnies near the mantlepiece.
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd)
01/11/16(Mon)14:47:53 No.60696993
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd) 01/11/16(Mon)19:47:53 No.60696993
[citation needed]
Anonymous (ID: Wy9XnBCW)
01/11/16(Mon)14:48:43 No.60697055
Anonymous (ID: Wy9XnBCW) 01/11/16(Mon)19:48:43 No.60697055
>implying we'll see wartime production like WW2 ever again

Look at our "wartime production" in the last 15 years of war. We'll just make a shit ton of guns in China and tanks in Yugoslavia.
Anonymous (ID: /uWPdGqn)
01/11/16(Mon)14:48:58 No.60697073
Anonymous (ID: /uWPdGqn) 01/11/16(Mon)19:48:58 No.60697073
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd)
01/11/16(Mon)14:49:10 No.60697083
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd) 01/11/16(Mon)19:49:10 No.60697083
>Not Kuwait but why would you want them to do that?
>Better not be about syria since you should go to the syria thread.

Saudi Arabia causes oil to fall

And Im already an /sg/ regular
Anonymous (ID: ago5LmMW)
01/11/16(Mon)14:49:16 No.60697093
Anonymous (ID: ago5LmMW) 01/11/16(Mon)19:49:16 No.60697093
Just like 2001 when the dotcom boom was having trouble as far back as 1999.
Anonymous (ID: PZcCKuuJ)
01/11/16(Mon)14:49:18 No.60697094
Anonymous (ID: PZcCKuuJ) 01/11/16(Mon)19:49:18 No.60697094

Also note the fact that these "pro-growth policies" of letting companies do as they please, don't actually cause growth, they cause bubbles.

Make a line of best fit from the 50's to the 90s and then the 90s to now, and you'll see just how much actual growth is happening.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)14:49:24 No.60697102
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)19:49:24 No.60697102
Sorry, I'm stoned as fuck all the time and keep forgetting.
Anonymous (ID: kOzYdq5c)
01/11/16(Mon)14:49:36 No.60697117
Anonymous (ID: kOzYdq5c) 01/11/16(Mon)19:49:36 No.60697117
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Look at commodities it's a legit happening. It's not ron paul tier happening but in the tier of the "black guy with cigar who shittalks the negros". Pic related.
Anonymous (ID: nLsr6wjw)
01/11/16(Mon)14:50:19 No.60697154
Anonymous (ID: nLsr6wjw) 01/11/16(Mon)19:50:19 No.60697154
SSE crashed in summer 12% and 8% in two separate days. Second crash promoted a huge point swing at the opening of Dow Jones (more than 1000 points). US doesn't panic as much at these Chinese fails yet the market is going slowly down.
Anonymous (ID: 0siOM7lw)
01/11/16(Mon)14:50:30 No.60697166
Anonymous (ID: 0siOM7lw) 01/11/16(Mon)19:50:30 No.60697166
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>>60695471 (OP)

we need another war
Anonymous (ID: YiV/TGOc)
01/11/16(Mon)14:50:51 No.60697185
Anonymous (ID: YiV/TGOc) 01/11/16(Mon)19:50:51 No.60697185
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Well at least this means low cost to transport goods.
Anonymous (ID: kOzYdq5c)
01/11/16(Mon)14:51:11 No.60697211
Anonymous (ID: kOzYdq5c) 01/11/16(Mon)19:51:11 No.60697211
They were quite literally giving away product at the canadian tar sands a few weeks ago. Must mean it's free to produce.
Anonymous (ID: rd+egrvD)
01/11/16(Mon)14:51:25 No.60697236
Anonymous (ID: rd+egrvD) 01/11/16(Mon)19:51:25 No.60697236
Aren't you bff?
Anonymous (ID: pL/Vo1M/)
01/11/16(Mon)14:52:12 No.60697305
Anonymous (ID: pL/Vo1M/) 01/11/16(Mon)19:52:12 No.60697305
What's funny is that i'm so poor i don't give a fuck what happens.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)14:52:35 No.60697326
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)19:52:35 No.60697326
yah, like it's really cheap now for the government to have UPS fly in more immigrants in secret.

That'll, uh, double the GDP, and, uh, drive up demand, and, uh, all kinds of good things. brb investing in the prison sector.
Anonymous (ID: 8gTeXV2/)
01/11/16(Mon)14:52:40 No.60697333
Anonymous (ID: 8gTeXV2/) 01/11/16(Mon)19:52:40 No.60697333
Suddenly makes complete sence while Saudi want to kill Iran
Anonymous (ID: XktdvvTp)
01/11/16(Mon)14:52:41 No.60697334
Anonymous (ID: XktdvvTp) 01/11/16(Mon)19:52:41 No.60697334
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you can read it in PDF. it'll tell you all the crudes OPEC members sell and what price they go for

and for Canadian tar sands


you can find other sources but it's at $20.00 or less
Anonymous (ID: YiV/TGOc)
01/11/16(Mon)14:53:19 No.60697387
Anonymous (ID: YiV/TGOc) 01/11/16(Mon)19:53:19 No.60697387
Dude, you sound like a racist when you put it like that.
Anonymous (ID: YG+kNwW9)
01/11/16(Mon)14:55:08 No.60697530
Anonymous (ID: YG+kNwW9) 01/11/16(Mon)19:55:08 No.60697530
GCC was a fucking mistake, I fucking HATE Saudi Arabia.

I wish we were like Oman and gave the middle finger to SA
Anonymous (ID: 6+M1PW48)
01/11/16(Mon)14:55:12 No.60697534
Anonymous (ID: 6+M1PW48) 01/11/16(Mon)19:55:12 No.60697534
So when will gas be $0.99/gallon?
Anonymous (ID: y6Dckuay)
01/11/16(Mon)14:55:21 No.60697540
Anonymous (ID: y6Dckuay) 01/11/16(Mon)19:55:21 No.60697540
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Anonymous (ID: bs+7LS7r)
01/11/16(Mon)14:56:51 No.60697657
Anonymous (ID: bs+7LS7r) 01/11/16(Mon)19:56:51 No.60697657

Literal suicide watch. Oil at 37 has lead to starvation. Now, there'll be an outright insurrection.
Anonymous (ID: bem+9vGM)
01/11/16(Mon)14:56:54 No.60697661
Anonymous (ID: bem+9vGM) 01/11/16(Mon)19:56:54 No.60697661
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd)
01/11/16(Mon)14:57:39 No.60697719
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd) 01/11/16(Mon)19:57:39 No.60697719
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According to the current price of crude

It should be right now
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd)
01/11/16(Mon)14:58:54 No.60697803
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd) 01/11/16(Mon)19:58:54 No.60697803
Anonymous (ID: RVXO5oGB)
01/11/16(Mon)15:00:53 No.60697954
Anonymous (ID: RVXO5oGB) 01/11/16(Mon)20:00:53 No.60697954


Anonymous (ID: WbmRNYe1)
01/11/16(Mon)15:02:19 No.60698080
Anonymous (ID: WbmRNYe1) 01/11/16(Mon)20:02:19 No.60698080
This is a good thing. A declining oil price only hurts oil companies and states whose economy is 100% reliant on oil exports.

For literally every other part of the economy it's a boon. Lower oil prices means lower energy costs. Every company can benefit from that. Less energy costs means less overhead which means higher profits and cheaper products.

Cheaper oil means cheaper transportation too, again, something that benefits literally every sector of the economy. If things can be transported cheaper, that means they can be sold at a lower price for a greater profit.

The falling price of oil is the biggest boon the world economy has seen in decades. You're all retards buying into big-oil shilling if you think this is a bad thing.
Anonymous (ID: yvGA4ZZ+)
01/11/16(Mon)15:03:38 No.60698182
Anonymous (ID: yvGA4ZZ+) 01/11/16(Mon)20:03:38 No.60698182
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>ITT everyone remembers the jews control the money and thus all systems of pricing
>tfw economy is not actually in crisis because jews
Anonymous (ID: rCtW+Fx1)
01/11/16(Mon)15:03:47 No.60698190
Anonymous (ID: rCtW+Fx1) 01/11/16(Mon)20:03:47 No.60698190
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>>60695471 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: SOJNWZQm)
01/11/16(Mon)15:05:00 No.60698288
Anonymous (ID: SOJNWZQm) 01/11/16(Mon)20:05:00 No.60698288
This is good for our armed forces, as they are the largest consuming entity in the world. Every 10$ drop in oil saves us billions, as we use 100 million barrels per year for our gear.
Anonymous (ID: GzQZmPmu)
01/11/16(Mon)15:05:20 No.60698322
Anonymous (ID: GzQZmPmu) 01/11/16(Mon)20:05:20 No.60698322
>tfw CAD goes <$0.50 USD
trump will have to build two walls
Anonymous (ID: zqATxGRO)
01/11/16(Mon)15:07:58 No.60698539
Anonymous (ID: zqATxGRO) 01/11/16(Mon)20:07:58 No.60698539
Possible yet doubtful. It will stay within 0.60-0.75 over the next 3-4 years though.
Anonymous (ID: 0t5wC5S3)
01/11/16(Mon)15:08:46 No.60698603
Anonymous (ID: 0t5wC5S3) 01/11/16(Mon)20:08:46 No.60698603
>"pro-growth policies"
Surely by this you mean Keynesian economics.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)15:09:52 No.60698702
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)20:09:52 No.60698702
It's too bad there isn't really anything from Canada that I want to buy. Maybe you guys should start a thriving industry selling us your personal possessions at firesale prices over ebay and amazon and stuff like that.
Anonymous (ID: 3suvbehV)
01/11/16(Mon)15:10:26 No.60698747
Anonymous (ID: 3suvbehV) 01/11/16(Mon)20:10:26 No.60698747
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>g-guys please subsidize wind power
>there's no oil left we need to subsidize other power sources

Anonymous (ID: SczvkN5l)
01/11/16(Mon)15:11:01 No.60698792
Anonymous (ID: SczvkN5l) 01/11/16(Mon)20:11:01 No.60698792
im losing all my money in the stock market

send help
Anonymous (ID: Pn879BvP)
01/11/16(Mon)15:12:12 No.60698886
Anonymous (ID: Pn879BvP) 01/11/16(Mon)20:12:12 No.60698886
Anonymous (ID: JOm+TCqv)
01/11/16(Mon)15:12:26 No.60698912
Anonymous (ID: JOm+TCqv) 01/11/16(Mon)20:12:26 No.60698912
How btfo is my TF2 investment in unusual hats?
Anonymous (ID: TvsMGTda)
01/11/16(Mon)15:12:27 No.60698917
Anonymous (ID: TvsMGTda) 01/11/16(Mon)20:12:27 No.60698917
All that ISIS Oil making it's rounds from the looks of it.
Anonymous (ID: zqATxGRO)
01/11/16(Mon)15:12:33 No.60698928
Anonymous (ID: zqATxGRO) 01/11/16(Mon)20:12:33 No.60698928
We export a lot of our power to the US, if that counts for anything. Oh, and a lot of wood too. We have trillions of trees.
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd)
01/11/16(Mon)15:12:57 No.60698961
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd) 01/11/16(Mon)20:12:57 No.60698961
What about buying food and supplies? Or is it too far to make a trip

I have like $40CAD that I never spent
Anonymous (ID: p1ckVrIV)
01/11/16(Mon)15:13:03 No.60698973
Anonymous (ID: p1ckVrIV) 01/11/16(Mon)20:13:03 No.60698973
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That's using your noodle. Probably not a bad time to buy, no one can predict the next conflagration in the middle east other than to say it is inevitable.

This is a demand destruction cycle, depends how many people die off and when industry feels comfortable producing things again, but demand never really dies completely, we grow food with oil and petrochemicals now. Everyone claims shilling here and there but in reality almost 8 billion people and they all want black goo and to live the life. It's going to be a wild ride and we will see oil well above $200 inside the next ten years. I would bet the farm on it.
Anonymous (ID: opNViChZ)
01/11/16(Mon)15:13:38 No.60699024
Anonymous (ID: opNViChZ) 01/11/16(Mon)20:13:38 No.60699024
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>>60695471 (OP)
>Saudi and other Gulf excrement btfo
Anonymous (ID: SczvkN5l)
01/11/16(Mon)15:13:59 No.60699066
Anonymous (ID: SczvkN5l) 01/11/16(Mon)20:13:59 No.60699066
nobody plays that game anymore kid

i recommend you turn them into as many CSGO knife skins as you can

also I sure hope youre not still holding buds
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)15:15:14 No.60699184
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)20:15:14 No.60699184
I'm already pretty much as supplied up as I realistically will be short of like devoting a room to liquor, toilet paper, and cigarettes.

But yeah: >>60698928 Hey Canada get into food production. Help drive down the price of good quality foodstuffs. Our agricultural production is getting knocked.
Anonymous (ID: f8Bcoh3U)
01/11/16(Mon)15:15:16 No.60699189
Anonymous (ID: f8Bcoh3U) 01/11/16(Mon)20:15:16 No.60699189
You would need to meet strict storage regulations. To meet storage regulations you would need to get permits. So you would need to find an aproved site that a city/state would sign off on. Then someone would need to come and inspect all of this. I'm probably missing a few dozen other regulations you would need to meet. Also regulations have a tendency to chang at anytime so be ready for that.
Anonymous (ID: 5ydrJ9EE)
01/11/16(Mon)15:17:13 No.60699343
Anonymous (ID: 5ydrJ9EE) 01/11/16(Mon)20:17:13 No.60699343
>Hey Canada get into food production

Already are, but the government sets up production quotas to keep the prices up.
Anonymous (ID: zqATxGRO)
01/11/16(Mon)15:17:57 No.60699388
Anonymous (ID: zqATxGRO) 01/11/16(Mon)20:17:57 No.60699388
We have a shitload of food production.
Anonymous (ID: EtBLH7m1)
01/11/16(Mon)15:19:08 No.60699505
Anonymous (ID: EtBLH7m1) 01/11/16(Mon)20:19:08 No.60699505
The difference between this and 2008 is that major financial institutions were caught with their pants down. As well as a shit ton of homeowners with ARM loans adjusting to the current interest rate on a house they could barely or not afford at all.

We bubbled housing and property which had never been done in the past. So when that bubble popped, everything went to complete shit.

It can get a bit ugly here but IMO, not in the way 2008 got.

You won't see the banks folding the way they did in 2008-2009.
Anonymous (ID: le4xg+c9)
01/11/16(Mon)15:19:55 No.60699558
Anonymous (ID: le4xg+c9) 01/11/16(Mon)20:19:55 No.60699558
Le Spoopy slavshit of omens is everywhere
Anonymous (ID: f8Bcoh3U)
01/11/16(Mon)15:19:59 No.60699565
Anonymous (ID: f8Bcoh3U) 01/11/16(Mon)20:19:59 No.60699565
Also forgot. Oil is considered a resource vital to the security of the US. The fed could find a way to seize all your oil at fair market value if you're lucky.
Anonymous (ID: elOQb/ls)
01/11/16(Mon)15:20:27 No.60699603
Anonymous (ID: elOQb/ls) 01/11/16(Mon)20:20:27 No.60699603
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For decades people hate Saudi Arabia for market manipulation for cutting production to create an artificial shortage and drive up price

Now that they don't cut production to drive price up people accuse them of market manipulation.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)15:20:34 No.60699609
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)20:20:34 No.60699609
I never see any food labeled as being from Canada other than occasionally some fish. Meanwhile half the stuff in the store comes from like Peru and shit like that, where there's a real problem with polluted water being used to grow it on account of sanitary problems.

Meanwhile if there's one thing I do in my life where prices have been exploding like crazy it's going to the grocery store.
Anonymous (ID: uUBPiGG4)
01/11/16(Mon)15:22:03 No.60699719
Anonymous (ID: uUBPiGG4) 01/11/16(Mon)20:22:03 No.60699719
Of course. Big Brother always finds a way to get their fingers into everything.

I'd store it off shore and claim tragic boating accident. That'll work, right?

Yeah that couldn't possibly go wrong.
Anonymous (ID: AWJTPe7e)
01/11/16(Mon)15:22:24 No.60699750
Anonymous (ID: AWJTPe7e) 01/11/16(Mon)20:22:24 No.60699750
>>60695471 (OP)

It's happening every day for you faggots. It NEVER happens.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)15:23:24 No.60699831
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)20:23:24 No.60699831
If you're talking big bucks, you might as well just purchase whatever vessel would be shipping it to you (train, truck, boat, etc.) and leave it in that.
Anonymous (ID: S2CVwPp5)
01/11/16(Mon)15:24:19 No.60699890
Anonymous (ID: S2CVwPp5) 01/11/16(Mon)20:24:19 No.60699890
Too bad Obama cut our military spending by 1.3 trillion. So we're really not benefitting as much as we could from this.
Anonymous (ID: KSUVxm5A)
01/11/16(Mon)15:24:49 No.60699927
Anonymous (ID: KSUVxm5A) 01/11/16(Mon)20:24:49 No.60699927
>It's happening every day for you faggots. It NEVER happens.
shilling this hard
Anonymous (ID: F9ScUFMM)
01/11/16(Mon)15:26:18 No.60700049
Anonymous (ID: F9ScUFMM) 01/11/16(Mon)20:26:18 No.60700049
>>60695471 (OP)
It's all part of the plan

US and Saudis at it again for a change

Russia and Venezuela became too dependant on oil exports, now it's time to dump them
Anonymous (ID: AWJTPe7e)
01/11/16(Mon)15:26:59 No.60700117
Anonymous (ID: AWJTPe7e) 01/11/16(Mon)20:26:59 No.60700117

Where's ww3? Why hasn't society had a complete financial meltdown like you guys have been saying is going to happen for years?

>m-muh shill
Anonymous (ID: 4c6K6C2p)
01/11/16(Mon)15:27:33 No.60700168
Anonymous (ID: 4c6K6C2p) 01/11/16(Mon)20:27:33 No.60700168
Ron Paul lied. People died. Vote Trump 2016.
Anonymous (ID: 7JLY2doc)
01/11/16(Mon)15:27:53 No.60700202
Anonymous (ID: 7JLY2doc) 01/11/16(Mon)20:27:53 No.60700202
What is bubbled right now?
Anonymous (ID: NYp63g9N)
01/11/16(Mon)15:28:24 No.60700248
Anonymous (ID: NYp63g9N) 01/11/16(Mon)20:28:24 No.60700248
Patience grass hopper. You say it isn't happening yet you have loads of people losing their jobs in the oil industry, and killing themselves.

Look at the big picture, our system has cracks everywhere.
Anonymous (ID: KSUVxm5A)
01/11/16(Mon)15:28:38 No.60700265
Anonymous (ID: KSUVxm5A) 01/11/16(Mon)20:28:38 No.60700265
>Being this mad that WW3 didn't happen and you had to go back to middle school on Monday
Anonymous (ID: OBb5Szzg)
01/11/16(Mon)15:29:08 No.60700306
Anonymous (ID: OBb5Szzg) 01/11/16(Mon)20:29:08 No.60700306
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Had a look back and spotted the same formation in the 70s. A crash followed, and we had the economic flatlining of that period, took 5 years to get to the beginning of the 80s boom.
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd)
01/11/16(Mon)15:29:12 No.60700315
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd) 01/11/16(Mon)20:29:12 No.60700315
19 trillion dollars of debt
Anonymous (ID: ArM9r0SA)
01/11/16(Mon)15:29:38 No.60700351
Anonymous (ID: ArM9r0SA) 01/11/16(Mon)20:29:38 No.60700351

Canada too, poor Canada.
Anonymous (ID: dAhabQgA)
01/11/16(Mon)15:29:45 No.60700365
Anonymous (ID: dAhabQgA) 01/11/16(Mon)20:29:45 No.60700365
Serves those sand niggers right. I hope they are bled dry and Europe is forced to get rid of the kebabs and send them back to sandshitistan.
Anonymous (ID: Glg+1wik)
01/11/16(Mon)15:30:12 No.60700395
Anonymous (ID: Glg+1wik) 01/11/16(Mon)20:30:12 No.60700395
Never even noticed anything in 2008
Anonymous (ID: K5I6IV/2)
01/11/16(Mon)15:30:42 No.60700435
Anonymous (ID: K5I6IV/2) 01/11/16(Mon)20:30:42 No.60700435
>buying ISIS oil
>dirty gommies can't buy christmas presents because they based their economy on DUDE OIL LMAO

gog bless
Anonymous (ID: 4jl08enA)
01/11/16(Mon)15:31:22 No.60700484
Anonymous (ID: 4jl08enA) 01/11/16(Mon)20:31:22 No.60700484
Important question: do we all fuck with china's market also again tonight? we've made it this far there's no turning back now, the meme-magic is growing stronger.
Anonymous (ID: K5I6IV/2)
01/11/16(Mon)15:32:05 No.60700541
Anonymous (ID: K5I6IV/2) 01/11/16(Mon)20:32:05 No.60700541

>These dates all directly correlate to the Islamic revolution and Iraq nationalizing their oil

Fucking hell arabs are some of the dumbest people on the planet.
Anonymous (ID: KSUVxm5A)
01/11/16(Mon)15:32:32 No.60700573
Anonymous (ID: KSUVxm5A) 01/11/16(Mon)20:32:32 No.60700573
Obviously we do.
Anonymous (ID: elOQb/ls)
01/11/16(Mon)15:32:56 No.60700603
Anonymous (ID: elOQb/ls) 01/11/16(Mon)20:32:56 No.60700603

it's a stupid idea anyway. there are companies that buy for storage to sell later later but nobody stores for decades

oil is never going to be rare and super expensive because we will have cheaper and more efficient energy sources long before oil supply runs out.

by the time you're 80 oil will be a hazard that you have to pay someone to get rid of, not a commodity

crude oil storage is at an all time high right now btw.

the storage capacity of USA and many other countries is pretty much topped out right now which is one of the reasons price is decreasing (since demand from people buying it for storage to sell in a few years has decreased massively)
Anonymous (ID: THjv13Qf)
01/11/16(Mon)15:33:04 No.60700610
Anonymous (ID: THjv13Qf) 01/11/16(Mon)20:33:04 No.60700610
Anonymous (ID: Sr8m1ogK)
01/11/16(Mon)15:33:53 No.60700679
Anonymous (ID: Sr8m1ogK) 01/11/16(Mon)20:33:53 No.60700679
>russians survived the 1990s
>this will kill the slavs

top kek weak capitalists, crimea river

krim nash
Anonymous (ID: 4jl08enA)
01/11/16(Mon)15:34:24 No.60700712
Anonymous (ID: 4jl08enA) 01/11/16(Mon)20:34:24 No.60700712
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okay good.
>ww3 incoming
Anonymous (ID: F9ScUFMM)
01/11/16(Mon)15:34:53 No.60700748
Anonymous (ID: F9ScUFMM) 01/11/16(Mon)20:34:53 No.60700748
If you are so sure this going to happen then I would gladly sign a contract giving you 50% of profits of a successful operation shorting the market

You'd just have to cover the possible losses, but since you're so sure I believe that wouldn't be an issue
Anonymous (ID: KSUVxm5A)
01/11/16(Mon)15:35:45 No.60700802
Anonymous (ID: KSUVxm5A) 01/11/16(Mon)20:35:45 No.60700802
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We've got washed up fags to kill and economies to crash. This is our destiny.
Anonymous (ID: 4jl08enA)
01/11/16(Mon)15:41:33 No.60701289
Anonymous (ID: 4jl08enA) 01/11/16(Mon)20:41:33 No.60701289
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this is the only thing at the moment keeping me strong. this is /pol/'s destiny. full speed ahead everyone.
Anonymous (ID: nPYvWYMR)
01/11/16(Mon)15:41:53 No.60701311
Anonymous (ID: nPYvWYMR) 01/11/16(Mon)20:41:53 No.60701311
I'm sure it could probably get the job done but if you can go and and get some buck shot/slugs are better options for removing kebab. Cheney shot his lawyer friend in the face with some bird shot and the guy lived.
Anonymous (ID: aQPmao/8)
01/11/16(Mon)15:44:05 No.60701492
Anonymous (ID: aQPmao/8) 01/11/16(Mon)20:44:05 No.60701492
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More. We need more.
Anonymous (ID: 2q9LszNR)
01/11/16(Mon)15:45:03 No.60701568
Anonymous (ID: 2q9LszNR) 01/11/16(Mon)20:45:03 No.60701568
>I'll take 50% of the profit
>0% of risk
This is why we know Brazil is full of niggers.
Anonymous (ID: yvGA4ZZ+)
01/11/16(Mon)15:46:32 No.60701701
Anonymous (ID: yvGA4ZZ+) 01/11/16(Mon)20:46:32 No.60701701
I think he was offering to provide the entirety of the capital
Anonymous (ID: aQPmao/8)
01/11/16(Mon)15:46:43 No.60701714
Anonymous (ID: aQPmao/8) 01/11/16(Mon)20:46:43 No.60701714
Dow is back up +81
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd)
01/11/16(Mon)15:46:46 No.60701718
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd) 01/11/16(Mon)20:46:46 No.60701718
Back to falling
Anonymous (ID: eZ3CBVQF)
01/11/16(Mon)15:47:20 No.60701759
Anonymous (ID: eZ3CBVQF) 01/11/16(Mon)20:47:20 No.60701759
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>>60695471 (OP)
Oh fugg D:
Anonymous (ID: lCvcqoJI)
01/11/16(Mon)15:49:15 No.60701907
Anonymous (ID: lCvcqoJI) 01/11/16(Mon)20:49:15 No.60701907
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Do we really need to end the world now, i just bought EUIV.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)15:50:16 No.60701975
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)20:50:16 No.60701975
I love the way having a tiny little screen means all the charts and graphs always have to be way zoomed in with no sense of scale or context so it looks like the world just ended.
Anonymous (ID: /oM6mFZA)
01/11/16(Mon)15:51:09 No.60702061
Anonymous (ID: /oM6mFZA) 01/11/16(Mon)20:51:09 No.60702061
will this lower the price of oil based porn or will producers simply pocket the savings
Anonymous (ID: yvGA4ZZ+)
01/11/16(Mon)15:52:33 No.60702177
Anonymous (ID: yvGA4ZZ+) 01/11/16(Mon)20:52:33 No.60702177
back up to 31.29 again, somebody or somebodies is/are fighting this stall, ah well, massive losses anyways, I'll just have to pray for another several percentage points of drop tomorrow if this pans out by the end of the trading cycle
Anonymous (ID: 4jl08enA)
01/11/16(Mon)15:52:34 No.60702182
Anonymous (ID: 4jl08enA) 01/11/16(Mon)20:52:34 No.60702182
I'm sure you can play it and watch the collapse of the world at the same time. don't be a pussy.
Anonymous (ID: eZ3CBVQF)
01/11/16(Mon)15:53:16 No.60702237
Anonymous (ID: eZ3CBVQF) 01/11/16(Mon)20:53:16 No.60702237
>way zoomed in
This is a 5 year view, burger
Anonymous (ID: 0siOM7lw)
01/11/16(Mon)15:53:26 No.60702252
Anonymous (ID: 0siOM7lw) 01/11/16(Mon)20:53:26 No.60702252

$ 20 a barrel

Anonymous (ID: ZPOOQWUs)
01/11/16(Mon)15:53:31 No.60702261
Anonymous (ID: ZPOOQWUs) 01/11/16(Mon)20:53:31 No.60702261
Suppliers will simply jerk you around.
Anonymous (ID: yvGA4ZZ+)
01/11/16(Mon)15:54:57 No.60702372
Anonymous (ID: yvGA4ZZ+) 01/11/16(Mon)20:54:57 No.60702372
all that loss in just one year, we're somewhere close to 2001 levels
Anonymous (ID: aQPmao/8)
01/11/16(Mon)15:56:28 No.60702484
Anonymous (ID: aQPmao/8) 01/11/16(Mon)20:56:28 No.60702484
How will this affect kebab?
Anonymous (ID: OBb5Szzg)
01/11/16(Mon)15:57:00 No.60702521
Anonymous (ID: OBb5Szzg) 01/11/16(Mon)20:57:00 No.60702521

I'm not completely sure, and nobody professes to be...apart from maybe Zero Hedge, Max Keiser and the like.

I think this is about looking at dark clouds forming and moving inside rather than staying out and starting a BBQ.

I don't short anything anyway, I just buy and hold and I'm waiting for my discount.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)15:57:23 No.60702544
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)20:57:23 No.60702544
It still provides no relative context, and the Y axis is from like arbitrary number A to arbitrary number B just so that it fills the screen.

Under normal, healthy circumstances going up is a long, slow battle and going down is a sudden thing. That's what makes it easier to make money on the way down as long as you can time it right.
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd)
01/11/16(Mon)15:57:58 No.60702592
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd) 01/11/16(Mon)20:57:58 No.60702592
On the chart it looks like oil opened at $32.5

But this adds to $33

31.16 Down 2.00(6.03%)

Are markets just as fucked up as any other service?
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd)
01/11/16(Mon)15:59:20 No.60702707
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd) 01/11/16(Mon)20:59:20 No.60702707
>A brutal new year selloff in oil markets quickened on Monday, with prices plunging 6 percent to new 12-year lows as further ructions in the Chinese stock market threatened to knock crude as low as $20 a barrel.

Amid an accelerating tailspin that shows no sign of slowing, Monday's dive - the biggest one-day loss since September - triggered a rash of panicky trading across the market.

>Long-term futures contracts for 2017 and beyond fell nearly as hard as those for immediate delivery as some producers rushed to hedge, while a key options gauge surged to nearly its highest since 2009.

Anonymous (ID: aQPmao/8)
01/11/16(Mon)15:59:30 No.60702724
Anonymous (ID: aQPmao/8) 01/11/16(Mon)20:59:30 No.60702724
Most likely.
Also predictions for chinks to open at -8%
Anonymous (ID: F9ScUFMM)
01/11/16(Mon)15:59:43 No.60702742
Anonymous (ID: F9ScUFMM) 01/11/16(Mon)20:59:43 No.60702742
Did you just say you don't believe in the markets

Fucking commie
Anonymous (ID: eZ3CBVQF)
01/11/16(Mon)15:59:47 No.60702750
Anonymous (ID: eZ3CBVQF) 01/11/16(Mon)20:59:47 No.60702750
The Y axis is the value in dollars per barrel
Anonymous (ID: h3bTk3Qs)
01/11/16(Mon)16:01:46 No.60702906
Anonymous (ID: h3bTk3Qs) 01/11/16(Mon)21:01:46 No.60702906
>>60695471 (OP)
Im new to stocks and stuff. Would this be a good time to buy since its cheap? Or is it expected to drop even more?
Anonymous (ID: IwyWHufl)
01/11/16(Mon)16:01:55 No.60702918
Anonymous (ID: IwyWHufl) 01/11/16(Mon)21:01:55 No.60702918
>>60695471 (OP)
nice fuck OIL, everybody go electric fuck all gas companies they are such fucking thieves here in Canada anyways so fuck all of them.

I don't live in Alberta so I don't give a damn. The dollar is cheap? Good, Americans welcome.
Anonymous (ID: 5fKm79Dj)
01/11/16(Mon)16:02:03 No.60702930
Anonymous (ID: 5fKm79Dj) 01/11/16(Mon)21:02:03 No.60702930
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Stock fag.

Buy tools, guns and bottled water.
Anonymous (ID: aQPmao/8)
01/11/16(Mon)16:02:05 No.60702933
Anonymous (ID: aQPmao/8) 01/11/16(Mon)21:02:05 No.60702933

I'm sure it'll be fine.
Anonymous (ID: JsH5xxWD)
01/11/16(Mon)16:02:18 No.60702956
Anonymous (ID: JsH5xxWD) 01/11/16(Mon)21:02:18 No.60702956
So in short at some point the amplitude will become so large that recovering is impossible?
Anonymous (ID: 5fKm79Dj)
01/11/16(Mon)16:03:42 No.60703054
Anonymous (ID: 5fKm79Dj) 01/11/16(Mon)21:03:42 No.60703054

My neighbor just lets it drain into the ground every time he changes his oil. If the collapse comes, I plan on drinking his milkshake.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)16:04:31 No.60703106
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)21:04:31 No.60703106
I know what it is, toothpaste. I'm just complaining about graphs that are autofit to use all available space vs. graphs where you know what you're looking at without having to double-check the markings. It makes sense if you're paying attention to the latest moves, or if you watching the charts go by all the time, but not so much to convey a point.

Maybe I'm just being buttblasted about when I see people do this in presentations and papers.
Anonymous (ID: DzJ1JRbJ)
01/11/16(Mon)16:04:37 No.60703115
Anonymous (ID: DzJ1JRbJ) 01/11/16(Mon)21:04:37 No.60703115
Crash eminent?
Anonymous (ID: DzJ1JRbJ)
01/11/16(Mon)16:05:59 No.60703231
Anonymous (ID: DzJ1JRbJ) 01/11/16(Mon)21:05:59 No.60703231
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>oil is low
>I'm sure it'll be fine
What have you done?
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)16:07:05 No.60703319
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)21:07:05 No.60703319
Possible. If you're a chartist then you would expect it to do something or other according to your favorite patterns or algorithms.

But if you're not into that, then what you're looking at here is increasing instability, and that's the kind of thing that happens as you approach an even larger event that cannot be controlled.
Anonymous (ID: r6FlQZaW)
01/11/16(Mon)16:08:01 No.60703389
Anonymous (ID: r6FlQZaW) 01/11/16(Mon)21:08:01 No.60703389
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God damn meme wizards
Anonymous (ID: dxX0WZOY)
01/11/16(Mon)16:11:06 No.60703632
Anonymous (ID: dxX0WZOY) 01/11/16(Mon)21:11:06 No.60703632
>>60695471 (OP)
This is what happens when the world's most important commodity blows through major support. They didn't get it down here by fucking around with stops for penny change, this move is real.
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)16:14:25 No.60703887
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)21:14:25 No.60703887
How the fuck does shorting a stock even work?

Can someone explain what that means? How do you make money on a purchase that devalues as you buy it, while you own it, and when you sell it?
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr)
01/11/16(Mon)16:14:36 No.60703902
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr) 01/11/16(Mon)21:14:36 No.60703902
This drop is obviously being caused by Iran and Saudi bickering. More than likely some oil traders made a shit ton of money by short selling oil before the drop.

Only makes sense. You need a standard to judge the rest by. No reason why all oil would be priced the same given the many differences.

Pretty good time to invest in Canada then. Buy all our shit up at increasingly cheaper prices.

To a point. Cheap oil can only be so cheap, then it starts to mess with supplies because too many markets stop producing because of losing profits. Big oil will keep on pumping, but if it doesn't go up, many of their wells will shutdown. Only conventional wells selling premium oil can compete, but they can only produce so much. Then there is the refinery perspective. Some only are capable of refining certain types of crude, with expensive modifications needed to refine other types. So if supplies decrease substantially, you can bet it will hit many refineries hard because they need to modify their setup or produce less of the same.

Our foodstuff that you consume won't be labeled because it will be used in the ingredients of USA made products. We are a resource export country, with barely any manufactured exports.

We are holding out on her biggest asset. Water. The time will come when your knocking on our doors for some of that precious H20.
Anonymous (ID: M6T6zZq8)
01/11/16(Mon)16:15:39 No.60703967
Anonymous (ID: M6T6zZq8) 01/11/16(Mon)21:15:39 No.60703967
What will this low price do to the US shale and Canadian tar-sand-oil industry?

Will these low prices effectively destroy "green" energy forms like Wind/Solar power?
Anonymous (ID: VhDnt6YF)
01/11/16(Mon)16:15:40 No.60703968
Anonymous (ID: VhDnt6YF) 01/11/16(Mon)21:15:40 No.60703968

You essentially 'sell' it but don't deliver until later, after you have bought.
Anonymous (ID: fKrWLgsJ)
01/11/16(Mon)16:16:45 No.60704041
Anonymous (ID: fKrWLgsJ) 01/11/16(Mon)21:16:45 No.60704041
>We are holding out on her biggest asset. Water.

Michigander here. I look forward to the epic naval battles between our coastie cutters in the Great Lakes Water Wars.
Anonymous (ID: b58uMBX6)
01/11/16(Mon)16:17:38 No.60704107
Anonymous (ID: b58uMBX6) 01/11/16(Mon)21:17:38 No.60704107


Anonymous (ID: MojWXmz1)
01/11/16(Mon)16:18:46 No.60704203
Anonymous (ID: MojWXmz1) 01/11/16(Mon)21:18:46 No.60704203
US oil industry is getting hammered right now. And that is what this is all about. Oil demand is flat to positive, this huge move is all about the saudis overproducing to kill off foreign competition and green tech. The Saudis can still make money at $10 a barrel.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)16:19:19 No.60704239
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)21:19:19 No.60704239
>won't be labeled because it will be used in the ingredients of USA made products
So in other words I can't use US dollars to buy it myself in order to take advantage of your weak dollar, and it's not something I'm interested to buy anyway.
Anonymous (ID: dxX0WZOY)
01/11/16(Mon)16:21:54 No.60704419
Anonymous (ID: dxX0WZOY) 01/11/16(Mon)21:21:54 No.60704419
protip: buy things when they go up. But not too much up.

These days it means you press the red down button instead of the green up button. Who gives a fuck about the mechanics? Unless you short too much and don't have a stop, then that's potentially awful.
Anonymous (ID: VhDnt6YF)
01/11/16(Mon)16:23:00 No.60704491
Anonymous (ID: VhDnt6YF) 01/11/16(Mon)21:23:00 No.60704491
>>60695471 (OP)

Down 6.2% now.

Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)16:23:14 No.60704502
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)21:23:14 No.60704502
But you don't own it. I'm trying to figure out how that's possible.

The only analogy I can comprehend is equating a stock firm to a bank. You put in an order for a share with them and they control your portfolio. But until you sell/buy more, it's essentially sitting there. So they buy/sell your portfolio and if you decide to do something uncharacteristic, they have enough in stock they can still cash you out or shift some values from another person's portfolio.

Much like keeping your money in a bank. It becomes part of their assets with which they invest/loan/etc with your assets but you're so insignificant alone, they can cash you out regardless if you like.
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)16:25:59 No.60704686
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)21:25:59 No.60704686
>who gives a fuck about the mechanics
The people making massive amounts of money in the cracks of the system do, dipshit.
Anonymous (ID: F9ScUFMM)
01/11/16(Mon)16:26:06 No.60704695
Anonymous (ID: F9ScUFMM) 01/11/16(Mon)21:26:06 No.60704695
I rent a car from you
I sell it for 10
The car price goes down to 5
I buy the car for 5 and give the car back to you

Anonymous (ID: UZLxdx0T)
01/11/16(Mon)16:26:21 No.60704708
Anonymous (ID: UZLxdx0T) 01/11/16(Mon)21:26:21 No.60704708
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What is happening is that the issues of the 2008 crisis were never resolved.
The issue is that the global economy is overburdened with debt, whether individual personal debt or government debt.
Governments around the world saved the system by creating more debt and pumping economies with tons of money, effectively trying to recreate the system that had just crashed.
The debts eventually need to be paid, but to do so kills economic growth.
Think of it this way, for every dollar that is spent paying off debt, that's just one less dollar that will be spent on producing actual goods and services (i.e. growth).
Basically there's only really two ways out:
1. Actually address the debt issue, but consequently cause a crisis due to lack of growth and contraction.

2. Prop up the system by flooding the economy with more cheap money (i.e. debt) to inflate the system even more to keep the ride going. The problem with this option is that it doesn't actually solve the problem and pushing the issue further down the road. This might seem attractive, but it will eventually get to a point where it breaks the system and the economy will be in such a weakened state that it can't recover, thus resulting in massive global war(s).
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)16:26:41 No.60704738
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)21:26:41 No.60704738
Well, you can do it with a naked short, in which case you really don't own it. It's illegal, but widely done.

Another thing you can do is borrow it from somebody else in order to sell, buy it back at a lower price, and then give it back to the guy you borrowed it from. And of course all this is just book-keeping entries, so the ways in which this practice becomes essentially the same as a naked short are limited only by the imagination (what they call "financial innovation" to help drive our economy.)
Anonymous (ID: Ysc4zB0R)
01/11/16(Mon)16:28:24 No.60704873
Anonymous (ID: Ysc4zB0R) 01/11/16(Mon)21:28:24 No.60704873
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Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)16:31:10 No.60705080
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)21:31:10 No.60705080
And you're right in your analogy. What your describing as a bank account is a margin account. And if they screw up with buying and selling your money, then you get a margin call, and you can either give them more money and hope they fix up the problem, or they can just outright say "sorry we lost your money" and you're fucked.

See also: MF "oops we lost trillions of dollars and don't know where it went and it's not our fault, damn it feels good to be a gangsta" Global.
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr)
01/11/16(Mon)16:31:38 No.60705116
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr) 01/11/16(Mon)21:31:38 No.60705116
Eastern Canadian logic folks

>Oil doesn't affect us
>We fuel or industry and fertilize our crops with fairy dust
>This plastic bottle? It's made out of recycled materials which were recycled using human farts
>Check out my electric car Jean. I just plug it into this magic hole and poof.

At least it's still better than your average western liberal. Your not so close.
Anonymous (ID: dxX0WZOY)
01/11/16(Mon)16:32:23 No.60705176
Anonymous (ID: dxX0WZOY) 01/11/16(Mon)21:32:23 No.60705176
I don't need a phd in market microstructure to press a red button when something is going down.

Most of the bank traders don't either, that's what quants are for.
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr)
01/11/16(Mon)16:32:54 No.60705223
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr) 01/11/16(Mon)21:32:54 No.60705223
>All these guns
>No bullets
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)16:33:25 No.60705262
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)21:33:25 No.60705262
is >>60704695
a naked short?

Thanks for the car analogy too. That made it make much more sense on a person-person level.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)16:34:15 No.60705342
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)21:34:15 No.60705342
No, a naked short is when you don't even borrow the car in the first place. The guy you sold it to and bought it from never had the car either.
Anonymous (ID: Egg7FvJl)
01/11/16(Mon)16:34:17 No.60705345
Anonymous (ID: Egg7FvJl) 01/11/16(Mon)21:34:17 No.60705345

Putin: " We will stop selling oil when it reaches 0$ per barrel. "

Did none of you read news ?

If you think oil price drop will btfo Putin you are all insane.
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW)
01/11/16(Mon)16:34:22 No.60705357
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW) 01/11/16(Mon)21:34:22 No.60705357

Depends on how long you're going to hold it is the short answer.
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd)
01/11/16(Mon)16:35:04 No.60705428
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd) 01/11/16(Mon)21:35:04 No.60705428
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OP here, the good thing about the oil market is that it never stops

24/7 mother fuckers

Anonymous (ID: dqgijtpl)
01/11/16(Mon)16:35:37 No.60705468
Anonymous (ID: dqgijtpl) 01/11/16(Mon)21:35:37 No.60705468
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>>60695471 (OP)
fuck my life
Russian economy will crash for real

2x devaluation incoming
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd)
01/11/16(Mon)16:36:44 No.60705551
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd) 01/11/16(Mon)21:36:44 No.60705551

Nobody here is saying anything about Russia, FYROM.
Anonymous (ID: Hy61qkZC)
01/11/16(Mon)16:36:56 No.60705569
Anonymous (ID: Hy61qkZC) 01/11/16(Mon)21:36:56 No.60705569

Acting like it isn't costing them a fortune every week is just dumb.
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)16:38:05 No.60705658
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)21:38:05 No.60705658
Don't worry, Ivan. When trump is president, we're going to form a russian allegiance instead of another decade of tenuous 'peace'
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW)
01/11/16(Mon)16:38:14 No.60705672
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW) 01/11/16(Mon)21:38:14 No.60705672
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This explains it pretty well:

Anonymous (ID: dxX0WZOY)
01/11/16(Mon)16:38:24 No.60705688
Anonymous (ID: dxX0WZOY) 01/11/16(Mon)21:38:24 No.60705688
This is a good chart.

Good site as well, nice mix of fundamentals and technical from pros with a cynical mindset.
Anonymous (ID: Egg7FvJl)
01/11/16(Mon)16:39:55 No.60705812
Anonymous (ID: Egg7FvJl) 01/11/16(Mon)21:39:55 No.60705812
ok mormon. You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly You clearly

Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)16:40:57 No.60705899
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)21:40:57 No.60705899
I think your script has a glitch
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr)
01/11/16(Mon)16:40:59 No.60705908
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr) 01/11/16(Mon)21:40:59 No.60705908
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If it's war you want...well you pretty much just won.

But c'mon. Nobody attacks Canada. You'd be asking for some serious end of world war if you did that. I'm sure the Ruskies would help if we offered them anal.
Anonymous (ID: aK6sky9g)
01/11/16(Mon)16:41:50 No.60705961
Anonymous (ID: aK6sky9g) 01/11/16(Mon)21:41:50 No.60705961
I wait long for Saudi Arabia to turn back into pasture land.
Anonymous (ID: dxX0WZOY)
01/11/16(Mon)16:42:46 No.60706037
Anonymous (ID: dxX0WZOY) 01/11/16(Mon)21:42:46 No.60706037
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This is a big move, but you wouldn't be exactly amazed to see a massive clearout and bounce coming up. That 2008ish low is a really pure natural support area. If it can't make it back over and bounces down, then there's trouble.
Anonymous (ID: BrCap5Y9)
01/11/16(Mon)16:43:48 No.60706118
Anonymous (ID: BrCap5Y9) 01/11/16(Mon)21:43:48 No.60706118
>selling while the market collapses
>Not making purchases as it falls
Anonymous (ID: 5fKm79Dj)
01/11/16(Mon)16:44:50 No.60706199
Anonymous (ID: 5fKm79Dj) 01/11/16(Mon)21:44:50 No.60706199
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I don't know. I just know that tools and guns have value either through their use or resale. That value doesn't really diminish. The way the world is right now. Syria, Europe, oil, etc... No fucking way my money goes into make believe assets like stocks.
Anonymous (ID: Egg7FvJl)
01/11/16(Mon)16:45:07 No.60706217
Anonymous (ID: Egg7FvJl) 01/11/16(Mon)21:45:07 No.60706217

>be russia
>have nukes and sci-fi weapons ready in 3,2,1.
>have the biggest country in the world
>have insane amount of rare and common resources
>have population of 143.5 million
>have spies infiltrated in every major country infrastructure.

>care about cucks, others opinions, feel thretened in any way possible

pick one
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr)
01/11/16(Mon)16:45:19 No.60706233
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr) 01/11/16(Mon)21:45:19 No.60706233
More and more companies will look to sell. Many Canadian companies have already cut their losses by selling to foreign interests. That trend will continue. The production will be cut back as much as it can, but they will still expect the market to turn around because Oil always goes back up.
Anonymous (ID: Egg7FvJl)
01/11/16(Mon)16:45:46 No.60706263
Anonymous (ID: Egg7FvJl) 01/11/16(Mon)21:45:46 No.60706263
your mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has mormon has

Anonymous (ID: /BjYriac)
01/11/16(Mon)16:46:01 No.60706284
Anonymous (ID: /BjYriac) 01/11/16(Mon)21:46:01 No.60706284
>>60695471 (OP)
The best part is it's not going back up anytime soon and maybe low for decades.
Bank u Jebus!
Anonymous (ID: g4c9BnJd)
01/11/16(Mon)16:46:55 No.60706342
Anonymous (ID: g4c9BnJd) 01/11/16(Mon)21:46:55 No.60706342
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)16:47:01 No.60706350
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)21:47:01 No.60706350
Thanks. Didn't realize this was something one guy could negotiate with a firm.

Which makes me wonder, how does an individual make sure his stock shares are actually his?

>putting the shares under your mattress as opposed to in a pool with a bank
If I didn't want my shares to be part of a firm's assets to be possible to lend to a third party for the purpose of shorting.
Anonymous (ID: aK6sky9g)
01/11/16(Mon)16:48:42 No.60706482
Anonymous (ID: aK6sky9g) 01/11/16(Mon)21:48:42 No.60706482
Are they trying to develop anymore resources though?
Robespierre !!U9xv/x6Nq9T (ID: r/J1tmD1)
01/11/16(Mon)16:48:47 No.60706492
Robespierre !!U9xv/x6Nq9T (ID: r/J1tmD1) 01/11/16(Mon)21:48:47 No.60706492
>>60695471 (OP)
Only Russian propaganda could make cheap gas look like a bad thing
Anonymous (ID: iUJTQpWo)
01/11/16(Mon)16:48:49 No.60706494
Anonymous (ID: iUJTQpWo) 01/11/16(Mon)21:48:49 No.60706494
So would now, or at least when the price of oil bottoms out, be a good time to invest? It's gonna jump up again in the future, right?
Anonymous (ID: G42PCcVX)
01/11/16(Mon)16:48:57 No.60706506
Anonymous (ID: G42PCcVX) 01/11/16(Mon)21:48:57 No.60706506
you ring up your broker and say "hey i want to sell 1000 shares of (whatever) at this price (let's say it's $50/share)" even though you don't own any shares of (whatever)

broker says ok and gives you $50,000 and you now owe the broker 1000 shares of (whatever), since you didn't actually have any, by some agreed-upon time

shares of (whatever) then plunge from $50 to $40

so after that happens you buy 1000 shares for $40,000 and give those shares back to the broker who you still owe

pocket the $10,000 difference
Anonymous (ID: fKrWLgsJ)
01/11/16(Mon)16:50:52 No.60706646
Anonymous (ID: fKrWLgsJ) 01/11/16(Mon)21:50:52 No.60706646

Hmm... RIDF, please go.

Shit, at least use the flag of a relevant country like Montenegro.
Anonymous (ID: ocLXXB7d)
01/11/16(Mon)16:50:53 No.60706648
Anonymous (ID: ocLXXB7d) 01/11/16(Mon)21:50:53 No.60706648
Yes, this happens because of the Federal Reserve.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)16:51:06 No.60706660
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)21:51:06 No.60706660
I wouldn't call it a collapse yet.

It comes down to trust, mainly. If you think about it, the "market" is just a massive amount of people acting in what they perceive to be their own interests. (And these days also computers programmed to act in what some people perceive to be in their own interests.) So that makes the whole game as psychological as anything else.
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1)
01/11/16(Mon)16:52:51 No.60706841
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1) 01/11/16(Mon)21:52:51 No.60706841
we wont survive a year with brent 30 ( our urals sells even cheaper)
AND Russia being pushed out by Mid East oil, also eurocucks would prefer to buy from their mudslim buddies to punish Putin
Anonymous (ID: 9DMuJsuo)
01/11/16(Mon)16:54:49 No.60707007
Anonymous (ID: 9DMuJsuo) 01/11/16(Mon)21:54:49 No.60707007
Industry is cheaper
Food is cheaper
Transportation is cheaper
Oil exporting countries which happen to be the evilest in the world plus a few outliners like norway and canada crumble.
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)16:55:00 No.60707020
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)21:55:00 No.60707020
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Ok, why would the broker agree to those terms?

What's to stop me from leveraging a huge portfolio of borrowed stocks from multiple brokers at different firms, pocketing the money, and flying to a non-extradition country?

Obviously(?) it'd be fraud/illegal to do that. But surely there's some way they manage that risk.

I know kung fu.
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd)
01/11/16(Mon)16:55:01 No.60707021
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd) 01/11/16(Mon)21:55:01 No.60707021
Too bad China doesn't have futures, they would be crashing
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)16:55:09 No.60707036
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)21:55:09 No.60707036
Might as well get busy bombing the oil while you're already bombing ISIS.
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)16:56:37 No.60707155
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)21:56:37 No.60707155
And you better do as much damage as you can before Trump takes office since part of his marketing pitch is that he's going to extradite all that iraqi oil like we should have back during bush.
Anonymous (ID: G42PCcVX)
01/11/16(Mon)16:58:14 No.60707271
Anonymous (ID: G42PCcVX) 01/11/16(Mon)21:58:14 No.60707271
let's say i'm the broker and i have the 1000 shares initially worth $50,000

if i agree to the deal and i get them back then i'm out $10k

if i just sit on my shares and not agree to any deal then i am still out $10k anyway

however, short selling is extremely risky because if the stock goes up then you are absolutely fucked

if you just buy something outright, you can only lose the amount of money you spent -- if you short something, there is no limit to how much you can lose
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1)
01/11/16(Mon)16:58:20 No.60707277
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1) 01/11/16(Mon)21:58:20 No.60707277
very possible
or might bomb Turkey
anything can happen if Putin's regime gets in real danger
Anonymous (ID: Zm/pqzgv)
01/11/16(Mon)16:58:20 No.60707279
Anonymous (ID: Zm/pqzgv) 01/11/16(Mon)21:58:20 No.60707279
Where the fuck are the millions of Mexicans trying to escape Mexico?

Oil prices are tanking and their dollar keeps dropping?
How long will it take for them to forget about El Chapo and realizes their situation?

Trump needs a final push into Iowa, get to spics and invade like crazy.
Anonymous (ID: CQtluJV/)
01/11/16(Mon)17:00:06 No.60707428
Anonymous (ID: CQtluJV/) 01/11/16(Mon)22:00:06 No.60707428
oh god why

it's gonna be fine guys
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)17:01:08 No.60707513
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)22:01:08 No.60707513
Can't say I'd personally complain if "something" were to happen to Turkey.

But as long as NATO treaties don't have to be invoked then probably nobody else will care about it either. I would suggest continuing to target the ISIS supply routes. If a bridge just fell apart in Canada and its a big fucking deal, how hard can it be for "something" to happen to some of the few roads in an undeveloped desert hellhole?
Anonymous (ID: CQtluJV/)
01/11/16(Mon)17:01:48 No.60707568
Anonymous (ID: CQtluJV/) 01/11/16(Mon)22:01:48 No.60707568
So we're at the tipping point basically.

Is this the blackest friday ever then?
Anonymous (ID: aTR4OEia)
01/11/16(Mon)17:01:54 No.60707574
Anonymous (ID: aTR4OEia) 01/11/16(Mon)22:01:54 No.60707574
I don't understand
doesn't this mean that there is as much oil "available" as 30 years ago?

30 years ago people were talking non-stop that the starting the 2010's there won't be anymore oil
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd)
01/11/16(Mon)17:03:37 No.60707700
Anonymous (ID: ZfdtUKSd) 01/11/16(Mon)22:03:37 No.60707700
Purposefully being manipulated by the USA and Saudi to hurt Russia
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd)
01/11/16(Mon)17:04:50 No.60707789
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd) 01/11/16(Mon)22:04:50 No.60707789
Same with the Ice Age
Anonymous (ID: CVMjp8a5)
01/11/16(Mon)17:05:31 No.60707845
Anonymous (ID: CVMjp8a5) 01/11/16(Mon)22:05:31 No.60707845
i'm curious to see how the saudis kikes will react this time to make the oil worth something this time
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1)
01/11/16(Mon)17:05:56 No.60707878
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1) 01/11/16(Mon)22:05:56 No.60707878
yeah we've been bombing oil that get sold to Turkey from Syria territory, but need something more radical to happen

what will US do? 30 is far below profitability for your shale oil industry
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd)
01/11/16(Mon)17:06:56 No.60707967
Anonymous (ID: 7BLxmTyd) 01/11/16(Mon)22:06:56 No.60707967
Saudis doing it for Iran as well

Weird that it's around the time the US and Iran have their sanctions deal
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW)
01/11/16(Mon)17:07:02 No.60707979
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW) 01/11/16(Mon)22:07:02 No.60707979

Brokers are only going to allow you to indulge in serious short selling if they believe you can account for any of your own losses. At minimum, this means you need to maintain $X dollars (usually in the tens of thousands) in your account. For your plan to work, you'd need to be willing to open lots of different accounts and put down tens of thousands of dollars in each of them (and maintain an above board, "trustworthy" account history etc.) Yeah, you could do it but if you've got the money in the first place for that kind of scheme and taking into account some of your picks are probably going to be profitable, why would you bother?
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)17:07:29 No.60708017
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)22:07:29 No.60708017
Let's also look at just the edges of the bigger picture. Oil is the biggest commodity on the planet. We even fight wars over it. Some of the biggest companies in the world are in the oil business.

So, in other words, if average people knew what the real story was about the available supply of oil, then that would be a gross breach of national security. Therefore, you have to go into this under the assumption that everything you're being told has been carefully engineered.

Or maybe not so carefully engineered if you have the sense to look back 30 years and think something doesn't seem quite right.
Anonymous (ID: st8gYSws)
01/11/16(Mon)17:08:19 No.60708095
Anonymous (ID: st8gYSws) 01/11/16(Mon)22:08:19 No.60708095
Usa government will bail out domestic oil industry. They'll view it as a national security thing and start using the department of energy to subsidize american oil the same way they do with farming.
Anonymous (ID: VVTxSNIx)
01/11/16(Mon)17:08:31 No.60708106
Anonymous (ID: VVTxSNIx) 01/11/16(Mon)22:08:31 No.60708106
people still need gasoline

look up who refines the most oil into gasoline
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)17:09:51 No.60708200
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)22:09:51 No.60708200
No, no. See. What if I intended to literally just pocket the initial sum and flee the country.

>I want to sell 1000 XIY at 40/s currently at 50/s
>hmm. ok. Here's 50k
>proceeds to empty bank accounts and flee the country

I'm assuming they don't let just anyone attempt shorts. But then again, we do have people literally bottoming out the market on a global scale so there may well be a huge leak in this system enabling this sort of thing.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)17:10:31 No.60708243
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)22:10:31 No.60708243
>far below profitability for your shale oil industry
Dunno. All I can tell you is that we've doubled down on this as a way to hurt you more than we will get hurt.

And that's not at all the full extent of the game. Even the Saudis have kind of fucked it up trying to beat us at our own game if what I've heard about how their oil fields work is true. But any way you slice neither the US nor Russia has even yet begun to fight, so I hope to see some kind of peaceful way out of this.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)17:13:10 No.60708461
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)22:13:10 No.60708461
>I'm assuming they don't let just anyone attempt shorts.
Right. You're either on the inside and you can get away with what you want, or you're not, and everybody else's mistakes get dumped on you, or you go to jail, or whatever else.

Look at Bernie Madoff, for instance. Was he a big cheese? No, not really. But he must have pissed off the wrong people, and it was a good opportunity for a public hanging to settle people down about financial lawlessness.
Anonymous (ID: UcWeYz11)
01/11/16(Mon)17:13:52 No.60708515
Anonymous (ID: UcWeYz11) 01/11/16(Mon)22:13:52 No.60708515
It's all fun and games until you get sick and need to pay for medicine.
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)17:14:29 No.60708560
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)22:14:29 No.60708560
>why would you bother
If you foresee financial collapse/litigation on the horizon but news hasn't come out yet.

And I'm including big shark types too. People that would have a massive sum invested, are trustworthy, and decide to pull out because they're juggling so many things, and they see exactly they aren't going to be able to recoup losses in the coming climate. So they cash out as much as they can, as quickly as they can, and fight litigation for the rest of their lives until they can pass on their assets to an heir.
Anonymous (ID: j+gZ7ng7)
01/11/16(Mon)17:14:33 No.60708564
Anonymous (ID: j+gZ7ng7) 01/11/16(Mon)22:14:33 No.60708564
>>60695471 (OP)
239 posts and no Gremlins 2 clip yet? Buy canned food and shotguns!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsMc-IswG3w [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: A8hX7ArJ)
01/11/16(Mon)17:17:39 No.60708815
Anonymous (ID: A8hX7ArJ) 01/11/16(Mon)22:17:39 No.60708815
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rip Canada, I'll still buy your maple syrup
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr)
01/11/16(Mon)17:18:23 No.60708882
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr) 01/11/16(Mon)22:18:23 No.60708882
Stupid people. The idea they meant to convey was 'Peak Oil', which is most definitely a real thing. It is basically the hump on the curve of oil extraction vs time. So once past the 'peak' the oil extraction rate should decline. They have just been really bad at predicting when it will happen.

It's a fact that oil exploration has past its peak, at least from an economical stand point. Big oil will only invest in large reserves, and the only undeveloped areas are in shithole countries and at sea which poses huge financial risks. So based on the slowed exploration, one can infer that extraction/production rates should slow.

But technological advancements have allowed for greater recovery rates and increased the amount of oil capable of being extracted from a reserve. It also put life back into old reserves that were thought to be done.

So if your an optimist, you could say that technology will only improve and new innovations will allow for even more efficient extraction of reserves. The pessimist would say that we are at our limits, and it won't be long until production is unable to meet demand. No matter which way you look, the reality is that the oil is a finite resource, we can't expect it to fuel our economy for ever. Fusion tech or the acceptance of nuclear is really the only thing that can meet our energy demands in place of oil.
Anonymous (ID: t2uWC6UR)
01/11/16(Mon)17:20:06 No.60709025
Anonymous (ID: t2uWC6UR) 01/11/16(Mon)22:20:06 No.60709025
A lot of this is from the Chinese who have their own real estate bubble, and how they're going to use a fuckload less oil the moment they decide to cut production and stop pumping the bubble further.
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW)
01/11/16(Mon)17:20:23 No.60709052
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW) 01/11/16(Mon)22:20:23 No.60709052

Yeah, but this is what I meant when I said you have to keep $X in your account. The normal leverage brokers use is about 2:1. For high risk short sells, this is going to be higher which basically means that if you want to gamble 50k on a stock, they might tell you you need to have more than 100k in your account, IN ADDITION to the 50k. The minute you try and liquidate that account - i.e. take its balance below 100k - you're going to be redflagged, locked out and the broker will give you a "courtesy call" to see if everything is alright. They balance their risk by making sure you have a cash buffer in place beforehand.
Anonymous (ID: 6IRGG4ex)
01/11/16(Mon)17:22:09 No.60709188
Anonymous (ID: 6IRGG4ex) 01/11/16(Mon)22:22:09 No.60709188
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inb4 a 9001% increase in Norwegian suicides
Anonymous (ID: ClV9JB4C)
01/11/16(Mon)17:22:31 No.60709222
Anonymous (ID: ClV9JB4C) 01/11/16(Mon)22:22:31 No.60709222
Its almost like basic economics is holding true. A mainly capitalist society goes through periods of boom and bust.
Anonymous (ID: SRhsyJel)
01/11/16(Mon)17:23:51 No.60709316
Anonymous (ID: SRhsyJel) 01/11/16(Mon)22:23:51 No.60709316
I've heard that 12 ga 00 buckshot is what you want for self defense. Skip the magnums, it's better to use the shorts and have an extra in the tube.
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)17:24:49 No.60709398
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)22:24:49 No.60709398
I've learned so much this thread.

I only ever took an intro to macro-economics course and that was like 10 years ago.
Anonymous (ID: RUCxTIxd)
01/11/16(Mon)17:25:09 No.60709426
Anonymous (ID: RUCxTIxd) 01/11/16(Mon)22:25:09 No.60709426
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>mid to 3/4 2014
>hey guys everything's ok
>3/4 2014 to now

Sound about right.
Anonymous (ID: fKrWLgsJ)
01/11/16(Mon)17:25:36 No.60709469
Anonymous (ID: fKrWLgsJ) 01/11/16(Mon)22:25:36 No.60709469
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Still better than the self-inflicted Swedish genocide.
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS)
01/11/16(Mon)17:25:40 No.60709478
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS) 01/11/16(Mon)22:25:40 No.60709478
>Ok, why would the broker agree to those terms?


You have to post collateral and they'll (try to) automatically liquidate the position (rebuy) if the position is seriously threatened.

>if you just buy something outright, you can only lose the amount of money you spent -- if you short something, there is no limit to how much you can lose

Yes, but depending on the leverage the line becomes blurrier. I mean sure, something could gap up from 20 usd to 100 usd in theory, but if you have a highly leveraged log (which your run of the mill retail broker won't allow anyway), then you can get fucked just as easily to the downside.
Anonymous (ID: 5fKm79Dj)
01/11/16(Mon)17:25:57 No.60709504
Anonymous (ID: 5fKm79Dj) 01/11/16(Mon)22:25:57 No.60709504
At what point do we admit that OPEC is waging a financial war on us and go up inside their guts.
Anonymous (ID: PmRcgHhv)
01/11/16(Mon)17:26:03 No.60709519
Anonymous (ID: PmRcgHhv) 01/11/16(Mon)22:26:03 No.60709519
Anonymous (ID: Ez+lS2t8)
01/11/16(Mon)17:26:11 No.60709529
Anonymous (ID: Ez+lS2t8) 01/11/16(Mon)22:26:11 No.60709529
Holy shit! Venezuela was already suffering from lack of basic products.How will this people survive? will they return to feudalism or something?
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)17:27:08 No.60709614
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)22:27:08 No.60709614
You can go look up pictures of what each gauge does to ballistic jelly and get a rough take on it to decide for yourself.

I think double-aught is just about right, but I also think it's worth thinking about whether you might rather get that in a small 20ga or whether you really need a long barrel to aim instead of knocking against the walls when its a close-quarters situation.
Anonymous (ID: US8VXwy3)
01/11/16(Mon)17:27:23 No.60709634
Anonymous (ID: US8VXwy3) 01/11/16(Mon)22:27:23 No.60709634
> sence
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr)
01/11/16(Mon)17:28:31 No.60709730
Anonymous (ID: 3JkkUpHr) 01/11/16(Mon)22:28:31 No.60709730
>3.26 billion barrels consume 2014
>~160,000 barrels exported 2014
>number one buyer is Mexico by ~45% of total exported gasoline

Ya, good luck making huge profits off that, especially after Trump doesn't get elected, no wall is built, and Mexicans come over in droves because of their collapsing economy.
Anonymous (ID: 7NjF7IG+)
01/11/16(Mon)17:28:36 No.60709735
Anonymous (ID: 7NjF7IG+) 01/11/16(Mon)22:28:36 No.60709735
>>60695471 (OP)
this is what libtards wanted
Anonymous (ID: SRhsyJel)
01/11/16(Mon)17:30:33 No.60709904
Anonymous (ID: SRhsyJel) 01/11/16(Mon)22:30:33 No.60709904
I thought SA was trying to kill US shale, and Russia, Canada, and Venezuela were collateral damage?
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)17:31:29 No.60710003
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)22:31:29 No.60710003
Now I'm thinking, if I setup a small LLC or something and seeded it with a personal account and put myself on staff, could I use corporate bankruptcy laws to shelter myself while I file that my personal income is directly separate from company assets. If shit goes south, legally the LLC takes the litigation. As long as I do it above board and leverage the risk the brokers took on me.

Basically fully expecting to crash and burn, but have my 'company' do all the legal waffling.
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1)
01/11/16(Mon)17:32:04 No.60710049
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1) 01/11/16(Mon)22:32:04 No.60710049
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same as your favellas do. it gonna get ugly

we had crime rates go ~10% up just in last 2 weeks, wild armed robberies becoming a norm

picrelated - police car that guarded money transfer got shot with AKs
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS)
01/11/16(Mon)17:33:22 No.60710175
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS) 01/11/16(Mon)22:33:22 No.60710175

second part was obviously a reply to this post

I think the Saudis are underestimating the flexibility of the US/Canadian oil sector. This won't kill shale, this will only put it in hibernation.

They had two options, really. Keeping the price by cutting back production and let others keep the money, or keeping their share by letting it slide.
Anonymous (ID: t2uWC6UR)
01/11/16(Mon)17:34:27 No.60710277
Anonymous (ID: t2uWC6UR) 01/11/16(Mon)22:34:27 No.60710277
Partially. They also felt cucked that they were the first ones to blink during the last oil crisis and that everyone else reaped the benefits of the Saudis cutting production.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)17:36:45 No.60710487
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)22:36:45 No.60710487
Venezuela is not right on your border. Sit back and watch it, and worry more about what's going to be coming your way some day.
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1)
01/11/16(Mon)17:39:41 No.60710748
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1) 01/11/16(Mon)22:39:41 No.60710748
I forgot, will you have just president election in Nov this year? Dems would love to lower the gas price around that time, but if Shillary gets btfo due to emails there will be no reason to do it, am I right?
Anonymous (ID: scMygzFe)
01/11/16(Mon)17:41:03 No.60710868
Anonymous (ID: scMygzFe) 01/11/16(Mon)22:41:03 No.60710868
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW)
01/11/16(Mon)17:41:54 No.60710942
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW) 01/11/16(Mon)22:41:54 No.60710942

You can do this but they're going to refuse you if they think anything illegal or fraudulent is going on. The brokerage is basically run like a bank - they're not going to extend to you some massive amount of credit if they think you're up to something, not acting on good faith or running a one-man company set up a month ago out of an apartment somewhere. Secondly, there isn't going to be any litigation if you decide to do a runner, knowing fine well that you're doing it with the broker's money. It's a straight up case of theft and a straight up case of fraud and they will send you to prison for it.
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)17:42:35 No.60711003
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)22:42:35 No.60711003
Dems have backed themselves into a corner on the oil thing.

They're pushing renewable resources so hard, if they start endorsing gas, they'll be incapable of using renewable fuels as an anti-republican beating stick come general elections.
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW)
01/11/16(Mon)17:42:44 No.60711018
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW) 01/11/16(Mon)22:42:44 No.60711018
>You can do this

By "this" I mean "set up a brokerage account as an LLC".
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS)
01/11/16(Mon)17:44:22 No.60711152
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS) 01/11/16(Mon)22:44:22 No.60711152

That's fine, legalities aside (intent, etc), but you have to maneuver into a position where your losses are higher than the collateral. The brokerage has the right to cut the trade if it gets anywhere near that, and unless we are talking about penny stocks, there is usually enough liquidity and opportunity for them to close out the trade. So chances are you'll end up with losing most of the collateral (and then your account) but that's it.

Besides, I don't think your run of the mill brokerage allows the sort of leverage for a Joe Schmoe LLC that would lead to a sudden and unavoidable loss like that. If you want high leverage you go to futures, but things are even stricter over there and round the clock liquidity is better.

Or if you feel like gambling you do the shady CFD "brokerage" route where you end up betting against your broker but over there they are guaranteed to close your position in the black as they are betting against the house. CFDs are actually illegal in the USA but there are ways..
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)17:44:40 No.60711176
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)22:44:40 No.60711176
It was a gross oversimplification, of course. I'd imagine after every crash, they tighten up the leaks that made it possible to exploit the situation to the detriment of everyone else. But I think there's still holes to be exploited.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)17:46:19 No.60711309
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)22:46:19 No.60711309
Much of our cheap natural gas supply comes out of a byproduct of our oil fracking.

Whether it goes up or down as a result I can't tell you. What I can tell you is it's been a while since I got a lot of junkmail asking me to sign a contract to pay my current gas price before it might go up. It's been quite a while since I got one of those letters, so I guess they don't want to sign a contract at those prices anymore. Or maybe they're just keeping quiet because they don't know what's going to happen, either.
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS)
01/11/16(Mon)17:46:26 No.60711322
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS) 01/11/16(Mon)22:46:26 No.60711322

Ok are we talking about running away with the shares/credit provided for leverage or are we talking about taking a massive (coin-flip) like bet and see where it goes?
Because the first one is impossible (for mortals), and the second one is called gambling.
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW)
01/11/16(Mon)17:47:30 No.60711431
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW) 01/11/16(Mon)22:47:30 No.60711431

Yeah but let's be honest here, dude; this is hardly heist of the century. These types of controls have been in place since the first brokerages opened. Like I said above, they only extend large amounts of leverage to customers who can put up the collateral.
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1)
01/11/16(Mon)17:48:12 No.60711490
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1) 01/11/16(Mon)22:48:12 No.60711490
Ironically yes, and its another theory that OPEC needs low oil prices to kill all these electric cars etc or they might lose most of the globla oil demand forever

So we shouldn't expect artificially lowered prices by your elections?
Anonymous (ID: zpATRbEU)
01/11/16(Mon)17:48:45 No.60711537
Anonymous (ID: zpATRbEU) 01/11/16(Mon)22:48:45 No.60711537
We must use meme magic on China again!
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW)
01/11/16(Mon)17:49:33 No.60711603
Anonymous (ID: BaRcW3yW) 01/11/16(Mon)22:49:33 No.60711603

The first. And setting up an LLC so they can't sue you for the money back.

As you said: impossible.
Anonymous (ID: ETBoavgT)
01/11/16(Mon)17:49:38 No.60711611
Anonymous (ID: ETBoavgT) 01/11/16(Mon)22:49:38 No.60711611
Anonymous (ID: CYFIbif2)
01/11/16(Mon)17:50:36 No.60711684
Anonymous (ID: CYFIbif2) 01/11/16(Mon)22:50:36 No.60711684
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Yeah not like I needed a job anyway.

Fuck, time to join the Legion I suppose.
Anonymous (ID: X/goYHfI)
01/11/16(Mon)17:50:49 No.60711704
Anonymous (ID: X/goYHfI) 01/11/16(Mon)22:50:49 No.60711704
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1.44 MB
1.44 MB PNG
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1)
01/11/16(Mon)17:51:56 No.60711787
Anonymous (ID: o7RJodp1) 01/11/16(Mon)22:51:56 No.60711787
I meant gas as gasoline - as it matter to the voters more than oil price.
Obama had lowered the oil (and subsequently gasoline) price about the elections time to get more support.
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)17:55:46 No.60712123
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)22:55:46 No.60712123
They'd only do that by pumping the federal reserves into circulation at a greater rate. And even then, we're talking reducing 30 dollars a barrel down to 28 dollars a barrel. Which for the average consumer would be a difference of less than a dime per gallon. The point to which they can really suppress prices is much more limited than the market provides. Oil prices are already really really low. So Federal Reserve actually holds onto their stockpile quota.

I was talking about skipping town being the intent. Regardless of the paperwork entries and checkboxes. In order for things to actually go tits up, there has to be a way/incentive for individuals/corporations to damage the system for their own profit in a way that they come out on top. Like being so far in debt to so many people, that if they don't keep extending you credit, they're just accepting that they'll take a huge financial hit that may crush them the same time you go down.

I don't mean to imply a specific individual/company scale. If there are disconnected individuals capable of acting in their best interests leading to such a situation, or just one large corporation, or even a series of larger corporations, it's something I'm interested in exploring.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)17:57:08 No.60712212
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)22:57:08 No.60712212
Well the price of gasoline has been going down in a big way for a long time now. Somebody already blew his or her wad on that one. It can't go down again in a big way for the elections short of turning the game on its head.

It's similar to the way the Federal Reserve got the timing wrong for taking up interest rates by some infinitesimal amount for no other reason than to have made a show about it. They're not much far out of the corner, either.

If you want my predictions, I think we're going to have some "outside of the box" things happening in the course of the next year.
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS)
01/11/16(Mon)17:57:38 No.60712252
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS) 01/11/16(Mon)22:57:38 No.60712252

Or third option, having 2 massively leveraged positions in two directions at separate brokerages with one being the eventual "burner account".
Makes sense when you think about it at first, but the brownian (random) motion of the market is likely to fuck you anyway.


Both the collateral and the leverage itself is in the control of the brokerage. You can't take it out. You have a minimum margin which you have to keep at the brokerage, and that's your own money. Never mind taking out the loaned equity, that's unheard of.

Let's say you have 100k as collateral and 500k total position. They'll let the market go against you till you lose 80-90k of your own money, and before that's completely gone and their own money is in line they'll either call you to post more collateral if you want to keep it open or outright liquidate your position.
Anonymous (ID: dhY55Y6M)
01/11/16(Mon)18:02:36 No.60712629
Anonymous (ID: dhY55Y6M) 01/11/16(Mon)23:02:36 No.60712629
File: karl-marx1.jpg (53 KB, 440x514)
53 KB
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)18:04:58 No.60712802
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)23:04:58 No.60712802
What about a series of companies setting up an official burner company? They'd be in cahoots to create reputibility and eventually all point to that company when shit goes south. And they could even hire outsiders that would know nothing of the purpose of the founding of the company. Then they could create HR divisions that manage interactions with this company from all other companies.

With the intention from the start to lump up a huge problem, and bailout by setting fire to the outsider dummy corporation and escaping blame by claiming they dealt with them, as did all other market members, but unaware of how their company was orchestrating a scam.
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS)
01/11/16(Mon)18:05:37 No.60712859
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS) 01/11/16(Mon)23:05:37 No.60712859
>, they're just accepting that they'll take a huge financial hit that may crush them the same time you go down

They are there to watch and step in as soon as a situation like that even develops. They will not just sit back as all your collateral is gone and their own money is threatened. In this case they'll just close the trade or you get money from somewhere to post more collateral.
Remember, the trading profit (and loss) is for you and you alone, they are not directly profiting from it so it doesn't matter to them. They have fees and charge interest on the loaned amount but that's it, whether you made or lost a few mills.
Anonymous (ID: jpijRNSI)
01/11/16(Mon)18:06:44 No.60712939
Anonymous (ID: jpijRNSI) 01/11/16(Mon)23:06:44 No.60712939
Now change the pic to hitler
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)18:09:25 No.60713123
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)23:09:25 No.60713123
Part of the fun of overarching economic theories is that in the real world, you can actually develop an economic theory that exploits the other economic theories to its own benefit, even if all theories conflict.

>socialism is the best system for human growth, but is frugal
>capitalism is the best system for increasing capital, but is flamboyant
>because socialists would stay frugal and take little risks, capitalists get first try at all emerging markets and can develop these markets
>by the time socialists enter the market, the capitalists have already built a fortress and control the means of production
>because eventually the socialists will enter the market
>the only way for them to overcome the capitalists is to never engage the same markets the capitalists engage
>do not take the names I'm using literally
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS)
01/11/16(Mon)18:15:51 No.60713626
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS) 01/11/16(Mon)23:15:51 No.60713626

Now we all have our opinions about the general level of risk management the financial sector is engaged in on a macro level, but they won't be screwed by a scheme like that.
Yes, with time and money to burn you can probably set up accounts and leave them in the red IF something unexpected happens but it's unlikely. You'd need whatever you have a position in to gap in a direction in a big way so they can't close the position, but I really don't think a single actor, or even groups of actors could engineer systemic risks like that.
(For a meltdown you need the financial sector itself to drink the coolaid, like a decade ago)
Anonymous (ID: qhQzrFJT)
01/11/16(Mon)18:16:48 No.60713697
Anonymous (ID: qhQzrFJT) 01/11/16(Mon)23:16:48 No.60713697

I'm sitting on $30k afraid to put it in ANYTHING

I guess I should just put it in a vanguard index fund and say fuck it. If the market goes down, I'll leave it there until 2050 or whatever the fugg

Are you saying just keep it in the fuggen savings account? Is the market gonna tank hard my man?
Anonymous (ID: AMAqAM4N)
01/11/16(Mon)18:18:50 No.60713850
Anonymous (ID: AMAqAM4N) 01/11/16(Mon)23:18:50 No.60713850
end me right the fuck now please, thanks weed man
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS)
01/11/16(Mon)18:19:57 No.60713935
Anonymous (ID: CdiC2hsS) 01/11/16(Mon)23:19:57 No.60713935

I've seen the megaphone pattern not play out too many times to pay any attention, although i do think we've topped out already for other reasons.

One thing to keep in mind though is that if inflation picks up in a major way it'll actually push equity prices up in future USD terms.
So at 20% inflation you might actually be better off in stocks than USD.
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)18:21:05 No.60714030
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)23:21:05 No.60714030
The place I'm trapped into putting part of my money into. The place that sends me endless emails about how best they can profit from my money. The place where I can chose from about 10 or 20 pools of all the things I don't want to invest in, and least of all the places that were very profitable until they were rendered non-options.

On the other hand, if they're right and I'm wrong I'll fall back on that account. Time to get comfy bro.
Anonymous (ID: a7/eZ9QG)
01/11/16(Mon)18:21:56 No.60714105
Anonymous (ID: a7/eZ9QG) 01/11/16(Mon)23:21:56 No.60714105
This doesn't seem that drastic to me. Yeah it's -6% but that's just for the day. It's not like american auto makers in 2008. It'll be business as usual next week
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy)
01/11/16(Mon)18:22:48 No.60714178
Anonymous (ID: YKQ5+Cvy) 01/11/16(Mon)23:22:48 No.60714178
>you need the financial sector to drink the coolaid
>like a decade ago
>i don't think a group of actors could engineer such a thing
Anon, you just derived the jew.
Anonymous (ID: 5d1SVJlq)
01/11/16(Mon)18:24:22 No.60714297
Anonymous (ID: 5d1SVJlq) 01/11/16(Mon)23:24:22 No.60714297
If I were you I'd get my money out now. Pension funds will be the first thing the government raids when it runs out of money
Anonymous (ID: qhQzrFJT)
01/11/16(Mon)18:27:03 No.60714525
Anonymous (ID: qhQzrFJT) 01/11/16(Mon)23:27:03 No.60714525

The index funds are supposed to be the safest place to put your money long term. If the US doesn't collapse and you don't need your money next week, then no problem and safe. Better than inflation (historically)

And Vanguard has the lowest fees on profits... 0.17%

Cant' beat it for safety.

But if I put $30k in today and the market does a nose dive I'll be pissed anyways. It feels like we're all the top of a very big bubble. 7 years of 0% interest at the fed. Something scary should happen.

If DJIA goes down to 12,000 and I buy then, hell yeah
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/)
01/11/16(Mon)18:27:10 No.60714535
Anonymous (ID: O4CG5JH/) 01/11/16(Mon)23:27:10 No.60714535
The options for a 401(k) government mandated plan are that you can either sit around with your balls up your ass and do nothnig, or that you can get old enough to die, or that you can quit your job because of all those, uh, other jobs.

I personally don't give a fuck. If you want to play the game, then you'd better be hedged up to where you're going to make it out ahead no matter what happens.

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