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[–]Wannabespacecowboy 1250 points1251 points1252 points  (161 children)
Swede here. I can not express enough how happy I am that this is getting international attention. It's a scandal.
[–]BlueePandaa 282 points283 points284 points  (15 children)
Same here. There are many things I don't agree on with SD, but that is absolutely no excuse to try to cover up something like this. As someone said earlier, at that point the identity of the attackers are more important than the victims, which is ridiculous.
[–]woopwopper [score hidden]  (4 children)
With how it's going I have a feeling SD will get a lot of votes from people who disagree with most of their politics, even more so than the precious 3? Elections.
[–]footballNotSoccer 229 points230 points231 points  (62 children)
I'm sitting here reading all these articles and I'm absoluately appalled. Should I be horrified that girls as young as twelve are getting assaulted by grown-ass men, or more horrified that the government will prioritize race relations over what is right?
When you prioritize race/ethnicity/political agenda over basic human needs, there is not much distinction between you and the Nazis, is there?
[–]_AlreadyTaken_ [score hidden]  (16 children)
Because to highlight the attacks would show a flaw in their "allow any refugee who wants to enter the country" policies
(Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (2 children)
    [–]abutthole [score hidden]  (4 children)
    I mean...in this case there's a lot differentiating the Swedes from the Nazis. You can boil literally anything into a Nazi comparison if you just ignore any nuance.
    (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (3 children)
      [–]olavts 191 points192 points193 points  (30 children)
      As a norwegian, I want to thank you and Germany for showing us what happens when you let things get to far, so we can learn from your mistakes.
      (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (3 children)
        [–]Challengeaccepted3 22 points23 points24 points  (4 children)
        People will stop caring and forget about it. I want to make a subreddit to contact politicians and shit to try and do something about this, but it probably won't get a lot of attention.
        [–]footballNotSoccer 13 points14 points15 points  (0 children)
        Absolutely the right thing to do. Those girls deserve justice.
        [–]14sierra 1336 points1337 points1338 points  (216 children)
        In American politics there's a saying: it's never the crime, it's the cover-up (that causes the downfall of public figures)
        [–]terror406 907 points908 points909 points  (182 children)
        Except, just like in Cologne, some police chief will be sacrificed whilst the politicians and media who created the culture of silence will escape the consequences.
        A police chief who would have already lost his job and be branded a racist had he not covered it up.
        [–]Snozzlebert 298 points299 points300 points  (52 children)
        I hate how the polititians try to blame the police for their faults.
        [–]talkscheap 218 points219 points220 points  (30 children)
        Shit rolls downhill.
        [–]wiithepiiple 18 points19 points20 points  (0 children)
        The buck stops back down there.
        [–]Mefaso 72 points73 points74 points  (4 children)
        Actually, the police tried to blame the politicians, citing that there were less federal police than normally, because they were used for border control.
        Too bad that there were actually more there than usual.
        [–]MongolPerson 104 points105 points106 points  (4 children)
        The Police Chief and Home Secretary of Cologne were complicit in covering up the events, and the Police Chief was caught lying publicly and contradicted by his own Police Force and Police Reports. You ought to consider that he belongs to a party on the far-left as well, so he unquestionably has motive to lie.
        [–]dooshtastic [score hidden]  (2 children)
        Swedish police are reluctant to speak publicly about crimes linked to migrants for fear of playing into the hands of the far-right Sweden Democrats, an anti-immigration party whose support has surged to about 20 percent in opinion polls.
        This is what I really don't get. When you have to lie or hide the truth, who are you really serving? They are basically admitting that the refugee gravy train would immediately stop if the amount and magnitude of the crimes committed by "refugees" became public knowledge, or risk the electorate voting them out.
        Instead, it's easier to just sweep the crimes under the rug and call anyone who thinks there might be a problem "crazy" because there is nothing to cite in the mainstream media/public police records.
        If they can't keep the dam of lies shored up, they're really going to have a problem. The European far right must be licking its chops right now.
        [–]yankeeanime 6 points7 points8 points  (4 children)
        That reminds me of Japanese CEOs. Something bad happens, top guy apologizes, next in line replaces him, rinse and repeat.
        [–]digitalhate 86 points87 points88 points  (1 child)
        Nope, not gonna happen. At best, some police chief nobody's ever heard about gets the boot. Every journalist and politician is going tsk-tsk, conveniently forgetting who was lambasting the cops for publishing "racist witness statements", and how imperative it was to not play into the fears of the far right. And nobody is going to object. The police is like an abused dog when it comes to the media. It wants to be loved so very badly, yet it keeps shitting on the carpet, and gets to taste the humiliating sting of the rolled up newspaper.
        That is not to say that our police force is otherwise perfect, because it certainly isn't. It has problems with how it allocates personnel, how it operates, how it deals with internal criticism, and so many other things. But in this case, they likely did what they did because they had been hounded to do so. For all of us, damned for doing would have been better, but pretending this came out of nowhere is bullshit.
        I feel sorry for the cops on the street, who are top-ridden by amateur politicians trying to catch a fair wind in the media. I feel angry for the victims, who were let down by just about every level of society, not just the cops. The Swedish national television broke this on their homepage just after it happened. Nobody else gave a shit about the story. Not enough to dig beyond the official police statement, anyway, despite being tipped off by people on the ground.
        [–]guyonthissite 194 points195 points196 points  (22 children)
        So how many more of these "incidents" have happened and not been reported?
        [–]kaedanir 45 points46 points47 points  (8 children)
        Yup - most sane countries would launch an investigation to find that out. Sweden will blame Eastern Europe or something.
        [–]Zeanort 122 points123 points124 points  (26 children)
        How do they keep getting away with this?
        [–]agustinsz 146 points147 points148 points  (11 children)
        Political correctness
        [–]l3lC [score hidden]  (7 children)
        If political correctness is now covering up rape then can we please stop calling the left wing progressive. They are regressive.
        [–]Mshrooms [score hidden]  (1 child)
        That's the beauty of doublespeak.
        [–]EndTimesRadio [score hidden]  (2 children)
        Ask and receive!
        I'm a Progressive. Through and through. I hate what the left's become. I didn't leave the party, it left me.
        [–]Jibrish [score hidden]  (1 child)
        Even the term progressive is kind of bullshit. It implies only the left leads to progress.
        [–]Pilatus [score hidden]  (0 children)
        It's simply not bad enough yet, in the sense that the majority of people in Sweden or Germany still live their lives uninterrupted. For those fathers, boyfriends and husbands of those who have been molested or raped, their lives have been altered, those women's lives have been altered, and they can now be added to the growing roster of citizens who are going to break shit when everything snaps.
        It takes time... When it happens though, it's not pretty, it's really unfortunate, but there is going to be much suffering all to a stupid lapse in immigration judgment.
        [–]Ham_Sandwich77 558 points559 points560 points  (75 children)
        He denied a cover-up but said police should have reported on the incidents at the time "given the nature of the crime."
        So, you just accidentally covered it up. Sure.
        Gyllander couldn't confirm Dagens Nyheter's report that most suspects were from Afghanistan, but said "this involves young men who are not from Sweden."
        Stop the presses.
        (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (62 children)
          [–]MrFlatulence 96 points97 points98 points  (37 children)
          The world is run by pieces of shit.
          EDIT: This is now a reply to /u/ham_sandwich77
          [–]Kevycito [score hidden]  (3 children)
          How your post was made "hidden" when you're clearly bringing light to this large issue is beyond me. This is so fucking depressing to read.
          [–]Krytan 140 points141 points142 points  (10 children)
          The fact that the authorities are desperately trying to cover this up is much scarier than any of the single incidents. It means that probably, this kind of thing is happening all over, all the time, and we know of only the tip of the iceberg.
          It also means citizens of Sweden cannot trust their government to tell them the truth, or to keep them safe, and is conspiring with those that do them harm.
          [–]FSharpwasntfree 19 points20 points21 points  (0 children)
          Yeah. Fact is, if this got highlighted properly, as most people think it should have been, perhaps Köln and the new years eve events could've been prevented.
          Unfortunately their cover up might have caused up to 500 more sexual assault victims.
          [–]SeeBoar [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Imagine how many solo incidents have been swept under the rug. It scares me when a nation cannot in any capacity trust its own police force to protect them
          [–]dilberito [score hidden]  (0 children)
          Absolutely. The real crime which is going on is the crimes that the government is perpetrating against its people by preventing these events from being reported properly.
          [–]Sourpussydude 878 points879 points880 points  (123 children)
          Glad this is hitting the front page.
          It seems like these days censoring rape and sexual assault is more important than bringing attention to it.
          [–]RedZaturn 620 points621 points622 points  (49 children)
          Unless the perpetrators were white males.
          [–]unrave 166 points167 points168 points  (10 children)
          or if the incident happens in India. It doesn't exactly have a stellar reputation for safety of women, but even if a fraction of the scale of these organised sexual crimes happen here, you can be sure there will be riots and public lynchings. It is incredulous to me as an outsider that Europeans are stoic in putting up with this level of savagery
          [–]SeeBoar 11 points12 points13 points  (0 children)
          Turns out womens rights are lesser then immigrant rights. Europe has swung so far away from nationalism that it now treasures other nations citizens over their own. Seems like moderation can never win in things like this
          [–]mishka_shaw [score hidden]  (6 children)
          that Europeans are stoic in putting up with this level of savagery
          I don't know anyone putting up with it rather than a tiny minority of apologists. People are very vocal over this in the UK at least, we were pissed over the Rotheram betrayal so this has opened up the old wound. Can't speak for the Swedes or Germans but I suspect that they are throughly pissed too.
          Edit: I think the difference is that Swedish and German media seem less 'volatile' then British or American media outlets so maybe they just seem more calm due to their media style.
          [–]DamnTheseLurkers 114 points115 points116 points  (20 children)
          No, putting immigrants and islamists in a bad light is to be avoided at all costs.
          [–]actuallytimatkinson [score hidden]  (18 children)
          Why? Does this appease the population more than condemning criminal behavior? Without sarcasm or cynicism, what's the gain?
          [–]daehd_moroz [score hidden]  (0 children)
          The gain is that it ruins the myth that all or absolute most can be integrated. They cannot, but the myth is there because those migrants who work - do it for a very low pay, hence very profitable for "some". Those who do not work - some just procreate, bringing new working force (see previous sentence).
          (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (7 children)
            [–]scarred_for_life_[S] 416 points417 points418 points  (119 children)
            This is currently getting a lot of attention over at /r/europe.
            [–]daviddas1 356 points357 points358 points  (37 children)
            Gyllander couldn't confirm the ethnicity of the alleged attackers in Stockholm but said "this involves young men who are not from Sweden."
            Classic EU media these days. No wonder it's getting attention, people might actually be starting to get fed up with the hiding. Maybe. We'll see.
            [–]daveime 86 points87 points88 points  (18 children)
            Classic EU media these days.
            Makes you wonder if there isn't some possible negative effects after all to importing thousands of people with regressive 7th century morals into a forward-thinking 21st century city like Stockholm?
            [–]_spreadit [score hidden]  (2 children)
            Stockholm is so forward thinking that they will cover it up. Because to point out shitty culture is apparently "racist" and makes you a nazi.
            [–]airconditioning8 [score hidden]  (0 children)
            They're so forward thinking that they actually think backwards!
            (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (9 children)
              (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (3 children)
                (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (2 children)
                  [–]PM_YOUR_BROKEN_HYMEN 2305 points2306 points2307 points  (796 children)
                  Seems like the reputation of the attackers are more important than the women who are sexually abused.
                  See also, the thousands of sexual abuse victim in many cities throughout the UK. Authorities failed to investigate because they didn't want to be branded 'racists'
                  [–]TotolLies 411 points412 points413 points  (42 children)
                  Mind you, the youngest victims from these cowards were eleven to twelve years old. I can't believe that millions of people died so Europeans of today can express ideas and criticism freely, only to have fucktards in Germany and Sweden worrying that they might offend people. These crimes are heinous and these people have no right to share my society.
                  [–]Challengeaccepted3 109 points110 points111 points  (28 children)
                  This is disgusting. I can't believe people aren't up in arms over this.
                  [–]guuutbutttt 44 points45 points46 points  (2 children)
                  I can't believe people aren't up in arms over this.
                  There have been mass protests in Germany and Belgium but you wouldn't really know that reading the news.
                  [–]thatshitischurchyo [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Actually, the government is not only covering up the stories of this protests, the police are dispersing the attendents with water cannons. Many of the protestors are women who were abused. Imagine that
                  [–]FSharpwasntfree 38 points39 points40 points  (1 child)
                  It's simply not worth losing your job for. It's becoming quite segregated over here, and a fairly successful person can avoid all problems associated with this. If you lash out against it and loose your job, you'll instead end up in the middle of it.
                  [–]MongolPerson 53 points54 points55 points  (1 child)
                  Total number of victims from August 2015 is put at 300. I don't know why the article above says 20. Also, you have to remember that "We Are Stockholm" is a Youth Event, targeted at young people.
                  One of the organizers, a Police Officer of immigrant background, I think Turkish, wrote a piece on it revealing the extent of what was happening. He says that the girls were targeted by Afghan migrants, all of the victims were Swedish, and 90% of the perpetrators were Afghan. He goes on to say that the girls were targeted because they were Swedish, he says that there are racial motives to the assaults.
                  [–]hej_sweddit 148 points149 points150 points  (32 children)
                  some of the ''women'' were 11-12 years old
                  EDIT 1: ''women'' I related to the comment above, I know they are just children
                  EDIT 2: I cannot find any reliable source talking clearly about the age of the girls now. Thats from the festival site: ''Europe's largest youth festival We Are Stockholm for all between 13-19 years old'' So I can be 1 year wrong. http://kulturfestivalen.stockholm.se/program/index2.php?LID=259
                  [–]dbelliepop87 13 points14 points15 points  (0 children)
                  Those aren't women, they're young girls :(
                  [–]SirenumScopulie 137 points138 points139 points  (19 children)
                  Their Prophet didn't care, why should they?
                  [–]presidenttrump_2016 752 points753 points754 points  (451 children)
                  Well the police chief explained why
                  It's a sensitive topic, sometimes we don't dare to say things as they are because we're afraid that it plays into the hands of the Swedish Democrats (populist right-wing). We have to take responsibility within the police-force.
                  [–]Krytan 220 points221 points222 points  (11 children)
                  So basically, they are covering up crimes for political gain.
                  [–]Mnazary 307 points308 points309 points  (59 children)
                  I work in law enforcement. Politics should never trump the law and order of your department. This chief needs to go. If I was ordered to not help my community and citizens to make the immigrants look good, I'd hand my resignation in on the spot.
                  Police Chief is a political position. But your first concern should be your citizens' rights and happiness. If they fear leaving their homes because an immigrant may sexually assault them, that's horrible.
                  Edit: A typo.
                  [–]thisistheslowlane 16 points17 points18 points  (0 children)
                  Yes. It's up to the opposition political party/other focus groups to defend what has happened or put it in to perspective / context. It's not up to the police.
                  [–]anoncop1 34 points35 points36 points  (5 children)
                  He can take the Philadelphia Mayor with him. The guy who ambushed the Philly Officer said he did it for ISIS and Islam. The Philly mayor then comes out and says "this has nothing to do with religion".
                  These people have their heads so far up their own asses they can't see daylight.
                  [–]alphion 106 points107 points108 points  (6 children)
                  They're right, we should lie about reality because that means a certain political party would be right.
                  These people are insane.
                  [–]Desoge 14 points15 points16 points  (1 child)
                  That was exactly my thoughts. The Swedish government deserves a gold medal this year in mental gymnastics.
                  [–]Adolf-____-Hitler 14 points15 points16 points  (0 children)
                  A lot of the Swedish politicians and authority figures seems to be crazy when it comes to immigrants. Sweden has the highest number of immigrants per capita in Europe for a reason (at least prior to the immigration crises this autumn.
                  [–]HLAKBR_Means_Love 106 points107 points108 points  (11 children)
                  That's such a stupid reason though. It's the same crap that happens in Germany right now, where the first reactions to the new year's debacle in Cologne wasn't "that shouldn't ever happen" but "lets conceal information, or else the right-wing will profit from it." It just should not be the first concern.
                  [–]NameSmurfHere 27 points28 points29 points  (6 children)
                  lets conceal information, or else the right-wing will profit from it." It just should not be the first concern.
                  Should it even be a concern?
                  Doesn't sound legal, and even if it is, how is that not against the very principles of functioning democracy?
                  [–]HLAKBR_Means_Love 5 points6 points7 points  (1 child)
                  It certainly is of concern to the governing parties who try to downplay issues to defend their own policies. But the whole thing is playing into a bigger issue in Germany: The near-complete absence of anything resembling right wing in German politics. The CDU has some conservative policies, but anything slightly further to the right is automatically condemned and branded as fascist by media and politics. But marginalizing ideas doesn't erase them. it's not surprising that that breeds discontent and that - in my opinion way too radical - groups like "Pegida" (stands for "Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident") or AfD start gaining supporters. Curiously enough, the police was more than present during their little rally (which, admittedly, wasn't exactly peaceful).
                  Obviously, there are other reasons as to why this information was concealed - as /u/tzaeru pointed out, several foreigners were attacked in the aftermath of the incidents in Cologne. But in my eyes, that still does not excuse the lack of transparency - ignoring and downplaying issues doesn't make them go away, and mis-/underinforming the public is, as you said, undemocratic.
                  [–]gibsonblues 54 points55 points56 points  (0 children)
                  Wouldn't want to tell the truth, because that's the other party's platform.
                  [–]Ham_Sandwich77 1471 points1472 points1473 points  (307 children)
                  Did they ever stop to consider that maybe Swedish Democrats are right?
                  If you have to suppress facts in order to maintain your narrative, that means its a false narrative.
                  And since when is a police force in the business of supporting certain parties - to the extent of doing cover-ups to support said parties point of view? Is this a police force or a party militia?
                  [–]Chief-TR 159 points160 points161 points  (26 children)
                  I think that's a very good point and I think a lot of people here in Sweden are thinking that if you have to continuously cover up and lie about problems connected to immigration, then obviously there are problems with it. If it was as good as the political left here are saying, if it was so good for both our economy and culture as they say there wouldn't be any sort of need to lie to people because everyone would just see that for themselves.
                  [–]Justmetalking 30 points31 points32 points  (6 children)
                  I find this truly frightening. Don't Swedes worry about people in power blatantly lying to the citizens?
                  [–]derec_arch 27 points28 points29 points  (4 children)
                  They do but they're afraid to voice concerns because they'll be labeled racists.
                  [–]Lingonfrost [score hidden]  (1 child)
                  It's not being labeled racist that I fear. I don't want to lose my job.
                  [–]oglach 51 points52 points53 points  (0 children)
                  What's the saying? If the truth can destroy something, then it deserves to be destroyed.
                  Lying to yourself and everyone else doesn't remove the problem.
                  [–]presidenttrump_2016 470 points471 points472 points  (194 children)
                  Did they ever stop to consider that maybe Swedish Democrats are right?
                  According to people in the /r/europe post, the head police chief used to be a very politically active leftist. I highly doubt he would consider that.
                  [–]Ham_Sandwich77 605 points606 points607 points  (190 children)
                  Then he needs to be fired. The security apparatus should be apolitical.
                  [–]Bosseffs 238 points239 points240 points  (77 children)
                  Oh trust me this is tip of the iceberg there's alot of this in Sweden at the moment.
                  90% of swedish media has connection to the left and it's manipulating everyhting that's happening in sweden.
                  They basically favor everything that's on the left side and condemn the right side.
                  [–]carlofsweden 60 points61 points62 points  (17 children)
                  this is sweden. anything that shouldnt be political is leftist here. either throughout the entire organization, like tv, media and radio (even the ones that taxes pay for) or just at the top, like the polics, the unions, etc.
                  they only hire each other so they can meet up at coffeebreaks and agree with each other, never hearing dissenting opinions, so their own opinions slowly get more and more ridiculous as no one is there to question it.
                  welcome to sweden. best example of this would be anything SR does or SVT. hard to get more left than that.
                  another good one, a union representing mostly work that is typically associated with "working men" (truckers, etc) kicked out a member because he was a swedish democrat, even though 40% of their memberbase in the latest poll they had done sympathized with SD and was going to vote for them.
                  nice one. especially in sweden where almost everyone is connected to a union and where there is no minimum wage because we rely on unions keeping the workmarket fair, still they'll apparently kick you out for not being a leftist.
                  [–]TotolLies 132 points133 points134 points  (21 children)
                  The stigma towards SD is unfathomable. What I read about it leaves me utterly speechless. People have lost their jobs for merely ascociating with SD's. I shit you not. People with honest jobs and decent values get ostracized for having dinner with SD members. Sweden is so out of touch with reality and I'm happy that their country is on the opposite side of Europe with how they are handling this.
                  [–]SwirishNinja 68 points69 points70 points  (9 children)
                  I have family who refuse to talk to each other because they don't think the other person is PC because they vote for SD. Because of this, I avoid posting anything on Facebook that talks about Swedish politics. I bet if I posted this article I would get huge arguments on my wall from both sides or unfriended by some family and friends who don't consider me PC enough.
                  Heck, just for linking this article (without any of my personal thoughts), I might even be called a racist and then shamed because I don't "support" immigration when I don't live in Sweden any more and I'm an immigrant in the US now.
                  [–]Ham_Sandwich77 46 points47 points48 points  (2 children)
                  Thats fucking insane. That level of political suppression rarely ends well.
                  [–]deadhog 20 points21 points22 points  (1 child)
                  And it hasn't gone well. I'm not for the Sweden Democrats, but the society-wide ostracizing of people affiliating with them has only helped their cause. They're seen as the only opposition (and in some questions, they have been the only opposition since most parties don't dare touch a few topics). It's terrible, and the morons who thought (and still think) it is the only way to combat racism and nationalism are to blame for the very problem they try to prevent.
                  [–]NameSmurfHere 20 points21 points22 points  (0 children)
                  If you have to suppress facts in order to maintain your narrative, that means its a false narrative.
                  How can a narrative that discounts progressive values be true?
                  EDIT: /s
                  [–]pm_me_ur_burnttoast 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                  But don't you know, right wingers are literally Hitler.
                  [–]nothingremarkable 15 points16 points17 points  (0 children)
                  "I decide to hide crimes from the public so that voters do what I prefer them to do."
                  [–]probo1 13 points14 points15 points  (0 children)
                  Lying to the citizens only strengthens and solidifies the beliefs of those who are on the side of SD, which means it will work contrary to its intended purpose.
                  The thing is, the Swedish Democrats totally has a point, regardless of whether you ultimately would like to limit immigration or not, there is a point to it. And violently reeling backwards, avoiding ever to have a decent communication with SD and only calling them racists creates gigantic polarization between those who don't want much immigration and those who don't mind.
                  Furthermore the usage of the word racist has made the definition watered down, and it's dishonest to label someone racist for disliking immigration when the word racist has connotations to the worst deeds in human history. Even science says most people are racists without even knowing it (when doing psychological tests on peoples unconscious mind), so does that mean that those people are just like the characters in American History X or the German SS during the second world war? I think not.
                  I think whoever refuses to have a civil discussion or who blatantly use ad hominem attacks should be viewed with suspicion, since they are potentially consciously attempting to derail any civil discussion.
                  [–]Aetrion 52 points53 points54 points  (2 children)
                  "We covered up the crimes committed by asylum seekers because we don't want to vindicate people who are worried about crimes committed by asylum seekers."
                  Progressives, saving the world by destroying democracy.
                  [–]arthur_figgis 15 points16 points17 points  (0 children)
                  The narrative mustn't be disrupted.
                  [–]NameSmurfHere 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
                  we don't dare to say things as they are because we're afraid that it plays into the hands of the Swedish Democrats (populist right-wing)
                  Translation: "We don't report the facts as they are since that strengthens our political opponents."
                  I don't know what sort of country lets that remain legal, but far as I'm concerned that, the prioritization of political ideology at the expense of the state you swore to protect, is not far from treason.
                  So much for democracy when you have to lie to your own population. Despicable.
                  [–]-Shank- 16 points17 points18 points  (1 child)
                  If you're unwilling to properly uphold the law in order to push a certain political narrative, you ain't natural poleece.
                  [–]MrPotatoWarrior 154 points155 points156 points  (7 children)
                  Lmfao. Yes blame the right-wingers when people sexually assault your women and you cover these things to the public. The mental gymnastics is hilarious.
                  [–]saibot83 34 points35 points36 points  (2 children)
                  We've been living in this bizarre reality for 15 years and counting. Somewhere, a decision was made to fuck everything up and here we are.
                  [–]TheManInBlack_ 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
                  Things like this are exactly what right wingers are for. The hive will suffer if you do not let them perform their natural protective functions (within reason, of course)
                  [–]weavjo 212 points213 points214 points  (16 children)
                  Cultural relativism and political correctness is becoming more important than facts and justice
                  [–]McGuyverDK 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
                  I bought pepperspray for my gf (illegal in Denmark) as a reaction to Cologne and reality of living in a country with a lot of muslim immigration.
                  Few days later.. She was sexually assaulted and given a rape pill at her work's Friday bar. 2 danes (native white, and an assimilated non-muslim african) are accused. She works at jobcenter in Copenhagen. She works below her competencies (her master thesis from Aarhus Uni was published in a scientific journal) and on shitty 3 month contracts that are renewed on last day. Neither of us is danish and her work wants to cover it up and silence it . We are spending all our money on psychologists and lawyers, as public help is limited.
                  If you know any media who would be interested in reporting this, let me know in pm.
                  [–]zombiecheesus 102 points103 points104 points  (124 children)
                  Well when even a single racist comment or even the allegation of a racist comment can have your career destroyed, then I say let the PC people deal with it.
                  [–]Yakkuzaa 230 points231 points232 points  (19 children)
                  It's hard to avoid racism when immigrants are raping the natives.
                  [–]Samhein 48 points49 points50 points  (0 children)
                  They sure are trying their best though.
                  [–]doughboy011 106 points107 points108 points  (9 children)
                  They are just sharing their culture /s
                  [–]broden 58 points59 points60 points  (5 children)
                  Are you saying they aren't sharing their culture?
                  [–]fuck_da_haes 69 points70 points71 points  (102 children)
                  How? It will be normal people who will have to pay the price for this feel-good bullshit of an mass illegal immigration
                  [–]zombiecheesus 106 points107 points108 points  (101 children)
                  Pretty much, until enough people are against the political correct bull shit. I mean in New York I could get in legal trouble for using "improper" pronouns for a man that dresses like a woman.
                  So yes, normal people who tolerated and did not speak out against PC culture from the start now pay the price. In a lot of Europe you can get in legal trouble for posting on a private message board with your family something along the lines of "One of those dirty sand monkeys grabbed my ass again today."
                  [–]Ender-of-Bart 28 points29 points30 points  (8 children)
                  That actually passed here???
                  [–]zombiecheesus 14 points15 points16 points  (7 children)
                  [–]Ender-of-Bart 17 points18 points19 points  (6 children)
                  I really hate it here.
                  [–]BedriddenSam 12 points13 points14 points  (5 children)
                  They..... can arrest politicians in the UK for quoting Churchhill, the guy who saved the UK?
                  What the fuck is going on?
                  [–]Ender-of-Bart 11 points12 points13 points  (4 children)
                  Political correctness and a spread of authoritarian ideals that remove individual rights such as free speech.
                  [–]Daralii [score hidden]  (3 children)
                  They also want to rewrite history to accommodate them.
                  [–]Bromine21 328 points329 points330 points  (56 children)
                  I was already confused by how Sweden classifies their sexual harassment/assault charges but this is just disgraceful and even cowardice on part of their police force.
                  [–]GaberhamTostito 55 points56 points57 points  (11 children)
                  Incredibly. How many more woman will be violated, and people in general harmed before any real action is taken to either prevent this, or hold these people responsible? Way too many. This type of behavior needs to be condemned and prevented from spreading, not covered up for the sake of a political agenda/correctness.
                  [–]saverumham 102 points103 points104 points  (42 children)
                  Swedish cops dont wanna get ikea'd breaking up some gangrape. And assuming they arrest the bad guys and save the day, they will likely be called racist and fired
                  [–]carlofsweden 51 points52 points53 points  (4 children)
                  the cops are mostly afraid of newspapers branding them as racists and leftists doxing them for doing their work, no matter how unviolently they do their work, if it includes refugees or immigrants they will be branded racists and be doxed.
                  good example of this was when they ID checked probable illegals on the subway (catching a whooooooole lot), it ended up all over media as "super racist policeforce!!!" and a lot of police were doxed and threatened.
                  would you want to do your job if thats the consequences? carl sure wouldnt.
                  [–]saverumham 28 points29 points30 points  (1 child)
                  Doxxing should be a crime. It's literally stalking
                  Doing it to incite violence should be an accessory to the crime
                  [–]ct450 49 points50 points51 points  (36 children)
                  [–]ImSoGoingToHell 134 points135 points136 points  (9 children)
                  So policemen don't want their body to be separated into a pile of separate bits, all flat-packed into a small cardboard box and shipped to a foreign country?
                  [–]graspthesitch 42 points43 points44 points  (3 children)
                  Do you have any idea how difficult it is to put a flatpacked policeman back together? I once ended a marriage over it.
                  [–]cowboygreg 6 points7 points8 points  (1 child)
                  I'm done and I have all these pieces left!
                  [–]Shkyboyz [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Wife: "Insert rod A into slot B"
                  Husband: "That's what she s-"
                  Wife: "I swear if you say that's what she said one more time I'm going to fucking pop you one"
                  [–]ct450 3 points4 points5 points  (4 children)
                  So the cops don't want to get dismemberment breaking up a gang rape?
                  [–]ImSoGoingToHell 9 points10 points11 points  (3 children)
                  Dismemberment is probably an exaggeration due to the time and effort required, but a group of violent criminals stabbing you repeatedly with ordinary kitchen knifes will kill you equally dead.
                  [–]SpaceTire 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                  are there no boom sticks in the country??
                  [–]andre2003s 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                  ?? So let just ordinary citizens deal with knife attackers because police has other responsibilities like issuing speeding tickets? /s
                  [–]PabstyLoudmouth 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                  That is why we carry guns in the US.
                  [–]babble_on 81 points82 points83 points  (23 children)
                  An immigrant stabbed two people to death in an ikea in Sweden last year.
                  [–]globox85 19 points20 points21 points  (13 children)
                  In my town, actually. My parents had planned to go there that day, but that was cancelled for obvious reasons.
                  [–]babble_on -1 points0 points1 point  (4 children)
                  Damn dude, glad your parents didn't go earlier in the day.
                  [–]RP-on-AF1 17 points18 points19 points  (3 children)
                  Actually his parents were immigrants who were going to Ikea to do some stabbing.
                  [–]swolemedic 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                  The police presence thwarted their plans
                  [–]OcculusResurrectio 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                  Well, Im still glad they didnt go.
                  [–]Infrastation 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                  Ah, the old stabby stab stag night. A big tradition in my town. I guess they do it a little different...
                  [–]SarahC -5 points-4 points-3 points  (6 children)
                  Why? The attacker was apprehended - no more problem.
                  Massive police presents - it makes MORE sense to visit just after a crime, than months later when new terrorists are out and about on the prowl.
                  [–]Ebbe_lille 7 points8 points9 points  (3 children)
                  They obviously closed the place, man. You think they would just keep up the commerce after a thing like that?
                  [–]famousceleb 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                  Because it was a crime scene.
                  [–]thedonkeyman 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                  Probably the media getting in the way and eating all the meatballs.
                  [–]Etherius 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                  As an American, I want to feel smug about how it's finally Europe that's all kinds of fucked up now... But all I am is sad for them
                  [–]NecroGod 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                  "I didn't get my way, obviously I should kill some random stranger in retaliation."
                  I seriously don't get humans sometimes.
                  [–]ILoveLamp9 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  I don't get this wiki article. It just mentions that the first victim was stabbed in the stomach and her son was stabbed trying to defend her. Then down the line it mentions the widespread rumor after the attack occurred:
                  A particularly widespread rumour was that the perpetrator was Somalian and had been heard shouting "Allahu Akbar" after decapitating the victims.
                  So was the rumor that he was Somalian and shouted "Allahu Akbar" or the rumor also included that he had beheaded the victims? Might seem weird that I'm pointing this out but it seems odd that this wiki article didn't mention the beheading part until all the way at the bottom. A public beheading at an Ikea would be something I think would have been a lot more publicized and given immediate attention due to the political/religious association it probably would've had to terrorism. I'm just curious.
                  [–]Willet2000 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  And a right-wing extremist stabbed three people to death in a school. What are you trying to prove?
                  [–]uucc [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  I thought that Swedes go to Ikea every day.
                  [–]swolemedic 0 points1 point2 points  (3 children)
                  Im sure the swedish muslims were happy to see they were christian lol
                  [–]Etherius 1 point2 points3 points  (2 children)
                  Third world Immigrants are third world immigrants man
                  [–]swolemedic [score hidden]  (1 child)
                  Very true but you often see lots of anti islamic comments whenever it comes up
                  [–]Etherius [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Well I was actually referring to the fact that Eritrea is a land of crazy crazies. The dude in question would have been sentenced to death had he been sent back to Eritrea.
                  Terrorists are almost always Muslim, but the Ikea thing wasn't terrorism. It was "revenge".
                  [–]swoliest 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                  Ikea sells these delicious Swedish meatballs in a traditional glaze and the meat has to come from somewhere
                  [–]lol_and_behold 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                  Swedish meatballed.
                  [–]Sleggefett 43 points44 points45 points  (2 children)
                  They aren't just accused, they admitted it and are pressing charges against themselves. The problem in Sweden is that they're trying to be so politically correct to the point where they can barely touch the topic of immigration and integration if the topic seems even remotely racist on a lonely island in the Pacific. It's really bad.
                  [–]i_like_turtles_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Politically correct is looking out for the interests of your people and culture while respecting others, not letting an invasion happen and being raped out of existence.
                  [–]Ravendarke [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  How is this correct towards victims? They were innocent, on the other hand how is protecting bunch of aggressive criminals, immigrants, policitcaly or in any other way correct?
                  [–]Antonano 305 points306 points307 points  (8 children)
                  Swedish man here, Swedish media has for several years almost started witch hunts on people they deem racist. The fear is therefore legitimate even though their actions are wrong. The police have now said that they thought communicating these crimes would help the swedish democrats which is a very conservative party. The police is in this way trying to influence politics. I see this as being wrong. The police is supposed to uphold the laws, not change them.
                  Edit: That no official media reported this story until now is embarrassing.
                  [–]fox9iner 5 points6 points7 points  (1 child)
                  So reporting the crimes isn't upholding the law, but not reporting them before was?
                  [–]SuddenDickTornado [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Yup! That's bleeding heart logic!
                  [–]irerereddit [score hidden]  (2 children)
                  Swedish people are far too passive about this stuff. The country needs to embrace its viking heritage. Boot them out.
                  [–]xaxaxaxa4u [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Fuck 'em all to death
                  [–]zealen 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                  I have not read anything about this, but I have no problem if the police does not report to the public/media if a crime is made, as long as they do their job and get the wrongdoers in jail. But that is like only my opion man.
                  (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (1 child)
                    [–]dicefirst 202 points203 points204 points  (36 children)
                    Well, it seems the wall of silence of self-imposed censorship has been breached. There's a lot more we don't yet know, but we will soon. Police officers unhappy with PC approach will leak it to the the press who are no longer comfortable staying silent as there will be hell to pay later on.
                    What would be really interesting is to see if there has been a high-level report about jump in sexual assaults in 2015 and what response there was by PM and other high level government officials.
                    [–]nullPekare 117 points118 points119 points  (7 children)
                    That is what happened in Sweden. Last August this couldn't have been published. It wasn't politically correct. This fall things became so bad that even the greens had to admit defeat and cut immigration by 90%. Since then the debate has opened up a lot and people can discuss these issues without fear of losing their job.
                    [–]AnusViskaren 50 points51 points52 points  (3 children)
                    This fall things became so bad that even the greens had to admit defeat and cut immigration by 90%.
                    But not before raising it by 100% percent. We're still at historically record levels of immigration and at no point ever in Swedish history have we been less equipped to receive even more immigrants.
                    [–]DShepard [score hidden]  (1 child)
                    Don't forget the whole 'inviting immigrants to Sweden to seem morally superior' only to close the borders, letting Denmark and Germany deal with the huge number of immigrants that wants to go to Sweden.
                    [–]No___way [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    letting Denmark and Germany deal with the huge number of immigrants that wants to go to Sweden.
                    As a german i don't like that at all, but lets face it our politicians are equally or even more to blame for this mess. I just hope we will close our borders some time soon as well.
                    [–]hybridthm [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    raising by 100% and then cutting by 90% would leave you at 20% from where you started, but i think I know what you meant
                    [–]BeentheredonethatAus 26 points27 points28 points  (0 children)
                    'Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty we are free at last.'
                    [–]zunnyhh 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                    that even the greens had to admit defeat and cut immigration by 90%.
                    Yeah im going to need a source on that.
                    [–]balisto123 104 points105 points106 points  (19 children)
                    Well, it seems the wall of silence of self-imposed censorship has been breached.
                    Nope. It isnt. A week after the first Cologne reports, german media is already back tracking. Today i can read good news such as: 23 y/o engineer basel, from syria was shocked as he watched his fellow arabs mobbing german girls. 90% of them cant be integrated and the news finds an engineer that was part of the 1000 men gang to interview him. Six pakistanis get punched by some germans in cologne. Instant headline. They didnt wait 4-5 days. We talk 519 filed complaints only in cologne. And now the women can read articles from feminists!
                    Oh you german women, you had it so good, now it is time to be more modest, you had your freedom. INTEGRATE into the new german society at an arms length.
                    This is Sweden, Germany, Austria, Denmark, the UK and many other EU countries that censor and cover up migrant crimes.
                    If anyone still believes there is no cover up when a trump tweet is headlines in minutes, you just dont want to accept reality.
                    edit: link to the engineer PR story. Link is in german, google translate works ok. The comments are hilarious. no one is buying it.
                    [–]thehonestdouchebag [score hidden]  (9 children)
                    I'm so glad my home country ( Poland ) essentially told the EU to fuck off when it came to taking in any refugees.
                    Leftists can say all they want about compassion and empathy, Polish women can walks the streets of their cities without fear. Swedish and German women...well I feel bad for them.
                    [–]balisto123 [score hidden]  (8 children)
                    It is outright disgusting. And poland gets bashed in the media 24/7.
                    If shit goes down here in Germany, Poland will look like paradise.
                    Be happy you dont have this PC bullshit. In the end, normal people pay. Cant go out at night in Germany! what is this madness?
                    [–]if-loop [score hidden]  (5 children)
                    Poland gets bashed because they basically abolished their constitutional court, not because of some refugees.
                    If you think that crippling the constitutional court is fine, then you're fitting right in with Islam.
                    [–]balisto123 [score hidden]  (4 children)
                    Yeah how about i dont give a fuck. That is for the polish people to decide. What are you? An "EUlamist" telling countries to use your version of sharia? Fuck off.
                    [–]if-loop [score hidden]  (2 children)
                    for the polish people to decide.
                    If only they could. The majority of Poles did not vote for PiS, let alone the court reforms.
                    [–]balisto123 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                    Sigh, majority of people didnt vote for merkel. Now Germany has 1.5 million arab males in the country. Poland will get better and Germany worse. But, hey thats not EUlamist enough for you.
                    [–]if-loop [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    I don't know what this has to do with Germany. Totally not the issue here. This is about Poland and their fading democracy.
                    [–]garblegarble12342 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Are you kidding me, he basically is turning Poland into a dictatorship and trying to censor the media. And you are okay with it because he doesn't let immigrants in? He could also not let immigrants in AND not ruin democracy. That is an option as well.
                    [–]thehonestdouchebag [score hidden]  (1 child)
                    Of course Poland is getting bashed, our Government cares more about its own people/sovereignty than the machinations of the European Union.
                    Makes sense that the rest of the EU would be shitting all over them. It's okay though, time will only continue to show that Polish politicians made the right choice by saying no to refugees.
                    [–]balisto123 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Bingo. And i think polish matters are for poles to decide. Not Germany, Not the EU.
                    I read they want to sanction you. Orban instantly said no. You eastern fellows are good people.
                    [–]facewand [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    There was no 1000 man gang. Where are you getting this garbage from?
                    [–]if-loop [score hidden]  (4 children)
                    They didnt wait 4-5 days.
                    The police waited several days, not the media. You could read about that shit as soon as the police said something about it.
                    For once, this isn't the media's fault.
                    [–]balisto123 [score hidden]  (3 children)
                    BULLSHIT! express.de reported on 2nd of January. End of story. Stop. Lay off the crack pipe. ZDF STATEMEDIA TV even apologized.
                    Read the news btw, Jäger is under fire.
                    [–]if-loop [score hidden]  (2 children)
                    ZDF apologized for not featuring it in the 19:00 TV news, nothing more. State media reports were available long before that.
                    [–]balisto123 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                    google it. But you idiots wouldnt believe Merkel if she told you they censor the news. And the hilarious Press Codex. Dont report that they are migrants. Black on white. Inform yourself.
                    [–]if-loop [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    They reported that they are migrants. Wtf. are you even talking about.
                    Also, most Poles depend on news on state TV, but apparently it's fine that the new government controls it now.
                    What is wrong with you?
                    [–]dicefirst -9 points-8 points-7 points  (1 child)
                    An opposing view, no matter how deluded, isn't the same as a topic being taboo in mainstream press and polite company. There will surely be some poor souls who will agree with the nonsense you allude to, however what matters is that the issue is now up for discussion without an automatic "racist" label.
                    Btw, if you have links with examples, please post.
                    [–]balisto123 18 points19 points20 points  (0 children)
                    tell me if you need more. took me 1 minute.
                    feminist high jacking cologne attacks.
                    Sachsen, state in germany, 1006 crimes, 3 reported in the media, including child rape and a few murders. ONLY IN THE CAMPS.
                    [–]Archyes 28 points29 points30 points  (2 children)
                    the best part is it wont work anymore. they cant hide this shit anymore cause people are not going to trust them and will call them out on bullshit now.
                    [–]Gonzo262[🍰] 25 points26 points27 points  (1 child)
                    Watch for regulations on filming police operations and governments demanding the right to remove social media posts and censor news. The EU bureaucrats have far too much invested in their world view to allow something as trivial to them as the truth interfere with it.
                    [–]balisto123 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
                    You mean, look to germany? It is illegal to film police.
                    They censor "hate speech" on facebook without having laws in 24 hours. They deleted victims posts on FB for hate speech, kicked them out of groups. Germany is already there.
                    [–]batose 10 points11 points12 points  (1 child)
                    Those whistle blowers will be fired, reporters will be in courts for hate crimes.
                    "The court notes that “the question of whether Michael Hess’s statement is true, or at least for Michael Hess appeared to be true, is irrelevant to the proceedings.”
                    In PC Sweden racist truth is irrelevant.
                    [–]dicefirst 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                    Sweden and Germany are done for. If you want to know what happens next, read about history of Lebanon.
                    [–]kaedanir 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
                    The Swedish government will blame men. And the deputy PM will cry on TV about how appalled she is with Swedish men doing this to women.
                    Also expect some serious "soft racism" - I.e. We can't expect anything more from these poor people
                    [–]AssaultedCracker 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                    This is unrelated, but you're Russian, am I right?
                    [–]runnerrun2 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                    Yes the genie is out of the bottle it seems, as one politician put it. Interesting start of the year.
                    [–]AssholeinSpanish 50 points51 points52 points  (2 children)
                    Are you kidding me!? The massive scale of sexual assault is deplorable and bad enough, but the fact that these institutions are failing their citizens in such a way is even more horrifying.
                    Covering up sexual assault cases as to maintain a political narrative and policy goals, Jesus Christ. I hope Europe removes these politicians from office and gets representation that puts facts and reality over ideological narratives.
                    [–]thisistheslowlane [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Well UK has a referendum to leave the EU coming up this year. So that will be a good test.
                    [–]Ravendarke [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Things you do to let islam take over Europe...
                    (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (9 children)
                      (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (3 children)
                        [–]JoRhyloo 78 points79 points80 points  (8 children)
                        The Police, Politicians and the Media in Sweden have for more than a decade been working in a symbioses to uphold Political Correctness regarding crime by immigrants. The result of which has been a systematic cover up of crimes committed by this group in order to avoid racist public backlash and fear of being labeled as racist. The incidents at the Music Festival "We are Sthlm" are just a few of a vast number (how many, no one knows for sure). The reason this now is being uncovered is because of the great number of reports during the same incident and because of the similarity of what happened in Cologne during New Years.
                        [–]everydayguy 18 points19 points20 points  (4 children)
                        I'm afraid we're on the road to another hitler. This is how Hitlers rise to power. 9/11 -> Iraq War -> Syria Conflict -> Immigrant Crisis -> Nationalist Anger -> Hitler Rising
                        God help us all.
                        [–]DocFaceRoll 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
                        So trump 2016? All we need is a leader to rally behind the hate of immigrants and Muslims.
                        [–]khaosoffcthulhu 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                        Probably ww3 will not be russia vs uss atleast not initially. It might be come western society vs islam.
                        [–]FartinLutherKingJr [score hidden]  (0 children)
                        Better than another Merkel.
                        [–]broc7 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                        That's the attitude that causes the government and media to cover up these crimes. They don't trust the people they're ostensibly serving. They despise them. frequently.
                        [–]fanboy_killer 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                        Yup. This is just another monday in Sweden.
                        [–]tzaeru -5 points-4 points-3 points  (1 child)
                        Nah, the issue is that if you report ethnicity with specific crime reports, you're inciting violence. Every time the police says "Five middle-eastern young adults harassed girls at the mall", a few innocent middle-eastern -looking people get assaulted for no other reason but looking middle-eastern.
                        [–]Zackafrios [score hidden]  (0 children)
                        Covering the truth is going to do a whole lot worse.
                        Because there will come a point when the police literally can't cover up this shit, as it will be your own daughters or their close friends who are experiencing it daily.
                        Once it's part of day to day life, there's no hiding it, and social cataclysm, or far right nationalist party wins, ensues.
                        [–]Burkabob 30 points31 points32 points  (1 child)
                        "We probably should have communicated this," Gyllander told the AP. "But we wouldn't have discussed ethnicity at all."
                        Because it's not like it's important.
                        [–]Duvidl [score hidden]  (0 children)
                        Is that a missing /s or are you serious? Sorry, really bad at written sarcasm.
                        [–]Ham_Sandwich77 75 points76 points77 points  (17 children)
                        It begs the question: How many more of these mass sex attacks have occurred and been covered up by the government and media?
                        [–]Mamemoo 24 points25 points26 points  (12 children)
                        Probably a lot more, Sweden is one of the highest rape crime country the past decade.
                        [–]ZHvinto 7 points8 points9 points  (11 children)
                        This is such bullshit and has been circlejerked way too long. It's been proven to be wrong countless of times here on Reddit. Check your facts before you go and spread bullshit around you.
                        (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (5 children)
                          [–]daniwoodwardama [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          That is covered in liberal amounts of smug swede juice.
                          [–]ZHvinto [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          Are you kidding me? Did you even read what it said?
                          How does it being covered in "liberal amounts of smug swede juice" change any of the facts in that post?
                          I'm quoting what it says in the post:
                          "So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record - one victim, one type of crime, one record... In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," says Klara Selin, who's employed at the National Council for Crime Prevention in Stockholm (http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-19592372 ). This is a very very VERY important difference between Sweden and other countries.
                          Whatever view you take it doesn't change the fact that this is how it's done in Sweden. If you use these statistics to compare with other countries it's like you are comparing apples and oranges.. it just doesn't make sense.
                          [–]Stickyballs96 [score hidden]  (2 children)
                          Look at the rise of rapes withing Sweden without comparing to other countries and you'll see it's increasing.
                          [–]ZHvinto [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          The thing is, I'm not arguing whether or not the number of rapes are going up, I'm arguing whether or not Sweden is "one of the highest rape crime country the past decade" as this fellow so beautifully put it or as another guy so eloquently described it: "the rape capital of Europe".
                          [–]MeddlMoe [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          good for you
                          [–]WhiteMalePanic -3 points-2 points-1 points  (3 children)
                          Jesus Christ. I like how you're all so fucking outraged and suddenly concerned about rape and sexual assault culture now that it's brown people doing it. This was always happening. It has always been covered up. I guess when men your own color do it, it's just a symptom of a larger problem or some bullshit nonsense.
                          [–]Ham_Sandwich77 -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
                          Its amazing how the people who come charging into a thread shouting 'racism!' never realize that they're the only ones bringing race into it.
                          [–]Canz1 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          Well reading through the comments and all of the top post are racist leaning.
                          [–]Snuwse 188 points189 points190 points  (26 children)
                          As a Swede I'm fucking outraged. Our media has always been leftist propaganda but this is fucking over the top. Media and the government try to cover up shit like this with lies and more lies or just pretend stuff regarding immigrants etc. don't happen. No wonder the Sweden Democrats are at record numbers. Fucking idiots.
                          [–]Antonano 51 points52 points53 points  (5 children)
                          I'm fucking embarrassed because of this shit. Sweden has seen brighter days
                          [–]TheManInBlack_ 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
                          When was the last time Sweden fought in a genuine war, 1814? I fear your countrymen may have lost their proper sense of self-preservation.
                          [–]Willet2000 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          You haven't fought in a war either, have you? Wars don't change anything, and if you want to fight then we are in Afghanistan.
                          [–]TheManInBlack_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          It's not the act of war that's important here, it's the will to fight, to protect your neighbors from harm, to kill lest ye be killed. That's the idea I was spit-balling with, you see.
                          And if you're asking, no I am not, nor have I ever been, a grunt. I'm not built for such things. I have different parts to play.
                          [–]MrAndersson [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          Maybe so, but roughly two generations ago a fairly large part of the population essentially sided with Hitler, and those were much darker days.
                          I think we need the overly positive ideological standpoint to counteract our tendency for extreme pragmatism, action by consensus and eagerness to follow rules. I'm not saying the most positive views are necessarily right or correct, but that if we stray too far from some fairly optimistic progressive idealogies, we might very well end up in a very bad place if our consensus accidentally shifted too much to the right.
                          [–]Quantum_Ibis [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          And may not see them again the way their society is going. This is true for all of Europe, it's a tragedy.
                          [–]inexcess 8 points9 points10 points  (11 children)
                          When are the next elections there?
                          [–]Lafirynda 7 points8 points9 points  (2 children)
                          Holy fuck, Sweden is doomed.
                          [–]saibot83 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          Yup... breaks my heart.
                          [–]MrAndersson [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          No, it's not doomed, we're pragmatics at heart - if problems get big enough we simply change our ideals a little, it's been part of our culture for hundreds of years.
                          Until then, let's try to make integration the new 'folkrörelse' (roughly peoples movement/grassroots actions), and hopefully the positives will outweigh the negatives ?
                          [–]super_swede 7 points8 points9 points  (6 children)
                          9th of September 2018.
                          [–]LepetitJeremy 21 points22 points23 points  (5 children)
                          RIP sweden
                          [–]DrJekyll89 7 points8 points9 points  (4 children)
                          Just make sure you guys learn something from this.
                          That way we won't crash and burn for nothing.
                          [–]Zackafrios [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          There's barely much time to learn from this, they're fucked, as is the rest of Europe.
                          2 more years of letting in massive amounts of migrants like this will likely bring a social cataclysm to Europe.
                          [–]saibot83 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          Buckle up. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
                          [–]sholace [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          Idiot leftists in my country have been touting Sweden as the ideal government for years and I've always told them just wait and see what happens.
                          I hope they're watching now.
                          [–]Stickyballs96 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          RemindMe! 2 years
                          [–]NameSmurfHere 5 points6 points7 points  (2 children)
                          I was under the impression that Sweden didn't fool around with customer protection rules. Don't they apply in the case of the media?
                          [–]mars_needs_socks 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                          Nah they have press ethics council, ie they are supposed to regulate themselves.
                          [–]mars_needs_socks 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                          Nah they have press ethics council, ie they are supposed to regulate themselves.
                          [–]TrpWhyre [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          You forgot the lovely part where DN rather put the blame on all of men (it's gender related, not culturally).
                          [–]NotACompleteAsshole [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          I hope you and your countrymen enjoy becoming a third world country.
                          [–]Groutfloat 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                          It's time for the Swedish men to replace their government by force.
                          [–]NochaSc2 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          So does the media in sweden report about it now? How is the atmosphere? Does this get any attention in the news?
                          [–]whynotanon [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          As a Swede
                          get outside and do something about it. your politicians and your press and selling your great welfare state down a river, and for what?
                          get angry.
                          [–]mcaffrey 51 points52 points53 points  (8 children)
                          Do you want President Trump? Because this is how we get President Trump.
                          [–]KRSFive [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          Would Trump see to it that we don't take in a bunch of people that completely disregard our culture and rape women whenever? If so, then yes. I'd rather have Trump than "fuck-the-victims" Merkel.
                          [–]xaxaxaxa4u [score hidden]  (2 children)
                          Dark seer is going to get some heavy buffs
                          [–]Remember_8_6_45 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          Ultimate cool down changed to 28.0 seconds.
                          [–]xaxaxaxa4u [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          Lets make matchmaking great again
                          [–]sandals0sandals [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          I can't wait. Trump is going to kick some ass, and save Western Civilization.
                          [–]ArmaFox [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          Can't stump the trump.
                          [–]0fficerNasty [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          The only candidate that speaks out against stuff like this and calls it like it is? I don't see why not.
                          [–]candidly1 71 points72 points73 points  (1 child)
                          "this involves young men who are not from Sweden."
                          YAY uncontrolled and reckless immigration policies!!!
                          [–]de1vos [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          It was so obvious that it was going to come back to haunt all the countries who blindly let everyone in, too.
                          [–]dyrtydan 27 points28 points29 points  (0 children)
                          It's been a very long time since I can remember being so deeply bothered by an atrocity as far away as this one. I'm very thankful that the women in my family don't live in the midst of this crisis and my heart truly goes out to those who have been victimized by it. How is it that a country puts their citizens at risk and then not only fails to take effective action to rectify it's mistake but abandons it's people to be abused? There comes a time when logical thinking has to come before bleeding hearts.
                          [–]zenchan 175 points176 points177 points  (9 children)
                          Bbbut... They pursue sexual assault cases so assiduously.. Take Assange for instance /s
                          [–]newcomer_ts 34 points35 points36 points  (4 children)
                          Which may give you a hint.
                          Just like Assange pursuit, this cover up might be by design.
                          [–]mishka_shaw [score hidden]  (2 children)
                          Okay I hate what is going on in Sweden, but give me a break. Julian Assange blatantly did what he did.
                          The fact he kept taunting the Swedes by demanding they interview him in the Embassy then suddenly cancelled when they called his bluff is the latest indicator of this.
                          [–]NoTimeToBeSerious [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          Yup, definitely molested those women, who just happened to report him months after the encounter, just as it was being speculated that he had some new dirt on the US government.
                          [–]mishka_shaw [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          Except why didn't the US ask for him when he released the old stuff? Or when he was living freely in England for the year or two after that, you now England? The place where the extradition treaty to the United States actually doesn't require ANY evidence of wrong doing? Bizarre that the USA didn't ask for Assange to be extradited when we held him in frikking Wandsworth Prison over a year after the leaks.
                          But no it's surely an attempt by the United States to get him, oh wait hang on they haven't made any attempt, mention or request for him to be handed over since the start.
                          But hey it must be Sweden right, they are notorious for having a very corrupt court system and for being Americas bitch? Oh no wait! They are routinely rated the most free and legally fair country on the planet plus have no real pressure points that require the US to demand this of them.
                          Main point: People like you also forget that the rape charges were brought against him TWO YEARS before he fled to the embassy. In fact he was happily living in Sweden at time and vising the police and courts. However when he started to loose his case he suddenly moved to the UK and went into hiding. So if this is an American plot why did Asaange happily go along with the legal process until he started to lose?
                          [–]serpicowasright 30 points31 points32 points  (0 children)
                          Glad someone else saw this.
                          [–]FSharpwasntfree 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
                          Well.. He was white :)
                          [–]epsipepsi 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                          The problem in this case is that noone was accused. Even a woman they interviewed today said that she would not be able to identify anyone.
                          [–]9T3 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          Was about to say the same thing. Da fuk Sweden.
                          [–]ArkadiusMaximus 222 points223 points224 points  (34 children)
                          I am a very liberal but this was bound to happen when you take huge population of men who have a religion where a good amount of them think woman are property and put them in a place that has women's rights.
                          [–]Leto2Atreides 73 points74 points75 points  (12 children)
                          I think anyone who managed to keep their head out of the gutter of politicized propaganda is aware that this was bound to happen.
                          Delusional über liberals and nationalistic moron conservatives will make their usual blindly pro-/anti- rants, while everyone with a clear head is trying to point out how legitimately FUBAR the situation is...
                          [–]SOULJAR [score hidden]  (3 children)
                          Is it immigrants or refugees? We should figure that out as well before blaming one group and not the other inappropriately
                          [–]Leto2Atreides [score hidden]  (2 children)
                          For all practical purposes, they are the same thing. The only difference is the motivations for their migration. You could call them 'economic refugees' if you were referring to immigrants trying to make a better life for themselves.
                          [–]SOULJAR [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          Huh? That doesn't make sense.
                          If refugees from Syria are refugees that have nothing to do with this and don't want anything to do with this, why would you blame them for the actions of immigrants, especially when they're from other countries? Just because they are the same skin colour or religion doesn't make them responsible, nor does it solve any problem to blame the wrong individuals and programs.
                          "they are the same thing" seems a little ridiculous unless you mean the immigration is from syria alone as well?
                          [–]Leto2Atreides [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          "they are the same thing" seems a little ridiculous unless you mean the immigration is from syria alone as well?
                          I said "for all practical purposes". On rereading my post, I realize I wasn't very clear on this; I meant the purposes that established powers derive from immigration, which I described in my longer post. The economy does not care where people come from or why, it just cares that the labor pool increased by n, with X/Y/Z marketable skills, and A/B/C effects on the national and local economies of the host country. Political leaders do not care where people come from or why, insofar as they use it to pander to their demographic and exploit their vote by superficially appealing to the immigrants values. This is, unfortunately, the reality of politicking within a nation-state.
                          why would you blame them for the actions of immigrants, especially when they're from other countries?
                          I'm not trying to justify any kind of specific prejudicial behavior from individual to individual. Obviously I denounce individual acts of racism and prejudice. What I'm describing is the macro-social effects of group behaviors when exposed to a specific stress stimulus (ex: the refugee crisis).
                          It's not racist for Europeans to be unwelcoming of huge influxes of immigrants/refugees with radically different culture and values. The mayor of Cologne proposed women adhere to a behavior code to stay safe from refugees; the German people have already seen one attempt to alter their lifestyle to accommodate non-native peoples. This is the opposite of healthy (and sane) assimilation policy-making from a sociocultural perspective. Now we're seeing nationalist revivals across Europe; the next election season is going to see a huge influx of nationalist MPs. It's already changing Europe in a very negative and serious way.
                          [–]HowNew -5 points-4 points-3 points  (7 children)
                          The difference being that although the ultra conservatives rehtoric is racist it's right.
                          [–]Leto2Atreides 6 points7 points8 points  (6 children)
                          Not really, no. The ultra conservatives want to stop all immigration and put up strong border controls; as European countries are currently experiencing a free fall in birth rates, this idea would lead to the collapse of European welfare systems as older generations can no longer be supported by the smaller and smaller younger generations. Similarly, the ultra conservatives have a habit of botching international diplomatic relationships, and can't seem to get over their religious hang-ups.
                          They are right insofar as they want to protect their national borders and preserve their culture from a foreign mass of immigrants with no plans to assimilate.
                          I tried to explain this to a bleeding heart SJW earlier; Regulated immigration with mandatory assimilation policies is infinitely more constructive and beneficial for everyone involved. Unregulated immigration with no assimilation policies is a recipe for disaster; this is the approach Europe took, and Europe is now experiencing the disaster. I was called a xenophobic racist. There is no hope talking to the delusional left either.
                          [–]wolves61 [score hidden]  (2 children)
                          Except a lot of ultra conservatives would want native birthrates to increase.
                          [–]tehbored [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          It doesn't matter if they want it, it's not going to happen if people don't want more kids.
                          [–]Leto2Atreides [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          Again, true, but its wiser to plan policy based on what is actually happening, not what we want to happen or what we wish was happening.
                          [–]Shadow_on_the_Heath [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          , this idea would lead to the collapse of European welfare systems as older generations can no longer be supported by the smaller and smaller younger generations.
                          I would rather have a semi-welfare state where its culture and civilisation is intact than some de facto foreign country with a better economy, where the people who actually make Britain have been replaced.
                          I'll take being financially worse off but living in a stable, cohesive society everytime.
                          [–]RadikalEU [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          And then when the new immigrants grow old we need even more immigrants to support them. Nice logic bro.
                          [–]Leto2Atreides [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          The idea is that they will increase the reproductive rate. I didn't just mention that for the sake of mentioning it.
                          For a variety of reasons, living in a developed country is directly correlated with a lower reproductive rate. One idea behind immigration is that it brings in people with higher reproductive rates, increasing total reproduction rate by having sex with natives or other immigrants (it makes no different to governments. Tax payers don't have a color).
                          Nice logic bro.
                          I understand the sentiment you are expressing, and I agree. Systems that are built with an inherent dependence on growth or some other kind of forward momentum are inherently doomed to fail. Nothing can grow perpetually; the things that try are rightfully called cancers. Despite this, our social security structure, our healthcare structure, our government, and especially our economy have all been operating with this dependence for decades.
                          Low reproductive rates can't support an inherently cancerous participatory system, so immigrants are accepted into the country. This increases the size of the potential labor pool (making labor cheaper), dilutes native voter demographics (weakening their influence over their home country), and increases reproductive rates (which affects both other factors). This is good for established financial and political figures, but generally bad for the common person.
                          I realize now how much of a rant this turned into, so I'll try to be concise. When the immigration is regulated with background checks and specific qualifications, the immigration brings enormous benefit to the country. Examples include Indians in the UK and Chinese in the US. However, when immigration is not regulated and there are no policies for assimilation (as is the case in Europe right now), there is a failure of integration. Symptoms of integration failure include the formation of mono-ethnic neighborhoods and communities that are not welcoming of natives, low employment/employability, low education, increased poverty, increased crime, racial tension and increasing racism from all parties, and increased social and economic discrimination. This is the case for the majority of the descendants of slaves living in the US and for many muslims in the UK. Unfortunately, we're going to see these problems spread throughout mainland Europe in the immediate future as the refugee crisis progresses. It is truly a clusterfuck of "nice logic".
                          I hope no one thinks this is "xenophobic" or "racist". This is literally what happens when any group of people (immigrants) move to another country and become part of a minority group among the majority (natives).
                          [–]LaterGatorPlayer 28 points29 points30 points  (6 children)
                          Preach. islam teaches that women should be supplicant to men, and that homosexuals are lesser than.
                          [–]squamuglia [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          So does every other judeo-christian religion. This has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with people in extreme poverty exhibiting all the symptoms of it. Uneducated, violent, fundamentalist, that's what you become when you grow up in shit. Covering up sex crimes is insane and dangerous, but so is all this Islamaphobic shit I keep hearing. This has nothing to do with any particular way of life and everything to do with a century of destructive geopolitics spilling over into the west.
                          [–]LaterGatorPlayer [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          The Boston bombers weren't uneducated or poor. The BTK killer wasn't uneducated or poor. UBL wasn't uneducated or poor. That's a false narrative.
                          'islamaphobia' is a scapegoat. If somebody criticizes a demonizing ideology they are labeled as being afraid of it, as having a phobia of it. If we were to be critical of the nazis or christians, we wouldn't be labeled naziphobics, or christianphobics.
                          Furthermore, if this were a thread or post about christians, then that's where you would expect comments about christian religions own problems. But this is a thread where rampant islam is causing yet another problem in todays society. What you've just done is akin to somebody interrupting MLK and telling him that it's not just black americans that have problems, but also irish (at the time) and asian americans (at the time).
                          For the sake of sanity you should keep to the topic and context at hand. You've just become an apologist for a group of people who assaulted and raped women.
                          [–]JackOCat [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          A lot of religions teach that.
                          Let's not blame all Muslims here. People who cannot obey the local laws should be arrested and depending on their citizenship status jailed or deported after their guilt is confirmed.
                          [–]LaterGatorPlayer [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          If 'a lot of religions' were represented here in the mass attacks and rapes of the women in the post- then I'd agree with your comment. You're attempting to dilute what these men have done and the role islam plays in it by trying to point the finger elsewhere.
                          The problem here is these muslim men. The thing they have in common is their islamic teachings.
                          [–]brownfro [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          The lack of sexual education is the main problem, not really the religious beliefs of these people. Islam doesn't actually state that women are properties, the general culture in middle eastern, south asian, and north african countries is very hostile towards sexual education for the public, and so they don't teach it.
                          [–]LaterGatorPlayer [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          The fact that islam teaches that women are to be supplicant to men is the problem. The founder of islam was a child rapist, and pedophile. So it has deep seeded practices within the religion itself.
                          [–]Milton_Friedman [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          For what it's worth, I'm very liberal as well.
                          This constant editorialized barrage of white oppression of minorities has so skewed western rationale. It seems more and more liberals are realizing the pendulum has swung too far and that the continued hiding, or backtracking, from the issue will undoubtedly lead to a harsh right wing backlash.
                          Any thinking person sees how this works. With liberal politicians ignoring growing dissent amongst formerly loyal liberals and moderates -- the people will turn against those politicians in a big way. We see it with Americans with Trump, the British with BNP, the French with Le Pen, and the Swedes with Social Democrats.
                          Wake the fuck up before it's too late and we find ourselves in a true state of Government sanctioned fear.
                          [–]porkyminch 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
                          Seriously though who the hell is under the impression that bringing tons of foreigners who are used to living under this archaic religious system into a mostly racially homogenous country wouldn't result in issues of some kind?
                          [–]lillanissan 5 points6 points7 points  (2 children)
                          You're talking about a religion that explicitly forbids just looking at women sexually, let alone sexually harassing/abusing them.
                          The problem here is thier culture and not thier religion, which they clearly don't follow.
                          [–]Juiceman41 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          Actually, it's a religion that recommends covering up your women because it assumes men will only look at them sexually.
                          [–]lillanissan [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          Not at all. Men are told to lower thier gaze(Quran 24:30), whether a woman covers or not.
                          Why a Muslim woman covers is an entirely different reason/subject and has nothing to do with men.
                          [–]ThatLadGuy 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                          This is what I tried to explain as a person from one of those countries let me try to explain it simply, the reson this happens is because Europe is getting the worse of the worse with Illegal immigration trust me. basically anyone that put themeselves in danger crossing the sea on a little boat are Ex-criminals, Gang members, Drug Dealers, People who absolutely have nothing to lose. I've watched a local interview with a guy going to germany (before the refugee thing although a lot of em snuck in with em after that start it) and basically they scared the shit out of me. they basically knew nothing but crime they lived in the streets, most of em had no family. the problem is one of em explaining is that after they got there they were dreaming of starting over getting a better life etc but obviousely nobody hires them and even if they did they barrely make ends meat so they don't see the point and they resolve to crime etc, on top of that they all gather in gettos where they only live with eachother so it's again the same as it was in the original country they are from, they form gangs and start the drugs Crime rape all over again (as they do it here too they just don't make international news) but the sad part is that even good guys who go there to change and start over join their "brother" because they can't speak the language... and they drag them to all the bad stuff they didn't want to get into or they wouldn't find how to survive there and get beaten or killed etc. A criminal talked at the end of that interview to the camera and asked his buddies who are still living "home" to join him but only if they don't have anything goin out for them there (he said as a lot of them said if they had the minimum to live home they wouldn't have gone as it's far better there (home) which knowing some of them here (again home) is true) he told them to only come if they have nobody no parents no family, just jail and drugs and death (and that's most that go) if they have family stay with your family and try to "hussle" there. Basically these are the types that make it there, the good ones (educated or good people who actually wanna work either have it good here close to family or could never make it there).
                          I'm not talking about the refugees here, I'm talking about the ones that sneak in with them. Obviousely there's a lot of people that need help. I'm talking about people that started going to Europe waaay before the refugee problem existed
                          [–]FSharpwasntfree 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                          Haven't you heard? Apparently it's a problem with men, and not with other cultures. At least that is what our 4 major newspapers are currently screaming in every swedes throat. Somehow it's weird that this has never happened before, but hey... They should know, they're journalists. Right?
                          [–]howlinggale 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
                          Not just that, but a lot of them are very young men (16-18). And the number of young men in that bracket is significantly larger than the number of women in that bracket.
                          Young men, who are probably disadvantaged educationally, but are certainly disadvantaged in terms of culture and resources (in Sweden), and possibly by race (depending on what racism is like in Sweden), are already likely to have a hard time in Sweden... Sitting at the bottom of society... Add in the inability for many of them "to get" a woman due to lack of supply... You have a lot of young men who may not have anything in their life. Which leaves them open to making bad choices. And Swedish males who can't find a woman... They might also make bad choices.
                          I'm not saying every man has a right to a woman, just that frustrated young men do not a harmonious society make.
                          [–]kiwijews 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
                          Sounds like you're trying to justify a heinous crime, and stripping another person of their basic human rights is a lot more than just a bad decision.
                          [–]howlinggale [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          What am I trying to justify? I'm not trying to justify anything, and I didn't even mention human rights.
                          [–]Have_A_Nice_Fall -3 points-2 points-1 points  (1 child)
                          It's like you literally can't stand watching anyone criticize islam, without saying other people do bad shit too. Your pathetic Red Herring is cringe worthy beyond belief.
                          Good luck succeeding in this world.
                          [–]el_guapo_malo [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          You seem to be really offended. I guess saying all religious fundamentalism is bad is just not politically correct enough for some people.
                          [–]ApevonTarskin 86 points87 points88 points  (10 children)
                          We should bring more Muslims into the West. That'll solve all our problems.
                          [–]FSharpwasntfree 40 points41 points42 points  (9 children)
                          One of the party leaders from the former government actually said that we should allow 30 million more immigrants. Not kidding. "We can handle it". The population of Sweden is 10 million.
                          [–]FSharpwasntfree [score hidden]  (1 child)
                          Of course. Unfortunately I cannot find any english source, but here is an interview about the statement in swedish: (perhaps some other swede can verify that she actually is saying that we "definately" can take another 30 million, that would help)
                          Here is a comment from one of the major swedish newspapers about it: http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/har-provoceras-loof-av-svt-journalistens-fraga/
                          In short: "Your party wants immigration like canada, that means that we can be 40 million?" "Absolutely."
                          Now, I will admit that she is guarding herself by saying "As long as they work" and "They will speak swedish", but if you have lived here you know that that is just words to attract voters. Their party was included in the power for 8 years, and still not more than 50% of immigrants have work within 8 years, and they have no requirements for knowing swedish in order to get a citizenship.
                          [–]garblegarble12342 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                          That is just objectively stupid. Jesus. It would literally destroy the country, and create a breeding ground of terrorism even closer to Europe. WTF.
                          There is a reason most muslim countries are shitholes. Dont these people have common sense?
                          [–]ThatLadGuy [score hidden]  (5 children)
                          I appreciate people like you. here's what I said the problem is with the quality of people they let in the country and their need of re-education or a fresh introduction to a modern society. You can't expect people that grew up in a very different environement to suddenly change or it's your problem not theirs (a good rule in life in general). and BTW if you take a million people of any population in the world, I'm sure you'll find a few scumbags, maybe more with these people but you get the point. I'm not trying to defend the bastards or anything for that matter. I'm just stating focal points that are usually absent from the discussion. the reson this happens is because Europe is getting the worse of the worse with Illegal immigration trust me.
                          basically anyone that put themeselves in danger crossing the sea on a little boat are Ex-criminals, Gang members, Drug Dealers, People who absolutely have nothing to lose. I've watched a local interview with a guy going to germany (before the refugee thing although a lot of em snuck in with em after that start it) and basically they scared the shit out of me. they basically knew nothing but crime they lived in the streets, most of em had no family. the problem is one of em explaining is that after they got there they were dreaming of starting over getting a better life etc but obviousely nobody hires them and even if they did they barrely make ends meat so they don't see the point and they resolve to crime etc, on top of that they all gather in gettos where they only live with eachother so it's again the same as it was in the original country they are from, they form gangs and start the drugs Crime rape all over again (as they do it here too they just don't make international news) but the sad part is that even good guys who go there to change and start over join their "brother" because they can't speak the language... and they drag them to all the bad stuff they didn't want to get into or they wouldn't find how to survive there and get beaten or killed etc.
                          A criminal talked at the end of that interview to the camera and asked his buddies who are still living "home" to join him but only if they don't have anything goin out for them there (he said as a lot of them said if they had the minimum to live home they wouldn't have gone as it's far better there (home) which knowing some of them here (again home) is true) he told them to only come if they have nobody no parents no family, just jail and drugs and death (and that's most that go) if they have family stay with your family and try to "hussle" there. Basically these are the types that make it there, the good ones (educated or good people who actually wanna work either have it good here close to family or could never make it there).
                          I'm not talking about the refugees here, I'm talking about the ones that sneak in with them. Obviousely there's a lot of people that need help. I'm talking about people that started going to Europe waaay before the refugee problem existed
                          [–]Fate- [score hidden]  (4 children)
                          Paragraphs man.
                          (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (3 children)
                            [–]Kumrag 21 points22 points23 points  (5 children)
                            Women's rights or multiculturalism. I'm torn!!! Media please tell me what to think.... bahhhhhhh
                            [–]whynotanon [score hidden]  (0 children)
                            The most precious possession you have in this world is your own people. That starts at family, and then community, and then nation, and then race/religion, and lastly outsiders.
                            [–]Dustinmypussy [score hidden]  (2 children)
                            Multiculturalism is way overrated. You want to see a together, organized, clean country go to Japan. Of course it's almost all Japanese there and multiculturalism is something they seem uninterested in allowing, to the betterment of their country. Life is much easier for everyone when the same values and basic beliefs are all shared by the population. Multiculturalism just seems to lend itself to a lot of petty to dangerous bickering, conflicts and crime. I just don't see the value of it.
                            [–]FreeMarketFanatic [score hidden]  (1 child)
                            But muh Mexican food! Muh kebab!
                            [–]Your_mom_is_a_man [score hidden]  (0 children)
                            Not cool man. Don't mess with the food. If you wanna hate people, go ahead and hate them. I hate a lot of people. But food brings us together. Unless you are a little bitch too afraid of spices.
                            [–]BeamUsUpMrScott 11 points12 points13 points  (0 children)
                            "Of course you can say we should have," he said. "But during this period we had 170,000 visitors in five days. So the situation wasn't judged as something where the public needed to be informed."
                            why would you not inform a group that large that there was systematic molestation going on?
                            what we are seeing beginning to spread around the world now is the concept of political-correctness taking precedence over actual justice and the prevention of actual rapes and molestations.
                            [–]What_a_nerd_Geez 80 points81 points82 points  (25 children)
                            Jesus, how long are you guys going to make excuses for these people?
                            [–]Mamemoo 47 points48 points49 points  (22 children)
                            As long as everyone acts and thinks like Ben Affleck we will continue to have these problems.
                            [–]What_a_nerd_Geez 7 points8 points9 points  (20 children)
                            ...........what? Ben affleck? Is that the measure political correctness now? Acting like ben affleck?
                            [–]Mamemoo 22 points23 points24 points  (5 children)
                            He is the epitome of extreme liberalism without common sense. Look at the video of his interaction with Sam Harris and Bill Maher
                            [–]balisto123 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                            Dont advice people to commit suicide openly. This video will push most people over the edge. NSFL warning maybe?
                            [–]What_a_nerd_Geez comment score below threshold-10 points-9 points-8 points  (2 children)
                            Umm...... ya, i dont use actors, who have nothing to do with the real people running the country, to measure standards for liberalism. I do not keep up with ben affleck or kim kardashian, or bill maher, or justin bieber or any of these other idiots you think are inportant. I dont have time to sit around and watch for the dog and pony show on tv.
                            Your response, in my eye, is a lot of the problem with this whole mess. You are focusing on someone that DOES NOT MATTER, and for some reason, people are using him as a standard of morality.
                            [–]iphoton [score hidden]  (0 children)
                            Dude shut the fuck up. He did not say he was important. No matter how knowledgeable you are in politics almost everybody has heard of Ben Affleck. He was simply pointing to someone who is influential enough to have his voice heard and who frequently spouts irrational liberal rhetoric. Let me state for the record that I am progressive in almost every sense. I'm not criticizing all of the left. Now get off your goddamn pretentious high horse where you only ever refer to politicians when referring to someone who is liberal or conservative. Jesus Christ
                            [–]sholace [score hidden]  (0 children)
                            Ben Afflecks are the SI unit of political correctness.
                            If you don't like it, use Cenk Uygers/s2.
                            [–]What_a_nerd_Geez comment score below threshold-10 points-9 points-8 points  (12 children)
                            I..... DONT..... CARE..... WHAT..... BEN..... AFFLECK.... THINKS......
                            I did not vote for him, he does not receive compensation from my tax-dollars, he holds no political office, therefore, I DONT CARE ABOUT BEN AFFLECKS' political alignment!!!
                            I don't really care what anyone thinks about the current crisis in the EU, unless,
                            • you are directly affected by migrants,
                            • you work in in a political environment that is currently dealing with alleviating the stresses incurred by migrants.
                            Thats whose opinion matters. I would not walk up to plumber and ask him to design me a telecommunications satellite, he is not qualified to. I go to an aerospace engineer for something like that, so why in the fuck would I look to an actor, most of whom dont even have a worthy high school diploma, for political advice?
                            [–]SpaceTire 3 points4 points5 points  (9 children)
                            [–]What_a_nerd_Geez -4 points-3 points-2 points  (8 children)
                            Whoosh to you too, dont care about ben affleck. You seem not to understand that. Im talking about the migrant crisis. For some reason, you are now talking about ben affleck. Again, dont care about him, or his opinion.
                            If people are upset, because
                            "I dont like ben afflecks opinion", then this is just proving my point.
                            Here is the synopsis of this thread here.
                            Me: "they need to stop being nice, hold people accountable, and stop making excuses for bad behaviour"
                            Reddits response :"hey did you see the ben affleck video?"
                            Its like speaking to a bunch of middle schoolers.
                            (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (7 children)
                              [–]iphoton [score hidden]  (1 child)
                              This is the second time I'm gonna have to tell you to shut the fuck up. Stop pretending like nobody's opinion matters. You do not have to be a politician to have an opinion about politics. I'm not a climatologist but I know damn well that global warming is real. What if that plumber had a degree in aerospace engineering? People are not only allowed opinions in a single field. That's such a black and white way of viewing the world. The problem is people like you. If you get all of your opinions from someone in politics then I feel sorry for you. That's likely to give you the most unrealistic inconsistent viewpoint imaginable. Now stop saying you don't care about Ben Affleck when someone who actually didn't care wouldn't spend so much time responding to these after the point flew way over your goddamn head
                              [–]or_some_shit [score hidden]  (0 children)
                              This is the second time I'm gonna have to tell you to shut the fuck up.
                              I wonder how many more times before you realize it won't work.
                              [–]TheRealChinz [score hidden]  (0 children)
                              "Thanks Ben Affleck" ...
                              [–]Alphakronik [score hidden]  (0 children)
                              What do you mean "these people". You're one of those "we should blame them all for the actions of the few" type folks, aren't you?
                              [–]Windreon 238 points239 points240 points  (26 children)
                              The more you try to cover it up, the more attention it gets .
                              [–]los_angeles 328 points329 points330 points  (1 child)
                              Not necessarily. This is probably a great case confirmation bias. You never hear about the things they successfully covered up.
                              Its like the stupid criminals things. We think criminals are dumb because the dumb ones get caught.
                              [–]presidenttrump_2016 53 points54 points55 points  (14 children)
                              From the police chief :
                              It's a sensitive topic, sometimes we don't dare to say things as they are because we're afraid that it plays into the hands of the Swedish Democrats (populist right-wing). We have to take responsibility within the police-force.
                              [–]Heymayjay 47 points48 points49 points  (5 children)
                              What the fuck, aren't they supposed to be politically impartial? Sverigedemokraterna have been growing exponentially, and it isn't just because of the immigrant situation. People (that I know) are sick of the leftist bloc parties, all preaching the same message and chastising those out of step.
                              [–]nullPekare 27 points28 points29 points  (0 children)
                              Yes, but the circle jerk is so strong against SD that it is "ok" for government officials to do unconstitional things against them. SD now demands his resignation.
                              [–]xasper8 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                              People (that I know) are sick of the leftist bloc parties, all preaching the same message and chastising those out of step.
                              Exactly, and it will result in a backlash... and that's how we get another Hitler.
                              I don't understand why (both sides) don't take a more moderate stance, they can still get their agenda through, albeit more slowly, but in a much easier to digest way. This whole "cram my believe system down your throat" thing will not end well.
                              [–]kjhwkejhkhdsfkjhsdkf 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
                              You see a similar sentiment in American politics. People are so opposed to a particular person, that even if that person has an idea that they'd support, they would still oppose it just because it came from that person.
                              These people are thinking that just because what the right wingers are saying appears to be correct, by giving them that inch, they are automatically going to support everything else they say. So they just oppose everything the other side supports, even if they themselves are in agreement, such as the problem with rapes.
                              [–]firstmistakeof2015 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                              You see a similar sentiment in American politics. People are so opposed to Obama, that even if he has an idea that they'd support, they would still oppose it just because it came from that person. These people are thinking that just because what the left wingers are saying appears to be correct, by giving them that inch, they are automatically going to support everything else they say. So they just oppose everything the other side supports, even if they themselves are in agreement, such as the problem with rapes.
                              [–]QuinineGlow 89 points90 points91 points  (7 children)
                              Police chief: 'Politically inconvenient public information will be censored and kept from taxpayers who have a right to it in order to maintain a smooth operation for those currently in power over them'.
                              Why not?
                              The Soviets did it. Nazis did it. Communist China does it.
                              And now Sweden does it.
                              It's nothing particularly new...
                              [–]GiveMeYourWheelchair 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                              That policechief is a socialist and was put in charge bu the socialdemocratic party though.
                              [–]KayakAndTonic -3 points-2 points-1 points  (5 children)
                              Fairly common in socialism. Suppression of information is a necessity.
                              [–]NomadPixel 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                              While I absolutely detest what's going on in Sweden now (covering up facts), I feel the need to correct you that Sweden is not a socialist country. Social democracy is both capitalistic and democratic.
                              Wikipedias entry blurb says it best:
                              Social democracy is a political ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a capitalist economy, and a policy regime involving welfare state provisions, collective bargaining arrangements, regulation of the economy in the general interest, redistribution of income and wealth, and a commitment to representative democracy.
                              This isn't to defend what's happening in Sweden right now, I'm just a stickler for getting our system of government right. I'm sure most people wouldn't want their countries to be mislabeled.
                              [–]Leto2Atreides -5 points-4 points-3 points  (2 children)
                              What a naive and ignorant statement, it's like I'm watching Fox News in the early 80s.
                              Suppression of information is part of every system of governance ever. It has nothing to do with socialism, it has everything to do with keeping people unaware and uninterested in things the people in power (read: the group that claims a monopoly on violence in a region) don't want them to be interested in. Suppression of information is a massive enterprise in good ol capitalist USA too.
                              [–]QuinineGlow 8 points9 points10 points  (1 child)
                              it's like I'm watching Fox News in the early 80s
                              It'd be a lot of static. Fox News was launched in 1996.
                              Suppression of information is a massive enterprise in good ol capitalist USA too.
                              There aren't too many US officials actually admitting, with bold-faced sincerity, that their mission is to deliberately keep non-classified public information from the public.
                              And at least the US has FOIA requests that can be made against the government and its agencies, although the current administration's record number of lawsuits opposing these requests certainly doesn't bode well for democracy either.
                              [–]Leto2Atreides comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points  (0 children)
                              It'd be a lot of static. Fox News was launched in 1996.
                              Let's use our imagination; take the capacity for bold-faced lies and slimy propaganda from FOX, and apply to it the hysterical fear of a post-McCarthy era characterized by anti-communist and anti-socialist propaganda. I can see the headlines now, "Suppression of Information is a Staple of Socialism! Be Afraid! Vote Capitalist!"
                              There aren't too many US officials actually admitting, with bold-faced sincerity, that their mission is to deliberately keep non-classified public information from the public.
                              This is meaningless. Whether one person admits to it or a thousand, it makes no difference to the reality; Information is being suppressed on an enormous scale.
                              And at least the US has FOIA requests that can be made against the government and its agencies
                              You are being tricked by the illusory theater of transparency. Simply having the FOIA option doesn't mean anything unless it's actually functional. Considering the fact that the White House doesn't respond to FOIA requests anymore, and most FOIA requests about actually pertinent information bring back nothing or are not released, it really isn't functional in the way you/me/we need it to be. Can you get over this later-20th century fear of socialism? America isn't perfect, socialism isn't perfectly evil, we should be past this stage of nationalistic ignorance.
                              [–]philowe2001 -4 points-3 points-2 points  (0 children)
                              [–]TzunSu 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
                              Except they covered up a lot of incidents and they went unnoticed for a fair amount of time.
                              [–]Sourpussydude 21 points22 points23 points  (0 children)
                              Streisand Effect.
                              Neither side will ever learn!
                              [–]kalarepar 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
                              Not really. This is nothing new for anyone, who put effort in getting info about immigrants from more sources than mainstream TV news.
                              Immigrants do these things all the time, but you never hear about it. However this time there were simply too many witnesses to cover it up. But usually covering up works well.
                              [–]BitchesBewareOfWolf 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
                              I don't know how did you arrived at that conclusion based on only two incidents. Besides media gag and misinformation has constantly created an impression that immigrant crime is a myth propagated by right wing nuts. Nation states are refusing to classify suspects on the basis of their nationalities and ethnic origin. Thus any story about immigrant crime stats will never be trusted as it will not have any official data. In the end, left wing media can suppress these stories citing non-credible sources.
                              [–]vocative_ablative 3 points4 points5 points  (2 children)
                              You don't know how much they have successfully covered up though, especially with how deceitful the powers that be are about immigrants.
                              [–]NSAagentCHAD -1 points0 points1 point  (1 child)
                              Why does their race matter?Why do people seemingly get more pissed when it's someone brown or an immigrant, but when it's a swede on swede it's not talked about(or talked about as much) in the same sense of fury and hate?
                              [–]vocative_ablative 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                              Maybe because people want to know how immigrants who are given FULL CITIZENSHIP in their country are behaving? Maybe they would vote against the world most liberal immigration policy and the highest amount of refugees per captia if they knew the new arrivals were raping their children? Maybe the people of Sweden don't want their country to turn into Swedenistan were women have to wear a burqa and people get beheaded if they are filthy kuffar? Or is that racist? I'm sorry I just don't know anymore ...
                              [–]zatac [score hidden]  (0 children)
                              Reading the news after Cologne and now this, I just don't get one thing -- why not aggressively deport people who're found guilty of such crimes? They've clearly shown no intention to integrate into the host's culture. If 4 people of a different ethnicity visit my home and I kick 1 out because he's being an asshole while I get along with the other 3, how is that racism? Even from a politician's viewpoint this rhetoric would work -- criminal citizens we jail, criminal refugees we deport back.
                              The way I see it, if the germans/swedes/others don't start doing something about this soon, people will get increasingly impatient and in the backlash real racism will take root which will harm European culture far more than any immigration could.
                              [–]Upvote_To_The_Left [score hidden]  (0 children)
                              I hope the mods here understand this, because their actions were pathetic and shamefull last week when they were deleting everything about this. Really bad form. Made me lose a lot of faith in this place.
                              [–]thinkadrian 28 points29 points30 points  (10 children)
                              I thought Sweden was a fairly feminist country, but until now piracy was apparently more a heresy than rape, and now politics is more important as well.
                              [–]dlq84 58 points59 points60 points  (5 children)
                              Well, the feminists are only going after white men, and blames everything on them and the so called "patriarchy".
                              [–]Jepesin 28 points29 points30 points  (1 child)
                              Glad to see they chose to import an actual patriarchy.
                              [–]recombined [score hidden]  (0 children)
                              Women want a challenging male authority and western women have watched as western men roll over and submit to their whims, so it's not unrealistic to expect them to look for stronger boundaries. This is what happens if you're too soft as a man, be it culturally or in your own relationship.
                              [–]thinkadrian 12 points13 points14 points  (1 child)
                              So everything is incredibly mis-focused as usual...
                              [–]dlq84 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
                              Yes, if you actually want to fix a problem you have to stop repeating misguided narrative and talk about the actual problem. So I guess they don't want to fix anything, they just want to be victims and write columns.
                              [–]zodiaclawl 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                              Neo-liberals have a list of groups of people where they rank them according to what level they perceive them to be discriminated and prejudiced. The higher up on the list the more you need to be protected from criticism and uncomfortable truths to keep up the narrative.
                              Here in Sweden muslims are at the top of that list, even above the white affluent feminist women, so naturally they are completely free of criticism from this group. They're also much higher up than jews, so when jews are systematically harrassed in Sweden's third largest city Malmö by muslims, nothing is done about it because jews are lower on the list of people to be protected.
                              [–]D3PO [score hidden]  (0 children)
                              It is fairly feminist. Want to know how the feminist of Sweden has responded to this?
                              Narrative 1. "Its not the origin that matters, its their gender"
                              Narrative 2. "Its normal for us women that this stuff happens. Thats why women doesn't report it"
                              Narrative 3. "The Police never believes the women. We need to start listen to female victims. Thats the real problem"
                              Narritive 4. "This will cause a lot of problems. Sure we should talk be able to talk about how some people see women... but the real problem is that racist will abuse this!"
                              The feminist all agree that we must talk about the sensitive stuff also, then not a single one of them actually does. Those are real topics that feminist journalists in Sweden have said the last days in different articles. They simply ignore to talk about what happened all together. They ignore culture and origins, they ignore the police cover up. They simple doesn't mention it at all in their texts. Sweden is very much the home for the regressive left. Which is what laid the groundwork for this scandal to happen in the first place
                              [–]Globalization101 -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
                              The feminist are the ones hiding it. They need to provide the state with enough tax paying slaves to keep up with the program. The birth rate isn't high enough without importing bodies. They decided that muslims where the appropriate demography. This started in the 1990's when they realised they didn't have the fertility rate they needed to keep up with their social programs that need more money and more people to tax. The muslims are not "refuges" they are the imported tax slaves. The program is coming to a head now.. unfortunately Europeans were not made aware of it.
                              [–]AdmiralRodney 35 points36 points37 points  (3 children)
                              Oh look another government falling over itself to protect immigrant/asylum seeking criminals in a sickening display of hand wringing liberalism
                              Deport them all, and before some hand wringer pipes up with 'oh you can't send them back to Afghanistan / Syria' or whatever other third world country they come from because it would infringe on their 'human rights' they have given those up.
                              Want to abuse the country who has taken you in and shown you kindness ?. Then deal with the fucking consequences.
                              Act like scum, get treated like scum
                              [–]FSharpwasntfree 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                              A big problem is that the newspapers and columnists actually tend to protect the ones doing the crimes more than the children affected by the crime.
                              It's been going on for long. A couple of years ago Metro (free subway newpaper, I think it's global, right?) had a columnist saying "I understand why he raped the woman".
                              Meanwhile we have an actual party with quite some votes that call themselves "The feminist party". They rage when women are asked in court if they sent sexual invitations, but when it comes to this issue, they're dead silent. Feminism = Pro-immigration in Sweden
                              [–]ivorypanic 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                              When you say deport them all, do you mean all asylum seekers or all asylum seekers who have committed such crimes? Because I can't imagine anyone arguing against the latter.
                              Crack down hard on the offenders and you send a strong message about what kind of behaviour isn't tolerated. Covering up the crimes means also covering up the punishments, which are the main deterrent for potential future offenders.
                              [–]AdmiralRodney [score hidden]  (0 children)
                              Asylum seekers/immigrants without citizenship found guilty in a court of law of committing crimes of a serious nature
                              [–]vocative_ablative 30 points31 points32 points  (11 children)
                              Police hadn't mentioned the August incidents at the "We are Sthlm" festival until newspaper Dagens Nyheter reported on them this weekend following the sexual assaults on New Year's Eve in Germany.
                              FYI: Dagens Nyheter were shamed into reporting it by the much derided "alternative media":
                              That incident however was silenced by large Swedish newspapers and media companies, despite repeated attempts from police officers to contact journalists. This is how leading Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter tried to cover up a politically inconvenient sex assault story.
                              [–]havsladdarn -15 points-14 points-13 points  (10 children)
                              Nyheter Idag is not news. It's right wing propaganda disguised as news.
                              *edit: I messed up and switched Dagens Nyheter for Nyheter Idag..... DN is news. DI is bullshit.
                              [–]agustinsz 11 points12 points13 points  (8 children)
                              Can you prove it wrong or your only argument is "i dont like it"
                              [–]havsladdarn comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points  (7 children)
                              Sorry I messed up and switched DN for NI. Nyheter Idag is rightwing propaganda of course. Its only purpose is to favour racist views, and they never give a shit about facts.
                              [–]Keywar [score hidden]  (6 children)
                              Just because you disagree with them doesn't make them racist or wrong. Please point out any factual error NI did in reporting this or anything else they have reported on. If they wouldn't have written about this no one would have done it, DN had been informed since August and not done anything.
                              [–]havsladdarn [score hidden]  (5 children)
                              No it's them being racist and wrong that makes them racist and wrong. But you're right in the same sense that downvoting me won't change what all informed swedes know for a fact.
                              The whole scandal is something different that I have not commented on at all. I simply wanted to put into the discussion that NI has never been a trustworthy source.
                              [–]Keywar [score hidden]  (4 children)
                              You are still not giving any example of them being racist or wrong. You saying something doesn't make it so.
                              [–]havsladdarn [score hidden]  (3 children)
                              They have a phony name as "News Today" while ALL their news on the frontpage is about imigrants, refugees, criminal foreigners mixed with propaganda for Swedens outermost right wing retard party, "Sverigedemokraterna". No objectivity, just clickbaiting.
                              (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (1 child)
                                [–]Keywar [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                You are still not giving any example of them being racist or wrong. You saying something doesn't make it so.
                                [–]KRSFive [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                It literally says, right there, that DN was refusing to report on it due to their own political agenda. That's not a news agency, that's a propoganda machine.
                                [–]mewshew 30 points31 points32 points  (15 children)
                                I'm as left as they come, but when did we start covering up sexual attacks? I didn't sign on for this.
                                There is a vocal minority on the left that needs to fuck right off. Most of us lefties think that anyone who commits these crimes or is willing to do so needs to fuck right off.
                                [–]mutatron [score hidden]  (1 child)
                                Yeah, I'm a lefty too, but like you, I don't believe in putting blinders on. You can't fix problems if you can't be realistic, and you can't help people in an outgroup if you don't recognize that some of the people in that group are causing problems.
                                [–]mewshew [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                Right. I'm all for allowing refugees in. But I think that if you're going to come into this culture, that you should adapt. If holding to your previous culture means that women who dress as western women do, are asking to be raped, then there is something wrong with your culture and regardless of how left I am you can fuck right off. We should not be making apologies for rapists.
                                [–]WhiteMalePanic [score hidden]  (3 children)
                                When did we start covering up sexual attacks, you ask? Time immemorial. Reddit is happily covering it now because it's Muslim men doing the attacking instead of solitary men and groups of men of every age, socioeconomic status, religion and other skin color. I can't count the number of times I've been told that rape culture is a bunk theory, but here it is, laid out before everyone, and now brogressive dudes are clutching their pearls, shocked, musing on this problem as if rape is something they'd never pondered before. What do they think sexual assault activists have been pissed about all these years? I'm sad that it took unconscious racism for people to finally acknowledge that men rape women on the regular right here in first world countries.
                                (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (2 children)
                                  [–]SpaceTire -2 points-1 points0 points  (5 children)
                                  now you see how Hitler came to power.
                                  [–]mewshew 1 point2 points3 points  (4 children)
                                  No. I've studied Hitler's rise to power. I don't recall any Jews gang raping German women.
                                  Try again.
                                  [–]SpaceTire 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
                                  Well, if that is the only metric you are basing the holocaust on, then yeah.
                                  [–]mewshew [score hidden]  (2 children)
                                  I didn't equate this to the holocaust. Stop reaching.
                                  [–]SpaceTire [score hidden]  (1 child)
                                  but see how your views are turning from left to right on this subject? Thats how Hitler came to power.
                                  You thinking the only reason why Hitler would do the holocaust is because of Rapey Jews is reaching.
                                  No. I've studied Hitler's rise to power. I don't recall any Jews gang raping German women. Try again.
                                  [–]mewshew [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                  I don't think "We should punish rapists" is "Left."
                                  You clearly have no understanding of history.
                                  You thinking the only reason why Hitler would do the holocaust is because of Rapey Jews is reaching.
                                  Show me where I said that. :)
                                  [–]Banker928 [score hidden]  (2 children)
                                  If you are a leftie this is exactly what you signed up for. Your ideology and voting behavior is directly responsible for it.
                                  [–]mewshew [score hidden]  (1 child)
                                  No. You clearly don't understand what the left is trying to accomplish. The left want power in the people. The left is all about the power of the many.
                                  [–]nanL0 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                  Where did you learn about "left"-politics? The left wants everyone to be equal and they believe in a strong and powerful state.
                                  Communism is a good example of lefty politics, albeit the very extreme form.
                                  The left does not like it when the people have the power. End of story.
                                  Maybe you just forgot the /s?..
                                  [–]bloodfoxtrue 9 points10 points11 points  (1 child)
                                  Even a liberal paper like the NYT is beginning that maybe there are some issues, that go beyond just resource allocation and xenophobic sentiment by natives. There are legitimate fears being sweep under the rug, all in the name of appearing less bigoted. However, the truth usually comes out sooner or later, especially if you have to maintain extraordinary efforts to suppress it.
                                  [–]garblegarble12342 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                  And the more you try to suppress it now the more explosive it will be later.
                                  [–]chintzy 46 points47 points48 points  (4 children)
                                  A year ago, some of my Fox News (conservative American news company) watching friends were telling me that Islamification of Europe will lead to Sharia Courts in the UK and organized immigrant rape squads that the police would cover up in order to not appear racist.
                                  I told them that sounded completely ludicrous and there is no way the civilized and enlightened people of Europe would allow that or that Muslim immigration would lead to such preposterous sounding problems.
                                  Well, here we are in 2016 and this is the Kaufkaesque reality we live in.
                                  [–]Hohoho_Neocon 176 points177 points178 points  (37 children)
                                  Now that the Western European press openly engage in censorship and misinformation will they finally get off their moral high ground and stop bashing Israel/China/Rest of the World?
                                  [–]Misanthropicposter 71 points72 points73 points  (17 children)
                                  Probably not. You can't reason somebody out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. Not sure how they were under the delusion they had a high horse to sit on considering they caused two world wars and destroyed their entire continent trying to kill each other basically yesterday in the grand scheme of history.
                                  [–]FSharpwasntfree 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
                                  Regarding how the police handles issues, I'll translate some texts from this article from one of our major newspapers: http://www.svd.se/pressenhet-struntade-i-information-om-trakasserier/om/overgreppen-under-we-are-sthlm
                                  "SvD has spoken to a police officer with many years of experience. The officer means that there is a culture of silence within the organization when it comes to criminality connected to persons with a background from abroad."
                                  Now the best part: "After the previous happenings in söda Järna [area with high immigration], the officer means that the higher ups acted in a way that diminished the happenings... 'Officers were sent to a course of ethics after having firebombs and stones thrown at them.'"
                                  [–]Tappedout0324 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                  As a refugee from Sri Lanka living in America, all I can say is don't bite the hand that feeds you and don't act like an asshole in your new home.
                                  [–]lolis_for_Trump 27 points28 points29 points  (1 child)
                                  Damn I wonder what group of people was warning people left and right that this would happen?
                                  What were they called again? Racists? Bigots? Xenophobes? What?
                                  [–]theirishcampfire 22 points23 points24 points  (1 child)
                                  Let me guess... Lots of Middle-Eastern and North Africans involved?
                                  [–]Archyes 36 points37 points38 points  (4 children)
                                  The thing that annoys me the most is that the fucking Police doesnt do their job.
                                  The law is the law,no matter who you are. Just bust them and kick them out? Why do they give a shit what the population thinks as long as you do your fucking job according to the rules that apply to everyone?
                                  [–]missingmyaudi 26 points27 points28 points  (2 children)
                                  The sexual assault annoys me the most.
                                  [–]ThePseudomancer 26 points27 points28 points  (5 children)
                                  If some random moron said the N word it would get more attention than immigrants gang raping hundreds of women.
                                  [–]wonderifthisistaken [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                  Finland here. Those groups of refugees/immigrants groping women are here as well. It started during the fall, and the police/other groups were pretty quiet about the issue. However now after Cologne they've come clean, telling that it has become an epidemic already.
                                  This will get worse before it gets better.
                                  [–]Mamemoo 153 points154 points155 points  (28 children)
                                  People need to understand that critisizing Islamism is akin to critisizing another ideological idea like Nazism. It fundamentally contains doctrines that could be interpreted strictly into violent actions. The very fact that critisizing Islamism generates such counterintuitive reactions from politicians is because chaos often ensued (including killing and rioting) when this ideology is criticized. Islam means submission and is not a religion (and political idea) of peace period, thinking that is just being intellectually dishonest and dellusional. "Why are the majority of Muslims moderate and peaceful then?" you might ask. The reason is because one is automatically born muslim if one's parents are muslims, threat of death or harsh punishment for apostasy, and the inability (and even forbidden) of regular muslims to interpret the Quran/Haddith on their own without the interpretations and teachings of the Imaam. These factors lead to a phenomenon known as moderation, where muslims are ignorant of these violent fundamentalist ideas and continue with their peaceful lives. We need to put aside our radical political correctness glasses which is currently clouding our judgement and criticism and discuss honestly with the moderate Muslims on not denying the violent nature of Islamism and reforming the faith.
                                  [–]It_could_be_better 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                                  I just hope this will be the downfall of PC. Before you know it, you can be arrested because you like slim girls and not fat ones. Why did you fall in love with a bitch anyway? Of course I'm exaggerating, but just imagine if the assailants were white and the women Arab? It is not wrong to defend our culture. Respect yourself, respect another. In order to defend other people, don't we need to train self-defence first?
                                  [–]Nottonystark69 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                  I won't tip toe around this so I'll just say it. Shit like this is why I'm voting for Trump.
                                  [–]candidly1 66 points67 points68 points  (6 children)
                                  I posted an opinion a while back; I represented that political correctness was one of the most dangerous trends going on in the world. Boy, was I widely reviled for having such a narrow-minded position.
                                  Shall we re-visit?
                                  [–]RozenKristal 19 points20 points21 points  (0 children)
                                  Lol. When there was an article back then on r/europe reported that the migrants complained because there was no night clubs or something like that in sweden (or finland, i dont remember). I said that they should deport these ungrateful people. I got banned for being racist. I judge people on what the article say, what part about me that being racist? But well, problems now are here, can only say good luck.
                                  [–]BurleyGrove 13 points14 points15 points  (0 children)
                                  We are watching Multiculturalism implode before our very eyes.
                                  The sad part is how many lives this is ruining.
                                  [–]blackredgoldcat 27 points28 points29 points  (0 children)
                                  I've heard from Europeans that we know- the police is telling victims to stay silent about what happened to them. Germany and Austria. :(
                                  [–]Polybius_is_real 48 points49 points50 points  (32 children)
                                  When you think it cant get anymore worse, you see multiple headlines like these everyday. I am just losing hope with all these western goverments not trying to save their people from being mugged harrassed raped killed by immigrants and refugees.
                                  [–]admiral_brunch [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                  i personally think it's great that it's happening in europe. i wished they'd take more immigrants and these sort of crimes, among others, continue to rise. it'll force the europeans to experience a problem they're so eager to criticize and judge america for. let's see if they can come up with a better solution.
                                  [–]Jdp111987 5 points6 points7 points  (1 child)
                                  I recently travelled to Europe for a week with my girlfriend from Canada. It was both of our first time and we were very excited. The trip was perfect except for one incident. We were on a train from Paris to Brussels and moving between cars when there was this group of 16-20 year olds in our way that we had to pick our bags up and step over as they would not move. They would be described as the people in this article are described. When we reached the next car I turned around to tell my girlfriend about how those assholes wouldn't move when I realized she was visibly upset because one of the males grabbed her ass as we walked by. Needless to say I was now shaking with anger. I went back and politely told them how I felt, to which they repeatedly laughed and said "no English" (after I asked if they spoke English). What blew me away is there were two women in their group who were laughing too. None of them, including the women, had any respect for myself or my girlfriend. If I were in Canada at the time I would have attempted my first 4v1 brawl as I was at that point.
                                  This is my story. Incredibly cities in that continent, I hope it does not get ruined by people with no respect for other people.
                                  [–]afraid_of_sharting 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                                  I dated a Swedish gal a few years ago. I remember once she was telling me that her cousin was raped at a music festival in Sweden. My jaw dropped. But nothing ever came of it and the incident seemed pretty downplayed. This was back in 2011 but the general consensus in Sweden was that rape was becoming a problem because of immigrants.
                                  [–]neotropic9 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                                  People who think this is new: it's being going on for decades. The scale of the problem has just reached a breaking point and they can no longer sweep it under the rug. This is the time for people to speak out. I know it is difficult but if you are one of the victims you need to share your story, even anonymously. We need the truth now, so we can start to win this fight.
                                  The West figured out women's rights. Now we need to figure out how to teach it to people who still think women are property, who still think women deserve to be molested and raped for going out at night to have fun. But we can't fix their broken mindset if every incident is hidden, if every victim is silenced. Now is the time for an international discussion, and we need the voice of the victims.
                                  I have heard them in private conversation. I have heard from women who were sexually assaulted by gangs of men, who were surrounded and molested in clubs, by attackers who invariably fit a certain profile. In Toronto. In Ottawa. Now I am hearing that it is happening in the UK, in Sweden, in Germany. We need to stop having these conversations in private. We need to discuss the victimization very publicly. This is a culture war we are waging now, and it is won by a public discussion.
                                  To the past victims over the years: everyone told you to move on. And you did. You put it behind you and you showed your strength, and you recovered from what happened. But the attackers are still out there. There is an army of them, waiting to victimize more women. You have some power to stop them by sharing your story.
                                  [–]juicystick [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                  I think EU countries made a major mistake in accepting young men without families from countries that lack a rule of law into their societies - they're too old to be parented and already have a strong worldview that is quite different from the prevailing view in EU society.
                                  Also, I could be wrong about this, but Pakistan and Afghanistan are quite different culturally from Syria. And each many North African countries are different from each other in their application of laws. So, different refugees would require different levels of indoctrination before being allowed into a new society and that in itself is a huge exercise.
                                  [–]Red_Dog1880 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                  This sickens me.
                                  Vile, sub-human filth who have no place in our society.
                                  [–]KeyFobsAreExpensive [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                  Europe - don't trade your rich culture in the name of being politically correct.
                                  [–]Answers_with_lead [score hidden]  (0 children)
                                  It's Sweden... Is anyone surprised? Their rape stats have gone up 1400% since they began forced mutli-culturalism
                                  [–]luciferisgreat 20 points21 points22 points  (8 children)
                                  Not one mention of Islam in the article. Why is Islam being shoved down our throats?? These countries are being literally invaded...
                                  [–]djweinerscience 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
                                  But yet the global elite chastise you for your "Islamophobia"; apparently it's racist to regulate immigration in any fashion. The problem is these fucks aren't like other immigrants....immigrants assimilate, NOT dominate the culture they move to.
                                  [–]lispychicken 12 points13 points14 points  (4 children)
                                  "Arab and North African men."
                                  Is this the kind of thing the PC crowd turns their head on because it's minorities (they love to support us minorities and we can not ever do any wrong).. but they are assaulting females (another minority).. so it's the old "well, we're stuck between a rock and a hard place so let's not admit the actual problem and ignore this whole thing" scenario?
                                  Kick em out, kick all of them out. You don't fit in, time to go. This goes for every country where this is an issue now, or likely will be.
                                  This whole tolerance/acceptance thing is a god damn shame.
                                  [–]tambogaming 51 points52 points53 points  (25 children)
                                  So how ridiculous does trump sound now? Mass uncontrolled immigration can only end badly.
                                  [–]SpaceTire 17 points18 points19 points  (0 children)
                                  YOU CANT STUMP THE TRUMP!
                                  [–]boggle247 18 points19 points20 points  (2 children)
                                  Whoa hold the phones, there is no way this happened in Sweden our American media and government has said time and again that Sweden is a paradise where the government takes care of you and everyone is happy.
                                  [–]avian_buddha 64 points65 points66 points  (40 children)
                                  Someday people are going to look at the way we are treating Muslims today in a similar way to how people look at the appeasement of Nazi Germany.
                                  Edit: to clarify, I mean that we make all kinds of excuses for the terrible crimes committed by Muslims and attempt to cover up any of their excesses while restraining our understandably angry citizens and saying that we must accept more Muslim refugees into our countries.
                                  [–]enezukal 39 points40 points41 points  (3 children)
                                  Some day, people will look at the state-sanctioned censorship and propaganda going on in Sweden and Germany today in a similar way we look at censorship and propaganda that happened in Nazi Germany.
                                  [–]organisum 43 points44 points45 points  (27 children)
                                  This is getting better and better. And by better I mean holy shit I'm so glad to be a woman in Europe right now. There weren't that many places in the world where women get even the illusion of safety, and now there are a few less. On the one side you get the far right nutters going "haha, it serves you right, a feminist looked at me funny once so all women deserve to get gangraped, how'd you like them apples" and on the other hand you get feminists and progressives sticking their fingers in their ears and chanting racistracistracist the moment anyone suggests culture or religion might have something to do with this.
                                  It's infuriating, and I might have been on the left on social and economic issues in the past, but hell if I'm not getting righter by the minute if the centrist-right people are the only ones who at least give the appearance that they care about my safety.
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