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Here is a GREAT video of Tim discussing the federal reserve! He was a professor of economic law!
Here is Tim's bio.
Here is his campaign FB.
Here is his Twitter. I'm particularly fond of #SendDebbieHome
Also, here is a short article about him.
top 200 commentsshow 500
[–]vreddy92 [score hidden]  (270 children)
Bernie supporters in FL should really go and make this happen in the primaries. The political revolution isn't just about Bernie, and regardless of whether he wins the top of the ticket, getting this guy in the House would advance that revolution.
[–]LeVinXVA [score hidden]  (98 children)
Win or lose, I really hope the passion that Bernie gives people stays. You're right, the issues are bigger than Bernie, even though he's revived them.
I even wish that Republicans will end up being as realistic, no-nonsense, policy-driven & honest as Bernie while supporting their conservative ideas. I'd love to see a Conservative Sanders running a campaign against a Progressive Sanders w/o baseless attack ads, massive amounts of corp. donations, etc.
Politics as a whole needs to be changed w/o compromise. We shouldn't expect being lied to by our "leaders." Bernie is showing us how it's supposed to be.
[–]jacean [score hidden]  (21 children)
A conservative Sanders you say? Maybe with a bit of military experience under his belt...like a Colonel perhaps?
[–]lobius_ [score hidden]  (13 children)
I sense Kentucky Fried Chicken taking from the U.S. Treasury with two hands.
[–]TehSeraphim [score hidden]  (0 children)
With the bullion just slipping through their greasy fingers.
[–]r_slash [score hidden]  (0 children)
I don't think we can consider him until he pledges more transparency about his 11 herbs and spices.
[–]AnExoticLlama [score hidden]  (0 children)
Oh, I know! Jim Webb!
His slogan should be something short and catchy though.. Something like "J. 'ebb!"
[–]tsxboy [score hidden]  (33 children)
It's not easy being a realistic Republican anymore, the party bosses cater to the crazies and have lost most of us. Being a corporatist or dominionist are not true conservative principles. Whatever Goldwater said in the 60s was right.
[–]Lansdallius [score hidden]  (4 children)
Wasn't Goldwater considered a crazy himself back then, or was that just what LBJ painted him as in 1964? Not that he wouldn't be a paragon of sanity compared to today's GOP, but still.
[–]GalacticMemes [score hidden]  (0 children)
Goldwater only started to become more moderate in the 80s/90s, not the 60s. That post is incorrect, Goldwater didn't say anything in the 60s to oppose the crazy wing of the Republican Party, he was part of the crazy wing.
[–]tsxboy [score hidden]  (2 children)
Goldwater had a few out there opinions but he was relatively libertarian and definitely not a social conservative. That wing of the party took over with the Raeagan administration
[–]Pvt_Larry [score hidden]  (6 children)
It's kind of a shame really. The modern GOP is definitely driving people (that's myself included) to the left. I like our guy here in Maryland, Larry Hogan. I think he's pretty decent and a week ago he put forward a $700 million dollar plan for rebuilding and infrastructure in Baltimore. He seems pretty pragmatic, and I haven't heard him say anything crazy or religious or anything like that. I don't think those kind of Republicans can get anywhere on the national stage anymore.
[–]I_am_fed_up_of_SAP [score hidden]  (1 child)
I believe you might like Rand Paul. Pleas come visit us at r/RandPaul sometime, I'm serious.
[–]nolan1971 [score hidden]  (0 children)
The Democrats ran Carter, Mondale, and Dukakis before Bill Clinton was able to reach the forefront. Between George Bush and W., there was Bob Dole (and W. is a neocon, which makes him something of an outlier), and McCain (arguably; if not for the economic collapse...) and Romney (especially) were equally weak candidates to Mondale and Dukakis.
The Republican party needs to lose big, Dukakis big, so that the party can right itself. People were openly talking about the possibility of a Democratic Party split or dissolution around 1990. These things are cyclical.
[–]techmaster242 [score hidden]  (17 children)
So why would any sane person support that party any more? Even if you disagree with the democratic party on a few things, isn't it more important to side with the party that doesn't flat out lie to get votes? The party that doesn't use hatred and racism to win votes. The party that doesn't sit on their hands for 8 years during the worst financial crisis since the great depression, just to make the first black president look bad. Even if you disagree with the democrats on things like abortion or gay marriage, aren't things like having representatives that actually listen to their constituents more important? These people are bought by corporate and billionaire bribes to represent them, and completely ignore you. I just find it hard to believe that people can willingly ignore what is happening within the Republican party, and pretend that hating abortion and gay marriage is more important. The economy is in shambles because taxes are too high? Every time we lower taxes, the economy worsens and the rich get richer. We raise taxes and things get better for the middle class. We've had a supply side economy since Nixon, and things have been slowly grinding to a halt ever since then. We're gradually returning to the days right before the great depression happened. And to end the great depression, we needed FDR, a socialist president. Even Eisenhower was a socialist, and he was a Republican.
I used to vote Republican in every election, and saw the democrats as the enemy. But the Republicans lost me. The democrats are not bad people, and despite what people like Limbaugh and Beck say, they want to make this country better.
[–]tsxboy [score hidden]  (4 children)
The key word my friend is sane. The American populace, in general is pretty fucking stupid and that is more so prevalent in the Deep South where the words of the bible or the social media trumps anything rationale. Being a history and poli sci nut, I'm a fan of old school conservatism but what the GOP is now is anything but that. They win their votes by fear mongering and catering to a bunch of half brains. I have nothing against gay marriage, and abortion.. Why the fuck should someone or an entity have any say in what someone else can do in the bedroom or with their body? That isn't freedom at all and is not a conservative principle. Unless the American people in general, not only those that are educated and can think rationally, become aware of how much their being played.. This shit is going to keep on happening. I see Bernie, I don't agree with him on a lot of economic policies but I'd still vote for him.. He's one of the only candidates that actually gives a shit about helping out country.
[–]techmaster242 [score hidden]  (2 children)
Another interesting point is how before the internet, voters were fairly low information. All we knew about politics was what we heard on TV, the radio, or newspapers and magazines. We were spoon fed everything. Ever since the internet has taken off, the democratic party's supporters have grown steadily, because people have access to a lot more information. We can look things up on wikipedia, wolfram alpha, etc... The candidates make absurd claims in the debates, and 5 minutes later there is a meme on Facebook calling them out on their bullshit. The end result of all of this, is the democrats support net neutrality, and believe in equal speech on the internet. The Republican party wants to end net neutrality, and allow the corporations to control what we can access on the internet.
The internet is the greatest triumph EVER for the spirit and intent of the first amendment, and these people want to kill it. They then use the very next amendment, the second amendment, to trick people into supporting their party. Donald Trump uses his first amendment rights to spout hate speech, then violates that very same amendment when he talks about rounding up Muslims and kicking them out of the country.
It just blows my mind. The Republicans may have gerrymandering on their side for the time being, but the democrats have he internet and easy access to factual information. I think over time, the democrats actually have a good chance of winning the political war. But it won't be easy.
Right now, there are battles brewing within both parties. On the democratic side, they are under the control of people like DWS and Hillary Clinton, who are really just slightly liberal Republicans. They support corporate donors above all else. Bernie Sanders has always sided with the democratic party, but has simultaneously refused to identify with the party, because he doesn't believe they go far enough in a lot of important areas. Bernie is our real opportunity to turn the democratic party into what a lot of libertarians also want.
Libertarians always try to say they are so similar to the Republican party in a lot of ways, but there is one thing they have in common with the democrats. We're all progressive. We like the idea of trying new ways to run the country. We're willing to admit that what we've done in the past might not be the best idea, and we're always looking for better ideas. The libertarians need to admit that the libertarian party will not get anywhere politically in a very long time. And support what Bernie is doing within the democratic party. Let's try Bernie's ideas out. If they work, great. If they are a complete failure, a truly progressive party would be willing to admit it, and then try something else. It's all about constantly striving to find a better way of life for our country. I think that's an idea that both libertarians and democrats SHOULD be able to get behind.
[–]tsxboy [score hidden]  (0 children)
The biggest problem with the Democrats is voter turnout. If all the young folk would actually go out and vote (yes, your one vote can make a difference in ways you don't think), the Democrats could start winning more. The GOP has an older voting block that will always go out and vote on election day. I know one of the problems is not having election day as a national holiday, but still people should do whatever they can and vote. I agree with you on the Internet, and it has definitely helped out a lot in terms of bringing reality to politics. However I've seen some dumbass Facebook fads start with politics that are wrong in almost every facet but the people that cave into that aren't the brightest.
I'm actually a fan of the battles brewing between the parties. It's done a great job thus far of exposing the shills/puppets of both sides and the ones who actually give a damn. You're right that the Libertarian Party won't get anywhere anytime soon especially with our entrenched 2 party system. I like your comments about being progressive and having it as a "trial and error" system of sorts. It's definitely something I can get behind, and I believe that will make people vote beyond party lines as well (there's good ideas on both sides).
I think Bernie is the only person who is pretty rational about the guns issue.. he acknowledges it is a very location and context specific issue. In his state, it's common for people to have rifles/what not because of hunting but in a city like Chicago, you don't need a freaking rifle.
[–]PM-ME-SMILES-PLZ [score hidden]  (0 children)
The American populace, in general is pretty fucking stupid
My dad switched parties a few years ago. He's now a registered Democrat after being a lifelong Republican. He's got a favorite saying. "Never underestimate the stupidity of the American public." I wish I could fight him on that, but he's right and I've accepted it too. It's depressing. People just have no fucking clue what is going on. I feel like Steve Carell in the The Big Short
[–]mama_stay [score hidden]  (1 child)
Everything you say about Republican candidates is tough to argue, but let's not pretend this is so one-sided. To pretend like Democratic politicians aren't also liars and in the pocket of lobbyist groups is laughable, at best. Have you even heard of Hilary?
[–]mynameisalso [score hidden]  (0 children)
I could even see leaning slightly republican. But the party went ape shit after they seen what happened to George h.w. after no new taxes. He was the last republican that gave a shit about this country. Every republican in Congress, and running for president would sooner see this country burned to the ground than raise taxes. They talk about how great the country used to be. Then ironically forget the richest among them were paying over 75% in income taxes. Now raising taxes means punishing people for success.
[–]bexmex [score hidden]  (0 children)
That's the side effect of gerrymandering. A safe republican seat these days means a safe tea party crazy seat. If you don't have to run against a Democrat you rapidly get threatened on your right flank by all kinds of nutjobs. Kasich mentioned this recently... he's came out forcefully against gerrymandering for this reason.
[–]majinspy [score hidden]  (2 children)
Here's the problem: Every emotion-driven activist wants no compromise. That's not how democratic government works. Despite how much you care, there are people that vehemently disagree with you, care as much, and count as much as you.
[–]FogOfInformation [score hidden]  (1 child)
We're not talking about abortion here. We're talking about campaign finance reform. Something that an overwhelming majority of Americans want. Honest politicians as well.
[–]majinspy [score hidden]  (0 children)
I mean, that's ONE issue, sure. All Democrats, pretty much, want campaign finance reform. Clinton voted for McCain-Feingold for example.
[–]trommsdorff [score hidden]  (0 children)
I'm not even sure what those policies would entail at this point, the repub party has descended so far into lala land.
[–]getefix [score hidden]  (0 children)
You mean Ron Paul?
[–]pakrat [score hidden]  (4 children)
The republican party is starting to piss me off. They voted for the 50th? time to repeal Obamacare. Yes, I get that they don't like it, but until they have a real plan, they need to stop wasting time and actually focus on real issues.
[–]CaptainSnaps [score hidden]  (1 child)
The problem is that this is how they get re-elected. If they don't vote for it then they have the entire right-wing echo chamber that informs the Republicans turn against them for not having complete devotion to the party. Republican politics are all about loyalty to the party above all else. This paints any non-loons into a bit of a corner.
[–]tattlerat [score hidden]  (0 children)
This is how anyone maintains their career. Fighting against what their constituents don't want and fighting for what they do. Democrats under a Republican government have done similar things where they fillibuster and vote to repeal acts again and again even if they know it will never get them anywhere, even if they agree but they wont be elected if they don't.
[–]analyticalchem [score hidden]  (0 children)
60something actually.
[–]Santoron [score hidden]  (0 children)
Don't forget, they aren't exactly acting in a vacuum here. Obamacare isn't popular nationally, and many republicans - especially the tea party caucus that's gone fucking stupid on the issue - were elected on platforms that centered on repealing it. The issue also continues to be among the most important to voters. It's dishonest to refer to it as "not a real issue".
The democrats are hardly blameless here either. This is the result of using every underhanded trick in the book to shove an unfinished bill through knowingly against the will of the people. It's disingenuous for the democrats to whine about the lengths republicans will go to try and repeal an unpopular law after democrats went the full monty to get it shoved through.
Sadly the result is a further ramping up of hateful, partisan politics - on both sides - that started escalating a couple decades ago. Im not a big fan of the ACA myself, but for very different reasons than the republicans. Still, it's stupid to argue the republicans shouldn't attempt to reverse it when their constituents and the country as a whole is telling them otherwise. Focusing on issues that the public cares about is what representative democracy should be about, and unfortunately Obama and the democrats assumed they knew better about what the public wanted than the public themselves. We now are living with the result of that haughty decision.
[–]I_am_fed_up_of_SAP [score hidden]  (0 children)
Please look up Rand Paul (and r/RandPaul) one day..hope you'll like him.
[–]nicholasslade11 [score hidden]  (0 children)
You mean like Rand Paul, Justin Amash, and Thomas Massie?
[–]Santoron [score hidden]  (0 children)
They republicans did throw a candidate that fit that largely fit that bill up for president: McCain. Even as the party was starting to tack further right he won the nomination pushing many policies against the traditional platform. Losing the election was all the ultra right portion needed to argue that going away for the center was the only way forward for the party.
[–]electricalnoise [score hidden]  (0 children)
You could make an argument about Rand Paul, and certainly more for his father. You might not agree with their policies, but the message about government corruption is on point. I anti establishment uprisings happening on both sides. I just hope it's not too late by the time they reach critical mass.
[–]DangerouslyUnstable [score hidden]  (0 children)
Rand isn't too far off from that, but he has far less of a shot at the nomination than even Bernie
[–]qspec02 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Win or lose, I really hope the passion that Bernie gives people stays. You're right, the issues are bigger than Bernie, even though he's revived them.
In my limited experience, this isn't how it typically happens. If Sanders loses, the older folk will continue voting the way they always have and the younger folk drop out of politics due to fatigue and complain about how rigged the game is.
[–]Str8tTrollN [score hidden]  (1 child)
I think it will because Bernie is a manifestation of Occupy. When you look at progressive movements it takes time. You have the Farmers Alliance and Populist movement in the 1870s followed by the Democrats embrace of William Jennings Bryan. Then he went down in flames to McKinley. Twice. Then Roosevelt embraces a little bit of what the Progressives want. It isn't until the Depression when FDR gave the progressives everything they wanted. I'm not counting Wilson in there because a lot of his reforms went up in smoke with WWI
[–]binarybandit [score hidden]  (0 children)
OWS failed miserably though. Besides getting some outreach and media coverage and tearing up Zuccotti Park, it achieved nothing.
[–]RapsFan420 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Your love of Bernie Sanders has completely warped your world view. Bernie is nothing but a fringe candidate. There's one every year for every party of every election everywhere.
[–]MurrayTheMonster [score hidden]  (0 children)
Rand Paul is exactly who you're talking about.
[–]take2thesea [score hidden]  (20 children)
What would a conservative Sanders look like? Trump?
[–]C5H11 [score hidden]  (1 child)
Hopefully minus some of his loony opinions. I really wanted to like Ron Paul for some of his stances but the guy is a nutter.
[–]lolnopound [score hidden]  (0 children)
If you took away his loony policies then he wouldn't be a conservative Sanders
[–]Afferent_Input [score hidden]  (7 children)
Sanders and Paul are polar opposites on social and economic issues. The only overlap they have is on foreign policy.
[–]CastAwayVolleyball [score hidden]  (2 children)
The point being who is the honest, no-big-money, politician whom the conservatives have to offer, not who on the conservative side has the same views and solutions as Sanders (perish the thought!).
[–]lolnopound [score hidden]  (0 children)
"What would a conservative Sanders look like?"
"Ron Paul"
"But he's a conservative"
[–]thetendy [score hidden]  (1 child)
What I mean is that they have similar campaign strategies (honesty, integrity, etc) even though they're on different sides of the aisle.
[–]Afferent_Input [score hidden]  (0 children)
OK, I see what you mean. That's fair; they actually are pretty similar in their political position in their parties. Actual politicians that have held office for a long time. Similar grassroots support. Less inclined to take money from big Corp.
[–]JimmyJuly [score hidden]  (0 children)
Sanders and Paul are both critical of the "War on Drugs"(TM). So there's that.
[–]stemmo33 [score hidden]  (5 children)
I'm assuming he means in terms of the fact that he fights for what be believes in, rather than fighting for what his donors want him to fight for.
[–]take2thesea [score hidden]  (4 children)
Sounds like Trump to me, actually.
[–]swimlamar [score hidden]  (0 children)
doesnt trump have a democratic voting record? Didn't he support Hillary way back when? Idk if he believes anything he says, he just says the shit that makes the reactionary right cheer. Like in family guy where Lois wins by saying "9.....11". He just says the fucked up shit that the extreme right thinks and plays up on their xenophobia, I'm not sure if he really believes any of it
[–]Holovoid [score hidden]  (1 child)
If you believe for a second Trump believes in anything he's fighting for.
Although I suppose you could make the argument he's fighting for himself to get publicity and book sales, and everything he says no matter how wacko is dedicated to that cause...then yeah I suppose he does.
[–]silverfox762 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Trump is the definition of demagogue. We hear this term used all the time in the media, and most people don't have a clue what it means beyond thinking it means "talking about an issue from an extreme point of view". They're wrong.
Demagogue means "a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power" ...generally to people who don't know enough to know they're being lied to.
[–]SnapMokies [score hidden]  (0 children)
It's probably true of him too, although I'm not sure Trump displays the integrity we desperately need in our politicians. He's much more up front about the rigged nature of our political system, but there's a lot of Trump I'm less than comfortable with.
He's certainly better than most of them, but I worry he'll say pretty much anything if it gets him to the presidency and that the beliefs he fights for may not represent the people in our country who need it the most.
[–]MarquisEXB [score hidden]  (1 child)
That the government shouldn't interfere if businesses don't want to serve or hire people of a certain race, religion, sex, etc.
[–]theunderjungle [score hidden]  (11 children)
I'm a Bernie supporter in Florida, let's make this happen!
[–]FarmerTedd [score hidden]  (3 children)
DAE Bernie?
[–]theunderjungle [score hidden]  (2 children)
Great comment to add to the discussion!
[–]FarmerTedd [score hidden]  (1 child)
Go wash your neckbeard
Also, there's a shit's chance in hell Bernie gets the nom
[–]theunderjungle [score hidden]  (0 children)
I don't argue politics on the internet but i will sure be at the polls on voting day, So, We'll see.
[–]NoahHaders [score hidden]  (6 children)
how long do I have to live in florida before registering to vote there? I'm getting the hankering to move...
[–]Cladari [score hidden]  (2 children)
If you look at Florida district 23 and know anything about that part of south Florida this guy doesn't have a chance unless he changes his name to Canovawitz.
[–]garglemymarbles [score hidden]  (0 children)
Uhh no, a black guy was our congressman for like 20 years until redistricting. The only way you wouldn't have a chance is if you're a republican since it's heavy democratic territory.
[–]CraftyFellow_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
Florida district 23
You know a black guy held it for ten elections right?
DWS has only been elected twice.
[–]RebirthOfLegend [score hidden]  (0 children)
When I moved to Florida I just went to the DMV with a utility bill and got it when registering my car IIRC. It was pretty effortless and if I recall correctly they gave it to me on the spot and it didn't get mailed.
[–]sxeraverx [score hidden]  (1 child)
IANAL, but from my understanding, there is typically no minimum requirement. Wherever you consider your primary residence, you can register to vote.
[–]llikeafoxx [score hidden]  (0 children)
There are plenty of states with restrictions. In Texas, for instance, you have to be register to vote a month out from the day you wish to vote.
[–]Top_Chef [score hidden]  (56 children)
How many times will I hear the words "political revolution" in my lifetime?
[–]LeonardWilliams92 [score hidden]  (8 children)
8 years is the absolute longest you'd ever get to go without hearing it. Usually every 2-4 years it rebounds.
[–]CptJohnBoyd [score hidden]  (3 children)
It's more of a political...kerfuffle.
[–]Vdawgp [score hidden]  (2 children)
You mean a riot?
[–]CptJohnBoyd [score hidden]  (0 children)
Uhh, let's use kerfuffle for now, ok mister Vdawgp?!? I was just trying to feed hungry foodies!
[–]Nwengbartender [score hidden]  (0 children)
You can't predict a riot.
[–]Jaqqarhan [score hidden]  (3 children)
I don't think you'll ever go more than 2.5 years without hearing the term. There will always be several presidential candidates promising a revolution. Regardless of who wins this election in November, there will be more candidates promising a political revolution as the 2020 election season starts up in early 2019. The while thing is of course idiotic because congress makes the laws, so electing a new president will at best preserve the status quo of complete gridlock.
[–]glexarn [score hidden]  (1 child)
heavy presidential use of the bully pulpit has the potential to do a lot better than preserving the status quo.
when the president speaks up about something, the media takes note pretty much no matter what. i don't see that changing with him giving them more press instead of less.
[–]Jaqqarhan [score hidden]  (0 children)
That never works in reality. Everyone claimed Obama would be able to bring about "change" through the bully pulpit but it did not work at all and can never work. Republican Congressman are not swayed by beautiful speeches. If you want a Democratic President to enact any real change, democrats need to show up in the off year elections and vote for Congress.
[–]binarybandit [score hidden]  (0 children)
Ron Paul R3VOLution!
[–]Zlibservacratican [score hidden]  (14 children)
The weird thing is a "political revolution" is exactly what is needed to change the way government operates, but every election season we see these grassroots movements mocked for attempting to bring about that revolution.
[–]Wetzilla [score hidden]  (0 children)
While a "political revolution" would certainly be a way to bring change to the government quickly, it's not the only way, and is pretty unlikely to occur. Should we try to make it happen? Sure, but you shouldn't be putting all of your eggs into that basket.
[–]sha742 [score hidden]  (10 children)
Because they use the word 'revolution' instead of 'electing someone that more aligns with our views through the already existing apparatus and infrastructure.'
It's only considered revolutionary to most Sanders/Paul supporters because chances are they'd never done it before.
[–]Zlibservacratican [score hidden]  (9 children)
So derogatory to the people who want to change the system.
[–]sha742 [score hidden]  (8 children)
That's the intention.
[–]Zlibservacratican [score hidden]  (7 children)
If your intention was to make yourself look like an asshole, certainly succeeded there.
[–]sha742 [score hidden]  (4 children)
Those who describe their politicians as revolutionary are typically politically-nascent.
[–]Zlibservacratican [score hidden]  (0 children)
People who describe their candidate as revolutionary are contrasting them to the establishment, not literally calling them revolutionary warriors.
[–]FogOfInformation [score hidden]  (2 children)
Your energy is completely misplaced. It's all about priorities.
[–]sha742 [score hidden]  (1 child)
It doesn't really take much energy to by cynical.
[–]PandaCodeRed [score hidden]  (1 child)
But he was right.
Better to be right and an asshole than wrong and not.
[–]Zlibservacratican [score hidden]  (0 children)
No he isn't, He's just putting people down for being enthusiastic about their candidate.
[–]Santoron [score hidden]  (1 child)
Youre insane. We don't need to scrap a government that's been the model of representative democracy for the world for over 2 centuries when problems become apparent. Instead you use the tools within the constitution to correct the problems that have arisen.
Hell, if both sides would quit blindly following ever more extremist versions of their favored party like they were sports teams, we'd have half the battle won already. You can cry "revolution" Til your blue in the face, but you're not addressing the real issues.
[–]Zlibservacratican [score hidden]  (0 children)
You've mischaracterized "political revolution" to mean an actual revolution, and then called for using tools to change the system from within which is exactly what is intended with a "political revolution."
[–]qaraska [score hidden]  (1 child)
Plenty until it happens.
[–]HoldMyWater [score hidden]  (0 children)
This is the right answer.
Tis a lesson you should heed: Try, try, try again. If at first you don't succeed, Try, try, try again.
[–]TheLastCherokee [score hidden]  (2 children)
I prefer to use the term "political revitalization" because Bernie mostly wants to bring back and expand on things that worked in our country in the past and things that work around the world. And the biggest thing he's working for is a active political society.
[–]grevemoeskr [score hidden]  (1 child)
mostly wants to bring back and expand on things that worked in our country in the past and things that work around the world.
Just to be a contrarian, this sounds like Trump
[–]TheLastCherokee [score hidden]  (0 children)
Haha difference is Bernie wants to raise the minimum wage and strengthen unions which worked really well for our economy. Although we have to admit, Trump and Bernie do have some crossover with frustrated Americans who feel like they've gotten the short end of the stick.
[–]astern [score hidden]  (20 children)
Ralph Nader, Howard Dean, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, ...
[–]step1 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Everyone forgets Kucinich, but not me... I'll always remember him for his progressive policy.and his super hot wife
[–]xjayroox [score hidden]  (18 children)
Don't forget good ol' crazy ass Ross Perot!
[–]astern [score hidden]  (14 children)
But This Time Is Different! (TM)
[–]Blorfus [score hidden]  (13 children)
Because Apathy Is The Way To Get Things Done! *if you're under 30 and apathy is still "cool"...
[–]bingobangobongoohno [score hidden]  (1 child)
Connecticut casual was dope tbh
[–]gnarley_haterson [score hidden]  (0 children)
He needs to fuck off with the whole freemasonry thing and get back to rapping about aliens and conspiracy theories.
[–]pm_me_taylorswift [score hidden]  (0 children)
Well, apathy is okay I guess.
[–]majinspy [score hidden]  (9 children)
I'm exactly 30. It's not apathy, it's realism. I care DEEPLY about politics. I do not get swept up in emotion-driven niche campaigns.
[–]ms2guy [score hidden]  (8 children)
You have an very loose definition of "niche."
[–]majinspy comment score below threshold[score hidden]  (7 children)
niche = emotion driven "heroes" and "political revolutions" that are WAY out of line with the political mainstream. Nader. Dukakis. Mondale. Sanders.
I'm a Democrat and support Clinton. I'm ok with politicians being politicians. I'm ok with them staying within the margins of acceptable public politics. I don't have this fascination with political hail mary's whereby people seek to elect, through hope and magic, a candidate WAY out of line with how most people think.
[–]ms2guy [score hidden]  (2 children)
"Out-of-line with the political mainstream" often equates to "in line with voters' desires." Such is the case with Sanders et al. This is evidenced by the broad support of his policy proposals.
I take issue with the "niche" comment in Sander's case because he has a broader base of national support than Clinton if national polls are to be believed. Im tired of the the ever-present "unelectable" dismissal that is so prevalent around Sanders in particular.
[–]ffca [score hidden]  (3 children)
Which of his ideas are way out of line with how "most" people think?
I vote Republican, but I'm just curious. He seems to be the most sane.
[–]ObiWanBonogi [score hidden]  (0 children)
Perot's legacy is under-appreciated. His name and his campaign are rarely thought of, and when brought up it is just as often as a comical punchline. He was a third-party candidate and got almost 20% in the general election! We might go the rest of our lifetimes(unfortunately) without ever seeing anything like that again.
[–]binarybandit [score hidden]  (0 children)
I liked Ross Perot. Shame he's not active in politics anymore. An independent can get 20% of the popular vote in an election is impressive.
[–]ben70 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Ross was honest enough to hire mercenaries to rescue his employees. That sort of brazen response deserves respect.
[–]Santoron [score hidden]  (0 children)
In r/politics? About every 4 hours. Forever.
[–]MatthewGeer [score hidden]  (0 children)
But here's some advice, boy. Don't put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That's why they're called revolutions.
-Terry Pratchett, Night Watch
[–]Tewks44 [score hidden]  (0 children)
On Reddit every day is a "political revolution" of some type or another.
[–]ave_satana [score hidden]  (0 children)
So long as I bruise red white and blue, I hope millions of times, on behalf of the first amendment
[–]sxeraverx [score hidden]  (0 children)
I mean..."revolution" typically implies repetition.
  • The Earth makes one revolution about its own axis every day.
  • The Earth makes one revolution about the sun every year.
  • Modern US politics makes one revolution every 2-8 years.
[–]QuestionSleep86 [score hidden]  (9 children)
Yeah, I don't support Bernie, I support campaign finance reform. I support a vision for the future where I don't have to pick a candidate endorsed by one of two private corporations. That's like having to go thirsty if you don't want a Pepsi or a Coke, and to quote The Who "We need water!"
[–]ontheonesandtwos [score hidden]  (3 children)
Isn't that what Bernie supports as well?
[–]duramu_otoko [score hidden]  (1 child)
I may be missing the point, but I think qustionsleep86 is voting for Bernie. Because policy.
[–]Holovoid [score hidden]  (0 children)
This is basically my opinion as well. I don't really agree with a lot of Bernie's politics (gun reform, labor unions, etc) but he makes some excellent points in other subjects and I just want more people in government who aren't beholden to corporations.
That said there's still a great deal of things that I very much agree with Sanders on, so he's the closest choice for me. That's why I registered Democrat this year in my state to vote in the primaries.
[–]QuestionSleep86 [score hidden]  (0 children)
That's why I donate to his campaign and support his campaign as much as I can. I just mean to make clear that it's not about Bernie, it's about the issues.
[–]RemingtonSnatch [score hidden]  (1 child)
Water? Like out of a toilet? Who needs water when there's Brawndo? It has electrolytes! It's what plants crave!
[–]comamoanah [score hidden]  (1 child)
Campaign finance reform is independent from our two party system. If you want to address the latter, more structural reforms are needed.
[–]QuestionSleep86 [score hidden]  (0 children)
I absolutely think that reducing the financial barrier of entry to campaigning effectively would blow the door wide open to new parties, and independent candidates. There is literally nothing intrinsic to the system about the two party system, they are basically ad agencies for their respective candidates, only necessary because of the tremendous fundraising demands that are currently requisite to campaigning.
[–]DefendedCobra29 comment score below threshold[score hidden]  (76 children)
So instead of having a DNC chair that is in the bag for Hillary, what America really needs is a DNC chair that is in the bag for Bernie?
[–]Phylundite [score hidden]  (9 children)
Being the head of the DNC isn't inherited by what House Seat you have. It doesn't mean this guy takes over if he takes her seat.
[–]TripleEEE1682 [score hidden]  (8 children)
So how can we get her out of the DNC?
[–]TeegLy [score hidden]  (3 children)
Her losing her own seat in Congress is a damn good start
[–]Jaqqarhan [score hidden]  (2 children)
Won't this just free up her time to concentrate more on her DNC job, since she won't have her other job in Congress?
[–]IngsocInnerParty [score hidden]  (1 child)
I think the idea is it would embarrass the DNC into firing her if she can't even hold on to her own seat in congress.
[–]Jaqqarhan [score hidden]  (0 children)
The DNC chair is elected, so I don't even know what you mean by "fired". She has already served 4 years as DNC chair which is about as long as anyone ever serves, so she probably wants to step down after the 2016 election anyway. I also don't see why it would be considered embarrassing to have a DNC chair that just lost a congressional election. Howard Dean became chair immediately after losing the Presidential primary.
I'm not arguing against a primary challenge. Getting involved in Congressional Elections is very important, much more important than DNC chair.
[–]Neopergoss [score hidden]  (0 children)
When Hillary wins she will get a high-level cabinet appointment and step down from the DNC.
[–]ImdzTmtIM1CTn7ny [score hidden]  (2 children)
If Bernie wins the nomination, he and his supporters will pick the next DNC leadership. If not, he'll have no say. It's winner take all.
[–]TripleEEE1682 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Well, then that will be our goal... to make that happen.
[–]patpowers1995 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Sounds like a policy created by incumbents, for incumbents.
[–]vreddy92 [score hidden]  (1 child)
Tim Canova is running for Representative from one Congressional district in Florida, not DNC chair. >.<
[–]Tibbs420 [score hidden]  (8 children)
Shame on them for supporting someone who represents their views. The gall of these people, amirite?
[–]DefendedCobra29 [score hidden]  (1 child)
Who are "these people"?
[–]Tibbs420 [score hidden]  (0 children)
People who support candidates who represent their views?
[–]freediverx01 [score hidden]  (4 children)
The DNC chair is not supposed to favor one Democratic candidate over another against the will of the Democratic voters. If that is revealed to be the purpose of the DNC, then watch as it's members abandon the party in droves to become independent or form a third party.
[–]Tibbs420 [score hidden]  (3 children)
And corporations aren't supposed to buy candidates. This isn't a perfect world.
[–]freediverx01 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Political parties are not supposed to be about profits and personal gain. They're supposed to represent their constituent voters. When they fail to do so they will lose support from those voters and will sink into irrelevance as their party is fragmented.
The GOP has done a great job of fragmenting itself. It would be asinine for the DNC to needlessly do the same to satisfy a few individuals' power trips.
[–]asimplescribe [score hidden]  (0 children)
What he said is the reason why Sanders people don't like this lady, and here they are cheering it on in the other direction.
[–]JamesDelgado [score hidden]  (0 children)
No, but using that as justification to do nothing about the bias of somebody who should be unbiased is downright intellectually dishonest. Just because we don't adhere to some standards does not mean we should abandon all principles.
[–]asimplescribe [score hidden]  (0 children)
They have been saying the whole time how evil she is for liking one candidate more than the other, while wanting the same exact thing for the guy they like. I wonder if they still consider that evil.
[–]patpowers1995 [score hidden]  (0 children)
An impartial DNC chair would do.
[–]_kt [score hidden]  (7 children)
Isn't this guy running for Senate? Edit: Sorry, he's running for the House.
[–]DefendedCobra29 [score hidden]  (6 children)
Yeah, shame on me.
[–]_kt [score hidden]  (5 children)
I wasn't trying to shame you? I just wanted you to realize people aren't talking about trading a pro-Hillary DNC chair for pro-Bernie one. What they meant is, this guy's votes would help Bernie if he is elected.
[–]jckgat [score hidden]  (4 children)
I wasn't trying to shame you?
Well that would be a first for a Sanders supporter to someone who doesn't irrationally hate DWS.
[–]_kt [score hidden]  (3 children)
You're trying to shame Bernie supporters for shaming? How is that not hypocritical?
[–]jckgat [score hidden]  (2 children)
I never said I wasn't. You all could use some shaming for the shit being pulled on her. Some of us actually want to see more than Sanders elected, we have a House and Senate to win so a progressive agenda can actually be passed, not just talked about on a stump.
This sheer hatred over fuck all is making that harder every single day.
[–]_kt [score hidden]  (1 child)
I'm not sure why you're being so aggressive right now.
[–]jckgat [score hidden]  (0 children)
I don't think I'm being any more aggressive than what I get from Sanders supporters every day for not backing him.
[–]dubjah [score hidden]  (0 children)
No, a DNC chair that is going to give all (legitimate) candidates a level playing field.
[–]TripleEEE1682 [score hidden]  (1 child)
How about a DNC chairperson who's not in a "bag"? Is that too much to ask???
[–]DefendedCobra29 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Sounds good to me, but, as others have pointed out, I'm barking up the wrong tree.
[–]qaraska [score hidden]  (0 children)
Wasserman Schultz has proven her inclination to act on partiality as DNC chair, which is inappropriate. Even if Canova were seeking her role as DNC chair, and not U.S. Representative, it would be unfair to assume that he would do the same.
[–]comamoanah [score hidden]  (2 children)
I think most people would settle for a level playing field and transparent decision-making.
[–]DefendedCobra29 [score hidden]  (1 child)
I'm not sure I agree. In any given situation, most people will look for some kind of advantage that tips the playing field in their favor. One of the most effective ways to do this is to campaign or advocate for "equality".
[–]comamoanah [score hidden]  (0 children)
Uh huh. Look at the number and time of debates and tell me who is served by that other than the campaign of the candidate DWS served in 2008. It's not an advantage for the Democratic Party, which would be strengthened by more exposure. It's not the democratic process of the primary. It's not the base of the party. It's a single campaign. Furthermore, the manner in which the decision was made was a radical departure from the normsame of the DNC's internal governance and involved retaliatory action against those with a difference of opinion in the DNC. More debates would benefit Sanders. It's also plainly the right thing to do and simply a continuation of the established practice of the party before DWS stacked the deck in Hillary's favor.
[–]freediverx01 [score hidden]  (0 children)
The grievance is precisely about having the DNC chair favor one candidate over another. The DNC should be neutral and should support the candidate favored by the Democratic voters.
Debbie Wassermann Schultz has abused her position as the DNC chair to promote the Clinton campaign while aggressively suppressing the Sanders campaign. That's why she needs to go.
[–]PPOKEZ [score hidden]  (0 children)
It could be Bernie himself and he still wouldn't give himself any obvious advantages.
[–]HoomDorn [score hidden]  (8 children)
Well, if that is the case, I'd rather have someone bag for Bernie who bags for the people than someone who bags for Hillary who bags for herself/corporations...
[–]DefendedCobra29 [score hidden]  (7 children)
The thing is, you could replace "Bernie" with "Trump" and your comment would read basically the same. Everyone sees their own political interests and agendas as being synonymous with those of "the people".
[–]freediverx01 [score hidden]  (0 children)
The difference is that Trump is misleading most of his supporters since his policies will overwhelmingly favor the wealthy. While he may be relatively moderate on some issues and may distant himself from powerful corporate donors, his policies still revolve around the same core Republican principles that have devastated the American middle class.
[–]SimianWriter [score hidden]  (5 children)
Don't create false dichotomies. Trump has never been for the people. Just because you don't agree with or understand the positions a politician has you should not just say that are all the same.
Read up on the positions that Bernie holds. They definitively set up protection for people who are not the head of some major corporation or lobbist. The same cannot be said for Trump.
[–]DefendedCobra29 [score hidden]  (2 children)
I think you missed my point, but that's okay.
[–]SimianWriter [score hidden]  (1 child)
If your point was to say that everyone thinks they're right then I suppose so. I read it as more a direct comparison between the two's motivations and how their appointees would act.
[–]DefendedCobra29 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Basically yes. I was not saying that Bernie and Trump are the same; they're not. Bernie seems to be concerned with the middle and lower classes, while Trump seems to only care about the upper classes while making direct appeals to the fears and prejudices of large swaths of the middle and lower classes.
[–]4entzix [score hidden]  (1 child)
Not necessarily.
On economic terms people take actions in their own self interests.
For example if rural white people are a afraid of radical Muslims in the country then they will vote for whoever keeps them out regardless of how that policy may effect all of the American People
The Great part about Bernie is that he his willing to tell people that not all of his policies are in the self interest. But in the long run they will be best for everyone
This is why you see some Silicon Valley millionaires and billionaires favoring Bernie because they believe in this vision of the county even if it's not in the best interest of their wallets
[–]SimianWriter [score hidden]  (0 children)
I don't get the "Not necessarily" part but I agree about the test of what you said. Being a CEO doesn't mean somebody can't be for things that help others. I just meant it is easier for them to get their desires and request meet by politicians. I like Bernie because he is about enabling that same amount of involvement for people regardless of their income.
[–]renesys [score hidden]  (0 children)
Swap "Hillary" with "lobbyist money".
Swap "Bernie" for "the citizens of the united states".
Now try again.
[–]Chromeleon [score hidden]  (1 child)
Are we voting for people, or for policy?
[–]revscat [score hidden]  (0 children)
Yeah, that's how politics works: you get people who are ideologically allied with you into positions of power at all levels of government. You phrased it cynically, but that's how things work.
[–]dp85 [score hidden]  (10 children)
To me, the DWS witchhunt by the ultra-progressives is no different than the tea party demanding the Republican party change to better appease them (speaker of house, primary nominees, etc).
[–]patpowers1995 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Ultra progressives is it now? That's a new one! The progressives who are so progressive that regular progressives are not progressive at all by comparison, I suppose. Why not just call us purple unicorns?
[–]70ms [score hidden]  (0 children)
I'm not an ultra-progressive and I can't stand her. She's so clearly in the bag for Hillary, and for someone who runs an organization that's supposed to represent democracy she has done a very poor job of it.
[–]freediverx01 [score hidden]  (6 children)
That is a distortion of the facts surrounding opposition to the DNC chair. Most Sanders supporters entered this election season favoring Bernie but willing to settle for Hillary if she won the candidacy fair and square. But the DNC has actively suppressed and smeared the Sanders campaign, defying the will of its constituents and undermining democratic principles.
[–]jckgat [score hidden]  (5 children)
But the DNC has actively suppressed and smeared the Sanders campaign
They've done no such thing, that's a complete fabrication.
[–]freediverx01 [score hidden]  (4 children)
The DNC has heavily promoted Clinton, including prematurely soliciting endorsements from politicians early on. They have scheduled very few debates between Clinton and Bernie, often on weekends and holidays when viewership is sure to be lowest, and they have dictated the topics for the debate to exclude areas in which Clinton is weak and Sanders would shine.
They ignored early warnings from the Sanders campaign that the DNC donor database was insecure, and then smeared him when the system failed outright and one of his team members accessed some Clinton data - even though that person was immediately fired. They then cut off his team's access to their own data, in direct violation of the terms of their contract, and only relented when faced with a massive lawsuit.
[–]jckgat [score hidden]  (3 children)
smeared him
The fact that you think you're the victim when you stole data is what I hate most about the Sanders campaign and his supporters.
[–]freediverx01 [score hidden]  (2 children)
Sanders didn't steal any data. Once again...
  1. The DNC ignored Sanders' warnings that their database was not secure.
  2. When the DNC's database security failed outright, one member of Sander's team accessed some Clinton data. This could have been an attempt to gain an unfair advantage, or it could have been a misguided attempt to test and demonstrate the system's security failure. Regardless, Sanders did the right thing and immediately fired the person.
  3. Both the DNC and the Clinton team rejected calls by Sanders for both of their systems undergo an independent audit to ascertain the degree to which members of either team inappropriately accessed data.
[–]jckgat [score hidden]  (1 child)
Once again
And a pile of lies follows.
[–]jonnyredshorts [score hidden]  (0 children)
In both cases the party establishment stopped representing enough of their members that those members said "we're just gonna go ahead and elect people that do represent us"...that's the Tea Party (before they got co-opted), and that's the Bernie revolution. The DNC is a corporate party, the average Democratic voter is sick and tired of being led around by corporate lackeys, trying to tell them that shit tastes great.
[–]foamster [score hidden]  (1 child)
I recently moved to Miami. I'm on it.
It's pretty crazy down here; no promises.
edited in: Shit, this guy doesn't even have a wikipedia.
[–]krispykracker1 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Not yet - he has worked with Bernie and Reich on federal reserve reform in the past, so he knows what he's doing.
Primary election is August 30. You have to be a registered Democrat. Find out more http://dos.myflorida.com/elections/for-voters/voter-registration/register-to-vote-or-update-your-information/
[–]nittanylion07 [score hidden]  (1 child)
"Political revolution"
[–]FarmerTedd [score hidden]  (0 children)
This sub is delusional, yo have to know that by now
[–]Mumbobumbo [score hidden]  (0 children)
There isn't a damn revolution. Bernie supporters are delusional.
[–]DragonXV [score hidden]  (0 children)
What we really should do is to find good candidates to run against REPUBLICAN incumbents in Florida, rather than eating our own.
[–]MultifariAce [score hidden]  (0 children)
Not my district but I wish them well.
[–]ImdzTmtIM1CTn7ny [score hidden]  (6 children)
Actually, getting this guy in the House would weaken Democrats and strengthen Republicans by removing an accomplished fundraiser from the Democratic leadership.
[–]vreddy92 [score hidden]  (2 children)
Republicans seem to be doing pretty well for themselves without Cantor. Democrats can live without Rep. Schultz.
[–]ImdzTmtIM1CTn7ny [score hidden]  (1 child)
Republicans seem to be doing pretty well for themselves without Cantor
You really think the Republicans are doing well?
[–]vreddy92 [score hidden]  (0 children)
2014 was a pretty good year for them, can't really deny that.
[–]asimplescribe [score hidden]  (1 child)
If whoever replaces her can't do as well that debt grows.
[–]CrazyYossarian [score hidden]  (0 children)
There are actually many good people in the DNC that I'm sure would do a better job than DWS. DNC Vice-Chairs Tulsi Gabbard, R.T. Rybak, and Donna Brazile come to mind.
In fact, I'd say that one of the reasons for their financial difficulties is Shultz's clearshowing of bias and dirty politics. So many people have stopped contributing to the DNC as a form of protest against the rigged debate process, the data breach incident, etc.
[–]1Lt_Aldo_Raine [score hidden]  (29 children)
Electing him into DWS's office will weaken or invalidate her position's legitimacy as the chair of the DNC, so if you really dislike her, then Tim Canova is a contender to support.
[–]bobcatgentry [score hidden]  (1 child)
and the party as a whole would be MUCH Better off without DWS running the DNC.
[–]ihsw [score hidden]  (0 children)
ruining the DNC
[–]gorilla_head [score hidden]  (11 children)
It doesn't even matter. You guys are late to the game. Everything's already in motion.
Schultz has rigged the process so that Clinton will get the nomination and in return, Clinton is going to give Schultz a spot on her cabinet.
[–]Secularnirvana [score hidden]  (6 children)
Yup, it's IMPOSSIBLE to do anything about it. The deck is stacked against us more significantly than for blacks during civil rights, Indians during colonization, French peasants before the revolution, etc etc. History shows that if a power structure is well established, the people can never ever unite to change it. /s
[–]gorilla_head comment score below threshold[score hidden]  (5 children)
You can't even see your hand in front of your face.
I can see that this is your first Presidential election. Assuming you're old enough to vote.
Edit: Aaaaaand I was right.
""WARNING: DONATING TO BERNIE IS HIGHLY ADDICTIVE - At 26 I have never voted, much less donated...2015 summary attached =)" by Secularnirvana in SandersForPresident"
[–]29TiCKToCK29 [score hidden]  (3 children)
I mean it's cool if you want to wallow in defeatist angst, but no need to ridicule those that are enthusiastic and ambitious enough to try to change things. Donating and grassroot support of local candidates like what is happening in this thread are the most basic tools the average person has to exercise their political beliefs. Shame on you for trying to discourage that
[–]Asmodeus04 [score hidden]  (1 child)
His point is that pie in the sky optimism is pretty much worthless and is only experienced by the naive.
Progress is slow because power fights it. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.
[–]29TiCKToCK29 [score hidden]  (0 children)
I appreciate the urge to stay grounded, certainly. However, people here are giving information on a candidate and working to coordinate support for him. This is how that change starts. He's not adding anything substantial to the dialogue, simply trying to bully others for their enthusiasm. Besides I remember seeing that post, I had really liked it
[–]gorilla_head [score hidden]  (0 children)
I just find it funny that I have to hear about the Republicans suppressing voters all while the DNC is suppressing it's very own voters.
Some people are so blind to what's really happening.
[–]Secularnirvana [score hidden]  (0 children)
You're correct, first time voting... so you win this argument?
Look you can dismiss the argument as much as you want, but the truth is history is full of examples of people coming together to radically change the status quo. The fundamental premise of the argument that because the system is rigged we cannot create real change, is objectively and historically false.
Is it difficult and unlikely? Sure, and you can take that position. But the odds against us are, objectively, much more manageable than those faced by say South-African blacks during apartheid, women during civil rights, or Indians striving for independence under the leadership of Ghandi.
And although these may seem like "rare" historical events to you, there are reasons to believe such an event is underway right now. An individual who describes himself as a Democratic-Socialist, in America, where such a word has meant political suicide for decades, has amassed more individual donations than any campaign in the history of this country. This momentum has inspired many of us to join in with hopes of changing the status quo and improving this country in the same way so many before us united to improve their own societies. And because none of that progress was achieved by the snarky cynics who ridiculed the movements, but by the idealistic activists who united the masses, I choose to stand with Sanders, I choose to TRY to make a difference.
[–]bios_hazard [score hidden]  (2 children)
Lol. Way to speak in absolutes like nothing else can happen. Your comment has no substance. Come back with reasons and sources, then I'll consider it.
[–]gorilla_head [score hidden]  (0 children)
Why have there been so few Democratic debates? Why has Hilary been so quiet? Why did the DNC put out to the media about the Sanders campaign accessing Clinton's portion of the database? Would the same have happened if it was Clinton accessing Sanders data? How many superdelegates have already pledged to Clinton? The lists goes on and on. It's blatant.
[–]PaulGRice [score hidden]  (0 children)
Probably a Sith
[–]electricblues42 [score hidden]  (0 children)
If Clinton wins. It's looking more and more to me that she's not the super strong general candidate that we all thought she was.
[–]MarquisEXB [score hidden]  (1 child)
While the GOP has used Gerrymandering to make their party more conservative, Democrats haven't taken advantage of this. I think there's a lot of opportunities for liberals to push their party far left. Remember all the Republicans who lost their seats in primaries?
Additionally I think far left has more appeal to a broader base given their distaste for the wealthy and their working class agenda.
[–][deleted]  (12 children)deleted/removed
    [–]Vermonty_Python [score hidden]  (33 children)
    Tim has reached out to our team at /r/SandersForPresident and we're gonna have him do an AMA, and everyone should take part if you want to learn more about this guy and make an informed decision in November (not that it's a very difficult decision to make, mind you...it's obvious she's corrupt, incompetent, and in the bag for Hillary.
    I'll update this comment with scheduling details ASAP.
    EDIT: Still no email response. It's a weekend, after all. Ideally we'll be aiming for the AMA to happen sometime next week.
    [–]Pvt_Larry [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Glad to hear it. More than just the presidential election we need to be fighting for real progressive candidates around the country. As others have said it's important that the political movement we've built doesn't just hinge on a single individual, rather we need to participate in national coalition-building.
    [–]Tite_Reddit_Name [score hidden]  (16 children)
    When is she up for election?
    [–]alschei [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Looks like it's August 30th for the primaries (OTHER than the presidential primary which is March 15).
    [–]SPLooooosh [score hidden]  (12 children)
    This November. The entire house stands for election every two years, 435 seats theoretically are in play every two years. The Senate stands for six years, with 1/3 of its members standing for election every two.
    [–]Whosedoor [score hidden]  (9 children)
    But wouldn't there be a primary to see who the democratic nominee is?
    [–]IngsocInnerParty [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Exactly. He is challenging her in the Florida primary right now.
    [–]SPLooooosh [score hidden]  (6 children)
    Yes, there is a primary, then the winner goes on to the general. This is what's happening here, people want to dislodge dws they're trying to beat her in the primary. If a politician loses their primary that's it for them. In this election anyway. They could run a write in campaign but's it's not a very effective way to win an office.
    [–]Whosedoor [score hidden]  (1 child)
    But the general election is in November, why did you say November when her primary is probably in March sometime.
    [–]SPLooooosh [score hidden]  (0 children)
    My bad, the primary is first, then the general. I'm sorry for any confusion.
    [–]Cladari [score hidden]  (3 children)
    She got about 75% of the votes in district 23 last election.
    [–]joecooool418 [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Because its a Jewish district and her opponent wasn't Jewish.
    Neither is this guy. He is pissing in the wind.
    [–]aliteralmind [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Well she is trying to sabotage a Jew from getting into the White House, so there's that.
    [–]whocaresguy [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Hillary will probably offer her a staff position for a political favor for stacking the deck.
    [–]redditorguy [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This year for sure;
    US Elections ~ Florida Directory of Florida elections. Florida candidates for Governor, state reps and Congress (Senators / House of Representatives). FL primary and election races. Voting info. Political parties. State election office. January 8, 2016 (last updated) News Calendar Florida (Find Your Home Town) florida election congressional districts
    Election, Primary & Filing Dates:> State Primary: August 30, 2016
    Filing Deadline: ** ~ May 6, 2016 (Federal Candidates)** ~ June 24, 2016 (State Candidates)
    [–]vanceco [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Once her seat is up for re-election..? She's in congress, everybody's seat is up for re-election in november every two years. If it's an even numbered year, it's an election year.
    [–]dunaja [score hidden]  (0 children)
    She's in congress, everybody's seat is up for re-election in november every two years
    This is true for House Representatives but not Senators, both of whom are in congress.
    [–]Vermonty_Python [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Right - I'm merely suggesting that people take the time between now and November to educate themselves about Mr Canova and Ms Wasserman Schultz
    [–]jckgat [score hidden]  (7 children)
    informed decision
    it's obvious she needs to go
    Oh yeah, you're really campaigning for people to make an informed decision all right. You've informed us how we're supposed to decide.
    This place is bad enough without /r/SandersForPresident explicitly campaigning here all the time. You've got your own sub for that.
    [–]Vermonty_Python [score hidden]  (6 children)
    It's obvious she needs to go, but it is not obvious who should replace her. Maybe the best we can do in Florida is DWS - in all her corrupt, incompetent glory. Who knows?
    [–]jckgat [score hidden]  (5 children)
    If you were truly interested in an informed electorate you wouldn't start by telling people what to think.
    [–]aliteralmind [score hidden]  (4 children)
    What, and your comment is not telling them to think exactly the opposite?
    Everyone has opinions. That's his. And mine. Not yours.
    [–]jckgat [score hidden]  (3 children)
    I don't with the assumption that backing one candidate is the only correct thing to do, as he did. And I'm not interested in anyone waging this jihad on DWS for failing some purity test of not loving Sanders enough for you.
    [–]lebron181 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I can't believe you used jihad correctly.
    [–]aliteralmind [score hidden]  (1 child)
    She is welcome to not like him. But it is her job as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, to help the American public decide their next candidate. She is deliberately sabotaging the process in Hillary Clinton's favor.
    [–]jckgat [score hidden]  (0 children)
    She is deliberately sabotaging the process in Hillary Clinton's favor.
    [–]chakazulu1 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Thank you! A grassroots socialist movement is exactly what this country needs. We need to prove Bernie represents a whole movement and more candidates like him are our there representing us.
    Good luck.
    [–]Elmattador [score hidden]  (0 children)
    If you watch the video, it's clear he is not a socialist.
    [–]KFCConspiracy [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I just donated. I don't live in his area, but I want to see Debbie Wasserman Schultz go.
    [–]CarrollQuigley [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Awesome. I'm looking forward to it.
    [–]Miented [score hidden]  (4 children)
    Beatiful edit was done in the article:
    there was an unfortunate typo. He is a professor of law and “public” finance. Not “pubic” finance.
    [–]thechilipepper0 [score hidden]  (2 children)
    So he doesn't keep track of all the bills our genitalia have incurred?
    [–]JimmyJuly [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Some of us have revenue generating genitalia. Known as "RevGenGen" in academia.
    [–]Ed_Finnerty [score hidden]  (0 children)
    A while back the editor for my local paper tweeted that a part of her dies every time she corrects pubic to public before it goes to print
    [–]Cannot_go_back_now [score hidden]  (3 children)
    This is what Sanders is talking about, he's not just in it to win the presidency he's in it to start a revolution with guys like this taking on their corrupt incumbants, good on him.
    [–]take2thesea [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Exactly. He's not going to get any of his ideas passed unless Congress is full of socialists as well.
    Edit: Why is this getting downvoted? Part of Bernie's plan is for a political revolution. He knows he isn't going to accomplish his goals without like-minded people in Congress.
    [–]TripleEEE1682 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    So better to just "play ball" and let them perpetuate their paralysis of our government. Better not to try to change things. /s
    [–]asimplescribe [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This will be complete paralysis of the government. Look what happened to Obama and then understand Bernie's ideas are more liberal. That just isn't going to get through Congress right now. None of that stuff he is advocating for will make it through Congress.
    [–]lmaonade80 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    All I'm seeing are his positions on bail outs and the fed. Aren't these anti-government and more libertarian leaning positions? Where can I read more about his other positions?
    [–]CodenameRemax [score hidden]  (14 children)
    Great to see this. However, DWS's chairmanship is not dependent on her membership in congress.
    [–]gusty_bible [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Correct. But if the Democrats keep her as chair after their actual constituents clearly send a message that they don't like her, then the party is dumber than I thought.
    [–]TogiBear [score hidden]  (1 child)
    then the party is dumber than I thought.
    I don't think the party has anything to do with it since all parties that reside in congress have proven time and time again that they mainly care about who puts money in their hidden pocket or gives family members cushy jobs.
    [–]8_ball [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I was thinking it isn't that they are dumb, they just don't care.
    [–]take2thesea [score hidden]  (2 children)
    I'm no longer surprised by how dumb our political parties are.
    [–]DIWIC2 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Or may be general people's voice don't matter any more.
    Lobbyists: Our "arrow$" will blot out the sun!
    General People: Then we will fight in the shade.
    Lobbyists & Politicians: <LOL>
    [–]netsettler [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Over time, her position depends on a belief she represents the democratic majority. If she can't represent the majority in her own district, that will not play well in the media. It's not strictly dependent, but the two are also not unrelated.
    [–]KFCConspiracy [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Yeah, but it will undermine her chairmanship. And it sends a message that shitty behavior has consequences.
    [–]Krainium [score hidden]  (4 children)
    Obama will not have his hands tied by "sexist" jabs from the establishment.
    [–]sha742 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Again, literally no source to support that DWS was willing to run a slander campaign against Obama if she was ousted. He appointed her to the position because she makes the party a ton of money.
    [–]KFCConspiracy [score hidden]  (2 children)
    It bothers me that the establishment wing is trying to paint everyone who doesn't support Hilary, DWS, and Pelosi as sexist...
    [–]sha742 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    They aren't, it's just the Sandernista victim complex.
    [–]RedPanther1 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Were you not here when anyone who even questioned obamas ability to be a decent president was condemned as a racist? Its a pretty popular tactic to shut down opposing views unfortunately.
    [–]lil_dayne [score hidden]  (0 children)
    He sounds like the most Reddit candidate ever.
    [–]nightpanda893 [score hidden]  (18 children)
    So basically /r/politics is for campaign ads now?
    [–]MightyBone [score hidden]  (3 children)
    It certaintly doesn't seem to be about discussing pro's or con's of various political positions or anything at all like I would envision it should be.....
    I was alarmed at how this shot to the top of reddit, #1 on mine, and had 5500 upvotes in less than 3 hours for a person most of us have never heard of....idk maybe it's legit...but i've seen a number of strange posts moving super high that have no business being up there and this one fits that bill....
    I probably would like this guy, but I'm just kinda annoyed at how the politics section of reddit is going these days i guess.
    [–]theghostecho [score hidden]  (0 children)
    yeah, that subs pretty good.
    [–]eduardog3000 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    You're shocked that a post bashing DWS and offering a way to get rid of her got to the top?
    [–]BellenusArsenius [score hidden]  (12 children)
    There is a rule against posting campaign ads in this sub. I have no idea why it isn't being enforced here.
    [–]Tyrasth [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Because even the mods don't like DWS
    [–]mogar_was_here [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Because even the mods don't like DWS
    So.. fuck it. Lol
    [–]-NoobGainz- [score hidden]  (1 child)
    I don't think this is really an ad, more of an announcement. Those are allowed here right?
    [–]BellenusArsenius [score hidden]  (0 children)
    "South Florida needs a new leader!" is not an announcement. It's literally a request for support. That's the definition of a political ad.
    [–]ProfessorHearthstone [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Because he's getting no media attention so people need to know who he is at least
    [–]nightpanda893 [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Is that what the rules say about ads? Except when the candidate isn't getting enough attention?
    [–]ProfessorHearthstone [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Doesn't seem more an ad than any of the other circlejerky posts about xyz candidate
    [–]BellenusArsenius [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Do those posts actually try to solicit support?
    [–]relevantlife[S] [score hidden]  (3 children)
    This isn't an ad. Plus, it's self post Saturday. I didn't tell anyone to vote for him. I didn't tell anyone to donate to him. I merely shared MY OPINION that South Florida needs new leadership...isn't that what self post Saturday is for?
    [–]nightpanda893 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    The only thing more insulting than posting an ad to forum for political discussion is trying to convince us it's not.
    [–]BellenusArsenius [score hidden]  (0 children)
    "South Florida needs a new leader!" is literally asking people to vote for him. The mods should remove this ad immediately.
    [–]fcinterprofezionale [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This isn't an ad.
    Yes it is. You've literally included "South Florida needs a new leader!" in the title.
    Plus, it's self post Saturday.
    That doesn't obviate the rule against posting ads.
    I didn't tell anyone to vote for him. I didn't tell anyone to donate to him.
    Yeah, you basically did. What the hell else is implied when you say "South Florida needs a new leader!"?
    [–]KillTrigger [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Only for progressive Democrats. Everyone else is the enemy and must be eliminated.
    [–]passivedouble2 [score hidden]  (14 children)
    It is beautiful to see the system work as intended. As a republican, I hope he wins!
    [–]INSIDIOUS_ROOT_BEER [score hidden]  (11 children)
    As a republicanan American, I hope he wins!
    Fixed that for ya.
    [–]FuriousTarts [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Standard American grammar, I see nothing wrong
    [–]MostlyCarbonite [score hidden]  (1 child)
    What wrong? Am American, see no wrong.
    [–]Pianoman1092 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Am confirm, Grammar Nazis was a waist of tax dollers.
    [–]darkclaw6722 [score hidden]  (6 children)
    What's wrong with it?
    [–]Pkock [score hidden]  (5 children)
    He didn't replace the a in the strike out with an an.
    [–]darkclaw6722 [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Ya he did. It's after republican
    [–]CastAwayVolleyball [score hidden]  (1 child)
    He didn't put a space between Republican and an, then?
    [–]Hoser117 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    There's a space after the 'As'
    [–]C_Brooks11 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    You're right, my powers of observation are not as astute as I thought.
    [–]FarmerTedd [score hidden]  (1 child)
    as a republican
    [–]Notreallybutmaybe [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I don't understand these positions, the only reason someone from the GOP would be rooting for this guy would be because he'd know he would get destroyed by their candidate or that it'd split focus for the Dems and would facilitate a win for the red team. People here don't get this and upvote it anyway.
    [–]BellenusArsenius [score hidden]  (7 children)
    Somehow this post hasn't been taken down for violating the ban on fundraising/advertising for a specific candidate on this sub?
    [–]AbsoluteZro [score hidden]  (6 children)
    Somehow you know that one rule, but not the one this is being posted under. Self post Saturday. Downvotes are the moderators.
    [–]BellenusArsenius [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Does self post Saturday specifically lift the ban on political ads?
    [–]AbsoluteZro [score hidden]  (4 children)
    Additionally, self-post Saturdays are an opportunity to submit content that might be disallowed during the other days of the week, (i.e. content that is out of date or content that has political implications but is not explicitly political). You are allowed to post this content on Saturday as a self-post ONLY if you provide context that makes the content relevant and explicitly political. 
    This is very clearly political in nature. That is the only restriction for a self post.
    [–]MCbadgenius [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Rule #8: Self posts must adhere to our on topic statement
    From the On Topic Statement: we do not allow the following types of submissions: Political advertisements as submissions.
    [–]AbsoluteZro [score hidden]  (1 child)
    How is this a political ad? I guess I take that to mean an actual ad.
    [–]BellenusArsenius [score hidden]  (0 children)
    How is asking people to support a candidate not an ad?
    [–]exodus787 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    The irony of calling out someone for not knowing the rules while not knowing the rules
    [–]EFalcon [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Curious how this plays out. When Lamar Smith (author of SOPA) had a challenger that was popular on reddit, I figured he was toast but he survived fairly easy. As the saying goes, all politics is local and no one here really knows how the Congresswoman is perceived back home on constituent issues.
    [–]redditorguy [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Out of pure curiosity --- is there no other sitting Dem. Congress(wo)man that anyone supports for this?
    No one at all?
    [–]TumorTits [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Debbie Wasserman Schultz just LOOKS like she always has bad breath. Plus she only opposes MJ legalization to make Chillary Clinton seem progressive.
    [–]Political_Lemming [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Time for Floridians to show DWS the cabin door!
    Just sayin'
    [–]dar212 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Thought that was actually his that was in the Louvre for a second
    [–]vinster271 [score hidden]  (62 children)
    This isn't the right place for this post. A news article written by a reputable publication highlighting the differences between the current Rep. and her challenger is more acceptable. I don't want to see /r/politics turn into a sub for awarness about Democratic canidates with similar platforms to Bernie Sanders.
    [–]greentangent [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Rule 8- Self posts are allowed on Saturdays. The votes do the rest.
    [–]dp85 [score hidden]  (7 children)
    Look at OP's submission history. Reddit eats that shit up
    [–]christlarson94 [score hidden]  (6 children)
    Yeah. Guys just eating all that self post karma.
    [–]nightpanda893 [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Or he has a political agenda instead of just trying to post about and discuss political news.
    [–]aliteralmind [score hidden]  (0 children)
    A political agenda on /r/politics? That's crazy talk.
    [–]Attempt12 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    It's obvious there is a political agenda, are you saying posting from a reputable (bought) news source is not pushing anyone's agenda?
    What a fool.
    [–]christlarson94 [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Yes, most people have political views. If a person wants to work to support their political views, that's perfectly reasonable. It's not underhanded. It's not a conspiracy.
    It's the voting system's responsibility to make sure that subscribers of the subreddit see the content most liked by the voting subscribers. It is not the responsibility of each individual poster to maintain political neutrality.
    "This guy posts about political news that interests him! What a scumbag."
    [–]nightpanda893 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    No, it's against the rules of the sub. You are not allowed to submit:
    Links to social media, such as Google+, Facebook or Twitter.
    Political advertisements as submissions. Advertisers should buy ad space on reddit.com if they wish to advertise on Reddit.
    [–]christlarson94 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    We should introduce moderation and voting systems to enforce the will of the active subscribers, and the rules of the sub.
    [–]JohnLennonIsAlive [score hidden]  (4 children)
    you cant even say anything positive about anyone else except Sanders here, or Gasp, a republican without getting shit on. r/politics might as well change to r/Sanders
    [–]electricblues42 [score hidden]  (2 children)
    I'm sorry most of reddit disagrees with you?
    Actually, I'm not.
    [–]asimplescribe [score hidden]  (1 child)
    You can disagree with someone and not downvote them when a valid point is brought up that happens to go against the circlejerk. Any valid point that goes against Bernie gets hidden with downvotes or at the very least has a cross next to it because apparently facts are now controversial on the left.
    [–]electricblues42 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Your opinion on what is valid is not at all the same as most other redditors think apparently. When people talk about his electability against an Establishment Republican it gets upvoted because that is something most of us here do worry about.
    It seems reddit just doesn't like what you have to say.
    [–]step1 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I feel like that should be expected when having a popular opinion will get you points and not having it means you'll lose them. Even if the points are useless.
    [–]CarrollQuigley [score hidden]  (0 children)
    It's self-post Saturday though.
    [–]tb3648 [score hidden]  (20 children)
    It's still politics even if it isn't the politics you specifically want to see.
    [–]nightpanda893 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    But there's a difference between watching a news story about a politician and a campaign ad that comes on during the commercial break. They are both politics but they are very different.
    [–]xfortune [score hidden]  (16 children)
    So what if we just start spamming Trump supporting articles?
    [–]COLOSSAL_SHITPOST [score hidden]  (6 children)
    Maybe people will upvote them, maybe not. If you don't like the voting system, try tumblr or 4chan.
    [–]exodus787 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    No, people are complaining that this obviously violates the subreddit rules and moderators have not done nothing to take it down while it's on the sub front page. Take this shit back to Sanders subreddit
    [–]xfortune [score hidden]  (4 children)
    Because I said that at all.
    [–]COLOSSAL_SHITPOST [score hidden]  (2 children)
    You're complaining about the type of content that people upvote, so yes.
    [–]xfortune [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Incorrect, but feel free to put the words in my mouth.
    [–]jaybrit [score hidden]  (0 children)
    But you won't see the spammed Trump supporting articles if no-one upvotes them unless you browse by 'new'
    [–]adamant2009 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Sure, let's see if pro-Trump candidate fluff hits the front page.
    [–]freeradicalx [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I don't see why that wouldn't belong in /r/politics.
    [–]ndimoro [score hidden]  (0 children)
    As if that hasn't already been happening.
    [–]tb3648 [score hidden]  (3 children)
    That's fine, it's politics. And posting relevant articles isn't spamming just because you don't like them.
    [–]xfortune [score hidden]  (2 children)
    That's not politics, that's advertising.
    [–]OpRaider[🍰] [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Politics is advertising...
    [–]hogwarts5972 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Politics is advertising of representation.
    [–]darkclaw6722 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    You're free to do just that.
    [–]vinster271 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    I know it's self post saturday but a well written out post highlighting the challenger's political history or a breakdown on his issues and I have no problem with it. This just feels like a shameless promotion.
    [–]tb3648 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Yes that would have been very helpful. But wouldn't necessarily say it's just promotion as this was news to me.
    [–]nightpanda893 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I am so happy someone else said this. I thought I was going crazy. It's one thing to look at /r/politics and see that the articles are basically positive stories about left leaning politicians and negative stories about right leaning politicians. But now we are just posting and upvoting campaign ads to the front page?
    [–]gAlienLifeform [score hidden]  (19 children)
    Heaven forbid people use /r/politics for politics
    [–]gfour [score hidden]  (17 children)
    It's a fucking advertisement
    [–]gAlienLifeform [score hidden]  (1 child)
    What isn't in politics?
    [–]gfour [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Many things. This is so disgustingly blatant and deserves to be in the sanders subreddit.
    [–]jonnyredshorts [score hidden]  (13 children)
    It's political news.
    [–]gfour [score hidden]  (4 children)
    It's political news the same way an ad on tv is political news
    [–]jonnyredshorts comment score below threshold[score hidden]  (2 children)
    Advertisements can be news worthy
    [–]Groomper [score hidden]  (1 child)
    But the advertisements in and of themselves are not really reputable news.
    [–]jonnyredshorts [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Right, but the only claim this piece of "news" is making is not really being questioned as reliable information. This guy is actually running, nobody is questioning that I hope.
    [–]IngsocInnerParty comment score below threshold[score hidden]  (0 children)
    Well the political news teams do love to cover and talk about political ads...
    [–]BellenusArsenius [score hidden]  (7 children)
    So a post which asks you to vote for a candidate is considered news?
    [–]relevantlife[S] [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Where did I ask anyone to vote for him?
    [–]BellenusArsenius [score hidden]  (2 children)
    "South Florida needs a new leader!"
    [–]relevantlife[S] [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Yeah, the word "vote" isn't in there. The words "you should" aren't in there.
    This is called "putting words in my mouth."
    [–]BellenusArsenius [score hidden]  (0 children)
    How do new leaders come about then?
    [–]jonnyredshorts [score hidden]  (2 children)
    I think the point of the post was to get the "news" of this candidates announcement out there, and it's kind of the source used to create the news here on Reddit.
    [–]BellenusArsenius [score hidden]  (1 child)
    The quote "South Florida needs a new leader!" alone automatically disqualifies it from being news.
    [–]jonnyredshorts [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I don't think anyone is trying to claim that the "news" contained in the link is t from the candidate himself, the question is, is the fact that he just announced news itself.
    [–]Attempt12 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    A fucking advertisement is the every other day Doritos spoof commercial on the front page.
    This is spreading a political message and reaching out for support.
    [–]itisnotatumah [score hidden]  (0 children)
    The saddest thing about reddit is how much it could have democratized politics but instead everything has been crammed into the same old media outlets. This simple self post is a great example of how reddit should work. Calling people's attention to something irregardless of whether a media outlet has deemed it newsworthy.
    WE deem it newsworthy and that's enough.
    Sadly I expect a mod to remove it any second now.
    [–]palsh7 [score hidden]  (3 children)
    This sub is not for you: it's for all of us. If you don't like it, you downvote it. Others like it.
    [–]shnaglefragle [score hidden]  (2 children)
    majority rule is not always an effective way of governing
    [–]palsh7 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Find another website, then.
    [–]kroxywuff [score hidden]  (1 child)
    I doubt he will win. I lived in her district for two years and witnessed the last election. The district doesn't have the same sentiments as reddit or bernie sanders supporters at all. They are not progressive democrats; if you could sum them up they are basically the hilary clinton type of democrat. The district is largely old, jewish and ex-new yorkers and they're not exactly the pro-marijuana type of people.
    Hell the last election was basically a "who supports Israel the most" campaign between her and the jewish republican opponent.
    [–]Pepsi_not_Come [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Get out of here with your facts and context, this BITCH is going down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [–]DrClaudeLedbetter [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Oh come on, that's not fair... After all, DWS offered to change her position in exchange for positive coverage. What more do you want?
    [–]Shugbug1986 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Clearly taking a page from Hillary's playbook.
    [–]Mexagon [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Funny how this woman never even existed to reddit until sanders staffers fucked up.
    [–]guzzle [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Not true. Her debate schedule put her in our sights first.
    [–]DrClaudeLedbetter [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I am a centrist, my friend. I don't even have a dog in this fight. But I was born and raised in Florida. And of course, I do love popcorn.
    [–]ncocca [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Incorrect. She's been helping Hillary with the election well before that incident. See the low number and late start of the Democratic debates for instance.
    [–]phydeaux70 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    People in all congressional districts need to take note.
    Democrat or Republican, beltway politicians are not interested in your rights, they are interested in staying in power.
    Elections do cost money, but it's about winning the hearts and minds of people.
    Keep at it Tim, keep at it everybody who's tired of Washington not working for the people.
    [–]y10nerd [score hidden]  (0 children)
    That's because people want separate and contradictory things.
    [–]JosephFinn [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Heh. I'm sure the 15 Bernie supporters in her district* will get right on that.
    *Look at the Demographics in the 23rd and his poll numbers in Florida. That's not Bernie country.
    [–]Notreallybutmaybe [score hidden]  (0 children)
    You have to remember though, Bernie's supporters are more knowledgeable and know whats best for everyone else. Even though you may disagree with his views you need to understand that you're wrong and college kids across the country should be able to get his style of politician elected in your district for your own good.
    [–]gt250 [score hidden]  (4 children)
    We are really pushing hard for medical marijuana legalization in Florida; Miss Debbie is going to sorely regret showing her true colors during this presidential race, and displaying patently unprofessional favoritism to political allies on the national stage.
    [–]JosephFinn [score hidden]  (3 children)
    She's not a state representative and has nothing to do with local legalization.
    [–]Wolpfack [score hidden]  (0 children)
    He just got my money, and if I lived in his district, he'd have my vote.
    [–]roneman815 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Don't let it ever be said this sub isn't biased.
    [–]topjejjer [score hidden]  (0 children)
    It's so impossible to understand that despite the fact that we as Americans have the gift of knowledge to see what has happened to the Western European countries practicing many of the propositions found here (and are bankrupt) that we still support them.
    [–]mxbrwtz [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This type if behavior has ruined the GOP. Keep that in mind guys...
    [–]ezcomeezgo2 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    It would be great if all the slimy shit she has done as DNC would come to bite her in the ass come election time. She needs to get her comeuppance.
    [–]king_hippo77 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    What Florida needs is new football teams. The Jags, Bucs and Dolphins are about to get demoted into their own subleague.
    [–]fcinterprofezionale [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This is a political advertisement. How the fuck haven't the mods removed it yet?
    [–]itisnotatumah [score hidden]  (0 children)
    How on earth did this get past the mods? They must all be sleeping.
    [–]ZTStephen [score hidden]  (0 children)
    C I R C L E J E R K I R L E J E R K
    [–]Emberwheat [score hidden]  (2 children)
    Bernie supporters are turning into vindictive jerks. It's idiocy like this that led to Nader votes and eight years of Bush.
    [–]Globeswift [score hidden]  (0 children)
    I don't follow the democrats too closely, but I think Wasserman has done a huge disservice to ghe party. Her bias towards Hillary seems pretty clear even to republicans
    [–]dfthomas1987 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Can you imagine if everyone who has donated to Bernie would send just a couple bucks to Canova? House Races aren't super expensive and could really make a difference.
    [–]tokyoburns [score hidden]  (0 children)
    South Florida needs a lot of new things.
    [–]verneer [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Remember to make your voice heard with $$.
    [–]nobodyhere [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Do you work for this person?
    [–]Abraxas_Templar [score hidden]  (6 children)
    If I lived there, I would vote for him
    [–]jonnyredshorts [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This guy! I almost wish I lived in Florida so I could vote for him. I'll be donating some of my extra Bernie money to him though. DWS straight to the trash!
    [–]KoolGMatt [score hidden]  (1 child)
    I am a hard core Democrat but I can not stand this lady.
    [–]IngsocInnerParty [score hidden]  (0 children)
    She has torn apart everything that Howard Dean worked so hard to build. The 50 state strategy that won Obama states like Indiana and North Carolina? Gone. Let's kick her out!
    [–]y10nerd [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This is fantastic! I'm a Hillary supporter but I am a huge fan of primaries! This district is a D+11, so the odds that any democrat wins the seat in a general election is extremely high. Hence, boot DWS!
    This is the kind of primary challenge that have been to move the conversation to the left inside the party the last few years! :)
    [–]LastSonofAnshan [score hidden]  (10 children)
    You reap what you sew, Debbie.
    [–]69Liters [score hidden]  (2 children)
    I heard Doug Hughes (the gyrocopter mailman that landed on the lawn of the US Capitol) is also running for this seat. What are your thoughts on that candidacy?
    [–]Captain_Arrrg [score hidden]  (0 children)
    You all know Deb can lose her house seat and still chair the DNC, right?
    Not saying she didn't deserve it. From what I hear, she's more a representative of Israeli lobbyists than anyone from south Florida. Just don't look for this to keep the DNC from playing favorites with our choices.
    [–]JohnLennonIsAlive [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Great positions, but the rest of his economic policies are complete shit for everyone in the country who isnt working class, so I'll pass
    [–]IAmAMansquito [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Hope he wins!
    [–]patpowers1995 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    All right! Let's vote that bitch out big time! Send her back to her ... Florida beachside mansion ... where she belongs!
    [–]ricman_c [score hidden]  (0 children)
    They are both politics but instead everything has been crammed into the same taxes on capital gains.
    [–]pipsterthug [score hidden]  (0 children)
    All I'm seeing are his positions on bail outs and the party above all else.
    [–]papersupplier [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Debbie Wasserman Wasserman man
    I think I found the issue
    [–]uf0777 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Debbie Blabbermouth can frig right off.
    [–]ThatEvanFowler [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Augustus Sol Invictus.
    [–]AtWorkBoredToDeath [score hidden]  (0 children)
    VOTE HER OUT !!!!!
    [–]asimplescribe [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Is she actually hated in her district? If she has done well for those people I highly doubt what reddit thinks is a huge scandal will be able to remove her. Remember they don't only have to be crazy Bernie fans, they also have to live in that district to make any difference.
    [–]arturovargas16 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    My main concern is who's paying them, currently, no one is really giving Tim Canova any "donations" apart from Bernie Sanders and someone else. That's according to opensecrets.org, we'll just have to wait and see.
    [–]fiver_reborn [score hidden]  (0 children)
    B.J. Harrison: [about the pope; before the opera] The Pope's doing exactly what you said he'd do, he's cleaning house. Michael Corleone: He should be careful. It's dangerous to be an honest man.
    [–]maahhkus [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This guy is brilliant
    [–]Saturnai [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Dunedin/Clearwater over here, come get some votes!
    [–]CorriByrne [score hidden]  (0 children)
    politics needs new leaders who are real. i know debbie.
    [–]rillo561 [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Well he has my vote, DWS has gone full retarded and must go. Let's do it South Florida.
    [–]Doctor_Crunchwrap [score hidden]  (8 children)
    I don't understand how someone taking money from alcohol companies is a sign that they are corrupt against marijuana legalization. Alcohol and marijuana are two totally different things, if anything the alcohol industry can benefit from the legalization. It's not like banning hemp to benefit nylon, weed and liquor can live together in harmony and support each other's business
    [–]xHaUNTER [score hidden]  (4 children)
    Tbh if marijuana was legal I wouldn't drink anymore.
    [–]thelostapostle [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Nothing like going out and hitting the bars while high, right?
    [–]ChicoStateFootball [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Sativa not Indica. I prefer going to the bars high and drinking Tonic Water
    [–]Galadron [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Yeah, they would. Alcohol doesn't want competition for being the legal drug. And they know people will drink less if they're smoking more.
    [–]secret_aardvark [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Especially since it's not even that much money (the fifth highest donation total of a major PAC group to her re-election campaign. It's only $18,500) and that she's been anti-dope well before this election cycle.
    It's a line used by people that don't understand context.
    [–]BearyPotter [score hidden]  (0 children)
    This really is r/SandersforPresident2. And the ignorance of basic political processes in this thread is depressing.
    [–]TrippleTonyHawk [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Sounds good, but how can he compete against Doug Hughes and his gyrocopter?
    [–]lennybird [score hidden]  (1 child)
    I'm saddened by how little attention his act was given by media. Most media focused on him, his gyrocopter, and security failures. But the letters to all members of Congress for campaign finance reform was the key part.
    [–]TrippleTonyHawk [score hidden]  (0 children)
    absolutely, no doubt it was the most original protest of campaign finance I've ever seen. The guy deserves a movie, he was partially inspired to go for such a wild idea from his son's death from a head-on collision that took another man's life as well after his son had a fight with his girlfriend back in 2012.
    "He paid far too high a price for an unimportant issue," Doug Hughes, 61, told the Tampa Bay Times. "But if you're willing to take a risk, the ultimate risk, to draw attention to something that does have significance, it's worth doing." link
    So he flew a gyrocopter to the white house to protest campaign finance reform. He had a letter written out to each individual congressman. He's a real hero of mine.
    Sounds like Tim Canova has great politics too, though, don't get me wrong. Not trying to undermine him in any way discussing Doug Hughes, America needs more politicians like the two of them.
    [–]dp85 [score hidden]  (0 children)


    Tim Cannova is a vote for establishment copters
    [–]AtWorkBoredToDeath [score hidden]  (0 children)
    [–]Fna1 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Please refrain from calling public servants "leaders" mostly for your own benefit, so you won't have false hopes of what they actually can do.
    [–]dp85 [score hidden]  (9 children)
    To me, the DWS witchhunt by the ultra-progressives is no different than the tea party demanding the Republican party change to better appease them (speaker of house, primary nominees, etc).
    It's just a power play by the team bernie. Join the Democrats, refuse to play by their rules, whine, and try to force out the leader to shift things in their favor. Exacerbated by the Republican trolls in this sub who make it seem like a worse problem than it really is.
    So, to all the Berniestas/Trumpettes, you know where the downvotes go (to the left).
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