Another interesting point is how before the internet, voters were fairly low information. All we knew about politics was what we heard on TV, the radio, or newspapers and magazines. We were spoon fed everything. Ever since the internet has taken off, the democratic party's supporters have grown steadily, because people have access to a lot more information. We can look things up on wikipedia, wolfram alpha, etc... The candidates make absurd claims in the debates, and 5 minutes later there is a meme on Facebook calling them out on their bullshit. The end result of all of this, is the democrats support net neutrality, and believe in equal speech on the internet. The Republican party wants to end net neutrality, and allow the corporations to control what we can access on the internet.
The internet is the greatest triumph EVER for the spirit and intent of the first amendment, and these people want to kill it. They then use the very next amendment, the second amendment, to trick people into supporting their party. Donald Trump uses his first amendment rights to spout hate speech, then violates that very same amendment when he talks about rounding up Muslims and kicking them out of the country.
It just blows my mind. The Republicans may have gerrymandering on their side for the time being, but the democrats have he internet and easy access to factual information. I think over time, the democrats actually have a good chance of winning the political war. But it won't be easy.
Right now, there are battles brewing within both parties. On the democratic side, they are under the control of people like DWS and Hillary Clinton, who are really just slightly liberal Republicans. They support corporate donors above all else. Bernie Sanders has always sided with the democratic party, but has simultaneously refused to identify with the party, because he doesn't believe they go far enough in a lot of important areas. Bernie is our real opportunity to turn the democratic party into what a lot of libertarians also want.
Libertarians always try to say they are so similar to the Republican party in a lot of ways, but there is one thing they have in common with the democrats. We're all progressive. We like the idea of trying new ways to run the country. We're willing to admit that what we've done in the past might not be the best idea, and we're always looking for better ideas. The libertarians need to admit that the libertarian party will not get anywhere politically in a very long time. And support what Bernie is doing within the democratic party. Let's try Bernie's ideas out. If they work, great. If they are a complete failure, a truly progressive party would be willing to admit it, and then try something else. It's all about constantly striving to find a better way of life for our country. I think that's an idea that both libertarians and democrats SHOULD be able to get behind.