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Anonymous (ID: U0tYnp/u)
01/06/16(Wed)15:13:36 No.60233263
Anonymous (ID: U0tYnp/u) 01/06/16(Wed)20:13:36 No.60233263
>>60233124 (OP)
Isn't it blasphemy, claiming to be the one true messenger of God?
Anonymous (ID: bis0/K29)
01/06/16(Wed)15:14:26 No.60233320
Anonymous (ID: bis0/K29) 01/06/16(Wed)20:14:26 No.60233320
>>60233124 (OP)
Because jesus was a prophet not god nigger
Anonymous (ID: 1yVnxV4w)
01/06/16(Wed)15:16:52 No.60233459
Anonymous (ID: 1yVnxV4w) 01/06/16(Wed)20:16:52 No.60233459

the enlightening is not what i believing in
Anonymous (ID: 0Rgt3Cvt)
01/06/16(Wed)15:19:25 No.60233652
Anonymous (ID: 0Rgt3Cvt) 01/06/16(Wed)20:19:25 No.60233652
Matthew 23:9
>And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

Because you're a bunch of pagans.
Anonymous (ID: 82bxRf5v)
01/06/16(Wed)15:32:19 No.60234565
Anonymous (ID: 82bxRf5v) 01/06/16(Wed)20:32:19 No.60234565

>Protties in charge of understanding the bible
Anonymous (ID: MLJ0uuMv)
01/06/16(Wed)15:39:57 No.60235090
Anonymous (ID: MLJ0uuMv) 01/06/16(Wed)20:39:57 No.60235090
Jorge MARIO Bergoglio aka "Francis" is not my pope, he's a marxist spic and probably the Antichrist as well :D
Anonymous (ID: sMw+8ekn)
01/06/16(Wed)15:42:12 No.60235236
Anonymous (ID: sMw+8ekn) 01/06/16(Wed)20:42:12 No.60235236
>"Muslims are our brothers in faith."

t. Some heretic in a hat
Anonymous (ID: ZKc7MY77)
01/06/16(Wed)15:43:55 No.60235339
Anonymous (ID: ZKc7MY77) 01/06/16(Wed)20:43:55 No.60235339
>>60233124 (OP)
That heretic is about as holy as my asshole after clam chowder.
Anonymous (ID: ARz8rUag)
01/06/16(Wed)15:45:56 No.60235480
Anonymous (ID: ARz8rUag) 01/06/16(Wed)20:45:56 No.60235480
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>>60233124 (OP)
Fuck your Nazi church senpai
Anonymous (ID: xe7WdZV7)
01/06/16(Wed)15:49:47 No.60235780
Anonymous (ID: xe7WdZV7) 01/06/16(Wed)20:49:47 No.60235780
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Typical Protestantism.
>Muh Solo Scriptura
Anonymous (ID: 155CsVRI)
01/06/16(Wed)15:51:27 No.60235893
Anonymous (ID: 155CsVRI) 01/06/16(Wed)20:51:27 No.60235893
>>60233124 (OP)
Papists out of my Anglosphere.
Anonymous (ID: q25bKOq3)
01/06/16(Wed)15:54:10 No.60236091
Anonymous (ID: q25bKOq3) 01/06/16(Wed)20:54:10 No.60236091
>>60233124 (OP)
Why are you posting this from Her Majesty's United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland, the Defender of the Faith?

The Protestant faith?
Anonymous (ID: OUH08RRE)
01/06/16(Wed)15:58:53 No.60236469
Anonymous (ID: OUH08RRE) 01/06/16(Wed)20:58:53 No.60236469
>>60233124 (OP)
why people don't understand the fact that he says these things only because otherwise the western countries would have banned christianity/catholicism from educational institutions?

Either way there will (inevitably) come a time when both churches will have to unite against muslims and other heretics.

Hopefully i'll catch another John Paul II in my lifetime.
Anonymous (ID: 0Rgt3Cvt)
01/06/16(Wed)16:02:37 No.60236710
Anonymous (ID: 0Rgt3Cvt) 01/06/16(Wed)21:02:37 No.60236710
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzrVCdtJ1WQ [Embed]

Stop pretending to be christians, you heathens.
Anonymous (ID: 0Rgt3Cvt)
01/06/16(Wed)16:05:57 No.60236992
Anonymous (ID: 0Rgt3Cvt) 01/06/16(Wed)21:05:57 No.60236992
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1 Thessalonians 5:21
>Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Anonymous (ID: xe7WdZV7)
01/06/16(Wed)16:06:50 No.60237047
Anonymous (ID: xe7WdZV7) 01/06/16(Wed)21:06:50 No.60237047
Because he's not a cuck. Every Protestant that exists today exists solely because the English Monarchy forced Protestantism down their throats and up their asses and killed, threatened, and exiled every based Catholic that remained faithful to Rome.
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T)
01/06/16(Wed)16:07:32 No.60237107
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T) 01/06/16(Wed)21:07:32 No.60237107
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIxkrFgb0CI [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: 0Rgt3Cvt)
01/06/16(Wed)16:09:07 No.60237227
Anonymous (ID: 0Rgt3Cvt) 01/06/16(Wed)21:09:07 No.60237227
lol you retard stop lying, the brits were excuting protetants for centuries
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T)
01/06/16(Wed)16:09:09 No.60237231
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T) 01/06/16(Wed)21:09:09 No.60237231
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And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
- Matthew 23:9
Anonymous (ID: 3J/LvTX6)
01/06/16(Wed)16:09:17 No.60237240
Anonymous (ID: 3J/LvTX6) 01/06/16(Wed)21:09:17 No.60237240
You do realise that the Kings were actually catholic and it was the Protestant parliament which did that right?
Anonymous (ID: 0Rgt3Cvt)
01/06/16(Wed)16:11:29 No.60237425
Anonymous (ID: 0Rgt3Cvt) 01/06/16(Wed)21:11:29 No.60237425
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Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T)
01/06/16(Wed)16:14:56 No.60237679
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T) 01/06/16(Wed)21:14:56 No.60237679
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Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:17:11 No.60237875
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:17:11 No.60237875
>>60233124 (OP)
Catholic here
Here's a leftist piece of shit, completely disregarding all traditional values for muh feels. He blessed a male strippers parrot for fucksake.
Anonymous (ID: P4TzTpLd)
01/06/16(Wed)16:17:52 No.60237935
Anonymous (ID: P4TzTpLd) 01/06/16(Wed)21:17:52 No.60237935
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Daily reminder
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:18:49 No.60238017
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:18:49 No.60238017
>filling our emergency contact form
>Name of Father: God
>can't call my dad my father cause that's again jeebus
>get hit by car
>paramedic looks at the sky and does a rain dance
>suddenly healed
Anonymous (ID: /ndhErVF)
01/06/16(Wed)16:19:18 No.60238054
Anonymous (ID: /ndhErVF) 01/06/16(Wed)21:19:18 No.60238054
catholic here. agreed
Anonymous (ID: YZ2nVggW)
01/06/16(Wed)16:19:29 No.60238070
Anonymous (ID: YZ2nVggW) 01/06/16(Wed)21:19:29 No.60238070
>>60233124 (OP)
he's an sjw. a Jewish shill. it's over. return to Odin.
Anonymous (ID: b4sGQTrQ)
01/06/16(Wed)16:20:55 No.60238188
Anonymous (ID: b4sGQTrQ) 01/06/16(Wed)21:20:55 No.60238188
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Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T)
01/06/16(Wed)16:21:35 No.60238245
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T) 01/06/16(Wed)21:21:35 No.60238245
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Anonymous (ID: ptLp564q)
01/06/16(Wed)16:22:02 No.60238272
Anonymous (ID: ptLp564q) 01/06/16(Wed)21:22:02 No.60238272
>>60233124 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: U8WUMJK1)
01/06/16(Wed)16:22:45 No.60238326
Anonymous (ID: U8WUMJK1) 01/06/16(Wed)21:22:45 No.60238326
Watch what you say, Muhammad. Internet sharia might call that heresy and behead your daughter.
Anonymous (ID: 0Rgt3Cvt)
01/06/16(Wed)16:24:48 No.60238498
Anonymous (ID: 0Rgt3Cvt) 01/06/16(Wed)21:24:48 No.60238498
That's rich coming from the guy who proclaims to worship the same god as the muslims.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:25:33 No.60238554
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:25:33 No.60238554
Catholicism is dead here, most Catholics are lefties while Protestants keep their areas white with fury and violence. As much as I yearn for a united Ireland, I might convert and live among the pseudo brits here.
Anonymous (ID: xy1t+5/n)
01/06/16(Wed)16:26:14 No.60238594
Anonymous (ID: xy1t+5/n) 01/06/16(Wed)21:26:14 No.60238594
>>60233124 (OP)
Francis is a Muslim
Anonymous (ID: foXns3QR)
01/06/16(Wed)16:27:01 No.60238659
Anonymous (ID: foXns3QR) 01/06/16(Wed)21:27:01 No.60238659
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>holy father

In Orthodoxy, there were many popes and chief Pope in Constantinople
Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp)
01/06/16(Wed)16:27:14 No.60238685
Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp) 01/06/16(Wed)21:27:14 No.60238685
>>60233124 (OP)
He's evil.
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)16:27:16 No.60238688
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)21:27:16 No.60238688
At least he hasn't actually changed any doctrine. He's a feel-good Pope to bring some people back into the fold. He definitely isn't going to do stupid shit like make women priests, allow gay marriage, etc. We'll get a decent Pope again soon. Francis even said that he doesn't want a long Papacy for himself earlier in 2015 and says he might retire like Benedict did.
Anonymous (ID: P4TzTpLd)
01/06/16(Wed)16:29:02 No.60238830
Anonymous (ID: P4TzTpLd) 01/06/16(Wed)21:29:02 No.60238830
Is Early Christianity Protestant clay?

The answer is very simple
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)16:29:17 No.60238847
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)21:29:17 No.60238847
Aw man, NI? Please no, we can fight this man. I keep telling myself its right around the corner, tiocfaidh ár lá!
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:29:30 No.60238869
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:29:30 No.60238869
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Pope Urban III when?
Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp)
01/06/16(Wed)16:29:36 No.60238873
Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp) 01/06/16(Wed)21:29:36 No.60238873
Thou fool.
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T)
01/06/16(Wed)16:29:54 No.60238901
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T) 01/06/16(Wed)21:29:54 No.60238901
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Anonymous (ID: U22ls/o9)
01/06/16(Wed)16:30:17 No.60238924
Anonymous (ID: U22ls/o9) 01/06/16(Wed)21:30:17 No.60238924
>>60233124 (OP)

because he's not white
Anonymous (ID: zUZGRsPx)
01/06/16(Wed)16:30:55 No.60238970
Anonymous (ID: zUZGRsPx) 01/06/16(Wed)21:30:55 No.60238970
>>60233124 (OP)
Because they know nothing but destruction and Heathenry. 1648 worst day of my life.
Anonymous (ID: baR+mUor)
01/06/16(Wed)16:31:23 No.60239008
Anonymous (ID: baR+mUor) 01/06/16(Wed)21:31:23 No.60239008
>>60233124 (OP)
Are you kidding me? Redditor protestants love that marxist cuck.
Anonymous (ID: o9gjqB/K)
01/06/16(Wed)16:31:37 No.60239034
Anonymous (ID: o9gjqB/K) 01/06/16(Wed)21:31:37 No.60239034
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protestants = Anglos = anti-whites


The end-goal of the Anglo agenda is that all races mix themselves into one brown race, that is governed by beady-eyed Anglo BLOOD and intelligent enough to work and consume but dumb enough to never resist to the ANGLO.
Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp)
01/06/16(Wed)16:31:44 No.60239039
Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp) 01/06/16(Wed)21:31:44 No.60239039
Says the pagan.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:31:49 No.60239052
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:31:49 No.60239052
I'll still push for a United Ireland and retain my irish passport and culture etc, just live among the Protestants under disguise. United Ireland isn't a good idea right now, economically and politically. Our day will come brother, but it is not this day. I still redpill my Fenian bros as much as I can though, even got a girl to oppose immigration, where she was previously leftie.
Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp)
01/06/16(Wed)16:33:20 No.60239178
Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp) 01/06/16(Wed)21:33:20 No.60239178
>>60233124 (OP)
Are all popes holy?
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T)
01/06/16(Wed)16:33:24 No.60239188
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T) 01/06/16(Wed)21:33:24 No.60239188
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Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp)
01/06/16(Wed)16:34:11 No.60239251
Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp) 01/06/16(Wed)21:34:11 No.60239251
Not fooling anyone paddy
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T)
01/06/16(Wed)16:35:53 No.60239388
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T) 01/06/16(Wed)21:35:53 No.60239388
stupid burger
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)16:36:29 No.60239433
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)21:36:29 No.60239433
Well that's good to hear. I've got a lot of Protestant friends and they're good mates here in the states but they're pretty ignorant of the NI vs UI issue. I know in the present its not a good idea and pretty much impossible but I'm still holding out that in the next couple decades it could be a real possibility. Glad you're redpilling Fenians, I'm so shocked as to how people want to drown out our own people in our native land. People are leaving because they can't get decent jobs but we should be bringing in immigrants to take the jobs we actually have?
Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp)
01/06/16(Wed)16:36:35 No.60239441
Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp) 01/06/16(Wed)21:36:35 No.60239441
Hello pot
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T)
01/06/16(Wed)16:37:28 No.60239512
Anonymous (ID: wPlFv45T) 01/06/16(Wed)21:37:28 No.60239512
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Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp)
01/06/16(Wed)16:38:00 No.60239547
Anonymous (ID: DfFmaanp) 01/06/16(Wed)21:38:00 No.60239547
You left...
Anonymous (ID: 5TweaoO7)
01/06/16(Wed)16:38:50 No.60239613
Anonymous (ID: 5TweaoO7) 01/06/16(Wed)21:38:50 No.60239613
Deistfag here, I don't really care about the Biblical arguments for or against the papacy, but the guys who go on about the papal seat being unoccupied, isn't it just like the whole "No True Scotsman" thing? The Pope is chosen by God to lead Christendom, but if he fucks up then he was never the *true* pope to begin with?

I just don't like him because I think it's a bad idea to have a cosmopolitan leader of a worldwide movement that a lot of citizens are loyal to. My mother was Catholic and I went to a Catholic school growing up. I got sick of it as a teenager when our priest asked us to pray for illegal Mexicans because they were other Catholics like us. It's like the Islamic Ummah. Maybe Catholicism would be alright in an all-white country with no risk of immigration but I feel like once the line in the sand is drawn a true Catholic would stand with his co-religionists like white converts to Islam do. I guess cultural Catholics can be okay.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:38:56 No.60239617
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:38:56 No.60239617
If it whites leaving, send them south of Ireland to vote right wing after seeing what liberalism does do countries. The South isn't cucked, but their taking their first steps, they have it too easy, hence why the north is more racist. Northerners are used to having the people who live 5 doors down, we have no problem hating Muhammad
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:39:28 No.60239654
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:39:28 No.60239654
Fooling about what?
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)16:39:50 No.60239677
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)21:39:50 No.60239677
I'm studying abroad for a semester.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:40:04 No.60239689
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:40:04 No.60239689
Hating the people* fuckin autocorrect
Anonymous (ID: XUfz3Llb)
01/06/16(Wed)16:42:12 No.60239849
Anonymous (ID: XUfz3Llb) 01/06/16(Wed)21:42:12 No.60239849
Anything other than Judaism is bullshit desu senpai
Anonymous (ID: e0f8/OJr)
01/06/16(Wed)16:43:14 No.60239949
Anonymous (ID: e0f8/OJr) 01/06/16(Wed)21:43:14 No.60239949
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Anonymous (ID: Z4BHybhw)
01/06/16(Wed)16:43:59 No.60240004
Anonymous (ID: Z4BHybhw) 01/06/16(Wed)21:43:59 No.60240004
>>60233124 (OP)
the new ope is a fucking joke

this cuck would never call for crusade even if sand nigger would attacke rome
Anonymous (ID: 5TweaoO7)
01/06/16(Wed)16:45:08 No.60240103
Anonymous (ID: 5TweaoO7) 01/06/16(Wed)21:45:08 No.60240103
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Ooh-ah fuck the Ra, and all their socialist horseshit.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_NXdj3MaFk&list=PLNaS8LeV1vqfzmoeLJmLZWKLXOdsXmz9_ [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: Z4BHybhw)
01/06/16(Wed)16:46:03 No.60240173
Anonymous (ID: Z4BHybhw) 01/06/16(Wed)21:46:03 No.60240173
nice try Achmad

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNAS0aaViM4 [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: /A3THOVJ)
01/06/16(Wed)16:46:46 No.60240240
Anonymous (ID: /A3THOVJ) 01/06/16(Wed)21:46:46 No.60240240
>>60233124 (OP)

Well there really isn't any reason to being protestant anymore. Preaty much all of Luthers theses are accepted in Catholicism, so they could just disband and join the flock
Anonymous (ID: P4TzTpLd)
01/06/16(Wed)16:46:50 No.60240245
Anonymous (ID: P4TzTpLd) 01/06/16(Wed)21:46:50 No.60240245
Too bad your beliefs are false though.

You don't get sola fide and sola scriptura in Early Christianity
Anonymous (ID: Z4BHybhw)
01/06/16(Wed)16:46:51 No.60240247
Anonymous (ID: Z4BHybhw) 01/06/16(Wed)21:46:51 No.60240247
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:47:22 No.60240300
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:47:22 No.60240300
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You people have the absolute worst people, the only thing I like about Protestants/Unionists is that they tend to be right wing, other than that, you are awful as a people, close to niggers. Pic related
Anonymous (ID: AB37KUqp)
01/06/16(Wed)16:47:43 No.60240320
Anonymous (ID: AB37KUqp) 01/06/16(Wed)21:47:43 No.60240320
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)16:47:47 No.60240322
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)21:47:47 No.60240322
>Calls for Just War against ISIS
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:47:59 No.60240339
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:47:59 No.60240339
Oops though you had a brit flag, sorry Ameribro
Anonymous (ID: u2+zvOHw)
01/06/16(Wed)16:48:20 No.60240373
Anonymous (ID: u2+zvOHw) 01/06/16(Wed)21:48:20 No.60240373
Because popes were grave robbers who killed their own mothers and sold sacraments.
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)16:48:36 No.60240395
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)21:48:36 No.60240395
Seriously, there are some decent right-wing Protestants but also way too many fuckin chavs.
Anonymous (ID: Z4BHybhw)
01/06/16(Wed)16:49:57 No.60240508
Anonymous (ID: Z4BHybhw) 01/06/16(Wed)21:49:57 No.60240508
islam is an enemy of Christianity (especially totday). If you dont get that then you should never be pope
Anonymous (ID: 5TweaoO7)
01/06/16(Wed)16:50:22 No.60240548
Anonymous (ID: 5TweaoO7) 01/06/16(Wed)21:50:22 No.60240548
All good, no I'm the Deistfag Americlap from earlier. I'm more concerned with race than religion at this point. Like I said, cultural Catholics are fine.
Anonymous (ID: 7MiOAZYD)
01/06/16(Wed)16:50:25 No.60240555
Anonymous (ID: 7MiOAZYD) 01/06/16(Wed)21:50:25 No.60240555
LUTHER and Calvin NOT Loyola and Leo X ok. Praise aryan djeebus.
Anonymous (ID: AB37KUqp)
01/06/16(Wed)16:50:32 No.60240561
Anonymous (ID: AB37KUqp) 01/06/16(Wed)21:50:32 No.60240561
They are right wing in the sense that they just h8 niggers and taigz. They have no culture to preserve and they have no national image/
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:50:35 No.60240566
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:50:35 No.60240566
Agreed, there are chavvy Catholics too but not as bad as Prods. Would live in their areas when the Muslims pour in, but wouldn't be friends with many
Anonymous (ID: 2DIEefMP)
01/06/16(Wed)16:51:36 No.60240636
Anonymous (ID: 2DIEefMP) 01/06/16(Wed)21:51:36 No.60240636
>>60233124 (OP)

Do die now. Thank you Cucktholic.
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)16:51:52 No.60240651
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)21:51:52 No.60240651
When people realize how many muslims support ISIS and Islamic radicalism then they will support war against Islam, not before then. If the Pope said we had to go to war against Islam he might as well tell EU to take over all Catholic Churches and ban Catholics for hate speech.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:52:08 No.60240673
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:52:08 No.60240673
Agreed, couldn't care about religion desu, just culture and race, United Ireland can wait for now.
Unless you count burning lots of wood and marching for no fuckin reason and chimping out like niggers as culture
Anonymous (ID: 5TweaoO7)
01/06/16(Wed)16:53:28 No.60240771
Anonymous (ID: 5TweaoO7) 01/06/16(Wed)21:53:28 No.60240771
Off-topic a bit, I am curious though about why Ulster-Scots are pro-Britain rather than pro-independent Protestant Ulster. Weren't Presbyterians pretty heavily discriminated against for a long time, and the Presbyterians were happy to shit on the Irish the same way our American poor whites were happy that they could at least shit on the niggers?
Anonymous (ID: q25bKOq3)
01/06/16(Wed)16:53:56 No.60240814
Anonymous (ID: q25bKOq3) 01/06/16(Wed)21:53:56 No.60240814
File: WilliamOf Orange.jpg (1005 KB, 1484x1885)
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July 12...the Glorious Twelth.
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)16:54:26 No.60240844
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)21:54:26 No.60240844
Pretty much to be honest, they try and hold on to the idea of being British in Ireland but most people in Britain are now primarily identifying with their actual nationality like English/Scottish/Welsh. I think they should have to make a choice as to whether they're Irish, Scottish, English, whatever and stick with it. No more special treatment for a faux identity of Northern Irish.
Anonymous (ID: Yus8ULFF)
01/06/16(Wed)16:54:32 No.60240850
Anonymous (ID: Yus8ULFF) 01/06/16(Wed)21:54:32 No.60240850
You're in the UK and hate protestants what?
Also god isn't real.
Anonymous (ID: Z4BHybhw)
01/06/16(Wed)16:56:07 No.60240981
Anonymous (ID: Z4BHybhw) 01/06/16(Wed)21:56:07 No.60240981
of course it will become worse before the pope would start the crusade. not sure if pussyfied Western catholics would go to war (people from South America, Eastern Europe and North America would defently do)
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:56:17 No.60240989
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:56:17 No.60240989
The Ulster-Scots here descended from the rich. They are also (despite all their bluster) not a unique culture or people, they are simply Protestant Unionist like the other 50% of the population. They have a shitty made up language which is basically English with an accent
>Ground Floor: Grun Flar
>first floor: Firt Flar
>I know where you live: I ken how you bid
They just wanna be special snowflakes, no one takes them seriously
Anonymous (ID: 9n6SFBlq)
01/06/16(Wed)16:57:43 No.60241107
Anonymous (ID: 9n6SFBlq) 01/06/16(Wed)21:57:43 No.60241107

*Donates thousands of tax free dollars to televangelist who promises to cure my diabetes*
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)16:59:15 No.60241220
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)21:59:15 No.60241220
>Celebrating Dutch victory over a true Englishman
kek, enjoy your German overlords GB
Anonymous (ID: n5fiK09N)
01/06/16(Wed)16:59:36 No.60241247
Anonymous (ID: n5fiK09N) 01/06/16(Wed)21:59:36 No.60241247
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)16:59:43 No.60241258
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)21:59:43 No.60241258
The whole thing is they can't choose English or Scottish because of they identify as such, you can just say, well what are you doing in Ireland go back to England/Scotland? We do that with British too (go back to Britain) but they just pull out the muh UK is Britain, muh British Isles, their views are fundamentally flawed like that. Now their pushing the Northern Irish meme acting like it's a real nationality so people can't tell them to fuck off back to their beloved Britain. "Northern Irish" triggers me so fuckin bad
Anonymous (ID: 5TweaoO7)
01/06/16(Wed)17:00:22 No.60241312
Anonymous (ID: 5TweaoO7) 01/06/16(Wed)22:00:22 No.60241312
What caused the cultural change? Like how did they go from being the upper class of the territory to chavvy white-trash types? Was it home rule and that's why they're so pissed?
Anonymous (ID: Xc935JQw)
01/06/16(Wed)17:00:38 No.60241334
Anonymous (ID: Xc935JQw) 01/06/16(Wed)22:00:38 No.60241334

But you see. Rome is special.

"Cause we want more power and fuck the other Patriarchs and Popes!"
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)17:01:55 No.60241447
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)22:01:55 No.60241447
Haha truth in that for sure. I don't see why everyone is so set on making all of Europe a "multicultural society"
>muh mixing pot
I mean there have been countless studies that say homogeneous societies simply function better in terms of economics, crime, happiness.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:03:29 No.60241568
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:03:29 No.60241568
It was Catholic civil rights basically, not all the Scottish colonists were rich mind you tbf. And ofcourse after they couldn't rent out 2 bedroom flats to a family of 8 Catholics and charge whatever the fuck they liked and be the only ones who could vote, they began to level out. Since Catholics then got equal opportunities we became equal, not like niggers who don't work and contribute. Then they just fell in with the average Protestant Unionist
Anonymous (ID: AB37KUqp)
01/06/16(Wed)17:04:27 No.60241639
Anonymous (ID: AB37KUqp) 01/06/16(Wed)22:04:27 No.60241639
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They were BTFO from the start if you ask me


I've always noticed that they have no real nationality other than ''Northern Irish''
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:04:53 No.60241671
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:04:53 No.60241671
Because lefties have the worldviews of children.
>Santa is real
>Blacks and white are equal
>Race is a social construct
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:06:16 No.60241800
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:06:16 No.60241800
I lose respect for someone who identifies as the Norn Irish maymay desu senpai. Spineless cucks can't pick a side incase someone gets offended
Blow it out your ass
Anonymous (ID: N3uDaIHm)
01/06/16(Wed)17:07:15 No.60241879
Anonymous (ID: N3uDaIHm) 01/06/16(Wed)22:07:15 No.60241879
>>60233124 (OP)
Actually we're too busy working hard, inventing things, and translating the bible to even notice.
Anonymous (ID: q9xBLLc+)
01/06/16(Wed)17:07:21 No.60241887
Anonymous (ID: q9xBLLc+) 01/06/16(Wed)22:07:21 No.60241887
>>60233124 (OP)
Because he's a Vatican II satanist.
Anonymous (ID: YEusPbxc)
01/06/16(Wed)17:07:35 No.60241904
Anonymous (ID: YEusPbxc) 01/06/16(Wed)22:07:35 No.60241904
>>60233124 (OP)
Who made him holy?
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)17:08:32 No.60241984
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)22:08:32 No.60241984
>I'm not political
>I don't care much about it
>Its all about religion anyways
Its like just answer the question already mate
Anonymous (ID: 5TweaoO7)
01/06/16(Wed)17:08:55 No.60242016
Anonymous (ID: 5TweaoO7) 01/06/16(Wed)22:08:55 No.60242016
Yeah, I figure a good example of colonialism being no excuse for "dindu nuffin" is Ireland. It seems Britain behaved there the same way it did in India and Africa, but Ireland is the only one actually productive and has no designated shitting streets.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:11:18 No.60242214
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:11:18 No.60242214
Based American
What's your ancestory you beautiful bastard
97% white
>hmm I wonder why were not a 3rd world
Lefties still can't see the wood for the trees
Anonymous (ID: 80cQPy4S)
01/06/16(Wed)17:12:11 No.60242295
Anonymous (ID: 80cQPy4S) 01/06/16(Wed)22:12:11 No.60242295
>>60233124 (OP)
Protestants nowadays don't even care about the Catholic Church desu those beefs are ancient.
Anonymous (ID: q9xBLLc+)
01/06/16(Wed)17:12:56 No.60242366
Anonymous (ID: q9xBLLc+) 01/06/16(Wed)22:12:56 No.60242366
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Anonymous (ID: AB37KUqp)
01/06/16(Wed)17:14:46 No.60242533
Anonymous (ID: AB37KUqp) 01/06/16(Wed)22:14:46 No.60242533
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Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:17:47 No.60242788
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:17:47 No.60242788
>The fuckin autism
Makes right wingers look retarded, I'd rather they just shut up and sit down
Anonymous (ID: AB37KUqp)
01/06/16(Wed)17:20:21 No.60242996
Anonymous (ID: AB37KUqp) 01/06/16(Wed)22:20:21 No.60242996
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I saw a better image of a bunch of guys outside an Islamic centre in Dublin with a celtic cross flag captioned ''Ireland for the Irish'' but some anon posted it a few days ago and i never thought of saving it.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:24:01 No.60243269
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:24:01 No.60243269
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Did they into autism?
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)17:30:32 No.60243852
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)22:30:32 No.60243852
I'm from Ireland, studying abroad. Got a half Spanish half Swedish gf here though, Not sure if meant to spread Irish to those in need or save seed for Irish women.
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)17:31:45 No.60243962
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)22:31:45 No.60243962
The future of protestant churches in Europe... to be mosques.
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)17:32:45 No.60244052
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)22:32:45 No.60244052
Ha, love that picture. Got anymore?
Anonymous (ID: lrBaKOKG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:34:55 No.60244234
Anonymous (ID: lrBaKOKG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:34:55 No.60244234
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Do you pray the Rosary at least once a week, /pol/ ?
Anonymous (ID: aBEhH/9D)
01/06/16(Wed)17:37:38 No.60244453
Anonymous (ID: aBEhH/9D) 01/06/16(Wed)22:37:38 No.60244453
>>60233124 (OP)
>Holy Father
>The Pope
Pick one.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:38:17 No.60244506
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:38:17 No.60244506
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Nahh m8 sorry
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:39:20 No.60244592
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:39:20 No.60244592
Depends where you're studying.
On one hand Sweden could use some Celtic stock to combat the shitskins
On the other hand, Ireland needs it too
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:40:14 No.60244669
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:40:14 No.60244669
Only saw the flag ffs. Nahh bring the white back here m8, have 8 little Catholic babies and make us proud
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)17:40:41 No.60244705
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)22:40:41 No.60244705
Studying microbiology for a MS degree. She's only ethnically Swedish and Spanish, American born.
Anonymous (ID: durXeBHM)
01/06/16(Wed)17:42:46 No.60244898
Anonymous (ID: durXeBHM) 01/06/16(Wed)22:42:46 No.60244898
it should be once a day
Anonymous (ID: waNVV2R7)
01/06/16(Wed)17:43:06 No.60244927
Anonymous (ID: waNVV2R7) 01/06/16(Wed)22:43:06 No.60244927
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Completely opposite sides here.

But glad you see sense at least, there is a greater threat thats facing Europe, including the UK right now.

We don't need more of that shit.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:45:35 No.60245153
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:45:35 No.60245153
Bring her over her tf. Could use a little genetic diversity so long as it's white. Plus you guys are getting cucked and we need your kids to vote right wing or fight the race war
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)17:46:55 No.60245263
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)22:46:55 No.60245263
That was the initial goal. My brother met another American girl a few years ago and has a kid and another on the way. He says that he's raising them as Irish and Catholic because his wife is ambivalent about both her background and religion.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:47:14 No.60245285
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:47:14 No.60245285
As long as you help keep out the Muslims you could be Ian Paisley Jr for all I care. We'll fight each other when we can afford to take the hits
Cookski (ID: xklbzilv)
01/06/16(Wed)17:47:40 No.60245325
Cookski (ID: xklbzilv) 01/06/16(Wed)22:47:40 No.60245325
>>60233124 (OP)
Becuase he does things Jesus would do.
He isn't a psdueo Christian like 90% of Christfags out there.
He is humble.
I am Pagan, I like the guy. He is a legit Christian.
He is tolerant kind respectful and truely loyal and faithful to his Faith. He tells the Church what the fuck to do, not the other way around.
Anonymous (ID: waNVV2R7)
01/06/16(Wed)17:48:13 No.60245370
Anonymous (ID: waNVV2R7) 01/06/16(Wed)22:48:13 No.60245370
Aye, that sounds reasonable.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:48:21 No.60245375
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:48:21 No.60245375
Is your bros gf a Protestant? It's not too big a deal in USA I'm sure they can work it out. And plenty of Americans can be Irish aswell.
Anonymous (ID: c/taKawk)
01/06/16(Wed)17:50:03 No.60245512
Anonymous (ID: c/taKawk) 01/06/16(Wed)22:50:03 No.60245512
Protestants won't ever unite with Catholics they're like the one Christian confession that realized times changed and that religion is not something statistical but rather an alive organism that must adapt.
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)17:50:40 No.60245563
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)22:50:40 No.60245563
I think her family was but they stopped attending services long before they met. She comes with my family now when we go together.
Anonymous (ID: c/taKawk)
01/06/16(Wed)17:52:18 No.60245708
Anonymous (ID: c/taKawk) 01/06/16(Wed)22:52:18 No.60245708
Fat guy yelling... sorry can't listen - too American.
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)17:52:50 No.60245760
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)22:52:50 No.60245760
Yeah I mean honestly the number one priority now is to prevent increased non-European immigration. Only after that's settled will I actually care about European immigration to Ireland. And I don't care too much about Protestant Irish vs Catholic Irish. If Paisley declared he was a Republican I could've forgot about all the other rubbish.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:54:35 No.60245888
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:54:35 No.60245888
Based gf, well done anon. Is she redpilled
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:57:39 No.60246158
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:57:39 No.60246158
I don't necessarily care about other Europeans coming here, as long as it's not big numbers that challenge the natives, they're not cucked and they're white. When people over here say "Oh we can't be anti-immigration because we've emigrated all over the world" they're right, but we went to other white, Christian countries and never demanded that you praise Pope Whoever or we'll bomb you.
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)17:57:43 No.60246161
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)22:57:43 No.60246161
Her dad is an ardent Trump supporter, she literally asked me who to vote for in 2012. I wonder how many other Americans have non-citizens voting for them.
Anonymous (ID: Cf/ghgBT)
01/06/16(Wed)17:57:48 No.60246166
Anonymous (ID: Cf/ghgBT) 01/06/16(Wed)22:57:48 No.60246166
>>60233124 (OP)
because catholics are heretic dogs
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)17:59:11 No.60246309
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)22:59:11 No.60246309
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)17:59:59 No.60246375
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)22:59:59 No.60246375
Kek. Who'd you pick
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)18:01:05 No.60246470
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)23:01:05 No.60246470
Yeah, I agree in general. I just don''t want a half million Poles coming to work for shit wages. Other than that I'm fine with it. As long as, like you said, they don't drown out the natives.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)18:01:06 No.60246475
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)23:01:06 No.60246475
How do you start a rave in Ethiopia?
Nail a bit of bread to the ceiling
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)18:02:00 No.60246558
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)23:02:00 No.60246558
I told her to go with Mormon boy. Still better than a Kenyan.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)18:02:10 No.60246567
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)23:02:10 No.60246567
Exactly, nothing wrong with a little immigration, as long as it's tightly controlled
Anonymous (ID: Cf/ghgBT)
01/06/16(Wed)18:03:06 No.60246636
Anonymous (ID: Cf/ghgBT) 01/06/16(Wed)23:03:06 No.60246636
ethiopia is mostly white and christian.
Anonymous (ID: Cf/ghgBT)
01/06/16(Wed)18:03:22 No.60246649
Anonymous (ID: Cf/ghgBT) 01/06/16(Wed)23:03:22 No.60246649
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)18:03:54 No.60246701
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)23:03:54 No.60246701
Mormons seem bro-tier desu, atleast by /pol/ standards
>anti degenerate
>encourages having massive, white families
>good work ethic
>men head the household
Anonymous (ID: vcm0wVQ8)
01/06/16(Wed)18:03:56 No.60246705
Anonymous (ID: vcm0wVQ8) 01/06/16(Wed)23:03:56 No.60246705
Nice try Shlomo
Anonymous (ID: Cf/ghgBT)
01/06/16(Wed)18:04:09 No.60246726
Anonymous (ID: Cf/ghgBT) 01/06/16(Wed)23:04:09 No.60246726
Anonymous (ID: KLtSQnhL)
01/06/16(Wed)18:04:37 No.60246763
Anonymous (ID: KLtSQnhL) 01/06/16(Wed)23:04:37 No.60246763
First post, best post.

I don't hate him, I just don't respect his opinions as anything more than a man.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)18:05:02 No.60246802
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)23:05:02 No.60246802
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Anonymous (ID: KLtSQnhL)
01/06/16(Wed)18:05:22 No.60246821
Anonymous (ID: KLtSQnhL) 01/06/16(Wed)23:05:22 No.60246821
Go fuck a goat hassan.
Anonymous (ID: Cf/ghgBT)
01/06/16(Wed)18:05:35 No.60246837
Anonymous (ID: Cf/ghgBT) 01/06/16(Wed)23:05:35 No.60246837
gotta agree with this ethibro
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)18:06:15 No.60246891
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)23:06:15 No.60246891
That was my basic reasoning. She's studying to be a nurse too so she was fairly concerned about, and still is, the Affordable Care Act.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)18:06:28 No.60246912
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)23:06:28 No.60246912
File: retarded.jpg (37 KB, 640x480)
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Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)18:07:06 No.60246971
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)23:07:06 No.60246971
My sides Ethiopia, please stop!
Anonymous (ID: Y/3yUu5d)
01/06/16(Wed)18:07:18 No.60246981
Anonymous (ID: Y/3yUu5d) 01/06/16(Wed)23:07:18 No.60246981
>>60233124 (OP)
>literally believing a man in a pointy hat can take the place of Jesus while he's not here

Why are Catholics are most brainwashed fuck on the entire planet? Literally worship graven images and eat and drink bread and wine before a magic spell turns said bread and wine into the actual no kidding flesh and blood of Jesus.
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)18:07:24 No.60246984
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)23:07:24 No.60246984
Not really familiar with it familia
Anonymous (ID: edShYic1)
01/06/16(Wed)18:07:31 No.60246991
Anonymous (ID: edShYic1) 01/06/16(Wed)23:07:31 No.60246991
>>60233124 (OP)
paddy pls go
Anonymous (ID: ax9ovgdq)
01/06/16(Wed)18:08:18 No.60247057
Anonymous (ID: ax9ovgdq) 01/06/16(Wed)23:08:18 No.60247057
Matthew 6:7King James Version (KJV)

7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)18:08:36 No.60247076
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)23:08:36 No.60247076
Its the Obamacare that they're constantly talking about. Government mandated insurance essentially.
Anonymous (ID: k36j/Q0S)
01/06/16(Wed)18:08:54 No.60247099
Anonymous (ID: k36j/Q0S) 01/06/16(Wed)23:08:54 No.60247099
>literally removing books
Anonymous (ID: Cf/ghgBT)
01/06/16(Wed)18:09:40 No.60247160
Anonymous (ID: Cf/ghgBT) 01/06/16(Wed)23:09:40 No.60247160
>cathocucks being pagans
are you surprised?
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)18:09:50 No.60247172
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)23:09:50 No.60247172
And the Lord's Prayer is what exactly in comparison?
Anonymous (ID: ax9ovgdq)
01/06/16(Wed)18:10:51 No.60247249
Anonymous (ID: ax9ovgdq) 01/06/16(Wed)23:10:51 No.60247249
>literally making up heretical doctrine
Not a Britbong but a Potatonig(...) (ID: sA2G1zAG)
01/06/16(Wed)18:11:04 No.60247264
Not a Britbong but a Potatonigger (ID: sA2G1zAG) 01/06/16(Wed)23:11:04 No.60247264
That sounds like a retarded idea and I don't even know the legislation. They'll end up with a lack of nurses and doctors and have to import more middle East filth to fill the hospitals like us
Anonymous (ID: k36j/Q0S)
01/06/16(Wed)18:12:26 No.60247355
Anonymous (ID: k36j/Q0S) 01/06/16(Wed)23:12:26 No.60247355
>said the Protestant so far up his own ass that he wants to worship his own faggot doctrine.
Italy invasion when?
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger)
01/06/16(Wed)18:15:14 No.60247588
Anonymous (ID: QGxYsger) 01/06/16(Wed)23:15:14 No.60247588
I mean I only know from conversations and the news I see I haven't researched in depth but it sounds like a shit idea. Their nurses come from the Philippines though according to gf, modest step up.
Anonymous (ID: vcm0wVQ8)
01/06/16(Wed)18:15:46 No.60247626
Anonymous (ID: vcm0wVQ8) 01/06/16(Wed)23:15:46 No.60247626
Nah. If anything, he's a Jew.
Anonymous (ID: e9jhwBQF)
01/06/16(Wed)18:16:10 No.60247659
Anonymous (ID: e9jhwBQF) 01/06/16(Wed)23:16:10 No.60247659
>>60233124 (OP)
Because the catholic church (and cuckthianity overall) sucks ass and the pope faggot is a cuck
Anonymous (ID: kAe3dULV)
01/06/16(Wed)18:28:20 No.60248633
Anonymous (ID: kAe3dULV) 01/06/16(Wed)23:28:20 No.60248633
Except he's not "the one true", he's a true, just like Peter.

Nice try Arias.

So do you call your Dad Father?


Fuck off Slav

Right, and the earth is also 6000 years old.

Nice try Jew, Jesus is here to stay.

"From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands." -Acts 17:26

The Pope's seat will never be unoccupied. As the third secret of Fatima states, the Catholic church will be hijacked and the last Pope will be led by the devil, but Christ shall remove that Pope and lead his church into glory.

They're pretty childish though due to their church outlawing all adult activities.

>man can't take the place of the divine
Alright Ahmed.
>worship graven images
Images help us focus on who we're worshiping
>magic spell

Our prayers don't need to be the exact words like the heathens do. Christ was saying prayer is from your heart, not a script.

Anyway CIDF out.
Anonymous (ID: Y/3yUu5d)
01/06/16(Wed)18:30:52 No.60248836
Anonymous (ID: Y/3yUu5d) 01/06/16(Wed)23:30:52 No.60248836
>Alright Ahmed.

What a bunch of absolute chicken shit responses.

>Images help us focus on who we're worshiping
>hurrr it's okay to commit an act of blasphemy because I'm too retarded to pray to something without looking at a physical representation of a spiritual being

Dude. What the fuck?

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