I can't see stuff like that in german news, the police is clearly saying that they suspect a group of arabic or north african imigrants, you can read this statement at the spiegel, the bild,the zeit and the FAZ, pretty much EVERY big german news outlet. The only thing ridiculus is people talking about "law-free" zones in front of cologne cathedral, its so hilarious because those people have clearly never been to cologne. Law-Free zone....
the cologne cathedral...bwahahaha...what a fukken ghetto right? Seriously stuff like that never happened before and the last place in the whole city of cologne you would think about as "not safe" is cologne cathedral, or cathedral station. Its like telling someone visiting russia not to see the kremlin because there is too much crime in front of the kremlin.
Yes its "monstrous" what happened.
NO german media is not quiet about the fact the suspects are from nothern africa or the middle east.
No cologne cathedral isn't a law-free zone, thats shittalk.
Yes the police needs to take care of those criminals.
NO we don't need more police and/or surveilance, seriously there are already at least 5 sixpacks(german VW/mercedes police transporter)standing in front of cologne cathedral station and cologne cathedral, there is another small police station inside cologne cathedral train station, there are at least 30 policemen locally 24/7 how much more do you need?
edit: about that "one arm-length distance" nonsense, I wonder how the main shoppingroad next to cologne cathedral will be handled...maybe just one person at a time? .....its a pretty narrow road...I wonder how this will work with about 25k tourists per hour,it's hilarious/sad seeing german politicans talking about such bullshit.
edit2: I have no idea about the crime rate in front of the kremlin