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[–]dragonballzgirl 1382 points1383 points1384 points  (62 children)
As an Indian woman who now lives in this region, I finally feel home. Police incompetence ✓ Sexual harassment ✓ Victim shaming ✓ News suppression ✓ Hollow political responses ✓
[–]NameSmurfHere 305 points306 points307 points  (20 children)
Difference being that, back home, the people condoning such crimes and blaming victims are never called progressive.
[–]the_bart_the_ 171 points172 points173 points  (1 child)
I shouldn't have laughed at something so sad.
[–]wizardofthefuture 593 points594 points595 points  (61 children)
This terrible attack caused flashbacks of Tahrir Square when Mubarak resigned, where women, including Western journalists, were groped and assaulted just for being in public. I hope political/cultural sex crimes being used against women isn't a new reality in Germany and that it's being taken seriously and not just as an aside to political correctness.
[–]HaberdasherA 494 points495 points496 points  (36 children)
I remember when that happened in Tahrir Square apologists tried to downplay it there too. With Lara Logan for example, they were saying she wasn't really raped and that some teens just touched her boobs and ran away and that everyone was exaggerating what happened.
You don't fucking spend days in the hospital for someone touching your boobs. What really happened was she was raped by a group of over a hundred men. They grabbed her, tore off all her clothes and raped her for half an hour before she was rescued.
Its sick that people try to pretend this shit doesn't happen.
[–]noreallyimthepope 406 points407 points408 points  (24 children)
This is the first time I've seen an indication that it was this bad, so I have looked it up; at the time it wasn't reported as her being raped, but sexually assaulted, but according to this interview she later gave to 60 minutes:
Logan: I had to fight for them. And that's when I said, "Okay, it's about staying alive now. I have to just surrender to the sexual assault. What more can they do now? They're inside you everywhere." So the only thing to fight for, left to fight for, was my life.
It was a fight she endured about 25 minutes.
(And about going straight to the hospital from the airport):
And I stayed there for four days, which was hard. My muscles were so unbelievably sore, because they were literally stretched from the mob trying to tear my limbs off my body.
I remember being appalled and disgusted by the initial reports, but I don't even have words for this.
[–]Balls_deep_in_it 124 points125 points126 points  (5 children)
Holy shit I had no idea it was that bad.
[–]noreallyimthepope 89 points90 points91 points  (0 children)
Again, at the time it was first reported, there were no details of how grim it actually was. It is heartbreaking to read, but I am glad she shared her story.
[–]Kiserai 11 points12 points13 points  (0 children)
Just FYI, rape is a sexual assault in most jurisdictions. The problem isn't that the crime was reported as sexual assault--because that is accurate--but rather that the severity of the assault was glossed over to the point that people could characterize it as something less severe.
[–]Rudimon 95 points96 points97 points  (10 children)
It is definitely a reality and no, it is not taken seriously. Government and media will cover it up like they have done since NYE and it will only get worse. You can't speak out against Islam in this country.
[–]wile_E_coyote_genius 41 points42 points43 points  (3 children)
The biggest difference for me, and what makes this waaaaay worse is that I expect shitty things to happen in shitty Egypt, not in fucking Germany!
[–]Chuck_Morris_SE 1434 points1435 points1436 points  (238 children)
Oh we're allowed to talk about this now Reddit, thanks!.
[–]sivy83 466 points467 points468 points  (21 children)
So it isnt just a local news anymore? Thanks admins
[–]SwitBiskit 194 points195 points196 points  (3 children)
Guess it isn't a "duplicate post" or "low effort" anymore either
[–]banfromallsubreddits 121 points122 points123 points  (1 child)
Guess this is an "appropriate subreddit" now it seems.
[–]JeSuisCharlieMartel 27 points28 points29 points  (0 children)
"low quality content" as they say on r/europe
[–]Kritzinger24 210 points211 points212 points  (15 children)
They are spinning the issue as "male gang" violence, not muslim culture problem, so it now fits the leftist narrative.
[–]SlowbeardiusOfBeard 35 points36 points37 points  (12 children)
We really need to restructure the political terminology regarding this - there are huge swathes of the left, such as myself, who find this event and its cover up appalling. I bitterly detest the appropriation of anti-discriminatory thought by delusionary SJWs.
Being bigoted is reprehensible. Stifling free discussion regarding clear and pressing problems in the name of political correctness is madness.
The left and right need to make this a non-partisan issue and defend Europe's ability to be compassionate while maintaining its safety and integrity.
[–]wile_E_coyote_genius 902 points903 points904 points  (158 children)
The second biggest story of the week should be how reddit tried to silence this conversation. Appalling.
[–]PabloScuba 210 points211 points212 points  (34 children)
Remember when Ahmed built his "clock", and anyone who suggested that the school/police were anything less than awful vile bigoted racists was downvoted into oblivion?
Then remember a few weeks later when Ahmed's family tried to sue the school for millions (or something like that) and suddenly everyone on Reddit thought that Ahmed was an attention-seeking little shit who had clearly been put up to the whole stunt by his dad (who, by the way, had a history of stuff like this)?
Gotta love Reddit.
[–]nickm56 46 points47 points48 points  (0 children)
I think that is because everyone who supported Ahmed disappeared and laid low after it was revealed to be a hoax. The people who thought it was bullshit the whole time came out of the woodwork and we're vocal about it.
[–]secretchimp 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
I never saw a story about the lawsuit or any of the post-Obama reaction here at all. I actually found about it from people making jokes about the fakery on TV of all places.
[–]Richard_Nixon__ 430 points431 points432 points  (88 children)
Leftists don't know how to react when reality doesn't match their culturally tolerant PC worldview.
[–]Amiron 99 points100 points101 points  (27 children)
I consider myself left leaning, and I completely detest many cultures. Different is not equal. If your culture abuses/rapes women and mine doesn't, my culture is objectively better than the other culture.
Refugees coming into any country need to understand that if parts of their culture don't match up with the laws of society, then those parts need to go or they can't be citizens.
[–]VelveteenAmbush 58 points59 points60 points  (13 children)
Me too. I refuse to let the regressive left claim a monopoly over liberalism. Liberalism means defending rationality, the secular state, women's rights, gay rights, the triumph of science over superstition, the pursuit of knowledge, and the betterment of humanity.
It does not mean subjugating women's rights and secular democracy to an insane stone age religion just because the religion's adherents tend to be of a different skin color.
Call me a Sam Harris Liberal, I guess.
[–]subdep 153 points154 points155 points  (3 children)
Cognitive dissonance
[–]SagaDiNoch 27 points28 points29 points  (0 children)
To be honest that is most people
[–]RozenKristal 93 points94 points95 points  (0 children)
my thought exactly.
[–]Cheesebaron 90 points91 points92 points  (18 children)
I hope the germans are finally "allowed" to talk about such issues. Due to Germany's history, it is difficult to adress these problems without beeing called a racist. The political parties have been ignoring the problems for to long and now it is burning under the peoples finger nails. Folks are angy at their ignorant goverment and rightfully so. Unfortunately their gov. has proven to also be blind to right-wing extremist groups. It is a very dangerous combination to ignoring the concerns of the avarage joe, have a blind eye for extremists, keep record numbers of imigrants coming and at the same time downplay the associated issues. Germany has to talk about this and people have to be allowed to speak their mind otherwise I fear the worst is imminent.
[–]Ununnilium272 82 points83 points84 points  (5 children)
Lets see how long your comment stays here.
[–]Wrong-Catchphrase 43 points44 points45 points  (1 child)
Isn't it crazy how much this site has changed in the last 2-3 years? South Park has had a running gag on PC culture over this season and they are hitting it right on the money. Why am I called racist when I say "the vast vast majority of these types of assaults are coming from the Muslim community"? There is a serious fundamental flaw with that particular culture refusing to accept the culture of the area giving them asylum. Not only do they not accept it, they are treating people who are native to that culture and land like they are infidels.
[–]en_gm_t_c 1147 points1148 points1149 points  (418 children)
These people talk as if they have no right to protection in their own country.
To respond by saying "Well, ya just gotta be more careful!" is just crazy...it's like they don't want to even see it.
[–]nosleepatall 359 points360 points361 points  (81 children)
German politicians have developed an absurd level of fear that anything might used by right-wing groups that even the news agencies were reluctant to report what happened and there's an awkward pussyfooting around the issue that the perpetrators do belong to certain ethnic groups.
[–]nederhandal 245 points246 points247 points  (59 children)
Not just politicians, but regular citizens. Remember all that singing and dancing that took place to welcome new refugees arriving at train stations? It was all an effort to be politically correct in order to distance themselves from right wing extremists. Now instead of acknowledging there's a serious problem, they're doubling down on political correctness which will further escalate tensions.
[–]HelpingOutPops 15 points16 points17 points  (0 children)
Isn't this what the U.K. did in regards to all those Pakistanis molesting kids by the hundreds?
[–]Dr_McKay 21 points22 points23 points  (0 children)
It's sad that anyone who suggests anything to do with limiting or stopping the flow of immigrants is labelled a racist.
[–]HowitzerExplosionman 346 points347 points348 points  (68 children)
Westerners need to say "our culture is worth defending and preserving." Western Civilization is doomed unless it stands up for itself. No one else will.
[–]i_like_turtles_ 205 points206 points207 points  (26 children)
I think Western culture is pretty great and we should keep it.
[–]mijamala1 178 points179 points180 points  (21 children)
You fucking racist bigot.
[–]NeoHenderson 57 points58 points59 points  (14 children)
This kind of comment is the issue. I sense your sarcasm but a lot of people are serious when they say that shit.
[–]Turdcervix 93 points94 points95 points  (4 children)
I definitely lean to the left and I'm all about multiculturalism and egalitarianism, my wife comes from an Islamic background and I am more often than not in the company of people who come from a different cultural background than myself. However, I simply cannot understand the apologist nature of a lot of Liberals today. People confuse culture with race when they are two entirely separate things. Culture is not some sacred thing we have to dogmatically respect. Some cultures suck.
The bigoted, individualistic, anti-intellectual culture of the American Bible belt is a culture and it sucks. The materialistic, nihilistic, misogynist culture that appeals to young black 'ghetto' crowds is a culture and it sucks. The anti-intellectual, misogynistic, violent and intolerant culture that has swelled within modern Islam is a culture and it fucking sucks. Nazism was a culture and it fucking sucked.
I don't understand why we have to tip toe around pointing this shit out. It's not about race, it's about combating dangerous ideology, but often when I point out to friends that cultures do not necessarily warrant default respect, I "sound like a bigot". It's infuriating.
[–]NeoHenderson 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
This is put really well. Thanks for putting my feelings into great words, I couldn't agree more.
[–]quitar[🍰] 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
You nailed it, and those people who are calling you a bigot, on some level deep down know you're right, but in today's culture if you aren't accepting of everyone and everything, then you can lose your livelihood, be labled a racist/bigot, lose friends, and forced to apologize for pointing out that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes.
[–]HaberdasherA 645 points646 points647 points  (86 children)
They were saying for months that bringing in all the immigrants was a great idea and calling anyone who even slightly questioned them as "bigots and racists".
Now that things are quickly getting out of control, they're trying to cover it up so no one knows the huge mistake they just made. Its going to take a while and a lot more of this, sadly, for them to start to admit they were wrong.
[–]Captian_Cocksmith 421 points422 points423 points  (33 children)
Calling anyone who even slightly questioned them as "bigots and racists".
Don't forget everyone on reddit attacking anyone even hinting this is going to be a problem.
[–]Superspathi 137 points138 points139 points  (2 children)
You give them too much credit. They'll never admit a damn thing. The only option is to push them away from the nation's controls.
[–]InfiniteZr0 78 points79 points80 points  (21 children)
I remember reading something last night where the mayor said something along the lines of how women needs to dress and act in a way, so they don't provocate men to assault them.
[–]smartzie 101 points102 points103 points  (3 children)
So, they should all start wearing burkas or something, right? /s
[–]Powdershuttle 15 points16 points17 points  (3 children)
Wow, so it's really gone full circle. I have a friend that was raped in the mid nineties. She was told " why would you get a ride home alone from a male classmate?" Remember when this was a huge talking point for feminism.
[–]Yabish044 103 points104 points105 points  (54 children)
In some situations women need to be more careful to avoid danger. In this case how in the world would you stop this from happening to you? Like there is one way out of the train station and it is being blocked by a mass of perverts. I feel like something should have been done by authorities to dissipate this crowd much more quickly.
[–]briguy57 72 points73 points74 points  (8 children)
There are so few situations when telling a women to be more careful is at all helpful. The strong majority of rapes and sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows and the violent rapes / assaults on the street are opportunistic rather than motivated because a girls skirt is too low.
Basically unless you said something like women should never be left alone with a man you can't really say "some situations women need to be more careful".
[–]FrugalFroggy 107 points108 points109 points  (10 children)
Have a bunch of piglets on leashes and use them as a pig shield to repulse the massed islamists
[–]Kreygasm2233 1521 points1522 points1523 points  (176 children)
the fact that they issued a code of conduct for women on how to avoid assaults is fucking criminal. What awaits us in the future?
[–]giantjesus 144 points145 points146 points  (11 children)
The condescending way she said that is really infuriating.
What they really should be doing however is briefing revellers about a certain type of robbery that mainly targets drunk persons. Many are not aware of it, just like many pensioners were not aware of the grandparent scam until police started an informational campaign about it.
You can see it in action in this video. Looks stupid, but it's crazy effective when targeting drunk people and acting drunk yourself. People just shove the guy away thinking "what an idiot" only to notice minutes later that their wallet is missing.
You wouldn't believe it but there have apparently been more than 10,000 such attacks in Cologne alone since 2011, it's a very widespread phenomenon, mostly committed by occupational pickpockets.
(Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (23 children)
    [–]nellysbandaid 335 points336 points337 points  (69 children)
    Unfortunately it's the reality, even in modern countries. Last year in Montreal there was an issue with women being sexually assaulted in taxis and the police's response was that women shouldn't take taxis alone or something to that effect. While I don't believe anything terrible awaits us in the future, I'm hopeful that society will become more aware and demand changes from the perpetrators, not the victims!
    [–]giantjesus 299 points300 points301 points  (39 children)
    demand changes from the perpetrators, not the victims!
    That sounds great on paper and as a slogan, but one shouldn't ignore the reality of the situation. There will always be criminals. And opportunity creates crime. We all think that there's a level of risk one shouldn't be taking like getting blackout drunk on a private party with complete strangers of questionable character in the middle of nowhere. But what's an acceptable risk to take? When is it ok to say "Don't get me wrong, what they did is inexcusable, but how on Earth did you think that was a good idea?"
    [–]nellysbandaid 76 points77 points78 points  (26 children)
    I completely agree with you - the situation is extremely disturbing, and particularly for me as a woman. It was more to highlight the fact that officials expecting women to change their behaviour is nothing new (not that I am condoning it whatsoever!).
    [–]giantjesus 58 points59 points60 points  (24 children)
    There's quite the difference between expecting a change in behaviour and giving advice to women who are unsure what puts them at risk and therefore inquiring. I don't know which of the two things Montreal police were doing.
    [–]Ur_bio_dad 91 points92 points93 points  (23 children)
    Everyone gets so heated when they talk about victim blaming this gets lost. Look everyone knows no matter what you do you don't deserve to be assaulted ever. You could walk down the worst street in the city at 3am completely naked and you wouldn't be at fault if something happened to you.
    That being said why is it wrong to talk about risk mitigation. Surely there is a way to do it without it being victim blamey.
    [–]snideguy12 13 points14 points15 points  (0 children)
    Risk mitigation is the foundation of all self defence. Go to any self defence class and you will get it drilled into you that the number 1 way to stay safe is awareness and common sense. Don't want to get hurt? Best way to do that is to avoid risk. It doesn't mean you have to have a boring life, it just means you should plan carefully.
    Yes people should all get along and not hurt each other but it's totally unrealistic to think that violence among humans will disappear completely.
    [–]rasputine 15 points16 points17 points  (0 children)
    Getting on a train, or in a cab, aren't even in the same country as that, much less the same ballpark.
    [–]Mister__S 2373 points2374 points2375 points  (1276 children)
    What boils the blood even more is, they are victim shaming instead of admitting that there is in-fact a problem on their hands
    [–]giantjesus 884 points885 points886 points  (436 children)
    It's also completely idiotic, how the fuck are you going to "keep an arms length distance to strangers" if the station is as packed as it was. In Japan and India they have separate train cars for women because of these disgusting groping attacks. Do we need gender separation in train station transit zones now?
    I think the worst of it all is that the Cologne police statement in the early morning hours claimed it was an orderly night without incidents apart from them having to clear the square of people shooting rockets at each other. They weren't even aware of this shit going on despite being right next to it.
    [–]advicebad 280 points281 points282 points  (114 children)
    In Sweden we now have separate times of women and men in public baths because of rampant sexual harassment. (In some cities all refugees were banned because several refugees who did not know how to swim jumped straight into the water almost drowning)
    [–]JamesofN 113 points114 points115 points  (21 children)
    several refugees who did not know how to swim jumped straight into the water almost drowning
    [–]buzzbravado 140 points141 points142 points  (37 children)
    That's incredibly sad that freedoms have been taken away and locals disadvantaged due to inability in integration.
    [–]kvakkerakkedakk 156 points157 points158 points  (29 children)
    They are trying to tell us that the host countries must adapt to the immigrants and not the other way around. It's disgusting and I will never comply. And Germany is expecting an additional million immigrants this year as soon as the trafficking routes are open again for summer season. Just wait for summer to return and the women starts wearing thin summer clothing again. This year will go down in history as the Great European Rape Holocaust of 2016. It's gonna be worst for women in France,Sweden, Germany and UK. Stock up on that pepper spray, girls.
    [–]FeatherKiddo 15 points16 points17 points  (23 children)
    Pepper Spray is illegal in the UK. Not sure about other countries.
    [–]ACulturedBaboon 158 points159 points160 points  (36 children)
    I thought gender was just a construction in Sweden.
    [–]KillerOkie 130 points131 points132 points  (31 children)
    we now have separate times of women and men in public baths
    I do believe they are implying that it wasn't a problem until the refugees came. That is things were cool until the new folks showed up and started problems.
    [–]Egalitaristen 152 points153 points154 points  (29 children)
    Kinda... I'm Swedish and I do not sympathize with our currently very popular nationalistic party (SD). But what has happened is that our feminists have created "safe spaces" for girls and women in our public baths. This is so that all those fragile muslim girls shouldn't have to be near half-naked men.
    These are Swedish feminists doing the bidding of Muslim patriarchs, furthering the segregation and oppression of women.
    Next thing we'll have "safe spaces" for muslims in the back of the bus, for everyone's protection.
    [–]PM_ME_JET_ENGINES 727 points728 points729 points  (81 children)
    It's become routine to downplay refugee violence in police reports. Therefore it wasn't mentioned at first. Politicians don't want it publicized. This incident could not be hidden however.
    [–]Akesgeroth 300 points301 points302 points  (42 children)
    Now think about what else they're concealing.
    [–]shady8x 474 points475 points476 points  (39 children)
    Considering the 1500 cases of raped children that cops in Rotherham(which is just 1 single town) were hiding, I am pretty sure there are a lot of places in Europe that have or will soon(thanks to all the new neighbors) have some rather horrific problems that we will not hear about for many years to come.
    [–]avatharam 150 points151 points152 points  (27 children)
    It's already there in some parts of Berlin going by prev german reddit posts. the usual immigrant drugs, prostitution, protection racket in the ghettos where there a majority.
    [–]avatharam 188 points189 points190 points  (13 children)
    oh no no no....it was the youth that did it, not refugees /s
    the euphemism 'youth' grinds me no end
    [–]Loafblaster 48 points49 points50 points  (4 children)
    They already pushing this narrative. "It wasn't refugees, it was natives"
    Combined with the victim blaming...
    The german elections are going to be very interesting.
    Serious question to germans. Can you recall or no confidence your leaders?
    [–]mightybonk 46 points47 points48 points  (5 children)
    At least they weren't "urban" youths.
    [–]Godzillanuts 48 points49 points50 points  (3 children)
    Turban Youths?
    [–]TickleSurprise 19 points20 points21 points  (1 child)
    no, no... Sikh's are usually really nice.
    [–]alphawolf29 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
    No, Sikhs are great people.
    [–]fresh_prince_ 63 points64 points65 points  (9 children)
    It's also interesting that most news stations didn't report this incident until Monday the 4th. My bet is they waited until people went back to work, so there wouldn't be as much of an uproar.
    [–]Putinfanboy1000 159 points160 points161 points  (20 children)
    That is particularly cowardly of cologne police seeing as one of their female officers was amongst the 100 women sexually assaulted by this 1000 strong mob of refugees.
    [–]yasharyashar 118 points119 points120 points  (63 children)
    That's the first pic I've seen. Sausage fest. Wow
    [–]Hubbid 221 points222 points223 points  (47 children)
    Third https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CYCTicjWkAANdVx.jpg (image from Austrian train station, still those are refugees on their way to Germany)
    From eyewitness reports that's how large parts of the station looked like. A girl explained her experience from getting off the train and going from the tracks to the outside of the train station. "I have never seen so many girls cry" German article
    [–]Loafblaster 71 points72 points73 points  (2 children)
    That statement is so damning and powerful.
    "Ive never seen so many women crying"
    [–]kimchifart 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
    I'm really worried for German women.
    [–]Ban_all_religion 47 points48 points49 points  (10 children)
    Yup, definitely fair to say that the crowd was predominantly MENA.
    [–]stry8993 13 points14 points15 points  (4 children)
    What is MENA?
    [–]EngineOut 30 points31 points32 points  (3 children)
    Middle Eastern and North African
    [–]stry8993 14 points15 points16 points  (1 child)
    Ahh, okay, thanks! From Canada, so, thats not an acronym I've ever been aware of. TIL! :D
    [–]TweetsInCommentsBot 19 points20 points21 points  (10 children)
    Original Foto aus der Silvesternacht im Kölner Hauptbahnhof! Quelle: https://www.facebook.com/rheinzeitung/?fref=ts #Koeln

    This message was created by a bot
    [–]Z-Tay 15 points16 points17 points  (7 children)
    What else are we noticing about the men in these pictures?
    [–]stry8993 11 points12 points13 points  (0 children)
    Allahu Ackbar?
    Admiral Ackbar?
    Its a trap?
    [–]PUTIN_PM_ME_UR_TITS 62 points63 points64 points  (8 children)
    wtf kind of party is that? What are you doing for New Years? I dunno, thinking about standing in a packed train station. You?
    [–]SpeedflyChris 68 points69 points70 points  (13 children)
    Do we need gender separation in train station transit zones now?
    No, we need border control. Possibly another good idea would be to encourage people to carry mace.
    (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (99 children)
      [–]TheJesterMk2 217 points218 points219 points  (90 children)
      Nobody in the West should have to change their nation to accommodate these refugees. Why? We've offered them a helping hand out of kindness, yet of course they want more.
      Of course, this group doesn't represent a majority of refugees but it is mostly impossible, or at least very difficult for, people from these cultures to assimilate into Western life. They often just choose not to. The answer is just to fuck them off back to their bombed out shack in the desert. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
      [–]inhumancannonball 52 points53 points54 points  (0 children)
      And at the same time we are told to abide by the laws of the country we visit so we do not offend. Apparently that does not apply to people moving west. We're dicks if we do not follow their laws and we're dicks if we make them follow ours.
      [–]Those_Damn_Drugs 115 points116 points117 points  (19 children)
      I'm gonna be down voted BUT...
      1000 is a pretty damn good sample size for a people. Yes, it is not perfect, but we can pretty fairly certain if there is 1000-man gangs sexually assaulting women then there is something systemic going on.
      Syrians, Saudis, and other Arab nations are patriarchal societies that restrict women's rights. There is a lot of victim-blaming for women who do not wear hijabs, niqabs, burkas when they are assaulted.
      And even when they are wearing "appropriate" attire are they still blamed.
      This mentality is an endemic one, and unfortunate.
      Do not get me wrong, I have a few Middle Eastern friends (Iranian, Palestinian) and two Pakistani-Muslim friends who are wonderful people, but even they agree there is a problem.
      [–]dalebonehart 1276 points1277 points1278 points  (379 children)
      Imagine if a group of, say, 1000 college guys sexually assaulted these women. Would they be blaming the women? Fuck no. So why is it not a big deal or "not representative" when a different group does it? For some reason I can't imagine these people falling over themselves brushing it off if 1000 fraternity guys raped/assaulted women in one night at a university, for instance.
      Edit: People have brought up some good points about my analogy not being entirely accurate. In my defense, it was one of the first things to pop into my mind since I had just finished reading this Vice article about a writer who was completely baffled that fraternity parties weren't actually rape-fests after she snuck into one.
      [–]papajohn56 1169 points1170 points1171 points  (214 children)
      Political correctness, shame of being wrong about accepting a million refugees almost overnight
      [–]boy_who_loved_rocket 463 points464 points465 points  (122 children)
      It's not shame so much as fear of the political consequences. Merkel can't change course now without being annihilated and destroying her entire legacy.
      [–]Flick1981 152 points153 points154 points  (0 children)
      Her legacy has been pretty much destroyed as it is.
      [–]papajohn56 365 points366 points367 points  (67 children)
      Sad. Legacy trumps saving a country essentially
      [–]realityhasnobias 324 points325 points326 points  (53 children)
      Been happening for a long time. WW1 comes to mind. British general Haig sent a mass charge into German lines defending with machine guns to start the battle of the Somme. 50,000 casualties on the first day alone, including 20,000 dead. That's more than triple the amount killed in a single day than in the entire Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined.
      So they relieved Haig of his command right? No, they promoted him to field marshall and stuck with the same tactics for a few more months. Then tens of thousands more soldiers died, and when the war was over he was knighted. Admitting how terribly wrong and incompetent they were was never an option.
      It still isn't. Merkel is going down with the ship and taking everyone with her.
      [–]NickRausch 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
      This revisionism is silly. Haig was a capable professional facing the same tactical and strategic problems that none of the belligerents were truly ready for. Once the scope of the problem became clear, Haig like all the higher ups started searching for solutions. In the mean time however they had to fight the war with what they had. He was a national hero at the time of his death and a hero to the vast majority of his troops.
      [–]dolaction 108 points109 points110 points  (26 children)
      Time's person of the year seems more and more rigged every day.
      [–]catoftrash 179 points180 points181 points  (13 children)
      To be fair time named Hitler as a person of the year, it doesn't necessarily have to do with how great the person is but how impactful they have been. For better or for worse.
      [–]Medium_Alex 12 points13 points14 points  (4 children)
      You know that person of the year is whoever was most newsworthy, right?
      [–]beenusse 35 points36 points37 points  (3 children)
      trumps saving a country essentially
      [–]seraph85 136 points137 points138 points  (42 children)
      You really couldnt write it any worse. It sounds like such an extremist fear that the refugees would be running through the streets raping and pillaging if they let them in. Then they exactly do just that.
      [–]qwaszxedcrfv 11 points12 points13 points  (2 children)
      Europe is going to get Donald Trump elected in America.
      You think I'm joking, but seriously.
      Seeing how badly Germany's immigration plan is turning out is going to make Donald Trump look like the only candidate who can put his foot down on the tough decisions.
      [–]LaviniaBeddard 39 points40 points41 points  (12 children)
      It's also got a lot to do with religion - letting a million refugees into your country isn't necessarily going to be a problem. But if those refugees have been brought up in a religious culture that is massively paternalistic and has very different ideas to the rights of women (extremely fucking different to Germany for example) then that will never work.
      (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (1 child)
        [–]SorceressFane 163 points164 points165 points  (36 children)
        Exactly. This is no different than saying a woman "asked for it" for walking by themselves or wearing tight jeans or something.
        [–]hearnoevil 61 points62 points63 points  (1 child)
        Well don't you know women shouldn't go out without male escort so of course they deserve to be attacked.
        Thats gonna be the new laws for german's atleast. Enjoy your multiculturalism.
        [–]Yumm_Yumm_the_Man 15 points16 points17 points  (0 children)
        Or not wearing a tent in public.
        [–]Seen_Unseen 70 points71 points72 points  (18 children)
        The whole event is a clusterfuck. WDR yesterday had a rather extensive showcase on QR about it and mind you my German isn't that brilliant. What is insane is the amount of politicians as well the police who say you should stay away from men as well that they are still "searching". How is this possible dozens of complaints were filed, there are camera's in the station everywhere and yet nobody is in custody yet.
        At the same time even within the CDU people are now openly opposing Merkel and simply say this year maximum 200.000 refugees instead of the 1 million+ they got this year. Daily in the news in West Europe there are negative news articles varying from sexual assault, fighting, stealing/mugging it's a given that this will explode one day or another. Current parties will be wiped but not really surprisingly the local population is turning further and further against the huge influx of refugees. It simply isn't sustainable when you add 1% to your population of an entirely different culture and obviously have little respect nor willingness to integrate.
        What surprises me btw is that Reddit is rather slow in this news. It's already all over on the German news sites like Bild but as well the BBC the past couple days and it only surfaces recently on Reddit. So much for the frontpage of the internet.
        [–]him_again 41 points42 points43 points  (3 children)
        there are camera's in the station everywhere and yet nobody is in custody yet
        How does having a picture of several anonymous foreign nationals help you if you don't have them on file anywhere?
        [–]dudettte 129 points130 points131 points  (2 children)
        This makes me so fucking furious!!
        [–]ManuelIIPalaiologo 502 points503 points504 points  (78 children)
        Almost as disgusting is the police and media repeatedly pressing the message that this is 'nothing to do with refugees'.
        "Don't worry guys, it's not the unchecked mass of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants pouring into the country now, it's the unchecked mass of North African and Middle Eastern immigrants from the last few decades. Completely different problem!".
        [–]Only_Sub_RicknMorty 247 points248 points249 points  (26 children)
        I can't see stuff like that in german news, the police is clearly saying that they suspect a group of arabic or north african imigrants, you can read this statement at the spiegel, the bild,the zeit and the FAZ, pretty much EVERY big german news outlet. The only thing ridiculus is people talking about "law-free" zones in front of cologne cathedral, its so hilarious because those people have clearly never been to cologne. Law-Free zone....the cologne cathedral...bwahahaha...what a fukken ghetto right? Seriously stuff like that never happened before and the last place in the whole city of cologne you would think about as "not safe" is cologne cathedral, or cathedral station. Its like telling someone visiting russia not to see the kremlin because there is too much crime in front of the kremlin.
        Yes its "monstrous" what happened.
        NO german media is not quiet about the fact the suspects are from nothern africa or the middle east.
        No cologne cathedral isn't a law-free zone, thats shittalk.
        Yes the police needs to take care of those criminals.
        NO we don't need more police and/or surveilance, seriously there are already at least 5 sixpacks(german VW/mercedes police transporter)standing in front of cologne cathedral station and cologne cathedral, there is another small police station inside cologne cathedral train station, there are at least 30 policemen locally 24/7 how much more do you need?
        edit: about that "one arm-length distance" nonsense, I wonder how the main shoppingroad next to cologne cathedral will be handled...maybe just one person at a time? .....its a pretty narrow road...I wonder how this will work with about 25k tourists per hour,it's hilarious/sad seeing german politicans talking about such bullshit.
        edit2: I have no idea about the crime rate in front of the kremlin
        [–]simplepanda 103 points104 points105 points  (16 children)
        Maybe you don't need more police, but the ones you have should try doing their fucking jobs.
        [–]ChristianSyrian 327 points328 points329 points  (77 children)
        Welcome to Syria Europe, not only have you imported the people, but the problems also, I've been banned from both here and /r/Europe for saying it but I'll keep saying it like I have for the last 5 years.
        Muslim men from the Middle east see your women as cattle and whores that they can do as they please with.
        They have no respect for you, your beliefs or your nation.
        Thank Merkle you Naive fucking idiots.
        EDIT: just in case I am banned again, I'm not saying it's a problem with Islam, rather a difference in cultrue between ME and EUR
        [–]DomashnaRakija 51 points52 points53 points  (4 children)
        This. I have friends that are South Asian and Arab, born and raised in Canada so they hold more modern and liberal beliefs than their parents and grandparents. But each of them have said that in their cultures there is a belief that all white women and/or western women are sluts and are only good for sexual purposes. That's why most of these young men saw fit to go ahead and grope and assault these women. They don't understand the concept of women's rights and that a women's body belongs to her and not anyone else. All they know is how they've seen women treated in their own country and then this belief of western women being whores backed up by what they see from western media.
        [–]CuddleLumpkin 9 points10 points11 points  (1 child)
        I live in an American city with a very small, barely visible Muslim minority (<2%) yet I've experienced this very attitude from Muslim men (and even the women, sometimes). And I'm not even blonde. Blondes get it the worst. It's gotten so bad that I'll only go to.redneck bars on the rare occasions that I go out to keep from being harassed.
        [–]spinmasterx 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
        Funny, there is also this belief in Chinese culture that White woman are more "loose" and "sexually active". However, even the most uneducated Chinese migrant worker won't act on these beliefs randomly in the subway. I guess, it is not just with beliefs in these cultures, but acting this way is somehow acceptable also.
        [–]hydromorphone_dream 233 points234 points235 points  (45 children)
        While I agree that this is terrible (this whole situation is a goddamn travesty and the blame lies on the politicians who were willfully ignorant and let it happen), I think the reason they're doing this is because as the situation is now, these women are in real danger. With the campus rape "epidemic", women weren't actually putting themselves at risk by dressing in revealing clothing or walking alone at night (even the few rapes that were happening on college campuses weren't random attacks in a dark alleyways). Now, in places like Cologne, it's a very real possibility that these women are going to get raped by a man they don't know in public because they aren't dressed modestly enough. It's a testament to just how fucked up the situation is: this isn't make-belief "rape-culture" any more. Germany opened the floodgates to an actual rape culture. They don't really have a choice but to start taking precautions. This is just damage-control now. Unless they're willing to start deporting refugees, German (and Swedish, Norwegian, Swiss, Danish, Dutch...) women are actually putting themselves in danger by traveling alone at night, dressing provocatively and not carrying some sort of protection. Smh, and so many of us saw this coming a mile away...
        And then there's also the element of "multicultural tolerance" being higher up on the agenda than women's rights for these people and apparently they would sooner let their country burn than admit they were wrong. Disgusting.
        [–]MonkeyCube 144 points145 points146 points  (36 children)
        We've taken relatively little refugees in Switzerland, and in fact are somewhat despised for banning minarettes in our country and our anti-immigration referendum a few years ago (which Germany is using political power to try and punish, despite us not being in the EU).
        We also tend to deport refugees fairly quickly. A good friend of mine was sent back to Kosovo 3 years ago, despite succesfully starting his own construction business, because he reached 25 and Kosovo was no longer considered unsafe. His parents had already long been deported.
        I know it is common for Americans to just lump everyone here together, but there are a lot of different countries with very different cultures and policies. I think you'll find Denmark to be fairly anti-immigration as well, with Norway approaching that status (who is also not in the EU).
        [–]hydromorphone_dream 67 points68 points69 points  (10 children)
        I was just going off of Business Insider article that listed who took in the most refugees in 2014, I don't really know. As for Norway, from what I've been reading they've been seeing a serious surge in rapes and assaults perpetuated by immigrants that correlates with their increased reception of Muslim immigrants in the past two years.
        I'm not American.
        [–]MonkeyCube 25 points26 points27 points  (7 children)
        My mistake for the assumption.
        For our size, 8 million, we take a lot percentage wise, but no where even close to Germany has done recently. We also tend to take many refugees from all over instead of whoever arrives. I know we only approved of 3,000 Syrian refugees last March in addition to our usual numbers, but that number has probably gone up.
        We also don't set up camps, but try to set up integrated living conditions, but that's due to us doing this for a long time and having a system in place to get people back home.
        [–]Dis_mah_mobile_one 15 points16 points17 points  (6 children)
        Switzerland simply having a system designed to eventually return refugees puts them miles ahead of most of Europe.
        [–]Zorthianator 204 points205 points206 points  (57 children)
        That's where the values of the European bleeding heart leftists collide and they have to decide for one or the other.
        These "regressives" are totally in favor of mass immigration from people that come from cultures that totally incompatible with the European one, but are also in favor of LGBT rights, Feminism, etc.
        The problem is that you cannot have both at the same time since Islam is against everything that they stand for.
        It's going to take a while until they understand this.
        [–]dickeyboy 496 points497 points498 points  (66 children)
        The first step to solving a problem is to acknowledge that it exists..There is a reason why several European nations are witnessing a revival of the Right.
        [–]meatpuppet79 145 points146 points147 points  (44 children)
        To repost a comment I made earlier:
        It's a problem though that one side certainly doesn't want to acknowledge, much less talk about. It's become easy for them to pretend it doesn't exist, and to shout down any opposing voices as 'racist' or 'xenophobic' or 'far right' or 'literal nazis'. The problem there is that this tactic isn't working so well anymore... the fear of being branded illiberal isn't sufficient to silence a lot of people anymore and as the problems grow more apparent, the left makes itself seem all the more deluded, self destructive and deaf. That isn't to say the solution lays at the right of the political spectrum either, but this is where people are turning for lack of a better alternative.
        I've always been quite left leaning, but over the last few years, and increasingly so recently, I feel so disenfranchised by that which I used to honestly really believe was the better way... I can't bring myself yet to support the right, but if there's not a sane and viable alternative to the left in Europe soon, I have grave concerns that the things which make Europe so great right now may not survive another generation.
        [–]ABunchofTards 93 points94 points95 points  (5 children)
        No, they'll spend another decade screaming, 'NAZI!' at everyone who disagrees with them. Until people no longer fear being called a Nazi anymore. And then the real nazis will march right into power, because the left will have destroyed any viable argument they could put up against fascism by using it against every scary right-winger they see.
        (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (5 children)
          [–]papajohn56 1222 points1223 points1224 points  (152 children)
          This is literally rape culture, and people are trying their best to cover it up in the name of political correctness. Mass unassimilated immigration does not work, it doesn't matter which culture it's from.
          [–]Bullshit_-_detector 180 points181 points182 points  (23 children)
          it doesn't matter which culture it's from.
          Do you really believe if Germany had accepted 1 million East Asians (Japanese people, Koreans and Chinese), instead of 1 million people from Africa, the Middle East, and countries like Pakistan last year, then the situation would be just as bad as it is now?
          [–]l_JUDGE_OTHER_PEOPLE 133 points134 points135 points  (18 children)
          They'd probably be equally clinging to their culture yes.
          Thing is, their culture just isn't as bad.

          Edit: "east asian" culture is probably a particularly bad example, but still we are talking huge numbers and little contact to the rest of society, which is making integration kinda difficult.
          [–]nobunaga_1568 27 points28 points29 points  (1 child)
          Well, East Asian culture is much less "exclusive." We Chinese believe what makes you successful is good. There is no holy scripture to abide to, and there is far fewer taboos you have to avoid to follow your culture. Thing is, it is possible to follow both Chinese and Western cultures. Not quite true for the middle eastern and western cultures.
          [–]stunash01 285 points286 points287 points  (34 children)
          pretty sure if tons of japanese people moved to any european country there wouldnt be a problem. or any other civilized culture. some cultures are just better than others. thats the fucking truth.
          [–]Maxthetank 118 points119 points120 points  (25 children)
          That's because the Japanese people haven't lived in a shithole ruled by a religion for centuries.
          [–]ahemexcuseme 160 points161 points162 points  (14 children)
          Yes - it has nothing to do with the people and everything to do with the culture and indoctrination. Which is what boggles my mind when criticizing a culture gets you accused of "racism" ... the SAME brown baby who grew up in a different culture would be a COMPLETELY different adult and not do this kind of shit. It's not racism, it's cultural disgust.
          [–]Maxthetank 45 points46 points47 points  (2 children)
          Yup none of the middle eastern kids at my school went around molesting and assaulting women, even the ones who were Muslim.
          [–]McMalloc 20 points21 points22 points  (1 child)
          It does matter what culture it's from. Mass immigration from the U.S. into Germany could not cause these problems. Women are not groped en masse in the US and are not the property of men.
          There are always going to be issues on things that are different in the culture the immigrants are coming from, and unfortunately these immigrants are coming from cultures where social issues like women's right are in a totally different place. The left has completely failed to admit these basic facts, which is why this shit keeps happening.
          [–]urgoing2luvmi 397 points398 points399 points  (54 children)
          Where are our champions of feminist justice when there's real work to be done? Do Quinn or Sarkesian have anything constructive to contribute?
          [–]withoutanesthetic 304 points305 points306 points  (8 children)
          i dunno man, the new beach volleyball is about to drop and they've fot some serious slut shaming to do #realtalk
          [–]urgoing2luvmi 6 points7 points8 points  (7 children)
          could anyone explain to me how slut shaming is feminism or pro women frankly i find their whole deal distasteful feminism is supposed to be about being a complete person and not relying on men whereas these women seem content to whine at men's feet
          [–]withoutanesthetic 127 points128 points129 points  (5 children)
          Women like to put other women down in order to make themselves look better, hence slut shaming and the mean girl stereotype.
          The entire SJW movement is about seeking a reward of social standing by looking down on others, not to help anyone or spread equality.
          [–]Millerbomb 17 points18 points19 points  (0 children)
          The entire SJW movement is about seeking a reward of social standing by looking down on others, not to help anyone or spread equality.
          I wish I could upvote you more for that comment, couldn't agree more!
          [–]turgid_rooster 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
          To be fair, people put people down to make themselves feel better. It's not just women, men do it just as much.
          [–]withoutanesthetic 11 points12 points13 points  (1 child)
          There are a lot of white knight male SJWs jumping on this bandwagon for sure, but to be fair, women are more predisposed than men to put people down as an evolutionary survival trait. Men are more likely to use violence and/or try to demonstrate being more alpha. Sure men will often put other people down to make themselves feel better and sure women will often act aggressively. But occasional similarities doesn't mean mean both sexes behave the same all the time or behave equally.
          There have been countless studies made on human behaviour that demonstrate these differences in behaviours but here's 4 papers
          [–]staggeringlywell 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
          That second paper was a great review of some really interesting literature, and that's the one I'd suggest anyone to read for a better perspective on this question. The others are more specific, and are covered in the review paper. It might also help for people to go back and read Trivers' original Parental Investment Theory paper so they can have more trust in the evolutionary explanations given in the review. Also some salient points about how the behavioral end goals need not be conscious ones when considering the evolutionary perspective. This is something that people who are outside of the animal/human behavioral fields tend to not understand.
          [–]Soulicitor [score hidden]  (0 children)
          That should be the wiki definition.
          [–]twomongsmakearight 194 points195 points196 points  (19 children)
          They're not interested in actual social justice and genuine rape culture/female oppression, like we're witnessing here. If they're not filling their own pockets and it doesn't aid their own self-interests, then they're not concerned. It's narcissism. Simple as that.
          [–]u-bunt 152 points153 points154 points  (16 children)
          That's the radical left for you.
          • Real rape happens in third world countries, blames college students in first world countries for drunken one night stands.
          • Terrorists kill multiple innocent people in first world countries, blames Israel for causing this
          • Islam treats women like shit, doesn't matter, that dude at the NASA conference wore a t-shirt with hot girls on it.
          [–]PM_Me_Your_Warfaces 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
          Drake murders Meek Mill’s career… wait there’s no covering that slaughter up.
          [–]eyeball_kid 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
          Speaking as a radical leftist these people are neither radical nor left. They're liberals of a particularly vocal and toxic variety. Radical leftists call for things like the transformation of the state and economy. These people don't target the state or economic structures at all but instead opt for direct social confrontation. They will claim to be "left" or "progressive" to make this seem like a more radical act than it is but it's pure posturing. Philosophically, their basis is pure idealism (change ideas to change the world) not materialism (change the world to change ideas).
          TL:DR Karl Marx is not their homeboy.
          [–]urgoing2luvmi 25 points26 points27 points  (0 children)
          this image is exactly everything about why i can't agree with what they're doing
          [–]non_consensual 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
          For those unfamiliar that comic is in reference to Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn and their trip to the UN to speak on "Cyber Violence Against Women" because people on the internet criticized them.
          The report they submitted claimed such outrageous things as Pokémon being a “killing game designed for toddlers beginning at 2 and 3 years old,” Dungeons and Dragons is "satanic" and Risk II is a “ruthless quest for world domination.”
          [–]SuddenGenreShift 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
          You know there are actual academics who write about this stuff, right? Treating a couple of random entertainment content producers like the voice of the left is convenient for you, I'm sure, but it isn't very intellectually honest. I might as well debate the Rwandan genocide with Count fucking Chocula.
          [–]TheEgregore 16 points17 points18 points  (3 children)
          Despite what you read on Reddit, feminists are all over this: http://www.aliceschwarzer.de/artikel/das-sind-die-folgen-der-falschen-toleranz-331143
          Why wouldn't they? This is a clear example of rape culture
          [–]HyperionMoon 7 points8 points9 points  (2 children)
          To be fair. Feminists like Schwarzer are far and between. She's not afraid to call them out because she is a old guard. One of the few feminists I would actually be willing to listen to. Third wave and intersectional feminsts can go die in a ditch for all i care.
          [–]TheEgregore 14 points15 points16 points  (1 child)
          Feminists like Schwarzer are far and between.
          The article I linked is EMMA, THE FEMINIST MAGAZINE IN GERMANY. It's the most mainstream feminist you can get. These other "Third wave and intersectional feminsts" are the fringe in Germany.
          [–]HyperionMoon -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
          Unfortunately feminism globally tends to veer towards the third wave, thanks to the delusional academia in America it has started to export itself to Europe as well. Feminists in Great Britain follow the same trend. I don't know much about the German sect so thank you for this information.
          [–]Shrimp123456 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
          Ok I'll bite - as a self confessed real feminist, what do you want from me? I'm as pro refugee as they come, but I am 100% behind severe punishment for these cunts (I'm not sure how legal deportation is in these things, I'm normally against it - say for petty crime- but for shit like this I find my sympathy waning) for as long as it takes until it's not done anymore (or less so, even Europe isn't assault free by a mile) - if people see the consequences on a regular, publicised basis, hopefully it could spark an attitude change.
          But in terms of shutting the borders completely? That starts the presumption of guilty until proven innocent which is entirely against western ideals, and starts an ugly discourse which could harm a lot of innocent people (including women, it can be easy to forget that there are women refugees too, and the discussion also needs to include them) - we've seen race/culture/religion based discrimination before, and it's really fucked with a lot of people.
          So you can see how there isn't a perfect solution here
          Edit: to clarify, the perfect solution would be no more assaults, but that's a dream I think (no matter where you come from) and just shutting the borders won't help because some are in already etc and there are a bunch of other factors in play
          [–]BatterseaPS 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
          I doubt they have any real knowledge of the situation. I don't have 90% of the facts either, so I won't comment on the complexities of refugee relations in western Europe. You're welcome to do so if you feel comfortable enough.
          [–]Powdershuttle 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
          Only if a video game about the streets of cologne was made. Then they would freak out.
          [–]rlbond86 [score hidden]  (0 children)
          A bunch of women got raped? Better make a snide comment about people in the video game community that I don't like.
          [–]sonicthehedgedog 9 points10 points11 points  (1 child)
          Busy talking how Mario is sexist and fuck Yosh that little fuckface.
          [–]urgoing2luvmi 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
          Peach is the sexist. She expects all of the men to fix her problems. She throws money everywhere like she's made of it but she can't buy herself some of those widely available spike and/or lava traps for her own castle? If she wasn't busy emulating Martha Stewart's castle design maybe she could spend some time working out and learning whatever kind of karate it is that defeats mutant turtles.
          Peach plays the victim. Bowser has offered to marry her multiple times, which in the context of royalty makes a lot of sense as it could end this ceaseless senseless mushroom-turtle conflict. She's too self involved to even consider what it would mean to the citizens because she's too busy ripping Mario's heart out at every opportunity to do anything that would make her a worthwhile person.
          [–]Arcosim 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
          Do Quinn or Sarkesian have anything constructive to contribute?
          Probably still blaming White men and Western culture somehow.
          [–]PixyFreakingStix 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
          These are your champions of feminist justice? That's like getting mad at Richard Roeper (a liberal) for not criticizing Donald Trump. Sarkeesian is a media critic, and Quinn is a game developer.
          And I'm sure they're both very unhappy that people are being raped. I don't even know what the hell you're implying.
          If a bunch of black people raped a lot of women, would you want "champions of feminist justice" to start saying "Black people suck"?
          [–]wantonballbag 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
          In that protest perhaps? At least I'd hope so.
          (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (2 children)
            [–]solazyme_investor 11 points12 points13 points  (0 children)
            it doesn't matter which culture it's from
            yeah it matters
            (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (1 child)
              [–]wile_E_coyote_genius 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
              Unless they come from the philippines, filipinos can come to any country all day long and they will be a big asset. Man, I love those guys / girls.
              [–]Elephantkick 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
              The funny thing is that it is the right that is calling out rape culture while the left tries to hide it.
              [–]PabloScuba 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
              In Europe and North America, rapists are prosecuted, locked up, vilified, and hated, and rape is widely acknowledged as a terrible crime and an awful thing to do to another person.
              In many (NOT ALL, I know) countries in the Middle East, south Asia, and parts of Africa, rape is widespread and is a fact of life for many women, rapists are almost never prosecuted or punished, women who get raped are shunned and ostracised (or the women get punished for being "whores" etc), and this is all part of a general trend of women being subjugated and treated as property rather than people.
              Guess which one of these two cultures the SJW crowd attacks for having a "rape culture"?
              [–]mcelroyian 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
              What do you mean "rape culture". I'm pretty sure everyone but the rapists are on the same page that rape is not ok.
              We can't predict when someone is about to assault nor can the police bring anyone to justice if there are no suspects to investigate.
              What would it take for a culture not to be a "rape culture"?
              [–]yaix 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
              It works in Canada's, though.
              [–]papajohn56 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
              Canada accepted 15,000 not 800,000
              [–]rbohrerphotography 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
              It works on a long timeline. Integration is problematic and takes a long time.
              [–]mkurganova 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
              no no no. A North African or Arab national can't rape a women because rape has to come from a place of power. Only white males can commit rape. I'm not sure if white german women can be victims either. Maybe. I suppose if a brown-skinned women suffered abuse it could be considered rape, but only if her attacker was white.
              Let me know if you are still confused.
              [–]subdep -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
              Rapists > Racists
              [–]MANCREEP -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
              Somebody forgot to tell the US border states.
              [–]papajohn56 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
              Nobody forgot to tell them. The cartel violence, kidnapping, increased violent crime etc are huge issues
              [–]MANCREEP 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
              The cartel violence, kidnapping, increased violent crime etc are huge issues
              I agree. But unless you live ON the Border, in Bordertown--the issue gets swept under the rug. The states themselves try to do what they can on their own but the Feds never back them, so they always give up. Hardly any resistance from them at all at this point.
              [–]PapaFish 209 points210 points211 points  (35 children)
              I'm not sure the 65-70+ year old women being interviewed really understand the magnitude of what's going on here...
              [–]longbrevity 35 points36 points37 points  (33 children)
              I talked to a 26yo German girl living in Germany that I know; she hadn't even heard about it. She had to search to news to find anything about it.
              [–]Afterfx21 76 points77 points78 points  (2 children)
              Must be living near under a rock. I live in Germany and I barely speak the language. It has been all over the radio and even I understood what they were talking about.
              [–]Joabyjojo 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
              That motherfucker getting katzefisched
              [–]Balls_deep_in_it 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
              I am in the same boat. Live in Germany and speak only a little German. Its everywhere.
              [–]HulaguKan 94 points95 points96 points  (13 children)
              It's literally the main topic on every major news site since yesterday.
              [–]wolver1n 86 points87 points88 points  (2 children)
              and here is the problem, it happened 6 days ago
              (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (1 child)
                [–]Lausiv_Edisn 0 points1 point2 points  (3 children)
                it was the main news topic monday morning in Deutschlandfunk (somewhat like UK's BBC), so its not something the media tries to hide ...
                [–]HulaguKan 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                Exactly my point.
                [–]Lausiv_Edisn 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                wrong recipient, sorry
                [–]daweasel -2 points-1 points0 points  (2 children)
                So... it's only been online for a few hours... not everyone is hyperconnected or watching news everyday/hour...
                [–]HulaguKan 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
                It's been headlines on every major German news site for two days in a row.
                Hardly "a few hours".
                [–]daweasel -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
                You said "yesterday" so i figured that it was "a few hours" but my point is the same, some people are not that aware of news and sometimes hear of events days after they occured and it's not a bad thing in my opinion. It contrast with the modern "live culture" where everything is instantaneously relayed around the world with the known effects of misrepresentation, hasty conclusion... that happened because nothing is settled when media start to report it...
                [–]foerboerb 46 points47 points48 points  (3 children)
                Sorry but thats a lie. This stuff is the only thing everyone is talking about right now. It's all over the newspapers, tv, radio etc.
                Source: Am german living in Cologne, Germany.
                [–]cakebomb4114 1 point2 points3 points  (2 children)
                Also ich wohne in Bamberg und kann sagen, daas ich gestern Abend im ZDF zum ersten mal davon gehört habe, wobei man aber sagen muss, dass ich kein Radio höre
                [–]foerboerb 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
                Ja aber du hast davon gehört. Was der typ über mir meinte, dass eine 26jährige Deutsche extra danach suchen musste um etwas darüber rauszufinden ist kompletter Schwachsinn.
                [–]cakebomb4114 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                Ja hört sich schon echt unwahrscheinlich an, aber ganz unmöglich würd ich jetzt auch nicht sagen
                [–]chvauilon 4 points5 points6 points  (3 children)
                I know a person who seems to embody obliviousness to the news, it's not like she's willfully ignoring the news but clueless people exist
                anything that doesn't at all effect her life, aka news, she usually just heard from other people's mentioning
                maybe they're similar? maybe it's just happenstance that she missed any mention of it
                [–]trrrrouble 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
                I'd wager "she" is fictional.
                [–]ROGER_CHOCS [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Or perhaps she knows that the 'news' isn't really anything but click bait bullshit wrapped in yellow journalism. Most of it isn't actually news.
                Have any facts from this been verified? Or are we all just speculating?
                [–]trrrrouble [score hidden]  (0 children)
                This isn't click bait bullshit, this is an actual thing that is going to have a huge ripple effect.
                [–]Orsonius 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                I haven't heard about this either until today, from yahoo news (while checking my mail account there).
                However I don't watch TV, read the Newspaper or listen to the Radio, so don't take this as some sort of prime example of a 26 year old German.
                [–]newguy57 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                You sure she lives in Germany? You ever hear of the show Catfish?
                (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (1 child)
                  [–]scarsAndFlames 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                  considering that there's no real reason to ever turn on the tv or radio here, it doesn't amaze me. combine that with a general disinterest in politics and you have total political ignorance
                  [–]Beng-Beng -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
                  ... sooooo....?
                  [–]urgoing2luvmi -6 points-5 points-4 points  (0 children)
                  oh my god you mean your one female friend in germany hasn't been assaulted so ALL of the rape claims MUST be false
                  dude fuck you and your anecdote
                  [–]RicarduZonta 38 points39 points40 points  (4 children)
                  They were saying that these people were not fresh immigrants, but people who've been living there for decades, yet there is not one arrest. How would they know who they were or were not if there isn't one in custody they could talk to?
                  [–]qixiaoqiu 4 points5 points6 points  (1 child)
                  If they are not new immigrants/refugees and have been living in Germany for a long time I'm sure they'll do a great job at integrating the million+ refugees... /s
                  [–]RicarduZonta [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Good point. :(
                  [–]MoodyStocking [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  The Moroccan men that harassed me and my friend in Cologne on NYE spoke no German and no English. No way had they been in the country for decades.
                  [–]omfgzakum 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                  Merkel told them
                  [–]SorceressFane 797 points798 points799 points  (130 children)
                  Allowing the large-scale, unassimilated migration of millions of refugees is about as thoughtful as attempting to change the culture of Iraq through a military invasion.
                  Just gonna say its really sad women are being thrown under the bus like this.
                  [–]Okichah 278 points279 points280 points  (23 children)
                  Mass migration + language/culture barrier = Ghettos
                  Ethnic ghettos can lead to gangs and criminal organizations. With no respect for the authorities its easy to cause problems.
                  Irish had gangs, Italians, Chinese, etc.
                  This situation is different of course. The mass sexual assault is appalling. But not realizing that crime would be a problem is most definitely on the shoulders of the government and they hold the responsibility and the blame.
                  [–]MostlyBullshitStory 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                  You don't even need the language barrier.
                  [–]SorceressFane 1 point2 points3 points  (9 children)
                  They need to find a better way to integrate these people into the culture and society.
                  [–]Pascalwb 10 points11 points12 points  (4 children)
                  Is that even possible? It's hard with thousands of people, it must be impossible with hundreds of thousands.
                  [–]blob-dob-11 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
                  As people have said, it's a cultural thing. Eradicate whatever fucked up notion they have about this sort of thing and it'll definitely contribute to solving the problem. Germany are recruiting thousands of teachers to teach them English, it wouldn't be a long shot to have some sort of cultural class to teach them that this sort of shit isn't acceptable and to introduce them to what's ok and what's not ok instead of letting their parents continue these practices.
                  [–]lolfail9001 1 point2 points3 points  (2 children)
                  Uhem, that's the hard part.
                  instead of letting their parents continue these practices
                  Then you meet the iron wall: who's opinion a random Muslim kid/teen will value more: of his parents or of some teacher (and god forbid, female teacher)? Wooops.
                  [–]blob-dob-11 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                  Well if the values are presented by society and by his teachers, it's going to make a hell of a lot of a difference than if he doesn't hear it at all. Parents everywhere give awful advice and practices to their kids, doesn't mean it will always pass on. Once they reach an older age they'll be able to make decisions for themselves and it's important to give them the right idea instead of leaving it to their parents, and once their society doesn't tolerate it, then it'll have an effect too.
                  It's not an overnight solution, but long term it will definitely have an effect.
                  [–]lolfail9001 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  doesn't mean it will always pass on
                  The only case it won't pass on if those kids end up shooting themselves in the knee by following parent's advice. So, enslave (or frame if you want euphemism) those motherfuckers up and be done with it.
                  [–]Rope_is_cheap 6 points7 points8 points  (1 child)
                  If by "integrate" you mean ship them back to where they belong, then yes.
                  [–]GhandisNukeProgram [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  That's the thing that I keep cocking an eyebrow at.
                  If they're refugees, then they need to be in camps, documented, managed, and provided for with the intention of sending them back at some point.
                  Are they permanent residents or not?
                  It seems like people with no history or documentation are showing up and Germany is saying, "ok".
                  In the US, you can't get decent employment without some sort of ID. What are the "refugees" doing?
                  [–]BrenMan_94 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                  These people come from a culture where things like free speech and women's rights are nonexistant. It would take generations to assimilate even those who are the most open to Western ideas.
                  [–]illegalmorality 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                  The first step to fixing a problem is acknowledging that it exists.
                  [–]irerereddit 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                  The difference is that the Italian, Chinese, etc, gangs don't follow a religion that includes a political system and beliefs that will never be compatible with western culture....ever.
                  [–]ooogr2i8 -17 points-16 points-15 points  (8 children)
                  I don't think you need a mass migration. People naturally coagulate into clumps of other people like them. It's not just race but we see this political affiliation, sexual orientation (San Fran, West Hollywood). Language is inconsequential. What you're thinking of is poverty, which is the best indicator for criminality.
                  I think what we're seeing with these rapes is just men that arent used to so much skin. We've seen similar stuff happen at cosplay events. You can't just abdicate all fault from culture, it plays a huge role here.
                  [–]Okichah 18 points19 points20 points  (7 children)
                  That type of migration is slow and independent of the culture of the country. A mass influx of people fleeing a country is a huge, huge burden. Language prevents finding work and integrating into school. So its easier for gang leaders to recruit young members, as they literally have no one else to turn to.
                  This also creates poverty as the skills that were in demand in the host country may not be useful in their new one. So jobs are harder to find. Plus the language barrier prevents finding a lot of types of work.
                  It really is a recipe for poverty. The fact that families can successfully migrate and integrate into another culture is an impressive feat. I have a lot of respect for those who do it. But those who are intransigent and try and create fiefdoms in a city, who deliberately disrespect the laws. The immorality of that sickens me.
                  [–]ooogr2i8 -2 points-1 points0 points  (6 children)
                  Ok but people rarely immigrate to a place if they're well off. They're already poor and language had nothing to do with it. Just because you come over to some place and don't speak the language doesn't mean you go straight to crime. I don't agree with that. I think that's a more of a result of poverty since typically gangs sustain themselves through the black market of drugs and what not.
                  [–]SorceressFane 2 points3 points4 points  (3 children)
                  I think he is saying that the lack of language skills makes it harder for them to move up the economic ladder, so they turn to crime.
                  [–]ooogr2i8 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
                  No, I get it. I just disagree that's why they do and I think rape is a different category all together in terms of crime committed because of poverty. Finally, typically when immigrants immigrate, they're already poor and that comes waaaay before any language barrier.
                  [–]SteamingDuck 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
                  It's worth noting that refugees are far more likely to have come from wealth (at least a comfortable economic position before war broke out). Poor people may leave a country to seek a better life, but refugees had their life destroyed by external influences and might have been fairly well off before. These may be people used to a higher standard of living (compared to cramped refugee camps) and a completely different idea of social rules.
                  I have been a heavily left-leaning person all my life, but this have left me feeling very disturbed. I don't know what to think and I don't have any idea of how to fix a situation like this. Mass deportation is not an option in my eyes (we shouldn't punish innocent people for the action of a minority), but something have to be done before people take the law into their own hands and we end up with a race war.
                  If it's shown that this is a cultural problem and that the groups were organized we're in for some very troubling times. Tension have been building for a few years now in Europe and it doesn't help when the preferred method of communication between the political blocks is shit-flinging instead of discussion and compromise.
                  [–]nobunaga_1568 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                  Ok but people rarely immigrate to a place if they're well off.
                  I'm from China. In China most people say that "rich people are all going abroad". The thing is there are two types of immigrations and it is often racist/classist/elitist to separate them.
                  [–]ooogr2i8 -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
                  There are a lot more poor people than rich. I doubt those two are comparable in terms of immigration. How many countries are even rich enough that they can sustain themselves in one of the most expensive places to live? Of course there are rich people but its not as common as you're making it out to be. Maybe in china but not ingl general.
                  (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (1 child)
                    [–]Hubbid 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
                    With these masses of middle aged men coming in I thought to myself "they look a bit like soldiers". When they used force to run over borders at the balkan route I thought "Now they even act like soldiers". And now they are here and just take what they want.
                    [–]SantaKoala 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                    Muslims don't assimilate. Their savage religion and vile cultures that it creates will never fit peacefully in any decent society.
                    [–]Z-Tay 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
                    Trying to link one to the other I see. I guess you libs can't concede without throwing a weak jab on your way down.
                    So preventing another N Korea situation in Iraq is "culture-changing"? You really think the Bush administration gave a fuck about the people of Iraq. They wanted to make sure Saddam didn't get his hands on nukes like N Korea did when Clinton was in office. Clinton went the route of appeasement and now N Korea will forever be the property of Kim family. Bush made sure that didn't happen in Iraq. I won't be losing sleep over Saddam hanging.
                    Germany is actively destroying their own country in spite of America. Europe deserves to burn. You let your inferiority complex towards America take you down this road. smh
                    [–]RocknRollUebermensch 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                    Don't be offensive against those "libs", there's no need to create conflict.
                    Invading Iraq the way the US did was inarguably culture-changing for them, no matter what the exact motive was. Bush certainly didn't give a fuck about the people of Iraq though, in the end it was all about money.
                    See, acting violently on other social groups will always, inevitably, be a catalyst for even more violence. When will we realize that we can't just quickly solve our problems like that?
                    Germany is not destroying their own country, they are simply trying to deal with the refugee crisis in the most humane way they can, since nobody else seems to lift a goddamn finger. We are talking about good people here that are trying to flee the same regimes we seem to hate so passionately
                    We are talking about a refugee crisis the US is in many ways responsible for as well, by the way.
                    This is not a problem that can be solved by a quick invasion or something, it will take decades to overcome.
                    [–]casiewilliams -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
                    PEOPLE are being thrown under the bus. The ME and North African men assaulted people, including men. Don't just think it is a woman's issue.
                    (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (16 children)
                      [–]SprinkleItOn 591 points592 points593 points  (92 children)
                      Justice Minister Heiko Maas warned against using the attacks to bolster anti-refugee sentiment.
                      "It doesn't matter where someone comes from, it matters what they did and that we can prove it."
                      I think in this case, it does kind of matter where the accused come from. I really doubt anyone raised in Germany would gather in groups of hundreds and take part in something as awful as this.
                      If you were raised in a place where women are not seen as equal, its probably much more likely.
                      This is a sad situation. Women in Germany will have to be much more alert and worry about things that probably never crossed their minds before.
                      Edit: Annnnd apparently now I'm a racist.
                      [–]MarechalLannes 262 points263 points264 points  (8 children)
                      Ugh. It does matter where they come from. This behavior and disregard for law—along with the expectation they can get away with it (which they have) due to corrupt law enforcement in their home countries—is endemic to the cultures these men come from.
                      These assaults are the direct result of unregulated migration.
                      [–]ilikestuffwithstuff 15 points16 points17 points  (4 children)
                      Why can't we have Buddhist migrants instead???
                      [–]tigrn914 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                      They would just be burning themselves in the streets.
                      [–]wkacct 5 points6 points7 points  (2 children)
                      there are militant buddhists though
                      [–]ilikestuffwithstuff 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
                      There's militant everything, but the proportions are different. Buddhists are taught to eliminate desires, control their thoughts and actions, let go of things. Islam seems to rather try to cover it up or blame it on something else.
                      [–]justinhu87 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
                      the militant buddhists are against Muslims
                      [–]REMagic42 -3 points-2 points-1 points  (2 children)
                      The government is doing damage control - if they propagate an anti-immigration stance, the extremists may feel empowered enough to openly assassinate arab-looking people in the streets. I am not making this up, it has happened before, it is happening (and the government is comically & criminally trying to hinder the investigations) - just imagine the government saying "yup, it's all refugees, they are making our streets unsafe". This would be an invitation to anti-migrants lynch-mobs.
                      [–]ilikestuffwithstuff 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
                      Yea lets worry about migrants, not about ourselves.
                      [–]Gahtz2 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                      Merkel needs to be impeached.
                      [–]julyy10 45 points46 points47 points  (4 children)
                      It matters where they come from because Germany can deport normal immigrants for breaking the law but they can't deport refugees.
                      [–]Lausiv_Edisn 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
                      That's not correct, but it's complicated - especially if minors are involved.
                      [–]nobunaga_1568 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                      But if the crime warrants jail time, even refugees can be put in jail right? I mean according the law. One of the problem is, there are already law that tells the government & police what to do in this situation, but they're not enforcing the law.
                      [–]yaix 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                      But we should lock them up in closed refugee camps. Commit a crime as a refugee? You can stay under our protection, but in a closed refugee camp. No schooling or social help stuff there, just stay there and wait until your country is save again, then fuck off.
                      (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (27 children)
                        [–]CliveMcManus 39 points40 points41 points  (7 children)
                        I really doubt anyone raised in Germany would gather in groups of hundreds and take part in something as awful as this.
                        Well there was this one guy...
                        [–]Solace1 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
                        Godwin's percentage increasing...
                        [–]RooftopBBQ 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                        technically not raised in Germany though
                        [–]Anke_Dietrich 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                        Did Hitler meet with his SS buddies in front of the Cologne Cathedral and raped German women? I don't think so.
                        [–]CliveMcManus [score hidden]  (0 children)
                        I really doubt anyone raised in Germany would gather in groups of hundreds and take part in something as awful as this.
                        I think what Hitler did was at least as bad as that, like at the very least
                        [–]rafay_M -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
                        Dude, millions of russian women were raped as recently as 1941-1945.
                        And Germany as a state has conducted tons of shit before that as well.
                        [–]Anke_Dietrich 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                        Dude, millions of russian women were raped as recently as 1941-1945.
                        And so were German women. 200k raped women in Berlin alone.
                        [–]Night_FoE [score hidden]  (0 children)
                        German on Russian rape was massively overplayed and exaggerated by Russian propaganda both during and after the war, most German's abhorred the idea of it, as this directly violated National Socialism's racial purity tenets.
                        [–]feeder942 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                        We should definitely never judge someone on their race, however we must judge them on their culture. If your culture treats women like objects then it can fcuk off back where it came from. If you want to live with us, live WITH us. Join our brilliant culture, it's great. If you persist in living your culture without trying to integrate, leave.
                        [–]Martin_444 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                        This is the main problem in Germany. They have 1mln people coming from conservative Arab countries where it is normal to sexually assault women who walk the streets on their own and who do not wear a hijab, yet then you have the politicians saying like this is somehow a regular crime and that there is no connection whatsoever with the refugee situation(doesn't matter that probably 100% of the people who did it are refugees or 2nd/3rd generation refugees).
                        [–]Hubbid 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                        And if somebody is new to a country and thinks he can rape woman there the punishment should be multiplied. It does matter.
                        [–]elongated_smiley 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        the punishment should be multiplied
                        Why do you think this?
                        [–]Jsnoopy93 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        This is bullshit political correctness. The refugees are a fucking problem and this is a consequence of it. Germany needs to grow some fuckin balls and say shit instead of being so careful all the time.
                        [–]FineDickMan 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        "... it matters what they did and that we can prove it."
                        What happened to crime prevention?
                        [–]lagspike 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        it doesnt matter where someone comes from
                        yet we didnt hear about these incidents in germany before the mass migration of syrians.
                        TOTALLY a coincidence!
                        [–]fyen 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        I really doubt anyone raised in Germany would gather in groups of hundreds and take part in something as awful as this.
                        How's that an argument to your claim? You're talking about likelihood of such a crime based on origin, race, religion, etc. That's a completely different topic which is part of various research.
                        [–]Powdershuttle 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        It's worse than that, western women are seen as slutty and lose. They are seen with less respect than their own ethnic women. So it's ok to use them like the trash they think they are. We have had to stop letting Saudi me. Into our bars because of date rapes and drugging. We have a large student body in our university and they just run back home when they get caught.
                        [–]KaleStrider 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        Some politicians are literally making the statement that the German people are just as bad as they are.
                        [–]yaix 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        So we should judge people on the "likelihood" that they might do something, based on some genetic or cultural marker?
                        Like, men are by far more likely to commit a crime. So let's lock up all men and have only women on the streets. Crime rates would drop dramatically.
                        Is that the world you aspire to?
                        [–]gonzoplease -1 points0 points1 point  (3 children)
                        Funny, there were new year celebrations all over the Middle East and this didn't happen. We are talking Lebanon (major party capital), Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Turkey (not in middle east but Muslim).
                        [–]elfpoon 10 points11 points12 points  (2 children)
                        There aren't any non-Muslim white whores to harass there .
                        [–]gonzoplease 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                        Except for the ~350,000 white population that lives in Dubai alone, along with the millions who visit each year.
                        [–]Usernamechecksout2 -3 points-2 points-1 points  (0 children)
                        Uhhh, you wot?
                        The number of countries on the planet that are almost exclusively Muslims is near zero. So your statement here is simply false.
                        [–]noreallyimthepope -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
                        I really doubt anyone raised in Germany would gather in groups of hundreds and take part in something as awful as this.
                        Well, there was this one time...
                        [–]rafay_M 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        I really doubt anyone raised in Germany would gather in groups of hundreds and take part in something as awful as this.
                        Germany conducted mass-rapes all over its history. Many times officially sanctioning it as a state. This was not even 80 years ago.
                        MILLIONS of Russian women were raped 1941 onwards
                        [–]notreallyswiss 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        Strange as it apparently appears to most everyone on this thread, it IS the crime and being able to prove it that matters. Any person committing a crime should be apprehended and justice should be meted out. This is a law enforcement issue more that anything else and should be treated as such.
                        There are plenty of law-abiding immigrants the world over. There is no benefit to playing thought police and trying to determine who will commit a crime based on what you believe they think.
                        [–]neotropic9 49 points50 points51 points  (9 children)
                        Where were the police?
                        [–]it_all_depends 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        I heard they were having their own orgy in a police station.
                        [–]OverDueAccount -4 points-3 points-2 points  (4 children)
                        They were told to stand down.
                        [–]altkarlsbad 12 points13 points14 points  (2 children)
                        [–]GamerKey 9 points10 points11 points  (1 child)
                        He doesn't have one because it's blatant bullshit to make it sound like "police were told to just let the whole thing happen".
                        If they had known about it they would have reacted faster, but the place was so packed with people that anything they did was slow.
                        [–]mnixxon [score hidden]  (0 children)
                        So where were they then? Nobody reported anything that was going on? I don't know exactly what happened but it's pretty hard to believe there was no response / zero arrests because they didn't know about it or had more important things to do. Let's not be naive.
                        [–]poly_atheist 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                        [–]gizram84 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                        "When every second counts, the police are just minutes away!"
                        This is why so many Americans enjoy their right to own and carry a concealed weapon. Armed women don't get raped. Additionally, rapists think twice when they know their potential victims are armed.
                        [–]roscocoltrane [score hidden]  (0 children)
                        Armed women don't get raped.
                        Women in the army get raped.
                        [–]guy_noir 56 points57 points58 points  (6 children)
                        They don't need protests. They need arrests.
                        [–]Nisas 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                        Other than stationing some cops to keep a watch over groups of immigrants and grabbing people in the act, I'm not sure how they can get arrests.
                        How do you identify the attackers when all you have to go on is that they were in a huge group of similar looking people?
                        [–]Sigward 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
                        We don't currently have any suspects, so we don't know who the perpetrators were,
                        Seems like the only thing to do right now is to bolster security as a preventive measure.
                        [–]nobunaga_1568 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                        If there were polizeis there at that time (as it should be) this should be completely different. Quit debating politics and just enforce the existing laws!
                        [–]Q1189998819991197253 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        They need blood. I need blood.
                        They cannot get away with this and further assault women even in their own country.
                        [–]neotropic9 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        Why not both?
                        [–]gizram84 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                        They need the ability to defend themselves properly. Does arresting a rapist take the pain away from his victims? Let's stop with the reactionary bullshit and start suggesting real preventative solutions. Responsible adults deserve the right to carry a concealed weapon. No one should have to live in a world where their right to proper self defense is denied.
                        [–]dispare986 104 points105 points106 points  (0 children)
                        This is a reason to protest.
                        [–]Pixelwizard92 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
                        sexual assault is unforgivable. lock these animals up and throw away the key.
                        [–]macksdowntownsong 210 points211 points212 points  (77 children)
                        I can only imagine the irony behind all of this immigration and forced diversity and how it is going to make Europeans in general more prejudiced than they were before. While before a lot of Europeans would judge a person with brown skin and an Arab appearance as an individual, now even a lot of the good law abiding Arabs who are just trying to live a better life are going to suffer from the social issues that are to come. Most will be viewed almost the same way as common thug that happened to get here due to a broken immigration system.
                        I could not imagine it before I truly believe that real racism (not the microaggression nonsense) is going to rear its ugly head in the coming years as more and more Europeans are forced to deal with the lowest common denominator from the Middle East coming to their countries. It would be something else entirely if the immigrants were Asian engineers or Indian doctors, this is just asking for trouble.
                        As an American, I have opposed granting amnesty to illegals and bringing in Syrian refugees without properly vetting them for this only reason. Not only do we face the danger of bringing in some of the worst from other countries into ours, we are actually going to make race relations much worse as we give the extreme right wing that much more material to work with.
                        Everyone knows how people have this tendency to generalize and just look at this whole thing superficially, if we were exclusively bringing in Asian engineers and Indian doctors then everyone would love immigrants and immigration but this is something entirely different. If we allow this sort of un-checked immigration to occur in the United States then I would not be surprised if all of the social progress that has been made in recent years went back a few decades, race relations between whites, blacks, and immigrants would be beyond awful.
                        [–]Merlin_was_cool 115 points116 points117 points  (52 children)
                        Australia used to have a "White Australia" policy. Basically to keep the country pure. When the government wanted to introduce immigrants to the slightly racist and xenophobic populace they made sure the first immigrants made a good impression. The loaded the best looking Greeks they could find on those boats, so when the locals watched the news and read the papers all they saw was handsome smiling men and gorgeous women.
                        This thing in Germany seems like they went the opposite way about it.
                        [–]macksdowntownsong 21 points22 points23 points  (48 children)
                        Last I heard though, Australia is still a very racist country towards anyone that isn't Anglo white.
                        [–]Merlin_was_cool 38 points39 points40 points  (25 children)
                        Not really. I lived there for 3 years. It's more that they let their casual racism out a bit more. Overall they are pretty accepting. Except for Tasmanians, they are ruthless to Tasmanians.
                        [–]firebearhero 10 points11 points12 points  (7 children)
                        i disagree. lived there for a year, australia is by far the most racist "white" country ive been to and no other "white" country even compares to it.
                        its a nice country, but its also very racist
                        [–]nice_guy_bot_ 7 points8 points9 points  (4 children)
                        The thing I don't understand is - the Australians basically said outright that they wanted a colony for Europeans and then a whole bunch of non-Europeans come and are surprised that white people dislike them. I mean, what does anyone expect? It's like the Japanese saying 'we don't want immigrants' and then a whole bunch of people move to Japan (this is actually happening as we speak) and say 'why do I feel like I'm not wanted here?' Well duh, because you're not wanted dumbass.
                        [–]cranberry94 5 points6 points7 points  (2 children)
                        Uh, it still makes them racist?
                        And Australia was a prison colony, it wasn't founded as some sort of Pure European utopia. And what about all those, I don't know, really not white people that were there first?
                        [–]Ahlexanfrrwanh3 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                        I'm a racist for not wanting to let another person into my country to change my culture in the same sense that I'm a misandrist for not letting another man into my home to fuck my wife.
                        [–]Electric_Wang 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                        Depends which part of the country you were in. Australia is a very big place.
                        [–]macksdowntownsong 12 points13 points14 points  (13 children)
                        I heard things were rough for a lot of the Asian and Indian immigrants in the country, how true is that?
                        [–]DavidAdamsAuthor 23 points24 points25 points  (6 children)
                        31 year old Australian here. Grew up sharing a fence with an Asian family and a Pakistani family.
                        Absolutely no issues. My grandmother will talk about how we're being "swamped by Asians" but the vast, overwhelming majority of Asian immigrants assimilate, and by the time the third or forth generation rolls around typically don't speak much of their native tongues. They're as Australian as can be.
                        All the Asian and Indian-subcontinent immigrants I've known, and that's a few, have always been funny, hard working, and just want to be a part of the country. Although I can't speak for them, by and large it seems like that happens.
                        We do have a culture of honesty which is infectious, which means things that might be considered "casually racist" tend to be more common here, and seen as less of an issue. It actually seems to manifest more as a playfully self-deprecation (calling themselves wogs or fobs or whatever).
                        There are racists here, no question, but I like to think we're one of the most accepting places in the world.
                        [–]wtfOP 4 points5 points6 points  (3 children)
                        Not to discredit you or anything, but I'd need to hear it from someone who's actually an immigrant.
                        [–]DavidAdamsAuthor 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
                        That's entirely reasonable.
                        (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (1 child)
                          [–]macksdowntownsong 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
                          Thanks for your experience, same here in the USA for the most part with Asian and Indian immigrants. Most of them assimilate and do well in terms of making money and getting an education.
                          [–]Merlin_was_cool 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                          It's not really fair to comment when I'm a white guy from New Zealand. I have Asian family (by marriage) and they never had a problem. However I think Melbourne where I lived is generally more accepting. But I'm not expert, anecdotal evidence is pretty worthless sorry.
                          (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (1 child)
                            [–]Swamppig 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                            Pretty much aussies dislike fresh off the boat people because their cultures tend to be diametrically opposed to equality and a "fair go" for all. Once they are here for a while no one cares about skin colour as long as they treat everyone with respect. People in sydney hate the lebanese the most because they are shitcunts
                            [–]macksdowntownsong 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                            Ya I heard the Lebanese have made life rough for a lot of people, apparently they were the ones who attacked the Indian students a while back and not the Anglo Aussies like media claimed. I have found that Middle Eastern people are also fairly racist towards most non-white groups themselves.
                            [–]GaijinFoot 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                            I've had dozens of Japanese friends spend a year or 2 in Australia. They loved it
                            [–]Silent3sniper 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                            Something like 30% of Australians are casual racists, which means the other 70% are full time.
                            [–]Gvxhnbxdjj2456 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                            They sure are a contentious lot
                            [–]CliveMcManus -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
                            Well wtf those guy spin like a vortex all over the place and eat everything in their path and speaks only in growls and grunts
                            [–]jamesaj23 5 points6 points7 points  (2 children)
                            Oh fuck off, the watermelon thing was not race related at all, it was a joke about a fan eating watermelon at a game.
                            [–]BadAdviceBot 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
                            Yeah...that cartoon doesn't look racist at all.
                            [–]makka432 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
                            American stereotypes don't really apply here.
                            [–]gerald_hazlitt 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
                            Last you heard was bullshit - I'm what SWJ's refer to as a "person of colour" and don't find it to be racist at all. Anglo-Celts are in Australia are all too frequently as self-flagellatingly politically correct as they are in other parts of the Western World.
                            [–]be-happier 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
                            Yes australia is still quite elitist but id guess its about 15% of our population that is seriously racist and the rest are just dumb and scared of anything new.
                            On the whole we are quite accepting, but we have a lot of outspoken dick heads
                            [–]jamesaj23 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                            Yeah people are just more willing to express themselves, for better or for worse.
                            [–]LetsInvadeNewZealand -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
                            You ever been here? No, shut the fuck up and educate yourself
                            [–]spoogemcfuck 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                            Think about it this way. Europeans think Australians are racist because they have a society with the surrounding Asian cultures where as Australians think Europeans are racist because they have a society with those dirty stinking Gyppos.
                            That said humans love stereotypes, learning and pattern recognition is a way of survival, get stung by bees a few times and you learn that being around a bee gives you a change of getting stung, never interact with a bee and you probably won't be worried about the bees. Could just be a myth that bees sting depending on what you believe????
                            But I tell you what they'll never take away my Vietnam town mate NEVER.
                            [–]Moralkonstapeln -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)

                            AND RIGHTLY SO

                            [–]redrummr -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
                            It's very, very racist. Have been living here for 17 years now (came as a kid) and have seen the worst. The casual racism (daily, everywhere) enables the darker side. As a kid I had many Turkish friends in Germany and we were all cool. Then I came to Australia and was called Nazi for years by so many kids (who were also tough on Indians and Asians, even though the majority were minorities, the 'Aussies' were always very vocal) from the outset; very disturbing! I switched schools a few times and it was always the same.
                            These days I stay in Australia because my family is here, the money is good, etc. but when I travel overseas, I cringe with the 'Aussie' label being slapped on myself and my partner, because Australians are seen as drunk bigots in dozens of popular holiday destinations/countries. Just want to get away from the locals for a month or two every year.
                            Australians are great people but very racist. It's very hard to really describe the feeling in this country.
                            [–]linda_isis_destroyer -3 points-2 points-1 points  (9 children)
                            [–]Nexus261278 0 points1 point2 points  (8 children)
                            11 news articles over a 7+ year period of time, you would think that the most multicultural society on earth would have alot more than that if we were all racist?
                            We have a few dickheads, who you can read about in these articles, but most here are very accepting and have very diverse social circles.
                            You however, appear to have a racial prejudice against white Australians based on a small number of news articles.....just sayin'
                            [–]linda_isis_destroyer 0 points1 point2 points  (7 children)
                            We have a few dickheads
                            It is what you want to believe. That's fine. I can't list all stories, but apparently racist attacks are more common than most want to acknowledge. There is already a significant drop of Indian, Chinese and Korean oversea students due to very bloody attacks and robberies.
                            Very little is done about racism because of the denial. Just the fact that Aboriginals are still treated as subhuman is an absolute shame.
                            [–]Nexus261278 -1 points0 points1 point  (6 children)
                            What a load of shit....you really have no clue, clearly
                            [–]linda_isis_destroyer 0 points1 point2 points  (5 children)
                            Why don't you try what John Safran has tried?. Try to live as a dark skin people for a day in Australia and experience it first hand, rather than just talk shit out of your ass?
                            [–]Nexus261278 -1 points0 points1 point  (4 children)
                            You know that show was shot in Chicago in the USA, right? Thanks for proving my point so well for me, you have no idea what you are talking about.
                            [–]linda_isis_destroyer -2 points-1 points0 points  (3 children)
                            You are not very smart, ain't you?
                            [–]ufoninja -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
                            Lol Australia is one of the most multicultural countries on the planet with racial vilification laws and equal opportunity employment laws.
                            [–]JoblessHMT 70 points71 points72 points  (5 children)
                            It's got to the point where 'western' countries are/will losing/lose the luster that attracts educated people like the 'Asian engineers and India doctors' if their society is going to get warped to accommodate Muslim beliefs or react violently to every non-white visitor.
                            International students spend billions of dollars in these countries and have a harder time immigrating legally than 'asylum seekers'. Why would they invest in a society like that?
                            Or why would minorities in Muslim countries, say Pakistani Hindus, immigrate to western countries when Muslim 'sensibilities' occupy probably the largest portion of liberal political thought there? And to make matters worse, get classified as a 'problem-people' by the right.
                            It's a choice about what kind of immigrants you want. It's generally believed that educated immigrants is 'better' but all these events in the recent past strongly refute that assertion.
                            [–]macksdowntownsong 53 points54 points55 points  (2 children)
                            The left here in the US is making such a big deal out of not granting amnesty to illegal immigrants or welcoming thousands of Syrian "refugees" yet they could care less about legal immigrants. I feel like all of this is unfair to the people who want to come to America legally and prosper here while benefiting our society.
                            Think about it, some Indian or Chinese man is studying hard and working hard in his own country, he would bring that work ethic to this country and make it a better place but he cannot easily come because it is competitive to get here. Now some "refugee" from Syria who is a radical Islamist and uneducated can easily go over to a European country, grope blondes all day, and enjoy a first world living standard all of a sudden has it made. To make matters worse, the left is trying to do the same thing to the USA. Keep the Chinese and Indian students at bay and lets welcome in all the "refugees" and illegals that we can, grant them this first world living standard.
                            Now while the "refugee" is enjoying a first world living standard and living off of welfare, the Chinese or Indian man who is intelligent and hardworking and wants to come to the US is living in a third world country. I wonder if the left even uses its logic when it comes to this sort of stuff, it's like they don't give a damn about the educated legal immigrants but want to be superheroes when it comes to "refugees" and illegal immigrants.
                            [–]Five_inches_of_taint 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                            That's because of basic economics. Ted Cruz (though I don't agree with him on much) just released a video on this. In the video, hordes of doctors, lawyers, bankers, and journalists are crossing the border. Think people in Washington D.C. would care? Ab-so-fucking-lutely. Suddenly they have competition.
                            Politicians don't want competition for their children. It's why we have affirmative action on race (tends to help rich white kids at the expense of asian kids) and why it's ok to let in hordes of unskilled laborers.
                            [–]homosa_penis 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                            yet they could care less about legal immigrants
                            THIS. The case of Kunal Bahl comes to the mind. This guy was rejected a permanent work visa while he was working for Microsoft in US. He came back to India and founded a startup (in 2010) which is now valued at $5 billion.
                            In the long run though, this anti-immigrant mentality could prove beneficial for India's domestic economy. I don't mind US denying a work visa for a Sunder Pichai or Satya Nadella.
                            [–]AGhostFromThePast -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
                            Maybe we can just deport you back and then you won't have to worry about it because it's so bad here.
                            [–]homosa_penis 21 points22 points23 points  (5 children)
                            now even a lot of the good law abiding Arabs who are just trying to live a better life are going to suffer from the social issues that are to come
                            Not just Arabs. All brown-ies will be at the receiving end eventually. We are an Indian couple living in Germany for the past one year. I don't know how to put it, but the warmth which an average German used to carry around for people like us is going away pretty fast. Which is rather sad because, in our experience, Germans were (and still mostly is) such sweet people. And this country is so damn fucking good. Anyway, we will be moving back to India in another 2 years. I hope Germans have things under control with the future of their society in mind. Don't allow ghettos to flourish like in many other major European cities.
                            [–]enoughfinstarwars 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                            Don't worry, all efforts will be made to not only allow the ghettos to flourish, but to expand greatly. A million or so refugees a year will fill the bill quite nicely.
                            [–]macksdowntownsong 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                            That is sad. Here in the United States we tend to love Indian people and respect them, I am sorry that things have went the way they have for you guys. You had make an excellent point, this poor immigration system of Europe is going to make Germans more pro-white and nationalist than ever before if things continue the way they have so far.
                            [–]irerereddit 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                            Just go have a nearby German beer house, have a few weissebiers, some German food and make some local friends. You'll do just fine.
                            [–]homosa_penis [score hidden]  (0 children)
                            I think people misunderstood. I have some very good German friends, two of whom will be touring India with me later this year. We are NOT moving back because things are that bad or anything. For people like me, Germany is still a heaven and will most likely remain one for the foreseeable future. I was just referring to a rising trend of suspicion/hatred among a few and a general lack of warmth which otherwise distinguished our stay here till now (we toured a few cities and some smaller towns in Germany and Austria during the holidays. Lets just say some experiences were a little dis-heartening). I hope Germany (and Europe) never loses its composure during these difficult times. German way of life is special and needs to be taken care of. Me and my wife are such big fans :)
                            [–]urgoing2luvmi 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
                            it's more of a mass migration than simply immigration in fairness
                            If we REALLY cared, we'd do something to end the war in Syria so that they stop leaving in droves.
                            [–]spooky_spageeter [score hidden]  (0 children)
                            That's a very naive viewpoint
                            [–]HadiDev 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
                            I am in that position. I am a progressive socially liberal Arab who studies engineering and saves money to immigrate to a better society. The same kind of dicks I'm trying to escape from are getting to Western countries ahead of me and ruining my chances by being their dick selves. Keep them out just the same way I'd be kept out if I didn't have money or a degree. They're the scum of the Earth. They wouldn't leave their countries if they weren't already the lowest of the low there too.
                            [–]WillyWaver 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                            The same kind of dicks I'm trying to escape from are getting to Western countries ahead of me and ruining my chances by being their dick selves
                            That's got to be incredibly frustrating- I don't envy you. Good luck to you.
                            [–]run5k 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                            How it is going to make Europeans in general more prejudiced than they were before.
                            Fucking good. They need a little prejudice to stay safe. Prejudices keep us from making stupid mistakes that put us at risk. Being prejudice doesn't mean we have to treat people badly. It simply means we need to be culturally aware that SOME PEOPLE in a particular culture may not be the safest people to be around.
                            [–]analogchild 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                            Maybe it could unite blacks and whites against a new common enemy. #americanlivesmatter
                            [–]Wylkus 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                            Syrian refugees in America would already have to go through a vetting process that takes up to 2 years, and the maximum number that was ever being discussed was 10,000. Into our country of 300 million.
                            It's totally incomparable to the over one hundred thousand that have poured into Germany's population of 80 million. Utterly different situations.
                            [–]rbohrerphotography 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                            After traveling all over the world and encountering xenophobia and racism everywhere, I finally figured out a few years ago that the USA is actually one of the least racist countries on earth, and I believe the reason is because we've been dealing with our differences for so long. Europeans have long looked down on us as inferior in that regard, but now they're finding out what it actually is to deal with a significantly large, socially disruptive minority.
                            [–]firebearhero -9 points-8 points-7 points  (2 children)
                            as an american, how about you cunts stop causing the conflicts these people are running from?
                            if i were a world leader id tried to make it international law that whoever starts a conflict is 100% responsible for all refugees caused by it.
                            usa should open its borders fully to the middle east, to the parts of asia it fucked up and to the part of africa it fucked.
                            every single iraqi/afghani/libyan/syrian refugee in europe should be sent to the usa.
                            [–]bookerevan 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                            No thanks. We'll just let Sweden continue to take in the refugees. The press in Sweden continues show how positive the immigration has been for the country and culture. Sweden is far more caring and is far more competent to continue on it's current path.
                            Americans aren't as kind and understanding as Sweden, and other countries who are trying to replicate their success. We're just not capable of the same success espoused by the Swedish media.
                            [–]macksdowntownsong 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                            I seriously doubt you're an American.
                            [–]andiwatt 38 points39 points40 points  (17 children)
                            So what happened? I read from the article that the police saw the perpetrators, even investigated them, but no arrests were made?
                            [–]journo127 22 points23 points24 points  (0 children)
                            There were people firing firecrackers into the crowd (which isn't uncommon for NYE parties). The police went there and tried to establish order by dispersing the crowd and arresting a few people. During this mess, NA men (40-50) started groping and stealing stuff from women in the train station, where conversely, a new crowd was formed precisely because the old crowd was forced to move.
                            It's a giant clusterfuck
                            [–]Pirikko 37 points38 points39 points  (2 children)
                            Police is a thing, right? 2 refuges tried to rob the little shop my friend has a few days ago. They weren't successful and the cops were called. What did they do? Said: "They're doing it all the time, but we can't do anything." And let them go. So yeah..
                            [–]ep0nym1 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
                            You guys need a second amendment. would solve everything
                            [–]Sigward 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                            They had them?
                            [–]naboki 74 points75 points76 points  (3 children)
                            Blacks and Arabs can't be arrested, that would be racism you know
                            [–]Cyril_Clunge 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
                            Or maybe they just can't find evidence or proof that they did the crime?
                            [–]ArchangelleTrump 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
                            No he right. Arresting immigrants is racist. Just ask the 1500 little girls that were raped in Rotherham, UK for 16 years.
                            [–]Sigward -4 points-3 points-2 points  (0 children)
                            Sarcasm or no, I don't understand the use for it.
                            In criminal law what's important is proving a crime, and everyone is equal before the law,
                            Seems like the authorities are going about it the way it should.
                            [–]janne-bananne 7 points8 points9 points  (8 children)
                            So, first, what actually happened:
                            "Gang of 40-60 Tunisian refugees who came during Arab spring in 2012/2013 commit 90 cases of crimes at NYE, including at least one rape"
                            Then, the issues why police couldn't arrest them: the police, hilariously understaffed to make sure the city doesn't make a deficit, was busy doing crowd control, and when they noticed crimes to happen, the perpetrator hid in the crowds.
                            [–]BaakCha 7 points8 points9 points  (3 children)
                            How many times are you going to keep reposting this same quote? Until it catches on and people believe it? You're playing the Goebbels game very well, I have to give you that much; just keep throwing that invented headline at the wall enough and eventually it will stick. I also have to applaud you for hiding all of the reported sexual assaults in '90 cases of crime', thereby softening the 'at least one rape' so that it becomes an isolated incident during the attacks.
                            [–]janne-bananne -4 points-3 points-2 points  (2 children)
                            Because the "90 crimes, out of which 15 sexual crimes, one rape reported" — so 75 muggings, pickpocketing, etc — doesn't match the famous 200 rapes that the Associated Press claimed?
                            The made up headline is based on a paraphrasing of stuff from the article "Was wir über Köln, Hamburg und Stuttgart wissen" from the FAZ, and it's probably the most honest way to report this shit.
                            [–]BaakCha 4 points5 points6 points  (1 child)
                            I read and reread the linked article and didn't see anything saying 40-60 Tunisian refugees, or that out of the 90 reported cases 15 were sex crimes, if you are referring specifically to Cologne. When I looked at other articles I saw 1/4 of the 90 were alleged sexual offenses in that particular city. And that there were similar cases in multiple other cities. Am I really supposed to buy a tinfoil hat for presuming a connection?
                            Even if it were 15, is that number inconsequential?
                            And the reported number of cases downplays the number of offenders. It's bad enough being sexually accosted by 1 stranger; how traumatizing would having 15 people doing that be?
                            And now the narrative is to blame the victims? These women should have know better? My victimology professor is going to shit herself when she sees this.
                            If it had been a large group of college students from a university the public and the media would be screaming to shut down the college. The whole school would be scrutinized, inquests to beat the band, and heads would roll.
                            But when the perpetrators are refugees not only are we not allowed to ask questions about why this particular group committed this offense, we aren't allowed to even mention the fact that they're refugees or else we are immediately branded racists or hate-mongers.
                            Was it irresponsible of the AP to misreport the rapes? Absolutely! But I also don't really expect much out of the AP anymore except grandstanding and hyperbole.
                            [–]LetsBeFlashy comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points  (3 children)
                            Edit: RES automatically quotes things for me, so stop downvoting me plz thx.
                            [–]janne-bananne 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
                            Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, "Was wir über Köln, Hamburg und Stuttgart wissen".
                            [–]BaakCha 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
                            How can I give you a source for an invented headline? Link the entire Internet?
                            You do realize that copying and pasting 'source' doesn't make you Walter Cronkite, yes?
                            [–]LetsBeFlashy 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                            Dude, RES automatically quotes things. That's not what i meant. I was asking janne-bananne to source what he's saying.
                            [–]worktrunk 69 points70 points71 points  (17 children)
                            Why is this attacks that happened on New Year's Eve being reported this lately?
                            [–]eperks 119 points120 points121 points  (5 children)
                            Because it doesn't fit the mainstream media's refugee narrative, but this is too large to ignore. Women are being thrown under the bus in the name of political correctness. It's sickening. As soon as anyone expresses the slightest concern over refugee's, they're immediately labeled as a racist.
                            [–]nice_guy_bot_ 3 points4 points5 points  (2 children)
                            the same thing is happening in many countries, just with different ethnic groups.
                            [–]Flapps 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                            Oh really? Please elaborate....
                            [–]nice_guy_bot_ 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                            Pakistani rape gangs in the UK is a pretty good example. It was hushed up for years in the name of political correctness. The epidemic of black on white rape in America and the way the media ignores it is another good example.
                            [–]irerereddit 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                            100% exactly right. Were the assaults more distributed, they'd probably have been able to bury them.
                            [–]sordfysh -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
                            Yeah. The one German media company has a primary policy for not reporting anything about refugees.
                            Obviously this is a very cut and dry situation where many Syrian refugees raped dozens of women while holding hostage entire train stations, then disappearing into the night.
                            The German Media Company, amirite?!
                            [–]monked 61 points62 points63 points  (0 children)
                            because they were too busy reporting about a 23 old refugee that got slightly injured by a HORRIBLE air rifle attack on a refugee camp window! ... they reported this every 30 minutes on EVERY RADIO CHANNEL for days
                            [–]thenameissnowball 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                            It was reported in the local media the following daym
                            [–]seedpod02 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                            Same reason you did not report it probably
                            [–]u_wot_m21 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                            Essentially, they tried to stay quiet about it, but there's been too much of a reaction on social media to ignore it any more. They sort of compensated by it by reporting only on protests about it, and on the mayor of Cologne's "guidelines" for women, instead of reporting on the event itself.
                            [–]linda_isis_destroyer -7 points-6 points-5 points  (4 children)
                            And there is not a lot of mobile phone photo or video evidence. Feel kinda like 'Muslims celebrated 9/11 attack in Queens' BS story
                            [–]naughtyzoot 0 points1 point2 points  (3 children)
                            So the Köln police who were talking about the reports filed about sexual assault, robbery, and a rape shouldn't be worrying about those things but should be going after the women for filing false reports?
                            [–]linda_isis_destroyer -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
                            Not sure if you are a troll or your english comprehension sucks.
                            [–]naughtyzoot 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                            Feel kinda like 'Muslims celebrated 9/11 attack in Queens' BS story
                            If it's a BS story, the police reports are false. If the reports are not false, it's not a BS story. Maybe your analogies suck.
                            [–]Sigward -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
                            Sadly, this seems to be the trend in this thread. It's almost as if normal Reddit broke down.
                            [–]GOP55 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
                            They should be protesting the "refugees"
                            [–]kinghi 61 points62 points63 points  (3 children)
                            Political leaders have warned Germans not to link the violence to the influx of more than one million refugees and migrants in the past year.
                            Are you kidding me?
                            [–]PolandPole 13 points14 points15 points  (0 children)
                            PC gone wild
                            [–]winterfnxs 27 points28 points29 points  (2 children)
                            As a Turk from Istanbul who helped many refugees and donated his time and effort to refugee camps in Diyarbakir Refugee Camp (Anatolian cirty near to syria). I must say that if I would be in Germany right now I would be protesting refugees in Germany. It was a mistake to take all those refugees to EU because there is major diffrences between EU culture and Middle Eastern culture. As a Turk who lives between this two cultures, I believe that both Middle East and European cultures are eaqual and both of the cultures worth to be protected. EU CULTURE AND FREEDOM MATTERS. And in order to protect both cultures, EU should feel free to transport all these refugees to Turkey. The Diffrence between Anatolian and Middle Eastern cultures are not that much big and because of that we don't have rape problems in Turkey. We welcomed more refugees than EU and Turkey is a big country. Just the city I born (Konya) is bigger than some EU countries. Refugees have jobs and houses in here and EU should feel free to send all of them back in Turkey. They are going to Turkey with unrealistic expectations like European goverments will give them big houses and mercedes cars and they will marry hot european girls... And they are fooled by humman traders. These human traders who try to earn money from these syrians lives says to them that the sea travel is so safe and all that news are to stop them to go to EU and nothing will happen to them... This all human traffic is so sad and these rape news coming from EU are just so sad and makes me disgust from the people I helped. They become diffrent peoples in EU because of the major diffrences between cultures.
                            [–]AangWaang 30 points31 points32 points  (0 children)
                            If someone told me 10 years ago that people would have to protest against gang assaults to remind everyone its wrong in 2016, I would have laughed in their face as if they were insane.
                            [–]thebizkit23 7 points8 points9 points  (4 children)
                            CRAZY what a couple of months can do. I remember not too long ago a post like this would be downvoted to oblivion or not even make the front page, while dozens of pro immigration posts hit the front page on a daily basis.
                            [–]MyOpinionLacksMerit 8 points9 points10 points  (1 child)
                            I read that the sex attacks also occurred in two other provinces.
                            Just wanted to expand on the fact that this was a state wide incident. Not a single event..
                            [–]cereal_slayer 126 points127 points128 points  (12 children)
                            Remember how we used to shame Australia for turning away the boats with the "refugees"?
                            [–]ABunchofTards 75 points76 points77 points  (1 child)
                            Gee, it's almost as if people know for themselves whats best for them, and meddling outsiders do very little but meddle...
                            [–]MMABoy 32 points33 points34 points  (1 child)
                            I'm glad more and more people are starting to realize how messed up this situation is, and are more willing to criticize the situation. Yet it is funny that SJWs are unwilling to do so, when this is a case of actual rape culture and a severe problem facing the women involved because they are unable to acknowledge anything negative about the refugee situation.
                            Look at SRS, there are several posts back pedaling, blaming "le redditors", etc. They are such useless wastes of oxygen who do absolutely nothing to contribute positively to actual issues facing the world. And when an issue does arise that effects some of the groups they "fight" for, they refuse to act. And there idea of making a difference is whining on a website they supposedly hate for 12 hours a day.
                            But don't worry, between their shifts at Burgerking they are posting on Tumblr about how the latest video game won't let you play as a woman.
                            At least there are actual people who are beginning to speak out against this problem.
                            [–]Maxthetank 21 points22 points23 points  (2 children)
                            The police covering this shit up/doing jack shit is going to only encourage retaliatory attacks that most likely are going to hurt refugees who had nothing to do with this.
                            Want to know how to turn me into a violent racist? Let scumbags of my mother/wife/sister/friend and do NOTHING about it.
                            Good job!
                            [–]PoshPoet 71 points72 points73 points  (12 children)
                            I guessed that the perpetrators were of Arab descent before reading the article. Does that make me a racist? Even though I was right?
                            [–]sidethan 26 points27 points28 points  (0 children)
                            I don't think you are a racist just by thinking the obvious, we have seen the stats, it's only natural to expect what we expect.
                            [–]kuffargaybar 229 points230 points231 points  (29 children)
                            Which probably were the same people clapping at the station when troops of young uneducated Middle Eastern men walked in to their cities.
                            [–]sidroast 14 points15 points16 points  (0 children)
                            Wow, Germany would rather victim blame than appear racist by identifying the criminals and dealing with the problem.
                            Stay safe, European women.
                            [–]giantjesus 151 points152 points153 points  (16 children)
                            I'm still struggling to understand what exactly happened. Pictures or videos are nowhere to be found sadly (no creepo).
                            After listening to statements from victims and police it looks to me there were two entirely separate types of mass assault.
                            • The inside of the train station was packed, partly because the police thought it was a good idea to restrict movement as a measure of crowd control to avoid chaos. In the crowd a corridor formed for people who were moving through. Multiple girls reported being sexually attacked by multiple men while passing through the corridor, but they could not identify individual attackers because everything was so crowded, just hands grabbing their private parts. From what I've seen, these girls do not report having been robbed, just sexually harrassed. Some described the situation as surreal.
                            • Outside the train station there were incidents were groups of women and also groups of men were met with a pickpocket technique called "antanzen" where they grab and touch their victims inappropriately to distract them and then steal cellphones or wallets. Many of those victims reported noticing that their valuables were missing a while after the attack.
                            The perpetrators in both cases were North African / Arabic looking, but they are not necessarily connected and while in one case we are looking at organized gangs, in the other it looks more like a bunch of fucking creeps spontaneously taking advantage of a spatial situation that put women in a very bad position.
                            There was also one even more serious case that is treated as a rape allegation, but we do not know any details about that.
                            [–]alpha69 13 points14 points15 points  (0 children)
                            Would be pretty tempting to vote far right if I lived in Germany now. Women not safe in the streets because of this uncontrolled migration?!
                            Ideally, this could be handled by a government that is not far right. But the other parties are hobbled by political correctness to the point of absurdity.
                            [–]wigglypoocool 6 points7 points8 points  (1 child)
                            While I do think the mass immigration that Germany is allowing into their country is a massive mistake. I find it FAR MORE irresponsible, and naive not to increase police presence when it's well known that a majority of the incoming immigrants have a very real cultural dissonance with western ideas.
                            Absolutely disgusting regressive left rhetoric has pushed Germany to even have a proper response to such a tragedy. Look, I ain't saying they should be kicking out all their immigrants, they've made a decision to house them in their country. I'm just saying if you invite a guy off the street into your home, you should also keep a gun under your pillow as well, or at least have some sort of defense set up in your home.
                            [–]funkballzthachurlish 51 points52 points53 points  (9 children)
                            These were not Syrian refugees. There is a class of immigrant/citizen in Germany who are second or maybe third generation immigrants from Morocco, Turkey, and a few other Middle Eastern countries and they are responsible for a inordinate amount of crime. Drugs, assault, sexual assault, theft.
                            Germans have been unable to gather the balls to address this issue since it first really began in the early 1990s. Since then it's gotten worse and it will only get more intolerable as the ranks of Middle Eastern and North African people in Germany swell. It starts early. The older brothers make sure the younger boys learn quick how things are: You can assault any German girl without fear of any consequences because German men don't run in packs and tend to be very non violent. The police are overwhelmed and unable to really put together a plan, and the court system is very easy to deal with. Very friendly. Even slaps on the wrist are rare. Lots and lots of social programs to understand why Turkish boys beat up German boys ...
                            Honestly, German men find the crime and assaults hard to fathom and don't know how to respond. The ability to band together and beat the shit out of a pack of wild miscreants has been squeezed out of German society. It's a very educated progressive society face to face with its polar opposite. Think: Qui-Gon Jin when he faced Darth Maul maybe.
                            It's always been bad, always been a problem, and its not the refugees, its just kanaken in Germany.
                            Source: I'm Turkish-German and grew up in Frankfurt. Edit: Spelling etc
                            [–]liall_de 95 points96 points97 points  (20 children)
                            News about sex assaults on world news and not about India? 2016 been doing good so far.
                            [–]jerkandletjerk 157 points158 points159 points  (18 children)
                            This topic faced heavy bans due to not being 'worldnews' enough. It raised a shitstorm over the last two days when many major subreddits (including twoX) blocked posts and banned people over this. All this done by a sub which gladly indulges in rape related news from India on a near-weekly basis.
                            [–]hunterbelmont 71 points72 points73 points  (12 children)
                            I don't understand how feminist subreddits like SRS are against this story being told. Is it not sexual assault if a minority is the perpetrator?
                            [–]epicwinguy101 35 points36 points37 points  (5 children)
                            But it's a story that tells a different narrative than "patriarchy" and "men are evil".
                            [–]Wallace_Grover 6 points7 points8 points  (2 children)
                            I'd say it reinforces that idea. Men did it and they come from a culture that's so patriarchal women lack what we consider basic rights.
                            [–]ZomboniPilot 21 points22 points23 points  (1 child)
                            "men are evil"
                            cis white men are evil
                            fixed that for ya buddy.
                            [–]be-happier 42 points43 points44 points  (2 children)
                            SRS is for the female version of the fat pasty white knight.
                            Expect no logic just more indugence for their antics (chick pass)
                            [–]radio_ghost_car 16 points17 points18 points  (3 children)
                            I've been watching this story with a lot of interest. Time will tell but I think we've finally reached a turning point in political consciousness.
                            To a large degree Germany's liberalism seems to be part of a drive to atone for it's past. Whether that was Merkels motivation is unsure but beyond her you had the voices of multiculturalism dominating the debate in Europe since the migrant crisis began. Any attempt to point out what a bad idea this is was met with shaming calls of racism and xenophobia.
                            This event and the resultant coverup have completely blown up that narrative. The adamant refusal of the pro-refugees camp to even acknowledge that there could be a problem has now set the stage to undo everything they've worked for by ushering in a whole new era of Nationalist extremism. Merkel and her allies have bankrupted their position by sticking to it so resolutely that it has caused harm to citizens just trying to live their lives in peace.
                            When people look back on Merkel's leadership all the positive things she's done will be forgotten. Instead history will remember how she put the peaceful people of Germany in such a awful position that the door is now open for fascism to return to Europe.
                            [–]organicoffee 12 points13 points14 points  (0 children)
                            Message to anyone who was a victim:
                            What happened to you was not your fault. Do not allow anyone to blame you for what happened. Do not accept any blame. Your feelings of anger, sadness, fear, confusion, etc are all valid. Please reach out for support.
                            The fault lies with the individuals who chose to harm you. They had a choice. They made an evil choice.
                            [–]MosDaf 5 points6 points7 points  (4 children)
                            One thing events like this help us determine is the pecking order according to the illiberal left. Here we see that: male Arab/N. African immigrants > (white?) female non-immigrants. I'll bet you can translate this into "privilege" mumbo-jumbo: the less "privilege" a group is imagined to have by the far left, the more regard they're treated with. So male Arab/N. African immigrants are probably imagined to have more "privilege" than white female non-immigrants.
                            Now, if these guys had molested, say, a "transwoman"...that shit is not going to fly. That might actually have gotten an immediate negative reaction instead of the dodging and dissembling.
                            I'm mostly a liberal, but the far left insanity that's infected the U.S. and much of Europe is just batshit stupid. I sometimes think that you get the illiberal left because some people simply cannot get their heads around actual fair treatment (e.g. ignoring sex, color, etc.). It's as if you start with bigots, and you can convince them to invert their bigotry...but you can't get them to stop being bigots. They're like "well, obviously I have to be prejudiced against some group...guess I'll just invert the poles of my prejudice..."
                            [–]lngwaytogo 5 points6 points7 points  (2 children)
                            Why are these people called refugees? The families who have lost loved ones, or been starved, or attacked, the shaking kids, the brutalized women are all refugees. These young men in the pictures I saw of the train stations aren't refugees. Just because they're from a certain part of the world doesn't mean they are seeking refuge.
                            [–]Lordbrowning 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                            I doubt there would be such a clamor to "not jump to conclusions" if the perpetrators had been native germans.
                            [–]SoyIsMurder 15 points16 points17 points  (1 child)
                            This is what happens when men are raised in societies where normal interactions with women are forbidden and women are viewed as property.
                            [–]Fighterpilot108 13 points14 points15 points  (13 children)
                            I dont think im a fan of Refugee's anymore...
                            [–]Krytan 4 points5 points6 points  (1 child)
                            Saying those women just needed to be more careful is flat out victim blaming. Women should be free of fear of sexual assault walking the streets of their own cities, obviously.
                            I think it's important not only to catch the perpetrators of this attack, but prevent future attacks by preventing people from disgustingly misogynistic hellholes from entering your country in the first place.
                            Catching someone after he sexually assaults a woman obviously doesn't help that woman any. She has already been dealt grievous harm from which she may never fully recover.
                            [–]OhSureItIs [score hidden]  (1 child)
                            This is so sad but the worst part is that situations like this occurring were very predictable but nobody wanted to listen.
                            You know what ME cultures think about the west? They think westerners have no culture. They think westerners are all idiots because they give away their wealth to outsiders. They have very little respect for the west, especially the women. All western women are good for in their eyes is fucking. Practically none would marry one, it would be a disgrace to marry such 'sluts'.
                            They want to use up all the resources they can get and give back as little as possible. That's how it is in the ME. There's no huge culture of charity, it's eat or be eaten. When you throw welfare money at them they aren't appreciative, they think you an idiot for it. They'll milk it as long as they can because to them there's no shame in taking advantage of a good thing.
                            When you bring in a hundred immigrants into a city, they mingle with like minded people of their culture but meet and associate with the naive population. In a generation or two they assimilate. When you bring in a few hundred thousand, they create their own communities. They don't learn the culture because they can get away without it. Everyone in their town speaks Arabic, why bother with German/English? Their kids hang out with other Arabs because that's who they have around and that's who they connect with most. They don't assimilate. The next generation feels marginalized because they kept to themselves and don't feel like they're part of the native culture so they backlash. This is what's going on and what will happen in Europe's future.
                            I say this as a refugee (20 years ago) from the Middle East who has lived both in Europe and the US. Assimilation will NOT happen if refugees come in with such numbers. It's common fucking sense.
                            [–]PickledBerry 22 points23 points24 points  (2 children)
                            Left wing social justice warriors need to stop shaming western culture and imposing their overly-sensitive PC agenda on the right. It is an assault on freedom of speech to not be able to discuss these issues openly for fear of offending others.
                            Western (or non-PC "white") culture has resulted in some of the most progressive, economically healthy and civilized countries in the world. That is not a bad thing.
                            [–]jaammyjames 13 points14 points15 points  (2 children)
                            This is so wrong that this is happening I can't quite believe it. I don't understand what we as Europeans are doing. Are we in self destruct mode or something?
                            [–]sweetjd1419 8 points9 points10 points  (3 children)
                            The people of Germany. Please do something about this.
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