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[–]Somepersonsomewheres 906 points907 points908 points  (260 children)
To the people saying "if you don't like it then leave" please enlighten us how we do that? We can't get European citizenship, our trade qualifications aren't recognised over seas, our universities are going down the toilet and we can't apply for asylum. The only hope is to make $250 000 to buy Bulgarian citizenship however our economy is so shit and the exchange rate getting worse, along with regulations strangling businesses making us hire unqualified people and impossible to fire our employees even of they don't bother showing up to work and it being illegal to replace them in the meantime, and property taxes, making that kind of money is extremely difficult, it will probably take me and my dad decades. So please enlighten us. assholes.
[–]waffleironone [score hidden]  (5 children)
My mother and her family left SA in the late 70s and that was hard. They had to smuggle out money in gold because there was a cap for the amount of rand they could legally transfer which wasn't at all livable so my grandpa being a goldsmith just put it all into gold, made jewelry out of it, and wore my family wore it on the plane. One of their friends moved to LA on a really temporary green card or whatever about 10 years ago and they were sent back to SA as well. I think they're finally in Australia but it took about 5 years of moving around from country to country. I still have family in SA and they can't get out as easily as my family had or their friends so I think they've just resigned to staying in Johannesburg with their 50 foot secured brick wall and backwards political system.
[–]seriaas 480 points481 points482 points  (37 children)
People who say those things have never had to leave their country.
[–]Duffalpha 248 points249 points250 points  (31 children)
Or they're so rich and entitled that it seems like no big deal: "I don't get it bro, just buy a plane ticket to Australia, get a job for a year, go to Europe and backpack a bit, try to get hired at a firm and get an extended work visa! No problem, plus you're right next to the alps!"
[–]6ThePrisoner [score hidden]  (3 children)
I always love when people say "Just move to Canada then." I've tried. They don't just take anyone who wants to.
[–]youdontseekyoda [score hidden]  (22 children)
Absolutely true. Redditors seem to think the world is a game of WoW, and you can just change servers, or teleport to a different land, at the drop of a hat. Keep in mind that most people on Reddit are 17 year old anti-social virgins that don't see the outside of their basement for weeks at a time.
[–]oneeighthirish [score hidden]  (5 children)
Hey! I'm a semi-social 18 year old who gets some and goes outside sometimes. Weenie.
[–]Attorney-at-Birdlaw [score hidden]  (2 children)
Getting grinded on by a newb night elf in Teldrissal doesn't count.
[–]roger_podakter [score hidden]  (0 children)
Or do anything difficult.
(Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (19 children)
    (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (18 children)
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            [–]prologio 24 points25 points26 points  (20 children)
            Just curious, why aren't SA trade qualification not recognized?
            (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (18 children)
              [–]CumBoxReseller 69 points70 points71 points  (16 children)
              I live in the UK (I'm from Cape Town) but all over my facebook today were congratulations for everyone that had passed their Matric and what an achievement it is etc etc. Had a look at the minimum you need to get to pass matric....and I see its 30%! What a fucking joke and we wonder why our qualifications are not recognized.
              [–]Hangmun [score hidden]  (8 children)
              More of the same BS here in California.
              As a parent of school age children, it's really frustrating to see bureaucrats and educators conspiring to dumb down the education system. It's no wonder so many people are choosing to send their kids to private or charter schools.
              [–]Dude_Im_Godly [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Grade inflation sucks.
              I went to a title one school in California and walked with kids I knew that could barely read or pass a spelling test. That for some god forsaken reason our senior year English teacher thought was a great idea.
              Principals of most schools are concerned with getting grades and points as high as possible because it makes them look great and in 4 years when they leave the school to become a superintendent they have a background of improving things. When all they've really done is inflate grades and let people with D's and less than 2.0s pass and graduate
              [–]Pit-trout [score hidden]  (4 children)
              Don't know the matric, but as a teacher — the percentage is meaningless on its own. 30% on a difficult exam can mean the same as 90% on an easy one. Not doubting your dismissal of the qualification, but the number alone really doesn't mean much.
              [–]CumBoxReseller [score hidden]  (2 children)
              Matric is grade 12 in South Africa, they dropped it to 30% to make it look like the ruling party has a better education system.
              [–]AvroLancaster [score hidden]  (1 child)
              That's like murdering fat people to drop the obesity rate.
              Or demolishing houses to lower the annual number of fires.
              Or devaluing a currency by 100,000,000% in order to make more millionaires.
              [–]CumBoxReseller [score hidden]  (0 children)
              You work for the SA government? If not, you hired!
              [–]antaryon [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Its bad enough that a it's being called worse than what apartheid used to provide to black citizens
              Looks like you're going to prison for saying that.
              [–]Slim_Charles 111 points112 points113 points  (6 children)
              Just fly to Germany and tell them you are Syrian.
              [–]LSeww 33 points34 points35 points  (31 children)
              I think a racial discrimination by law should be enough to make you a refugee.
              [–]emporras [score hidden]  (1 child)
              Whites will never be taken in as refugees with today's standards.
              [–]denart12 [score hidden]  (26 children)
              I don't think it will count if you are white though. By many people and even textbooks in schools state that racism against white people is not possible. I don't know about OP's race though but it is just something to keep in mind.
              [–]PimpOfJoytime [score hidden]  (4 children)
              what's this about buying Bulgarian citizenship?
              [–]Ymir_SMASH 92 points93 points94 points  (57 children)
              The genocide campaign is ramping up; they are now making laws that will only effects whites and are increasingly calling whites "wreckers" who are to blame for the sorry state of SA.
              My advice is to leave now. Get a visa to the US for anything and just don't leave. Being illegal in the US is better than dead in SA.
              [–]Dr_Evil_173 [score hidden]  (0 children)
              step 1: dye your hair black
              step 2: go to a tanning salon
              step 3: buy a plane ticket to Istanbul
              step 4: cross the border into Greece
              step 5: join the Syrians in their march to Germany
              step 6: arrive in Germany and claim you're Syrian
              step 7: once you have German/EU citizenship, move to the Netherlands to join your fellow Dutch and be free of that African shithole that your ancestors never should have wasted time/resources moving to anyway.
              [–]SeeBoar 16 points17 points18 points  (2 children)
              Go to sweden and say you're a refugee.
              [–]Mjacobs1991 59 points60 points61 points  (3 children)
              To give some perspective, the recent protests against Zuma for his general ineptitude (General corruption and the sacking of the finance minister to be a little more specific), attended mostly (Not exclusively) by the white middle and upper middle class were labeled as being racist by the ANC.
              [–]zero_fool 90 points91 points92 points  (7 children)
              SA is the next Zimbabwe
              [–]itchyvoid [score hidden]  (0 children)
              my friend calls it South Zim
              [–]JesusVonChrist [score hidden]  (0 children)
              You mean next Rhodesia.
              [–]capt-chris [score hidden]  (12 children)
              The black people I've spoken to about racism have said that you can't be racist to white people because it requires a position of power. Let me educate you a little. In South Africa, the shoe is on the other foot. The blacks are in charge, and they are actively oppressing the white population. The police don’t care if you’re white; in fact, you’re more likely to get shot if you’re white, or be blackmailed by a corrupt cop looking for a bribe. My relatives in Pretoria have first-hand experience of this. My cousin was pulled over and the cop straight up demanded 1000 Rand from him, he never even broke the law. His sister’s husband tried to start a company, and he was told by the officials that deal with company registrations that he could not be the sole director because he was white, he had to have a black person on the board of his company before they would allow him to start the company.
              White people in South Africa have no privilege. They are second class citizens in their own country. Why the hell does South Africa need to criminalise racism when, by their own definiton, racism from white South Africans to black South Africans can't exist because the whites don't have a position of power?
              [–]Hamm1701 [score hidden]  (0 children)
              As a South African / american I am happy to see a part of reddit has an idea of what's happening over there.
              [–]EwanWhoseArmy [score hidden]  (1 child)
              Well its obvious, some people obviously think all white SAs are to blame for Apartheid
              [–]Gnometard [score hidden]  (0 children)
              Just like all American whites are responsible for the trans Atlantic slave trade.
              [–]moeburn [score hidden]  (2 children)
              The black people I've spoken to about racism have said that you can't be racist to white people because it requires a position of power.
              So how does that work with Jewish people?
              [–]Linoran 877 points878 points879 points  (366 children)
              So a literal thought police.
              [–]JIDF-Shill 253 points254 points255 points  (78 children)
              ANC has had de facto thought police for a while now.
              They're a corrupt, thuggish party of inept cronies appointed through nepotism. Yet you can't criticize them in South Africa (especially if you're white) without the "hurrr durrr but apartheid".
              Well no shit apartheid needed to go, but that doesn't justify you being one of the most corrupt and incompetent regimes on the planet.
              [–]joker91za 76 points77 points78 points  (1 child)
              Can confirm, race card is strong in SA. recently #Zumamustfall has gained traction with both black and white people standing together to protest. ANC soon came out saying it's racist against zuma
              [–]IAmA_Risky_Click_AMA 14 points15 points16 points  (0 children)
              Ah, yeah, the SA Goon Squad....
              [–]TMWNN 20 points21 points22 points  (3 children)
              Well no shit apartheid needed to go, but that doesn't justify you being one of the most corrupt and incompetent regimes on the planet.
              Sadly, the ANC in power appears to have, during its decades of struggle against the apartheid government, absorbed absolutely none of the liberal trends that marked the contemporary European and even Latin American left; in retrospect it really was dominated by the Communists the whole time, the way the white government claimed. Further, two decades later, it has seen none of the liberalism that other leftist parties experienced once they obtained power, such as in China, Daniel Ortega's Nicaragua, or Lula's Brazil.
              [–]babwawawa [score hidden]  (0 children)
              You know, it says right there in the first sentence. "any act that perpetuates racism or glorifies apartheid." And it has precedence in many other countries (see Germany). And if you look at the application of the espionage act in the US, it's not that far off.
              I agree with you that this is an asinine law. But don't characterize it thought policing.
              [–]treesampler 384 points385 points386 points  (275 children)
              This is the kind of thought policing that the political left wants to bring to the US. We even see it here on Reddit with many of the left-wing mods in the default subreddits constantly censoring discussions, deleting posts, and locking the comments section whenever a post goes strongly against the left's narrative. 40% of Millennials support censoring offensive opinions according to a recent Pew Research poll. Of those that support censoring opinions, the majority were left-wing.
              [–]God_Damnit_Nappa 242 points243 points244 points  (40 children)
              I'd have doubted that 40% figure, but after seeing those dumbasses at Yale supporting the repeal of the 1st Amendment I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. The radical left seems to feel it's OK to violate free speech in other to make people feel safe. Disgusting. And I say this as a left leaning person. And speaking of Reddit, it's always fun seeing comments on an article locked because the mods decided the comments were getting too offensive.
              [–]somelikeitnuetral 61 points62 points63 points  (13 children)
              if you haven't watched the Rubin Report yet i think you should. It has a lot of great interviews discussing the "regressive left."
              Rubin and many of his guests are self identified leftists or "classic liberals." I myself am definitely on the right but find the conversations very interesting and informative.
              [–]canausernamebetoolon 23 points24 points25 points  (10 children)
              It's sort of a circle-jerk to point at a fringe that the overwhelming majority disagrees with and call it a major problem, when there's been a fringe on the left (and right) for generations, exploited at various levels at various times by an opposition hoping to paint them as representative of the majority who disagrees with them. The Bundy nuts aren't representative of the right, and there's been a fringe on the right for generations, too.
              Also, people have always thought stupid, radical things in college. People also grow up.
              [–]DO_YOU_EVEN_LIFT_BRO [score hidden]  (7 children)
              It's sort of a circle-jerk to point at a fringe that the overwhelming majority disagrees with
              40% of Millennials support censoring offensive opinions according to a recent Pew Research poll
              If a scarf were 40% fringe, it'd be a mop.
              [–]Calfurious [score hidden]  (1 child)
              First and foremost, that report didn't say 40% of millennials support censoring opinions, it said 40% of millennials believe that the government should be able to prevent statements that are offensive to minorities. While you may believe that's pretty much the same thing, the way surveys and statistics work is that wording certain words differently can result in drastic changes in how it's perceived.
              What do they mean by prevent or limit? Does that mean the government can tear down billboards that has a white supremacist saying that blacks are animals? Does that mean that the government can arrest somebody who goes up on stage and begins spouting about how Jews are evil and that Hitler was right? Does it matter if it's on the internet or in real life?
              See all those nuances are very important, but that survey didn't gather that up. Of course people don't really care about accuracy or trying to objectively establish what exactly does that survey is telling us, they just want ammunition to attack the "PC Liberals ruining this country".
              [–]FourteenFour 21 points22 points23 points  (1 child)
              they aren't doing it to feel safe, they are doing it to shut out all dissenting ideas. sadly I don't think its confined to the radical of the left, quite a few mainstream people on the left had called out for censoring, jailing, and fines, for those who don't toe the consensus
              [–]epicblowfish 42 points43 points44 points  (10 children)
              I'm a liberal and I'm against censorship.
              [–]MomentOfXen 60 points61 points62 points  (18 children)
              Us reasonable liberals refer to them as the Regressive Left and I've grown quite fond of the term.
              [–]berning_for_you [score hidden]  (0 children)
              That's a fantastic term to describe them. Essentially, many left wing leaning people i know (including myself) consider them to be our version of the Tea Party. They're basically radicals that make us look bad.
              [–]prologio 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
              Wow, it has a wiki page now.
              [–]backgammon14 16 points17 points18 points  (4 children)
              Imgur's censorship makes reddit's look like the wild west. Anything outside the hive mind draws a ban.
              [–]whateversclever13 16 points17 points18 points  (1 child)
              Just because some whiny overcoddled college kids who never stepped foot into the real world go on about shit like safe spaces doesn't mean they speak for the political left. I'm left, I've spent my whole life in NYC and usually vote democrat but they can go fuck themselves.
              [–]SpaceVikings 28 points29 points30 points  (2 children)
              That would be unconstitutional. Using a private website and subreddits as examples is moot as freedom of expression doesn't extend to these places.
              r/conservative would ban non-conservatives, too, so it's not on one side of the spectrum.
              [–]snooicidal 26 points27 points28 points  (11 children)
              40% of Millennials support censoring offensive opinions according to a recent Pew Research poll. Of those that support censoring opinions, the majority were left-wing.
              it's disgusting that anyone would think censorship is ok in america. although the poll is about 'censoring statements about minorities,' not just offensive opinions in general (although any censorship is a slippery slope.) so i wanted to add a disclaimer to your implication toward a liberal agenda conspiracy..
              [–]CannabisandCandy 42 points43 points44 points  (34 children)
              They can all go fuck themselves. I'm gonna write and say what I want to because I can. And if the day comes that the government takes away that right I'm gonna fucking continue doing it and they'll just have to haul me off to prison. I'd rather sit in prison for something I believe in than watch what I say because everyone's a god damn pussy and gets offended by fucking everything in this world just because it's not their way.
              [–]somelikeitnuetral 73 points74 points75 points  (17 children)
              gonna need that 2nd amendment to defend our right to the 1st
              [–]lv426a 12 points13 points14 points  (2 children)
              Probably only applies to certain races too.
              [–]kinseyeire 795 points796 points797 points  (223 children)
              This coming from a country which sets quotas on companies which must hire black people regardless of their qualification or work experience. S.A. is a joke a country.
              [–]missedfit 275 points276 points277 points  (124 children)
              And it's stuff like this that keeps businesses the hell away from SA, keeping the money in the hands of a very small black minority, while most of the black population are still poorer than the whites.
              [–]Radaghast38 139 points140 points141 points  (118 children)
              So pretty much most African countries?
              [–]SlowRollingBoil 255 points256 points257 points  (85 children)
              I don't remember who said it. But "Africa's issues are not resources - it's governance".
              I was reminded of this when hearing that damn "Do they know it's Christmas time at all" song about Africa. "Where nothing ever grows. No rain or rivers flow." Bullshit. Africa has a ton of natural resources and ability to sustain itself within each country. What it has lacked for hundreds of years is stable government.
              EDIT: I don't hold all the answers, but keep in mind that an unstable Africa is a good thing for many world powers; likewise an unstable Middle East has many benefits as well. The countries of Africa do not operate in a vacuum free from outside -and much more powerful- influence.
              [–]iwannabetheguytoo [score hidden]  (4 children)
              The song was in response to the 1983 Ethiopian famine which is ascribed to drought, so the line "Where nothing ever grows. No rain or rivers flow." is accurate in the context of the famine, which the song was produced to raise money for.
              That said, those lyrics are not from the original Band Aid song: http://genius.com/Band-aid-do-they-know-its-christmas-lyrics but from a cover released almost a decade after the original release, so your diatribe about the song is moot.
              [–]AvroLancaster [score hidden]  (3 children)
              An interesting side note: most of the money didn't go to famine-relief, but rather to the brutal quasi-genocidal campaign of a mad dictator:
              Which I think supports the governance argument. Modern Africa's biggest problems are not racial, geological, climactic, cultural or historical. They are institutional and ultimately fixable.
              (Comment deleted or removed) [+][deleted]  (34 children)
                [–]howdoesilogin 18 points19 points20 points  (20 children)
                as with every rule there is an exception: Ethiopia one of the oldest countries in the world, the only country in africa that wasnt colonized etc. Sure they had their problems but those came from the war the italians declared on them (and almost lost)
                [–]balloonpoop 23 points24 points25 points  (5 children)
                South Africa was so close to becoming livable...
                [–]poliphilosophy 48 points49 points50 points  (2 children)
                South Africa is very livable, the reason I have left and many of my peers are because of the trajectory of the country. If a real honest leader and party were to take over right this second, the country can still be saved. The reality is however that we have corruption and nepotism running rampant. If the problem was merely corruption, it would be like any other country, but it is compounded by gross incompetence. Many of our ministers and local government officials cannot read or write. Our president has the equivalent of 6th grade education and is as corrupt as fuck (was charged with bribery, rape and corruption even before entering office). Now that's all pretty bad, until you see the clowns in the wings who are ready to take over.
                Mandela did well
                Mbeki was OK
                Mothlathe seemed good, but was just a puppet
                Zuma... terrible
                ??? Malema -> It's all over if this guy becomes president.
                [–]TheDNote 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
                Still is if you have money, but that could be said for almost anywhere
                [–]guuutbutttt 52 points53 points54 points  (11 children)
                S.A. is a joke a country.
                It'd be a joke if it wasn't so terrifying for a lot of people. The company I work for (US-based) recently bought a tech company in SA (Cape Town) that had around 300 employees. Within the first two weeks after the purchase was finalized, we had 130 employees applying for a transfer to the US. The previous year, four of their employees had been murdered in home invasions. My coworker was a director and had a woman in tears on the phone when he told her that he couldn't transfer her to the states.
                [–]EstamelTharchon 37 points38 points39 points  (5 children)
                The most baffling example of this is the police. Nobody trusts it any more, making private security companies do all of the work.
                [–]kingofthefeminists 17 points18 points19 points  (0 children)
                I know this is relatively minor but:
                They've recently started setting racial quotas for selection in their national cricket team. Its not been going well for them (has lost them matches, has caused discontentment among the players, they've been doing pretty shit since this started)
                [–]CHAD_J_THUNDERCOCK 77 points78 points79 points  (25 children)
                All businesses must be owned at least 51% by blacks
                [–]dovetc 31 points32 points33 points  (18 children)
                Whenever I see laws with this kind of wording I can't help but wonder what they do with mixed race people. The same question has come up around the Rooney rule in Football which states that when interviewing for a head coaching position they must interview at least one black candidate. How black do they have to be to meet the standard of blackness?
                [–]Morodin88 [score hidden]  (6 children)
                In South africa there is actually a point score (not even joking) I am not dead sure how the numbers works but in terms of ranking it goes something like:
                Black female (100% full black no coconuts allowed) Black Male Coloured female (this and indian may be wrong way around) Indian Female coloured male white female indian male
                anybodyfucking else
                white male
                [–]ranger910 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                When you say a black female is not allowed coconuts, what exactly does that mean...
                [–]lavaenema [score hidden]  (6 children)
                Being black is defined as having 450-850 mili-Tupacs. For reference, Malcolm X is around 2000mT and Wayne Brady around 3.5mT.
                [–]Pfundz [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Its just racism in a different way. If you want a truly equal rule book only make a difference between citizens and non citizens.
                Racial quotas in any imaginable way (positive , negative) are racist.
                If you get less or more in anyway based on your race (especially if its government enforced law) it already implies a difference.
                Good education , a good social net and equal rights to everyone would have shit like this sorted out.
                [–]Grunge_bob [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Interestingly as well, being black in South Africa has very different definitions than being black in other countries, such as the U.S. or Australia.
                [–]seriaas 24 points25 points26 points  (3 children)
                No, not all businesses. Only ones of a certain size, and even then only if they want BEEE certification, which most do because you get those lucrative government deals.
                [–]Morodin88 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Actually without BEEE certification you cannot even get contracts from other companies such as SASOL and ESKOM or you know anybody who employs over 30people. As a part of your own BEEE requirements checks if you are hiring BEEE certified companies IF you do not then your own BEEE certification goes out the window.
                It is also not just a size thing. A small company with 5 employees and lets say a 10Million rand turnover (yes turnover not profit) is also subject to more stern BEE regulations...
                [–]Messugga 27 points28 points29 points  (0 children)
                And if you're a corporate wanting to maintain your BEEE certification, you better deal with companies that also hold the certification. Not having it severely limits your business opportunities.
                [–]tifa123 64 points65 points66 points  (17 children)
                I have worked in SA as a web developer at a digital agency for a year and a half. Those quotas are meant for blue collar or unskilled jobs. There are no quotas for managerial, skilled and semi-skilled jobs.
                Most white South Africans are either educated enough to land a skilled job or own a business. I remember being the only black guy at my agency. Just something to keep in mind.
                [–]4Tenacious_Dee4 37 points38 points39 points  (0 children)
                SA race issues can only be understood once you've lived there.
                [–]Morodin88 [score hidden]  (3 children)
                Those quotas are meant for blue collar or unskilled jobs.
                Bullshit. Have you seen the upper management of Eskom, Sasol, (insert large corporation here) recently? The most skilled white person on this planet couldn't land a job in any of those companies.
                [–]Seahorse1774 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Eskom, Sasol ect. are parastatals and cadre deployment is the norm for these companies.
                [–]-Kimi- [score hidden]  (0 children)
                No I haven't. Could be due to no lights working...
                [–]treesampler 108 points109 points110 points  (25 children)
                Unfortunately we are also beginning to do that here in the US. The left calls it "justice and equality" and labels you a racist if you don't hire on the basis of skin color and instead hire on the basis of skills. In the 1950's it was white people, in the 2000's it is Black people you have to hire regardless of skill or you can expect a lawsuit. Forget about trying to fire someone who is incompetent and happens to be Black, you will be stuck in courts for years. The left is pushing this nonsense really hard as of lately. I used to think equality was about judging people by their skills and qualifications, but now it has become all about where you are on the progressive stack. If you try to speak out against this you get censored by the left. Just look at how heavily left-wing Reddit mods in the default subreddits censor discussions as soon as it hurts the left's narrative.
                [–]calebcom84 56 points57 points58 points  (12 children)
                Guy at my last job had been there for 3 fucking months, wasn't even off probationary period, CONSTANT complaints about how the only reason he wasn't a manager yet was because he was black, "I always get put on the forklift cause I'm black" "you're all racist, no one likes me cause I'm black"
                Jesus fuck EVERYTHING was about him being black to him.
                It wasn't that he was black, it's that he was an incompetent ASSHOLE who wouldn't listen to ANYTHING.
                [–]shmehdit [score hidden]  (4 children)
                he was an incompetent ASSHOLE who wouldn't listen to ANYTHING.
                So he was given control of a forklift?
                [–]calebcom84 [score hidden]  (2 children)
                It was the only place we could put him to keep him out of the way of everyone else, taking the product from the end of the line back to the warehouse, anywhere else we put him he kept shutting the line down, costing the company thousands of dollars each time.
                [–]Forgot-my-name-dude [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Come on dude, SA and the US are very far apart.
                [–]vSHxJW63Nx8 183 points184 points185 points  (11 children)
                The real question is who gets to define racism. These kinds of laws are nothing more than "if I don't like you, I can silence you by force now".
                I suspect racism will end up being defined in such a way that only white people can do it.
                [–]Washuchan73 95 points96 points97 points  (5 children)
                We all know the narrative ... "Prejudice plus power" ... oh wait...
                [–]sloppies 70 points71 points72 points  (3 children)
                lol they're going to need a new definition now. "Prejudice - Melanin = racism"
                [–]SrraHtlTngoFxtrt 17 points18 points19 points  (0 children)
                Lemme fix that equation for you: Prejudice -Melanin=Racism
                [–]warden5738256 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
                It already is.
                [–]GabensInventory 336 points337 points338 points  (116 children)
                Mandela must be spinning in his grave.
                The SA government is already forcing utility companies to replace engineers and make new hires based on their skin colour. I imagine the already serious brain-drain and white flight will only increase.
                This is what Zimbabwe tried and look at how well that worked out for them: from Africa's breadbasket to the top 10 poorest countries on the continent (with a per-capita GDP lower than Somalia and Eritrea...).
                [–]Messugga 76 points77 points78 points  (2 children)
                The wife's an anesthesiologist and I'm into business analysis in investment banking (on the scarce skills list for any country I've looked at) and we're looking to start the process of leaving the country, this year. The same is true for many of my skilled/educated friends. SA is haemorrhaging skills and the country doesn't have the means of replacing them.
                [–]highguy98 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Fuck it man, get out while you can.
                [–]Dark-Ulfberht 192 points193 points194 points  (53 children)
                This is what people everywhere need to understand: no one cares about "equality" or "justice." Words like this are just used to justify actions that actually serve an entirely different purpose: to take powwe from one group and give it to another.
                So, whenever some politician invokes a word like this, you can be sure he is full of shit.
                [–]treesampler 114 points115 points116 points  (23 children)
                The left uses these "equality and justice" euphemism all the time even here in the US to justify discrimination on the basis of race against Asians and Whites. They do it with programs such as affirmative action which privileges poor performing Black students over high performing Asian students. An Asian student on average has to score nearly 400 points higher on their SATs than Black student to get similar acceptance rates into schools. The left uses "equality and justice" euphemisms to justify this pandering to their political base as a majority of Black people vote Democrat and those white people who strongly identify with the left are plagued by white guilt to the point where they justify people rioting and looting in places like Baltimore. Anyone that speaks out against this policy by claiming that students should be admitted in to schools on the basis of their academics and hard work is immediately labeled a racist. Look at how the left is using the "70 cents on the dollar" wage gap myth to try and push hiring quotas "equality and justice" for women. The only thing that the left accomplishes with these policies is hurting qualified Blacks and women as now every isn't certain on whether a person got in to a school or got a job because of their qualifications or if they are there to meet a quota.
                [–]JIDF-Shill 131 points132 points133 points  (17 children)
                Mandela must be spinning in his grave.
                This is just the kind of thing Mandela would have supported. I don't get why people have a cult of personality with him. He was essentially a communist who used both violent and peaceful methods to overthrow an oppressive system. The ANC is made up today of many of his closet associates and his own post-Apartheid reign saw mass corruption combined with positive aspects like racial reconciliation and desegregation.
                Historical revisionism is bad. Mandela should be open for critical analysis but unfortunately he's treated as sacrosanct in 2016.
                [–]Sekure 56 points57 points58 points  (7 children)
                Mandela and DeKlerk saved South Africa from a vicious civil war. I was there, I know.
                For that alone all South Africans should be forever grateful - I am.
                I grew up under Apartheid. I am lucky to be born white. I cannot stress how bad Apartheid was for the black people. I cannot stress how bad Apartheid (National Party) was for everyone in South Africa.
                South Africa was a police state.
                The police could do virtually anything at anytime without requiring a warrant or even suspicion. You could be hauled off an detained indefinitely without anyone knowing.
                Everyone was subject to search at any time - no reason required.
                Now, I'm not saying criminalizing racism is right ( because we know from past experience that it's going to be mis-used and abused) but people really need to remember that Apartheid was deeply wrong, unethical, immoral, and a human rights fiasco.
                No amount of fiscal abundance, for a select few, can ever make Apartheid better.
                [–]spaghetti_emissary 29 points30 points31 points  (7 children)
                Umm... isn't that racism though? Exactly what they're claiming to fight against?
                [–]presidenttrump_2016 12 points13 points14 points  (1 child)
                You are confused. The government has never been fighting for racial equality. It has been fighting for blacks. There is a big difference.
                You can't parallel it to race movements in Europe or America, where blacks are a minority and need cooperation from other races. Blacks make up the majority and instituting laws that favor blacks and disenfranchise others is totally doable here.
                [–]GabensInventory 43 points44 points45 points  (0 children)
                Umm... isn't that racism though?
                [–]4Tenacious_Dee4 11 points12 points13 points  (2 children)
                No, there is no such thing as reverse racism.
                ... is what our government says time and again.
                [–]Corax7 30 points31 points32 points  (19 children)
                Wait, Zimbabwe went poor because white people left ?_? I thought they where why Zimbabwe was bad in the first place? And that the natives wanted whites to go away to begin with?
                Also how come the natives didn't just take over the whites farms and continue to produce food and aquire wealth?
                Why the fucking downvotes, fucking asked a question...
                [–]Johnny_Horsecock 24 points25 points26 points  (3 children)
                They had no idea how to work the land. The largest and more successful farms were controlled by the colonists so when Mugabe appropriated their land it was massively mismanaged. Now they have some of the worst if not the worst hyperinflation on the planet.
                [–]GabensInventory 81 points82 points83 points  (3 children)
                Wait, Zimbabwe went poor because white people left ?_? I thought they where why Zimbabwe was bad in the first place? And that the natives wanted whites to go away to begin with?
                As /u/merehow said, whites had a lot of businesses and farms, and yes they did have a higher standard of living than blacks. Though there was well-developed infrastructure for the time, and everyone had access to healthcare and education:
                The white government of Ian Smith accepted to hold elections, and a black president was elected, along with a black-majority parliment. This was still not satisfactory for Mugabe who at the time was a rebel-leader and refused to lay down arms. You can read more about this here:
                Also how come the natives didn't just take over the whites farms and continue to produce food and aquire wealth?
                Because the land wasn't given to "the people", it was redistributed to Mugabe loyalists who had no intention of toiling in the fields or paying anyone to do so.
                There's also the knowledge loss to consider: imagine someone gives you a plot of land, a bag of seeds and says "alright, you're now a farmer, good luck with that!". What's the best time to plant crops? How and how often are they to be irrigated? How do you deal with pests and crop loss? How are you going to collect and sell the crops?
                This is the danger of brain-drain that /u/lpc211 dismisses so out-of-hand: it has a far-reaching and crippling effect when it happens on a large scale:
                From the article:
                From a strictly economic point of view, the departure figures were not as significant as the loss of the skills of those leaving.[41] A disproportionate number of white Zimbabwean emigrants were well educated and highly skilled. Among those living in the United States, for example, 53.7% had a bachelor's degree, while only 2% had not completed secondary school.[45] Most (52.4%) had occupied technical or supervisory positions of critical importance to the modern sector of the economy.[45] Inasmuch as black workers did not begin making large inroads into apprenticeships and other training programs until the 1970s, few were in a position to replace their white colleagues in the 1980s.[41]
                Mugabe treated the country as his own little fiefdom, shared no power and he and his cronies grossly mismanaged every sector of government and the economy.
                Things are so bad that he's even on his knees now begging the farmers he expelled to come back:
                You know the situation is dire when a dictator is groveling to lowly farmers.
                Why the fucking downvotes, fucking asked a question...
                I don't know...reddit can be weird :|
                [–]Legendoflemmiwinks [score hidden]  (0 children)
                People who use "to fight racism" as a reason to support them tend to end up like ^ that guy.
                [–]SrraHtlTngoFxtrt 32 points33 points34 points  (0 children)
                Rhodesia was the breadbasket of Africa because of European settlers. They brought modern agricultural techniques and technology where there previously was no large-scale commercial agriculture. When Robert Mugabe took over and renamed the country to Zimbabwe, he confiscated the farms belonging to white people (which were basically all of them) and handed them over to untrained lackeys with zero experience, training, or study in managing large cultivated fields. Productive commercial agriculture is a very meticulous process, and it's not something any untrained yokel can do.
                [–]merehow 11 points12 points13 points  (2 children)
                Its true that there was a lot of racial unrest, and many natives wanted the white people to leave. The whites, however, were in large part the upper class. They had most of the money, not always from farms but from other business ventures and just generally within their families. When they left, a lot of businesses left with them, a lot of money left their economy, and it left Zimbabwe as a poorer nation.
                [–]SrraHtlTngoFxtrt 15 points16 points17 points  (0 children)
                That's diffusing the blame from the cronyism and economic mismanagement of the Mugabe regime though. Zimbabwe's economic troubles are solely the fault of Robert Mugabe's complete mismanagement of the country's economic policy. Capital flight was merely a symptom of the mismanagement rather than a cause.
                [–]presidenttrump_2016 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                They had most of the money, not always from farms but from other business ventures and just generally within their families.
                Actually, farms were the biggest issue. Farming output fell 50% within one year after Mugabe took over, because the blacks he gave land to didn't know what they were doing.
                [–]presidenttrump_2016 [score hidden]  (3 children)
                Also how come the natives didn't just take over the whites farms and continue to produce food and aquire wealth?
                Because farming efficiently takes skill and knowledge. When Mugabi took all the land from whites and gave it to blacks, the farming output fell by 50% within a year. This caused the economy to collapse and everyone ended up poorer.
                This is a fundamental problem with wealth redistribution in any country. The ultrarich get that way from efficiently managing large amounts of wealth. You can't redistributing it to the poor and expect it to be managed just as effectively.
                [–]nastyrealitycheck 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
                you're getting down voted for a lack of common sense and because people are sick of this leftist rhetoric that "whites"= bad.
                [–]coppercable 1358 points1359 points1360 points  (676 children)
                It's only a law for white people. They'll be the only ones to be charged with it. Trust me, I'm a white South African, I know first hand how bigoted and racist black south Africans can be.
                [–]Dgamer2 56 points57 points58 points  (11 children)
                this will be one sided and biased, i agree. I grew up there and saw it happening. Members of the government are also racist.
                [–]DrBoomkin 554 points555 points556 points  (474 children)
                South Africa has really gone to shit in the last 20 years...
                It basically went from a tyranny by a minority, to a tyranny of the majority.
                [–]IcarusBurning 155 points156 points157 points  (26 children)
                "South Africa really went to shit when apartheid ended"
                [–]asianwaste [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Exchanging one extreme and move too far to the other extreme. Nothing was solved except for that one brief moment when the scales were still tipping.
                [–]thipp 87 points88 points89 points  (18 children)
                Things went from one flavor of racist shit to another flavor of racist shit, yet but apparently the new version tastes fine to you.
                [–]Yottah [score hidden]  (0 children)
                You wouldn't believe it. I don't want to believe it. But we must face the facts if we want to change this country. The ANC did a lot of scummy things the moment they came to power, freeing terrorists who killed innocent people. They killed White people who were not guilty, such as Ukrainian sailors and others in uncontrolled terrorist attacks. The Apartheid government was a government of prejudice, but the current government is a government of corruption.
                [–]lumloon 21 points22 points23 points  (10 children)
                SA is still the 100 pound gorilla in southern Africa . Its not Zim.
                But the Zulus are going after the Somalis, Nigerians , etc. If SA doesnt apply the antiracism law against the Zulus then we can call them incompetent and light a fire under their butts
                [–]madbunnyrabbit 55 points56 points57 points  (1 child)
                A 100 pound gorilla is like, a baby gorilla, right?
                [–]Expert_on_all_topics 21 points22 points23 points  (0 children)
                No, just extremely cheap.
                [–]fubarbazqux 23 points24 points25 points  (5 children)
                From Wikipedia: Wild male gorillas weigh ... 298 to 397 lb ... females usually weigh half as much .. 150–249 lb
                As you can see, 100 lb gorilla is actually a very light and probably even malnourished gorilla!
                [–]dblmjr_loser 9 points10 points11 points  (4 children)
                Hell a 100 pound adult human male is probably malnourished too, the gorilla would be dead :D
                [–]boiler2013 369 points370 points371 points  (397 children)
                Except tyranny by the minority means it was a safe and productive country. Now it's on its way to a joke of a nation. Same thing happened with Rhodesia.
                [–]realityhasnobias 182 points183 points184 points  (280 children)
                White people did some pretty terrible things in Africa, but you can't say they weren't damn good administratively. Now black people are doing terrible things in their place, but without any organization or effectiveness elsewhere.
                [–]ryanaammess 392 points393 points394 points  (181 children)
                people did some pretty terrible things in Africa, but you can't say they weren't damn good administratively.
                Yeah for white people.
                [–]fuckoff_burhead 69 points70 points71 points  (10 children)
                For everyone. The standard of living there has dropped for everyone.
                [–]Cammadore64 436 points437 points438 points  (161 children)
                I feel like I'm losing my mind reading these comments. Are they gonna say slavery wasn't a big deal next?
                I dunno 3 square meals and free room and board sounds pretty good to me.
                [–]americaFya 36 points37 points38 points  (0 children)
                You're convoluting the points. If someone said slavery of 10,000 people was worse than mass execution of them all, would you agree with them? They can both be terrible things, with one being more terrible. No one suggested apartheid was a good thing. They're say as bad as it was, it's getting worse for the country as a whole.
                [–]sokratesz 61 points62 points63 points  (7 children)
                Have you been to South Africa? Even the blacks say that during apartheid, at least everything worked. Now the government, economy, roads, everything is going to shit.
                Dragging slavery into this is stupid and unnecessary.
                [–]Nathan9456 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                But c'mon, when things worked it's obviously because it was built off the backs of non-whites! Otherwise it would just be actual history without a racist bias. Were white people shitty? Duh. But first, how many redditors could tell you who invented the concept of slavery?(It was invented by nearly every culture on Earth in some form or another) Second, how many redditors could tell you who adopted it last?(White people adopted the closest example of modern slavery from Africans as Africans wanted their goods but had little of value to trade for them Prior to that Europeans used indentured servants and Serfs. Close to slavery but not quite).
                Vengeful thinking gets us nowhere to begin with and that's why all this racism needs to fucking stop. Anti-racist groups are more racist than racist groups at this point! Only they get support from our media, widely. You know what the goal of anti-racism is? To get people to stop seeing color to begin with. To make words like Negroe, Cracker, Chink, Whatever slur you can think of, to simply not matter and to not be used in an insulting manner, not to make us avoid certain words like the plague lest I be called a racist. Jesus what is even the threshold of Racism these days? Two bad words? Now all these groups are out to get revenge or get payback. I don't owe black people shit for the same reason that they don't owe me shit for the thousands of captured children enslaved from Europe. History is literally filled to the brim with people mistreating each other. Pointing the finger is incredibly hypocritical at this point in history. What? White people utilized slavery to the maximum because they had the technological superiority and administrative experience to do so? Big friggen surprise. Humans take advantage of everything they can and this has proven true 100% of the time. It's how we live! People keep saying they want a bright future but what are they doing to get a better future for all of us? Being racist against entire groups for a few assholes in that group? Oh and don't think I'm pointing fingers here. White people, Asians, Africans, Europeans, Yeah, everybody on this Earth is an asshole to somebody. Like I've always thought. Don't shame people for what anybody else but them did. Don't call it racism because that makes it a phenomenon. Call it douchbaggery, assholes being assholes, call them things that create personal accountability. Not things that allow them to diffuse the issue among their entire group and see how people's perceptions change.
                The only group I feel apologetic towards is Native Americans. But even they treated each other horribly throughout their own history. Sacrificing people from neighboring tribes in dozens to their sun god every day is a prime example of this.
                Maybe we should just come to the conclusion that we already know. Humans can be very sick, very vile, and very cruel when they are allowed to diffuse blame throughout a group larger than they are. That's why we shouldn't call it racism. It's not racism. It's just people being shitheads. If we called them shitheads instead of racists they would eventually be forced to ask themselves, am I just being mean here? Because believe it or not there are people who are racist in this world but don't bother a soul about it. If an individual holds a personal distrust of Jews but does not get shitty with anybody over it that is not a bad thing! Sure, it's not a good thing either, but his personal opinion, when kept to himself, is a perfectly fine example of being an individual. When people mistreat each other they cross the border between personal opinions and being a dick. So what are they being? Oh yeah, they're being a dick.
                [–]HyperionTheKing [score hidden]  (6 children)
                Are you saying apartheid was the reason everything worked? Very easy to say it was necessary when you're not black.
                [–]sokratesz [score hidden]  (0 children)
                I don't know whether it was the reason that everything worked. Just that certain things seemed to work better back then.
                [–]TheGDBatman [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Nobody's saying that, but you "anti-racists" sure do want to make it seem like they are.
                [–]TheJewmonsta [score hidden]  (0 children)
                What he is saying, is that the country was better off in every way except for human rights, which is important, in the apartheid era. It's a fact that the country was much stronger economically than it is now.
                [–]b3n5p34km4n [score hidden]  (0 children)
                It doesn't seem at all like thats what he's saying.
                [–]Nathan9456 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Pretty primed on keeping it racist I see. If you really want to get to the knitty gritty, White cultures, along with East Asian cultures, have a lengthy history of successful governments with effective administration. Now, add in the fact that as a culture white people have been accumulating wealth in greater amount than other cultures for many years, which is why our nations are more powerful. Allowing for higher education and more experience governing within their nations. So perhaps it was a more effective government because the governing body had more education regarding administration. The documentary Guns Germs and Steal helps provide the basis for why Europeans succeeded. It doesn't take much for your culture to cut out others, especially when you have benefits early on. Things build on each other very quickly(they're called multipliers if your curious and it's a very simple concept). If Africans were the first to develop formalized education I would strongly believe they would have better governments and would have probably never been colonized.
                Example, Let's say by some freak accident my village in whoknowsville comes up with a herbal painkiller making childbirth a much easier process. Lowering the infant mortality of my village by 5%. With that we have a few more villagers annually, making us slightly more powerful than our enemies. We consume the weakest opposing village and boom. We are now the most powerful tribe in the region. As our power expands we are statistically more likely to make new discoveries. These new discoveries make newer discoveries easier and so on. That's how it works. That's why you can argue that white people are literally superior and few statistics prove otherwise. It doesn't mean they are though. It just means they were lucky before other's were. That's it.
                [–]BedriddenSam [score hidden]  (0 children)
                I don't know much about race law or apartheid or whatever, but I'd probably want to live in the place with less murder rape and kidnapping.
                [–]spacecity9 163 points164 points165 points  (49 children)
                You can see why stormfront likes to recruit here now
                [–]eliaspowers [score hidden]  (0 children)
                There's even the Rhodesia shout out. Dylann Roof would be proud.
                [–]charma_kamelion [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Because reddit responds reasonably well to evidence-based arguments?
                [–]Roy-Fucking-Mustang 11 points12 points13 points  (19 children)
                Do they really? It's hard to tell sometimes, but I get more of the sense that they just brigade near constantly now. At least half the comments in this sub these days have that familiar tinge of thinly veiled xenophobia.
                [–]ShouldersofGiants100 19 points20 points21 points  (16 children)
                They do. They essentially created a tactic where they focus on more subtle racism to rope people in and escalate from there. Reddit is ripe for it, with their demographics, easily exploited voting system and the fact that racism here hardly even requires brigading to find sympathy.
                [–]crispychicken49 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                I wouldn't call the comments here thinly veiled xenophobia. It's more like, massive xenophobia/racism with a thin veil of big words to make it sound like I'm commenting on something that isn't race.
                [–]AlienBlueLurker190 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Reddit will take a kernel of truth, "Nazi's were right to have anti-smoking campaigns" and turn it into "Hitler did nothing wrong".
                [–]StabbyPants [score hidden]  (0 children)
                i'd start with 'hitler did pretty good with public works and volkswagen'
                [–]One_Wheel_Drive -5 points-4 points-3 points  (23 children)
                /r/worldnews is now indistinguishable from Stormfront.
                [–]Wildcat7878 6 points7 points8 points  (3 children)
                I don't frequent /r/worldnews but I just popped over to the front page and looked in a few random comment sections. Everything seemed pretty tame. Why do you say they're like Stormfront?
                [–]MisterMetal [score hidden]  (0 children)
                its standard tactics, its basically calling them a nazi without using the actual word nazi. The left uses stormfront/nazi/republican. The right uses liberal/hippie/commie/democrat.
                Both sides try to stop discussion of a view they dont agree with, both sides very rarely will change their mind, its just a waste of time. People really really dont want to even acknowledge the unpleasantness of the real world.
                [–]the_termites -2 points-1 points0 points  (1 child)
                Because people like to exaggerate. 1100 non-racist comments, and 5 racist comments in a post: "Reddit is racist as fuck, practically Stormfront now!".
                It's sort of like how there are a small minority of people out there committing rapes, but somehow the rest of us are complicit in a rape culture.
                [–]SocJustJihad 10 points11 points12 points  (16 children)
                only if you're a hyperbolic drama queen. of course there are going to be people with racist views in a world politics subreddit. There's going to be tons of all sorts of different views. The problem is while most people view that as a neutral platform to read all ideas, good or bad, you fucking morons want to turn it into a political war where everyone neutral, or not involved, is just as guilty for not yelling down or banning the opinions you disagree with. Doesn't even matter if it's a minority, vocal or silent, if even one person posts something you don't like, instead of appreciating the ability to have insight onto what other people are thinking, you're screeching like banshees about horrible it is a few are able to express their views.
                Most of us view these types of things as academic.... as in, even if someone has a racist view, it's important to hear it. Why? Because it's an idea that humans believe in, and to study human beings you need to know what they think. If you disagree then why are you in a world news section if you don't want to learn about people?
                So the fact that you're calling a place "stormfront" because 99% of the users are neutral and don't join in on your side to treat opposing or bad ideas with your stormtrooper zealotry shows you're just a fucking political hack, and an asshole. It's really fucking annoying. Just because we let 1% of the people voice their opinions because we WANT to know what's going on in the world and in people's minds doesn't mean we agree with it. But the fucknutters want to ban any idea hard to deal with.
                [–]soldierswitheggs [score hidden]  (10 children)
                I don't want to ban any ideas. But it's pretty depressing to consistently see incredibly racist comments upvoted to the top of the comments section in /r/worldnews.
                It's not the fact that there are a few people saying racist shit that bothers me. It's the fact that the majority of people reading the comments seem to agree with them.
                [–]PirateGriffin [score hidden]  (1 child)
                you've literally been here five days and have done nothing but spew reactionary weirdness, don't even bother tex
                [–]98785258 [score hidden]  (2 children)
                Everyone reading this, look at this guys post history
                [–]ClassyArgentinean -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
                Now? It's been like that for a loooong time.
                [–]thepancakebreakfast [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Recruit? Pretty sure hate groups don't have HR departments.
                [–]Half_Gal_Al [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Neither do gangs but they still recruit.
                [–]ryanaammess 31 points32 points33 points  (35 children)
                I mean if it was so bad why didnt they just leave right?
                [–]Cammadore64 54 points55 points56 points  (33 children)
                There are a lot of comments on here talking about "how hard it is to have to leave your country and start elsewhere." And while I completely agree with them it's funny how Syrian refugees don't get the same level of empathy as white South Africans. Gee, I wonder why?
                [–]benisanerd [score hidden]  (1 child)
                I heard a little soundbite on the radio of one official saying it's not important where they come from, and immediately thought, "well fuck it was the Arabs or Africans then, wasn't it" and then like 3 minutes into the program it was confirmed. I mean it takes a special kind of culture to believe grouping up and mass assaulting and burgling 100 women on a celebratory night is acceptable behavior. Maybe we should care where they come from.
                [–]tasha4life [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Are tasers legal in Germany? Fry those fuckers.
                [–]Cammadore64 -24 points-23 points-22 points  (6 children)
                Yes let's use a horrible series of attacks to paint all refugees as evil. It's not like Germans have ever committed atrocities in their own country.
                [–]Jay12341235 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                I can't believe that your comment has so many points. It's not at all a race issue.
                [–]owlbi 17 points18 points19 points  (8 children)
                Plenty of people empathize with Syrian refugees while also feeling that they need to look to their own best interests first. Everyone looks out for themselves first, what's shameful about thinking a massive wave of immigrants can be bad for your country and acting accordingly?
                [–]the_termites -1 points0 points1 point  (5 children)
                You're not wrong. But as an American, I'd like to think that since my government was at least partially responsible for the Syrian war, we have a responsibility to assist the innocent Syrians whose lives have been completely shattered.
                [–]VeteranOfTheThirdWar [score hidden]  (2 children)
                well most whites aren't as uneducated and sexually assault women in groups in countries they're given refuge too. They also don't you know, blow shit up and kill people?
                [–]Cammadore64 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                I like how you say "most" as if most brown people are doing those things. Take your racism elsewhere please. Oh wait, we're in /r/worldnews so you're right at home.
                [–]Why_are_you_so_dumb_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Well, about 90% of one of those groups supports Sharia Law. And, since wife whipping, hand chopping, apostate beheading, adulterer stoning and state punishments for insulting a religion isn't what the developed world is into, the pushback is understandable in my opinion.
                It isn't a skin color push back. Compare opinions on Asian immigrants vs Syrians. I bet the numbers look quite similar.
                Then again, when was the last time a Chinese person killed a comic illustrator for insulting their religion? When was the last organized mass rape perpetrated by white South Africans?
                Is it fair to paint them all with the same brush? Nope. Is that exactly what's gonna happen? Yep. Why? I don't know, something about diametrically opposed enemies raping, pillaging and attacking from within.
                [–]ryanaammess 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
                Their food smells funny?
                [–]Cammadore64 -3 points-2 points-1 points  (1 child)
                Guess they prefer white rice to brown rice.
                [–]rebrownd [score hidden]  (0 children)
                What are you basing this on? It's a GLOBAL argument right now about how to handle these refugees, CLEARLY there are a lot of people sympathetic to Syrians right now.
                [–]Luigidagawd [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Funny how white South Africans can't even claim refugee status and I fact there is outrage when they do claim refugee status.
                Yet Syrians can get into any country they want.
                [–]Golden_Dawn [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Perhaps because they began attacking their own government, and created the mess they now find themselves in?
                [–]youdontseekyoda [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Because White South Africans don't follow a barbaric religion that condones the killing of gays, apostates - encourages female genital mutilation - bans women from voting, etc etc. Yea, that might be why.
                [–]Qx2J [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Cause they're not white. It has been shown that it is easier to empathize with someone who shares traits amd culture with oneself.
                [–]Hunterogz [score hidden]  (0 children)
                If you don't like being a slave then just get another job.
                [–]warden5738256 19 points20 points21 points  (16 children)
                Someone in the comments here said Blacks had it better under Apartheid, like wow.....
                [–]sokratesz [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Economically they were better off. The average black in SA now is poorer than 20 years ago. It's like the former Soviet Union, a few blacks got really rich but the majority actually got poorer. Wiki has a very comprehensive article on it.
                [–]the_termites [score hidden]  (6 children)
                And they are correct. That shouldn't be confused with "apartheid is the reason that blacks had better lives", although I'm sure you can easily find people saying that. It's not a (no pun intended) black or white issue. There are many factors at play. What is indisputable is that a whole lot of infrastructure and stability has crumbled away the past couple of decades.
                [–]warden5738256 [score hidden]  (2 children)
                A lot fewer blacks were killed under Apartheid than I thought after doing some Googling just now.
                [–]trauma_kmart [score hidden]  (1 child)
                UM. Segregation? It's not about how many people were killed... Were a ton people killed during the American civil rights movement? Jesus Christ man these comments.
                [–]trauma_kmart [score hidden]  (2 children)
                Blacks had it better
                He wasn't talking about infrastructure. Are you really agreeing that blacks had it better under apartheid?!
                [–]Killroyomega [score hidden]  (0 children)
                In measures of economic purchasing power and relative individual liberties, yeah.
                South Africa is on the path to become the next Zimbabwe.
                Newfound "freedoms" are meaningless if you don't have the means to actually use them.
                [–]the_termites [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Instead of being on a witch hunt for racists, why don't you read what I posted again.
                [–]youdontseekyoda [score hidden]  (2 children)
                Like, I don't think you've done your research. Their freedom of movement is better now, but they can't go anywhere - because they're poorer - and the streets are unsafe. A real 'win'.
                [–]warden5738256 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Looking into it more now and surprised to see what im seeing tbh.
                [–]charma_kamelion [score hidden]  (0 children)
                To use an (admittedly imperfect analogy):
                When farmers consider animals property, they tend to take a certain degree of care of them.
                The way that Apartheid was run was inappropriate, but that doesn't mean that the goal was to make things as bad as possible for the black population. Removing the control that white people had, without a proper transition, was also a recipe for disaster, for much the same reasons that transition from being a prisoner to being free can be. Going from an authoritarian setup where everything is controlled to self-direction can be a difficult process, as you have to develop many skills in a short period of time.
                It takes a lot to maintain a modern society, and the black population didn't have experience doing it.
                [–]relationship_tom [score hidden]  (0 children)
                I've been all over Africa, lived in Sinai and other ME places for a year, all over Asia, I've been in some pretty fucked up situations, and one of the few places I actually felt I was in a pickle with few options up (And general stress) was the drive from Jo'Burg to K-N. Long story short I had to clip a guy in my rental because we were about to get jacked, we were extorted by "police" on the hwy for most of our money, and then had to get armed rangers from Hluhluwe–Umfolozi to escort us the last few KM's to the park because it was dark, it's surrounded by townships, and and they didn't think we had the gall to run over people if they blocked our path. This along with the other shit you used to find in third world countries (But don't really anymore) like ATM's always down and long lines for the ones that are up, everyone sizing each other up at gas stations, etc... I felt on edge like I did in Dar Es Salaam.
                Of course IDK if the whole country is like this, I heard that there are glimmers of common sense surrounding Cape Town and Durban. And you can't judge a country by one area. 5 blocks East from Pixar Studios is crack city (And the shithole MacArthur station at the Eastern edge) and 5 blocks from that are several whole foods and 5 blocks South of that is Oakland. The 10 or so miles surrounding that are some of the richest people on Earth.
                [–]SeeBoar -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
                Can you prove they didn't? South Africa is a shithole. I've met many south african families that had to leave because of how terrible it is over there.
                [–]warden5738256 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Well, after some Googling the numbers say 7,000 killed from ~1948-1994, far less then I thought.
                [–]SeeBoar [score hidden]  (0 children)
                All I know on the matter is from anecdotal conversations with white south africans who have left south Africa (and one white Zimbabwean) about how worse it is now then it was before. Considering I see Mugabe asking for white people to come back and South Africa's life expectancy going down I feel like they're telling the truth.
                [–]Wildcat7878 -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
                Well that's a silly thing to say.
                [–]CurdledBabyGravy [score hidden]  (0 children)
                I assume you're not South African.
                [–]Lowkeypeepee [score hidden]  (0 children)
                If 20 years after slavery ended the USA looked like mad max and we never recovered you might say that. That would be the equivalent scenario right now it's apples to orange. Show me one country where black people are running it and they are advanced and wealthy with minimal violence.
                [–]Sonnington [score hidden]  (0 children)
                News flash, Africa had slavery before white people came and after whites left.
                [–]youdontseekyoda [score hidden]  (2 children)
                The murder rate was far lower for everyone (blacks, white, etc) under Apartheid. The ANC has literally embezzled the prosperity they inherited.
                [–]corleone21 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                And yet blacks were treated as second class citizens. Ask any black South African which era they prefer.
                [–]youdontseekyoda [score hidden]  (0 children)
                I guess poverty and misery is better, as long as everyone is poor and miserable. AmIRite?
                [–]vannucker [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Hitler sure had those trains running on time.
                [–]emaugustBRDLC [score hidden]  (0 children)
                I assume also for people that like food production.
                [–]gregdbowen -6 points-5 points-4 points  (2 children)
                Exactly. Is it better for mist people to suffer terribly or for all people to suffer some.
                [–]Golden_Dawn [score hidden]  (1 child)
                or for all people to suffer some.
                Under apartheid, all people weren't suffering that much. At least if you compare it to now. The main "sufferers" back then were those literally fighting the system, often with violence and murder. These are exactly the people we want to suffer under any system.
                [–]corleone21 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Are you literally whitewashing apartheid now?
                [–]specterofsandersism 94 points95 points96 points  (12 children)
                but you can't say they weren't damn good administratively.
                Sure I can. They were so bad at running their countries that they had to rely on violently creating an underclass whose labor was either free or very nearly free in order to prop up their economies both in the colony and in the home country.
                [–]realityhasnobias 29 points30 points31 points  (8 children)
                Oh come on. Britain is a tiny island in a cold rainy place and they created an empire that spanned the entire globe. You don't achieve what they did by being inept. When they got to SA the underclass already existed, they just used force to keep the locals "in check" instead of trying to bring them up to speed education-wise. Just look at the administration they left behind in SA and compare it to the neighboring countries. Sudan, Botswana, Mozambique etc. aren't nearly as developed as SA and the British (and Boers to an extent) are the reason for that.
                [–]motorcycle-manful541 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                The Dutch were there long before the British...
                [–]Yottah [score hidden]  (0 children)
                The Dutch were there long before anyone else entirely.
                [–]salakasto [score hidden]  (2 children)
                Botswana is doing pretty damn well, besides the whole AIDS epidemic, and they hardly have the racial problem to deal with.
                [–]realityhasnobias [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Hmm that's news to me. I'm actually going to South Africa this summer, so maybe I'll head over and spend a day at a PARK IN BOTSWANA.
                [–]salakasto [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Not sure why that last part's in caps but in any case, tourism is pretty big in Botswana so sure.
                [–]specterofsandersism [score hidden]  (2 children)
                Britain is a tiny island in a cold rainy place
                So what? Lmfao. You're blaming the fucking weather? This reads like a goddamn Onion article.
                they created an empire that spanned the entire globe. You don't achieve what they did by being inept.
                They were good at doing what they did: conquest, imperialism, exploitation in pursuit of the enrichment of the metropolis, the home country. Whatever administration they established was singularly devoted towards that cause. Crime is, of course, terrible for business, so yeah crime was kept artificially low as a result.
                I mean "artificial" in the sense that I believe crime is born of people's material circumstances and generally fluctuates as a function of that. Societies with greater levels of inequality (of all sorts) and poverty have more crime:
                The relationship between inequality and crime has also been the subject of sociological theories on crime. Broadly speaking, these have developed as interpretations of the observation that “with a degree of consistency which is unusual in social sciences, lower-class people, and people living in lowerclass areas, have higher official crime rates than other groups. "One of the leading sociological paradigms on crime, the theory of “relative deprivation,” states that inequality breeds social tensions as the less well-off feel dispossessed when compared with wealthier people (see the work by Steven Stack for a critical view). The feeling of disadvantage and unfairness leads the poor to seek compensation and satisfaction by all means, including committing crimes against both poor and rich."
                However, the government can "artificially," via draconian and totalitarian methods, decrease this level of crime; but all this does is mask up underlying issues and of course necessarily means a reduction in personal freedom and an increase in governmental power. Time and time again, it's a temporary bandaid that inevitably comes off. Examples including Assad and Saddam in the Middle East, as well as apartheid South Africa.
                All getting rid of apartheid did was lay bare the existing racial and economic problems that were being masked by a fundamentally undemocratic government.
                When they got to SA the underclass already existed, they just used force to keep the locals "in check" instead of trying to bring them up to speed education-wise.
                What are you talking about? This is a shockingly benevolent description of how the Brits treated the Dutch Boers that bears no resemblance to anything that happened in our universe. If by keeping them "in check" you mean rounding them up and basically inventing the model of the concentration camp, then yes, they were just keeping them "in check."
                [–]randdomusername [score hidden]  (1 child)
                He didn't say the weather is why they did it, I'm ignoring the rest of your comment if you misunderstood that...
                We all know what they did was a terrible thing to do, it can still be looked on as impressive
                [–]specterofsandersism [score hidden]  (0 children)
                We all know what they did was a terrible thing to do, it can still be looked on as impressive
                Unlike you, I don't think there is anything impressive here. Compassion is impressive. Avarice and greed are not.
                [–]johsny 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
                Who is this "they" you speak of?
                [–]specterofsandersism [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Did you read the comment I replied to?
                [–]johsny [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Yes. I am a white South African. Are you including me in your definition of "they" ?
                [–]tifa123 13 points14 points15 points  (4 children)
                Yes poor governance, corruption and all those others issues are a self-inflicted scourge but they are not the only cause of anguish and misery.
                If you follow African issues closely you would know that some of these problems are caused by foreign powers pushing their agends to get resources South Sudan, Uganda, Burundi, Libya...The list is endless.
                [–]Eryemil [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Everyone forgets about Ethiopia.
                [–]mariuolo 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                If you follow African issues closely you would know that some of these problems are caused by foreign powers pushing their agends to get resources South Sudan, Uganda, Burundi, Libya...The list is endless.
                And where would those countries be if they hadn't said resources to export?
                [–]legitler [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Because those places were doing soooo well before colonial imperialism. No, they all warred as tribes and had very limited technology. They lived in mud huts.
                [–]MamaSexyEggs 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                ...maybe the 19th century imperialists were right.... Maybe they do need a guide to civilization.
                [–]ZachLNR [score hidden]  (2 children)
                Can't argue that white people weren't good at administration, but how exactly are the black people doing terribly because they are black, and not because of the political/social tendency? Legit question.
                [–]realityhasnobias [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Not a legit question unless you meant to respond to someone else... What about my comment makes you think the reason they are doing terribly is because they are black?
                [–]ZachLNR [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Legit question as in I wanted to understand your point better and not to circlejerk about it.
                Now black people are doing terrible things in their place, but without any organization or effectiveness elsewhere.
                I think I could've put it in a better way, but basically I wanted to know why you say that the administration and organization are worse now that black people are in charge of the govt, and not because of other factors.
                [–]Stereotype_Apostate [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Which do I want, an efficient evil and racist government, or a disorganized evil and racist government?
                [–]Su_Co [score hidden]  (0 children)
                They would keep the same institutions. You know how hard politically it is to remove traditions and government functions that have become embed and gained legitimacy from being used again and again. You're saying just because they're black all of that went away.
                [–]flyagaric123 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                they really weren't great administratively
                I can say that with absolute confidence lol
                [–]Herakleios 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
                Except tyranny by the minority means it was a safe and productive country.
                Yeah! Slavery was so productive! Let's go back to that!
                [–]bobsp [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Yeah, its a shame what keeping people ignorant and poor does to generations of people.
                [–]boiler2013 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Yeah just imagine how ignorant and poor they would be if we never colonized them.
                [–]None_shall-pass 42 points43 points44 points  (36 children)
                Recently read about Rhodesia.
                The whole thing was such a tragedy. A successful country turned to shit thanks to the same kind of "progressive" dickheads who are now promoting immigration to Europe.
                [–]corleone21 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                I'm Zimbabwean and comments like yours infuriate me. Just because Mugabe is a terrible leader doesn't mean the Rhodesian government gets a pass. They violently oppressed black Zimbabweans and took away the best land for the whites. It is exactly because the Rhodesians were so brutal that an opportunity for radicals like Mugabe was presented. Ask any citizen now, we sure hate it under Mugabe, but only a few of us, if at all, would prefer Ian Smith.
                [–]Youareabadperson6 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Well that's cool. I hope you can make your country a better place. There is not a lot I can do to help, but y'all got a lot of work to do. Good luck.
                [–]niton [score hidden]  (0 children)
                It's official /r/worldnews has gone full retard.
                [–]KingRape [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Ah yes, a successful country that oppressed their own citizens.
                [–]Nixon4Prez comment score below threshold-28 points-27 points-26 points  (27 children)
                Wow, that's got to be one of the most blatantly racist things I've seen here. Rhodesia wasn't a sucessful country, it was an oppressive regime that treated black people as inferiors. Do you honestly thing giving black people the right to vote is a bad thing?
                [–]griff-labarum 18 points19 points20 points  (1 child)
                Its what they did with it thats the problem. Got good old Mugabe now. Hows that working out?
                [–]Nixon4Prez [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Mugabe is awful, I'm not denying that. My problem with his comment is that he's misrepresenting how successful Rhodesia was (the "success" was largely based on the exploitation of the black majority by the white minority) and he calls it a 'tragedy', and says it's the result of progressive politics. Those "progressive politics" weren't some insane, unreasonable reform. It was giving blacks the right to vote. I find it insane that anyone would defend a system where people aren't allowed basic rights based on their race.
                [–]None_shall-pass 48 points49 points50 points  (13 children)
                Damn son, they really washed your brain good.
                The thing with the voting system was you had to make a certain amount of money, own land or have a degree and in addition to that proven army service.
                This was something everyone had to have in order to be able to vote, regardless of skin color. There were plenty of black people that met these standards, there were some black milionares aswell. The system was set up in a way that anyone could become the elite if they were willing to work hard enough for it.
                And it was completely understandable that Rhodesians refused to change this system when there were growing radical communist groups that slaughtered christian misionaries, killed farmers and at the same time they were gaining support from the numerous uneducated, because they promised them the moon and brainwashed them into believeing that all their troubles were caused by the evil evil white man.
                Rhodesia had this under controll until they lost foreign support and the UN sanctioned the fuck out of them essentially making it impossible for them to trade vital resources with neighbouring countries.
                So Rhodesia gave in, and what happened next? The communists seized control of the country, stole property and drove the entire country into the gutter
                Call it an "oppressive regime" but I can tell you one thing, Rhodesia was much better for the black man than Zimbabwe is today
                [–]krucen 5 points6 points7 points  (4 children)
                So I take it that you're disappointed that the U.S. did away with the poll tax via the 24th Amendment and Harper ruling then?
                You act like members of every race had the same opportunities when in reality it was a lot tougher for black people to gain wealth, land, etc. with the boot of discrimination via Jim Crow or apartheid on their neck.
                Rhodesia was much better for the black man than Zimbabwe is today
                [–]iX__Xi [score hidden]  (3 children)
                "While as Rhodesia, the country was once considered the breadbasket of Africa. Today, Zimbabwe is a net importer of foodstuffs"
                [–]Riderz_of_Brohan [score hidden]  (2 children)
                Mugabe is horrible
                Rhodesia was horrible.
                Finding differences between the two is like arguing if slitting your left or right wrist is better. It misses the point.
                [–]Killroyomega [score hidden]  (1 child)
                With Rhodesia the country had a potential future.
                With Mugabe the country has another inevitable revolution.
                [–]Riderz_of_Brohan 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
                So only rich people can vote, and it's just a coincidence the system was designed to help white people get rich more than black people
                What a great system
                [–]XenosisReaper -2 points-1 points0 points  (4 children)
                Rhodesian apologists are pretty sure telltale when Stormfront/Pol are brigading a thread.
                [–]Bobocrunch [score hidden]  (0 children)
                4chan politics board, basically Stormfront lite
                [–]LionOfBabylon [score hidden]  (0 children)
                It's the stealth White Nationalist 4Chan.
                Dylan Roof hung out there.
                [–]Golden_Dawn [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Who knows? That person certainly has a vivid imagination.
                [–]40kfreak -4 points-3 points-2 points  (0 children)
                You do realize that Rhodesia was so bad that the west lifted sanctions on south africa to get them to stop supplying weapons the racist assholes who were so terrified of black people getting nukes that they waged a brutal counter-insurgency that killed any attempt at a peaceful resolution.
                Rhodesia's two biggest impacts in the world have been the patch that fucking church shooter in the states put on his jacket and MRAPs so that Apartheid South Africa could continue its oppressive wars
                [–]biledemon85 -3 points-2 points-1 points  (0 children)
                At least they're free to choose their own destiny... :(
                [–]KalpolIntro -7 points-6 points-5 points  (9 children)
                I'm scrolling through these comments wondering what I'm reading. Are these folks serious?
                [–]SrraHtlTngoFxtrt 14 points15 points16 points  (8 children)
                I don't think so. There seems to be a fairly large contingency of trolls going full-SJW, and I find it rather hard to believe that people would have the level of self-deception that they are espousing. Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe is, quite literally, the textbook example of how not to run a country, and Rhodesia was the mid-20th century equivalent to the BRICS countries prior to the Great Recession. The level of selective ignorance is too great for the defenders of Mugabe's policies to be actually believing what they are posting.
                [–]KalpolIntro 0 points1 point2 points  (6 children)
                You misunderstood my comment. I'm siding with the guy I replied to.
                [–]SrraHtlTngoFxtrt 3 points4 points5 points  (5 children)
                Well, you both have an incomplete understanding of the voting policies of Rhodesia. Only college-educated landowners could vote, regardless of a person's race. The requirements of higher education and a vested interest in the country were what allowed the country to develop into what was once the breadbasket of Africa. What you two don't realize is that there were white Rhodesians that couldn't vote, and the issue was not as simple as blacks-can't-vote.
                [–]robbieclacy [score hidden]  (4 children)
                You're genuinely supporting a system where only the rich can vote; where coincidentally whites were hugely overrepresented, as the best form of government?
                [–]isubird33 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe is, quite literally, the textbook example of how not to run a country
                As in, I have actually read in textbooks this is exactly how to ruin a country.
                [–]Golden_Dawn [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Reality is not on the short list of things you like, is it?
                [–]4Tenacious_Dee4 -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
                Read about Angola as well.
                [–]TedTheGreek_Atheos -12 points-11 points-10 points  (1 child)
                Dylan Roof thought so.
                [–]zoidboix [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Oh yeah. Rhodesia was greatt for the whites.
                [–]Helium_3 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                Now, saying Rhodesia was good is a stretch (Apartheid is never acceptable), but it was definitely better than Zimbabwe.
                [–]trauma_kmart [score hidden]  (0 children)
                safe and productive
                If essentially being a police state and segregating blacks with apartheid is "safe and productive," sure I guess.
                [–]BandarSeriBegawan [score hidden]  (2 children)
                Go back to storm front
                [–]boiler2013 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                Go back to ANTIFA.
                [–]BandarSeriBegawan [score hidden]  (0 children)
                The fact that I don't know what that is but you do speaks volumes to me lol. Is that like a communist group or something?
                [–]UncleMeat 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                safe and productive country
                For white people. Are you really looking back on Apartheid with nostalgia? A country that systemically abuses a massive portion of its population is not "safe".
                (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (7 children)
                  [–]SonVoltMMA [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Maybe the Brits were right with that whole "Well they can't exactly govern themselves thingie".
                  [–]Plowbeast [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  More like it went from a tyranny to a chaotic attempt at democracy that has literally made the same mistakes we've seen in democracies historically around the world. If anything, it may mature faster.
                  [–]JarkAttack [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Id edit that to "The tyranny of anew minority who rely on the loyalty vote of a militant uneducated majority"
                  Its basically Orwells 1984 in Africa, complete with a ruling party thats filled of scared sycophants who live in terror of being questioned on their loyalty to Big Brother
                  [–]BandarSeriBegawan [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  When the institutional historical legacies that have been left to your country are that of unaccountable hierarchy, and an exploitative rentier state, why would you expect anything different when ostensible independence is achieved? The new powerful elite in South Africa is just carrying on the legacy they know. Real change will never come from simply switching out governors, it will come from re-defining what government even is.
                  [–]attackMatt [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  From tyranny of the minority, to tyranny of an even smaller minority. The ANC and the connected elite are in no ways looking out for the common, poor black person. Most apt comparison : SA is like a cappuccino, blacks on the bottom, white on top, with a sprinkling of blacks on top of everything.
                  [–]bigdicktyrone -1 points0 points1 point  (3 children)
                  Thats what happens when black people come into power. Thanks mandela.
                  [–]Cammadore64 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
                  Damn, all the racists come out of the woodwork for these articles. I can feel your ignorance from here.
                  [–]RahsaanK 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                  I think the issue is that black people are harboring hatred for past transgressions. While I say they have every right to and I personally have my moments (I'm not infallible), nothing good will come from it. Harboring anger will only hurt yourself and those around you. As Eckhart Tolle states, the past and the future cannot hurt you unless you allow it. Live in the now and do the best you can to give love.
                  [–]MamaSexyEggs -11 points-10 points-9 points  (23 children)
                  Do white people belong there, anyway? I mean, I know it's desireable land, but still.
                  [–]Bittums 18 points19 points20 points  (2 children)
                  I'm white, my great grandparents were born in South Africa, so we're all my grandparents and my parents. Did I not belong there?
                  [–]MamaSexyEggs -2 points-1 points0 points  (1 child)
                  Nope. You deserve better than braai and institutionalized inferiority.
                  [–]Bittums [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Granted I have left, but it's still "home". It's where my family and the friends that I grew up with still are :(
                  [–]baronvonflapjack 15 points16 points17 points  (8 children)
                  Do Chinese belong in the US? Do Germans belong in Gdansk? Do Danes belong in Greenland? Do Syrians belong in Germany?
                  I think that question isn't "which races 'belong' in which areas?" which is a racist worldview. Rather, I think the question is more along the lines of what a particular group of people DO when they migrate somewhere- how they deal with others around them, and how they themselves are dealt with. What do they contribute to the society versus what do they take from it?
                  I don't know the answer in this situation, but it's not like the whites just got there last Tuesday. There have been whites in Africa longer than in the US or Australia.
                  Nobody "belongs" anywhere. We're a migratory species. It's how we contribute that determines our value.
                  [–]master_heklep 0 points1 point2 points  (7 children)
                  It's no migration into country which was inhabited per say. They took over uninhibited land which previously sometimes were used by nomads.
                  It's not comparable to this type of immigration into Europe now.
                  [–]baronvonflapjack [score hidden]  (6 children)
                  I'm not sure I totally follow you, but it wasn't meant to be a direct comparison. My point is that nobody "belongs" anywhere.
                  Migration is done for many different specific reasons, but ultimately it is for prosperity- hard to prosper when your home is bombed and you're dead. And in that sense, it's not different.
                  I also don't think there is such a thing as right or wrong when it comes to migration of anyone. Again, it's what you do, and how you do it, that matters.
                  [–]master_heklep [score hidden]  (5 children)
                  I also don't think there is such a thing as right or wrong when it comes to migration of anyone
                  Even when it comes to the mass migration of Chinese people into Tibet?
                  These new measures in the field of culture, religion and education, coupled with the unabated influx of Chinese immigrants to Tibet, which has the effect of overwhelming Tibet's distinct cultural and religious identity and reducing the Tibetans to an insignificant minority in their own country, amount to a policy of cultural genocide. Today, in most of the major towns and cities Tibetans are already marginalised. If this population transfer is allowed to continue, Tibetan civilization will cease to exist in a few decades.
                  [–]baronvonflapjack [score hidden]  (4 children)
                  NO, I don't think there is a right or wrong implicit in any group migrating to another area. By that I mean that saying whites don't belong in Africa, just because it's not "right", is not a valid argument.
                  The right or wrong comes in how the migrating group acts. In the case of the Han Chinese migration, it was horrid. But I don't think, in an abstract sense, that Han migration to Tibet is a bad thing. It's how they went about it.
                  Also, I think that the brutality of the Communist invasion was absolutely wrong, but I do not agree with the concept of "cultural erasure". To think that we must "preserve culture" of a particular area is akin to putting it in a reservation. Times change, people move, cultures evolve or disappear. It has happened, it is happening, it will always happen.
                  Sorry if that wasn't clear.
                  [–]master_heklep [score hidden]  (3 children)
                  Sorry if this off topic, I just want to figure you out.
                  You don't think it can be inherently wrong for a group to be somewhere as long as they don't behave badly? Or rather, a the effects of a group migrating into an area cannot be bad? Because surely you have to agree that it does have an effect, regardless of how they behave?
                  [–]baronvonflapjack [score hidden]  (2 children)
                  First off, I'm human and imperfect, so I'm not saying I have all the answers.
                  The initial question I replied to was "do whites belong in Africa?" My response is that question is immaterial. We are a migratory species, so groups moving to new areas for better opportunities is just part of our nature, and part of how we became who we are. I don't think you can say that fact, in and of itself, is "good" or "bad".
                  I see problems when the groups that migrate do not contribute to the overall success of the areas they migrate to. In my examples, I would say that the Chinese migration to the US was a net positive for the US. They have, as a group, contributed back to the society they came to.
                  In the case of say, Syrian migration to Europe? I don't know. I don't live there. It seems to me, based on what I can see, that it is not going well. Can it be improved? Again, I don't know. But I would say my measure would be this- what will the Syrians provide BACK to Germany that will be a net benefit to ALL Germans, including the Syrian migrants. If their main contribution is to transfer the undesirable aspects of their culture to Germany, I would say it is BAD. But it's always a mixed bag, and maybe too soon to tell.
                  I live in Southern California, and I think that this area is one of the best places in the world specifically because it is a destination for people from all over the world. I love seeing Mandarin, Spanish, Farsi, etc. etc. etc. being spoken alongside English here. I think it is a net positive.
                  I don't know. I'm rambling. I guess in answer to your last question, I would disagree.
                  [–]master_heklep 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
                  The colonized land which was not inhabited by any people except nomads. People who do not reside in the place permanently. So yes. South Africa belongs to the European population.
                  [–]MamaSexyEggs -2 points-1 points0 points  (1 child)
                  Bullshit, man. Just because they moved around doesn't mean they didn't own it. If they used it, they needed it. Besides, look at what happened when people were made to settle down against their will. "Civilizing" doesn't really work that well in the short term.
                  [–]master_heklep [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  There were no people that owned any land. There were multiple different tribes that occasionally roamed around there. They never permanently settled there or laid any claim. Europeans took effectively uninhabited land, and made civilization out of it. It belongs to the Europeans.
                  Besides, if Sweden conquers Denmark and takes their land and they can't defend themself, the land is Swedish. This is how borders have been draw since the beginning of time. The same is applicable in South Africa/North America, et.c.
                  [–]Sycosplat 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
                  If I could leave SA, I would do so in a heartbeat.
                  I don't feel like I belong here, but I can't just up and leave. Other countries have immigration waiting lists that stretch years and years.
                  [–]MamaSexyEggs 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                  Aw, man. I can't imagine living in a country I wasn't at least alright with. If you come to America, you might have to beat the women off with a broom. We find some South African accents very attractive. The ones closer to Kiwi, I think.
                  [–]atlangutan 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                  Do Syrians belong in Germany?
                  [–]MamaSexyEggs -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
                  nope. But if white people hadn't invaded the middle east long ago we wouldn't be having this problem. Again, if we stuck to this principle for all history, races and history would just be incredibly different. So, it's not reasonable to worry too much about any except the past 200 years or so. And we should try to keep it to a minimum in the future, since it's almost never yeilded good results except for biodiversity.
                  [–]ChaoticAeon -1 points0 points1 point  (3 children)
                  People belong where ever they want to belong.
                  [–]Riderz_of_Brohan -4 points-3 points-2 points  (0 children)
                  Same with Syrian refugees right?
                  [–]MamaSexyEggs -5 points-4 points-3 points  (1 child)
                  So I suppose the Ceasar was just fine then when he killed 4 million gauls so the area could be Romanized, or the Israelites, who pushed the Palestinians off of land they'd inhabited with the help of the US and allies after WWII was just fine because they "belonged" there? I have no problems with Romans or Israelites as people, it's just that they didn't freaking belong in the places they had to fight so hard to control. If states didn't have such stringent requirements for citizenship, I think migration would be much easier and this would be less and less of a problem.
                  [–]ThrashReflex [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  It doesn't matter where people belong since there is no set definition of it, the only thing that matters is that the country is strong enough to defend itself and keep its claim on the area
                  [–]ultra_libtard [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Notice throughout the article "Black" is always capitalized and "white" is never? Are they even trying to hide the ulterior motive?
                  [–]FishstickIsles 143 points144 points145 points  (15 children)
                  Blacks can't be racist since they aren't in positions of institutional authority.
                  [–]Lord_of_Barrington 29 points30 points31 points  (5 children)
                  I understand your comment is sarcastic, but could people still say that about SA where black people are the institutionalized authority?
                  [–]Safety_Dancer [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Are you kidding? Ever heard about Chinese racism? No? Because they have no authority or power. In China...
                  [–]image_linker_bot [score hidden]  (0 children)

                  Feedback welcome at /r/image_linker_bot | Disable with "ignore me" via reply or PM
                  [–]BandarSeriBegawan [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Google neocolonialism.
                  I'll wait
                  [–]moakler 66 points67 points68 points  (8 children)
                  You say that sarcastically, but I have friends on facebook who use that in arguments all the time.
                  [–]duhhuh [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Yep, one even told me that it was true because her African American history professor told her.
                  [–]buschofgarbage [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Hence the reason people are saying sarcastically
                  [–]FishstickIsles -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
                  Check out /r/tumblrinaction if you want to see it each and every day.
                  [–]Muff_Muncher [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Facebook? Try every campus across America. This is what the faculty at these universities say to reinforce this Insane idea. Being a bit older since I just started going when I got out of the military, I just put my hood up, leave my headphones in, and try to ignore the crazy college feminists and SJWs that every single girl I have met claims to be. They don't even know how crazy they sound. And the young men just keep killing themselves because nobody gives a shit. You can't be a victim if you have a white penis and you prefer to use that penis with girls. It's scary. I don't trust anyone anymore and I hate it, because that never used to be me. Apparently I used all my privilege in the marines to get that white privlidge GI Bill to go to school and rape everyone by looking at them. At least that's what all the sjw's with daddy's money and financial aid told me.
                  [–]W_T_Jones [score hidden]  (3 children)
                  Well it's not wrong. It just depends on how you define racism.
                  [–]kgst [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Go look up the definition in a dictionary you half-wit. Go on, I'll wait.
                  By that same logic I could say only black people can be racist, because i decide to define it as "black people with prejudice".
                  [–]MyUnclesALawyer [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Unless the definition you make up is wrong. Then it's wrong.
                  [–]PM_ME_YOUR_BOBBIES [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Unless you're not retarded and want words to have meanings. Then you probably don't go around redefining things.
                  [–]AlienBlueLurker190 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  I remember listening to an NPR special about white anti-apartheid activists who were then discriminated against immediately after apartheid was defeated. One woman, who had dedicated her life to fighting apartheid and spend time in prison for it, was gang raped in the weeks following its demise by the very people she fought for. Shameful these people were completely forgotten when the battle was won.
                  [–]lumloon 23 points24 points25 points  (9 children)
                  They have problems with Zulus attacking Zimbabweans, Somalis, Pakistanis, etc. White folk wont enter into the equation.
                  [–]CurlyNippleHairs 22 points23 points24 points  (2 children)
                  Classic Zulu
                  [–]chef_excellence42 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                  don't you just hate it when Shaka spawns right next to you in Civ?
                  [–]jurassic_pork [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  On Deity, getting zerg-rushed by Impi is infuriating.
                  [–]loserlhr 3 points4 points5 points  (5 children)
                  There are Pakistanis in SA???
                  [–]I_Nickd_it 11 points12 points13 points  (4 children)
                  South Africa has one of the largest Pakistani and Indian foreign populations in the world.
                  [–]moakler 2 points3 points4 points  (3 children)
                  Thats really interesting. Is there a reason why?
                  [–]krutopatkin [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Both were parts of the british empire. Gandhi for example spent a lot of time in South Africa.
                  [–]Filthy_Nocturne [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  It's not a history with particularly happy beginnings; the earliest Indians (and what would now be Bangladeshis) in South Africa were slaves sold by India's Muslim rulers to Dutch traders, who brought them to the Dutch colonies in South Africa. The British ended the slave trade soon after taking over the Cape Colony, but the Indian community was still primarily an indentured working class. Eventually, over 100,000 (some sources put it at over 200,000) Indians were brought to the Cape on British ships, beginning en masse around 1850 and increasing throughout the decades. India was fully under the British Raj after 1858, and the Indian community in SA included people from all over India, Hindu and Muslim.
                  As the community grew, it became more prosperous, to the point where I think it's fair to say that Indians were the dominant force in the Cape Colony's internal trade by the turn of the century. They could vote, own property, and marry with no restrictions. It's important to note that there was no unified South Africa during the 19th century; the Cape Colony was British since 1795, but other parties included the Orange Free State (independent Boers), where Indians were prohibited, Natal, a British colony since the UK annexed it from the Boers in 1843 and where Indians faced discriminatory legislation (a certain lawyer named Mohandas Gandhi first made his name fighting anti-Indian discrimination in Natal), and the South African Republic, a Boer state where introduction of anti-Indian (and thus anti-British) legislation was used as justification for the Boer Wars (which introduced the world to the concentration camp). I'm obviously oversimplifying like crazy, as South Africa's colonial period was pretty insane -- but, long story short, Great Britain eventually came out on top of the Boers and the Union of South Africa was established in 1910. Early apartheid legislation was applied to Indians, and they were moved into townships and their movement was restricted, although they were allowed somewhat greater participation in government than black South Africans under independent South Africa (est. 1961). At any rate, immigration picked up after apartheid, and now there's a very large community, especially in the east around Durban.
                  [–]Fabianzzz [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  British Empire. Stretched from South Africa to Egypt, Egypt to Kuwait, and all of Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh (Collectively referred to as India, or sometimes Hindustan).
                  Lots of migration between colonies, most times for economic reasons. Ghana himself visited India.
                  [–]Reversevagina 8 points9 points10 points  (5 children)
                  I've read rapports of discrimination towards Zimbabweans who come to SA in search of jobs etc. But I'd like to know if its considered as racism if its between black people?
                  [–]Messugga 12 points13 points14 points  (0 children)
                  Then it's xenophobia.
                  [–]Plowbeast [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  It's a nationality issue more than a race issue which you can find anywhere especially in /r/worldnews.
                  [–]kung-fu_hippy [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  The distinction of race, being non-scientific at its origin, would say yes. Sharing a broad color of skin doesn't make any two groups the same race unless/until they (or others) agree that it does.
                  Hell, as a black American I probably share more genes with a white American than two distinct African sub-groups. And I certainly share more with the white American than I do with either of the Africans. But in America, people would say I am the same race as the two Africans, while in SA they might well consider me to be different.
                  [–]Helium_3 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Either xenophobia or nationalism depending on if it's discrimination by culture or country respectively.
                  [–]SrraHtlTngoFxtrt 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                  Every SJW knows minorities can't be racist!
                  [–]PossiblyRyan [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Well of course it's only a law for white people. Black people can't be racist because hurr durr privilege and power.
                  [–]Freefight 3 points4 points5 points  (4 children)
                  Do you have some examples? I am not very knowledgeable about this but i would like to hear some experiences.
                  [–]CardsRedzone11 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
                  Listen to this episode of John B Wells. The guest Karin Smith is a "white" South African that explains what really happening in that country
                  [–]Golden_Dawn [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  One typically includes a link in a comment like that...
                  [–]Plowbeast [score hidden]  (0 children)
                  Top results are a Stormfront site and something about white genocide. nothx.
                  [–]rufusjonz 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
                  I figured that before I even clicked the link -- rules not applied evenly are hardly fair
                  [–]MrMumbo 1 point2 points3 points  (3 children)
                  Is it terrifying to live in south africa? I can only imagine what it feels like to live in a society that wants to take vengeance on you for what your grandfather did. Oh wait, I live in Cali and they hate white people here too.
                  (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (2 children)
                    [–]Qwarthos 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                    Come to America! Then you can say you're african american then it will be impossible for you to be racist
                    [–]m3time 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                    i would tend to agree after reading the second paragraph of the article. i found it hard to believe what i was reading
                    [–]roccogillybean [score hidden]  (2 children)
                    Do you still live there? If so, how has it changed since 1994? Would you be willing to do an AMA? I live in California USA and I would really love to speak to blunt and straightforward South Africans.
                    [–]coppercable [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    No, my wife and I left. We could see that we had no future there. We were treated like dirt, second class citizens in our own country.
                    [–]coppercable [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    And I would do a ama
                    [–]ItsUhhEctoplasm [score hidden]  (4 children)
                    HM I WONDER WHY? Could it be the 6 decades of Apartheid perhaps?
                    [–]coppercable [score hidden]  (3 children)
                    So two wrongs make a right?
                    [–]ItsUhhEctoplasm [score hidden]  (2 children)
                    One wrong is much, much worse than the other.
                    [–]MyUnclesALawyer [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Does that justify it?
                    Even still, the reaction is not aimed at whoever is responsible for the initial act. It makes no sense.
                    [–]coppercable [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    And who is the judge on this?
                    [–]juloxx [score hidden]  (1 child)
                    It's only a law for white people. They'll be the only ones to be charged with it
                    yes, because cops totally charge white people with crimes more than any other minority. Cops are infamous for having a bias against white people..... right?
                    [–]coppercable [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Considering most cops are not white, I wouldn't know.
                    [–]_invalidusername 100 points101 points102 points  (5 children)
                    Misleading title. Nowhere is the article does it say that it is going to be passed, just that the ANC has been discussing it
                    [–]Geter_Pabriel [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    I love that this comment is still relatively buried at 5 hours old.
                    [–]Hazterisk [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    I had to hunt for this comment but it's the only relevant one. I live in SA and the ANC is always discussing some bullshit or other.
                    [–]no_modest_bear [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Thank you, the site's down so I wasn't able to read the article. I'm not sure why you're so buried.
                    [–]DrKingFanatic -2 points-1 points0 points  (1 child)
                    Shh let the white rights activists have their fun
                    [–]Eugene261 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    The law is still being considered by the ruling party, a law which is meant to solely disadvantage a specific minority group, not something Dr. King would be too fond of.
                    [–]Socialjusticefag 153 points154 points155 points  (21 children)
                    White people are being murdered left and right by blacks in SA so let's make racism against blacks people illegal.
                    What a fucked up world we are living in!
                    [–]nice_guy_bot_ 100 points101 points102 points  (3 children)
                    You can get your whole family macheted to death in their home, with security cameras running, and all of the perpetrators faces caught on camera, but nobody gets arrested and goes to jail. But, if you make a racially insensitive tweet you're going jail. Here's a story from two days ago:
                    [–]Jambz [score hidden]  (1 child)
                    Source on that machete massacre story? Cause that sounds insane based on just that description.
                    [–]nice_guy_bot_ [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    One such phenomenon in South Africa is called 'Plaasmoorde' or 'farm murders' that are typically committed by black africans against white boer/afrikaaner farmers. The attacks are typically very violent and often involve the use of machetes. You can look on google images to see what the aftermath of the attacks look like. Here's the official year to date tally of farm murders (note: the real number is likely much higher since all crime stats in South Africa are heavily sanitized): http://www.inquisitr.com/2657471/farm-murders-rise-in-south-africa-while-farm-attacks-down-says-afriforum/
                    [–]WilliamofYellow [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Wow. As far as racist tweets go, that was pretty fucking mild as well.
                    [–]blackmanrgh [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    They are not being murdered "left and right". It happens, but it's not the slaughter you make it out to be.
                    [–]Aceofspades25 -9 points-8 points-7 points  (10 children)
                    In South Africa, white people are far less likely to be murdered than their black or coloured counterparts:
                    [–]Expert_on_all_topics 8 points9 points10 points  (5 children)
                    Keep in mind that the percentage of white people in the country is far lower than their black counterpart as well, so white people are far less likely to be involved in anything. You could look at the birth statistics of the country, using made up numbers here:
                    Let's assume (numbers made up)
                    80% of the country is black,
                    5% is white,
                    15% is other
                    Assuming births comply with these statistics, out of 100 babies, 80 are black and 5 are white, the bold statement can be made by the media:

                    White babies far less likely to be born in SA

                    [–]Aceofspades25 4 points5 points6 points  (4 children)
                    i guess you didn't read the link. But of course I agree that the per capita statistic is the only relevant one.
                    From the article:
                    This is supported by an analysis of a national sample of  1378 murder dockets conducted by police in 2009.  In 86.9% of the cases, the victims were Africans. Whites accounted for 1.8% of the cases (although whites make up 8.85% of the population).
                    [–]MamaSexyEggs 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                    Odd that they add mulattoes and quadroons (in assuming how the number jumped from 5% to 8%, the rest of the 15% other he quoted being asians/Indians?
                    [–]4Tenacious_Dee4 -3 points-2 points-1 points  (2 children)
                    I dont believe in a white genocide, but those stats are lying. The manner in which they are murdered is the alarming thing. Old people, kids, farmers, slaughtered with no theft. It's like a mini war.
                    There are some hate filled black elitists murdering whites, but 99.99999% of my black brothers are cool.
                    [–]robbieclacy [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    How do you know the stats are lying?
                    [–]Aceofspades25 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Anecdotes don't constitute evidence. If you have stats that prove otherwise, you should provide them.
                    Ps. I have no doubt that some farmers have been killed but they are a snak minority compared to the overall murder problem. I knew one farmer that was involved in the South Africa equivalent of the KKK. He was racist as fuck and he used to beat his workers. People at the time suspected that his death was a revenge killing.
                    [–]muskrats_fat 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
                    You're right. Now that the blacks have murdered tens of thousands of white farmers since 94, you are absolutely correct.
                    [–]Aceofspades25 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                    Well produce your evidence then. So far you people produced nothing but anecdotes and then when the evidence makes you look bigoted and gullible, you invent reasons to dismiss it, call in the downvote brigade from the other maggots at /r/whitepride and continue to cling to your narrative.
                    (Comment deleted or removed) [–][deleted]  (1 child)
                      [–]SmilingAnus -3 points-2 points-1 points  (4 children)
                      Not just in SA. Even here in the states, if you're white and defend yourself from a black person, you are now racist.
                      Look at all the Ferguson and Baltimore riots. It's a criminal who a police officer (Based on facts) killed with good reason and next thing you know, white cop is racist, police department racist, everyone racist, black people burn the city down and shoot at firemen because firemen racist?
                      It's the silence that allows all this. No one says anything negative if it's a black person because it's racist. Black kid is called a teen. White kid is called racist.
                      It's my opinion that all this garbage actually creates racist white people.
                      [–]Zaku_Zaku [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      The word racist gets thrown around everywhere! At this rate everyone will be a racist!
                      I don't think it's THIS garbage that creates racist white people specifically. But it damn well hammers it in for some.
                      [–]Cannabis_warrior [score hidden]  (2 children)
                      The racists use the police killing poor people as a grab. Black, white, Mexican, if you are poor you can be killed by the cops. Racists claim the cops only kill blacks.
                      [–]SmilingAnus [score hidden]  (1 child)
                      This is also wrong. Cops are individual people who have their own lives. Assuming they're all out hunting poor people is ignorant. But if you attack a police officer then you should expect to get harmed.
                      [–]Cannabis_warrior [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      And if a cop hurts a citizen he should expect to be held accountable but...
                      You are right like all those rich people killed in no knock raids in the middle of the night in their mansion with a mile long driveway. They don't target poor people who can't afford legal resources. Cops always follow the law. Confidential informants are usually rich dudes right?
                      [–]Ripmydamnwallet 40 points41 points42 points  (5 children)
                      They're probably only going to criminalize racism against Black africans, since that's usually the way racism works because of the BS "you can't be racist against whites" double standards. Leave it to south africa to pull a reverse apartheid.
                      From the article:
                      "Clearly, there are some within the WHITE community who are still struggling to come to terms with our democratic order which is anchored on human rights values that extends fundamental rights to all regardless of race, colour, creed or sex. Various researches and surveys continue to demonstrate that racial unity remains illusive and that the majority of BLACK people continue to experience racism in many spheres of their lives. "
                      Yep, they took a page out of the American SJW with this bigoted legislation. Leave it to them to "blame whitey" when blacks are the fucking majority there and there's no reasonable excuse for them pulling this shit. At this rate they might as well just openly prosecute people for being white in south africa.
                      [–]SuperRandomExplosion 17 points18 points19 points  (1 child)
                      You could even say that the article is a bit... racist.
                      [–]Ripmydamnwallet 13 points14 points15 points  (0 children)
                      It is racist. Whoever wrote it has a huge chip on their shoulders against white south africans and probably whites in general.
                      [–]IPutTheHotDogInTheBu [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Reads like a bad News24 editorial.
                      [–]Mordredbas [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      I've met several people from SA here in Phx Az. The put their farms into corporations and sold their other properties and have no intention of ever returning.
                      [–]----_--_---- 23 points24 points25 points  (1 child)
                      From apartheid to this. South Africa is just dedicated to being a terrible place to live.
                      [–]MisallocatedRacism [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Such a shame too. It's one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
                      [–]Mjacobs1991 210 points211 points212 points  (11 children)
                      Only if you are white though. Blacks cant ever be racist in South Africa
                      [–]Haknkak 171 points172 points173 points  (8 children)
                      Only if you are white though. Blacks cant ever be racist.
                      [–]i8myWeaties2day 74 points75 points76 points  (5 children)
                      We say this as a joke, but I have had to explain to more than one person how everyone can be racist.
                      [–]krsj 33 points34 points35 points  (0 children)
                      People will use ridiculous wors like Reverse-racism when it is really the exact same thing.
                      [–]SrraHtlTngoFxtrt 5 points6 points7 points  (2 children)
                      It's actually taught in certain college classrooms that minorities in the US cannot be racist. An Asian guy calling a Black guy a nigger in the US isn't considered racist because, according to that line of "thought", the Asian guy doesn't hold majority power in the US and therefore cannot be racist. It really puts that student-loan bubble in perspective.
                      [–]W_T_Jones [score hidden]  (1 child)
                      It's taught that way because it is the correct definition of racism in many contexts.
                      [–]kgst [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      No it is not.
                      You can't just decide the definition of a word is whatever you want it to be in order to fit your narrative.
                      [–]mainvolume -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
                      Were you talking to tumblrinas?
                      [–]robbieclacy [score hidden]  (1 child)
                      I've seen people get accused of reverse racism plenty, I never really understand these comments. I see hundreds like yours but never about what you guys keep acting is so rampant
                      [–]Haknkak [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      My country was destroyed when they took power. Yes it was theirs rightfully and I was hoping that when Mandela came to power it could be different.
                      Tabo changed the agenda as soon as madiba passed and started to destroy all that was created. Ffs, they made the person whom is solely responsible for the destruction of the national heathcare system the FUCKING PRESIDENT.
                      So that's where that came from. That's why I'm salty as fuck. They didn't want the land back to thrive and prosper, live like I did growing up on a farm in the bush (was fucking sweet, I couldn't even describe how awesome it is growing up in Africa), they wanted it back to rape it of all the awesomeness it was and profit just like us. We are all cunts. Every last one of us.
                      Sorry for the rant. Have a good evening.
                      [–]FrenchFriesFriday 24 points25 points26 points  (0 children)
                      Ethiopians, Nigerians, Somalis and other migrants gets tormented all the time in SA by the black South Africans. It's not always the whites. Read
                      [–]MongolPerson 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
                      Even more disturbing is the increasing trivialization of racism, where accusations of 'reverse racism' are often thrown around without regard to the historical context... black people have suffered dispossession, economic deprivation and racial oppression, and thus continued racism is offensive and intolerable.
                      If you read the article, you can see it is targeted towards people with European ancestry. They even used the word "reverse-racism".
                      [–]rawcarrot340 11 points12 points13 points  (1 child)
                      This just reinforces why I love America if you want to hate your whole life and die a hateful peice of shit you can
                      [–]DaveF12 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      The freedom to be a piece of shit should be everywhere.
                      [–]bloodfoxtrue [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      South Africa needs to focus on improving their economy, not persecuting the few whites it has left. Unless they really want to emulate Zimbabwe with their amazing currency. Liberalism is a good thing. But it's quite sobering that educational standards are down, homicides are up and people are losing faith in the country. You can't wealth-redistribute and legislate yourselves to national prosperity; you still need technical expertise and investors confident in your country's stability. If they really want to deal with racism, they should look at all the footage of white university students being mobbed by their "friends".
                      [–]kwjohnson12 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      The ANC has systematically ruined the prospect of South Africa emerging as a viable regional power. Jacob Zuma is the culmination of the terrible governance. This is passed to prosecute the white south africans yet is it ever discussed that Zuma openly sang the song "Shoot the Farmer, Kill the Boer" (Boer = south african of dutch/german descent). There is also no mention of the genocide watch in South Africa where white farmers are being murdered at a rate of 130 per 100,000, one of the highest rates in the world and 4 times the rate for all of South Africa's population.
                      [–]ShipMaker 22 points23 points24 points  (1 child)
                      there are some within the white community whose only response has been to engage in acts of persecutions and torments driven by racial bigotry.
                      Love when the media ignores an issue. But its not racism unless its done by white people.
                      [–]Vehe_Mence 14 points15 points16 points  (0 children)
                      Media dons't want to look racist. Dons't matter that thousands sing about killing white people with machine guns. They can do anything and say anything, because they were oppressed!
                      [–]BlackBodies 39 points40 points41 points  (2 children)
                      Hopefully this will protect the dwindling white population as well as the migratory labor populations (Somali, etc.) from the vitriolic racism of the Bantu majority. In reality, it probably won't. It will be used to exploit and oppress whites and the migratory labor populations.
                      [–]HeinrichLK 22 points23 points24 points  (4 children)
                      This PROPOSAL for a new law, will most likely not be taken any further. People propose stupid new laws all the time. Then everyone freaks out, and it's never heard about again.
                      What should concern people is that this is yet another proposal for a law that can be manipulated to endanger free speech and bring about sensorship. Let's not forget that the leader of the party in question has a history of taking satirical cartoonists to court, and has banned a satirical painting of himself and is known to threaten media outlets to not be critical of him.
                      Edit: typo
                      [–]Reelix [score hidden]  (3 children)
                      South African here!
                      No chance this will work - ROFL!
                      [–]inhumancannonball 14 points15 points16 points  (0 children)
                      *but only if you're white.
                      [–]DukeIsFast 41 points42 points43 points  (9 children)
                      White people need to shed this concept that they are the problem with the world. Every culture has it's skeletons but only we are portrayed as the worlds devils by the media. The other races are taking advantage of this weakness and causing our people great harm. How is the mass immigration into White countries of Europe going?
                      [–]rkk2 12 points13 points14 points  (0 children)
                      I'm not going to pretend to know about the current racial politics in SA, but this doesn't say anything about a law being passed.
                      [–]ultrapilpo 2 points3 points4 points  (2 children)
                      Not a good year to be the Spring Bok coach. Next one could be put in prison unless the SARU have their way..........
                      [–]eazyirl 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                      This won't go well.
                      [–]jvwWARLORD 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                      Destruction of the freedom of speech. Always dangerous, major step backwards.
                      [–]You_Are_Blank 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                      This will only increase racism and hate.
                      You fight bigotry with education, not thought police.
                      [–]NickRausch 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
                      Somehow I doubt the ANC will throw itself in jail.
                      [–]jd23208 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Well it has to be REGARDLESS of the accused race.
                      [–]FalxCarius [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Nothing like the ANC to remind you what a one-party system looks like.
                      [–]tristanfinn [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      One day South Africa will make rape illegal.
                      [–]kroepoek91 [score hidden]  (1 child)
                      Does this count for black racism towards white as well?
                      [–]redditguy90 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      There it goes, black people ruining yet another country that was once decent and livable
                      [–]Mentioned_Videos 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
                      Videos in this thread:
                      VIDEO COMMENT
                      Dresden riots: Protesters in Germany attack refugee buses shouting 'foreigners out'. 22 August 2015 1 - My pleasure: France The National Front is an extremist far right political party which is Nationalist, Anti-immigrant, Socially Conservative, and pushed hard with an anti-Islam platform after the violence of the Charlie Hebdo shootings. Such a part...
                      Jacob Zuma sings "Kill the Boer" at ANC Centenery Celebrations in Bloemfontein, South Africa 1 - there are some within the white community whose only response has been to engage in acts of persecutions and torments driven by racial bigotry. Hmm, Love when the media ignores an issue. But its not racism unless its done by white people.
                      The Truth About South Africa and Apartheid 1 - South Africa was a much better place under the Apartheid yes, I don't agree with everything this man says but he does bring up a lot of good points with sources.
                      Die Gedanken Sind Frei - Thoughts Are Free COVER with Lyrics 1 - But thoughts are free! Really this is what we all should be striving for.
                      I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch.

                      [–]Idontgrammer [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Hopefully all of the SJWs will be moving to this utopia in the coming months.
                      [–]ImperatorF4 12 points13 points14 points  (1 child)
                      What a joke. How do you make racism a crime? Will they send the police department every time you say something wrong? Will there be a "racism tax"?
                      Besides, who is it targeting? I don't think it's targeting the african people, it's a law to target the old boers and people of european descent. It's Apartheid: Revenge of the African.
                      [–]randomicedtea [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      RIP South Africa. All white South Africans need to be granted asylum in the United States or Europe. However, I doubt the EU even cares since they are actively trying to replace the native population of Europe.
                      [–]McL0v1N42 8 points9 points10 points  (3 children)
                      "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." -Jean Luc Picard
                      This is depressing, not that they've tried to stamp out racism, but that the method of doing so is to curb speech.
                      [–]MakeNoERROR [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      So what you're saying is every black South African is going to jail?
                      [–]ProblematicReality 8 points9 points10 points  (1 child)
                      Despite the great efforts by the Black majority to embrace reconciliation and forgiveness rather than retribution for the untold atrocities and injustices suffered under apartheid and colonialism, there are some within the white community whose only response has been to engage in acts of persecutions and torments driven by racial bigotry.
                      Wow, what a load of bullshit.
                      [–]warden5738256 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                      This is terrifying
                      [–]pitavenkman 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                      Oh good I can't see this turning into a witch hunt at all.
                      [–]ptashark 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                      Don't worry, our courts and cops are mostly incompetent, so I'm not worried that this will influence or change anything at all.
                      [–]WellWhaleWales 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
                      And this is what happens when you choose the fun and over-promising leader over the effective one.
                      [–]SloeMoe [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      But, Mandela still died in prison years ago, right? Right???
                      [–]9291 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Let it burn.
                      [–]deathschemist [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      here's the problem with criminalising racism, who decides what's racist and what isn't?
                      i mean you got the standard slurs which are unequivocally racist, and certain actions, but beyond that, what?
                      i hate racism as much as the next man, but i feel criminalising it is probably just gonna end up causing more problems than it solves
                      [–]juiceboxzero [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Terrible title makes it sound like SA has passed a law that is waiting to take effect. This is a political position piece...
                      Also, screw laws like that, criminalizing ideas. Apartheid was awful, and is a stain on South African history in the same way that slavery is a stain on US history, but denying people the freedom to have and voice their opinions is bad, even if you find those opinions utterly reprehensible.
                      As the saying goes, I may not agree with what a man says, but I will defend to the death his right to say it.
                      [–]douchequadbike [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Operation mind crime go!
                      [–]Noy2222 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Adding "offenders will be sent to the corn field"
                      [–]2JokersWild [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Does this take effect before or after they do some burning tire rehabilitation of those greedy white land owners?
                      [–]Danzo3366 [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Illegal to be racist? I mean I'm not racist, but I don't believe to forcefully control people's beliefs. It's only going to strengthen actual racist and fester and even more radical bigoted groups.
                      [–]HalliganHooligan [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Black racism at its finest
                      [–]Greejmunkle [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      I feel like the fact that the whites are a minority will cause more racism against them.
                      [–]Komacho [score hidden]  (0 children)
                      Wave goodbye to free speech.
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