In these circumstances, the Clinton Administration, now reviewing the African policies it inherited from George Bush, should become more directly involved in the South African negotiations. Its objective must be: first, to help persuade whites that the best and probably only way to guarantee the future security and welfare of their children and their children's children is to give a new government the freedom and resources necessary to carry out the same kinds of interventionist measures that National Party governments used in the 1940s and 1950s to end poverty among Afrikaners; and, second, to mobilize the international community to make available the resources needed to assist the new government in providing housing, jobs and land to blacks.
To these ends, all remaining economic sanctions should be removed. Sanctions now serve no purpose. Quite the contrary. The linkage between a political settlement and lifting sanctions is almost certainly putting more pressure on the ANC to compromise than on President F.W. de Klerk and whites, because ANC leaders realize that something drastic must be done to fix the economy. Removing the sanctions and lifting restrictions on International Monetary Fund lending to South Africa are critical components of any solution to the country's economic woes. Moreover, there is no longer any doubt that De Klerk needs a settlement.