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Anonymous (ID: FLAleawJ)
Gang of 1000 muslims terrorize(...)
01/04/16(Mon)16:59:44 No.60058541
Refugees welcome!
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)17:01:06 No.60058656
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ) 01/04/16(Mon)22:01:06 No.60058656
>>60058541 (OP)
1000 men are not a """"gang"""".
1000 men are an army.
Anonymous (ID: kUVWQNqz)
01/04/16(Mon)17:02:28 No.60058770
Anonymous (ID: kUVWQNqz) 01/04/16(Mon)22:02:28 No.60058770
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that is terrible!
Anonymous (ID: dhrszQEO)
01/04/16(Mon)17:02:58 No.60058815
Anonymous (ID: dhrszQEO) 01/04/16(Mon)22:02:58 No.60058815
There's no images anymore just(...) (ID: 2CBPblM1)
01/04/16(Mon)17:02:59 No.60058816
There's no images anymore just fags (ID: 2CBPblM1) 01/04/16(Mon)22:02:59 No.60058816
File: image.jpg (67 KB, 800x555)
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Post image of ny times. Clicking Breitbart is ok tho
Anonymous (ID: F7HwDjSj)
01/04/16(Mon)17:03:10 No.60058827
Anonymous (ID: F7HwDjSj) 01/04/16(Mon)22:03:10 No.60058827
>>60058541 (OP)
I keep going to 4 chan because it's the only place I can get news from the world.

Yes, 4 chan is less rigged than regular medias. This tells a lot.
Anonymous (ID: SKSuH2On)
01/04/16(Mon)17:05:47 No.60059046
Anonymous (ID: SKSuH2On) 01/04/16(Mon)22:05:47 No.60059046
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Anonymous (ID: x7FJjIiG)
01/04/16(Mon)17:06:18 No.60059093
Anonymous (ID: x7FJjIiG) 01/04/16(Mon)22:06:18 No.60059093
>>60058541 (OP)
Optimus Prime (ID: nzRQE0lG)
01/04/16(Mon)17:07:18 No.60059154
Optimus Prime (ID: nzRQE0lG) 01/04/16(Mon)22:07:18 No.60059154
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>>60058541 (OP)
live footage from the hauptbahnhof showing the mass raping ... iek

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZyo74ESr2s [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: lC0RBuxP)
01/04/16(Mon)17:08:46 No.60059246
Anonymous (ID: lC0RBuxP) 01/04/16(Mon)22:08:46 No.60059246
Daily reminder that the absolute height of the privilege totem pole is the minority male. In this case, dark skins and Muslims.

Gays will be lynched, women will be forced into sex slavery, rights will erode, all to appease the unceasing hunger of the minority male.
Anonymous (ID: 0IMHAsBR)
01/04/16(Mon)17:08:54 No.60059263
Anonymous (ID: 0IMHAsBR) 01/04/16(Mon)22:08:54 No.60059263
>>60058541 (OP)
>refugees welcome
Anonymous (ID: 5232ckx+)
01/04/16(Mon)17:09:30 No.60059309
Anonymous (ID: 5232ckx+) 01/04/16(Mon)22:09:30 No.60059309
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>>60058541 (OP)
>Muslims not liking cologne
No wonder people think they smell
Anonymous (ID: k0G2VKQ1)
01/04/16(Mon)17:11:01 No.60059426
Anonymous (ID: k0G2VKQ1) 01/04/16(Mon)22:11:01 No.60059426
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That's from 2013 though anon
Optimus Prime (ID: nzRQE0lG)
01/04/16(Mon)17:11:40 No.60059477
Optimus Prime (ID: nzRQE0lG) 01/04/16(Mon)22:11:40 No.60059477
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>>60058541 (OP)
yes, indeed.
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)17:14:33 No.60059700
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ) 01/04/16(Mon)22:14:33 No.60059700
Nice try, but this is Egypt. May have looked similar though.
Anonymous (ID: tBq1fSkM)
01/04/16(Mon)17:15:40 No.60059775
Anonymous (ID: tBq1fSkM) 01/04/16(Mon)22:15:40 No.60059775
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>>60058541 (OP)
Similar stuff happened in other major German cities as well, like Hamburg.

>Laut Zeugen waren es meist junge Ausländer (vermutlich Nordafrikaner) die sich in Gruppen zusammen rotteten, junge Frauen belästigten. Zunächst nur verbal ("Schlampe", Fikki Fikki"). Dann wurden Opfer eingekesselt, beklaut. Die Männer griffen ihnen an die Brüste, in den Intimbereich.

Anonymous (ID: R3vBe5W3)
01/04/16(Mon)17:16:48 No.60059862
Anonymous (ID: R3vBe5W3) 01/04/16(Mon)22:16:48 No.60059862
Will we see the rise of the Döner Killers once more brothers?
Anonymous (ID: lWM25ZdV)
01/04/16(Mon)17:18:00 No.60059953
Anonymous (ID: lWM25ZdV) 01/04/16(Mon)22:18:00 No.60059953
What am I watching? What's happening in the circle?
Anonymous (ID: sJOGnNra)
01/04/16(Mon)17:18:00 No.60059954
Anonymous (ID: sJOGnNra) 01/04/16(Mon)22:18:00 No.60059954
You would think German women would be used to being mass raped by now.
Anonymous (ID: H7e0lNjB)
01/04/16(Mon)17:19:06 No.60060024
Anonymous (ID: H7e0lNjB) 01/04/16(Mon)22:19:06 No.60060024
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1x4JkZTfPs [Embed]

Anonymous (ID: EjFB3fSW)
01/04/16(Mon)17:19:21 No.60060037
Anonymous (ID: EjFB3fSW) 01/04/16(Mon)22:19:21 No.60060037
Somebody kill the angie pferkel already
Anonymous (ID: iSBg2wA2)
01/04/16(Mon)17:19:37 No.60060057
Anonymous (ID: iSBg2wA2) 01/04/16(Mon)22:19:37 No.60060057
lol my country is slowly but surely dying haha

was nice while it lasted folks, see you next Reich
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)17:19:45 No.60060065
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ) 01/04/16(Mon)22:19:45 No.60060065
There are subtitles, even in your language. They say that the women in the circes are being forcefully unclothed and groped.
Anonymous (ID: IlAIZpVo)
01/04/16(Mon)17:20:26 No.60060115
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0KmEaWsSQw [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: uOURB7zm)
01/04/16(Mon)17:20:36 No.60060124
Anonymous (ID: uOURB7zm) 01/04/16(Mon)22:20:36 No.60060124
Nederlandse anneloes die op vakantie ging naar egypt en door een man of 10 verkracht werdt.
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)17:22:19 No.60060252
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ) 01/04/16(Mon)22:22:19 No.60060252
see you on iron fields.
Anonymous (ID: lWM25ZdV)
01/04/16(Mon)17:22:26 No.60060258
Anonymous (ID: lWM25ZdV) 01/04/16(Mon)22:22:26 No.60060258
Domme Anneloes toch
Anonymous (ID: hwU+kgWG)
01/04/16(Mon)17:30:36 No.60060847
Anonymous (ID: hwU+kgWG) 01/04/16(Mon)22:30:36 No.60060847
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woulda been funnier coming from a Russia flag

Anonymous (ID: dgYOJ6+5)
01/04/16(Mon)17:30:58 No.60060872
Anonymous (ID: dgYOJ6+5) 01/04/16(Mon)22:30:58 No.60060872
File: 1y9InCJ.jpg (63 KB, 1080x1080)
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suggest tags

>>60060548 →
>>60060548 →

>>60060548 →

>>60060548 →

>>60060548 →
Anonymous (ID: UnvLf8yt)
01/04/16(Mon)17:32:05 No.60060961
Anonymous (ID: UnvLf8yt) 01/04/16(Mon)22:32:05 No.60060961
Filthy kike still butthurt over WW2. Get the fuck over it you faggot.
Anonymous (ID: cUQFxG2n)
01/04/16(Mon)17:34:39 No.60061153
Anonymous (ID: cUQFxG2n) 01/04/16(Mon)22:34:39 No.60061153
>>60058541 (OP)
Mainstream media picking up on it now, can't be ignored.

Could this be the turning point?

Anonymous (ID: WZFJQwmH)
01/04/16(Mon)17:36:57 No.60061334
Anonymous (ID: WZFJQwmH) 01/04/16(Mon)22:36:57 No.60061334
>Normies are finally to realize that the Muslim invasion is actually an invasion
Whoops, there goes the beans!
Anonymous (ID: HMkrhUoD)
01/04/16(Mon)17:37:28 No.60061379
Anonymous (ID: HMkrhUoD) 01/04/16(Mon)22:37:28 No.60061379
Fucking savages, what more can be said?
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)17:40:23 No.60061583
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ) 01/04/16(Mon)22:40:23 No.60061583
>>60058541 (OP)

Da simmer dabei! Dat is prima! VIVA COLONIA!
Wir lieben das Leben, die Liebe und die Lust
Wir glauben an den lieben Gott und hab'n noch immer Durst.
Anonymous (ID: qhV0xhL2)
01/04/16(Mon)17:41:56 No.60061682
Anonymous (ID: qhV0xhL2) 01/04/16(Mon)22:41:56 No.60061682

>Dem Polizisten gelang es, etwa acht verdächtige Männer aus der Menge zu holen und festzunehmen. „Sie hatten alle kopierte Papiere dabei, Aufenthaltsbescheinigungen für Asylverfahren.“

Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)17:44:01 No.60061842
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ) 01/04/16(Mon)22:44:01 No.60061842
Anonymous (ID: UnvLf8yt)
01/04/16(Mon)17:44:23 No.60061875
Anonymous (ID: UnvLf8yt) 01/04/16(Mon)22:44:23 No.60061875
Stand up and fight you liberalized faggot. This is no joking manner. You country is being torn apart.


Germany is suffering and what are you people doing. Dam shame that you guys lost WW2. Even though I am from the US I wish Germany had won that war. Things would have been much better for both you and the US.
Anonymous (ID: Gv5ZMMVW)
01/04/16(Mon)17:45:59 No.60061993
Anonymous (ID: Gv5ZMMVW) 01/04/16(Mon)22:45:59 No.60061993
It's a roman legions worth of men
Anonymous (ID: LRGhsi8g)
01/04/16(Mon)17:46:28 No.60062028
Anonymous (ID: LRGhsi8g) 01/04/16(Mon)22:46:28 No.60062028
Not quite, a battalion at most. But they weren't even armed. So gang is appropriate.
Just think of the opportunity you missed. All those refugees huddled together in a tight space for several hours. Then again, that would have just been a waste of time, when there are millions more wandering around. The focus should instead be on your politicians who not only allowed this to happen, but actively engineered the refugee situation.
Anonymous (ID: aBKb0dHt)
01/04/16(Mon)17:46:29 No.60062030
Anonymous (ID: aBKb0dHt) 01/04/16(Mon)22:46:29 No.60062030
>>60058541 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: Gv5ZMMVW)
01/04/16(Mon)17:47:29 No.60062108
Anonymous (ID: Gv5ZMMVW) 01/04/16(Mon)22:47:29 No.60062108
>>60058541 (OP)
Combine this story with the belgian Muslims burning the Christmas tree and chanting Allah ackbar on nye
Anonymous (ID: OW84CyJj)
01/04/16(Mon)17:48:24 No.60062186
Anonymous (ID: OW84CyJj) 01/04/16(Mon)22:48:24 No.60062186
no thats egypt
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)17:48:29 No.60062195
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ) 01/04/16(Mon)22:48:29 No.60062195
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65aElsdCi90 [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: kXGNn46g)
01/04/16(Mon)17:48:58 No.60062228
Anonymous (ID: kXGNn46g) 01/04/16(Mon)22:48:58 No.60062228
Anonymous (ID: BVZ4+cNz)
01/04/16(Mon)17:49:40 No.60062286
Anonymous (ID: BVZ4+cNz) 01/04/16(Mon)22:49:40 No.60062286
>>60058541 (OP)
This is what happens when you import mass of highly educated doctors specialized in gynacology
Anonymous (ID: LwOMqosU)
01/04/16(Mon)17:49:47 No.60062298
Anonymous (ID: LwOMqosU) 01/04/16(Mon)22:49:47 No.60062298
>>60058541 (OP)
Oh so this explains the Eternal Anglo threads.

Germancuck is trying to slide his own nations shame.

Anonymous (ID: wSx+CxtI)
01/04/16(Mon)17:50:53 No.60062387
Anonymous (ID: wSx+CxtI) 01/04/16(Mon)22:50:53 No.60062387
Don't do this shit.

You know damn well that happened in Egypt.
Anonymous (ID: frtzY8hq)
01/04/16(Mon)17:52:51 No.60062526
Anonymous (ID: frtzY8hq) 01/04/16(Mon)22:52:51 No.60062526
>>60058541 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: LwOMqosU)
01/04/16(Mon)17:53:55 No.60062603
Anonymous (ID: LwOMqosU) 01/04/16(Mon)22:53:55 No.60062603
File: 1367443176076.jpg (42 KB, 302x311)
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>le dismissing articles I don't like faec
Anonymous (ID: exC//STN)
01/04/16(Mon)17:54:41 No.60062659
Anonymous (ID: exC//STN) 01/04/16(Mon)22:54:41 No.60062659
I see Canada's arrived. How's your economy doing, bro? Free stuff kick in yet?
Anonymous (ID: hwU+kgWG)
01/04/16(Mon)17:55:19 No.60062697
Anonymous (ID: hwU+kgWG) 01/04/16(Mon)22:55:19 No.60062697
Gotta disagree on the use of term gang, 1000 fucking people. 'Gang' to most people implies 5-20 people, like an informal small group with similar interests.

A thousand people is nothing short of a mob. To even move 1000 people you would need 20 buses. Imagine that, 20 full sized commuter buses unloading in front of your house with people trying to finger every girl that passes between them.
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)17:55:23 No.60062702
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ) 01/04/16(Mon)22:55:23 No.60062702
File: Knife.png (180 KB, 407x281)
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>>60058541 (OP)
>I tried to prevent this
Anonymous (ID: WZFJQwmH)
01/04/16(Mon)17:55:54 No.60062740
Anonymous (ID: WZFJQwmH) 01/04/16(Mon)22:55:54 No.60062740
Non-whites are fucking animals
Anonymous (ID: QMtAW4u2)
01/04/16(Mon)17:56:33 No.60062787
Anonymous (ID: QMtAW4u2) 01/04/16(Mon)22:56:33 No.60062787
inb4 Merkel steps in with new laws to further clamp down on racism and xenophobia
Anonymous (ID: E4MgXpxM)
01/04/16(Mon)17:56:36 No.60062790
Anonymous (ID: E4MgXpxM) 01/04/16(Mon)22:56:36 No.60062790
there's a bunch of other sources you fucking idiot
Anonymous (ID: zk5KYukr)
01/04/16(Mon)17:56:40 No.60062797
Anonymous (ID: zk5KYukr) 01/04/16(Mon)22:56:40 No.60062797
Anonymous (ID: tZJhFAtC)
01/04/16(Mon)17:56:42 No.60062814
Anonymous (ID: tZJhFAtC) 01/04/16(Mon)22:56:42 No.60062814
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We are all bent over the same barrel, being fucked by the same shaft mate.
Anonymous (ID: CadzMmks)
01/04/16(Mon)17:56:51 No.60062824
Anonymous (ID: CadzMmks) 01/04/16(Mon)22:56:51 No.60062824
>tfw this is actually mads making this post
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)17:59:07 No.60062979
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)22:59:07 No.60062979
Stop that bullshit you Idiot. This Video is from 2013 and shows Egypt
Anonymous (ID: ZkifL2wQ)
01/04/16(Mon)17:59:28 No.60063006
Anonymous (ID: ZkifL2wQ) 01/04/16(Mon)22:59:28 No.60063006
Somebody screencapped it once when he slipped up . . . .he is a Turk
Anonymous (ID: wYa/0cui)
01/04/16(Mon)18:00:22 No.60063066
Anonymous (ID: wYa/0cui) 01/04/16(Mon)23:00:22 No.60063066
It's funny, since the Paris attacks there have been always atleast 16 police guards armed with mp at our translation in Würzburg (city of 120k). Has Köln just given up?
Anonymous (ID: WZFJQwmH)
01/04/16(Mon)18:02:00 No.60063196
Anonymous (ID: WZFJQwmH) 01/04/16(Mon)23:02:00 No.60063196
>People can't even distinguish Germany from Egypt now
Why does this say about the current state of saga Germany
Anonymous (ID: nzRQE0lG)
01/04/16(Mon)18:02:08 No.60063207
Anonymous (ID: nzRQE0lG) 01/04/16(Mon)23:02:08 No.60063207
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cause and effect
Anonymous (ID: iqQLyqdQ)
01/04/16(Mon)18:02:21 No.60063216
Anonymous (ID: iqQLyqdQ) 01/04/16(Mon)23:02:21 No.60063216


Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:02:26 No.60063221
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:02:26 No.60063221
Köln is a leftist shithole for at least 60 years. Nothing new under the Sun. I live here and voted AfD although i knew it would be useless but at least my conscience is clean.
Anonymous (ID: wMWF6l4Z)
01/04/16(Mon)18:03:09 No.60063272
Anonymous (ID: wMWF6l4Z) 01/04/16(Mon)23:03:09 No.60063272
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Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn)
01/04/16(Mon)18:03:19 No.60063286
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn) 01/04/16(Mon)23:03:19 No.60063286
even RTL cannot contain the truth

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=644Htmu3134 [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn)
01/04/16(Mon)18:03:59 No.60063344
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn) 01/04/16(Mon)23:03:59 No.60063344
also post this video in the hashtag

RTL dropping literally redpill bombs
Anonymous (ID: 9J8naLYk)
01/04/16(Mon)18:04:09 No.60063355
Anonymous (ID: 9J8naLYk) 01/04/16(Mon)23:04:09 No.60063355
Anonymous (ID: nM24c7fB)
01/04/16(Mon)18:04:38 No.60063392
Anonymous (ID: nM24c7fB) 01/04/16(Mon)23:04:38 No.60063392

Anonymous (ID: LqAPM7Vk)
01/04/16(Mon)18:04:40 No.60063397
Anonymous (ID: LqAPM7Vk) 01/04/16(Mon)23:04:40 No.60063397
Anonymous (ID: LqAPM7Vk)
01/04/16(Mon)18:05:10 No.60063437
Anonymous (ID: LqAPM7Vk) 01/04/16(Mon)23:05:10 No.60063437
ok forget it, it's already over lel
Anonymous (ID: PQFrQ/74)
01/04/16(Mon)18:05:30 No.60063466
Anonymous (ID: PQFrQ/74) 01/04/16(Mon)23:05:30 No.60063466
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Showing solidarity with Germany in this hour of need.

Stay strong krautbros.
Anonymous (ID: 3GwAQxTH)
01/04/16(Mon)18:06:34 No.60063530
Anonymous (ID: 3GwAQxTH) 01/04/16(Mon)23:06:34 No.60063530
Stuttgart as well

I hope your mom is safe anon
Anonymous (ID: hwU+kgWG)
01/04/16(Mon)18:06:58 No.60063562
Anonymous (ID: hwU+kgWG) 01/04/16(Mon)23:06:58 No.60063562
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Can I have burger translation please? Just highlights would be fine herr germanbro
Anonymous (ID: GnBSlaDN)
01/04/16(Mon)18:07:02 No.60063568
Anonymous (ID: GnBSlaDN) 01/04/16(Mon)23:07:02 No.60063568
first you must pay
Anonymous (ID: M2Q5kuKi)
01/04/16(Mon)18:07:15 No.60063584
Anonymous (ID: M2Q5kuKi) 01/04/16(Mon)23:07:15 No.60063584
https://youtu.be/IzjoNT7-ToE [Embed]

wehre are all the cameras to indentify the perpetrators...
GERMANY YES (ID: p+Z4yu2t)
01/04/16(Mon)18:07:49 No.60063630
GERMANY YES (ID: p+Z4yu2t) 01/04/16(Mon)23:07:49 No.60063630
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Anonymous (ID: LlJuZFrs)
01/04/16(Mon)18:08:19 No.60063658
Anonymous (ID: LlJuZFrs) 01/04/16(Mon)23:08:19 No.60063658
Anonymous (ID: /3A+DzOT)
01/04/16(Mon)18:08:24 No.60063667
Anonymous (ID: /3A+DzOT) 01/04/16(Mon)23:08:24 No.60063667
>>60058541 (OP)
In the trash. Every fucken time
Anonymous (ID: XPoV4X4h)
01/04/16(Mon)18:08:44 No.60063680
Anonymous (ID: XPoV4X4h) 01/04/16(Mon)23:08:44 No.60063680
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Anonymous (ID: PQFrQ/74)
01/04/16(Mon)18:09:01 No.60063700
Anonymous (ID: PQFrQ/74) 01/04/16(Mon)23:09:01 No.60063700
I was getting ready to pay but then I learned about all the EU money going to mudshits. Dodged a bullet t b h
Anonymous (ID: Kv22k6ay)
01/04/16(Mon)18:09:35 No.60063742
Anonymous (ID: Kv22k6ay) 01/04/16(Mon)23:09:35 No.60063742
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On twitter.com/hashtag/cologne right now.
Anonymous (ID: 7hMVPDKJ)
01/04/16(Mon)18:09:49 No.60063759
Anonymous (ID: 7hMVPDKJ) 01/04/16(Mon)23:09:49 No.60063759

Make it a jab back to those who wanted the fucks so badly
Anonymous (ID: K0jowUS8)
01/04/16(Mon)18:09:56 No.60063767
Anonymous (ID: K0jowUS8) 01/04/16(Mon)23:09:56 No.60063767
Zug nach Auschwitz bitte
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)18:10:53 No.60063815
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ) 01/04/16(Mon)23:10:53 No.60063815
Thank you tzatzikibro.
Anonymous (ID: 0xeX76pz)
01/04/16(Mon)18:11:08 No.60063837
Anonymous (ID: 0xeX76pz) 01/04/16(Mon)23:11:08 No.60063837
BBC still wont run this, no surprise, but the comments and upvotes here are surprisingly based.

Anonymous (ID: dgYOJ6+5)
01/04/16(Mon)18:11:31 No.60063866
Anonymous (ID: dgYOJ6+5) 01/04/16(Mon)23:11:31 No.60063866
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Anonymous (ID: BVZ4+cNz)
01/04/16(Mon)18:11:37 No.60063877
Anonymous (ID: BVZ4+cNz) 01/04/16(Mon)23:11:37 No.60063877
No shit Sherlock!
There could be a doubt if it happened in France or Britain, but your country had almost no shitskins before Merkel went full retard
GERMANY YES (ID: p+Z4yu2t)
01/04/16(Mon)18:13:18 No.60063991
GERMANY YES (ID: p+Z4yu2t) 01/04/16(Mon)23:13:18 No.60063991
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Abdullah confirmed for German native name by 2020.
Anonymous (ID: 7qqtrauJ)
01/04/16(Mon)18:13:27 No.60063999
Anonymous (ID: 7qqtrauJ) 01/04/16(Mon)23:13:27 No.60063999
Hahaha incredible.
One day we'll hang em all
Anonymous (ID: PFlr8EIA)
01/04/16(Mon)18:14:31 No.60064066
Anonymous (ID: PFlr8EIA) 01/04/16(Mon)23:14:31 No.60064066
Anonymous (ID: 0OoHy5as)
01/04/16(Mon)18:15:01 No.60064105
Anonymous (ID: 0OoHy5as) 01/04/16(Mon)23:15:01 No.60064105
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>>60058541 (OP)
Come on lads. The boyz are just blowin off some steam after their long arduous journey. Give em a break.
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn)
01/04/16(Mon)18:15:16 No.60064123
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn) 01/04/16(Mon)23:15:16 No.60064123
hes basically pissed off about PC and people not realising that the muslim culture is the problem. literally mainstream media right now kek
Anonymous (ID: bS/coeSv)
01/04/16(Mon)18:15:37 No.60064144
Anonymous (ID: bS/coeSv) 01/04/16(Mon)23:15:37 No.60064144
Somehow we need to show people how absurd the response to this from the german media is. It took them days to even report on it. Now more and more happenings are being confirmed, all on NYE. Even ZeitDE, a extremely left wing newspaper is reporting it now. At 22.00. Obbiously without calling them arabs/africans. People, they say.

Just imagine the outrage if groups of Pegida protesters or AfD member would have raped/assaulted hundreds of refugees. We would probably have martial law for the whole week. I really hope this will not go away for a long long long time.

Also germans, it's your duty to make people aware. They're receptive now. I said talking, not raping, Achmed. No dont put your finger .... NO STOP.
Anonymous (ID: YcE2ZmBB)
01/04/16(Mon)18:16:10 No.60064183
Anonymous (ID: YcE2ZmBB) 01/04/16(Mon)23:16:10 No.60064183
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based muslims
humiliate those white western dogs more
as a fellow third worlder I cheer for you
Anonymous (ID: hwU+kgWG)
01/04/16(Mon)18:16:32 No.60064203
Anonymous (ID: hwU+kgWG) 01/04/16(Mon)23:16:32 No.60064203
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>TFW listening to >>60062195 while monitoring this thread as germanbros are getting the word out, arming themselves for the greatest redpilling of our age
Anonymous (ID: cP5EdPPD)
01/04/16(Mon)18:16:50 No.60064224
Anonymous (ID: cP5EdPPD) 01/04/16(Mon)23:16:50 No.60064224
Thank you. Once the fire rises you can repay your denbts not with money, but with Kebab blood
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:17:28 No.60064270
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:17:28 No.60064270
kek those sand nigger will you attack next as soon as they get power in Germany. Sand nigger will not be satisfied to rule only over Germany
Anonymous (ID: 7qqtrauJ)
01/04/16(Mon)18:18:05 No.60064308
Anonymous (ID: 7qqtrauJ) 01/04/16(Mon)23:18:05 No.60064308
>I really hope this will not go away for a long long long time.
Forgotten by next week
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)18:18:05 No.60064309
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ) 01/04/16(Mon)23:18:05 No.60064309
>mobs were besieging the trainstation for weeks
>no police presence because in the oh so tolerant cologne they cant win sympathy with that
>all offenders from other cutures
>but muh political corectness
>security must be ensured
>laws must be finally applied wherever offenders are from
Anonymous (ID: vswhW6UH)
01/04/16(Mon)18:18:30 No.60064345
Anonymous (ID: vswhW6UH) 01/04/16(Mon)23:18:30 No.60064345
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Theres really nothing in this world that triggers me more that this fucking flag.
How is this shit even allowed here, it's absolutely disgusting
Anonymous (ID: SDrNvtSd)
01/04/16(Mon)18:19:46 No.60064425
Anonymous (ID: SDrNvtSd) 01/04/16(Mon)23:19:46 No.60064425
They may have shame but I think England holds some of the most for betraying Europe in WW2. Thanks britbro.
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:20:19 No.60064464
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:20:19 No.60064464

Europeans should stay together. It's the politicians who try to divide us

Its is not in the interest of Swedes, France, Germans, Brits, Greeks or people from Poland to get flood by sand nigger
Anonymous (ID: n+Hn6nLy)
01/04/16(Mon)18:20:23 No.60064466
Anonymous (ID: n+Hn6nLy) 01/04/16(Mon)23:20:23 No.60064466
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>>60058541 (OP)

I can't wait for the day shit falls apart. I'm sick and tired of these proxy and silent wars, it's time for the real war, world war 3

Anonymous (ID: r4Q04lTB)
01/04/16(Mon)18:20:36 No.60064477
Anonymous (ID: r4Q04lTB) 01/04/16(Mon)23:20:36 No.60064477
what a great in depth article by the nyt, lol
Anonymous (ID: UjbsT7CT)
01/04/16(Mon)18:20:46 No.60064488
Anonymous (ID: UjbsT7CT) 01/04/16(Mon)23:20:46 No.60064488
Indeed Dutchbro. The media only needs to show some heartbreaking pictures of little refugee-children and western women will instantly return to their refugeeswelcome-mode.

Women do not realise that they are their own worst enemy.
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:21:32 No.60064549
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:21:32 No.60064549
I try my best...

Thats the way it is, We of RTL west already informed about that. Young man in groups around the Cologne cathedral. Smack talking, groping, drugs are offered, cell phones and wallets stolen.
And now this escalation. Last night a mob hunted young woman, directly at the city center infront of teh main station. They get grabed at the breasts, between the legs. The pictures on the internet show a slobbering pack. A lawless space in the middle of Cologne. Massive prensence of the Police ? None !
No theme for profilaration. At least not in the over the top tolerant cologne because all of them are from other cultures. This is said by the witnesses. And all this political correct. But no one is talking about that most of the times. Too dangerous, racist, discriminating.
But we need Consequences.Finally. security in the public is a high valuable asset, it has to be protected. That is the Job of the police AND the Judges. Here they have to act. Together. Fast and consistently.
The Laws exist use them finally. I dont care from where these guys are but not what happens with them. the law is for everybody and infront of the Law, everybody is equal.
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn)
01/04/16(Mon)18:21:43 No.60064561
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn) 01/04/16(Mon)23:21:43 No.60064561
at this point i would rather live in a right wing military government.
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:21:54 No.60064571
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:21:54 No.60064571
politician= EU bureaucrats
Anonymous (ID: MuCsbfR2)
01/04/16(Mon)18:22:36 No.60064618
Anonymous (ID: MuCsbfR2) 01/04/16(Mon)23:22:36 No.60064618
It symbolizes them taking your country over from the inside out.
Anonymous (ID: M2Q5kuKi)
01/04/16(Mon)18:22:38 No.60064619
Anonymous (ID: M2Q5kuKi) 01/04/16(Mon)23:22:38 No.60064619
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Anonymous (ID: 5wuUAFFZ)
01/04/16(Mon)18:23:11 No.60064658
Anonymous (ID: 5wuUAFFZ) 01/04/16(Mon)23:23:11 No.60064658

move to dresden
Anonymous (ID: a0yZ+I8W)
01/04/16(Mon)18:24:15 No.60064725
Anonymous (ID: a0yZ+I8W) 01/04/16(Mon)23:24:15 No.60064725
>3 fucking days late
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn)
01/04/16(Mon)18:24:19 No.60064729
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn) 01/04/16(Mon)23:24:19 No.60064729
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>instead i live in baden würtemberg, most liberal state.

kill me pls
Anonymous (ID: 3GwAQxTH)
01/04/16(Mon)18:24:22 No.60064734
Anonymous (ID: 3GwAQxTH) 01/04/16(Mon)23:24:22 No.60064734
Sand nigger also need lebensraum
Anonymous (ID: hwU+kgWG)
01/04/16(Mon)18:25:19 No.60064803
Anonymous (ID: hwU+kgWG) 01/04/16(Mon)23:25:19 No.60064803
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Thanks fellas, can't wait to see these slobbering pack photos - the left-wing media's reaction will be delicious. No way to soften this blow
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:25:59 No.60064844
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:25:59 No.60064844
as soon as they conquer Western Europe they will try to expand to the East.

All Europeans should work together.
Anonymous (ID: fKvPL+f/)
01/04/16(Mon)18:27:15 No.60064947
Anonymous (ID: fKvPL+f/) 01/04/16(Mon)23:27:15 No.60064947
>>60058541 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: nCf7ur2T)
01/04/16(Mon)18:27:44 No.60064974
Anonymous (ID: nCf7ur2T) 01/04/16(Mon)23:27:44 No.60064974
Happened in Sweden too. Refugees (I think) surrounded two 17-year old girls in Kalmar and started touching them. The girls got away without getting raped, no arrests have been made so far.

Unrelated video of some other Swedish girl getting culturally enriched on New Year's Eve. He basically asks her to have sex with him and that he can pay. Some guy also touches her legs or something. https://youtu.be/bfeZbxT4Cig [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: dgYOJ6+5)
01/04/16(Mon)18:27:52 No.60064988
Anonymous (ID: dgYOJ6+5) 01/04/16(Mon)23:27:52 No.60064988
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Anonymous (ID: VK/hEKKj)
01/04/16(Mon)18:27:59 No.60064995
Anonymous (ID: VK/hEKKj) 01/04/16(Mon)23:27:59 No.60064995
So, they really had no reason to do that and the moment the camera battery went down, they've done it.

This is very similar to behavior of the "refugees" in Europe. They act completely differently when they think they're being filmed.

Muslims just don't think like we do. If we don't surrender to their way, they think we're the worst of all creatures and there just to be plundered.

I 100% believe that any Muslim would kill any non-Muslim that won't convert at any moment if the Muslim could get away with it.

I wish I could do the experiment with the "refugees". We should somehow convince them they aren't being filmed and set up such a fake situation that makes it look like the guys could get away with killing a non-Muslim that hates Islam. Maybe even make it look like non-Muslims would look guilty for it. I wonder how many "innocent refugees" of various ages would take the bait and attempt to kill the person.
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:28:01 No.60064998
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:28:01 No.60064998
Not as worse as NRW where i live.

I was raised in the Ruhrgebiet and live/work in Köln, believe me you get have it far worse...
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn)
01/04/16(Mon)18:30:13 No.60065145
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn) 01/04/16(Mon)23:30:13 No.60065145
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>believe me you get have it far worse...

it gets worse?
Anonymous (ID: wMWF6l4Z)
01/04/16(Mon)18:30:26 No.60065157
Anonymous (ID: wMWF6l4Z) 01/04/16(Mon)23:30:26 No.60065157
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There already is: #koeln
People are going batshit in there.

Anonymous (ID: +WmRWycb)
01/04/16(Mon)18:31:04 No.60065198
Anonymous (ID: +WmRWycb) 01/04/16(Mon)23:31:04 No.60065198
God bless the English channel.

Hang in there m8s.
Anonymous (ID: S/elOFSv)
01/04/16(Mon)18:31:10 No.60065209
Anonymous (ID: S/elOFSv) 01/04/16(Mon)23:31:10 No.60065209
>Germany is worse than the UK now
Anonymous (ID: pGc4QgUx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:31:21 No.60065223
Anonymous (ID: pGc4QgUx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:31:21 No.60065223
1k mudshits mobbing around at the train station and police dont do nothing?

why didnt 100 riot police go to the place to give them a good beating?
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:32:42 No.60065307
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:32:42 No.60065307
Oh yes, it will...

From the Taz a fucking leftist newspaper:

" Die Kölner Polizei sagte, die festgenommenen Männer stammten aus Asylunterkünften außerhalb Kölns und hätten sich erst seit Kurzem in Deutschland befunden. "

The Guys they caught at that evening and the five Guys yesterday who were again stealing and sexuall assaulting woman inside teh train station are all " Refugees ".
Anonymous (ID: n5RYaMNd)
01/04/16(Mon)18:33:10 No.60065335
Anonymous (ID: n5RYaMNd) 01/04/16(Mon)23:33:10 No.60065335
Wow so moderate
Anonymous (ID: 7qqtrauJ)
01/04/16(Mon)18:33:31 No.60065362
Anonymous (ID: 7qqtrauJ) 01/04/16(Mon)23:33:31 No.60065362

>We must act. This must stop. Outrage. War now.
>Wörk tomorrow. Gute Nacht allen!
Anonymous (ID: hwU+kgWG)
01/04/16(Mon)18:34:09 No.60065405
Anonymous (ID: hwU+kgWG) 01/04/16(Mon)23:34:09 No.60065405
Why the fuck do people even post on reddit? The warning before even commenting on that thread basically says you have to be polite and 'inoffensive' before commenting
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn)
01/04/16(Mon)18:35:03 No.60065466
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn) 01/04/16(Mon)23:35:03 No.60065466
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race war when?

wann stehen wir auf als Volk?
Anonymous (ID: 1Kx5g06T)
01/04/16(Mon)18:35:09 No.60065476
Anonymous (ID: 1Kx5g06T) 01/04/16(Mon)23:35:09 No.60065476
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>import 700000 single males from Middle East in 2015
>can it get worse than a couple of girls getting groped at a train station?

yes, freund, it will get much worse.
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:35:26 No.60065495
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:35:26 No.60065495
>german police
>beating Mudslimes

Will never happen, especially not in leftist shitholes like Cologne were the Police chief gets his Orders from almost communist politicians.
They can only beat german patriots at the Hogesa demonstration in Köln last year.
Anonymous (ID: 2ztynVLW)
01/04/16(Mon)18:35:29 No.60065500
Anonymous (ID: 2ztynVLW) 01/04/16(Mon)23:35:29 No.60065500
https://youtu.be/R4wY-FhBArw?t=15m10s [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: 68xJRNdT)
01/04/16(Mon)18:36:20 No.60065560
Anonymous (ID: 68xJRNdT) 01/04/16(Mon)23:36:20 No.60065560
>dat rape squad
Anonymous (ID: UjbsT7CT)
01/04/16(Mon)18:36:20 No.60065562
Anonymous (ID: UjbsT7CT) 01/04/16(Mon)23:36:20 No.60065562
Anonymous (ID: 0zPcCGB0)
01/04/16(Mon)18:36:21 No.60065563
Anonymous (ID: 0zPcCGB0) 01/04/16(Mon)23:36:21 No.60065563
>tfw berlin
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:36:21 No.60065565
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:36:21 No.60065565
Wenn der dumme deutsche Michel sich endlich nicht mehr mit Bier und Bundesliga ablenken lässt.
Anonymous (ID: 1T9668gu)
01/04/16(Mon)18:36:30 No.60065571
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Well, fuck. It was all fun and memes until now. But now we reached the point where I'm unironically getting scared and afraid of my future. Germany used to be comfy as fuck but this is slowly turning into a nightmare. I honestly can't believe this all happened within 1 year. One million in one year and there is no end in sight.

And according to newest polls most Germans STILL support Merkel.

I want to get off this ride but there is no end to it. There is no place I can go now. Germany is lost, USA is full of niggers and spics, other places are either equally infected, poor or both.

You know, this is starting to feel like a real life zombie apocalypse. It keeps spreading and you begin to realize that you are utterly fucked and there is no escape.
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn)
01/04/16(Mon)18:38:12 No.60065691
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn) 01/04/16(Mon)23:38:12 No.60065691
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also niemals?
Anonymous (ID: +WmRWycb)
01/04/16(Mon)18:38:21 No.60065698
Anonymous (ID: +WmRWycb) 01/04/16(Mon)23:38:21 No.60065698
>And according to newest polls most Germans STILL support Merkel.
Do you think they might be faked polls?
I refuse to believe the majority are still accepting this shit.
Anonymous (ID: 2ztynVLW)
01/04/16(Mon)18:38:56 No.60065743
Anonymous (ID: 2ztynVLW) 01/04/16(Mon)23:38:56 No.60065743

https://youtu.be/R4wY-FhBArw?t=16m50s [Embed]

This is how I imagine you all.
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:39:11 No.60065763
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:39:11 No.60065763
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However, before ve begin our next phase, I would like to take some time to address a rumor floating around the fleet. Some of you have come to believe that I like var. I wish to dash these rumors! I do not like var. I. LOVE. VAR. Through my life, I have discovered so many forms of var. You get up in ze morning, you get into your shitty car, und you see a rich CEO, who works half as hard as you do, drive down ze street in his Porsche. "Class Var." You make it to vork, und you find out that ze annual drug test is today, und you just so happened to take a puff of your one-hitter a couple nights ago before dinner with your wife's awful parents. "Drug Var." But zhen, you find out that ze only ones being called in for testing are your black and Hispanic co-workers. "Race Var." Then, you try und post about it on your Facebook, but zen all your friends start arguing about vhat's right und what's wrong. "Flame Var." You finally get home, und you decide to relax by vatching a program about: "Who gets ze box?" "What's in ze box?" "How much is vhat's in ze box worth?" "Storage Vars." (chuckles) (Gustav Holsts - "The Planets - Mars, the Bringer of War" starts playing in the background) What I am telling you, my Nazi army of one zhousand vampires, is that I am a purveyor of var. And with your help over ze years, ve are now at the precipice of our true goal. You see, I vant a simple var. No Class Vars, no Drug Vars, no Race Vars, no Flame Vars, und certainly, no Cold Vars! Blueballed for forty years. Vhat I vant is a var zhat only ve can bring. A true var! A German var! The sequel you've all been vaiting for! I! VANT! VORLD! VAR! THREE!!!
Anonymous (ID: fKvPL+f/)
01/04/16(Mon)18:39:15 No.60065769
Anonymous (ID: fKvPL+f/) 01/04/16(Mon)23:39:15 No.60065769
Anonymous (ID: 9/SuClRg)
01/04/16(Mon)18:40:07 No.60065824
Anonymous (ID: 9/SuClRg) 01/04/16(Mon)23:40:07 No.60065824
east asian countries are your last resort.
Anonymous (ID: Bge50tK/)
01/04/16(Mon)18:40:08 No.60065825
Anonymous (ID: Bge50tK/) 01/04/16(Mon)23:40:08 No.60065825
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGme5IlzVXw [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: iFWmoeN/)
01/04/16(Mon)18:40:26 No.60065844
Anonymous (ID: iFWmoeN/) 01/04/16(Mon)23:40:26 No.60065844
>>60058541 (OP)
Will the German people really tolerate this? Germany MUST rise to the occasion. The Muslim refugees are NOT like us. We must treat them accordingly. Not we for now, thank God we in America don't have as large a mass of Muslims as you guys. But Germany, you must do your duty to yourselves and to your women, irregardless of what lies your politicians have been tellingg you.
Anonymous (ID: 1Kx5g06T)
01/04/16(Mon)18:41:12 No.60065884
Anonymous (ID: 1Kx5g06T) 01/04/16(Mon)23:41:12 No.60065884
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wait say 20 to 30 years from now. not the refugees, but their children. angry, unemployed, fanatic, sexually frustrated. see how many second, third generation immigrants went to Syria and Irak to fight? the next big surge is the establishment of the caliphate in Europe in twenty to thirty years, to "free the oppressed muslim populations of europe".
Anonymous (ID: uyy39XiS)
01/04/16(Mon)18:41:36 No.60065920
Anonymous (ID: uyy39XiS) 01/04/16(Mon)23:41:36 No.60065920
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Even if all immigration stops forever right now you're looking at a Muslim majority Europe within your lifetime.

>Muslim women today have an average of 2.2 children compared to an estimated average of 1.5 children for non-Muslim women in Europe.[3] While the birth rate for Muslims in Europe is expected to decline over the next two decades, it will remain slightly higher than in the non-Muslim population,[3]

Michel is always right, he's just early.
Anonymous (ID: 2ztynVLW)
01/04/16(Mon)18:41:37 No.60065924
Anonymous (ID: 2ztynVLW) 01/04/16(Mon)23:41:37 No.60065924
Post YFW Fourth Reich rumours are true, with Trump, Putin, Hollande, Orban, and China all on the same side.
Anonymous (ID: gs2uM1I3)
01/04/16(Mon)18:41:44 No.60065930
Anonymous (ID: gs2uM1I3) 01/04/16(Mon)23:41:44 No.60065930
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>dozens of women are now reported to have been molested and “raped”, while dozens more men have been assaulted and robbed.
>In quotation marks

Anonymous (ID: If4oSVju)
01/04/16(Mon)18:41:55 No.60065942
Anonymous (ID: If4oSVju) 01/04/16(Mon)23:41:55 No.60065942
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415 KB GIF
Anonymous (ID: OMJ5zkcX)
01/04/16(Mon)18:42:10 No.60065962
Anonymous (ID: OMJ5zkcX) 01/04/16(Mon)23:42:10 No.60065962

Anonymous (ID: pGc4QgUx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:42:10 No.60065964
Anonymous (ID: pGc4QgUx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:42:10 No.60065964
thats just sad

maybe its time for the people to get organised and patrol their neighborhoods.

not in Murika style neighborhood's watch ofc but 50 people with sticks and irons beating and muzzie durking around would be educational for the rest(I hope so)
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:42:29 No.60065983
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:42:29 No.60065983
Call me a faggot but i wrote a short story last year when i was in your mood. Here it comes guys:

Part 1

It is the year 402 a.D. A Green Land future Generations will call Lombardei in Northern Italy. You, a 30 year old Man and Patriarch, look from a Hill over the Land you call Property and Home. In the Distance you can hear the Laughter of your Children and the typical sound of working Men.
This Land was the Land of your Family since the last five Generations. A fine Land, a beautiful Land. Just a tiny part of what the World calls the Roman Empire.
An Empire that has changed….
Barbarians are flooding the Empire, mostly Germanic tribes, their Hordes press against the Borders from all directions.
A Long Time ago this would be a Call for strong Roman Men, Men with Honor, Courage and Ambition. Led by Politicians and Generals fueled with the Spirit to let the roman Eagle shine even to the darkest corner of the world. And supported by Men that came from the Bottom and worked hard to achieve Prosperity and Wealth. Just like the Grandfather of your Grandfather, a brave Man who got this Land as a Reward after 20 years of Service, who was a common soldier in a Time where corruption and foul Laws weren’t paralyzing the Land.
Yes you can still see the Glory, you were more than once in Rome. You saw the Power and Might of the past Ages, saw the Colosseum, the Temples, Trajan´s Column. But you also saw the Immigrants, more Slaves than Romans, filth and degeneration. And the rise of some strange Religion from the Province of Judea.
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:42:32 No.60065986
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:42:32 No.60065986
we have several institutes who make polls. some of them are lefties. they come to different conclusion. It is hard to find out the truth

It is a fact that elections were faked so the AFD has less seats in Parliament
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:42:58 No.60066028
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:42:58 No.60066028
Part 2

Serving in the Legions isn’t an Honor any longer and the ranks must be filled with foreigners.
But when you address it, praise that we must move back the old Ways, the tradition without claiming to it like a drowning Man but instead like an old wise Advisor, they laugh and call you a Pessimist that only needs more Wine. “The Empire existed long before us and it will exist when our Bones are just Ash “ they say.
But you can´t deny that feeling. That feeling that you live in an Era that is moving to its End. An End that will be cruel and dark. And you can´t do anything against it….
The year is 2015 a.D. A mostly green Land your generation calls Nordrhein-Westfalen in central Germany. You, a 30 year old Man ….
Anonymous (ID: 75INoSTD)
01/04/16(Mon)18:43:16 No.60066051
Anonymous (ID: 75INoSTD) 01/04/16(Mon)23:43:16 No.60066051

>Eastern Europe will become safer than Western Europe in your lifetime
Anonymous (ID: LlJuZFrs)
01/04/16(Mon)18:44:02 No.60066105
Anonymous (ID: LlJuZFrs) 01/04/16(Mon)23:44:02 No.60066105
You want to redpill Germans? Use this fucking video.
Anonymous (ID: OMJ5zkcX)
01/04/16(Mon)18:44:11 No.60066113
Anonymous (ID: OMJ5zkcX) 01/04/16(Mon)23:44:11 No.60066113
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)18:44:41 No.60066148
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ) 01/04/16(Mon)23:44:41 No.60066148
Don't you dare leaving the trench now. Stay with us, we need you.
Anonymous (ID: qLtpMo2+)
01/04/16(Mon)18:44:45 No.60066157
Anonymous (ID: qLtpMo2+) 01/04/16(Mon)23:44:45 No.60066157
Ican't find it, post the right hastag soi can start spamming.
Anonymous (ID: sdj/G7s9)
01/04/16(Mon)18:45:18 No.60066198
Anonymous (ID: sdj/G7s9) 01/04/16(Mon)23:45:18 No.60066198
>Niggers and Mexicans are comparable to Muslims

Not saying you don't have a point on some level but day to day minorities mostly keep to themselves. Once Obama is out things will go back to normal since he won't be prowling around for black groups to piss off
Anonymous (ID: Gfw5XZrP)
01/04/16(Mon)18:45:22 No.60066203
Anonymous (ID: Gfw5XZrP) 01/04/16(Mon)23:45:22 No.60066203
>>60058541 (OP)
Well if no one presses charges or reports the crimes did they really happen? A culture of rape is just a meme.
Anonymous (ID: vswhW6UH)
01/04/16(Mon)18:45:37 No.60066221
Anonymous (ID: vswhW6UH) 01/04/16(Mon)23:45:37 No.60066221
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Is she our only hope ?
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:45:42 No.60066228
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:45:42 No.60066228

you have to redpill the Germans before you can start fight
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:45:53 No.60066248
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:45:53 No.60066248
In dieser kranken Welt kann man vielleicht dem FC Bayern für seine Dominanz danken. Wenn die Meistershcaft über die nächsten Jahre genau so langweilig bleibt, wird der ein oder andere vielleicht endlich einmal seinen Blick auf das wirklich wichtige richten.

Oder noch perfekter wäre - so traurig es ist - ein Anschlag auf die deutsche Nationalmannschaft. Vielleicht auch nur Manuel Neuer niedergestochen von einem Flüchtling...
Anonymous (ID: cNt+4heq)
01/04/16(Mon)18:45:58 No.60066253
Anonymous (ID: cNt+4heq) 01/04/16(Mon)23:45:58 No.60066253
What's full of migrants and about to sink?

Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:46:48 No.60066309
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:46:48 No.60066309
you get cucked by nigger. Dont think you will be in better shape

USA should help Europe with weapons and information
Anonymous (ID: wMWF6l4Z)
01/04/16(Mon)18:47:19 No.60066349
Anonymous (ID: wMWF6l4Z) 01/04/16(Mon)23:47:19 No.60066349

Anonymous (ID: vvweBjQN)
01/04/16(Mon)18:47:22 No.60066351
Anonymous (ID: vvweBjQN) 01/04/16(Mon)23:47:22 No.60066351
that's why every single fucking muslim has to be exterminated
Anonymous (ID: dgYOJ6+5)
01/04/16(Mon)18:48:04 No.60066381
Anonymous (ID: dgYOJ6+5) 01/04/16(Mon)23:48:04 No.60066381





Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB)
01/04/16(Mon)18:48:21 No.60066400
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB) 01/04/16(Mon)23:48:21 No.60066400
>Whore who cheated on her husband

Sound about right
Anonymous (ID: /2U7Atos)
01/04/16(Mon)18:48:26 No.60066416
Anonymous (ID: /2U7Atos) 01/04/16(Mon)23:48:26 No.60066416
>german women get shitskins into germany
>german women get raped by said shitskin
like poetry.
If it was just 1000 sandniggers robbing guys nobody would give a shit, but the moment it's about muh womens, people start to care
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:48:31 No.60066424
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:48:31 No.60066424
I bet my Money on him, especially when it about getting the support of the middle class.
Anonymous (ID: 0zO/37QO)
01/04/16(Mon)18:48:39 No.60066439
Anonymous (ID: 0zO/37QO) 01/04/16(Mon)23:48:39 No.60066439
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>>60058541 (OP)
yaaaaaaaaaawn...hows the progressive west doing today? Another day another rape huh cucks?
Don't forget to prep your wifes and daughters bull before going to sleep in your cuckshed, oh take a few extra blankets its getting colder outside.
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn)
01/04/16(Mon)18:48:59 No.60066460
Anonymous (ID: ZoObnCOn) 01/04/16(Mon)23:48:59 No.60066460
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Jap nicht mal wenn Bayern komplett nur aus schwarze leute besteht, merken sie das. richtige cuks
Anonymous (ID: qLtpMo2+)
01/04/16(Mon)18:49:19 No.60066487
Anonymous (ID: qLtpMo2+) 01/04/16(Mon)23:49:19 No.60066487
Got it, thanks.
Anonymous (ID: 3je7jRx7)
01/04/16(Mon)18:49:44 No.60066520
Anonymous (ID: 3je7jRx7) 01/04/16(Mon)23:49:44 No.60066520
I wonder what happens once Germany falls. It inevitably will crush EU. Eastern EU will probably lash out on immigrants.
Anonymous (ID: GodaU67f)
01/04/16(Mon)18:49:51 No.60066530
Anonymous (ID: GodaU67f) 01/04/16(Mon)23:49:51 No.60066530
>>60058541 (OP)
Where is the fucking video footage?
Anonymous (ID: VmMx1lHC)
01/04/16(Mon)18:50:56 No.60066608
Anonymous (ID: VmMx1lHC) 01/04/16(Mon)23:50:56 No.60066608
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Leftists at Neogaf are blaming the police already.
Anonymous (ID: YTYTMj71)
01/04/16(Mon)18:51:02 No.60066612
Anonymous (ID: YTYTMj71) 01/04/16(Mon)23:51:02 No.60066612
> leader of the North Rhine-Westphalia branch of Germany's main police union, Arnold Plickert: "the great majority of the people who have come to us have done so because their lives are no longer safe in their homelands."

I wonder where Germans can seek asylum now life in their homeland is no longer safe
Anonymous (ID: wTG1Pkah)
01/04/16(Mon)18:51:08 No.60066620
Anonymous (ID: wTG1Pkah) 01/04/16(Mon)23:51:08 No.60066620
Vielleicht wars dann am Ende gar kein Flüchtling... sondern Manuel Neuer.
Anonymous (ID: uyy39XiS)
01/04/16(Mon)18:51:09 No.60066622
Anonymous (ID: uyy39XiS) 01/04/16(Mon)23:51:09 No.60066622
Which is why incidents like this are good. Quiet Muslims are the most dangerous since they just creep up on you demographically and then vote in their own laws after a while. On the other hand, Muslims rioting and attacking shit will make people more aware.

The greatest threat to Europe is a peaceful friendly Muslim who has a large family. The greatest blessing to Europe is a violent Jihadist.
Anonymous (ID: rt4QoB18)
01/04/16(Mon)18:51:11 No.60066627
Anonymous (ID: rt4QoB18) 01/04/16(Mon)23:51:11 No.60066627
Come to America, we're shitty but you wont be raped or have shit on the streets
Anonymous (ID: Gfw5XZrP)
01/04/16(Mon)18:51:28 No.60066650
Anonymous (ID: Gfw5XZrP) 01/04/16(Mon)23:51:28 No.60066650
There is no rape, just propaganda. No one has been arrested and no one has reported the crimes. It's just assumed.

Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:51:39 No.60066666
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:51:39 No.60066666
Here for example:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oe_69mhjjmU [Embed]

Anonymous (ID: VmMx1lHC)
01/04/16(Mon)18:51:55 No.60066693
Anonymous (ID: VmMx1lHC) 01/04/16(Mon)23:51:55 No.60066693
Anonymous (ID: rt4QoB18)
01/04/16(Mon)18:52:43 No.60066751
Anonymous (ID: rt4QoB18) 01/04/16(Mon)23:52:43 No.60066751
God..... These THINGS are animals
Anonymous (ID: 4MhdbwCK)
01/04/16(Mon)18:53:10 No.60066788
Anonymous (ID: 4MhdbwCK) 01/04/16(Mon)23:53:10 No.60066788
>>60058541 (OP)
This is really sad ...
Muslim here, I know I will get crucified, but this is fucking sad, I'm really sorry that this is happening and I feel ashamed it's coming from my people ... Ordinary punishement are not enough in this case, if you let someone into your house and they start fucking up your shit you legit have the right to kill them, at least kick them out. These guys did not appreaciate the act of humanity coming from complete fucking strangers who had no obligation to do it, nothing good will come from them. Just do whatever you want with them, I'm washing my hands of this bullshit.
Anonymous (ID: x7FJjIiG)
01/04/16(Mon)18:53:17 No.60066802
Anonymous (ID: x7FJjIiG) 01/04/16(Mon)23:53:17 No.60066802
Anonymous (ID: 0zPcCGB0)
01/04/16(Mon)18:53:47 No.60066843
Anonymous (ID: 0zPcCGB0) 01/04/16(Mon)23:53:47 No.60066843
this desu refugee status fucking when
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)18:53:48 No.60066848
Anonymous (ID: MUaTCtOQ) 01/04/16(Mon)23:53:48 No.60066848
Most people on there are like:
>How dare these racists use this incident for there propaganda.
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:54:27 No.60066902
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:54:27 No.60066902
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Scheisse ich habe so laut gelacht dass die Hunde aufgewacht sind.
Zum Dank gibt es Titten.
Anonymous (ID: ind4Boi4)
01/04/16(Mon)18:54:28 No.60066903
Anonymous (ID: ind4Boi4) 01/04/16(Mon)23:54:28 No.60066903
Anonymous (ID: UjbsT7CT)
01/04/16(Mon)18:54:33 No.60066906
Anonymous (ID: UjbsT7CT) 01/04/16(Mon)23:54:33 No.60066906
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:54:48 No.60066928
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:54:48 No.60066928
that person wants that those sand nigger get kicked out. thats a step in the right direction
Anonymous (ID: rt4QoB18)
01/04/16(Mon)18:55:14 No.60066965
Anonymous (ID: rt4QoB18) 01/04/16(Mon)23:55:14 No.60066965
I do live by Chicago.......

Any tips on where to move?
Anonymous (ID: JoXweGn7)
01/04/16(Mon)18:55:22 No.60066971
Anonymous (ID: JoXweGn7) 01/04/16(Mon)23:55:22 No.60066971
>>60056655 →




Anonymous (ID: Nx8MZpMh)
01/04/16(Mon)18:55:38 No.60066985
Anonymous (ID: Nx8MZpMh) 01/04/16(Mon)23:55:38 No.60066985
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that's rascist
Anonymous (ID: sdj/G7s9)
01/04/16(Mon)18:56:03 No.60067020
Anonymous (ID: sdj/G7s9) 01/04/16(Mon)23:56:03 No.60067020
European command and Africa command are in Germany. There are numerous exercises and agreements with Germany. What more do you need?
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:56:09 No.60067030
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:56:09 No.60067030
top kek
Anonymous (ID: rt4QoB18)
01/04/16(Mon)18:56:54 No.60067085
Anonymous (ID: rt4QoB18) 01/04/16(Mon)23:56:54 No.60067085
Is this what the Cities of Germany are like now?
Anonymous (ID: l5H4p3j9)
01/04/16(Mon)18:57:11 No.60067107
Anonymous (ID: l5H4p3j9) 01/04/16(Mon)23:57:11 No.60067107
>>60058541 (OP)
They deserved it for being sluts.
Anonymous (ID: ET3EMp4I)
01/04/16(Mon)18:57:14 No.60067109
Anonymous (ID: ET3EMp4I) 01/04/16(Mon)23:57:14 No.60067109
Why are these threads constantly closed?
Anonymous (ID: O3pUtUud)
01/04/16(Mon)18:57:24 No.60067120
Anonymous (ID: O3pUtUud) 01/04/16(Mon)23:57:24 No.60067120
I came.
Anonymous (ID: 8RYAc6Mn)
01/04/16(Mon)18:57:36 No.60067136
Anonymous (ID: 8RYAc6Mn) 01/04/16(Mon)23:57:36 No.60067136
Anonymous (ID: RBkuwIAR)
01/04/16(Mon)18:58:13 No.60067181
Anonymous (ID: RBkuwIAR) 01/04/16(Mon)23:58:13 No.60067181
Anonymous (ID: bS/coeSv)
01/04/16(Mon)18:58:20 No.60067190
Anonymous (ID: bS/coeSv) 01/04/16(Mon)23:58:20 No.60067190
Yep, Gauland would the best choice. I bet B. Lucke is really really mad now. Maye he can come back.
Anonymous (ID: wTG1Pkah)
01/04/16(Mon)18:58:30 No.60067210
Anonymous (ID: wTG1Pkah) 01/04/16(Mon)23:58:30 No.60067210
Cologne is pretty much the Commiefornia of Germany, but you can bet that this is likely to happen in any big German city save for most of the eastern ones.
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08)
01/04/16(Mon)18:58:44 No.60067223
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08) 01/04/16(Mon)23:58:44 No.60067223
Israel will get fucked in our lifetime. Good thing too, i just ran out of soap
Anonymous (ID: x7FJjIiG)
01/04/16(Mon)18:58:53 No.60067238
Anonymous (ID: x7FJjIiG) 01/04/16(Mon)23:58:53 No.60067238
Generally speaking not a big city like Chicago, LA, or any liberal enclaves. Most of the smaller cities are usually polite. Check the demographics, there are tons around the nation. However since you don't live in the city limits, you might be fine in the near future.
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB)
01/04/16(Mon)18:59:09 No.60067259
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB) 01/04/16(Mon)23:59:09 No.60067259
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My take on it all:

All about the birth rates and working labor families.

In Germany at least 35% will be over 65 in the next 30 years.

Their birthrate among themselves is extremely low so the high ups need to import workers.

They do NOT give a fuck about culture, ethnics or nationality. All they care about is money. Start looking at this crisis in those terms and it will all start to make sense.
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)18:59:25 No.60067281
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/04/16(Mon)23:59:25 No.60067281
i hope when the European civil war starts the next US president will be not a fucking cuck like Obama or Clinton
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)18:59:48 No.60067310
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/04/16(Mon)23:59:48 No.60067310
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These incidents happened in Stuttgart and Hamburg on new year eve too. And just wait for Karneval in Cologne who will be next month.

2016 will be a damn interesting year....
Anonymous (ID: cJ2o79Q7)
01/04/16(Mon)18:59:53 No.60067320
Anonymous (ID: cJ2o79Q7) 01/04/16(Mon)23:59:53 No.60067320



Anonymous (ID: GodaU67f)
01/04/16(Mon)19:00:50 No.60067391
Anonymous (ID: GodaU67f) 01/05/16(Tue)00:00:50 No.60067391
Looks like they brought a piece of Syria with them
Anonymous (ID: Ggdc8WXw)
01/04/16(Mon)19:01:06 No.60067409
Anonymous (ID: Ggdc8WXw) 01/05/16(Tue)00:01:06 No.60067409
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83 KB
Deus vult brother!
Anonymous (ID: 1T9668gu)
01/04/16(Mon)19:01:21 No.60067435
Anonymous (ID: 1T9668gu) 01/05/16(Tue)00:01:21 No.60067435
>be German
>it's the last day of 2015
>the year in which we imported over a million wild sandniggers
>merkel gives a new years eve speech with arabic subtitles, saying Germany is not for Germans anymore
>Munich train station is evacuated because of terrorism warning
>In Cologne 1000 refugees steal, rape, brawl and plunder

This is a greentext story I would never believe to be true if someone wrote it a couple of years ago. But here we are.
Anonymous (ID: odGFSdjg)
01/04/16(Mon)19:01:25 No.60067444
Anonymous (ID: odGFSdjg) 01/05/16(Tue)00:01:25 No.60067444
And the UK and all of france, given enough time.

I lived in Manchester UK which has a large Muslim population, you literally see exactly this whenever its Ramadan / Eid.

Paki muslim cunts just going mental in the streets, police don't do a thing about it.
Anonymous (ID: 8RYAc6Mn)
01/04/16(Mon)19:01:34 No.60067457
Anonymous (ID: 8RYAc6Mn) 01/05/16(Tue)00:01:34 No.60067457
>involved in human affairs
Anonymous (ID: 1bMnRiIR)
01/04/16(Mon)19:01:40 No.60067470
Anonymous (ID: 1bMnRiIR) 01/05/16(Tue)00:01:40 No.60067470
>>60058541 (OP)
haha Germans are so stupid, they deserve eveything they get for what they did in the holocaust.
Anonymous (ID: x7FJjIiG)
01/04/16(Mon)19:01:42 No.60067473
Anonymous (ID: x7FJjIiG) 01/05/16(Tue)00:01:42 No.60067473
Can you guys even make it to Oktoberfest at this rate?
Anonymous (ID: NcpPs11h)
01/04/16(Mon)19:02:10 No.60067512
Anonymous (ID: NcpPs11h) 01/05/16(Tue)00:02:10 No.60067512
You're going to make a lovely lampshade
Anonymous (ID: sdj/G7s9)
01/04/16(Mon)19:02:23 No.60067522
Anonymous (ID: sdj/G7s9) 01/05/16(Tue)00:02:23 No.60067522
I would just like to take this opportunity to say hello, welcome, and I'm very sorry. So very sorry. You are not to blame (sorry)
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)19:02:53 No.60067557
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/05/16(Tue)00:02:53 No.60067557
yes out traitor politicians see this country as an company and they are the CEOs (even they they not shit about it)

Politicians can earn an insane amount of money if they do lobby work for companies
Anonymous (ID: 6PUffXqO)
01/04/16(Mon)19:03:00 No.60067565
Anonymous (ID: 6PUffXqO) 01/05/16(Tue)00:03:00 No.60067565
>>merkel gives a new years eve speech with arabic subtitles,

r-really? you're kidding me, right?
Anonymous (ID: 2ztynVLW)
01/04/16(Mon)19:03:00 No.60067566
Anonymous (ID: 2ztynVLW) 01/05/16(Tue)00:03:00 No.60067566
Holy shit.

So. I just considered the Fourth Reich theory.

Some things just occurred to me.

What was the first country into space?

It was the USSR. Russia. Using Nazi scientists.

But what happened to these scientists?

Surely they would be too valuable to remove.

And what if they convinced Russians, namely, the KGB, of the Fourth Reich plan.

Of a unified Euro-American front.

And what if that still exists, in the form of Putin?

Putin has been funding a lot of European right-wing fronts.

Keeping Assad up. Making a dictatorship look good.

And of course, the comparisons between Trump and Hitler.

I know where I am, but what was Hitler's greatest accomplishment?

I would say the Autobahn. Among other projects, this was the core of the Nazi movement.

Work for the government to benefit the nation.

A gigantic wall. Who builds it? Americans. Who pays them?

Mexico? Or does the US exchange money for labour directly.

Putin has showed support for Trump.

Inching slowly, the similarities between the right wing of all of Europe and North America has become the same.

We all like guns. We all hate Muslims. We all want our nations to be nations of our own.

When has the right-wing of the entire planet ever been on the same side?

When has Russia put down its guns and told the USA that they will do nothing?


Christ. Someone needs to wake me up from this dream.
Anonymous (ID: yNUy5Oiq)
01/04/16(Mon)19:03:11 No.60067580
Anonymous (ID: yNUy5Oiq) 01/05/16(Tue)00:03:11 No.60067580
Do you own any weapon?
Anonymous (ID: OMJ5zkcX)
01/04/16(Mon)19:03:32 No.60067612
Anonymous (ID: OMJ5zkcX) 01/05/16(Tue)00:03:32 No.60067612
I have an idea.

We could crowdfund a mercenary army to fight for Germany.

How much would it cost to hire Azov Batallion and/or Right Sektor?
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB)
01/04/16(Mon)19:04:24 No.60067686
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB) 01/05/16(Tue)00:04:24 No.60067686

Just don't be a cuck and stand up for yourself if this happens to you/loved ones
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08)
01/04/16(Mon)19:04:32 No.60067697
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08) 01/05/16(Tue)00:04:32 No.60067697
Top kek. I hate Köln but holy shit these savages
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)19:04:45 No.60067709
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/05/16(Tue)00:04:45 No.60067709
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355 KB JPG
Bavarian police is something different from these Cologne cucks and there is way too much money at Stake there.
Belive me the Oktoberfest will be the last thing you have to worry about.
Right now we need someone like in the picture. Good old Lothar von Trotha.
Anonymous (ID: P8QyhD//)
01/04/16(Mon)19:04:48 No.60067713
Anonymous (ID: P8QyhD//) 01/05/16(Tue)00:04:48 No.60067713
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Anonymous (ID: Hhe2J6wY)
01/04/16(Mon)19:04:48 No.60067715
Anonymous (ID: Hhe2J6wY) 01/05/16(Tue)00:04:48 No.60067715
>Gets raped
>Gets back up
>Does her damn job

Why can't women be like this instead of feminists?
Anonymous (ID: sLtPzT1V)
01/04/16(Mon)19:05:05 No.60067730
Anonymous (ID: sLtPzT1V) 01/05/16(Tue)00:05:05 No.60067730
No its real...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEIl9GUrZ_Q [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)19:05:11 No.60067734
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/05/16(Tue)00:05:11 No.60067734
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no this is the bitter truth

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzESJ5HoVyM [Embed]

click on subtitles
Anonymous (ID: sdj/G7s9)
01/04/16(Mon)19:05:16 No.60067741
Anonymous (ID: sdj/G7s9) 01/05/16(Tue)00:05:16 No.60067741
If it's Clinton, the pres will literally be a cuck. No going back
Anonymous (ID: Qts4ZqkJ)
01/04/16(Mon)19:05:24 No.60067748
Anonymous (ID: Qts4ZqkJ) 01/05/16(Tue)00:05:24 No.60067748
Is there an English article on this?
Anonymous (ID: wTG1Pkah)
01/04/16(Mon)19:05:44 No.60067773
Anonymous (ID: wTG1Pkah) 01/05/16(Tue)00:05:44 No.60067773
A European Al Qaeda? That's a pretty interesting thought to be honest. Unrealistic, but entertaining nevertheless.
Anonymous (ID: OMJ5zkcX)
01/04/16(Mon)19:05:49 No.60067779
Anonymous (ID: OMJ5zkcX) 01/05/16(Tue)00:05:49 No.60067779
Deutschcucks will not fight for their country, even the ones that oppose mass immigration!
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)19:06:15 No.60067813
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/05/16(Tue)00:06:15 No.60067813
Nope, he isnt...:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmNcYYFBeMc [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: jNYTRs10)
01/04/16(Mon)19:06:23 No.60067826
Anonymous (ID: jNYTRs10) 01/05/16(Tue)00:06:23 No.60067826
File: 1000bombers.jpg (30 KB, 400x286)
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Cologne btfo
Anonymous (ID: 8xjktbdP)
01/04/16(Mon)19:06:37 No.60067843
Anonymous (ID: 8xjktbdP) 01/05/16(Tue)00:06:37 No.60067843
UNO REFUGEE AID page hacked

either right wingers or lefties trying to focus back on the real enemy
Anonymous (ID: 2+8vy2Zh)
01/04/16(Mon)19:06:50 No.60067857
Anonymous (ID: 2+8vy2Zh) 01/05/16(Tue)00:06:50 No.60067857
>(67 KB, 666x666)
Anonymous (ID: CijAROgN)
01/04/16(Mon)19:06:51 No.60067859
Anonymous (ID: CijAROgN) 01/05/16(Tue)00:06:51 No.60067859
i'm not surprised by this, i know people who go to the new years' celebration only to touch some booty. Muslim men = hungry dogs, if they see something they like they will try to take advantage. Welcome to the third world
Anonymous (ID: bRLZgqAp)
01/04/16(Mon)19:06:54 No.60067862
Anonymous (ID: bRLZgqAp) 01/05/16(Tue)00:06:54 No.60067862
Nah, it's real. She also basically gives a big "fuck you" to Germans and openly states she wants to make Germany globalised.

She'd be swinging from a rope 100 years ago for saying such treasonous words.
Anonymous (ID: GodaU67f)
01/04/16(Mon)19:07:30 No.60067922
Anonymous (ID: GodaU67f) 01/05/16(Tue)00:07:30 No.60067922
Right about now a pro gun union of western countries is looking pretty fucking good.

If America and the EU consolidated, they'd be unstoppable and world domination would be possible. Literally nobody could stop the combined might of Russia America, let alone Europe
Anonymous (ID: 0T5z60Ce)
01/04/16(Mon)19:07:46 No.60067948
Anonymous (ID: 0T5z60Ce) 01/05/16(Tue)00:07:46 No.60067948
We are lost.

I hope everyone learns from this, so our suffering won't be senseless.
Anonymous (ID: s+rKZvtx)
01/04/16(Mon)19:07:49 No.60067950
Anonymous (ID: s+rKZvtx) 01/05/16(Tue)00:07:49 No.60067950
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722 KB GIF
Anonymous (ID: 6PUffXqO)
01/04/16(Mon)19:08:03 No.60067962
Anonymous (ID: 6PUffXqO) 01/05/16(Tue)00:08:03 No.60067962

it's basically a concession speech to the victors.

Germanbros, you guys are fucked. pack your bags, and come to australia.
Anonymous (ID: Edn49qsW)
01/04/16(Mon)19:08:08 No.60067969
Anonymous (ID: Edn49qsW) 01/05/16(Tue)00:08:08 No.60067969
You're right, we've waited too long for change that will never come. There needs to be a catalyst; and I think that with every new story we get a little closer to the Big One.
Anonymous (ID: 0zPcCGB0)
01/04/16(Mon)19:08:11 No.60067973
Anonymous (ID: 0zPcCGB0) 01/05/16(Tue)00:08:11 No.60067973
i mean at least it wasn't in arabic with german subtitles r-right... haha
kill me
Anonymous (ID: sdj/G7s9)
01/04/16(Mon)19:08:20 No.60067986
Anonymous (ID: sdj/G7s9) 01/05/16(Tue)00:08:20 No.60067986
>she was just doing a student exchange program to diversify her experience. No German dicks involved

You get what you pay for I guess
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)19:08:22 No.60067989
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/05/16(Tue)00:08:22 No.60067989
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfZeIYyL_Gw [Embed]

thats how i feel right now
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08)
01/04/16(Mon)19:08:27 No.60067996
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08) 01/05/16(Tue)00:08:27 No.60067996
She needs some laws to protect her neck. The "good" thing about this happening to lots of women is that the left wing males who want to white knight now start to feel hatred towards refugees. This will make people get mad that would laugh if a right winger got lynched.
Anonymous (ID: 2ztynVLW)
01/04/16(Mon)19:09:05 No.60068058
Anonymous (ID: 2ztynVLW) 01/05/16(Tue)00:09:05 No.60068058
The solution to overpopulation.

Easy. Bomb food production throughout South Asia, South America and the Middle East and seal the border.
Anonymous (ID: payxIkOQ)
01/04/16(Mon)19:09:14 No.60068071
Anonymous (ID: payxIkOQ) 01/05/16(Tue)00:09:14 No.60068071
Why the fuck is the media suppressing this story?
Anonymous (ID: d0lFnbeW)
01/04/16(Mon)19:09:18 No.60068077
Anonymous (ID: d0lFnbeW) 01/05/16(Tue)00:09:18 No.60068077
You fat fucks aren't going to do anything.

Hell I'm a brownie and I use that to my advantage to redpill my white pc friends.
Anonymous (ID: Dsw3HQ7a)
01/04/16(Mon)19:09:26 No.60068086
Anonymous (ID: Dsw3HQ7a) 01/05/16(Tue)00:09:26 No.60068086
>>60058541 (OP)

Is there a twitter hastag?


or something
Anonymous (ID: wTG1Pkah)
01/04/16(Mon)19:09:34 No.60068098
Anonymous (ID: wTG1Pkah) 01/05/16(Tue)00:09:34 No.60068098
Holy shit, it's real!
Anonymous (ID: cP5EdPPD)
01/04/16(Mon)19:09:38 No.60068103
Anonymous (ID: cP5EdPPD) 01/05/16(Tue)00:09:38 No.60068103
Whenever I walk through my college library, I can't help but thinking I'm going through modern Alexandria.
I study history and some times it's infuriating to realize that many great authors' works have only survived in fragments or are only known by name without a single word of them surviving the ages.
Will this be the future for John Locke, Rene Descartes and Arthur Schopenhauer? For Dante Alighieri, Leo Tolstoy, Johann Wolfgang Goethe? For Isaac Newton, Georg Leibnitz, Christiaan Huygens?

Where the fuck are we going
Anonymous (ID: ypTURtRd)
01/04/16(Mon)19:09:39 No.60068107
Anonymous (ID: ypTURtRd) 01/05/16(Tue)00:09:39 No.60068107
Fucking cucked germans. I've enough firepower I'd not run out before they torched my house, but I'd kill enough of them it'd be worth it.
Anonymous (ID: 1T9668gu)
01/04/16(Mon)19:09:40 No.60068109
Anonymous (ID: 1T9668gu) 01/05/16(Tue)00:09:40 No.60068109
No, I don't. I would get a gun if I could but gun laws are very, very strict. I should probably get pepperspray and a knife, though.
Anonymous (ID: KJ3Xm4Mj)
01/04/16(Mon)19:09:42 No.60068112
Anonymous (ID: KJ3Xm4Mj) 01/05/16(Tue)00:09:42 No.60068112
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Dear God.....
Anonymous (ID: Edn49qsW)
01/04/16(Mon)19:09:54 No.60068125
Anonymous (ID: Edn49qsW) 01/05/16(Tue)00:09:54 No.60068125
Maybe we should all gather in one country, and create a superpower.
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)19:09:54 No.60068126
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/05/16(Tue)00:09:54 No.60068126
we cant give up
Anonymous (ID: bRLZgqAp)
01/04/16(Mon)19:10:05 No.60068142
Anonymous (ID: bRLZgqAp) 01/05/16(Tue)00:10:05 No.60068142
Why do you think? Events like these will be the ones that light the spark.
Anonymous (ID: 0zPcCGB0)
01/04/16(Mon)19:10:18 No.60068167
Anonymous (ID: 0zPcCGB0) 01/05/16(Tue)00:10:18 No.60068167
Anonymous (ID: 71TKuN8P)
01/04/16(Mon)19:10:31 No.60068188
Anonymous (ID: 71TKuN8P) 01/05/16(Tue)00:10:31 No.60068188
unless you move to Detroit **
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08)
01/04/16(Mon)19:11:18 No.60068249
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08) 01/05/16(Tue)00:11:18 No.60068249
That based redpilled reporter deserves to be on the main channel.
Anonymous (ID: cJ2o79Q7)
01/04/16(Mon)19:11:21 No.60068256
Anonymous (ID: cJ2o79Q7) 01/05/16(Tue)00:11:21 No.60068256

holy shit
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB)
01/04/16(Mon)19:11:32 No.60068269
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB) 01/05/16(Tue)00:11:32 No.60068269
>Compare this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEIl9GUrZ_Q [Embed]

>to this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7c9tB77YdU [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: sLtPzT1V)
01/04/16(Mon)19:11:34 No.60068272
Anonymous (ID: sLtPzT1V) 01/05/16(Tue)00:11:34 No.60068272


Jesus it was bad was it not?
Anonymous (ID: yNUy5Oiq)
01/04/16(Mon)19:12:22 No.60068339
Anonymous (ID: yNUy5Oiq) 01/05/16(Tue)00:12:22 No.60068339
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>Hate in Germans who think Germany belongs to them

She is crazy.
Anonymous (ID: cP5EdPPD)
01/04/16(Mon)19:12:32 No.60068359
Anonymous (ID: cP5EdPPD) 01/05/16(Tue)00:12:32 No.60068359
How about Rhodesia and South Africa?
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)19:12:34 No.60068362
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/05/16(Tue)00:12:34 No.60068362
They arent, its all over the german news. Even the leftist one. And most say the origing aof the attackers. Its too big too hide.
Also new information are coming up about similar attacks in Stuttgart and Hamburg and new years eve.
Anonymous (ID: pUD7+ygm)
01/04/16(Mon)19:12:38 No.60068369
Anonymous (ID: pUD7+ygm) 01/05/16(Tue)00:12:38 No.60068369
>Spelling mistakes
>other braindead retarded shit

Yeah. That's going to help us.
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08)
01/04/16(Mon)19:12:56 No.60068397
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08) 01/05/16(Tue)00:12:56 No.60068397
Proof that liberalism is a mental illness
Anonymous (ID: sdj/G7s9)
01/04/16(Mon)19:13:09 No.60068410
Anonymous (ID: sdj/G7s9) 01/05/16(Tue)00:13:09 No.60068410
Obama wants to take them away. We're going backward not forward, son
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB)
01/04/16(Mon)19:13:47 No.60068465
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB) 01/05/16(Tue)00:13:47 No.60068465
Anonymous (ID: bS/coeSv)
01/04/16(Mon)19:13:52 No.60068478
Anonymous (ID: bS/coeSv) 01/05/16(Tue)00:13:52 No.60068478
Shut up dumbo. People are not getting kids because they are scared. They dont want their kids to go to muslim schools. Houses are expensive as hell. Job market is very hard if you have children ITS FUCKING EXPENSIVE


If they wanted they could heave EASILY made it easier to have children. 1 Mio Fugees = 50 Billion € / year. You know ... just give every german Mother one million and it should work out just fine.
Anonymous (ID: om1fYwar)
01/04/16(Mon)19:14:43 No.60068547
Anonymous (ID: om1fYwar) 01/05/16(Tue)00:14:43 No.60068547

Rape is power plus oppression so minorities can't rape.
Anonymous (ID: Edn49qsW)
01/04/16(Mon)19:14:50 No.60068558
Anonymous (ID: Edn49qsW) 01/05/16(Tue)00:14:50 No.60068558
My fear would be that being surrounded by the hordes would cause many skirmishes along our borders. Should we get an island like Australia and New Zealand?
Anonymous (ID: YTYTMj71)
01/04/16(Mon)19:14:53 No.60068561
Anonymous (ID: YTYTMj71) 01/05/16(Tue)00:14:53 No.60068561
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB)
01/04/16(Mon)19:15:17 No.60068604
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB) 01/05/16(Tue)00:15:17 No.60068604
German kids go to university and get good jobs.

Nigger kids from Africa do low skilled, low paid work that big corporations need..

It's fucked up Hans
Anonymous (ID: CEFiyQwl)
01/04/16(Mon)19:15:18 No.60068606
Anonymous (ID: CEFiyQwl) 01/05/16(Tue)00:15:18 No.60068606
Honestly, what was she expecting?
Anonymous (ID: GodaU67f)
01/04/16(Mon)19:15:20 No.60068608
Anonymous (ID: GodaU67f) 01/05/16(Tue)00:15:20 No.60068608
>Obama wants to take them away.
Which is exactly why you would vote for someone promising you the right to bare arms.

Think of obama as the fluffer to get America's dick hard for another war.
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep)
01/04/16(Mon)19:15:22 No.60068614
Anonymous (ID: Eh6cZrep) 01/05/16(Tue)00:15:22 No.60068614
Why do you care about the Laws of a state that isnt caring about the Laws itself ?
Its your Health and your Life. And the one of your beloved.
So stop being an obidient law obiding german michel and buy the necessary equipment. The Czech Republic and open borders are just a few hours away....
Anonymous (ID: bU+/Sk20)
01/04/16(Mon)19:15:39 No.60068643
Anonymous (ID: bU+/Sk20) 01/05/16(Tue)00:15:39 No.60068643

Women chose this future en masse. Let them deal with it, most of these whores aren't worth saving anyway. Especially if they're german liberals. No sane woman would go near these people.
Anonymous (ID: WyaK0FUV)
01/04/16(Mon)19:15:56 No.60068659
Anonymous (ID: WyaK0FUV) 01/05/16(Tue)00:15:56 No.60068659
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Thats it i'm voting for the afd in Baden-Württemberg
Anonymous (ID: bS/coeSv)
01/04/16(Mon)19:15:57 No.60068660
Anonymous (ID: bS/coeSv) 01/05/16(Tue)00:15:57 No.60068660
Ohno the jooos are already at it again

Anonymous (ID: TftCxPkC)
01/04/16(Mon)19:16:02 No.60068666
Anonymous (ID: TftCxPkC) 01/05/16(Tue)00:16:02 No.60068666
Same thing happened in Hamburg too.
Germans are so cucked they don't even make the connection that this shit was organized and large scale, because they shit their pants even thinking about saying a refugee is bad.

Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx)
01/04/16(Mon)19:16:52 No.60068735
Anonymous (ID: L2shNWwx) 01/05/16(Tue)00:16:52 No.60068735
things have to get worse and it will
Anonymous (ID: xQOnQwIj)
01/04/16(Mon)19:16:55 No.60068738
Anonymous (ID: xQOnQwIj) 01/05/16(Tue)00:16:55 No.60068738
if anything the white cis german women raped the immigrants by flaunting the power of sexual liberation over these oppressed minorities.
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB)
01/04/16(Mon)19:17:08 No.60068759
Anonymous (ID: GnmO02VB) 01/05/16(Tue)00:17:08 No.60068759
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If Germany is this bad...

How is Sweden? I've seen a decline in Swedish flags lately..
Anonymous (ID: BP362QKl)
01/04/16(Mon)19:17:08 No.60068761
Anonymous (ID: BP362QKl) 01/05/16(Tue)00:17:08 No.60068761
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474 KB PNG
I feeel the irrefrenable impulse
Anonymous (ID: 8xjktbdP)
01/04/16(Mon)19:17:21 No.60068771
Anonymous (ID: 8xjktbdP) 01/05/16(Tue)00:17:21 No.60068771
that why I and other people in the original thread think it was done by lefties. 4 days after the incident in Cologne they want to focus on the "real enemy" again. They know Cologne hurt them and the "media emarbgo" confused alot of people, too.
Wouldn't make sense otherwise.
Anonymous (ID: Gfw5XZrP)
01/04/16(Mon)19:17:36 No.60068791
Anonymous (ID: Gfw5XZrP) 01/05/16(Tue)00:17:36 No.60068791
Because there is no story.
Anonymous (ID: vCzhBLYG)
01/04/16(Mon)19:18:03 No.60068837
Anonymous (ID: vCzhBLYG) 01/05/16(Tue)00:18:03 No.60068837
File: witnessed.gif (1.03 MB, 268x268)
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1.03 MB GIF
Based Melgibsonia is right again
Anonymous (ID: 0T5z60Ce)
01/04/16(Mon)19:18:07 No.60068847
Anonymous (ID: 0T5z60Ce) 01/05/16(Tue)00:18:07 No.60068847

I REALLY would like too.

I'm working at the biggest IT-company in germany as an IT-electronican...you guys need someone like that?

Give me the papers and i'll take the next flight!
Anonymous (ID: s+rKZvtx)
01/04/16(Mon)19:18:13 No.60068855
Anonymous (ID: s+rKZvtx) 01/05/16(Tue)00:18:13 No.60068855
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_ezTUSJ8vA [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: 5RFyF6X/)
01/04/16(Mon)19:18:25 No.60068874
Anonymous (ID: 5RFyF6X/) 01/05/16(Tue)00:18:25 No.60068874
Cologne is the most awful city I've ever visited

>full of Muslims and Blacks
>shops are all closed, graffiti'd and broken

This news doesn't surprise me at all. The train station is the nicest bit in the whole city
Anonymous (ID: bS/coeSv)
01/04/16(Mon)19:18:56 No.60068920
Anonymous (ID: bS/coeSv) 01/05/16(Tue)00:18:56 No.60068920
>Nigger kids from Africa do low skilled, low paid work that big corporations need.

No sir, they dont. Look up some statistics. Lots of them will NEVEr work and Overall its a huge minus. Also if we really needed lots of low skilled workers i heard that youth unemployement in spain and italy and greece is around 50%. Lets take them.
Anonymous (ID: cP5EdPPD)
01/04/16(Mon)19:19:15 No.60068946
Anonymous (ID: cP5EdPPD) 01/05/16(Tue)00:19:15 No.60068946
What if Horshima Nagasaki sells IPs with posts to the EU? What if the posters here already have a huge backlog of """""""""""""""""""""""hate speech""""""""""""""""""""""" which is kept back until the trap is ready to be sprung?
Anonymous (ID: 8xjktbdP)
01/04/16(Mon)19:19:15 No.60068950
Anonymous (ID: 8xjktbdP) 01/05/16(Tue)00:19:15 No.60068950
it is also the gay capital of germany
Anonymous (ID: Edn49qsW)
01/04/16(Mon)19:19:26 No.60068969
Anonymous (ID: Edn49qsW) 01/05/16(Tue)00:19:26 No.60068969
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04g5enTpJs0 [Embed]
Glory and love to the men of old!
Anonymous (ID: WhiVSDxl)
01/04/16(Mon)19:19:34 No.60068987
Anonymous (ID: WhiVSDxl) 01/05/16(Tue)00:19:34 No.60068987
Have you considered your religion is perhaps not a very good one and should reconsider being part of the problem?
Anonymous (ID: 0zPcCGB0)
01/04/16(Mon)19:19:54 No.60069022
Anonymous (ID: 0zPcCGB0) 01/05/16(Tue)00:19:54 No.60069022
my neighbours moved to brisbane a few years ago, is that a decent place?
Anonymous (ID: 8BOzlWLb)
01/04/16(Mon)19:20:23 No.60069065
Anonymous (ID: 8BOzlWLb) 01/05/16(Tue)00:20:23 No.60069065
Correction: dindus dindu no job fo aint nobody got time fo no programs and my children will have to pay double the tax to feed these parasitic fuckers.......
Anonymous (ID: 8xjktbdP)
01/04/16(Mon)19:21:04 No.60069130
Anonymous (ID: 8xjktbdP) 01/05/16(Tue)00:21:04 No.60069130
>German kids go to university and get good jobs.
>Nigger kids from Africa do low skilled, low paid work that big corporations need..
we have a different system though.
You can earn relatively well without going to university thanks to dual education.
There are also no jobs a unskilled african can do, a pole or russian cannot do better.
Anonymous (ID: s+rKZvtx)
01/04/16(Mon)19:22:15 No.60069241
Anonymous (ID: s+rKZvtx) 01/05/16(Tue)00:22:15 No.60069241
>Be German
>get raped by brown person
>move to brisbane
>get coward punched by brown person
Anonymous (ID: mOGShJX1)
01/04/16(Mon)19:22:21 No.60069248
Anonymous (ID: mOGShJX1) 01/05/16(Tue)00:22:21 No.60069248
Pretty good point
Anonymous (ID: NwMsqNQO)
01/04/16(Mon)19:22:32 No.60069263
Anonymous (ID: NwMsqNQO) 01/05/16(Tue)00:22:32 No.60069263
File: 1410593553407.jpg (76 KB, 695x715)
76 KB
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7c9tB77YdU [Embed]

>mfw when his speeches are good, right and more needed than ever
Anonymous (ID: mTalS0pR)
01/04/16(Mon)19:23:06 No.60069319
Anonymous (ID: mTalS0pR) 01/05/16(Tue)00:23:06 No.60069319
You seem Like a Faggot
Anonymous (ID: 6PUffXqO)
01/04/16(Mon)19:23:19 No.60069346
Anonymous (ID: 6PUffXqO) 01/05/16(Tue)00:23:19 No.60069346

come and fix our innanetz, and i'll let ya root all the abos you want.
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08)
01/04/16(Mon)19:23:55 No.60069413
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08) 01/05/16(Tue)00:23:55 No.60069413
Legendärer post. Schade dass ihn nur deutsche verstehen
Anonymous (ID: nqwlL5I5)
01/04/16(Mon)19:24:24 No.60069466
Anonymous (ID: nqwlL5I5) 01/05/16(Tue)00:24:24 No.60069466
You won't get crucified. We just don't believe you or understand that you don't matter.

We're just sort of dumbfunded, asking ourselves why anyone would be a muslim, and watching our own people pissing away the residual greatness of 2500 year of history, all of which culminated in the greatest society to have ever existed.

I'm at a point where I'm wishing there's some asteroid somewhere heading for earth. I really don't care.

It would piss off muslims more than it would piss me off, which is all that matters.

(Just stop being a muslim. We're all tired, annoyed, and its just not true.)
Anonymous (ID: 4MhdbwCK)
01/04/16(Mon)19:24:41 No.60069499
Anonymous (ID: 4MhdbwCK) 01/05/16(Tue)00:24:41 No.60069499
Thanks man, I really appreaciate it. I would never blame you either for your positions and views for the Arab/ Muslim world, we are no good in our countries and no good in yours too. I have no problem in being hated as long as I'm hated by the book. Thank you again. God bless.
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08)
01/04/16(Mon)19:24:51 No.60069515
Anonymous (ID: PhKDme08) 01/05/16(Tue)00:24:51 No.60069515
Muslims are jews without the subtlety
Anonymous (ID: FDD09qQE)
01/04/16(Mon)19:24:51 No.60069516
Anonymous (ID: FDD09qQE) 01/05/16(Tue)00:24:51 No.60069516
you seem to not know what the fuck they're dealing with.

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