Our Q&A is with New York Law School professor Robert Blecker, death penalty proponent and author. Based on thousands of hours inside maximum security prisons and on death rows in several states, his recently published crime-and-punishment memoir “The Death of Punishment” urges a fresh look at our criminal justice system.
You have heard the arguments from appellate lawyers who are trying to block executions that use untried drugs, based on the objection they might cause pain. What’s your reaction?
This whole controversy obscures deeper disagreements about the death penalty itself. Abolitionists —those who oppose capital punishment — try to clog the system with specious attacks. Clearly we can administer a lethal anesthetic to painlessly kill. Why should the FDA approve the drug? This is not medicine to cure; it’s poison to kill.
A massive dose of anesthetic might produce dying twitches, making it falsely appear that the condemned, completely unconscious, experiences pain. To maximize its deterrent effect, ideally punishment should appear painful to the public while actually experienced as painless to the punished.
I once witnessed an execution. It struck me as obscenely similar to my father-in-law’s death in a hospice: The dying lay on a gurney, wrapped in white sheets, an IV in his arm, poison coursing through his veins.
How we kill those we love should never resemble how we kill those we rightly detest. Thus, I too, oppose lethal injection, not because it possibly causes pain, but because it certainly causes confusion — conflating medicine with punishment.
What form of execution do you favor?
I prefer the firing squad. I would allow a representative of the victim’s family, if they wanted, to take the first shot from any range, before the sharpshooters finished the execution.
In your book, you lay out the case for retributive justice, kind of a just-deserts doctrine. Please explain.
We have the responsibility to punish those who deserve it, but only to the degree they deserve it. Retributivists do not justify the death penalty by the general deterrence or safety it brings us. And we reject over-punishing no less than under-punishing. How obscene that aggravated murderers who behave well inside prison watch movies and play softball.
We also find it obscene, as the ACLU has recently documented, that 3,000 persons serve life without parole for non-violent crimes in the U.S. For all true retributivists, the past counts. Don’t ask us what good will it do. Regardless of future benefits, we justify punishment because it’s deserved. Let the punishment fit the crime. The past counts.
How does retribution differ from revenge, in your view?
Opponents wrongly equate retribution and revenge, because they both would inflict pain and suffering on those who have inflicted pain and suffering on us.
Whereas revenge knows no bounds, retribution must be limited, proportional and appropriately directed: The retributive punishment fits the crime. We must never allow our satisfaction at doing justice to deteriorate into sadistic revenge.
DNA tests have proven the fallibility of the U.S. justice system, something we’ve seen frequently in Texas. How do you defend capital punishment in light of that?
Social life proves the fallibility of every human institution. We do imperfectly define, detect, prosecute and punish crime. We have not yet provably but nevertheless have, most probably, executed an innocent person in the modern era. Any true retributivist feels sick at this thought. We support the mission of the Innocence Project.
Fortunately, as we raise the stakes we drastically reduce the mistakes. Before we sentence a defendant to life without parole, and especially before we condemn him to die, I would require a higher burden of persuasion than proof beyond a reasonable doubt. A jury should have no nagging doubts, however unreasonable. Before they sentence a person to die, a jury should be convinced beyond any residual doubt that he did it, and also be convinced “to a moral certainty” that he deserves to die.
Many times daily we risk the lives of those we love for the sake of convenience. Surely then, we will occasionally risk the lives of those we detest for the sake of justice.
You take issue with some death sentences, wondering whether the system has always targeted the “right people.” Who are the “right people,” and when has the system gone overboard?
We can never exactly and exhaustively define in advance the worst of the worst — those who most deserve to die. But thousands of hours documenting the lives and attitudes of convicted killers these past 25 years have shown me clear examples of who deserve to die.
As “The Death of Punishment” urges, we should reserve capital punishment for those who rape and murder, especially children or other vulnerable victims, serial killers, hired killers, torture killers, mass murderers, and terrorists.
It comes down to cruelty and viciousness, really: Did the killer exhibit intense pleasure or a selfish depraved, cold indifference? As Aristotle taught us, evil lies at the extremes.
At the same time, we should refine our death penalty statutes to eliminate other aggravating circumstances: Robbery-murder has put more killers on death row than any other aggravator, and too often unjustifiably so. Texas particularly makes a huge moral mistake, in my view, by focusing on future dangerousness, rather than past desert.
We can construct prisons to incapacitate the dangerous. We should only execute those who most deserve it. And not randomly. Refine our death penalty statutes and review the sentences of everyone on death row. Release into general population those who don’t really deserve to die. The rest we should execute — worst first.
Overall, you suggest that the American system has lost its appetite for punishment. Can you explain?
As bizarre as this sounds, inside prisons it’s nobody’s job to punish. Consult the department of correction’s mission statement in the 50 states, including Texas. You will not find the word “punishment.”
Officers and prisoners in the many prisons I’ve visited in seven states — but not yet Texas — speak with one voice: “What a guy did out there is none of my business. I only care how he behaves once he’s inside.”
Vicious cowards who prey on the vulnerable, once captured, often become the best behaved — “good inmates” from corrections point of view. They live the good life inside prison, with the most privileges. Thus, even as we mouth it, we mock our basic credo of justice: Let the punishment fit the crime. Inside prison, too often, those who deserve it most, suffer least.
Explain your idea of “permanent punitive segregation” for convicted killers and how it is or isn’t catching on among decision-makers.
Whether we keep or abolish death as punishment, we need to rethink prison for the worst of the worst. A jury should specially convict and condemn them to permanent punitive segregation. Life for them, every day, should be painful and unpleasant — the harshest conditions the Constitution allows.
They would eat only nutraloaf, a tasteless patty, nutritionally complete but offering no sensory pleasure. All visits should be non-contact and kept to a constitutional minimum. A person who rapes and murders a child, or tortures another to death should never touch another human being again.
These most heinous criminals would never watch TV. They would get one brief, lukewarm shower a week. Let photos of their victims adorn their cells — in their face but out of reach.
Connecticut, even as they abolished the death penalty, recently took steps in this direction. Let’s reconnect crime with punishment. For the question of justice really is not whether they live or die, but how they live until they die.
Editorial writer Rodger Jones conducted and condensed this interview. His email address is rmjones@dallasnews.com. Robert Blecker’s email address is rblecker@nyls.edu.
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