Henry Rollins Goes Soft
In a recent article on The Daily Beast, Henry Rollins talks about feeling the Bern, solar panels and other stuff that may make conservative and libertarian fans burn their Black Flag shirts. The former punk frontman for several bands seems to be going soft in his middle age. While Rollins has always been a liberal, his fawning over Bernie Sanders and President Obama are over the top.
These days Rollins’ pet causes include LGBT rights, and while he’s thrown his support behind Bernie Sanders he’s actually skeptical that America will ever feel the Bern.
“Oh, he’ll never get elected,” laughed Rollins. “I like him, because I think he’s a straight shooter. I love his progressive ideas about health care, election campaign reform, and foreign policy. I’ve always liked him because he’s honest to a fault. He’s a true statesman.”
“Obviously you can’t sell him to the Midwest or the South. But I just think he’s the best guy running. His concepts are way too radical for America in terms of health care and all that, but I don’t think any of his ideas are threatening. I don’t think any of them would be bad. I don’t think he wants the next war.”
Remember when punk rockers spoke out in opposition to the state and big government rather than in support of it? Is Rollins so naive that he doesn't realize that supporting Sanders "progressive ideas" means more government in every Americans' lives?
Forget the sarcastic "God Save the Queen." We now have Rollins talking about how cool the President is. So not punk. He told The Daily Beast, "I think [Obama]’s an amazing man and he’s got more cool than 10 James Bonds. I would have lost my dignity long ago, and he gets called a lot of names."
Punk is anti-establishment. Pro-individual freedom. Punk is not fawning over politicians or crying over politicians being called names. Punk is non-conformity. It is not conforming with nearly everyone else in the entertainment industry.
My Political Punks cohost, Brett Smith, knows more about Henry Rollins than I do, so I sent him The Daily Beast article. Here's what he said:
The thing about Hank is in his spoken word performances and in his music he is all about self-reliance. Weight-lifting, eating healthy, self-discipline are all about not relying on anyone else. He also publishes his own books through his own publisher, 2.13.61. He has called all the shots over the years with his music as well. He was always producing it himself and on his own terms. And yet he is a shill for Big Government. It makes no sense. It's not consistent with how he lives, what he preaches and especially not with his professed heroes like Ted Nugent.
Henry Rollins' personal story is the antithesis of Bernie Sanders' view of what America should be. Rollins grew up with a single mom in Washington D.C. in the 60s. He now lives in a California mansion thanks to his own efforts and success. He's the embodiment of the American Dream. Sanders and his big government policies want to kill that dream so that we all have the same boring, miserable life.
Is it time for Henry Rollins' punk credentials to be revoked?