Henry Rollins Goes Soft

December 27, 2015

In a recent article on The Daily Beast, Henry Rollins talks about feeling the Bern, solar panels and other stuff that may make conservative and libertarian fans burn their Black Flag shirts.  The former punk frontman for several bands seems to be going soft in his middle age.  While Rollins has always been a liberal, his fawning over Bernie Sanders and President Obama are over the top.

These days Rollins’ pet causes include LGBT rights, and while he’s thrown his support behind Bernie Sanders he’s actually skeptical that America will ever feel the Bern.

“Oh, he’ll never get elected,” laughed Rollins. “I like him, because I think he’s a straight shooter. I love his progressive ideas about health care, election campaign reform, and foreign policy. I’ve always liked him because he’s honest to a fault. He’s a true statesman.”

“Obviously you can’t sell him to the Midwest or the South. But I just think he’s the best guy running. His concepts are way too radical for America in terms of health care and all that, but I don’t think any of his ideas are threatening. I don’t think any of them would be bad. I don’t think he wants the next war.”

Remember when punk rockers spoke out in opposition to the state and big government rather than in support of it?  Is Rollins so naive that he doesn't realize that supporting Sanders "progressive ideas" means more government in every Americans' lives?

Forget the sarcastic "God Save the Queen."  We now have Rollins talking about how cool the President is.  So not punk.  He told The Daily Beast, "I think [Obama]’s an amazing man and he’s got more cool than 10 James Bonds. I would have lost my dignity long ago, and he gets called a lot of names."

Punk is anti-establishment. Pro-individual freedom.  Punk is not fawning over politicians or crying over politicians being called names.  Punk is non-conformity.  It is not conforming with nearly everyone else in the entertainment industry.

My Political Punks cohost, Brett Smith, knows more about Henry Rollins than I do, so I sent him The Daily Beast article.  Here's what he said:

The thing about Hank is in his spoken word performances and in his music he is all about self-reliance. Weight-lifting, eating healthy, self-discipline are all about not relying on anyone else. He also publishes his own books through his own publisher, 2.13.61.  He has called all the shots over the years with his music as well.  He was always producing it himself and on his own terms. And yet he is a shill for Big Government. It makes no sense. It's not consistent with how he lives, what he preaches and especially not with his professed heroes like Ted Nugent.

Henry Rollins' personal story is the antithesis of Bernie Sanders' view of what America should be.  Rollins grew up with a single mom in Washington D.C. in the 60s.  He now lives in a California mansion thanks to his own efforts and success.  He's the embodiment of the American Dream.  Sanders and his big government policies want to kill that dream so that we all have the same boring, miserable life.

Is it time for Henry Rollins' punk credentials to be revoked?

PPP #7: Interview with Chuck Dixon, Comic Book Writer and Author

December 11, 2015

In this episode, Brett and Lisa talk to Chuck Dixon about the future of comics and a little bit of politics.  Since Chuck is the co-creator of the Batman villain Bane, Lisa wastes no time asking him about a DC villain.

Chuck has more than 25 years of experience in the graphic novel field as an editor, writer and publisher. He has contributed well over a thousand scripts to publishers like DC Comics, Marvel, Dark Horse, Hyperion and others featuring a range of characters from Batman to the Simpsons. His comic book adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit continues to be an international bestseller. Considered to be one of the most prolific writers in his field, this award-winning storyteller currently writes G.I. Joe and A-team for IDW, The Good the Bad and the Ugly for Dynamite, The Simpsons for Bongo Comics along with many creator-owned projects for various publishers including Joe Frankenstein which re-unites him with Bane co-creator Graham Nolan. He is also the co-publisher of an ambitious line of graphic novels based on the American Civil War.


PPP #6: Interview with Greg Gutfeld

December 8, 2015

We could create an entire political philosophy based on the genius of Greg Gutfeld. Oh wait, we did.  In our latest podcast, we talk to Gutfeld about his new book, How to Be Right: The Art of Being Persuasively Correct. Be sure to buy a copy or five. 


Have We Become a Nation of PC Cowards?

December 6, 2015

On Thursday's The Five, Greg Gutfeld had a great monologue on embracing the tools needed to fight terrorism.  Following his monologue, the panel discussed "Islamophobia-phobia" -- the fear of being called Islamophobic or racist.  After the shooting in San Bernardino, a neighbor of one of the shooters came forward and said that he saw suspicious behavior, but didn't report it because he was afraid of being called racist.

Our first instinct was to blame the PC culture.  I understand the neighbor's fear given how the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) will immediately attack and retaliate against someone who sees something and says something.  See Juan Williams.  The one thing I can't wrap my head around is publicly coming forward and telling the world "I was afraid of being called a racist, so I didn't say something, then this happened."  I'd be too embarrassed by my cowardice and "fear" of being called a name to even think of going on TV.

Let's face it, if you're a conservative, you're going to be called a racist anyway.  Why not attempt to save lives and out terrorists in the mean time?  A few months ago I wrote about the rise of the beta males after two incidents in which the beta male mentality took over.  Maybe we need a Find-An-Alpha-Male app (don't abuse it, ladies).  If you're afraid to call in a tip, locate the closest American Alpha Male on the app so he can call in on your behalf.  He's been called worse in his life and is still willing to do the right thing.

Instead, we have men who are willing to go on national TV and admit that they fear words more than they value doing the right thing.  We need to be vigilant and remember that although the President insists we are not at war with Islam, the reality is Radical Islam is at war with us.  Calling the San Bernardino attack as workplace violence is as cowardly as not saying something for fear of being called names.

Terrorism doesn't just happen in Paris, New York and Washington D.C.  If it can happen in San Bernardino, it can happen anywhere.  We don't know if one call to local authorities would have stopped this from happening, but there's honor in trying.  We won't survive in a society that fears name-calling more than terrorism in its own neighborhood.

Democrats and War

November 14, 2015

After the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris, there is no doubt that tonight’s debate should focus on national security. However, Democrats know that is a losing issue for them because after identifying their enemies as the NRA, big banks, and Republicans, they have no credibility on addressing this issue.

Read the rest on Breitbart.com.

Graphic by Brett Smith

Lisa Swoons Over Mike Rowe

October 27, 2015

In her recent Breitbart column, Lisa recaps the latest Political Podcast and shamelessly swoons over TV host Mike Rowe.  

[T]he common thread in both the New York Times and National Review explanations of what makes a “modern man” is both writers have strict, unwavering opinions about random things. So, when I saw that Mike Rowe also responded to the New York Times’ article, I spent half our show swooning over him. Rather than identifying as a “modern man,” Rowe identifies as a “man’s man.” That also makes him this woman’s ideal man.

Here’s his perfect response to whether a man should buy a woman shoes:

A Man’s Man would not buy shoes for his spouse, or be familiar with the vagaries of various female footwear brands. He might offer to pay for them, and he would definitely compliment her choice. And if he knows the size of her feet, it’s only because he rubs them from time to time.

Oh, Mike Rowe. You know just what to say to the girls.

Read the rest of the column here.


PPP #5: A Modern Man vs. A Man’s Man

October 24, 2015

This week Brett and Lisa talk about a recent New York Times article on how to be a modern man, as well as the rebuttals from National Review and Mike Rowe.  

Lisa swoons over manly men and Brett swoons over Michael Mann.  Have your Lava Soap ready because this one gets a little dirty.

PPP #4: Interview with Terry Schappert, Professional Badass

October 2, 2015

maxresdefault.jpgFox News host Greg Gutfeld wrote, “There is only one person I listen to when it comes to war and the freedom it preserves and protects: Terry Schappert.”

Schappert is a regular on "Red Eye" and "Kennedy" on Fox News, as well as Discovery Channel's "Dude, You're Screwed."  He has an impressive military career as an Army Ranger, Green Beret, and in the U.S. Army Special Forces. He is also the author of A Guide to Improvised Weaponry: How to Protect Yourself with WHATEVER You've Got. 

We talk to him about politics, winning the War on Terror, pipe smoking and what you need to survive in the woods and in an urban environment.  Hint: You also need it for a pipe. 

Click here to read Lisa’s recent interview with him on Townhall.com.

PPP #3: The Movies That Define Each Generation

September 30, 2015

In the latest episode of the Political Punks Podcast, Lisa and Brett talk about the movies that define the last four generations -- Silent, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennials. 

Check out Lisa's recent column on the subject on Breitbart.com

Lisa’s Emmy Picks

September 21, 2015
Mad Men


Jon Hamm, “Mad Men” (I will throw out my TV if he doesn't end up with an Emmy for "Don Draper"

Elisabeth Moss, “Mad Men”

Will Forte, “The Last Man On Earth”

Julia Louis-Dreyfus, “Veep”

“Dancing With The Stars” (I've never seen a full episode, but they seem to have a loyal fan base)

“Portlandia” (Proof that Hollywood can be better at spoofing the Left than we can)

Michael Kelly, “House Of Cards” (Better than Spacey, IMO)

Christina Hendricks, “Mad Men” (She's had better seasons, but I'm nostalgic)

Tony Hale, “Veep” (He retweeted me once and he's Buster!)

Julie Bowen, “Modern Family” (I don't have any strong feelings about anyone and Modern Family has to win something)

Matthew Weiner for Mad Men, “Person To Person” (See note about Hamm, same deal)

See all awards and nominees here.