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[–]Angus_Fraser -26ポイント-25ポイント  (4子コメント)

And most of our murders by gun happen in states with stricter gun control, save Texas who has the drug cartels to deal with. The weird thing about guns is that when you outlaw them, only outlaws will have them. The San Berdino guns were obtained illegally, because California has strict gun control. So, while the citizens were being mowed down, they didn't have guns to fire back with. And with a 32,000/312,000,000 chance of dying by gun (12,800/312,000,000 if I don't count suicide), I'll take those odds any day of the week.

[–]obticui 21ポイント22ポイント  (3子コメント)

most of our murders by gun happen in states with stricter gun control

This is factually incorrect. There is a strong negative correlation state to state between stricter gun laws and gun deaths.

The weird thing about guns is that when you outlaw them, only outlaws will have them.

I invite you to compare gun death statistics between the US and any comparatively prosperous country with strict gun laws. I also invite you to think about why the two terrorists in the UK (where guns are strictly controlled) managed to kill only one person, while the ones in the US killed 12.

the San Berdino guns were obtained illegally

This is also factually incorrect. They were purchased completely legally in the state of California.

32,000/312,000,000 chance of dying by gun

That is the chance that you will be shot to death each year, not your lifetime as you seem to assume. 33,636 people were shot to death in the USA in 2014 alone. That is not a small number. In comparison, 27,540 men are expected to die from prostate cancer in the US in 2015.