Drive more ratings to your mobile apps
Android only. iOS coming soon!
It's easy to integrate Feedback Lib SDK in your Android app!
Sign up in order to get an API key for LibFeedback. We'll also send you your API key and the integration guide.
You can download it from here.
Get your API Key and start the integration!
Place the AAR file in your app/libs directory and add the dependency in your build.gradle file:
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
dependencies {
compile(name: 'feedback-lib', ext:'aar');
LibFeedback Android SDK will only need an internet connection permission in order to post the user's feedback.
Add it to your AndroidManifest.xml file (INTERNET permission might be already added to your application):
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
You're done! You can now call the feedback dialog whenever you think it'll be a good time for the user.
Feedback.showFeedback(yourActivity, apiKey);
You provide the activity where the feedback dialog is being shown and your api key.
It's easy to customize your feedback dialogs. Just change the constants in strings.xml from your app/res directory and you're done:
<string name="pre_rate_dialog_message">How do you like this app so far?</string>
<string name="pre_rate_dialog_no">So-so</string>
<string name="pre_rate_dialog_yes">Great App</string>
<string name="rate_dialog_title">Rating Next News Lock Screen</string>
<string name="rate_dialog_message"> Would you rate us on Google Play?</string>
<string name="rate_dialog_ok">Yes</string>
<string name="rate_dialog_no">No</string>
<string name="negative_rate_dialog_message">Please tell us what do you think we can do better!</string>
<string name="negative_rate_dialog_send">Send Feedback</string>
If you want to give us feedback, contact support or just say hi, please contact us.