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[–]oh-just-another-guy -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

What exactly do you suggest they do?

Adapt a different visual appearance / clothing style perhaps?

Here's a pic of the couple that killed all those people in California :


Maybe try not to dress like them?

Months ago someone posted about an Indian guy not getting accepted into a German (?) university because they associate indian men with rape. Would you tell that guy to 'clearly distinguish himself from rapists'?

That's harder. But a lot of ABCDs have to go through something similar and almost always, the first line of defense is to announce that they grew up in the west. I don't think many of them mean to imply that desi brought up desis are all bad, but at that point people are thinking of themselves.

Another example is how sikhs who get attacked after being mistaken for being muslims, almost always react instantly saying, hey we are not muslims. I don't think they mean that the attacks are justified if they were muslim, they are just trying to get out of the way. Fighting their own battle there, so to speak.

[–]krs--1 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You just come across as a classic Uncle Tom without an ounce of self-esteem. The more you bend over for bigots, the more fucked you are, and they'll get more brazen with their bigotry.

[–]PurpleHaze7Desi Dane 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You posted a picture of a woman in a burka. The women in the article don't look anything like that so your point is pretty much invalid, unless you suggest they remove their headscarves.

Another example is how sikhs who get attacked after being mistaken for being muslims, almost always react instantly saying, hey we are not muslims. I don't think they mean that the attacks are justified if they were muslim, they are just trying to get out of the way. Fighting their own battle there, so to speak.

So even sikhs get mistaken for Muslims in America. Clearly, 'distinguishing yourself from bombers' doesn't seem to be working.