San Bernardino Proves Liberals are Dead Wrong On Gun Control
In the age of terrorism, gun control kills
The shooters were still at large and lives still in jeopardy when liberals began to grandstand on the tragedy, making calls for gun control. The facts didn’t matter as much as bolstering their political narratives did. But their calls for gun control were not only callously timed, they were dead wrong. In fact, it is the liberal policy of disarmament that must share culpability for yesterday’s horrendous violence.
How many unarmed civilians will be gunned down before liberals concede that law-abiding citizens need the ability to defend themselves? Their attachment to the idea that guns cause these incidents is juvenile. Obviously it is the motive that matters, not the tools used. Individuals bent on causing harm will cause harm.
Furthermore, the insistence that tougher laws can prevent these incidents is completely without factual basis. California has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and yet these did not stop yesterday’s acts of violence. Without knowing any of the details about the tragedy, the shooters, or where and how they acquired their weapons, liberals like Hillary Clinton were already calling for more laws.
Of course, when you press liberals to tell you how any legislation would prevent tragedies like yesterday’s or the shooting in Charleston, they are lost. It’s easy to spew a bunch of rhetoric about how bad guns are, it is much harder to come up with a solution that would prevent bad people from doing bad things. The more laws we pass, the more we regulate law abiding individuals, the more we make it tougher for people to defend themselves.
California’s strict gun policies almost guaranteed these shooters would not meet armed resistance. Liberal policies disarm people and render them defenseless. The existence of violent individuals should not limit the rights of law-abiding individuals to defend themselves. Such logic is dangerous and inescapably responsible when defenseless people are slaughtered.
As soon as the liberal media started to get signs that the shooters were not white, male, Republicans, they began exercising caution when it came to reporting. Once it became clear the shooters weren’t the type they preferred, they began to exercise restraint. Liberals don’t want Americans to believe this was terrorism, as the threat of terrorism works against their gun control narrative.
Terrorism preys on the unsuspecting and the indefensible. It seeks out soft targets. Obviously, the liberal answer of disarm everyone doesn’t work against terrorism. The existence of such a threat justifies exactly the opposite: now is the time when Americans need to arm themselves. Police will never be able to stop every attack before it happens.
A free society will evoke attacks from those who hate freedom. Unfortunately in a free society we cannot stop every act of terrorism. The nature of freedom means that we inherit some risk for the freedoms we all enjoy. But a free people must have the right and ability to defend themselves.
Liberals must learn they have nothing to fear from law-abiding gun owners. In fact, in the event of a terrorist attack, they would probably wish to have a couple of us around.
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