No, Atheist Scientists Are Incompetent
Lawrence Krauss' claim -- all scientists must be "militant atheists" -- conveniently fails to address the universe's origin.
No More Big Ideas? Try These On for Size
Here are two gigantic concepts that will crack your head wide open.
Proving the Existence of God
Is it possible to postulate the "Uncaused Cause" in physics to explain the beginning of the universe, thus proving the existence of a personal God?
The Difference between ‘True Science’ and ‘Cargo-Cult Science’
“Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts” is how the great Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman defined science.
Columbia U.’s Bollinger Oblivious on MSM Bailout
Wrong, Mr. Bollinger: academic freedom has in fact been drastically compromised by government funding. The same would, of course, happen with media.
Writing for PJM Helped Make Me Enemy of the State Number #38
As a scientist who dares to "think different" and "question authority" on global warming, I'm in good company.
Climategate: ‘The Science is Settled,’ They Told Copernicus
The tactics of Al Gore and the AGW crowd ("No need to check the evidence! There's a consensus!") mirror the pseudo-arguments used to defend the Earth-centric model in 1543.
Climategate: More Science Fiction from the IPCC
A provable lie published by the "Demon Princes" on the climate panel regarding the strength of hurricanes.
Obama vs. Einstein
A renowned physicist demolishes a paper by Laurence Tribe, that President Obama played some roll in crafting, on the "revolutionary" aspects and legal implications of 20th century physics.
Orwellian Nightmare: Science Is Whatever ‘the Party’ Says It Is
Relativism corrupts: First Climategate, then a mathematics professor sees his colleagues challenging the truth of 2 + 2 = 4. Really.
Climategate: The Skeptical Scientist’s View
What keeps scientists honest is knowing our colleagues are looking over our shoulders. A theory with hidden data is never to be believed. (Also read Richard Fernandez: More AGW Controversy)
Is the Physics Nobel Prize Also Becoming a Joke?
The history of the physics prize is dotted with slights to those who deserved it and honors to those who didn't.
Nuclear Energy: The Only Solution
Simple arithmetic rules out the viability of the "green" energy sources and makes a tremendous case for nuclear.
Climate Data: Top Secret!
Bizarrely, Britain's main climate monitoring unit is purging its temperature records from public view. Hmmm.
Humans and Their CO2 Save the Planet!
Why opposition to the cap-and-trade bill is not “treason against the planet.”
Obama Flunks History at Cairo U
Almost every advance he attributed to the Muslims in his big speech should be credited to someone else.
Relax, the North Korean Nuke Was Another Dud
The data on the May 25th blast points to yet another "fizzle" of a bomb test by the North Koreans.
‘Stimulating’ Scientists Into Proving Global Warming
The new bill will spend billions to adjust data to “prove” the fallacy that humans are responsible for global warming.
What The Caine Mutiny Can Teach Us about Global Warming Scientists
Climate change advocates often argue from "authority" as opposed to examining the facts.