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Love japan
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994 people like this.
Julie Margret Hunt
Julie Margret Hunt Ew @ Kane there kids and he ain't like u gross comment
Ben Neeson
Ben Neeson Mark hunt, nuts deep in culture.
Cara N Leo Wiapo
Cara N Leo Wiapo Hard life alright smile emoticon
Boris Sokratov
Boris Sokratov And Japan loves you back smile emoticon
Den Brown
James Babb
James Babb our first UFC was 144 in Saitama, got to watch you KO Kongo to sleep! a work of art! Happy New Year to the Peoples Champion..
Aman Lal
Aman Lal Mr Hunt - Have a great event and enjoy the festivities. See you back soon in Sydney. Lots of support from home South West Sydney.
Niualele Tiumalu
Niualele Tiumalu Soooooooooooole! Happy New Year.
Jeffrey Elstone
Jeffrey Elstone I would love to go to Japan one day.
Benny Fredriksen
Benny Fredriksen Haha go for it. If not you will regret it when your old
Kenta Hinkouj
Kenta Hinkouj OMG!!!! Morning musume!? japanese idol〜!!∑(゚Д゚)See Translation
Ronstarr Mataniu Tauti-Epa
Ronstarr Mataniu Tauti-Epa The ''CHAMP'' looks like he's having a well deserved rest....All your post's in the last few days cant wipe that smile off your face! smile emoticon. Good on you emoticon
Jason Flanders
Jason Flanders Enjoy bro, did they bribe u with cake to get a photo lolz
Ayo Normz
Roy Aspinall
Roy Aspinall Playing up hahaha shot mark
Tualima L Vaiese
Tualima L Vaiese Mark Hunt, you and my cousin Sale Atisanoe are like kings in Japan, lol.
Robert Dobbs
Robert Dobbs Say bro i saw the draw between you and bigfoot!!! Hope your living the life of a true warrior which, i fallowed since K-1!!!! Always on your side ROBERT DOBBS!!!!!!!
Danny Fepuleai
Josh Crow
Josh Crow Everyone loves the Markus Hunto!!!
Anthony Dragojevic
Anthony Dragojevic You are a true champ I like Robert above have been following you since K-1 you are a warrior and true legend!! All the very best to you!!
Anthony Dragojevic
Anthony Dragojevic Can't wait to meet you someday!
William Allen Jnr
William Allen Jnr In with a grin smile emoticon
Paddy Orourke
Marcus G. Jake
Marcus G. Jake So which ones he pick? Lol
Jesse Thomas
Jesse Thomas Him N Her spot on bro!! Def a pedo comment considering the age of the girls & like u said Marks married with kids!!
Shaolin Ropata
Shaolin Ropata Japan will love you like a God like they did Ray Sefo lol
Nathan Fabricius
Fernando Karl
Fernando Karl Wow even pop Tokyote Teen Idols lining up to take pics with Hunto you are loved in Japan!
Ioane Benjamin P Kaina-Brown
Ioane Benjamin P Kaina-Brown Lol this guy.. With girls dressed like that, bro who wouldn't.
Peter Rea
Peter Rea We all do mark we all do
Hiroaki Komaki
Hiroaki Komaki Thanks, Mark-san wink emoticon
Elyas Esmaeili
Elyas Esmaeili with these beauties,why not!!??
Cooper Hood
Cooper Hood Asian peace sign so many Asians
Willie Teo
Willie Teo Im seeing lots of love u long time!!!! Lol
Reo Smash Taurua
Reo Smash Taurua Where are you Mark ? Japanese cheerleaders convention lol
Baja Puskar
Baja Puskar mark hunto u are beast,bad luck u been sabotaged against dos santos so u not win....againts someone like jds u need more than 2-3 days to aclimatize on usa time....but ur gay boss dana white didnt want his nike sponsored mma fighter jds to loose
Baja Puskar
Baja Puskar but for me and for all ur fanns u alweys gonna be best
MARK HUNT These girls are all very young and they where there paying there respects to there boss who was in the room I was jus lucky to be there with freinds and got photo opportunity with the girl bands.was pretty cool hive mentality in show was mean
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