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Voice Call

Calling from Korea to Oversea
Enter 00345, followed by country code and telephone number
- For example, If calling a number in Japan : 090-1234-5678
Call from Korea to Korea
Dial the phone number
- For example : 010-123-4567


Sending from Korea to Oversea
After typing the message, enter 00345, followed by the country code and the phone number
- For example, it sending an SMS to Japan : 00345-090-1234-5678
Sending from Korea to Korea
After typing the message, enter the phone number
- For example : 010-123-4567
Internation Call Access Numbers
Country Count code Country Count code
USA 1 Australia 61
Japan 81 Canada 1
China 86 Nethrlands 31
Hong Kong 852 Russia 7
Germany 49 United Kingdom 44
France 33 Italy 39
Singapore 65 Malaysia 6
Domestic Area code
Area code Area code Area code
Seoul 02 Busan 051 Jeju 064
Incheon 032 Daegu 053 Daejeon 042
Ulsan 052 Gwangju 062 Gyeonggi 031
Gyeongnam 055 Gyeongbuk 054 Jeonnam 061
Chungnam 041 Chungbuk 043 Jeonbuk 063

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