Android 内の AutoModerator によるリンク Saturday APPreciation (Nov 14 2015) - Your weekly app recommendation/request thread!

[–]dovlab92 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes, it does. Right now it cover major cities such as Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver etc.

Android 内の AutoModerator によるリンク Saturday APPreciation (Nov 14 2015) - Your weekly app recommendation/request thread!

[–]dovlab92 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

[Free] - Events:app - You like traveling or going out? This app could be great for you.

A couple of day ago I released an app called Events:app that aims to facilitate search of Facebook events. Facebook is an amazing source of events, but it doesn't offer the ability to filter events by distance, location or time, at least not directly. That's why I developed an app that collects popular, public events from Facebook, so that users can filter them, see which events are happening near them as well as to discover events world wide.

Events:app curently covers almost every major city in the US, Australia, Japan and Europe.

If it looks interesting to you, you can download the app from Google play:

I am looking forward to receiving your feedback.

windowsphone 内の dolfjewolfje によるリンク how do you think Windows phone will evolve?

[–]dovlab92 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)


When I was a student I did all projects in Java/Eclipse. But my first job was to maintain ASP.NET C# web app, so I switched to VS. Last year I had to build a small Andorid app for a friend of mine, it went well, and this year I'm developing Windows Phone app.

The point is, learn OOP basics well, focus on things written in the book called Code Complete or something similar, and look at the big picture. Most of the time your apps will have server and client side, and most of the time you will have to develop server side that will be suitable for any client platform there is. For example, I code best in C#, so I use C# to code server side as RESTFul Service, that can be used by both Andorid or WP apps easily.

And at the very end, I would recommend you to learn C# and XAML (WPF, Silverlight), because you can use it for programming apps for both WP and Windows OS, which still has a big portion of the market when it comes to devices overall.

PS. Sorry for mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker

windowsphone 内の Ariez84 によるリンク Guess which celebrity nudes wasnt hacked?

[–]dovlab92 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


I was thinking about this iCloud thing, and I guess it can turn out to be really shitty situation for Apple. They base their sales on a hype, that's the only way you can actually make some person pay 600$ for a smartphone (and there are some rumors iPhone 6 will cost even about 800$). But right now, the hype is in jeopardy.

This is something they should definitely worry about.

And of course, MS should check their security twice, because if thing like this happened to MS, they would be crucified, I'm sure.

funny 内の dovlab92 によるリンク BBC - floods in Africa??? Really??? Didn't you even try to think???

[–]dovlab92[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


Here it is. Sure looks like Africa, NOOOOOT!

serbia 内の dovlab92 によるリンク Windows Phone zajednica u Srbiji. Tek smo otvorili, pa koga zanima, nek' baci pogled...

[–]dovlab92[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


Naravno :) Pratite nas na fb stranici (, sad cemo intenzivirati vesti o aplikacijama i win phone 8.1 sistemu, koji treba da dodje u aprilu.

serbia 内の dovlab92 によるリンク Novi beogradski indie rock - ZZZZ - Plasi me ovaj grad 2013

[–]dovlab92[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)


Hvala na komentaru, skapirao sam skroz pozitivno. Realno, momci koji su ovo radili su moji bliski prijatelji, krenulo je kao zajebancija posle utakmice, da bi, cini mi se, izraslo u nesto ozbiljnije. Sto se tice kritika, skroz su na mestu, reano je to i jedini nacina da napravis nesto kvalitetno. Niko nije iz prve napravio kvalitet.

Realno, ako se prica malo uozbili, za ocekivati je da se nadje neki bolji pevac i da odradi profi.

Hvala jos jednom, prosledicu im kritike, uvek moze bolje :)