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You anon might like it more. "Anonymous Documentary - How Anonymous Hackers Changed the World Full Documentary"

link to nipple mod
>giant puffy nipples
no, thanks
webms where?
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I love the new nude mod but the nipples aren't as good as the previous ones.
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I'd record some webms but I've got this issue where the shadows aren't working properly.
God damn, yes.
The nipples look far better to me
I've changed my mind. You're right, these ones are much better. The only problem I have is I liked Hitomi's older nipples better.
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The last thread, there was a webm archive for Private Paradise nude mods. On the forum link page, somewhere in that mess I was told of a nude Honoka Private Paradise. All I've found is a topless Honoka, can anyone find the exact page for the nude Honoka Private Paradise? I have the others, but the Honoka I've found is topless, not nude, so.
Freshly made for you Anon. Honoka, fully nude with the new nude mod. I only had her topless before today.

Someone have a video (Or at least a screen capture) of the victory pose of Lei-Fang and Hitomi ? ( With the normal hairstyle)
needs more gifs
caution: fat


Gracias. Now this makes the collection complete.
Go back to /d/ with that sick fetish shit.
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do you even know what 3dpd means?
Actual quality of the nipples and breast are way better. If you don't like the size and puffiness, well tough luck. Go back to the lower quality ones.
To be fair, it is a pig disgusting rendition of a 3D rendered character.
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There is a glaring lack of Marie Rose in this thread.
Problem is that the nipples all look exactly the same. It's true for the lower-res ones as well, but it's less obvious there.
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I'll help out.
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Much appreciated
Sweat looks so god damn bad in screenshots.
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>censoring tits on /e/
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I forgot about the censor.
which mod did you use for this, its the best vagina ive seen yet.
More like this please
Helena's new maid uniform for Marie.
Nice work, excellent work in fact but I am left to wonder this: Would the games be as popular as they are today if this was the case from the get-go?
Can someone post Mila please?
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If anyone can post more hitomi, ayane, kasumi or leifang with the new mod that would be great
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Last one
Anyone have a pic of Mila showing her bare feet/soles?
I appreciate all the Hitomi. Nice work Anon.
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oh lord dem leg's, got any sarah anon? doing the lords work
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much appreciated
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I love how naive Team Ninja is.

"Guys, we're gonna release this one on PC, so please be really good and don't lewd-mod it. We're really, really serious. If you do, maybe we won't do PC anymore."

Tons of mods. Like, immediately. It's not like the added complexity of modding console copies stopped people from modding them in the past. The fuck did they expect would happen?

TFW she's not going to be in DOAX3 becuase she's not popular enough in Japan. But then we're not getting Lei-Fang, either. Or Tina. But then we're probably not getting anybody at all, since the game is Asia-only and it's already been said that if we do somehow get it, it'll be "adjusted for North America".
I don't buy that - don't see the sense in leaving all that DLC money on the table. If they're somehow for real, though, then I couldn't care less what they do with it.
So then just buy it for Ps4. No region restrictions.
Holy fuck that's an incredible outfit
The Japs got a hard on for the chinese characters. Mila is superior though.
lost giant Fulton ballon size fits and last asses
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Where does one find this mod? Some anon on /v/ keeps posting these and I can't find any posts relating to it on other forums.
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I require these bottomless clothes mods.

That's the hoodie mod, found here.
>mfw reading "Doamonds"
You are a saint!
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Heh, I see that some of my screenshots are circulating. Since some of you surely showed me the way to the nude mods, I'll share my gallery of screens I've taken
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What am I doing wrong?

I'm trying to make a new DLC for these outfits and I keep getting this error. I do not normally a mod.
You are assigning costumes to a slot that doesn't exist. The latest Kasumi slot is 39. Likewise for Mila, Hitomi and Ayane.
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Dunno, I simply downloaded this pack : https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0BzW6iG4K9tusb3dRWXRLak5RLUE&export=download

You should also get the hoodies. I could use it on 4+ chars, while other kept crashing. But that's surely because my laptop runs the game at 7 FPS.
So I need to overwrite an existing slot and cannot create a new one? Alright. Then I must extract an existing costume and replace it with these? Does Phase 4 and Kokoro also go to 39?

That pack doesn't include these >>1848975 of which I want.
>So I need to overwrite an existing slot and cannot create a new one?
What? No. There are a fair number of unoccupied slots in the 30+ range but there aren't an infinite amount.
Alright then, I need to find whatever slots are not in use with this >>1849088 pack and just use those slots then. that means my next step is figuring out what slots are unoccupied so as not cause conflicts.

For the record, the reason I am attempting what I am now is because the "DLC ready" folder from loverslab did cause conflicts with the >>1849088 pack. Something wasn't copacetic and caused crashes.

Thanks, also. I'm over here tearing my hair out in frustration and I needed a guiding hand.
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>I'm over here tearing my hair out in frustration
It's totally worth it, man.
how to determine which character slot is what costume?? Kasumi has 59 costume but only 39 slot??
The reason you crash (assuming on Mila, Kasumi, and Ayane, like me) is due to the game trying to recognize two different outfits assigned to the same slot.

I'm currently working out a solution to this problem (after I get some sleep).
DOA girls you wanna fuck

1. Lisa
2. Christie
3. Rachel
1. Mila
2. Rachel
3. Lisa
All of them? Is this is trick question
1. Helena
2. Helena
3. Tina
link to the archive you mention?
1. Momiji
2. Mila
3. Lisa
Are you me? We have good taste.
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Mar Christie!!!
does anybody have a link to a big collection nude pics of DOA like this please? Or even videos like the one posted at the beginning of the thread.
1. Hitomi
2. Helena
3. Kasumi
Her grundle is gigantic
So do you guys have any advanced commands or programs to view the girls besides the ones present in the game?

I only know of the default viewing commands in com vs com mode.
1. Hitomi
2. Kasumi
3. Marie/Helena
1. Rachel
2. Marie
3. Helena

Honorable Mentions:
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mah dick
Lei Fang


My cock belongs to:

1) Mila
2) Momiji
3) Kokoro
You guys are cool in my book. :)
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to each his own. I love the new nipples.
Last one.
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Ty anon
fucking gross.

is there a complete nude dlc yet?
really need Sarah.
take your umod trash elsewhere.
What a pleasant guy
>1.Marie Rose
>2.Marie Rose
>3.Marie Rose
no really, the only reason IĀ“m playing DOA5 is because of Marie Rose and the VF gods.
>That perfect shadow and rim lighting under the breast, areola and nipple
Closer shot.
Tina is so gorgeous!
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I don't have any mods installed. (Ā“惻Ļ‰ćƒ»`)
Can you do the other girls?
any gifs?
could you do some 4k shots of the new versions of ayane/helena anon?
Much appreciated if you can
please pubic hair!
you're a good man anon, sorry to be greedy but one of her looking at the camera with her hands out (one of her win poses) would be amazing, thanks
best hair too, good taste
what about some marie?

Can you make similar picturess of Christie with this hair please?

I don't play DoA 5 so I don't know if this is default hair or a mod.
Okay, how did you move the cloth to the side?
This pose?
>Are you not entertained?
>those succulent nipples
Dios mio
I want ponytail Hitomi
Good stuff anon

If you have time, can I request full body pics of every other girls' win pose (and ayane again with her other hairstyles)? These are the best quality pics of the mod anyone's posted
yes thats the one, thank you
More Tina please.
>Pubes don't match the hair

Also, IMHO, Ayane and Kasumi are stereotypical asian bush, Lei-fang too something tells me that Christie has a landing strip.
Fantastic, please, keep these coming for each girl!
Here we say "Rubia de bote chocho morenote"
I'd like to place my penis between Tina's breasts. That would be nice.
more marie please!
poorfags with shit resolution canĀ“t take screenshot.
It was scary not having internet for a few days.
How do you make your game look so good? SFX? Settings?
please leifang!

All I'm using is SweetFX 1.5.1 to add a bit of vibrancy to the game.
Cool, please post ponytail Hitomi!!
Post Rachel or Tina if you have any!
Do you have any momiji by chance?

Post some Nyotengu please
Thanks for your hard work Anon.

Can you make another Christie with same pose and camera position to >>1844831 but with >>1851780 >>1851779 hair?
I'll post an extra 2 shots of Nyotengu with a more frontal shot.
This is some great, content, thanks!

Could you get to Momiji and Rachel eventually please?

I like this pose
Different pose.
these are all fantastic, thanks, its a shame not many people get shots of their taunts though, thats way more awkward to capture at good angles though...
Finally LeiFang!! thanks anon
please short hair
Hey mannn mind postin some more Rachel? ;^)
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Can you guys repost the link?

The old thread isn't showing up in the archive or desustorage.

Thanks Anon!

Please do short hair for Hitomi also!
Please do Rachel, Serah, Marie and Honoka like this, your pictures are fantastic!
Preset please?
i second this
can anyone remake this but in higher resolution/graphics?
I want to use it as wallpaper
Seconding this request
1.Marie Rose
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so the enhanced nude dlc, is the one that makes the girls like they just shaved? giving them that 3DPD looking pubs? I had to use photoshop to smooth that shit out.
You're welcome.
They were talking about modding in costumes you'd usually have to pay for
They don't really give a shit about mods, they have been on consoles for ages

Any girl would amazing. But if I could have a foursome of my choice....

-Hitomi (best girl)
-Honoka (best body and probably the best pussy)
-Tina or Helena (to have a more mature girl)
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I like puffy nipples the best for some reason.
bitch, all you need in DOAX3 is marie rose, fuck the cowtits.
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Muh nigga, I totally agree
Why isnt there a skirtless pabtyless marie police mod yet?
Are there any other imgur galleries? Not the one posted on this thread.
is it possible to mod DOA5 like SFxT?
as in
Having a new character in the rooster that has the body/voice of marie rose but fights like akira?
I think the game designers might have missed the boat on a marketing chance with not having an option such as this in the games, Given the sheer amount of art generated.
ream ninja are a bunch of degenerated fucks, trying to play inoccent.
does a game really needs these exagerated and unrealistic boobs physicks?
holy shit these are disgusting, maries boobs bounce like homer simpsons belly.
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am I the only one that hates training stage? if your character has black hair or black clothes you canĀ“t see shit. its like a head trowing invisible hits. fucking hate that stage.
I like how the porn boards on 4chan always have some BR or Indian or some crap posting complete jibberish
happy now? mr. faggot
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The Christie model REALLY needs to be looked at again, You can see in that image that her toenails are see through and she doesn't have a shadow, but still that body is banging
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So I am interested in *gasp!* Non-rape/ugly guy DoA dounjinshi where the characters decide to have some good messy, consensual sex. Any actually exist?
Marie is 100% rapebait
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dat killerboner aliasing
can someone remake this one in higher ress and from a little more far away?
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Close enough?
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Christie and Nyo having a bit of fun
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Oh hai there
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Now this is a hero I would totally root for
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Nyo is being all modest-like
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Stargazing or rather moongazing Marie
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If anon is asking then I should deliver

Nyo is ready to lick your ice cone
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Nyo under sakura in full bloom
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Nyo is being all sexy and curvy <3
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Nyo is such a cutie!
Nyo is too tasty
You know what's still missing here? Ryona mod! If she gets beaten up, let her look beaten up.
can you move the camera back a little, so her head and more of her body can be seen, and donĀ“t forget the sweat.
ewwww these nipples are bad.
Thank you for posting these! Nyo is my favorite.
Does the mods works on a pirated copy?
you think anyone bought the game for pc?
is there a way to make the game always choose the nude costume for the girls?

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