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Dailymotion Developer - Security Update
Dear Developer,

At some point you registered with this e-mail address on our Developer site when you created an API key. We strive to ensure that the technology we provide you with is up-to-date and secure.
Due to a critical vulnerability in the SSLv3 protocol (CVE-2014-3566/POODLE), we have decided to disable our support of SSLv3.
  • If you are using our PHP SDK and have not upgraded to version 1.6.3, you are vulnerable and should update your installation as soon as possible to ensure safe and continuous service. Simply download the latest version of the SDK and replace your current installation. If your current version of the SDK is noticeably outdated or if you are using a modified implementation, you may need to make adjustments to your code.
  • If you are using another of our SDKS (JavascriptPythonAndroid/iOS), you are not vulnerable but you should still update to the most recent version if applicable.
  • If you are not using any of our SDKs, please make sure that the part of your code responsible for initiating the connection to Dailymotion’s servers is not forcing an SSL/TLS version that is inferior to TLS 1.0. This holds regardless of programming language. For example, in PHP this would most likely mean not forcing the CURLOPT_SSLVERSION option to any value. Please refer to your programming language’s documentation for more information.
Please update your installations by July 1st, 2015 at the latest, as the old PHP SDK and deprecated access methods will no longer be supported.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to
Dailymotion Developer Team

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