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[–]MightierThanThou 1ポイント2ポイント  (5子コメント)

Every technology you used to post that comment on this American internet site was invented in the US. You say nobody likes us, but you certainly have no qualms about depending on our technology.

If you want us all to die, put your money where your mouth is and stop using our shit.

[–]insighttoleft -2ポイント-1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Whilst the person you're talking to is clearly trolling, what you say is also completely untrue. For example, the U.S. Did not invent the "computer" or the WWW, both technologies used to post that comment.

Can we not do the "we invented it" argument? Many countries invented many things, e.g. UK invented the vaccine, an Italian invented the battery, but it really, really isn't relevant.

I'm in no way defending what he's saying, but it infuriates me a little when people say what you said.

[–]MightierThanThou 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Whilst the person you're talking to is clearly trolling, what you say is also completely untrue. For example, the U.S. Did not invent the "computer" or the WWW, both technologies used to post that comment.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

The first digital, programmable computer that forms the basis of modern computing was the ENIAC, which was invented in the US. Basically all personal computers today use American-designed computing architecture and American components. Intel and AMD are both American, and they nearly completely dominate the microchip market. The microprocessor, the hard drive, the graphics card, and RAM are all forms of computer components that PCs use that were invented in the US.

Now let's talk about the internet. You obviously don't understand the difference between the internet and the web or their relation to each other.

Allow me to educate you.

The internet is the internet protocol suite, AKA the TCP/IP protocol, invented by Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf, two Americans working for the US military. It's the technology that actually transmits data. It is THE internet. Originally it was a US military network called ARPANET, when it was expanded to civilian and global use, it became the internet.

The web came later. The web is a system of code that is transmitted VIA the internet, that only serves to compile data and then display it in a visual interface in a browser. Tim Berners-Lee took existing hypertext code (invented by an American) and just created the first monolithic system of hypertext that became standard.

The internet is the more crucial technology. The internet can function without the web, the web cannot function without the internet. Giving credit to the Europeans for the internet would be like taking credit for designing a car when all you did was paint the exterior.

but it infuriates me a little when people say what you said.

Lol. It irritates me when people like you make bold claims about subjects you don't understand.

[–]insighttoleft -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're right, I don't fully understand it. I know a little about Alan Turing and TBL. Unfortunately I have no idea if what you just said is entirely true or not, or maybe a biased account, (you seem to be only accrediting the American bits. I thought you'd at least mention Turing) because I've got little idea on what you're talking about.

Your first paragraph explains why I put computer in speech marks, because there was many different versions or what have you. Still, there has to be some reason why googling "computer inventor" doesn't come up with an American, and you seem to almost ignore that bit.

Your other paragraphs have virtually agreed that not "every" technology used to make that comment were made in the U.S. For example, the ENIAC you linked me was "Turing-complete", they didn't invent whatever that means, I can tell that by its name.

Am I missing something?

The point still stands. There's a battery in the computer, invented by an Italian, etc. Inventors stand on the shoulders of giants. Someone from somewhere invented one thing, then someone else made something from other things.

Your original comment is untrue, you cannot deny that. I also didn't think my claims were too bold, rather proving my point. I don't have to fully understand it to the degree you apparently do to see that not every technology used was American.